Abdul Wahab Saleem – The Speed Dial Prayer – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #16

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of the prophets of Islam, including Exodus, Alayshi wa sallam, and salami. They stress the importance of correcting mistakes and avoiding false accusations, as well as recording and rewinding prayer. The speakers also emphasize the need for proper recording and rewinding of events to ensure proper recording and rewinding, as well as proper body language and posture. The importance of proper behavior and practice to avoid mistakes is emphasized, along with the use of words in prayer and the holy eye.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sooner the law salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hamdu lillahi Hamdan UF in Yama who care for omens either or SallAllahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early he was such a big Marine, Allah and aluminum and pharaoh now on Chanel Bhima Lim tena was in early mania Kareem Klobuchar had a surgery, where suddenly embryo hydrocodone melissani of coho coli visit near Illman or visit near element or visit near Alma Allahumma Salli ala majolica who Salah what entities are a little hesitant either she Tessa Hello and welcome everyone to another class on Sohail Bahati, we're looking at Hadith number 46

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and Ebihara irata or the Allahu Anhu

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on the authority of Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Allah, Allah and who could I ask everybody to come to the front?

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On the authority of Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Allah, Allah know as we've seen many many times, Abu Huraira is the most common reporter. Okay. And now rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the halal Masjid the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam entered the masjid

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for the Hello Raju rune for Salah for salam ala Nabi for Rod Dawa con el jefe for Li for in Nick LM to sully a man he entered the masjid

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and the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. In this report, he entered the masjid as well in some reports, he was sitting in the masjid Salallahu Alaihe Salam. So the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam is in the masjid the man comes to the masjid as well. He prays and after his fraid he, he Hee for Salam. He says his Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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And then he sent Salam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well he says I said I'm why they come to the prophets of salaam the Prophet response and the prophets are Salam tells the man it'll do for Saliba in a column to suddenly go back and pray all over again, because you haven't prayed.

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That's a good way to greet someone. So, of course, the prophets of salaam responded to the Salaam and then he told him go back and pray for inoculum to Saudi. Now, there is actually a beautiful benefit in this, and that is that when we see something blatantly wrong, we need to speak up. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't remain silent. I know sometimes it's very awkward to point out the elephant in the room. But sometimes, you have to point out the elephant in the room, you don't have a choice.

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Right? In those days of ultra politeness, even in the public sphere, after the post Trump era is finished. Now everybody's all about saying and speaking your mind at this point, right? This is what's kind of cool nowadays. So it goes hand in hand also with the concept of commanding good and forbidding evil, sometimes you have no choice if you see something that's a clear mistake, you have to speak up. And this is the prophets of salami saw this individual, he's made a mistake of course, who would know more clearly, and evidently that someone is has made a mistake except the prophets of septum. So the first ingredient to make sure that you are doing the right thing when you do command

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that good or forbid that evil are correct or wrong, is for you to check if you really know whether that wrong is actually wrong. Okay, once you know for sure that you're dealing with a mistake, then you need to correct it. But again, I go back to this very crucial point you have to first know definitely that you are up against a mistake. When you do know that then it needs to be corrected. Right

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Faraja you will so leak mo salah, then he went back and prayed just like he prayed in the past as well. For Java selama Allah never he came back again and he said Salam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for all the prophets of salaam responded, interject for suddenly, for inoculum to Sunday, go back again and pray because you have not prayed this continued and carried on three times. Then after the third time. The man he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, will lay the Bertha Kabil Hakima or synovia Rahu for a limb knee. He said by Allah, the One who has sent you with the truth. I don't know any better. And this

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is a beautiful thing that the man did as well. He admitted that he doesn't know any better, right? I can't begin to

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pinpoint how many times I get a question. And there are so many different disclaimers to disclaim the reason why the person doesn't know the answer.

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Do you understand what I'm saying? Sometimes because we don't want to own up to our own ignorance. We ended up making a lot of disclaimers and a lot of prefaces to our question just to show you that I know the whole picture. But this is the point. I don't know. Well, you don't have to see all of that get to the question. And I sometimes honestly, just say, you know, just save time as they just asked a question whatever. Your question is asked that question. Why? Because you don't have to give me 100 prefixes or disclaimers why you shouldn't be why you don't know this specific point. And you know, everything else in the world. This gentleman he realized he made a mistake, the sahabi he

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realized he made a mistake. So he told the prophets, I send them directly Well, let me backtrack a bit more sin overall value money.

