Abdul Wahab Saleem – What You Need To Know About The Quran Introducing Quran #1
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AI: Summary ©
The title bossy is the title given to the Prophet Muhammad sallali, and it is the title of the book of Islam. The title is given to the Prophet based on the words of which have been revealed to him, and it is the title of the century. The writing is done manually by the writingers, and the memory is used to ensure accuracy. The importance of honoring people with the Quran is emphasized, as it is the fruit of the seed of the Quran and the fruit of the person who has the title. The title is the fruit of the person who has the title, and the writing is done manually by the writingers. The importance of learning the Prophet's teachings and implementing actions is emphasized, as it is the consequence of the title being the one who has the title.
AI: Summary ©
Long aluminum and federal now on foreigner beamer I lived in I was in early mania Kareem or Beshara in Saudi was Cydia Emery why rather than melissani of Cabo probably visit near Iman or visit near Iman or visit near Yuma Allahumma Salli. Ala majesta, who Salah and tater Jiang has an alias sheet. So welcome everyone to this halacha which is the first in sha Allah of a series a
couple of weeks ago, we started a series and that's all of you know, on Saturdays and, and the subject of a body. So hey Buhari, and today we're commencing another series in sha Allah, and that is the Tafseer of the Quran. And hopefully we later Allah, the plan is to really go through the entire Quran over a course of 30 months in sha Allah. And
today is the introductory lecture and I'm just going to talk about why we're studying this and why what exactly is the Quran? And what is what does it mean to do Tafseer of the Quran and all of these things, right? So it's almost like an introduction to the subject. And I've been titled this introducing Quran introducing Quran because I'm not going to be going into serious detail.
There are different levels in which the Quran could be understood. So this is basically an introduction to the Quran.
We're gonna go over the verses very, very quickly.
Understand the meanings, the general meanings that Allah subhanaw taala is giving sometimes have some contemplation, maybe have a hadith or another or maybe a story but nothing extremely detailed, so that that Allah to Allah it becomes a good introduction to what Allah subhanaw taala has to say in his book, and
we've chosen to do this him the lie to Allah in the masjid and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in a hadith which is in Sahih Muslim, he said much dumber our bone fee baited Minwoo Utila yet Luna Kitab Allahu Allah to Daraa sunnah who be known in LA he was Sakina what was she a tumor Rama we have for Tony Mala. It was a cara homologues even Linda, that a group of people they never gathered together in a house from the houses of Allah subhanaw taala to do the following, to read the Quran. Read the book of Allah, to study the book of Allah subhanaw taala except that Allah reveals upon them Sakina tranquillity and then envelops them also in his mercy as
well. And angels come they and they cover them up. And Allah publicity? Well, Joanne mentioned them in the higher assembly, just as they're mentioning Allah subhanaw taala in this world as well. So the fact that Allah is giving, isn't it like us that have to be able to learn the book of Allah and even that in the masjid, from among the misogyny of Allah this itself is a great blessing of Allah because we are insha Allah to Allah recipients of tranquillity from Allah, we are recipients of mercy from Allah, we are recipients of angels that will come and gather this gathering, gather around this gathering and cover up this gathering. So on a Friday night,
it is really the feel of Allah subhanaw taala that spoke to her and me here as well.
And it is in sha Allah to Allah gathering in which angels are here, not everybody is here. And not everyone will be here. Many people will be even here of this, they will come and go, but there's going to be some who have been chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to be enveloped by this mercy from Allah and also be in the company of the angels as well. Now let me ask you something and I'll obviously be the one responding to the question anyways. But the question is, what is this Quran we've always heard the Quran we know that it's on the shelf right over there as well as all over there and there.
But what does it mean when we say the Quran? What is the definition of the Quran?
