Abdul Wahab Saleem – How to do Itikaaf Everyday? – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #11

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The history of Hadith's name is discussed, including the importance of being present during interviews and maximizing reward. The importance of obligations to family members is emphasized, and the use of the symbol "the culture" in the title of the book is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the importance of praying and salata, as it helps correct mistakes and brings others to the point that one is the one who is wrong. The speakers emphasize the importance of not letting people forget their words and not letting them be the rule of thumb for praying.
AI: Transcript ©
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spinout hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hamdu lillahi Hamdan, you are Fini Emma, who you Cafe OMA Zita SallAllahu ala Sayidina. Muhammad didn't want Allah early. He was such a huge marine

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Allahumma alumna man for oh now and flattener Bhima alum tena was in our element Dr. Karim Bucha Halle surgery with suddenly Emily what a real positive Melissa Annie of Tavakoli ER visit near element or visit near ailment or visit near Elma Allahu melesa Illa majority who say hello and today John has an either shooter salah. Welcome everyone to another class

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on the explanation of Al Bukhari sahih al Bukhari and we left off at Hadith number 30, the hadith of Abu Hurayrah Allah the Allahu Taala animal. Now, of course it will Herrera is a very recurring name, right because this is the most common Sahabi to have reported Hadith. There were other Sahaba who knew more Hadith than him, right. But in terms of the sahabi, they reported the most suitable Quran or the Allah to Allah and when the reason for that is because of the Hurayrah. He accepted Islam at a later point. Whereas there were other Sahaba who were with the prophets and salam for much more time, so obviously, they knew much more about what the Prophet said, and also what the Prophet did,

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and what they heard from other companions as well. So, in his case, he didn't spend too much time with the prophets or Salam per se, but he narrated a lot he really got occupied within this domain. Abu Bakr obviously this is his best friend and the prophets of salaam you would know more about the prophet, but after the death of the prophets of Salaam, what's he doing? He got busy with the caliphate. And it wasn't long

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before the death of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu, to me didn't take very long until Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, Allah passed away as well. So, Abu Huraira was that unique companion who was with the prophet for a short time, attained as much information and disseminated this information as well. Right? That's why you see his name quite often.

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He said that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said that Al Mohler Iike to suddenly Allah Hadi come, Madame Rafi masala, who, that the angels, they make dua for each one of you so longer, you're still sitting basically in the masjid, okay? They send salah upon you or in other words, they make dua for you, so long as you're in the masjid. So if you come in early and you're waiting for Salah, the angels are making dua for you, if you are waiting between Salawat The angels are making dua for you as well. And the Prophet SAW Selim continued, and he said Ma LM your diff, so long as he doesn't,

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so long as he doesn't end up doing Hadith, which basically means breaking a person's will do, so long as a person doesn't end up breaking his will do. Now, this doesn't mean you hold yourself. Right? Because if you need to use the bathroom, you go to the bathroom. But the idea here is that

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because there's also a hadith of the prophets of Salaam in which he discouraged, praying while a person needs to use the bathroom, right? Sometimes you have to use the bathroom. And you're afraid that the Imam is going to finish this a lot. Or you're afraid that you're not going to you're you're going to have to go through the whole process all over again. Don't do that. Let us a Lago, go to the bathroom, and make your will do after that again, and then come to them and then come to the masala and pray. Why? Because you need to be there completely.

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Think about it. When you if you were to ever go to an interview for a job. One of the things you will prepare yourself is that you're comfortable. You've answered the call of nature. You look smell feel like a million bucks. And now you go for that interview because you're having this conversation with someone who you feel is important. Your prayer is your conversation with Allah azza wa jal, you need to be in the best shape. You need to be in a situation where you're actually comfortable. And you're able to really worship Allah azza wa jal. So this hadith is not recommending that don't break your Will the way it just is saying that so long as a person doesn't break their will do, they're

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going to be rewarded. And it's also an encouragement for a person to go make will do when you've broken the widow. This is one explanation of the Hadith and this is perhaps the correct one. There's another explanation that says actually, this hadith means something else. What is that?

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This means so long as a person doesn't back bite because I had to say you can kind of have both meaning from here. So long as a person doesn't back by someone, okay?

