Abdul Wahab Saleem – Explanation of Sahih al-Bukhari #01 – The Life & Times of Imam Al-Bukhari

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The Hadith franchise provides a brief history of their relationship with Islam, including their birth and importance to the traveler's story. The journey is difficult, including traveling from many cities and taking the Hadith from a small village to Greece. The "hasith" meaning the wrong one, while the "'t know" means the wrong one. Mojiralho's death and burial are also discussed, along with the "'t know" meaning the wrong one. The "hasith" meaning the wrong one, while the "'t know" means the wrong one.
AI: Transcript ©
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So today is a day in which we commenced with the lighter Allah or study of Al Bukhari sahih al Bukhari. And of course, when we're studying in Behati, as I'll sharing in the coming days,

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we're not going to be studying your original Bahati. We're actually doing a condensed version of it and abridgement of it. And there are a number of different arrangements of Al Bukhari, but there's one that I've selected, which is very famous around the world. It's talked for those of you who happen to be here from Somalia, it's actually taught in Somalia as well. She she told me studied it as a child as well. So it's a

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it's a condensed abridgement a beautiful book around $300, a hadith and it covers all of the chapters of Al Bukhari. But before we get into that, I want to talk about Buhari himself. Okay, because Buhari

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is what makes Behati Behati. There are many other Hadith books of course, right. But what makes fluffy Helwani so distinguished first of all, you have to know, Imam Al Bukhari is so an imam Behati is about Abdullah, the father Abdullah and he actually had a son named Abdullah as well.

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Not every time a person has a good idea they have to have a child as well. Okay, but Imam Al Bukhari specifically had a child named Abdullah, and he is a hottie. And what that means is he's attributed to a place called bajada. And bajada is in Uzbekistan today, which was historically known as the places that are Mauer or not, whatever is beyond the river, and that's basically the Amoud area. And it is the area's also known as trans ah, Ksenia. And that's where Ali Muhammad Buhari was from in a lot of the aroma of Hadith and Nova and many other things happen to be from this region. And Alhamdulillah there happens to be a revival of Islam in recent years, also in Uzbekistan as well,

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which is a great sign and the mausoleum or the cover of Al Bukhari remains there till today. His name is Mohammed even is my 11 Ibrahim, even in Madeira even better this

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this is the no name of Al Bukhari.

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from the name as soon as you heard the word but this by you know, right away that Imam Al Bukhari is not of Arab descent he's from Uzbekistan, firstly, and he is not from Arab descent, because the name but this guy is not an Arabic name. It's clearly not an Arabic name. In fact, it is a body name, and the word but it is by literally in body language, it means

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it means farmers, okay, so it's possible that the heritage of lmm and Guwahati or the parents that, you know, the ancestry of immutable hottie ends up to some person who happened to be a farmer, and we're in farmland here. So the first person from the family of Al Bukhari that accepted Islam was

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a man by the name of Al Mahira. He accepted Islam at the hands of the governor of Bihar at the Tanton at that time, known as a young man, a geography and this is how Imam Al Bukhari name became known also as a geography so if you see an Dorothy which sounds like an Arab name, it is, but this was because one of the forefathers of Imam Al Bukhari accepted Islam at the hands of

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this man. And hence, they kind of became attributed to that individual's ancient practice. Whenever someone accepts Islam, you kind of take their name as well. Okay. And Imam Al Bukhari, he.

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He didn't come from a family of extraordinary amounts of knowledge, but his father, he heard from Malik Gibbon *. So that shows you that his father is involved in Hadith, but he's not considered one of the elite scholars of Islam or something like that. But he's a person of interest in knowledge and he's a person of piety and so forth. And you also met her Madame invade, and Imam Bahati, you would comment on this one specifically, and he would say with his both hands, my father shook the hand of the Liberian robot. Okay. So specifically when it comes to him in a robotic, you know, he highlights that it was with his both hands meaning that that was the type of relationship

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and this is how close his father was to Abdullah in Waterford. This is how close he became or came to him. And enamel Bukhari he was born in the year 194, after the hedgerow and he died 256 And that would mean he lived around 62 years of life.

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From a very young age, there was a

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number of tests that occurred in the life of

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a Bihari one of those tests was that Imam Al Bukhari and this is reported, he became blind, okay. He wasn't born blind, he became blind. And the mother of Al Bukhari she made loads and loads of the hour, and she cried blood tears in order for her to, you know, basically invoke Allah subhanaw taala hoping that the eyesight of alcohol he would come back one night, the mother of an Behati she saw Ibrahim Ali Salaam in a dream. And he said to her, Oh, you, Allah has given the eyesight of your child back because of how much you cried. And some narrators say because of how much there are you made. So when she woke up in the morning, and she went and checked, the sun Hamedan is, is married.

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When she checked her son, she found him that his eyesight, his eyesight is actually back. So this was one of the early tests of Al Bukhari and also

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you can call it a miracle but a karma from Allah azza wa jal for the mother that she made dua very, very regularly, rigorously. And Allah subhanaw taala returned the eyesight of her son back as well. And a man he came to all Buhari, his man is very close, by the way toward Behati Ramadan Hatem. He came, and he said, I said to Abu Abdullah, if you look at any of the books, which have the biography of a Johari, this is one person you'll always see speaking about hottie because they have that type of relationship.

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He said, How did the whole story of Behati this great giant of heady start, he said, as a very young child, I was just learning how to read and write. I started to love Hadith, ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada. Just placed this love of Hadith within my heart. How old were you? He asked, inquired. He said I was just 10 years of age at that time. Then I left the Kutub after the age of 10. And I started going through going through one of the scholars of Hadith that was known as a duckling. And one day, one day

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this darkly was reading the Hadith to students, and he said had dessiner, Soufiane, IBZ, Zubaydah and Ibrahim and this 11 or 10 year old boy at that time, he stops the teacher and he says that, you know, Abu Zubaydah, this guy, he doesn't report from Ibrahim, you've got something going on. That is not accurate over here. Of course, this is a young child,

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the teacher, he got angry at the child and he said, You know what, this is not your space to be talking. Okay. So,

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mom and Bahati, he stuck to his guns. And he said that if you're not sure about what I'm saying, go check your notes. And you'll find that, of course, historically, a lot of narration would take from what would be done from memory. Okay, not all the time, sometimes, depending on the teacher, right? Everybody has different gifts. Some people have very beautiful memory. Other people don't have that type of memory. So it depends on the teacher. So some teachers will do completely from memory. This is one of those teachers who walks back into his house. He picks up his notes, and he checks and he comes back outside and he says to Imam and Buhari, what do you think is the right narration?

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So remember, Buhari says it's not I was away, it's Zubaydah, even ID from Ibrahim. And then the teacher he took up his pen and corrected it. And he told everybody, right would mahadi say this was at the age of 11. And he's basically just starting his journey at this point. And,

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and then, of course,

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up until the age of 1516, Imam Al Bukhari had pretty much acquired all of the knowledge that he could find within his city. Bukhara was not very famous at that time. By the way, all of these

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cities will now have Islam is very new here still, okay.