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By the one who sent you with the truth? I'm not I don't know any better. So tell me more.

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So you should be able to accept your ignorance as well. You don't have to give disclaimers about why you don't know this particular topic, and how you know everything else in the world, except for this particular one fine tune point. Doesn't have to be that way. Just ask your question. Be very precise in your question. And if you're asking someone who generally knows precision, he'll be able to notice what specific point you're trying to ask and will not cover everything else. And maybe we'll cover it as well. And you might learn something in the process. Fine. So he said to the prophets of salaam tell me I don't know any better for Alemany Farrakhan either come to either Salaat. He said,

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the prophet has a limb. He said, When you go and pray, say Allahu Akbar. So in this small Hadith, the Prophet SAW, Selim is going to teach a number of

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the integrals of prayer, okay? Things that the prayer cannot be right without, he's going to teach a number of them, not all of them, but a number of them, why not all of them may be the profit notice that so that the person generally knew other things. So he didn't, you know, mentioned those particular things, things he was doing wrong, that's where the profit stopped. That's one thing. Second thing is that just like any other Hadith, and I've pointed this many, many times, just like any other Hadith, this Hadith also has a host of different narrations, and some of them have more details, others have less detail. We are reading this particular narration, the narration in the

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body. And I've told you this before as well and you will learn as you learn Hadith insha Allah that hadith is generally not reported verbatim. Okay, there are some a hadith that are reported verbatim, but most of the Hadith are not reported verbatim. So you're going to see some of them are more extensive. Some of them are less extensive, even though you're we're talking about the same incident, this particular incident. It'll jump for Sunday for inoculum to Sunday. This is one specific incident of a man by the name of Khaled His name is not mentioned in this hadith, but another report has a name that his name is Hala. This man he came in this all of this happened, how

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can there be three or four different narratives about what the Prophet said? Well, because not everybody's narrating it verbatim. Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that either punto de la sala whenever you stand to pray for COVID, say Allahu Akbar. So Makhura Mata Sarama communal Quran, then read whatever you can of the Quran. Some of the reports actually explicitly talk about Al Fatiha that read Fatiha. But even if they don't, there is another Hadith that the prophets Islam said love Salah tell you muslim, you're correct before TRTL Kitab there is no prayer that is acceptable for a person who does not read surah Al Fatiha. So say Allahu Akbar,

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then read whatever you can of the Quran or E Fatiha and then some more through Marga had totalement in Naraka. Then do your record bow down until you have OMA Nina until you are at sync and peace with your record. Right? What happens? Someone says Allahu Akbar.

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Before you can even count to one they've already done Fatiha. And they will go and some people they like to call this the speed dial prayer, right.

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I mean, we used to say speed dial back in the days nowadays. There's 4g and 5g and all that stuff. Right. So the point is that some people will go and they'll do record and they won't stop in the record. You have to get to a position of

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point where each one of your movement is disconnected from the other. What does that mean? When you get into record, you can't just go into record and write backup.

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Rather you have to go into the core and do toma Nina which is wait for a moment so that your movement downwards is disconnected from your movement back upwards Do you understand? So this is called filament Nina, there has to be a little bit of a pause this slight pause is called toma Nina without which the prayer is not accepted. This was one of the mistakes that this person made. This is why the Prophet pointed it out. And this is a mistake that people make till today. Allahu Akbar Lago

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call us any What are you reading in the middle? Okay. Yes, some of the integrals there's there's no obligate obligatory of God. Enchantment enchantments to recite within them. Okay, that's true. But still you have to remain there with a certain degree of a pause.

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And then you can go back up. Same thing goes with sujood as well, as you'll see. So the prophets are similar. He said to this man that

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go and do record Hector toma inna rakia, and until you become at peace with your record, until you pause for a slight bit as you're doing your record. So modified, had 30 Docker image and then go back stand up until you basically end up completely standing at that table until you stand up right completely. This is another mistake that people make in their purse. What is that, that you don't even go all the way back up halfway, and then you're back in the suit.

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This is not a complete prayer. This is the prophet is literally saying, Go back and pray all over again. Because you will have not prayed your prayer is not accepted.