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So long as a person does not back by someone meaning while you're in the masjid. Be careful about the conversations you're having

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Be considerate about the things you say at the masjid. Of course you should be considered about what you say at all times. But then when you're at the masjid, it becomes even more binding for you to be cognizant of what you're saying. And you can imagine yourself that if you're spending a lot of time at the masjid, naturally, you're going to start to get loose about the conversations you're willing to have at the masjid. Don't forget the fact that you're in sacred space. This is a masjid of Allah. This is a walk for Allah. This space of Masjid has a level of sacredness that when you step out of it, it doesn't have as well. This is another explanation. But as I said, the former is probably more

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accurate, because there's a hadith in Sahih Muslim in which Abu Hurayrah was asked, What does warmer use this what does it mean? When the Prophet said use this? He said, If a person fluctuates, or lets air pass, meaning breaks his will do in other words, right by the prophets, I send them continued and he explained what the salaat of the angel is, the prophets are seldom said the koto, Allah Who Mel Fiddler who Allah Who Maha Maha Mo, O Allah, forgive him and all Allah have your mercy upon this person as well. So when you come to the masjid, and just by the merit of you, sitting in the masjid, waiting for your prayer, there is this reward for you that the angels are making dua for you.

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They're saying, oh, ALLAH forgive this person, oh, Allah have mercy upon this person, right.

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Now, that said, this is not to say that

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it's very important, I always try to make sure I highlight this very key important part.

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You have to do your obligations. And you always have to remember your obligations to your family as well. Unfortunately, especially with brothers, especially with brothers, when they begin to become religious, sometimes not all the time. Some people, especially some understandings of Islam, they get carried away into Islam so much, that they forget that they have a family that they forget, they have obligations to their children, that they forget that they have obligations to their wives, their parents, and so forth. These obligations are very important. They're more important than for you to spend your time between two Salawat at the masjid or curb come earlier, so on and so forth.

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When you're done these obligations, then you do these things. You didn't have all of the Sahaba sitting inside of the masjid all the time. In fact, even the gatherings of the prophets of salaam not all so how would come to those gatherings. In fact, some Sahaba some of the top companions wouldn't be able to make it to every one of the gatherings of the Prophet, they would feel sad, but they had obligations or multiple hubbub, he used to have take turns with one of the other companions. And he would say you go one day and I'll go one day because he had to go to work so that he could provide for his family. So you have to always do this balance. Maybe someone needs some

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grocery and other needs a diaper change, someone needs to go to the doctor, and you decide, I'm going to be in the restaurant because the melodica doing salata upon me. Keep in mind, that this is good when you have the time.

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Not every virtue everyone is going to be able to attain in every single situation. But this is a worthless need, especially if you're retired, you don't have any children, you got to a point in your life where time, time, time and hamdulillah opportunity to make the most of that time or even before that you haven't gotten to a point where you have those responsibilities, the young ones, you have a lot of time in your life. One of the things you'll be asked about is what Shebaa back oblah Romic and your youthful days before you

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before you get old and also orthorhombic, a blood sugar lick and your free time before you become occupied. So before you become occupied, it's an opportunity to completely take advantage of all of these Sunon one of them and one of those beautiful ones is that you stay in the masjid as much as you can while you're in the masjid. One of the things you can do as well is you can you can make the NIA of erotica. This is an array badda that people often seldom forget.

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People very often forget. So what's that a bother that you simply make the intention that while I'm in the masjid, I'm here secluded for Allah. What does that mean? secluded for the remembrance of Allah. That remembrance can be in a host of different ways. You could be sitting around reading Quran, you could be doing vicar, you could be in a gathering of knowledge. You could be just sitting in the masjid. All of that is fine you can do to take off in Ramadan, outside of Ramadan, your hammock Allah during the night times, morning times at any moment of the day. This is an Ibadah by simply intending it when you come into the Masjid. You

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maximize your reward. Okay? We're always looking for how we can maximize the return errors how you can do it. You come into the masjid. And when you're in the masjid, you make the NIA tick off. By simply doing that. There is no fixed term here. You don't have to say one day, two days, three days. You could just say while I'm in the masjid say to yourself, make the intention that while I'm in the masjid, I am making your take off and your reward is an ally to Allah will be increased. Now here's something very important, and that is that this is a prophetic explanation about what a solid means when it comes from the angels to the human beings in Allah Mala Ikeda who also Luna and then maybe