Now we could simply define the Quran and say it's basically everything between Surah to Fatiha and a nurse. Or we can say it starts off at Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and finishes off at managing that the oneness or whatever is contained between the two covers of that book that we have over here. So we can say that way, but more technically, the Quran is the words of Allah subhanaw taala that have been revealed upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
by which people worship by the reciting of which people worship. Okay, so these are a few different clauses. Let's look at each one of them. A it is speech. Okay, so essentially the Quran is speech. It wasn't written on a document or
As opposed to, for example, the sort of
that were given to some of the prophets. But this Quran didn't come in the form of a tablet, for example, rather, it came
in the form of speech. So the Quran is a speech. Secondly, it is the speech of Allah subhanaw taala. And it's not the speech of anybody else. So as soon as the speech of Allah, everybody else's speech is out of the picture, then it has been revealed because Allah has speech which hasn't been revealed as well. How so? Because Allah speaks to the angels. So whenever he speaks to the angels, all of that speech is considered the speech of Allah. And Allah has a lot of lot to say, Allah tells us in the Quran of this as well. He says, What do you know God? And he told me that and he can imagine or be, then if he didn't publish it and for the Karima to be, well, I'll be missing him. Say, if the
ocean were to be Inc, for the words of Allah subhanho wa taala.
The oceans would finish before the words of ALLAH finish. So there's a lot of words of Allah. Is it just a Quran? No. The words of Allah are just like Allah infinite, there is no limit to it. There are limitless speech, because Allah subhanaw taala has no limits on him. Right? Allah is the infinite Allah is forever in the past forever in the future, there is no realm that occupies Allah subhanaw taala is beyond time space, all of these qualities are human qualities. So Allah subhanaw taala, his words are naturally also infinite, they don't have a limit to it. And that's why Allah gives an example saying if you were to imagine all of these oceans to be ink, they would finish
before the words of Allah subhanaw taala ever finished as well. So there are other words of Allah. But this is the RE revealed word of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Then there are also many revelations as well, because there are revelations that came down to all of the prophets, technically, I mean, I could say some names, but basically all of the prophets who were sent by Allah, they were prophets because they had a revelation. In fact, we believe that every single prophet of God had a book that came with him, all of them, because Allah subhanaw taala he's told us and he said, Look at Ansel now who led Erbil the unit we sent Our Messengers with clear guidance when zona kitasato When Misa along
with these messengers, we revealed a book and also the Amazon as well scale as well. And he says also in the Quran, Surah Baqarah. Gan, a nurse who committed Wahida people had happened to be one nation, then Allah sent prophets, who warned and also give glad tidings. What did you do next? What ends Elena I humbly kitab. And he revealed with them the book as well, our E every single prophet, and every single messenger is a recipient of our word of Allah subhanaw taala. But this word, the Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically, that's the difference. I'm gonna say, Mohamed Salah Allahu alayhi wa salam. Now, going back to it, there are
words of Allah that have been revealed to the prophets of Allah who it was setting them. Let me put it this way there is revelation that has been granted to the prophets of Salem. That is not the word of Allah. Its inspiration. Those are called a hadith. They're not called the Quran. Quran is the verbatim word of Allah that is revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And on top of that, there is another call clause as well. And we have bed with our to hear
the words by the recital of which we worship him, okay, so there are words of Allah which are revealed to the Prophet, the recital of which is not an act of worship. How so? We have a hadith produce could see or ILA here, a hadith which are revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is the speech of Allah but not verbatim, not in the form of the Quran. And people know these Hadith for example, Allah's Prophet to sell them said that Allah Subhana Allah Allah said, when attorney machine I say to her, Well, whoever comes to me walking, I come to him racing. So that is a Hadith in which the Prophet said Allah said, but it's not the Quran. Do you understand? That's
called the Hadith Bootsy why we don't use these a hadith to work, worship Allah subhanho wa Taala by then because Allah subhanaw taala never intended for it to be part of the Quran. So this is the technical definition of what the Quran is. Now you have an idea of what this book of Allah the Quran is, and the name Quran hasn't been given to any other book except the Quran. We are whereas there are names other than the Quran for revelation that comes from the from Allah subhanaw taala from the Almighty.
They are
names which are generic names. They're used for the Quran in the Quran, and they're also used for some of the other revelations as well. For instance, the term for God which is a criterion it is among the names of Allah but Allah's book, the Quran but sometimes it may be used for some of the other books as well. For example I Kitab itself al Kitab is among the names of the book of Allah the Quran, but sometimes the word Kitab in the Quran itself may be used for one or the other books as well. So there are names which are generic names are used for more than one of the book of Allah but the Quran is that name of the Quran which is only for the Quran. Now, Allah has placed in the Quran,
many, many names and many, many attributes of the Quran itself. Okay, literally, you know, there are books written completely discussing the names of the Quran inside of the Quran. Okay, so and all of the books of bloomin Quran, they have a chapter within them Sciences of the Quran, they have a chapter within them in which they talk about the names and the attributes of the Quran.