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I, I'm sure all of you can count in the masjid, how many times you've seen people praying like this where they will go into the court and before they can pause within the record, they will stand back up the prayer is not accepted, then when they stand back up. And before they can even get right to the top they'll go into the salute again, the prayer is not accepted. You have to go stand completely upright, then pause for a moment. So every movement can be distinct from the other by Jimmy, and then the Prophet SAW Selim continued and he said some mustard then go and make your sujood had total inner surgery then then make your sujood until you are completely in the position

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of solute. Okay. Now going back back to the record, by the way, how much is a record? How much is a record?

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What is the record? How much is a bare minimum of record? Ideally, of course,

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you want to make your record so your back is straight. And your hands are by your knees. But the bare minimum of an acceptable record.

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In normal circumstances, I'm not like some people may have a problem with their spine for example, that's a different story. Right? Always remember, people with special necessities, they always have a special ruling but everybody else, the people that don't have those special needs right? They have to follow the code. So the bare minimum, the bare minimum without which your record is not accepted. Remember what we said in terms of data standing back up from recorder, you have to stand completely right and pause in terms of record the bare minimum is that you get to a point where you can touch your knees.

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Okay, you don't have to go all the way. This is the obligation, not the sooner you understand. There's always a difference between these things between integrals, obligations, and then what you should be doing. But we have to tell people the bare minimums as well. So why because the validity or in validity of a prayer, it always goes back to what was the bare minimum, the bare minimum is that you have to at least bow down to a point where you're able to touch your knees. Some people don't do this. That means it will call did not even start let alone finish. Okay. And for sujood again, the prophets of salaam had been commanded to do sujood upon specific limbs, what are those

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limbs on your knees so the knees need to be obviously touching which is always going to be the case for everyone and then your feet as well. So the feet have to be touching sometimes people they leave their feet up, this is not acceptable. Similarly the hand has to be touching the ground as well. And last but not least, your forehead and your nose should also be touching the ground. This is how you do your

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sujood vibe.

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And then there's another thing as well they specifically mentioned the aroma over here that the forehead test to be touching in a way where there's a slight bit of pressure applied. Now this is really important for the person that is a hairstylist, right?

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Because sometimes, for example, someone's got their hair done really well in their gel get up and all that spiked and so forth and they don't want to mess that front port nice spike in the front. Mashallah, right? They don't want to mess it up. I'm telling you this because I used to be that kid myself, right. So

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if you don't do that,

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your your, your schedule is not accepted. If you don't put it your forehead completely on the ground. Your schedule does not accepted you doesn't matter about your hair. Afterwards, when I discovered this, you can see what I do now, right?

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For many years, I've been doing this and hamdulillah by so

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the only way to have your sujood accepted is if you put your face to the ground. That's the idea even if there's dirt. Even if the dirt touches your forehead and remains on it, you're not supposed to wipe it off. There's a hadith about that as well. So the idea is to bow yourself Humble yourself before Allah azza wa jal completely fine.

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So notify Hector de la vida Eman the masjid had to determine in misogyny the Marfa had the adult woman in the Jellison then stand up for then sit up from your sujood until you have

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also become at peace with that posture, the sitting posture, okay? The sitting posture. Now how do you sit within that sitting posture.

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The way to sit is that you sit on top of your left foot, okay.

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And you place your,

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your left butt cheek basically on top of the left foot and then you use the right foot and you basically you bend it when the toes and you sit on the other side, on top of your right foot. Okay, this is in all of the sittings. All of the moments in which you're going to be sitting in Salah except for any sitting after which there's a slim after which you have to say Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah salam o aleikum. Wa Rahmatullah which is obviously the last day showed or

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after such as a day, so in the case that you know, you have to do such that they say you don't, you also do this sitting in the shahada as well. Alright, then at the end, you do the other type of sitting, which is called a double rock, which is where basically you sit on your butt, okay? The from the left side and you bring your,

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your left foot out from below your right.

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Your right leg, okay, this is the correct way of sitting I'm telling you this because sometimes you might see me sitting the other way. I recently injured my leg Actually, I didn't used to do this before but very recently I endured injured my leg. That's the reason why I don't sit this way any longer, but this is the correct way of sitting in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So keep that in mind, Jamie.