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The Uzbekistan region at that time, Islam is very new people have accepted Islam there is the story of masses coming into Islam from somewhere fun, there is the story of various people coming fellated al to have a lecture on his life as well. He was from there as well, coming into Stanford still relatively, Islam is still new in this region. So he took whatever he couldn't because it's not that famous at that time. And he says when I became 16, I had memorized by that time, the books of Abdullah Hebron robotiq That means they had books even in robotic work here and a number of other had defeat as well. Then me and my brother, we ended up going to Makkah, brother, mother and alcohol

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They all go to Makkah.

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All of them they make their Hajj Imam Al Bukhari he says, I'm going to stay in Mecca, Mecca finally come over here, it's time for me to learn Hadith. So he stayed in Mecca, and he started to hear Hadith. When it comes to the travels of Behati, there are so many travels. And one of the things that I did is I calculated the distance between Bihar, his homeland, and every city that he goes to based on the modern routes, of course, right. So I'll give you each one of the cities with the distance. So of course, this doesn't mean he's literally traveling this distance because sometimes in one travel, he's knocking out more than one city, right? But still, it gives you an idea of how

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far he's willing to go. So he goes to a place called Bella, which is still called belts as well. And that is 551 kilometers away from his original city Bahara. And he goes to a place called Nuttall, which is known as love today. And it is still around it's 359 kilometers. So he's going south, he is going west as well. And he goes to Neysa Buddha Nature board, which is 833 kilometers away from his birthplace, he goes to another place called a light. If you ever heard of anyone named Fullarton, Eben Uilleann ahwazi, for Kadena Barozzi, or

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a builder we had him Razi. They're all from this place of Razi in the dark, this area was called rockets are Raji. Okay. And,

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and he went

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to this place it is 15 185 kilometers away from his birthplace. He went to Iraq. There's many so many travels over the Bahati you know, to meet Imam Muhammad and Imam Muhammad, by the way, he was very keen on keeping the body in.

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In the city is very, very keen, he said, Because you realize this is not your average human being the presidents of Makati? Yes, it helps him because he's getting the Hadith from all of the scholars there. But technically, I will, because he said I never sat with a person, except that I benefited him more than I benefited benefited from him. So he's benefiting from the teachers of his, but at the same time, he's giving them back their Hadith as well. And that's why sometimes there's so many stories of the perfect memory of an Behati he would go to a city you would sit with the people he's talking to them, they say give us a hadith of yours. He says okay, I'll give you a hadith, or a

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bunch of a hadith, but the way I will do it is and one of the beautiful stories in one of the cities he goes. And he tells the people that hadith that they have.

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And he says you guys in this city narrate this hadith with this chain. Remember, every city has different chains of Narrator narrations because they have different tool, right? So he says you guys narrate this Hadith from this chain, and the one you don't have is this one. So he not only knows the Hadith that they have, he knows the Hadith that they have, and knows the one that they don't have as well. Okay, so he narrates the one they have, and he gives them the one they don't have as well, you give them more than they need. He also went to the city of Baghdad before that,

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and Hamdulillah. So he went to the city of that. And that was 202,475 kilometers away from his his birthplace. And there he learned from a number of teachers, I could list the teachers of a Behati but really Behati outshines most if not all of us teachers. But one of the teachers that is really important is of course, the mom. And he went to also the city of Basra, which is 2499 kilometers 2499 kilometers of distance away from his

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his birthplace. Now there's something important here by the way, what's important, these numbers, they don't mean much. They don't really mean too much to you and I, how much is it from Toronto to here 3000 Something kilometers,

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Toronto to head over

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3600 3600 kilometers. If you guys don't, I also made the journey from Toronto to here 3600 kilometers. And it took five days. But for him to go one day worth of journey.

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It takes a substantial amount of time.

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Okay, it's gonna take him quite a bit of time to handle just 80 kilometers, at least one day or, or maybe more. Okay. So if you do the math, that means literally one month of traveling, if he's actually going from Baja to there. It's not going to be you know, you're cutting eight 900 kilometers a day. It doesn't work like that, or 1000 kilometers depending on how much you're driving. No, no, this is serious travels where

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Talking about. And, of course, we don't have necessarily paved roads. The journey is a very difficult one. You don't know if you're going to have a bandit in the way, there's a lot of robberies that used to take place, right. So this is not even there's a safety issue on all of this as well. And then he went to Kufa which is 2638 kilometers. But keep in mind, again, a lot of these cities is knocking them out together because they're not far from one another. I'm just giving you the central point and how far he he actually went, Okay. And he went to also the city of Mecca for knowledge 4000 kilometers away from his place. And he went to Medina, again, around 3700 kilometers,

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Egypt, more than 4040 200 kilometers. All of these cities is going to the scholars of the cities and he's taking the Hadith from them. He also went to a Shang these are all the travel some people actually in this time, they said that there was no one more traveled for the sake of Hadith in Bukhari, because he went to every single town.

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And the knowledge that he had of these towns like it's incredible. There was one sahabi, who his teacher is haka bin Llahi. Did not know the Niska of his heart is a big scholar. He's the reason why Imam and Bihari wrote his book, because he was one of the people who suggested it. So

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he said, Abdullah is sitting there, he said, Bihari Hamad, do you know, this particular town

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and Imam in Bihar, he says, yes, a small village in Yemen.

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And it's like a very strange dispel. Okay. So even as Harper was puzzled, he said, like you grew up with them or something. He literally said something to this effect. He said, did you kind of grow up with these people? Like how do you know this? So Imam Al Bukhari, his knowledge of just history, his knowledge of geography, it was really puzzling how much he knew all of these things. And obviously, this would mean that he would be meeting people and getting all of the information from them, you understand what I'm saying? It's not like he can just log into Wikipedia and get this information is literally meeting individuals. And he's getting the information firsthand from them. And he actually

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tells us of this as well, in one of the narrations from him that every time I would meet a person, and I would take their Hadith, I would ask them a number of different questions, I would ask them of their Misbah, their name, their lineage, who they took from who their students are. So he basically document a biography of the person, okay. This is one of the practices of body. That's why when some strange attribution comes, some strange country name comes or village name comes, he knows it, because he must have might have met someone from there, right? And then he said, If the scholar that I was taking from, he was a smart guy, I would let him narrate just like that. If the person was not

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saying Those were his words, you don't I would ask him take out your book. And I would read directly from his book, because he wanted to make sure that there's not a single error that's being narrated. And then he said, This is how I used to write Hadith. As for there are other people out there who are writing Hadith, and they don't check anything. I don't know what they're writing and what they're not writing. These are literally his words. And Bihari. He said

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that when he entered Bell, which was one of the early cities that I mentioned, when he mentioned there are entered, but he said the people of the law, they asked me to give them Hadith.

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I gave them and they told me gives me Hadith give us Hadith from every single

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narrator that you never heard from. Okay, basically every scholar that you ever learned from, so he said, I gave them 1000, a Hadith from 1000 scholars. So towards the end of his life, this number became a little bit more Okay, So towards the end of his life, right before his death about a month before, he said himself verbally, these are his words. He said, I wrote from 1080 Different teachers. He wrote down Hadith from 1080 Different teachers. And what does it mean that he wrote down Hadith? When he sang, wrote he doesn't physically mean road because many times the party would just rely on memory. Okay. He would rely on memory to some degree.