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you will lead in mo Salah Allah he will certainly notice Lima angels and Allah they sense a lot upon the Prophet. So what does Salaat from the angels mean? From Allah azza wa jal is Allah increases the ranks of a person actually abominable how to explain this as well in another place where he quoted Ebola earlier, who was one of the tabular in I will earlier he said that Salah to Allah He said that the Salah from Allah azza wa jal is that Allah azza wa jal increases the status of a person and of the prophets of Salam as for the salah vermelha Iike. Earlier he said salat wa salam to Ramallah educated, and the salah of the angels is that they make dua for you. What is that dua this hadith is

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telling you that? What is it? The prophets I said, Let me saying that the angels they sent there's a lot upon the person who's sitting in the masjid by saying the guru Allahumma Fiddler who, Allah Who Muhammad Allah, forgive this person, oh Allah have is have your mercy upon this person as well. So this is how we understand how the angels descend Salaat upon human beings generally in the prophets of salaam as well, specifically as well. The next Hadees incidentally also override or the Allahu Allah. And what is the name of Ebola? Does anybody remember I've mentioned it multiple times. Abdul Rahman Ibn Sokka, dosi, Abdul Rahman Ibn suffered a dosi, you should memorize this name, because

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this is the most common Sahabi you will hear of whenever you're reading a hadith. And I'll tell you something. I used to teach a hadith class for around four or five years, maybe more, maybe less. And every semester I will do the exam. And of course, I will live as the most common Sahabi. And every time he would come, I would say his name is Abdullah Hassan, even Sahara dosi. And I will tell the students that he's going to be on the exam as well. And I think that during my entire tenure at that Institute, no one remembered the name.

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Maybe someone did, but from what I can recollect, at this point, no one remembered the name. Well, I mean, it's just one name if you memorize it, you know, repeat it 15 Times have documented and Sakura dosi go back to the video inherit, go search it up on wherever you know you can do it in 100 ways. Learn the name of the Sahaba he's the most common reporter of Hadith and Ebihara are the Allahu Allah Allah. Allah Salah Bina Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are salata. Isha Asha actually, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prayed one of the two evening prayers with us either go home or as the narrator is, is unsure. This happens right? Human beings forget and

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remember as well. So this narrator is uncertain, who's uncertain, right?

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Even seen even serine who's a tabby reporting from Ebola, he's uncertain. He's not sure. Is it that the prophets or Salam said is it that Abu Hurayrah said a vulgar

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or acid one of the two evening prayers it doesn't really matter, because what's about to happen here is applicable to both prayers but rather all prayers in fact all prayers, okay. So I will Herrera he says that he prayed to rockers salAllahu alayhi wasallam then he said salaam

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so we know that prayer is a lot of work and Alexa are both for la carte. So the prophets I send them pray to Dhaka, us and he said salaam then the prophets of salaam got up and he went to a

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tree trunk in the back

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and he stood by it this is one report and other report says he literally went back into his house. Okay, what's important is the profitsystem got out of the masala and he left. Okay, once he got off and left the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam was a little bit uncomfortable if something went wrong, something is not right. You could tell that the prophets Islam is not feeling like himself. People could see that and the Sahaba Valera he says that under hood man, it was as if he was angry SallAllahu

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He was salam. And he started to do certain motions that could tell that the Prophet was a bit restless. He started holding his fingers together, put one, the right hand on top of the left as well. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he started resting his hand on top of his cheek on top of his hands as well, like you could tell that the prophet is a bit restless, something is not normal. And the

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as a Buddha describes them, and he says, well, Heraclitus suranne This is very interesting. He describes a group of mousseline that are basically the speedy ones. He calls them the speedy ones. Okay? And he said all the speedy ones left meaning, you know, right after salah, some people literally don't even wait to Say Subhan Allah or Allahu Akbar or any other thicket or whatever, and they just get up and leave. Like they're just sometimes even some people leave before the Imams and Salam. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah right. He's almost done, and there's a person there is dumping to get out. So, I says, Well, how do you get Issara and the speedy ones they left the muster, okay?

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And they started talking to each other outside of the Masjid. One person says, that has the Sullivan church, and this is something is not right, has the salah become shortened. And at that moment, the Abu Bakr was there, or mother was there, and neither of them spoke to the prophets, Allah Salam. So if Abu Bakr and Omar are not speaking to the prophets, Salam that everybody else is also afraid that if those big guys, they're not saying something, then maybe we're the ones who don't know what's going on. So everybody wants to stay silent because Abu Bakr nobody wants to point out what's going on because I will look at an Omar there and they're afraid of speaking to the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam out of the hatred that the prophets of salaam had, of course, even they thought maybe there's something new Islam, of course, was developing this point, right. So there are new Afghan coming in all the time. So this they thought maybe there's something new.