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So mustard had the Dhamma in the surgery then. So Martha had the document in the Jellison, of eidetic, a physiological kuliah and then do that within your prayer all together. Now let's stop at some points within this hadith number one, the sahabi that is praying over here. His name is Khaled, as I mentioned, Carla Durbin, raffia. And another point to mention, and I've already highlighted it within the Hadith as well, is that a person who's ignorant of a ruling should never feel shy to ask and accept also his ignorance as well. And if there's someone more knowledgeable preaching, or teaching as well, don't feel arrogant to learn, okay? Now, obviously, sometimes you'll have your own

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comfort zones. You don't want to learn from this guy, you want to learn from that guy, that's okay. But still, if you know that the person that is teaching you knows better than learn from them. This is how this is how we learn. Another thing to note is that Surah Al Fatiha is an obligation. There is enough by the way, there is a disagreement between the staff and others. It's not enough they say you read anything from the Quran like that this lady said, you know, read whatever you can from the Quran. But there is another Hadith which is more explanatory and it is more explicit and the prophets and salam quite clearly in that IDT said that there is no prayer for the person who doesn't

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read Fatiha to Kitab a solitary Fatiha and also the other rewire the other chain of this

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This itself

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alludes to the Amal Quran as well. Okay. But

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then there is another thing to note. And that is that

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sometimes you need to actually be taught by example as well. Okay. So in one of the reports, the report literally says that this Sahabi holla, they asked the prophets of Salaam, show me,

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Adeney show me. So sometimes the best way to learn is to see by example, that's why those videos that teach how to pray, there are other beautiful videos if they're done well. They're amazing. They're better than a book technically, because they're teaching you literally, you're being able to see exactly how to pray as opposed to just a description like for example I just described to you how to sit right, most of you probably didn't even understand.

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It's okay, I already preempted the I already thought about the fact that you're probably some of you are not even understanding others that already know the description probably got what I was trying to say the difference between if the rush and the work but but that's just the nature of speech versus actually doing it in front of a person. So this is a hobby, you ask the prophets as LM and some of the reports for Edie need and show me how to do it correctly. Another thing to note is that one of the integrals of prayer is to be especially in specific integrals specific Oregon specific pillars of prayer is to be

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to have a small pause.

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Being quick invalidates your prayer being quick, what I mean by that is being so quick that you don't have a pause. That invalidates a person's prayer. This is something that a lot of people don't know. And there is again, one of those, this is one of those issues that there is a disagreement, the Hanafi or they say otherwise. But this hadith is a proof against the hanafin this particular concept and that is that the Prophet told the Sahaba or the sahabi that CIT had Tacoma in Naja. Allison had the Delta in Iraq and delta in Khartoum and until you have Toma, Nina until you come at peace with you're standing, you're sitting, you're scheduled your record and so forth by and then

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another benefit over here is that you have to command good wherever you see an opportunity to tell someone good, tell them that good. If you are sure that that is the right. Good to say, again, this is a very important condition. One of the greatest problems and vices we have in the OMA, what is that? There are some people who take the mantle of commanding the good and forbidding the evil without knowing what is good and what is evil. Right? Completely. I'm trying to say, let me give an example. I've seen 101 videos that are, you know, three famous mistakes in Salah five famous mistakes in prayer 10 most common mistakes in prayer. Now, oftentimes those common mistakes in

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prayer are just a matter of dispute among the scholars. So if there is,

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you know, two different ways to do it, you can't say this is a mistake. And that is not a mistake. Unless you define which paradigm you're convinced you're considering this mistake under Do you understand my point here? Right?

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I personally have been a subject of this as well, how So one time I went to the dowel Iftar in Saudi Arabia,

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in Saudi Arabia, and I was inside the dark left, I was praying a lot of the horse. So one of the gentlemen he came to me and he said that the way you're doing XYZ is not okay. Okay. And

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I don't know what he why he thought he was warranted to say such a thing. But of course, he was trying to give his American model for now he was trying to command good and forbid evil. So I told them, yes, I understand. And I think the reason why you're saying this is because you're following the humbly mazahub. As generally over here, the humbly method was followed, but XYZ this is how it's done in the chef, a school of thought and this is this idea and that is a given the whole picture. So that he realized, okay, maybe it was me that didn't really know the whole picture. So he said, Okay, well, the machines are over here, you can ask them. I said, Well, if the machines are over

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here, they could have told me as well.

