Musleh Khan – Life with Children #11 It’s ok Mom..

Musleh Khan
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The importance of parenting and finding a way to be present during a situation is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need for parents to be present and not worry about their children, and the importance of honoring a woman with a love letter from the Prophet Alayhi supervisor. The importance of trusting oneself and not letting fear limit one's ability to see and experience, is emphasized, along with plans to use parenting techniques and encourage parents to love and respect their children.
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equal to Lahore Barakatuh Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While he was happy woman while at Mr. Barrett. So this is part 11. And this is all about Mom, don't worry, don't worry too much. So let's go back to sue that costs us. Now when all is said and done, you have musala, his sell them now that's gone. And he's picked up by the wife of fear around and the household there. And things start to unfold. So now he's in a completely different place. He's separated from his mom, he's only a tiny baby, and mom is worried. So the first lesson in terms of coping with life with kids, is actually I'm going to speak to the children first and

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say, kids, students, parents will always worry, especially Mom, it's what we do. As long as you are alive as long as you are here and we're responsible for you. And even if we're not you, you marry off and you start your own life. Guess what, we will always worry for you. You'll be married, you'll have like six children, you'll be older and wiser. And mom is still gonna ask you if you eat mom is still gonna ask you Why do you look so skinny? Mom is still gonna ask you are you thirsty? Every time you go over and visit her she's gonna offer you something that's what mothers do. It's it's in their nature. And as we said in the previous video, it's the thing that they do on the last panel, a

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tile instilled within them. Now, with that being said, here's what a las panatela now tells us about the mother of musala he sent them when all is said and done, she's worried she's crying, she's upset, she's sad. And Allah gives her reassurance and he says to her father, that you know who he left ami k takamura you know how well attack is done. While he Terra lemma and the law how one can act Federal Home layer alone. So eventually they returned him we returned him to the mother follow the dinette, who are the dinette who from what I've done, what I've done literally means to respond. So there's no hesitation that's what I love doing it is is that when you respond without hesitation.

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And so Allah subhanaw taala is saying here that not only did we respond and we returned Musa alayhis salaam back to his mum, but we did it swiftly and quickly without any hesitation you know without really thinking twice and this gives us the second point which is very important and that is when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala taking care of parents. Once parents reach out to Allah specifically moms alone will respond. We saw this happen in the story of hola or Hawaii Isla bint Theron lover or the Ola whiner. When she complained to the messenger it is Salatu was Salam that her husband was ill treating her and the Prophet Alayhi salat wa salam was listening, when he asked her

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if she had any strength left in her if she had any patience left in her, or was it an unbearable situation that she couldn't handle and she needed to get out as soon as possible. And as she's doing all of this and she's complaining and she's telling the Prophet alayhi salatu salam what her situation is a lot. So a Joel reveals the verse the very first day and so to know J Dilla. were alive. So Joseph had sent me a love of Poland letter to Jan De Luca zodia. So he heard her and he acknowledges this by putting it into court and that he heard the call or the complaints of this woman about her marriage about her husband. So the what scholars extracted from that was the

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amendment quote to be a Rahim Allah, He says that this in this case, it shows that there is a very special yet unique emphasis when a mother calls out on a lie. So a job when a mother reaches out and she makes Dora and she asks for whatever she asks for and even just thinking and worrying about her kids. Allies paying attention to all of that, and in this area. Now in Soto casas, Allah says, Allah oume K to cover our *. So the whole purpose why Allah returned this child musar lays them back to the mother so that she could relieve her eyes from crying and tearing and all of those emotions, which we mentioned in the previous video, specifically what those emotions are, and it boils down to

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the word that allow us to call out the heart, we send out one of the names of heart in the court and his forehead and why that term was used. So Allah is filling in the gaps. So here is the third lesson. Usually when a parent is worried, okay, and this is especially for the kids and students listen to this when your mom in particular is worried about you. You have to do everything in

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Your power to relieve her from that pain from that worry. So if she's worried about the people that you're friends with, you have no choice, but to either work out that friendship in a way that mom and dad can be happy with. Or you simply don't befriend that person anymore. Because your mom doesn't like them. Your mom has legitimate concerns. And that's key here, legitimate concerns. So if they say, you know, I don't like him, because he, whenever he comes over, he eats everything, or I don't like their color. I don't like their background, unlike the way she laughs. These are not legitimate concerns, you know, but when they're saying to you that, okay, it's a bad influence on