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And then there was one man he was a daring man. He had long hands, like, nothing, obnoxiously long, but he just had more than average long hands, right? So the person, he became known as Zulia Dane, the man with the two hands, everybody has two hands. But because this person had relatively long hands, comparably long hands, people started to recognize them as the man with the two hands meaning the man with a gigantic hands, okay.

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And this hadith is known as the hadith of Zulia, then, the Hadith of the man with the two hands, whenever you look at the Hadith books, or the shadow, or the books of Hadith, and wherever, they will always refer to this hadith as the hadith of Zulia. The hadith is deleting the Hadith of the man with the two hands, even though he has a name and I'll get to his name in a minute. But he just became known as the man with the two hands he got up, and he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now because of this, it seems like the report that says that the Prophet stayed in the masjid and went to a tree trunk is probably more authentic, because obviously it's really a Danish

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speaking to the prophets as right, he wouldn't be going knocking on the door and then speaking to the Prophet, he's in the masjid. So he went and spoke to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said, Yeah, rasool Allah, O Messenger of Allah, and see the apostle at the salaat Did you forget or the salah has become shortened?

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So he asked the question right there exactly what needed to be asked exactly what's on the minds of everybody. Exactly. What I will look at an AMA are also uncertain about asking, so the prophets is seldom said LEM answer.

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Well, I'm sorry. I did not forget. And the prayer was not shortened as well. But when he asked this question the prophets are setting them also became a little bit uncertain. Because remember, the Prophet was uncomfortable, something was not right. Something was not settling well. So within the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself started to think about the situation. He looked at all the rest of the Sahaba and he said, acaba kulula. Then is it true? What really are they saying? They all said, Yes, it's true, oh prophet of Allah. So the Prophet went back to the masala sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he prayed whatever was left from the prayer, and then he did is to shahada and he did

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his the slim.

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And then he did a suit such that at the sow as well, okay, that at that point, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did sudo the cell now in this particular report, the prophets of salaam did Salam, and then he did to do the same. In other reports, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in other reports of suju to sell the prophets al salam. He did

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to do to sell first and then he did the Teslin. But in this particular report of inequality of the year, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did Salam, and then he said Allahu Akbar again. And then he did a sudo, to sow. And then he raised his head again, and he did a second sudo to sow sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then of course, another disclaimer as well. So this is the hadith of Xillia, Dain.

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There's a very long Hadith, there's a lot to benefit from here, number one. And this is not a benefit that you may immediately come to recognize from it, but it's a very important benefit. This is actually one of the benefits of praying and Salah to Gemma, what's the benefit? The fact is that all of us make mistakes in prayer. Even the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi, wa salam. Now, of course, the prophets, I send them less than everybody else, but even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So by being in the company of other people, you get reminded about your mistake as well. Sometimes you might think, Oh, I did the whole Salah and then the Imam says Allah awkwardly standing

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up. And you realize, okay, I still have some articles. Sometimes it's the man who sits down in the third rocker and people are like, subhanAllah, right? And then he gets up and he's like, okay, something is not right over here. So every single person will make a mistake in prayer. And by being in Gemma, your prayer gets corrected. Your Progress corrected because one person could be wrong, but 30 people collectively are not going to be wrong, someone is going to recognize that hey, something is not right. So this is one of the benefits of praying and salata, Gemma, another thing to note over here is that there is a discussion among the fuqaha among the scholars of fifth,

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they talk about whether it is permissible for the Imam to consider what the people behind him are saying, okay.

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Whether it is permissible for him to leave his own conviction, and rely upon what everybody else is saying.