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Because he's so busy with traveling going here going there and engaged in authoring because he's written a number of books studies is one of them. And his journal. He says another one. So an a double mufflers is another one hulk of bad is another one. So he has a number of different books. He's busy writing these books in his travels as well. He realized

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A little bit on memory. And then whenever he gets a moment, let's say he gets to some place that he now settles down. He then takes the pennant actually pencils down as well. So when you think I wrote them down, he's written them down, perhaps not at the moment of hearing the Hadith, he does rely on his memory at that point. But I will talk to you a little bit about the memory of Behati as well.

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But if at the as an eventuality, he goes and writes them down as well, because writing down, of course, is safer. And the students of body again, there are so many students of body that really some of his gatherings had 20 30,000 students attending the gathering. So it's really hard to keep track of all of the students of the body. But there are some names which are very, very important. Among them is anatomy himself, he is among the students of a body. And there is also a bottom. And there is this is a very important name, guys. Mohammed even uses Alpha Berry. You may have never heard this name, but this is a very important name in the Hadith, because this guy is considered V

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Arar, we have an behind.

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He's not the only Ravi but he does claim. So at one point, he himself said that

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there was a number of people, a lot of lots of people took the heat from Behati. None of them continue to narrate it on. I'm the only one who did that. But this is untrue. There are other narrators as well, but he remains one of the most significant narrators of a body so much so that he is known as raw we apply the raw we have social health Buhari, even though he's not very famous as that and

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but that doesn't necessarily hurt if he's not famous. It doesn't mean he's a person who was unacceptable. Because there's a myth that some people have every single person needs to have a scholar of the science of Elon, come and say this is an acceptable human being in Hadith. That's untrue. If the scholars genuinely accept the hadith of a person, that is enough of a reason to believe he's an acceptable reporter. This is case in point Mohammed bin use of it robbery is one of those people and Imam Muslim as well is among the narrator's from Behati even though he doesn't narrate in his sahih although he is a student of a body and some of the scholars they used to say,

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lowland Buhari, you know, Mara Hemsley, Malaysia, if it wasn't for Buhari, then Muslim wouldn't have been able to make it basically because Buhari really hone that talent that Muslim had. And you are Muslim is his color in his own right, but remain the student of Buhari as well.

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Bahati he traveled beyond Makkah. And he talks about when he went to Macau is going back to where you went to Mecca. He, everybody did their hedge, the mother did the hedge, the brother did the hedge as well, he stayed back in Hadith. And then he said, When I got to the age of 18, at that time, I started to write I wrote the books related to and he has a number of books that are which are still missing, by the way, which are related to the Avaya Sahaba basically their opinions of The Hobbit, especially when it comes to the judicial views, and the web, as well. And he wrote a book in Tahrir. This is another one of his books, very famous, still printed as well. And he said, I wrote

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this book by the grave of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. So there's nothing wrong with sitting around the grave of the prophets, as long as you're not worshiping the Greek. Some people assume if you just sit around there, you're worshiping. I remember one day I was sitting around the grave of the Prophet SAW Selim reading a book of Hadith as well. The shots are very noble, yeah, but even above, and

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as I'm reading, some person just comes to me and he says, you know, you should know better. I said, What should I know?

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If you weren't good? I do a really good book of Hadith. And because some people they have this phobia, and so they make assumptions about what people are doing. In Mourinho, he's sitting by the grave of the prophets of salaam he wrote all of his daddy over there, as well, because technically that area is, as the prophet called it himself at all doesn't mean the album generates a garden from the gardens of heaven. Right. And so everybody wishes to remain within that area.

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And Imam Al Bukhari when he was writing this, this study, he didn't include every He himself said, I didn't include everything in this book, because every time I see a name, he has amazing memory picture perfect memory, literally. And photographic memory. So Imam Al Bahati, he says, Every time I see a name, I remember a story about this name. So I couldn't add every story that I heard about every single time I would see a name and then he said, I would go to the This is him narrating his own

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Life by the way, I'm literally translating it up for you. He said, Then I went to the Baja in Egypt in Milan. And I was a child at that time. And I was very, very shy to say salaam to them. So one of them.

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One of them.

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He said that how much Hadees Have you written today? I said, I've written to Hadith at this point, to Hadith up until this day. And all the students in the gathering they started to life.

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So that the shift, he said, guys, relax.

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Maybe if you laugh at him today, there'll be a day that he'll be laughing back at you as well. Now imagine Behati when he writes to Hadith they've been written in his memory for for the rest of his life pretty much right?

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Because of this memory of Behati, because of this knowledge of Behati and it's not only memory. Imam Al Bukhari is distinguished from all of his peers in Hadith from the kotoba Sitta, maybe with the exception of a devotee, but he's a student of a Guwahati remember that?

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That she has the Hadith and he has also the understanding of the Hadith as well. Imam Al Bukhari has pretty much his own method, not enough, pretty much he has his own mother. He has his own opinions on so many different issues. If you look in the books of CIP, especially those which happen to be encyclopedia, they often say this is the opinion of Al Bukhari, of course, not as often as the other famous Baba. They will say, this is the opinion of Al Bukhari. Sometimes it's out of the former head as well. And there are many such opinions of Bihari, some of these opinions, not all of them. Some of these opinions can be found in the chapter titles and body gifts, as they say, fipple Buhari fi

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Sarojini that the Sipple Buhari happens to be in his chapter headings, but it's not always the case. Sometimes. These opinions of Al Bukhari have been recorded in the books of history, sometimes these opinions of Al Bukhari have been recorded in other ways as well. So because of this knowledge of Bukhari, specifically when it comes to his memory and Hadith, even his own teachers, they really started to result in so many of these teachers, not just one, I can give you one story, but there really are so many stories, people would literally come to an Mohali in every city you would go, they would bring them as books. One person said, I'll give you everything I own.

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I'll give you literally everything I own. And why do you by the way, he had his finances figured out? I'll talk about that in a minute. So I'll give you everything I own.

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If you just take my book and correct it for me, because if

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on this book, he gets the honor of writing, edited by an Bihari,

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you can just imagine what would happen to this book, right? even till today, if we have those editorials and edited by XYZ, it becomes something that is noteworthy and people do buy just because of that name. Now this these people, they would come to him in dozens. And these are only things incidents that we have recorded. There probably are hundreds of incidents like this, where they would say can you just read the book and correct it for me? And one of those incidents? Not of a book, but is that Imam Al Bukhari, he went to his teacher, and maybe he's his teacher, and he was around 18 years of age. And there was another person there who disagreed with him about a hadith

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that from ad was

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reporting. So as soon as I made the saw that Buhari is coming, he said, there is the guy who was going to tell us was right. This is his teacher. He says there is the guy who will tell us who's right. And then when they shared the Hadith environment mahadi said inhumane to you your happened to be the right one. And alcohol. He said if the other person continues to insist on what he was saying he would become a disbeliever. I don't know exactly the Hadith. We don't have records of that. But it must have been something very, very serious for the body to make a comment of that nature as well. Okay.

