Abdul Wahab Saleem – Tafseer Of Surah Taha 06

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of tools and their functions in cutting and painting, as well as the potential damage to one's eyes and body. They also touch on the historical backlash and confusion surrounding Islam, including the use of "slack of man" and "slack of man" in various aspects of daily life. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing one's own abilities and the historical backlash and confusion surrounding Islam. They also discuss the benefits of working with Islam subhana wa taala, including the profit margins of Islam's " fundamentals."
AI: Transcript ©
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ecija sallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Germaine longer alumna And Pharaoh now in front of them Turner was in our element. Yeah, Kareem surgery with Sylvia melissani of polio visit or visit obesity, obesity

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along with si de la magia Sara

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Sara, we're continuing on with the story of Musa alayhis salam. And the dialogue of Musa alayhis salam and Harun Elisa motoneuron Allah Subhana Allah Allah says, quoting this dialogue, and we stopped off at we're around began to speak. God efimova buku, Maja Musa, he said, who happens to be your Lord Oh Musa alayhis salam not buku man who happens to be your and heroines Lord. Okay. So as soon as he starts his end of the dialogue, his end of the conversation, you'll notice that immediately is expressing and alluding to his disbelief in everything that Musa alayhis salam had said Musa Nissan had told him and also how donee ceramah told him to submit to the fact that they

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happen to be messengers and to let go have been with Sora, who used to the Israelites who used to chastise and punish and so on and so forth. And that if he were to not do this, then what would happen in nakuha, Elena anila de la Mancha, whatever LA, we have been given the washi we have been given the revelation that that adapt the punishment will be upon the person who belies denial and also turns away as well. So now, he does exactly what they told him not to do. So then obviously, the punishment will be coming in his direction, right? He starts off by saying, familiar of buku man if I'm not your Lord, because he used to say, and Allah, Allah, I am your greater Lord. That's what

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he used to say.

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So now, what did he say instead of referring to Lord to law to the Supreme Being he referred to, instead of referring to him as a lot without any reference to whose ally he happens to be or whose Lord he happens to be? He does it this way. He says, who's your Lord oldman, Zion, Harun. He is not my Lord. He's simply yours, not mine. Right. And that's that's alluding to disbelief right there for Motorola, boo Kuma yamasa. Oh Moosa, Allah banana Musa la serrana. Speaking on behalf of our own as well, la Sara, he says started on a buena, our Lord and in addition to that, he wants to flip the script on him as well and say that he's actually your Lord as well. Whether you like it or not,

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you're calling him with a book called now your Lord, Messiah and how don't I'm going to say, boo now because he's all of our Lord's. He says, oh, no Boone and Lizzie akula Shane Harper, who and that's the type of resolve that a believer should have, even if people try to try to allude to disbelieve or try to, you know, cast words that allude to this believer believers should always speak like a believer right? In writing and speaking in speech and so on and so forth. So Musa alayhis salam is speaking in front of this tyrant who wants to make this speak speech, either abstract or in reference to Moosa yet Rob bukhoma your Lord, he brings it like this that I buena is all of our

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Lord, right. And lady Arcola. She is the one who gave every single person his his existence, palpable.

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To Maharajah, and then he also guarded as well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gave every person their shape, every single thing actually their shape as well. Let's say in so when your fingers you look at them they're designed by Allah subhana wa tada your face if you look at it, it's designed by Allah Buddha to draw your eyes if you look at them, they are designed by Allah azza wa jal Imagine if the eyes happened to be on the toes right? Then you won't be able to see a lot of things that you need to see Secondly, you might end up you know, knocking into many different things that that otherwise it may damage your eyes and last but not least, you're going to be wearing shoes so you're

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not going to be able to see as well right? So Allah subhana wa tada placed the eyes in the most prime real estate so you so to say, so that you can see the best and so that you have the most ability to view right you have the largest area to see. Similarly, Allah subhana wa tada placed the feet and the toes in the right place in the hands and he made the fingers, you know, movable so that you can actually hold things imagine fingers that were just like this, you won't be able to hold things right. So Allah subhana wa tada says, appa kulesza, in hulka, who masala Sarang he says a lot quotes that the one my Lord and your Lord happens to be the one who gave every single thing that