And we know that having a multiplicity of names this basically shows that this is a very important matter because each one of these names kind of highlights a different aspect of the Quran or whatever else you're naming. When it comes to Allah, all of the names of Allah show that Allah is that great each name is highlighting a different aspect of Allah subhanaw taala as attributes, similarly, the Prophet Muhammad, similarly just creatures as well within this world which are of importance to a certain culture, they'll give it multiple names. There's a book by Evan Holloway on the lion, it's called keytab acid, and he has all of the names of, of the lion is close to 600 names
are more or less out of alignment. And same with the camels. So the Arabs they had this idea that every time something is of worth, or importance or significance, they would give it multiple names. Each name is describing a different angle of its existence. So the Quran is no different. Allah has placed many names in the Quran for the Quran, and also Hadith as well. And this shows you the importance of this book, but there are five primary names, okay, and we'll discuss each one of these five, five of them happen to be these primary names of the Quran. One alone is a name that is specific only to the Quran, and that is the Quran.
And the word Quran, it comes from the word para, which means to recite, and this is really the most famous and most important name of the Quran. And Allah uses this name in so many different places. And it highlights a number of different things because a it shows that this is essentially a recital that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, meaning it was a spoken word it wasn't written in the form of a textbook, right? And Allah subhanaw taala makes reference to this name. When it comes to the month of Ramadan, which is the month of the Quran, it says shall Ramadan, and Lady NCFE Hill Quran the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed as well.
So that's the first name. Another name is Al Kitab, the book, the book.
And if you think about it, the word AQ dab it comes from the word cateva, which means to write it also, by the way means to group together because in the Quran, Allah groups together various stories, Allah groups together various
various incidents and rulings and news of the people of the past and signs and there's so many different things grouped together in the Quran. So that's where the word Kitab comes in handy. And also it just means something that's been written down as well. And this is the name of the Quran in the very, very beginning of the Quran, that equals kita. That is the book there is no doubt within it that on Buffy there's no doubt within it. So this is a primary name one of the five primary names of the Quran. Now if we were to look at these two names, because each name is going to be highlighting a different aspect of the Quran, we're going to look at these two names immediately
you're going to see a couple of things. Number one, there is an angle of reciting meaning speech. Right? And then there's the angle of documenting as well. And if we look at the way the Quran had been preserved by Allah, these are the two primary methods by which the Quran was preserved by Allah. So the preservation of the Quran occurred in the form of text. People wrote the Quran down the cultivated ye during the time of the prophets of Salem. And then those transcribed documents were taken and collected together and then the almost half an Imam was created, but the primary was how form which copies were made, and they were circulated around the world. So this was one way in
which the Quran was preserved.
The second way and that is the workbook on itself, which is recitation is by reciting each of the Sahaba, who had memorized the Quran, they would learn it directly either from the prophet or one of the senior companions, and memorize it committed to memory, then pass it on to the next generation, also in the form of memory. So the Quran has been preserved in both of these ways. And in both of these ways, it's been done with recurring reporting, meaning it's very, very rigorously done. Every generation has 1000s of documents of the Quran, just in this room, there are so many documents of the Quran. So when we go back to the archives, we find literally 1000s of documents in almost every
generation, right.
And of course, as you go earlier, those documents decrease in number as well, because writing wasn't as big of a phenomenon, but then you see 1000s, if not millions of herself memorizers of the Quran. So the memory is used to make sure there's no inaccuracies in the text. And the text is used to make sure there's no inaccuracies in the memory as well. Sometimes, this happens, like for example, printing presses, which are not very, very
heavily funded and research, research oriented printing presses the whole print, print the Quran, there'll be mistakes in it right happens all the time. This will only you see over here. This, of course, has been written by a man most of these that spent his whole lifetime making sure that the documents that he's writing down are very, very accurately confirmed by scholars. And literally dozens of scholars sit there verifying every single verse to make sure but through their memory, to make sure that every single letter is in accordance to what they've memorized, and in accordance to the manuscripts that they had prior to that. But yes, there's always that lousy printing company
that decides to print the Quran and there's a mistaken it happens. So how do we verify that against other documents, and against the memory of the Father as well, sometimes what happens is you have a book that's written, and in the book, the author may make a mistake while he's quoting a verse, because some authors will rely on memory when they're writing. So who's going to vote for that and cross check that it goes, it gets checked up against memory and other documents. So all of this process by having two mechanisms of memorizing this document and preserving this document, it really, really became very, very well preserved, it is safe to say, and I think it is objective to
say, of course, we all believe this as a creedal matter. But if we were to put creed aside for a second, objectively speaking, we can say, with very good confidence that the Quran is the single most preserved work in the history of humanity. Okay? This would be a very, very objective comment to make the reason why I'm saying that is because, yes, maybe some manuscript may have a discrepancy. That happens.