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Another thing and this tells you another reason or clues why and Buhari is likely not of Arab descent is almost 100% that he's not. But one of the reasons is, if you notice the people of that region, not those who have intermarried with Arabians that lived over there. It a lot of the people in that region don't grow beards. Okay. That region was Pakistan because of a standard region. Generally you don't see the same type of beards that you may, for example, Arabia or in DC countries or other places like that. You won't say that, that type of and that's why

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we have

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report that Abu Bakr and he said that we wrote from Behati. And we wrote at the doors

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of Muhammad ibn Yusuf al feria, the viavi is a teacher of elbow party for robbery is a student of a body, right?

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So viavi Wadi is there to learn from him. But while the other students, they see Bahati over there said, Can you give us a little moment to give us some studies as well. So they're learning the Hadith from Behati. And they said that at that moment, there wasn't a single hair in the face of Anwar.

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And when they asked him, How old were you at that time? He said, I was 17 years of age.

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So by the age of 17, it depends really has to be if you're from some of the Asian countries or close to their Turkmenistan and these types of countries that you wouldn't have a complete beard, because that's the type of makeup over there. But if you happen to be from Arabia, most of the times you'll have a beard. So this is another reason I'm saying all of this because there are some people who say because the name Dorothy's there, he's actually here, but this is not true.

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why did he wrote write this book of his okay? And I hinted to it already. It's hotter than LA Hawaii. And his name is his half even all Hawaii and not rock who? Yeah.

00:31:28 --> 00:32:10

Or seat Wuya. Right. Because some of the people have Hadith, they actually ended up pronouncing these names, like the second pronunciation, they would say, C Buya or Rahu. Yeah, but this is inaccurate. The reason why they say this is because they say there's a hadith, which says, Wait, it's more shade on or it is a way happens to be a name of Shavon. But this hadith is life. There's no origin of this hadith. It's completely unacceptable. And so there's no neat reason for you to change the construct of the name there's a Persian name, it's complete now known the word way, in the Persian language, it means smell. And for those of you who know or do you know, maybe Somalian

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has it as well, you can tell me what is apple? How do you say apple in Somalia?

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00:32:17 --> 00:32:18

That's Arabic.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:21

Okay, so

00:32:22 --> 00:32:47

Well, the Arabs and the Somalians are getting along over there in the Persians and the, you know, are the speaking people are getting along over here because Apple is saved in order to also in Persian, it save save as well. So see, the way is the smell of saved the sound smell of the Fae. The smell of an apple is how little or how is the same story. So his name is hackable Huawei, and

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he said that, as they were sitting in the gathering, is hackable, Huawei, he said, it's a good idea if you take a book, and you bring together all of the Sunon of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam within that book. So that moment of what he said, you know, this idea completely got settled into my mind, I decided this is something I'm going to do, he kept it to himself. But as time passed, he started working on this book. This was the reason why Ali Muhammad Buhari, he wrote this book, and this is why when you're teaching, give ideas, even if you can do it, it's how comfortable how you might have thought about doing it themselves. But you know, age gets to you and you have

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other things to do. So he said, let me give the students this idea. It's happened when he did that, and his student will Buhari ended up picking it up. And he did write this book as well. Notice, he sang a book which is authentic, because there are already books of Hadith which are written by this time.

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There are books of Hadith which are already written in my Maliki wrote his book, Imam, Muhammad, he wrote his Muslim by this time, and there are so many Hadith books actually, by this time already written, but one that happens to be completely authentic, and one that gathers on a chapter basis on a chapter basis, the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is literally the first one of its kind, and it is the most authentic and nobody ever was able to come really, really challenging Buhari and even though other people tried and there are so many books written around the topic of Buhari, some of the people they will take the book of his body and they'll say that we're

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going to

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collect the Hadith, the body mists. Now why he didn't miss these a hadith so to speak, he knew they existed, but he had chosen for his book to literally break bring the a grade and had the scene. He wanted to bring the creme de la creme, the best of the best, the cream of the crop he wanted to bring the people who would be considered the elites. And that's the reason why it stuck to those heady few. You know, I'll share

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Are some of that with you as well. And every single time and Buhari would choose a hadith he would do is still is the heart okay every single time and he will do with it as well to ensure that his color is done properly okay

00:35:16 --> 00:35:26

to make sure there's no Janab or something like that you'd go do is awesome. Then pray to raka us do is the hara then please the Hadith in his book.

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Sometimes what would happen is he wouldn't accept the Hadith, you understand? Because he

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said that I

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selected the book that I have from 600,000 a hadith.

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So there are 10,000 Odd Hadith in there, you can just imagine how many times you'd have to do the harder to make sure that he ended up selecting literally a lot of the day. He's sitting there selecting and that's why many people that were with Behati, they would say most of the night body would be praying and he would be you know, you would go to sleep wake up, go to sleep, wake up again, go to sleep, wake up at again, and then go and do his Hara and go ahead and write down the Hadith, in addition to doing is the hara for every single Hadith.

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He would also do this for the chapter headings as well. Every time he has a chapter heading, he would go and make his the hara as well. And he wrote all of the chapter headings, between the grave of the Prophet SAW Selim and the member of the Prophet, which is again, garden from the gardens of Paradise as the prophets had called. Okay.

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Now, as I said, and this is very, very important, not all of the book, all of the authentic hadith are in body. Some people have this misunderstanding, and, or at least between body and Muslim, they say all of this hadith are in there. It's not true, immortal, why He Himself tells us like you don't have to raise Bahati even above where a body himself believes himself to be. He literally said that. I didn't put anything but especially Hadith in my book, but I left a lot of Hadith which happened to be authentic, because I didn't want my book to become too long. These are literally his works. Gala. Yo Tula al Kitab. So as my book doesn't become very, very long.

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And he wrote this book, in 16 years, and he said about the book, he said, I've made this book, a witness between myself and ALLAH SubhanA wa.

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Because he believed himself to be a person who has lost within this book. And he and we all believe him to be a person of the cloth as well. That's why it's a household name today. He didn't even put the name or body on the books. He called it a German, Muslim. Right? And it went from that to becoming fluffy. Hello, Harry. And people pretty much forgot. The original name of Al Bukhari. Boy Buhari was a person was very, very focused people in his time would be occupied his, you know, his own colleagues, his own people that were his age, young people like himself, they'll be occupied and everything else Bahati would be focused even on his travels. One of the scholars, scholars, now his

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friends are all scholars, by the way. They have to be he's not hanging out with ludicrous human beings. But even among them, he has a type of passion that nobody else has. He's got a focus that nobody else has. So

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one of the scholars, he says that we were out.

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We were out and about, and all of the Shabaab they were going out picking berries, and so forth. All of them were out picking berries.

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So you know, certain was I'll give it give yourself some time. So how do you by the way, he would give himself some time, but not picking berries, you'd have more important things to do. So for example, archery was one of the things of why he was a mat master in his aim, one of the people that would go to shoot with him, he said that I never saw a body in so many times that we went out to shoot, miss a single arrow, except two times.