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shape, some bajada. And then he guided people to be able to use these things in the right way. A baby has all the tools that an adult has, yes, a lot weaker in terms of his existence and body and so forth, and strength and ability to stand or sit and so forth. Right. But all the same tools on his own, the baby figures out that I have to move like this, and this is what's going to happen and if I move like that, this is what's gonna happen. And if I walk like this, this is what's gonna happen all these tools that Allah subhana wa tada has given the baby figures it out on his own. So Allah Subhana, WA tada says, da da, he gave the tools. And then he gave us the ability to figure out

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how to use those tools as well. He gave us fire, he's, he taught us how to use the fire, he gave us rides, and mountain so on and so forth. He taught us how to use those amounts as well. So Allah gave us all the tools, a lot perfected those tools, a lot shaped those tools. And then Allah gave us the ability to use them as well, and taught us how how best this particular object can be used for that. Daniel peronal oola. Now,

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Iran continues on, he says, former Donald Irwin Allah He says that,

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then what about all of the previous generations you say, that this Lord that you speak of is actually your Lord? That's what you say, right? You say that this Lord that you speak of, he's the one who gave us all of this that we have. And he's my Lord, he's your Lord, all of our lords. But there were people in previous generations as well, that who used to worship idols, and so on and so forth. They were the people of who they were the people of several other messengers as well. What about all of them? What were they doing? They were worshipping idols, and they were worshipping human beings, and they were worshipping all of these different things. So musala, Sam doesn't want

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the conversation to go down that direction. But he says, Look at this pod, he says, and that's a very, very important point to have as well. Sometimes what happens is when you're trying to give Dawa to someone, you're calling someone to Allah subhanho wa Taala, they end up trying to change the, the mode of the discussion, or they end up trying to change the conversation to whatever they think is going to be helping their case, a believer is the one who directs the conversation because he's so confident about what he's saying. So musala ceram, he addresses him very slightly, but he brings it to something else. Right. He addresses him very briefly. What about all those generations

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that came before? Now he could sit there and say, No, no, hang on, you're mistaken. Family. Saddam was a Muslim. And he used to submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And a Salam and the generations that came in middle in the middle there were many generations who happened to be Muslims, but remember, la salam, Allah subhana wa tada sent down the punishment upon them, and the evidence of this is abcdefg he didn't allow him room to steer the conversation in a different direction. He said early Mohinder beefy kita all of those nations the knowledge of them happens to be by Allah subhana wa tada Fie Kitab in a book, Allah has already written everything down Laia will be when I answer

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what's more important is let's talk about a lots of data. Now I will do Robbie Williams Ah, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not get lost, or Allah subhana wa tada all of these things don't end up becoming hidden from Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Well, I am sorry, and nor does Allah subhanho wa Taala forget as well right? So when I enter law does not forget you know, some people, they are ignorant so they end up establishing for Allah subhanaw taala. The attribute of forgetfulness. Because Allah says in the Quran, nessa la fantasy home, they forgot a lot

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Allah now in English they might end up translating this as love forgot them but that's not what it necessarily means. This is basically moussaka Allah, it's a Arabic rhetorical instrument to use the same verb and really means something else. Okay? And the proof for that is Allah Subhana what Allah His Messenger saying, Now a lot of be what I answer a lot Allah does not get a lot of natural kinda with Allah get misguided or things don't end up losing away from Allah subhanho wa Taala are being hidden away from Allah while I am certain orders. Allah subhanho wa Taala forget well knock out a bouquet. See, ya know is your Lord. forgetful Allah does not forget

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I left the job Allah kumal Obama then so now allows messenger Musa alayhis salam is talking about what Eliza was doing. He wanted to steer the conversation in another direction happens still today, right? Sometimes you're talking to someone about Islam, they'll talk to you about hijab, when you're done with a job they'll take you take you to another thing they'll take you. Islam is a religion of terrorism, right? When you're done with that, then they'll and you give all the evidences and all proofs and everything else, then they'll take you to a third thing and then a fourth thing and a fifth thing. And then when they're done with all of those things, they'll come back to the first one