Right? As I said, if it can happen in our time, then could it have it have happened in the past, of course, but when we look at the preservation of the Quran, and all of the documents put together and all of the memorizers put together, and cross checking between the two, and then we look at what we have in front of us, and the level of accuracy and transmission that we have. It is very, very objective to say that the Quran is the single most preserved work in the history of humanity.
This way, you got it and of course beyond that, we believe as a credo fact that the Quran is absolutely preserved, but I'm saying someone who doesn't even believe will have to attest to what I've just said in the previous comment, right? So
number three, the third name of the Quran is the full on the Forgot. And what does that mean, for all is the criterion. The Quran is the criterion by which we decipher the right from the wrong it is the criterion by which we know the halal from the haram. It is the criterion by which we know the truth from the falsehood. The Quran Allah calls it the for pod in many places in the Quran, including the verses of Ramadan, shahada, Ramadan, Allah the NZDF eel Quran, who then the NASCI will begin at a minute who never forgot. He's all of the names of the of any of the names of the shahada run over the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed this Quran
what is it? Allah He wants you to feel Quran, it is guidance for humanity, it is clear guidance is are clear verses and signs of guidance as well and it is the criterion by which you know the right from there.
On. So whenever you're trying to figure out a situation, you go to the Quran and this is something that all of us have experienced, you open the Quran you're like, it's as if it's speaking to me at this very moment, because that's how Allah has made the Quran. And that's the reason why Allah shifts between topics so much. Because no matter where you open to three pages later, you're gonna have an answer for what you're looking for. Right? Whereas in any other book, because it's so chapter, when you open the chapter, what happens? Well, it's only speaking about that one topic, if you in order for you to go to another topic, you have to flip a lot of pages and get to that topic,
and then flip a lot of pages and get to that topic, the Quran, its beauty is that every time you open the Quran, you're gonna find something that will speak to you.
It's the furqan it is the criterion by which you know, the right for from the wrong as well.
Another one of the names of the Quran is the 10 zeal, the one that has been revealed, and as soon as we hear of revelation immediately we understand that it's coming from a high place and that's true. It's coming from Allah subhanaw taala through the angels to us and the angels they descend with the IR are descended with the IR to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O Allah says in the Quran, we're in the hula 10 Zero behind me, the Quran is a revelation from the Lord of the universe. So this is another one of the names that that we can consider the primary names of the Quran, but again Tenzin and Al Kitab. And in Furqan, these are not specific to the Quran. The only one which is
specific is the Quran itself. Another one of the names which we can consider the primary names and this is the last of the five is addicted, addicted.
Allah says in the Quran, what it means Allah elated. dikkat and we know Allah is referring to the Quran itself over here because he's speaking directly to the Prophet, we reveal to you Oh, Mohammed, the zikr what is the ticket? Well, Imam of poverty he explains that there are two meanings of this decal number one,
and I want you to focus with me for a second number one
is that it reminds it's a form of reminder, it is a reminder, there is a reminder within this Quran and every single time we read the Quran, we feel reminded and Allah said, was it good for that good will Quran remind people through the Quran. So the Quran has a very special way of reminding people and to goodness into righteousness.
So there's a reminder within the Quran.
And then there's another factor and that is that
the Quran is a decayed, which means it's a source of honor.
So there's an honor in the Quran as well. When Allah says, we're in the hula, the Quran, like a son of them of a city and they explain this. And they said, This is a source of honor for you the Quran.