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Every time you'd get right on the bull's eye, because you're so focused and so sharp, you'd get right on the bull's eye. So you do these types of things, which are obviously encouraged in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well, but picking berries, he doesn't have time for that. So this person, he said, As for Muhammad Yunus married he was with us but he was not with us. He was doing his own thing. He was busy with it, okay. And he was a person who really follow the Sunnah of the Prophet or send them so so closely. So much so that imagine even following, he said, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a

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and you know, there's a Hadith of the Prophet also in Behati in the same version that we're going to be studying as well model Ani, Philomena taka dari, whoever sees me in his sleep he's really seen me famous shape Allah is gonna settle because she upon doesn't come and take my form. So this is really the prophets of Allah. He said he was walking and Mohammed in his marine was walking behind him.

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Every time he made the Venus marine would, every time the Prophet SAW send them would raise his foot or hammer even his marine would go and put his foot over there.

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What is this indicates? He's following the footsteps of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly so this is a glad tiding in the dream of one of the scholars of that time showing that Al Bukhari is on the Sunnah. And this is very important, because there were a lot of people towards the end of the life of the party who really

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tried to sabotage and smear Buhari. And this is the Sunova as the origin in some of the slaves of Allah. And Allah has his Hichem behind this. Allah has his wisdoms behind this. We'll talk about it when we get to.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:44

Buhari was he had a gift of memory? But he was keen on memorizing as well. Do you understand what I'm saying? So, yes, I'll Buhari had a gift. It was clear. But he would work hard to memorize. Do you understand what I'm saying? It wasn't that it was all just a gift. He would work hard. And that's why a man came to Mojave. And he said that. Oh, boy, Abdullah, I heard that you have a cure for memory. That is no nice. balletto.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:51

Okay, you have a cure for memory that is known known as bilateral. But as always an oil. It's a,

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like a fruit.

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I forgot what it's called in English. It's a very rare fruit. And they have a homeopathic medicine based on it as well. But the idea is that, and it's for memory, it's actually no till this day to be for memory. So he said, I heard that you have some sort of like a some sort of potion that you're using, basically, to strengthen your memory.

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So remember his body? He said, No, I know of no such thing. I don't know of anything that ended up strengthening your memory.

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And then he turned back to him. And he said, I don't know, anything that will strengthen your memory, more so than focus and continuously reviewing what you're what you have. Okay, so that shows you body has a special memory. But he's working hard to maintain it as well. Do you understand what I'm saying? Because there is a gift. There's no doubt about it. There's so many narrations that tell us that he was very, very gifted. But some people they lose hope. They're like, oh, this person was so gifted. And hence, that's it. I'm not going to be able to make it in this. But I did notice something in the dietary

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measures over the body, they mentioned that he ate almonds, they weren't talking about it from a memory perspective. But we know that almonds do actually help the neurological system. So it's possible that that was also eating because this is literally listed at one of the things that nobody would be regularly eating two or three elements a day. Okay. So it could be that this did aid the memory of how do we go back to the reality that this was a man that was really was basically chosen by Allah Zoda. And I'll give you my reasoning for why I believe there was some divine intervention in all of this. Okay?

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What's my reason for that?

00:43:48 --> 00:43:49

This right here.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:53

This shows you that there's something really

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about this, which is not wrong, there is divine intervention in the type of memory that alcohol has specifically for addicts.

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Bahati himself says, I was in nice Abul. And papers would come to me.

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letters would come to me from bahala hometown. And these letters would be from my relatives, female relatives of mine. They would be saying salaam to me.

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And then I decided I'm going to write a letter back to them as well. And I want to write back to them and say salaam to them as well. And he says, suddenly, I forgot all of their names.

00:44:43 --> 00:45:00

Body forgot names. He said, Zabba Alia Sammy in Phoenix up to Kitabi wollam operate on a ceramic and that I could not say salaam to them. And he said, but there's very little bit of rain in that area.

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goes away from my mind.

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Meaning, I don't forget, but the names of his own relatives have forgot. So that means there's something really about this that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada through divine intervention, chose this man to have an ultimate focus that would be completely on he himself to saying, there's no anything that I'll be forgetting or almost nothing from anything that I forget. But I forgot the name of my own female relatives. Do you see what I'm saying?

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But again, going back to the point, despite the fact that he is gifted, and there is something divine, Lee, you know, clear over there, but not divine about him divine intervention within his case. He is working also very, very hard to make sure he remembers his writing down notes as well, not immediately, as soon as he gets the Hadith, but rather, as he says himself, that sometimes I would hear the Hadith in Basra and I would write it down in Sham, in Levant. Sometimes I'd hear the Hadith in JAMA, go to Egypt Aviana travel, and I would write it down when I get to Egypt. So he's writing down a hadith, there's no doubt about it. And Imam Al Bukhari is very keen on ensuring that

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every single Hadith that he takes, he's taking it accurately, if you see the teacher who's an accurate teacher, you'll rely on his memory, if he feels that the teacher has got something going on, maybe he's forgetting something, he has a tendency of misquoting things, so on and so forth. So the moment he says, Bring it out, let me see the book, of course, politely, but he definitely says exactly that. Okay.

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I mean, there's so much I can say, I'm really trying to save time at the same time here because of bodies. life really is a life that there really is so much to say about. And I think that if we just did three lectures on the life of a body, we wouldn't be able to cover it. Because there's so much said about the body. And people.

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They have such great honor for this man. It's suffice to say that Raja and hassle was one of the Safavid Hadith used to say this guy, he is an iron. He's a sign of Allah. He would say this guy is a Isaiah from the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala, one of the other football, he said, I wish and he's a half of the hadith is no joke. He's a big man himself. He said, I wish I was a hair on the chest of alcohol.

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And other person, he said, I wish I had the ability to take a portion of my life and gift it to the body. Because when I die is just one human being dying. But when he dies, there's a lot of that happening there. A lot of not knowledge is also dying with this human being as well. Bahati. He said that I had memorized 100,000 a hadith. Now when he says 100,000 Hadith.

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What this really means this, it's the same a hadith, oftentimes, not all of them, but there are a lot of repetitions in there. And those repetitions are coming from different chains. And he said, these are all authentic hadith. So if he's picked out,

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you know, around 10,000 Hadith for his book, then these Hadith over here, they're obviously a lot more all of them are authentic bodies admitting to the fact that they're authentic, but he's not bringing them in his book as well because he wants to pick the best of the Hadith as well. Another thing about an Behati and this was one of the reasons why imam in Guwahati went through a lot of fitna within his life as well, towards the end of his life. He wanted to stay away from the doors of governments. He didn't want to become a puppet for any government. He didn't want to come close to Governor's let alone anything else. Any Wiley, any governor, any leader, any politician that wanted

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a portion of the time of an Behati Behati would completely refuse. There's one story, and there are many stories like this. One of those stories has it that one of the politicians he asked for a body. And he said I need something from you. He wrote a nice letter on the historical letterhead as well. And it's got the stamp and seal probably you can imagine. And he wrote such a polite words to employ anyway to offer him loads and loads. And then he said

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he said

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that I need you to come to me. There's something I need from you. So Abu Abdullah Muhammad Yunus Marina, Mahir Ivan but it is Buhari, he says that said I'm already

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I praise Allah to you the one there is no God besides. But as for what is to proceed, I got your message. I understood it very clearly. And he said what fee beta he knew that hacker, but it's in his house. Whoever has a need, you have to come to the person in his house.