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A group of scholars among them are the Shafia. Yeah, they say that you cannot rely on the conviction of other people, you have to rely upon your own personal convictions. So if you are sure that your Salah was perfect, then

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then you have to stick to your own personal conviction. This is an opinion that's the opinion of Imam Shafi Rahim, Allah Allah. But another opinion, and that is the opinion of Abu Hanifa and others, is that you can go back to the convictions of other people as well. Because obviously, if the person is one person and there's like 50, people, all of them realize that something has went wrong, he should also be considered that something might have went wrong, and he is the one who is wrong, right. So because of that other scholars and other group of scholars, they believe that it's okay for you to go back to the convictions of other people. And this seems more aligned with this

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hadith because he the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, literally, he said that neither has the salah been shortened, nor did I forget. So he was convinced that nothing went wrong. But then he went and asked everybody else and he said, What do you think? Is it true what Dhulia Dana's saying? And everybody said, Yes, oh prophet of Allah, it's true. So then the prophets has left his personal conviction, and he went with the conviction of everybody else that was there. Right. This is another one of the benefits to gain from this particular Hadith now, Lulea Dane His name is Al Silverback is known as a Sahabi al bakr bin amor. And, of course, he's from the tribe of bonobo

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Celine, so he will be alpha Bach, even among a salami, but he's not known by this name. In the books of the

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history, you might find the mentioning Alfred Baca with a hammer but he became known as Dhulia. Then because the prophets I send them gave him that title. As the man is there, you looked at everybody else. And the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi, wa sallam. He said, That is a true or Delia, Dana, say, the man with a long hands the same. And that's, by the way, another benefit as well. It's okay to be descriptive of a person, even if it's in a way that they may feel. They may feel slighted, or they may feel offended. Okay.

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So long as you have no other way of describing the person. Now, in this case, obviously, the President won't be offended by being called a person that has two hands, everybody has two hands, right? But sometimes you might even have to describe a person in a way where they may not like what you're describing.

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If you're trying to

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To pinpoint who you were referring to, let's say you're talking about someone who's at the masjid. And you say, you know that brother, Mohammed, even Yahia said, Well, there's 15 Muhammad's at the masjid that I don't always have any idea. You know, the one who was wearing the coffee?

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Well, there was probably 12344 People in the masjid that were wearing coffees at least. Okay.

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So then you say, okay, the one that was wearing a thong, it's still a bunch of people whose job I time everybody was wearing a thong. So then you say, okay, the brother who is short. Now, nobody wants to be described as a short brother, right? But now you had no choice. This guy was substantially short, you'll stand out by us simply saying that he's short, you will be able to get the message across. So if the description is even offensive, you're allowed to use it. So long as you're only doing that to

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to describe a specific person so that the message can get across to the person you're speaking to that I'm referring to XYZ got it. Okay. So, this hobby became known as the LEA then even though his name is Al Kobach. And I'm not a salami. Another thing is that some believe that there may be a problem with you.

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criss crossing your fingers, and you see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was doing that in the masjid, as well. So in sha Allah, Allah, Allah, there's no problem with that. Another thing that's important about this particular Hadith over here is that

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that it is possible for the prophets to forget.

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It is possible for the prophets to forget as well.

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That's possible. Now, it won't be a type of forgetfulness that's going to lead from that's going to lead to the message being

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neglected, they will give their message completely. But for example, in the acts of worship, it's possible for the prophets to forget it's possible for anyone to forget. And there is no harm in reminding a person who's forgotten.

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If they've forgotten, if it's clear that the person has forgotten even if that's a prophet, or any other person as well, like yesterday, if you remember, I was in the Halacha. I forgot a verse, someone pointed out that we missed overs, no problem. It's completely understandable, you can forget. And you can be reminded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgot, and a Sahabi got up. And he reminded as well, so long as again, you're sure that something happened, like something was forgotten as well by.

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And there's another thing that I would like to say over here, this is very, very important. Do not let the fear of the people around you stop you from speaking a truth that you are absolutely convinced about.

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Not simply because you are convinced, but because inherently that is accurate. Let me give you an example. Someone misquote a verse by accident. Are you going to stay silent? Because he's a chef?