So the Quran is what brings honor to human beings. And there are many people who otherwise wouldn't have made it in life unless they work unless they were to be unless they were anything but if they were to be anything else, other than those people who hold the Quran in their hearts, so the Quran it gives an honor whenever you have a person of the Quran, walk into any space immediately people you know, no matter how far away from the often that means the longer they have respect for the religion, they're going to be like this is a special human being. He's got the Quran in his heart and the prophets of Allah who it was salam used to honor the people of the Quran as well, even when
they would bury the Sahaba they would make sure that they bury the ones who have the Quran first. And those ones would be chosen the prophet would honor the people of the Quran in many ways, they will be given precedence by having the opportunity to sit up front in gatherings all of these things will be done for the people of the Quran. And when the Sahaba they held on to the Quran and meaning what happened, they became honorable human beings, the further the Ummah goes away from the Quran. The last honor they have, the closer they are to the Quran, the more honor they have. So Allah has made the Quran a source of honor, we're in the whole of equal luck when they owe me and not just for
you all Mohammed even for your people. That's how they're going to get honor people who are honored and other things today and that's why they don't get the honor. But when they when we as a collective begin to look for honor within the Quran, and through the Quran, Allah will give us honor sometimes even people who are not Muslims, when they see a person of the Quran, they feel humbled, because there's an aura that a person who has the Quran within their
RT has. And I remember many years ago, there was a brother who was
among the people who remember, as a put on a good friend of mine, and we were outside somewhere at a gas station. This was when we were teenagers. And this lady out of the blues, she just started going like this.
So we looked at this lady, and we said, what's going on is the middle of the night actually. And
and, you know, Toronto, middle of the night, at a gas station, someone is bowing down to you really as a strange experience, right? So we asked her what, what are you doing, she said, we, as a people honor all of the people of faith. The hardest, you recognize this human being is a person of faith. But sometimes that faith is, is clear, its manifest, people can see it, right. And she saw that this person had something special about him. So she's going to bowing down to this human being, I'm not calling anyone to bow down to anyone. But this is what happened. Because people can feel the power of this book, even when they just meet a person who's memorized the book of Allah subhanaw taala.
Now, this is the Quran, what we'll be doing is we'll be engaging in the Tafseer of the Quran. The seed of the Quran is obviously at many different levels, but at a very, very basic level. And to me, this is the best definition of the Tafseer of the Quran. Okay, if you look at the books of the fsid,
every book, or every large book, let's put it this way. In the first chapter, they define what the fetus
and I looked at some of these definitions, actually many of these different definitions, and I noticed that each professor is defining the concept of exegesis sort of seed, based on whatever methodology you will be following. So some of them will come and they'll say Tafseer of the Quran is explaining and then he explains like 123456, these are the five points that need to be explained, in order for it to be considered at the scene, when you open his book, he's doing exactly that. So he's basically describing his own methodology, right. And then another person will come in here and say 10 things and other will say three things. So basically, each professor is kind of explaining his
methodology on how you will be explaining the Quran. I can say that
the most simple and probably the most accurate definition of the Tafseer of the Quran is biannual Quran elucidating the Quran explaining the Quran. So whatever it takes for you to understand the Quran, that would be part of the FSI. Now, really, this is the reality sometimes, in order for you to explain understand some ayat of the Quran, you might have to get into archaeology. Sometimes, in order for you to understand some aspects of the Quran, you might need to get into architectural design, or you might need to get into something else. So all of those things will give you a better picture of what Allah is Seeing all of that will be part of the FSI. You understand? So whatever it
takes for you to elucidate, or explain the verses of Allah and clarify the verses of Allah would be considered part of what we could call the receive.
And who is a Pharisee? who is a professor? Well, in the past, they had specific conditions that a professor, a person who's an exigent would have to fulfill, okay. And I believe these conditions are not impossible to reach, but they are difficult in order for a person to have a level of mastery and all of these things, okay.
Number one, a person and I'm giving you all of the sciences that need to be learned the science of Lova language, okay. And language should be learned from a number of different angles. It should be learned from the angle of
syntax, it should be learned from the angle of morphology, how words are formed. And it should be learned from the angle of rhetoric as well, what it means what I say.
I wonder, quote, unquote, I wonder what this means. That's one way of saying it. Another way it could be. What does it mean? I wonder?
Both of those are the same, but they're also not. Each one of them has a rhetorical implication that literary critics will be able to get to the bottom of the underside.