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He tells the guy if you really have a need towards me, you've got to come to my house. I'm not going to go

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To your house. And in there, there are a hadith by the way that basically discouraged going to the club, a sell off in the doors of the, the people of hokum. So because of that, nobody is very cognizant of this. And he doesn't want to try this.

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One very, very famous story, which I'm sure a number of you already know as well, about the memory of Mojave is when he got to about that every city he would go to there will be great honoring that they would do and boy, sometimes, and in some, you know, some of the books have it as well, that in some places that you would go, they would start throwing, you don't Muscat him, and they would start throwing flowers at him basically greeting him in that way. Right. So one of the cities, he went to the scholars of that city, they gathered together, they'd heard about this legendary memory of Behati. So they said, they went there, to an Behati. And they said to him that we've got all these

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scholars gathered, and we've got some questions to ask you. So they, what they've done is they've taken 100, a hadith, and these under 100, a hadith. They had flipped and flopped the chains and the actual text of the heavy. Okay, so you had a text, and then you have the chain. You know how this works. There's a chain had done, I had done that I had done, XYZ said that XYZ said that XYZ said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, right, so these are the chains. And then you have the text of the Hadith, the body of the Hadith, so they would take the body from here, and they would take the isnaad, or the chain from another Hadith. And they would miss mix and match like

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this. Until the Hadith became all mixed up. Then they got 10 people, and they gave them all the Hadith. And they said, when Buhari comes, we sit him down, you tell him, each one of the Hadith. So the K gate came to him, they sat before him, all of the scholars have dadada over here, they're all lay men in here, too, by the way, because everybody's heard of Hardy Bahati is this legendary human being at this point? So there are scholars there, there are fuqaha there, there are potentially politicians there as well. There are people who happen to be just general masses as well, meaning they are people who love knowledge, but they don't have knowledge. They can't really be the ones

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testing, you understand. So

00:52:13 --> 00:52:17

they said all of these Hadith to Behati every Hadith you say before, I don't know.

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Then after all of the 100 Hadith are done, hottie turns to the first person, and he says, the first Hadith you said, you said it like this. And the correct hadith is this. Then he says the second Hadith you said you said it like this, and the correct hadith is this. The third Hadith he said, you said it like this, and the correct hadith is this. And he went on through tester number 1234, all the way to 10 Oh, 100 Hadith, he brought the original Hadith. And he brought that mixed up version of it as well. So the scholars they said that, you know, obviously everybody knows body knows that heavy. So the the shocking thing is not that Buhari knew the Hadith. The shocking thing is that he

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heard the Hadith one time, in a mixed way memorized it and recollected it in the order as well. And then he went back to the right people told them that the wrong one that you recited is like this, and the correct one is this way, because everybody already knew that he knows the correct IDs. This is Behati. So much so that one of the scholars of Hadith, he himself is a scholar, his students, they went to an Behati. And they said that our teacher told us this.

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Do you know this heavy body said no, I don't know this heavy. These students became so happy.

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Because they said we got to finally there's something he doesn't know. So they went back to his teacher. And when they got back to teacher, their teeth, their teacher, they said that we went to Bihari and we told them this hadith. And what he said he doesn't know this hadith. He said a hadith that Buhari doesn't know is not

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the teacher himself started doubting himself. And he said a hadith dead body doesn't know is not a hadith.

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And Imam Al Bukhari are from Allah to Allah, He.

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He was a man who was honored by his students as well, specifically those who are very, very close to remember within Student Bodies, there's always different types of students keep that in mind. There are those were students and they are very promising and they're really going to go somewhere, right? And then there are those who they're, they're not for the long haul, okay, they're kind of they're they're going to stick around, and then eventually, they're going to dissipate as well. And this is something that you if you're a student of knowledge need to keep into your mind as well. Your friends, most of them are not going to come come along the journey.

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With you, most of them, you can try bringing one person along the second person along, they will stick around. But if you're serious to find another person serious, that will be a rarity hamdulillah if you do, that's great. This is one of those rare occurrences, if you find that it's amazing. But it's going to be very difficult for you to ensure that everybody stays with you throughout. So those students who are very serious, we're very, very focused. They continue to honor and Bahati throughout his life. Even after alcohol, he basically became ostracized from society. And I'll talk about that how he became ostracized from society,

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almost excluded purposely from society. So Imam Muslim was one of those students. Muslim is there for the long haul. He feeds everybody around the body leaving him but Imam Muslim, he sticks around. And he was so in love with Al Bukhari. And he was so in awe of an Behati. And he would honor him so much, that one day, Eva Muslim walked in, and he kissed and McQuarrie between his eyes, and then he said, allow me to kiss your feet as well. Okay. He said, Danny, aka billige Lakeya, who started studying Oh, teacher of all teachers. Yes, they either had defin Oh, Master of all of them, had they seen what's available had easy theory and the doctor of Hadith from all the deep rooted mistakes and

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problems within Hadith as well. So this is the honor that Muslim has for Bihari, you might find it weird that he's asking him to kiss the feet. Of course, this is very strange, because this is very strange in our culture, to honor people, you understand what I'm saying? Because it's not haram to kiss someone's feet.

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It's also not prostrating to them as well, to kiss someone's feet. I say this, because there are some cultures in which some of the followers of their teachers, they go and kiss the feet. This is I mean, I don't like this, right? Because I grew up in a different culture, but it is not haram.

00:57:02 --> 00:57:48

And it is not shift meaning they're not prostrating to the person. We have records of this even within the times of the Sahaba and the W 18. As well, so so don't consider something that you find awkward. Also awkward. Within other cultures, as well, I'll give you an example. Things have changed a lot when we were growing up, holding hands between men was kind of strange. We, although things have changed quite a bit now. So I literally remember when I left Canada, at the age of 18, I went to Saudi Arabia, people would hold hands, it would be like a very common thing. And for me, growing up in Canada, in that era, this was something you know, you stay away from me, don't touch me.

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Right? So when I was there, essentially, every time someone would hold my hand, I would just pull it out. So what are you doing? Like, why are even for you? They were trying to hold my head I couldn't, I couldn't essentially do it. It was a very awkward thing for me. But then, you know, slowly, I realized, okay, this is their culture. They don't mean any harm, but okay. So the idea here is that cultures develop, they change, and things that are normal to you today may not be normal to your children tomorrow, things that happen to be, you know, normal to another society may not be normal to your society.