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again, right? So they'll go in these circles to try to prove really nothing because they're not planning on believing. A believer knows how to steer the conversation on his own. He quickly answered him very slightly, and then he goes to Allah subhana wa tada because that is the more important discussion over here. I let the Giada lacunae Obama than the one who made for you the earth, a a bed, but before we even get into this verse, let's go back to the previous one as well again, when Allah subhana wa tada said, Carla Hayden will hand out a beefy kita Allah subhanaw taala, quoting musala cerami tells us that the Prophet Moses said, the knowledge of the question

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that you're asking the nations that you're asking about Allah Subhana Allah already has that knowledge recorded in a book right?

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Now what that means is that Allah Subhana, Allah knows the evil ones, and Allah Subhana Allah knows the good ones, Allah Subhana Allah knows the pious ones, Allah Subhana Allah knows who did evil deeds as well. All of them are known to Ally's origin. And all of them happen to be in a book. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't have to place this information in a book. This is known to Allah subhanho wa Taala in his infinite knowledge, which is without balance, but Allah placed it in a book to allude to a fact and to teach us a lesson.

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Before I even get to that lesson let's go to another lesson that Allah subhanaw taala gave us a lot created the heavens and the earth in seven days right now did Allah subhana wa tada need to take the seven days No, because we have in the Quran Allah says spoon, spoon Be and it will be so as soon as Allah says be everything else everything becomes so Allah subhanaw taala could set be and everything would have been right but Allah subhana wa tada created it in that way. So we understand how to persevere and how to be patient, and how everything for in in order for us to bring it to fruition. It takes some time. Okay, so sometimes Allah does things in a certain way to teach us not that he is

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in need of it. Similarly, over here, there is no need for a book because it will always be saved. It allows infinite knowledge, but a lot of places a book to teach us that in order for us to record information. Allah Subhana Allah subhana wa Taala taught us a lesson to write it down. Right and that's why someone came to Katahdin, essentially, Iraq, write down knowledge. He said, Of course you of course you should. And then he quoted this verse over here, under a beefy Gita, look, Allah subhanho wa Taala is placing it in a book as well so that it may be recorded and the record may be preserved and saved as well. A lot continues in the next person says a ledger, Allah Allah, Allah

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then Musa alayhis salam is now expanding on the powers of Allah, the abilities of Allah, not being driven by the conversation of Pharaoh, Jarl Allah Kumar Obama has been the one who made for you the earth, a man had a plane, a bed, and so on and so forth. Now it's very, very chronological the thought process of of Musa rallies around the way he puts this, it's a very, very orderly fashion that he's quote, he's mentioning the different blessings of Allah. Most likely the person who's who's

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going to be reading this is going to be within their house as well. Right? Most likely as they're having the conversation Mussa. And if you're around, they're in a place which happens to be a plane which happens to be a bed which happens to be something upon which people can be resting Emad, which literally means a bed but it means a resting place, a play in place, right.

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So a large messenger, Moosa starts off with the plane, firstly, that Allah has made within the earth planes for you to be in.

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And basically right now we're in a plane. We're in flatland. Similarly, right now, as you're listening, likely, you're on flatland as well. Right?

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Unless you're listening to him in listening to this in a car, then perhaps you're going to be in the next one. A lot of messenger continues and he says, Why Salah Kela confy ha sabula and Allah have paved for you within this earth, streets as well. And paths, paths as well pathways as well, and roads and so forth. So as soon as you think about this verse, you are essentially in a mat, you're essentially in a bed, you're essentially in a plane. You're essentially in flatland. And from that flatland, you will go out of your door you'll go out of your house and now you'll be on the road was Ella Kela comfy ha Sudha and Allah subhanho wa Taala made for you these streets as well within this

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within this world, okay. Now one may say no, the streets are paved by us know that that may be the case but Allah allowed for the land to be paved. That's one thing number two, there are also naturally paved pathways by Allah subhana wa tada even within mountains as well. What ends elemina summer EMA and for apologia NaVi as Raj and min about injector and Allah then wants now that he's already spoken about flatland and planes and streets and it could all be mountainous the whole world when Allah subhana wa tada spoke about all these things, right, or Musa alayhis salam spoke about all these things. Then he goes to another thing. He says what ends Allah mean a summer EMA and and