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But the idea is that sometimes what happens is people they end up taking things into their own hands when they don't actually know what is right from wrong in all the different ways of understanding right from wrong. Yes, there are different ways, especially within Fichter no right and wrong

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Even what I'm saying over here, I'm teaching you, right? I'm not going to tell somebody else why No, is doing okay within his own way. I'm not going to tell him your prayers bolted. Why? Because I understand he's going to be following another method. Now, yes, sometimes there is a prayer that is bought in based on consensus, invalid based on conditions where you have to say, a few Allah He this unacceptable why? Because this is. And that requires very deep knowledge. And that's why I keep going back to this important point, commanding, good, forbidding evil, look at all of the books that talk about the subject, without exception, all of them make a precondition that you have to know the

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good, and you have to know the evil if you don't do that,

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then you're going to basically be calling out people on things that don't need to be called out on you understand my point. Okay.

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And another one of the benefits over here is that,

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that, you know, the Imam should be sometimes sitting just around in the masjid because as I said, some of the reports have it, that the Prophet was just actually just sitting in the masjid Jimmy, by now I'm going to fill in some of the blanks. And what I mean by that is that there's a lot of integrals a lot of the out of con the pillars or the integrals of prayer mentioned within this hadith, but some of them are not mentioned. So I'm just going to go over all of the main integrals of prayer. So you have a complete idea. Okay. Jamie. So number one is intention because of the Hadith that all of you know that all actions are based on intentions. Number two, is that we are to

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Iran saying Allahu Akbar. Number three is,

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is standing especially in the obligatory prayers for those people who are capable those uncapable they don't have to stand the profits that suddenly occur even in them tested, they didn't fail them to certify them. That's probably standing. If you cannot, and sitting if you cannot, then on your side, and then if you still cannot, then on your backs. And over here, I'll clarify a very important myth. And that is there is no harm in extending your legs towards the biller. This is a common misconception, you know?

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What did they say though Hinojosa Right, exactly. So none of that happens, there is no such thing. In fact, if you

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if you have to pray lying on your back, the way to pray is to extend your legs towards the Qibla. Do you understand what I'm saying this is actually your posture in prayer. If you're going to be in the fourth condition where you're bedridden, and you're preying on, on your back, your legs are going to be facing where the Qibla so there is no sin at all in you know, extending your legs towards the Qibla time.

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But again, going back to third looking standing to pray, except if you're incapable, then Surah Fatiha, which is another one of the integrals record the least of the record I've already explained to you then standing back up from the record, this is number six, then going into your sujood This is number seven, the least of the sujood I've already explained to you as well and then sitting between the two stage does make sure that you pause for a little moment as I've told you in the sitting between the two sujood in the search the in the record, standing up from the recording all of those positions, make sure you're pausing. And then number 910 and 11 they're coupled together

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usually and they are number one to show what the actual tissue and how do you do your tissue when you probably have one of the types of tissue had memorized there's numbers there's a number of different reports from the prophets that said limb about the shahada, all of them are acceptable so there's no particular one set in stone dua different methods, they took different ones but we say all of the Hadith reported from the prophets as alum we take them. So any teacher what do you do is okay by number.

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Number 10 Is that sitting for your Tisha hood means staying in that posture not standing before or finishing before or me perhaps

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being in another posture during the shower, sitting for the shower, unless of course you're incapable right and then sending salutations upon the profit after that the shower this is obviously in the second session, the first session hood in the Salawat that are three and above that is not considered an integral it is considered a sunnah.

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The leaving of which the negligence of which necessitates surgicenter That to sell but it is not an obligation, at least not according to the shaft area and number 12 and number 12 is saying your Salaam and number 13 is doing all of that in order. Now. This is 13 some of them

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They make it 14 Because the detail some of these have gone out some of them they make it 17 others make it 18 But this is the general theme of what is considered the integrals of prayer. Okay, Jimmy, at least number 47

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It is number 47 Is the hadith of Abu Hurayrah of the Allahu Allahu Anhu. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Paul, either Al Imam or semi Allah halimun Hamidah for Kulu Allahu Allah Cal hemmed for in the home and WA Felco kolomela Iike Wolfie Radha humatrope At the moment then be Jimmy.