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Know, to correct him because everyone can forget, correct him? No problem. Take the opportunity and zyk he's saying Allah said, so this is a mistake, you will be recorded potentially correct him I know, it's a very difficult thing to do at that moment, no problem. It's fine. It's not going to be against the etiquette because here we have etiquette with the book of Allah which is greater than any person, right? So there is no problem in in correcting a person so long as again, you are 100% sure that there is a mistake that's taking place because sometimes people say, let me try my luck. Right? If you are sure that's a different story. But if you are not, then then then don't do it. By

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another thing to to note over here is that

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that if a person forget fully speaks in your in his prayer, then the prayer is not compromised. The prayer is not broken. Here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he forget fully spoke, because he basically had forgotten that he was still in his prayer. It's not like the Prophet returned to his prayer the whole time. He's still in his prayer. He hasn't exited the prayer, right? Because

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and that's the reason why the prophets Allah went right back to the prayer, without any technique without anything the prophets have said no one back to the prayer, went into the prayer, completed the prayer and then he did this Sousou San Juan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so there is no harm if a person forget fully speaks in their prayer in sha Allah, I love the prayer is not invalid. So long as it's not a lot of words. Okay? It

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If, you know you finish your prayer, and it was three raka ads, for example, you go out and you pick up the phone and you start talking for half an hour, and you have a long conversation. And then you say I just remembered, there's a little bit of the prayer left and you've already gotten to the other side of the city. Are you still in your prayer? The answer is no. They said that. Some scholars they said that exactly what the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, the amount of words that is the rule of thumb, okay? Six or seven words, because the prophets is seldom just spoke about that many words. So within that limitation,

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the prayer is still valid, so long as that's happening, forget fully. But after that limitation, the prayer is no longer considered valid. And then you have to recommence your prayer as well.

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Jimmy, and that goes for also walking around as well. A very negligible amount of walking, which was what the prophets Allahu alayhi wa sallam had done as well. There is no harm in it. Now where do you do your sudo the sound? There are three therefore opinions actually about where to do your surgery. So the first is that you have the choice, you can do it before or after the salam.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:26

This is the first one. Why because they said some reports to show the prophets and sell them did before others they show that the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam did after as well. Right. Another

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opinion is that it's always after the salam. So any of the Hadith that came to show that

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had done it before the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had done it before the salam. They reinterpreted all of those a hadith and that's the opinion of Abu Hanifa. He would say that all of the sudo the sound takes place after the salam. Okay. Another opinion and this is the opinion of Imam Shafi, and that is that all of the sedusa without exception takes place before the Salaam

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and Imam Malik, he has a middle ground between Abu Hanifa and a shout out he says, if there is an addition something you're adding to the prayer, like what happened in the case with the hadith of Zulu, then the prophets and salam, he made a Salam he walked he talked. So there's something we added extra into the prayer. So what do you do in that case? What do you do you do your suit after the salam like the prophets of salaam did? And if it's something you've deleted from the prayer, that is not an integral of the prayer, then you do it before, almost like to fill up the prayer, okay? Some people they give the example of like a bottle, if you filled up the bottle too much, and

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it's leaking, then you clean up outside, okay? You understand?

00:32:51 --> 00:33:27

You filled it up too much. So you go and clean up outside. And if there's something missing inside of the bottle, then you fill it up to the top. So, similarly, if the Salah is come is missing something that is a non integral part of the prayer, then you do your so do the cell before and this is a good opinion, the opinion of Imam Malik and if the salah has something has been added to it, then you go ahead and you say your Salam, and then you do your sudo to sow and Allahu Alem. Anyways,

00:33:28 --> 00:33:58

you know, all of these are Imams, and they all have interpretations and they all know each one of the Hadith as well, right? They're all just interpreting all of the Hadith in different ways, and how each person interpreted is another long discussion. Let's go to Hadith number 32. Either our Salah had to come Elashi in your studio who Mina NAS the prophets of salaam said the hadith of Abu sorry, the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if someone one of you prays to something towards a direction

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and in that direction he's placed something that is protecting him from the people and then someone wants to go pass by in front of him fell yet who then he should push that person away for in a bar and if the person refuses to be

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held back to be held back then you can go ahead and even fight him to make sure that the guy doesn't cross you okay for in Buffalo Cotton who and if the person doesn't want to stop in that case you can really force use force against him to make sure that he doesn't cross in front of you in your prayer. And then the prophets are seldom said for in nama Hua che upon that person is but a che THON. Now

00:34:48 --> 00:34:59

there's a couple of important things over here number one is that it is a sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to put a sutra in front of you to put

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Have a stopper in front of you like something like this, okay? To put a sutra in front of you, and it should be close to you not really far off because the whole purpose is so that this area is blocked off for yourself

00:35:16 --> 00:35:28

to pray and nobody walks in front of you people know to walk around. That's the entire purpose of the sutra and other purposes. It also gives you a level of focus as well, because you're kind of enclosed in some capacity right? By