You may not be able to see that. Perhaps we might even be able to understand it. But we don't have the verbosity to be able to explain what we're feeling when we hear both of those sentences. Do you understand what when they go
uses the Quran, we have to analyze it in every level. So that is considered the science of rhetoric. Why was this said the way it was sent? So that's another aspect of the language and other thing is the Quran, the various citations of the Quran, the various variant recitals of the Quran. These variations are very slight, mainly bilateral variants, right. So some people might choose to say balut. With Obama, right? With Obama on top of the bat, others might choose to say Butte. All of those are ways of saying the same word. It's like tomato and tomato. Okay? So those are recitations. Now, sometimes these recitations can actually have an impact on meaning as well. But there's never a
time to my knowledge, where these recitations have opposite meanings. They'll have complementary meanings, but they will never have different meanings. I'll be complementary, but they'll never have opposite meanings. All right. Another science that needs to be learned by a person who's an Exeter, Professor of the Quran is someone is that he needs to know the zero of the prophets or Salam, how the Prophet has lived his life, what happened, all of the different events where this took place where that took place, because a lot of that is going to be related to Revelation. These Ayat came down on this date. Well, what was the prophet doing on this day? What were the circumstances in
which the ILF came down? All of that is going to be studied in the zero, largely Okay, and also the science of Hadith. Why? Because the Quran is explained by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam one's elated Deacon will reveal to you that they can. So while the two were human enough, so you may be able to explain to the people so Allah's Prophet is explaining the Quran and I Isha used to say that the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, his mannerism was basically the Quran. The way he behaved was the Quran. So the Prophet is a walking talking Quran. Boy was Hadith gives you an idea and a context behind these verses of the Quran and how to understand them how to implement them. How do we
pray? The Quran doesn't tell you how to pray. The Prophet says the new teaches you how to pray. That's why he said some local knowledge into solving prayers you see me pray. The Prophet used to say who and the army men are cyclical. Follow me when it comes to your your rituals for Hajj, the rites of Hajj. So when are you going to follow the Prophet? Does the Quran tell you how to do the Hajj very minimally. Right? Fine, and also suited for the science of deduce the science that gives you an idea of how to deduce rulings. Because remember, there are at least 500 verses at least not limited to that number but at least 500 verses in the Quran, which are related directly to and
solely to the account of the Quran. The rulings, halal haram logic, you know, Mister there at least 500 verses more than that, but at least 500 verses which are dedicated to rulings in the Quran. Okay, so how do you deduce these rulings, you need to have the art of a scholarship. And then you have to have the art of Aqeedah as well, the knowledge of Akita as well, which is partially learned from the Quran, and also partly learned from the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim as well.
And another thing is that there needs to be some sign of divine aid in all of this as well, maybe a person has
all of the sciences, he understands all of this, but he hasn't been gifted to be able to deduce from the Quran, you understand what I'm saying? Not everyone you give tools to is able to use those tools. And that goes for everything, every thing in life, you have people that graduate from the same school.
In many subjects, one of them is a very strong accomplishment in the field and other one is not as good. So this is something that is a gift from God. And they literally call this anyone moaning about the knowledge of a gift is that even knowledge, it's not really a knowledge, it's a gift from God. So you have to also be gifted. That's the other point, that there needs to be a clear sign that this person has been gifted by law, to be able to understand the Quran in a way that perhaps others cannot. And this is something that can be attained simply by being gifted by Allah azza wa jal, and we can all make dua to Allah that Allah grants us that gift, Allah Muhammad. Now, this is a Mufasa
this is what I'm assuming someone who's doing Tafseer of the Quran needs to know. And unfortunately, a lot of what we see going on today, is that people don't even know the names of the sciences, let alone them it's themselves
Okay, and then they will take the mantle of explaining the Quran, explaining the Quran is a very, very big task. It's not a small duty, this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given to do. This was a task that was commissioned by Allah to the Prophet. He Allah said, literally, I've given you specifically the Quran so that you've explained it. It's not the task of every Tom, Dick and Harry, it's not the task of every Mohammed Aisha and Yaku. It's not, it's a very, very difficult task. And you're dealing with the verses of Allah, you're explaining what Allah subhanaw taala had to say, there's a lot of complexity that happens and takes place in the backdrop, okay. Now, that
said, the seal of the Quran, of course, is at various levels. And there are four levels that Abbas told us about and it's also reported that the Prophet said this as well, but it's a weak Hadith, but it's not a boss. It's authentically reported from him, that he said that the first level or one of the levels of deceit is something that is clearly understood by the Arabic language within the scope of the language. Another level is a level of deceit that no one can be excused about, which is basically halal and haram, the clear