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Whenever the Imam says semi Allahu Lehmann Hamidah whenever the Imam says

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of course when he's going back up from the record, he says semi Allahu Lehmann Hamidah Allah has basically heard and accepted the dua of the person who's praised him. You all should say Allah Houma Robina Allah Cal hunt okay how do you usually say it

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yeah Robin A lot can handle Robin our like a ham. So this one is saying Allahumma Robina. Well, urban Allah can have this particular rewire in Buhari saying Allah Houma or Burnett, let al hunt for you, then. And I'll explain that in a moment for inner human Wafaa Kokkola who kolomela ICA and so whoever's whoever says these words at the same moment, as the melodica are saying it will fear Allah Who massacred them in them, be he whatever his previous sins were, they will be forgiven for him. Jimmy

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number one, this dua send me Allah halimun Hamidah according to this tradition, this dua should be said by the person who is the more the person who's one of the Mukhtar Dean or one of the people praying in the back.

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Right not the Imam himself.

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Because the Imam is going to be saying what? Semi Allah William and Hamidah this is one opinion the other opinion is both the mom and the mom they both say, semi Allahu naman Hamidah and they also say Robina like unhemmed as well. Why? The reason for that is because the prophets are salami said in a general tradition. So Luca Mara, a to Munoz Ali, pray as you've seen me pray. So when the Prophet prays alone, what does he do? He does both Samia Allah Hanuman Hamidah Marbella Allah Ken Ham, so this the wire, if you were to take this at face value, then you're canceling the generality of the other tradition. So some people took that generality, others canceled that generality restricted and

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said when there's a mom and my mom, that my mom recites one thing, the Imam recites another, but no harm and saying both in sha Allah because of the generality of the other Hadith as well, Jimmy, now what exactly do you say? Do you say I've been lucky? Do you or do you say Robina? Well, I can hunt or do you say, Hola Hola, Bella can 100 you say Hola, hamara Bella wala Cal humped. All of these are reported from the Prophet system in different traditions. One of them says the most minimalist one is Rob Benalla Cal hunt. The second one is Robina while at Cal humped. The third one is Allah humara bene Allah can hunt. The fourth one is Allah humara, Vana. Wella can hunt all of these are reports

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from the prophets, Islam, so you can use them interchangeably, okay. But there are some scholars who believe that the more extensive one is more rewarding because they're more more words, you're doing more they can write, so you're getting more reward, this is an opinion. And others they say no, they're all interchangeable. But because they're all reported, my personal way of handling this, whenever I see multiple reports about the vicar in Salah from the Prophets Salam is that you can use different ones at different times. Because the Prophet use different ones at different times, this is what it appears. Because these are not some of those things that the Sahaba would be reporting

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not verbatim. Because this is part of your prayers. This is what you're saying. This The storyline is recorded without exact words. But here these are the words of the Prophet directly the Sahaba would have memorized them as they are and said them as closely as possible to what the prophet would have said. Then the Prophet continued, and he said and whoever coincides as he's saying these words, the statement of the melodica the angels as well, his previous sins will be forgiven. What does this mean? Okay, there's two or three different possibilities. Number one, there is the possibility that what's intended over here is the is the horseshoe or

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the sincerity of the angels because as the angels are making dua they're doing it as sincerely as possible. So whoever basically mimics the sincerity of the angels as they do the art as well. Then Allah Subhana Allah Allah will forgive for him his previous since this is one way number two is that whoever says these words as the angels are saying the meaning that Allah alots specific angels to say Amin when the Imam also when he does the Fatiha, okay, so Allah, Allah acts the angels to will, in terms of the Fatiha there is also another Hadith as well. But over here in terms of the urban Allah can have whoever coincides with his wording, as the angels are also saying these words, then

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Allah subhana, Allah will forgive all of the previous sins of His the other hadith is also related to the angels about the army. And what that means what that means in America. Jimmy five, there is another thing too, there's another possibility as well, and that is that whoever,

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whoever makes dua within his prayer, okay for his brethren, just as the angels make dua for the general masses of the Muslim as well. So when you're doing the various to us in your prayer, you do them with the intention of keeping everybody in mind. So when you say send me Allah halimun Hamidah. This is a dua it's not a statement, it looks like a proclamation, but it is in fact a DUA. May Allah accept the praise of whoever praises him, you understand? So when you're doing that, you're basically keeping in mind the general body of the Muslims anyone who praises Allah, may Allah accept His praise. So that would in that way, he would be coinciding with the concept that the angels are

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making dua for the general masses of the Muslims.

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