00:35:29 --> 00:35:55

so that's a sunnah of the Prophet to Salam. The Prophet says him literally said in a hadith he said, Whenever one of you prays that let him take up a sutra and be very close to it while he had no minha. Now, what is the quality of the sutra? How should it look? How big should it be? How small should it be, there's a lot of descriptions about how long or small etc, this particular sutra should be? Well,

00:35:56 --> 00:36:08

they, most of the scholars, they say that it should be about an arm's length. So I mean, this is probably just a little bit shorter than that. Okay. It should be about an arm's length because in some reports,

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there is a mention of

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have something which is similar to an arm's length, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in a hadith that your sutra should be like them with a Hara to Rahel like the handle the handle of the saddle. Now, the handles on top of a camel saddle are about an arm's length. If you look at if you type it on Google, you know, camel saddle, and then you can see the handles in the back in the front, you'll be able to notice that generally speaking, they're around an arm's length. But they can sometimes be smaller, like this one right here, and sometimes be bigger as well. So when they say an arms length, they're just estimating it doesn't have to be exactly an arm length. And on top

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of that, as you know, arm lengths are different from person to person. Here we have the head isa Zulia Dana, I'm sure he had a very long arm as well, right? But so considering that arm lengths are going to be different from person to person, as well, so it's estimated around that size. That's in terms of the length. And what about the width, the width, again, there's a lot of reports about how much the width was. But

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it's sufficient to say that there is no particular prescription.

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There is no particular prescription, about how wide it needs to be. There is a prescription from the provinces dilemma about how long it should be, but there is no particular prescription about how wide it should be. In fact, we even have in a report that the Prophet would simply take a stick and dig it into the ground as well. So considering that this would be very thin, right, but Imam Ahmed, he said and this was obviously in situations where the prophet wouldn't have something wider. Imam Muhammad, he said, but I prefer something that is wide. Because again, we go back to the purpose of this sutra, there too, it's a two pronged purpose. Number one, you have the purpose that you're

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trying to block the space off for yourself. Number two, when you're enclosed, almost like in a small little cubicle, in your own small space, your focus becomes more, your focus definitely becomes more. For example, if a person takes a chair and stands in front of a chair and prayers, praise, some of the distractions around it will decrease because he's got some degree of enclosure in front of him, right. So the idea is, the bigger it is, the better that's the idea. So what you could do is you could use a chair in the masjid, you could pray towards the wall, but it's not appropriate for a person to just stop right there by the coat hanger and start his salah. And everybody has to walk by

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in order for them to exit from the doors. This is not appropriate. Of course I understand in German time when Salah when the when the masala is completely filled, the Masjid is completely full. There's a different situation at that point, right? We don't have these sutras all over the masjid that everybody can have a piece of them. But in a situation we're looking at the whole Masjid is empty. You've got chair sitting there over over there as well. You have all of these walls, find a place in front of a wall and pray so you have some sort of seclusion in your prayer because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made that recommendation time. Another one of the things to

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note over here is that

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the scholars are all in agreement that if you have a sutra in that case, it is a sunnah for you to

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ward off the person if you have a sutra. What if you don't have a sutra? If you don't have a sutra then you are not supposed to? Because you were the one who was neglectful from blocking off the space for yourself. Then you

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Shouldn't you don't have the right to then fight in the person off? Why? Because you should have blocked the space off, you didn't follow the first part of the Hadith, then you don't get that privilege of having that secluded space as well. If you want that secluded base, make sure you put a sutra pray towards the wall or something of that nature. Another thing to note over here is the part about the shaytaan This is the prophet describing a person who's not a shaitan as a Shavon.

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Right? He's not actually the person that's walking in front of you. He's not physically a shaytaan Okay, the prophet is describing this as a means of discouraging like, this guy is like a shaytaan that's what it means. It doesn't mean literally the guy is converted into a shaytaan okay? And this is very important because sometimes when people take these things so literally, they really start to think that maybe isn't the masjid that guy was walking in front of me you might be I should have gone

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it's not literally a thought. It's like we say, you know, this guy is a ship on

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doesn't mean he's literally a Shavon okay, it's a metaphor basically intended to make the person realize that you're doing some things that you shouldn't be doing this just as your shaytaan would distract a person in prayer by you walking in front of this person. You're also distracting that person as well. And with this inshallah we will stop with some Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he was IBH bye

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