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he sent down for you from the heavens water for origin as big as large and mean the baton Shaka. Now Allah Subhana Allah changes the tone of the conversation changes the rhetoric of the conversation. And this is what they call is the fact when you go from one tense to another tense when you go from the third person to the second person,

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or the first person right, so over here essentially it was the last panel data was being spoken of by musala said I'm in the third person and then suddenly the conversation took another course Allah subhana wa tada sort of jumped into the conversation and spoke on his own right, this is called his defect. This particular fact always has some sort of rhetorical benefit within it some sort of eloquent beautiful benefit within it. Allah subhanaw taala when it came to the one blessing without which people cannot live Allah subhana wa tada did what Allah subhana wa tada use the first tense there will we because whenever we talk about the the the fruits and vegetables and and nutrition and

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so on and so forth, that is very personal to people right? Without nadat without plants you can't live so the other thing and that's something directly related to you right the other things you may say well no no the roads well though the earth does other planets as well and this and that the other let's say Allah subhana wa tada stop sending down rain, there's droughts, people will die, animals will die, everyone will die. Okay, there won't be plants. If there's no plants there won't be animals because they have nothing to graze on. If there are no animals nor nor plants people don't have food to eat anymore, right? So Allah subhana wa tada changes the tense of this because

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the because the blessing within this particular factor is directly related to our day to day life, perhaps right after this, you're going to go and have some food or you're going to go make a thought or so on and so forth. And there will be some vegetation there there will be some animals that that grazed as well. So Allah subhanaw taala, changes the tense and shows you that this royalty, Allah azza wa jal, he's the one who grants all of these vegetables he's the one who grants all of these fruits for could Arjuna be as large and min about injector. So we use this water to allow the land to grow as large and many types of what of vegetables and fruits and nebat and plants and so on and

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so forth. Shut up, which means a variety right kulu

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So now Allah subhanho wa Taala is also encouraging for us to eat vegetables and plants. Kudo and Hama can go ahead and eat

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macoun and also graze your animals as well. Right. And in reality though,

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some people today they believe somehow that

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that eating

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animals is part and parcel of our without this we can't really exist right? Some people have this idea. And on the other hand, another group of people have the idea that vegetables is the only thing Allah subhana wa tada has made both of them Helen for me and Allah has encouraged both of these in the Quran as well right? But the only thing Allah subhana wa Taala has discouraged is that we do is sell off guru Mashallah to Cebu to sleep eat and drink and do not become very very exhaustive and do not become very very extravagant right? So what Allah subhana wa tada has forbidden from

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extravagance and eating and drinking. But Allah subhanho wa Taala has allowed us to eat from, from halaal animals as well all the cattle and so on and so forth. And other animals as well. Similarly, Allah subhana wa Taala has allowed us to eat vegetables as well. And it was, in fact it is in fact, the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't regularly consume meats. And it is also a fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in some Hadith, he taught us that, that the red meat can have actually some damaging effects, especially if it's taken in a large quantity as well. So when we're talking about food, we can eat anything that Allah subhanaw taala has made. And the

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reason why I'm pointing this out, is because nowadays, there's a lot of gossip and discussion about whether we have to all become vegetarians or and that whether that's this or not, or whether we all have to stop, you know, eating,

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or whether we just have to continue eating meat because that's the sooner because there's a bit of higher and there's a PR and all of these other celebrations and festivals and occasions in which we slaughter animals, right? So which one is it is this this or not, or that doesn't in reality, the profits are seldom used to eat from both it's even found within some traditions that the profits and selling would you'd use would eat something that the fire hadn't touched. What that means is that it would pretty much eat raw vegetables or so on and so forth at the time of is at the time at which you would break his fast if you didn't find the the dates, the moist dates, the dry dates, the