stipulations of the Quran, nobody can be excused about this. Everybody needs to know what the Quran says when it comes to this being halal. And that being haram This means, by the way, that at least one complete recital of the Quran is a necessary obligation upon every person, how would you know everything that the Quran says, if you haven't read the Quran, at least once in your life with meanings? Okay, and that's what we're hoping to accomplish with it these lessons. And then there's another level that Abbas he says, this is the seed or understanding or explanation of the Quran, that is not known back to Urla scholars and scholars of all those sciences that have already
mentioned, right, and then there is a third fourth level, which is they've seen or understanding of Allah's words, which is not known to anyone, but Allah, Allah will visit you, because Allah has chosen to keep the knowledge of that to himself. These are the four levels at which the Quran can be understood. And even the Sahaba the companions of the Prophet, they needed help in some of these levels, would imagine that because the Sahaba are all Arabs immediately they can understand every Arabic word in the Quran. This is not true. A little bit better all the Allahu Taala No, they didn't know the word in the Quran, a BA, right? He didn't know this. And
also a little hubbub, there is other words that I wasn't aware of, for example, the whole of
the house immediately if you ask anyone what the House Museum say it comes from the word house, but I don't know what that was like. Doesn't seem like that's what's going on over here. So he asked us a hub, does anyone know what the house means? What are the things that he means XR PL. So he said give me the evidence. And he gave him a line of poetry said this is the evidence. Right? Right. And it will Abbas or the amount there's a complete surah in the Quran, which is known as sunnah trotted, he didn't know the word father. He said, I didn't understand what football means all you have two roommates. And literally, this is a word that if I was to ask, most people who are learned also I
know what this word means. But if my boss is saying, I didn't know the depth of the word, like he might have had a general idea, a general feel. Even as you know, English, there are words that you hear like, I kind of know what that means. But I need to see the Merriam Webster for this one. Right. So same thing that says like,
classic poetry is classic Merriam Webster, right? So he says that I didn't quite know what an Hamdulillahi faulted is somehow it was odd means until I saw two
Arabs from the Bedouin Arabs fighting. And they were buying a row each one of them said Anna football to her and the other one said owner Papa.
One of them said I am the one who made this wall. And the other one said, I am the one who made this one. So Abbas he thought about the context of what's going on there basically fighting over who's the first to dig, right? So not best realized the word Fatah, according to the Bedouin Arabs means the first one to create. So when Allah says and Hamdulillah he fought it is similar what Allah is the first to create the heavens in the earth. And the reason for that Allah to use those words is because people might take some materials that have been created within this world and they make something out of it. But Allah wants to remind the humanity that at the end of the day, those
materials have been created by Allah as well. And it's not like Allah is taking the materials that were already there and and reforming them rather Allah is creating them from nothing.
That's the Father. So basta didn't know this. And he got to know this through the words of two of the two of the Bedouin Arabs that he saw in April have done some of the alone. He used to say that poetry is where the meanings of the Arabs have been placed. So whenever we don't understand a specific word, we go back to the poetry and we'll go back to the language and that's where we try to understand so there's a harbor, they used to resolve to the language as well specifically, that was very, very well known to us poetry, in his explanation of the Quran. And of course, the story of Mafia, the * the hostage eight is very famous that he came through my boss asked him so many
questions and leveled allegations against the Quran, and best answered all 200 of them with often with poetry, he would say, this is what this word means. And here's the proof for it. So we go back to the language of the Arabs to understand for the purposes of our lessons, we will be understanding the Quran insha Allah to Allah at a level which is very basic. Okay, what is that basic level? That is basically Tafseer on Insha Allah, this is what I believe we'll be doing the FC one layer, though I hadn't be jelly, a level of tafseer that no one can be excused that they don't know. Okay, so I'm hoping to literally
take us into a state where we fulfill that obligation, and that is that we understand the Quran at a level where none of us will be excused where we got to know
according to the Hadith, which is reported from the prophet, and authentically, and also said, by the Prophet Ibrahim Abbas, the cousin of the Prophet and also the document of the of the Kuranda, main explainer of the Quran, according to him, this level of deceit is something that no one can be excused about. We'll be racing through this and insha Allah to Allah with some benefit and reflections throughout. I ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us the tofield to practice to convey to understand his book and appreciate his words, and to act by those words as well as some of the Allahu Allah say eating them Hamedan while early he also have a hegemony