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by another

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student of his enamel pyramid, you

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remember Timothy

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she would honor and Behati as far as he said, I never saw anyone in this is a big, big witness by a Timothy, he said I never saw anyone in all of Iraq. And all of what I sang for ASAN is a huge area. It's not a very small region, it is a very large region. And it was a region where most of the Halaqa of Hadith was taking place. Most of the Hadith the movement was taking place over there. Okay, he said, I never saw anyone in these two regions who knew more about the release of a hadith than alcohol.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:12

What is it? These are like hidden,

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almost like hidden problems within Hadith. And the reason why this is very important from a didn't mean it is because it didn't mean it has the complete book Al Kitab Allah, so he's a scholar of Al himself as well. And renal is one of the deepest knowledge is of Hadith. You study that like when you're really trying to become a super expert of Hadith. Okay, so he's saying that all of Quran and rock there's no one that happens to be more knowledgeable than Buhari. What he had ups and downs is his Majelis is gathering sometimes there'll be very large, sometimes there'll be very small. So depending on the season, because of course pain of people goes up and down as well. He was a man who

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was very careful about speaking of people, this is very difficult for body. Why? Because body is a skull

01:00:00 --> 01:00:27

As a federal alien and he's a scholar of animals regional as well as regional is basically the science where you say that this guy no good that guy accepted this guy he's had he's is not acceptable. So the scholars of Hadith they noticed specifically about Buhari that he chooses his words as carefully as possible so he doesn't disparage the human being as a human being

01:00:28 --> 01:00:30

others scholars are

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merciless in this get done. He's a liar. Well box is fabricating Hadith Muhammadu Buhari is like they don't accept it.

01:00:43 --> 01:01:24

He has more mild words. But those mild words mean a lot. And why he himself explained when I say he does they don't accept his head. He's actually mean this, but he doesn't he doesn't want to say those harsher words about specific individuals so uses more mild words. And that's why Behati says about himself. He says that, I hope from Allah that He will never ever hold me to account about any riba that I've done. Okay, because the scholars of Hadith, they have to kind of do Heba although their Viva is justified. They have to say that guy is a bad guy, this one is a good one. Why? Because you're checking the Hadith. You're making sure that the hadith is okay. So they have to say

01:01:24 --> 01:01:39

words which are harsh about human beings, but Imam and Behati despite being a scholar of Hadith, he's extremely, extremely careful with his word choice so that he doesn't end up disparaging human beings in ways that that would be considered a lever. Okay.

01:01:40 --> 01:02:03

Another one of the things about Bahati is that he was a person of Nevada as well. One day Buhari was standing in his prayer. We already know he has so much rather that every time he puts a hadith in he does this the hall that's about all on its own. At least we know 10,000 odd, is the hadith is done, right. And another thing about it is that in his prayer, he was a man of Kishore.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:11

So one day he was in his prayer, and he got beat by a Hornet. Have you ever been bitten by a Hornet?

01:02:13 --> 01:02:23

Do you know how it feels I've been bitten. I know how it feels. I went to my uncle's place when there was a complete hornet's nest you've been given bet? It's one of those things all the shields get beat by Hornets Kenny.

01:02:24 --> 01:02:31

Okay, so I got bit by a harness. And it's really, really it's not pleasant experience. And

01:02:33 --> 01:02:38

yeah, you don't I haven't real Allah saved me on that day, because I almost took all my clothes off.

01:02:39 --> 01:02:55

Because the Hornets they got in my clothes as well. It was really a very difficult experience. For me. It's painful, especially like, five, seven of them are biting you from different directions. So imagine body gets bitten by a hornet 17 times in his prayer.

01:02:57 --> 01:02:58

And body doesn't move.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:04

Then after prayer, he says, Can you check what was bothering me my prayer.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:49

He felt it. But he stayed focused on his prayer. If I'm in a hurry in terms of his finances, he had wealth that hamdulillah Allah bless him through his family. And then on top of that, he was intelligent, he bought a piece of land that he would rent out, okay. For those who know, this was also one of the things that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had done as well. So this is actually very, very important buying land, real estate, I tell everybody, you've got to get involved in real estate, you have to invest in real estate, because that's, you know, the prophetic student bodies is doing the same thing you would rent it out. And he would take $700 every year from this particular

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rental fee and that would be one of the ways that he would live his life and that's how we can journey all over the world.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:15

Of course he's a matter of sadhaka there's no doubt about it of course he has other avenues of risk as well sometimes he his payments get delayed meaning like he's waiting for a payment it doesn't come there's records of that as well. Remember what he said you know, I was waiting for a payment to didn't come. So all of these things happen. He has his ups and downs, but he has a stable residual income, right?

01:04:16 --> 01:04:28

Got to make sure you have that within your life in order for you to have yourself sorted out you never know which way life is gonna go. Right. So get yourself into something that is that is going to give you now towards the end of

01:04:29 --> 01:04:30

his life.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:33

Imam and Bahati.

01:04:34 --> 01:04:37

rinomhota Allah, he had

01:04:38 --> 01:04:45

a story. That is a very sad story. This is actually one of his teachers, Muhammad Divinia as though heading

01:04:47 --> 01:04:59

when he came to Neysa, boo, essentially, him the divine Yeshua being a teacher of Muhammad Yunus married and Bihari. He welcomes him and he says, Come on in and he tells me

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

Everybody, this guy is the guy. This is the one.

01:05:03 --> 01:05:10

He's got knowledge. It's clear he's got him. There's nothing like him. He points all of his students towards this human being.

01:05:12 --> 01:05:54

Now, when that happens, the students they literally hear Muhammad Yunus maelys, clearly more knowledgeable than me. Even though Mohammed bin Yahya is more senior like because he's got more of the pole in the community. He is from there. He's from these Abu Bahati happens to be a foreigner at the end of the day. He's an uncover he just came. So all of these people they have confidence in the knowledge of a Buhari but they don't have the same sort of like, he doesn't have the same sort of community around them, you understand? So now, when Mohammed bin Yahya he sees everybody's getting around, getting out of his own doors starts to decrease in numbers.

01:05:55 --> 01:05:58

So much so that nobody really wants to take it from Muhammad Yahya now

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adopt points. Him even Yeah, he causes a problem for her as though it is a scholar, Allah forgiven.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:24

Scholars have jealousy between one another as well. Keep that in mind. You may see a lot of it. You may not see a lot of it as well. So he is a scholar of his own right. If you read his biography, he's a person of knowledge. But he got jealous.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:40

Everybody's going to Buhari, nobody's coming to my lesson anymore. Or my numbers are decreasing. So he picks out on the one thing that he knows is tried and tested. If you go for this, people are going to turn away his APY there's got a problem.

01:06:41 --> 01:07:06

So he says that the P The Avaya has got an issue. What's the issue? The issue is that enamel Buhari believes that the words that a person says when they're reciting the Quran, the words are created. Sorry, the voice is created. But Allah speech is not created.

01:07:07 --> 01:07:14

Before gauhati, Imam Muhammad and others they didn't want to get into this detail. Imam Bukhari writes his book

01:07:15 --> 01:07:54

about in that he details this issue, and he says that, yes, the Quran isn't created, it is a attribute of Allah subhanho wa taala. But the voice of a person, the lungs, the air that comes out of you, that is obviously a creation of Allah subhanaw taala. Do you understand the distinction? This is what everybody says this becomes by the way, later on the the creed of everybody, all of the scholars of Islam pretty much believe this today. But at that time, this was completely new. There was no one else that was saying this or if there was Muslim, by the way, he was among the people who were saying, Imam Muslim actually went to Muhammad Divinia later on and he says you don't say the

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same thing.