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water, then he would go for something that happens to be raw, that is found with within the sunlight, even though the Hadees happens to be weak. Nonetheless, what we have established from the Sun is the profitsystem would eat everything and that he wouldn't fill his stomach up with meat. Definitely not. And that it wasn't definitely a regular thing that was available to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and what we have within the Koran is that we can eat everything so long as we're not extravagant and this particular IRA definitely is encouraging the eating of, of vegetables because Allah subhana wa tada sets for a hora Janabi heat as large and min about insha

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Allah has created from this water Allah has taken out from this water as Raj and peers from many, many different types of plants, right? guru what an AMA come to eat from that and also graze your animals they're in as well. And one of the benefits of this, by the way, is that plants is actually a source from which you can get a lot more minerals than animals because minerals are found within the ground and plants sort of take those minerals and that can it's easier for the minerals to transfer into the body as opposed to animals grazing, then taking those minerals and then you eating the meat which decreases the possibility of

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of you receiving the ample amount of minerals needed for your existence. I mean, half Allah kanakam was he hadn't read Oh, come on, man. How did you come Tara Tara? from the earth have we created you

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won't be hungry to come and within the earth shall we return you back? What minha lucre, Gioconda, rotten okra, and from the earth? Will we return? Women and odd you come Tara Tara and from the earth will we take you out yet again? Okay, this particular Ayah there is a hadith found in the authentic traditions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on the authority of an botanizing. That when the Angel of Death comes and takes the soul out, the soul is then taken and it's ascended with the angel ascends with the soul to the heavens. So when he gets to the first Heaven,

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or as he's passing, if he sees an assembly of angels, the angels they look at the soul if it's a beautiful soul, and then they say that what happens to be that Buddha who is that beautiful soul or whose soul is that beautiful and great soul of that pure soul? So the Angel of Death now this is of course, if the soul happens to be beautiful, I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us pure and beautiful souls. I mean, yeah, but I mean, so the assembly of the angels, they say that who's beautiful and pure soul is that not how he wrote it by Eva? What is this beautiful soul?

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So the Angel of Death who's carrying a soul, he says, This is the soul of Fulani been full on such and such individual. And at that moment, he mentioned the best of the names of this specific person, okay? Because remember, in the dunya sometimes people have several names. Some of those names are beautiful and people very, very enjoyable names and some names people themselves do not like to be called by but some people, you know, to annoy other people. They use those names of them as well. Angels will not do that. They will use the best of them.

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For the people who believe in Allah, as they're sending with their souls to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So then they go to the first heavens, and then they're allowed and permitted to continue, then they go to the second, and they're allowed to be permitted to continue and so on and so forth, until they get to the seventh heaven.

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in the seventh heaven,

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Allah Subhana, Allah will command these angels, to take the soul and write the name of the soul in a book in a letter, which will be a record of all of those souls, which happened to be the most elite and the best of souls, those who happen to be from alien, those who happen to be missed the people who, who can be rewarded this title of being among the elite, the ones that are the elite in the best, and the most supreme amongst mankind, I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala, to make us Miss dose and adapt Parliament after they're written into the lien, those who happen to be the utmost best, basically, okay, and a lien is a plural word, which simply means those who those who are placed in a

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station which is high and even above that, and even above that, meaning that it has no ends to its height, it has no end to its heights, that's what that means. All right. So these are literally the highest people within the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala Their names are placed within the array.

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Now some said that only Yin or the Yun is actually referring to the seventh heaven itself. And others they said that it is referring to a, it is referring to the leg of the out of a laws of origin, the throne of Allah as origin, the right leg of it, the right carrier of it, if you so please, right. So Allah Subhana Allah Allah will have that particular name placed by that area of the house, I asked Allah subhana wa Taala to make us a miss those people whose name names are placed in such a high station, then Allah Subhana Allah said in this particular Hadeeth as well which is authentic as I said, that

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I have created them from it returning back to the earth or verily I have created them from it and I will return them back to it and I will take them out resurrect them on the day of judgment from it as well I asked Allah subhanaw taala to make us miss the login. I miss the people whose names are placed in the scroll of their login amenable element just below him for listening of Allahu Allah say et now Mohammed Mohammed Ali. He was like a big man.

Episode 6 of the series Tafseer of Surah Taha – Ramadan 2017.


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