01:07:56 --> 01:08:18

He says all but you you know your student, okay. Let it go. You understand? But he went after Behati in this case. And then one day one of the students came in the gathering of hottie got up he stood up and he said that what do you say about the speech of Allah? One question. Second question. Third question. You asked him the same question three times.

01:08:20 --> 01:08:31

At the third time, he says on Kyla Malloy Hiramatsu the Quran is the words of Allah subhanho wa taala. It has not been created the words of Allah.

01:08:32 --> 01:09:09

As for the actions of the creation of Allah, they are obviously created, Allahu Allah Kuwana they are metal, Allah has created you and he's created your action as well. And then he says when in the handle be data as for you questioning other people in their Abida that is a bidder that is considered an innovation. So this man as soon as he heard this from body got up and he said, Look, guys, what Muhammad in your head was saying was true. And he started causing a big ruckus in the edginess of the body. Because of this, your appeal has gone back and from that day onwards, it was downhill from

01:09:10 --> 01:09:31

completely downhill. Imam Al Bukhari literally at that point, you can, it's clear that nobody really was interested in taking knowledge from Guwahati, except for a mere few were left a lot of people that are already taken Hadith so his book is already preserved down. Right. But because Mohammed bin Yahya is causing this problem in terms of is up EDA.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:48

People left him and mostly remained he used to go to a gathering a couple of other students, they would say that, you know, what, how do we come to you? Why do you want to take it from you, but whoever comes to everybody else, outcasts, everybody says this guy is off the monad. So we've got our custom right.

01:09:50 --> 01:10:00

And some of them, they said to Buhari, you're a pious human being, it's clear, why don't you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala against these people, and he said, You don't

01:10:00 --> 01:10:28

There's a deal of judgment, we'll sort it out at that point. And he would say that this is all from the plot of the shaytaan. And in the case of Shivani, Ghana, the ISA, well, I will say you Illa, the early and the evil plot, it doesn't gather and encircle anyone except the person who's plotting. Now if you think about it, if I didn't tell you the name Mohamed even Yahia as though it would you ever know that name? No one knows that.

01:10:30 --> 01:10:40

At that time, it was a very famous person. He was a person who had a huge group of people around him. He was the one who gave Buhari the seat in May Sabu.

01:10:42 --> 01:11:10

Because Allah has a similar, you can try to fool people but eventually if there's a loss in what a person is doing, it will show later on and that's exactly what the body relied upon. He said, Okay, I've done my, my, my due diligence, I've done enough delivery of my message. And until Buhari now left me several he went back to Ohara. He was he was embraced by the people of Bihar as well very, very heavily, heavily. They ended up making,

01:11:11 --> 01:11:51

like people embrace Bahati outside of Bihar. Okay. Because, yeah, he got outcasted in a sad mood, but people of Bohol are still doing this in his own hometown. Families, their kids can blood, everybody's there. So he goes back now to Bihar, people embrace Him. And most of the people in town, they come out, they start to throw everything they could one of the things that threw was sugar as well. They started throwing, throwing sugar ademas into practice. And they started to throw money at him as well to him delight and get hurt. But they started throwing throw coins at him as well. And people really, you know, they

01:11:53 --> 01:12:01

they embraced body in a very, very positive way. It was just a little while until Ramadan. Yeah, as though it strikes back again.

01:12:02 --> 01:12:08

He goes and writes now to be Amin, enemy of

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Boko Haram, who is actually related to Muhammad Yahya, okay. He goes and writes to the Emir of Bukhara, and he tells him Bahara environment Behati is going against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu. It was literally in has a module, but Avahi refers to this person went against the student of the Prophet. So

01:12:33 --> 01:13:09

Khalid, Mohammed, the Emir of Bukhara he goes, and he reads this letter out to the people in public. And then he says to the to Bihar Imam and Buhari to actually leave he exiled him out of the city of Bihar as well. And then Imam Al Hadi is in a small town. And really, from that point onwards, there are two different narratives. Okay about what exactly happened. One of them is that the Amin, he wanted the prince he wanted a moment Buhari to come and teach his family.

01:13:11 --> 01:13:50

His children, Hadith, Rahman body doesn't have that same sort of clout anymore. People have kind of left him. So he says, he's still a person of knowledge, you come to my house and teach my children, okay. Your mom and body again said, I'm not going to come to your house, the premises and well, it is always you can go to the end, the end doesn't come to you. You're going to go there, and it's not going to be coming to you. So he didn't accept this offer. He didn't go and teach the children of the Amin and also he doesn't want to go to the doors of Nomura, the leaders. That's another premise that his body has. So because of that, he got even further outcasted this is one possibility. The

01:13:50 --> 01:14:35

second possibility is that some of the other neighboring cities they did try to embrace bajada body but as Muhammad mahadi was going to that city, Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah Tala heard that even the people of that town right outside of someone and they have also started to argue that should we allow Buhari to come in is causing fitna and Mesa bulan bajada and all the other other places? Should we embrace him in some fun at this point with all these problems? Eventually they decided let's embrace them. Let's bring them in. So this is like all the debates should we bring the chef or not? Right? So they they bring him in? But Buhari himself he says this is too much. At that point,

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Imam and Bihari he makes to our to Allah he says Allahumma Salli ala huddly Allah McCurry Oh Allah, you make the decision for me, you make the decision for me, you will make the decision for me and then Imam Al Bukhari was on his mount and he fell off the mount and he died.

01:14:55 --> 01:14:56

This is one area

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that he died in this

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01:15:04 --> 01:15:41

they, the people have some evidence that they came to him and they took him basically for the burial. But again, this is one narrative. The other narrative is no Imam Al hadI was in his room, and he died on the night of illegal football in the year 256, after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was alone in his house and in the morning they found him dead. Allah, Allah, but we know that he died lonely, generally, that's clear, whether that be him on top of a mount or him standing outside of a city making dua to Allah asking him whether he should go to someone under not, or whether it be that he was in his room, and he was completely outcasted by

01:15:41 --> 01:16:23

society because of these events that led up to that. Well, Allahu Allah. We don't exactly know what took place. Imam is happy. He believes the latter. Some other scholars, they believe the former, but we don't know exactly what took place. We know that he died alone. And there was a lot of fitna that took place towards the end of the life of the party. And but at the end of the day, as element Buhari said that the Cade of Shavon, as Allah says, He quoted Allah that in the case of Shivani, Cara Viva that the plot of shaitaan is very weak, it was weak. Nobody remembers Mohamed Divini. Fei, nobody remembers that. I mean, that had exiled and Behati nobody remembers any of those people. But

01:16:23 --> 01:17:02

everybody remembers an enamel party. And that's why we say that last insecurity will always have the upper hand at the end of it all, because Allah will give you the recognition even if people don't give you that recognition. When you have some special connection between yourself and Allah azza wa jal, you don't have to count on anybody else. You don't have to look for recognition. He wasn't looking for recognition at the moment body but rather he had this special connection between himself and Allah subhanho wa Taala and with that will stop and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to have his mercy on Behati and I asked Allah subhana wa Tada to allow us to benefit from the book of the body

01:17:02 --> 01:17:10

and the books of body and the legacy of the body as well. Or some Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad was early he was actually here Jemaine

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