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you, every time you go there, you're up to no good. Every time you hang with them, you're up to no good. Those are valid and legitimate reasons that you have to do what you can to fulfill happiness and respect for parents, you just simply do what they say, right? And Allah is teaching us this by saying, K to cover I, you know how well our taxes when she was sad, and she just wanted to see podra takakura or caudron, it means that she just wanted to see her son with her own eyes to know that he was okay. You know, it's one thing when you send pictures to your parents when you're overseas, like for me, when I was back in Medina, I couldn't see my parents, you know, we're sitting there, and we

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don't have camera phones, you know, Skype, and all of this stuff wasn't really working back then. So all we could depend on was pictures. And then sometimes I would get pictures mailed to me. And when I would look at my parents look at my sisters and my family and so on. It was nice. But then it was also like, man, there's a big part of me that's missing, I just urine each and every year to go back and to be able to see them. And once that happen, there's nothing that can replace that. You know, I once saw a documentary about astronauts who were going out into the space station. And there was an experiment that was done with one particular American astronaut by the name of Scott Kelly. And he

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went up into the ISS, the International Space Center, and he orbited the entire earth for one year by himself or you had other astronauts that would pop in and out but by themselves, and before you know it, one of the narrator's was explaining that, at the end of the day, they have access to the internet, they have access to Skype, they can just, they can communicate as much and as freely as they want. But it's one of those scenarios where you can see what you can touch. You know, you can hear but you can't hug, you can't embrace, and there is no such, there is no touch, like that of the human touch. And so Allah completely he's the Creator, he totally understands what the mother of

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musante stem is coping with what she's dealing with. And so she doesn't say I want to see if he's a prophet, I want to learn from him, my son became a prophet, she doesn't ask for none of that. All Allah subhanho wa Taala did was comfort this mother by allowing her to see her son again. That's it. And I think that's one of the most amazing things about this whole story is the fact that there's nothing religious that's attached to this, this reunion ship, but it's simply she's a mother, she's worried. So Allah does what he does. And he sends the sun back so she can relieve her eyes and our heart from him being able to see him. That's the prime and core lesson for all of the students and

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children that you're watching this is that at the end of the day, you come home and you upset mom and dad in any way, shape, or form. And you've done it deliberately or carelessly, you know, without caring, you know, without any sense of remorse or regret. That's what the poor end is saying that has to stop and stop immediately. And even if it means that you have to put aside some of the things that you prefer and some things that you want, that's a grind, you have to go through and anybody who has parents, and we live with parents knows that that's the grind you go through and there's no age limit to that. So now going back to sort of the soraa when Allah says Fela tabula off, don't say

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off, you know, that's an Arab culture, when they see something and they're shocked or they're scared or they're upset, they'll say, oh,

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my goodness, my goodness. Allah says, Don't even show that expression to your parents, especially when they reach an older age. Because the verse in sort of this law is specifically referring to parents that have attained an old age. So as they get older, they might be a bit more intolerable, but still, you have to control yourself more. So no matter what they say, you cook too. You make cupcakes, but they're like, Oh, I bite into it. I can't taste anything. It tastes like dust or something, right? Sure it hurts. But for kids, those are some of the things that you're just going to have to say, Mom, okay, I'll try it again. Don't let it get to you don't take it personally.

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That's what all this prototype is saying. Then when how this concludes remarkable what our tech said only terrorism and what are the law he help? And so that you understand. So here's the wisdom why it wasn't just about Okay, you can have your your son back, you can look at him You can spend some time and then he's gone. There was there was a deeper lesson. What was the deeper lesson behind this reunion ship for mommy to see her son musar they sent him again. What he told them and Noah de la he helped so that you understand that the promise of Allah was always the truth. A lot promised in rod do a lake with Jerry romila mursaleen earlier on in the same sorta I'll return him to you. And when

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I do, he's going to be a prophet, he's going to be a messenger. So don't you worry. So how did she get all of this? Because she trusted a lot. Moms, this is probably one of the most difficult lessons you have to learn when you become a mother. And and the reason why I say that, and I'm just talking about with you and children. I'm not talking about you and Allah in religion in general and life in general, we're simply talking about your relationship between you and your kids. Trusting Allah, that no matter how much of the training and Tobia you give to your child, all the values that you want to teach them, all of the morals and ethics of the religion you want to instill upon them at

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the end of the day. The reality is that you cannot determine the outcome. You cannot control what it's going to be like, how they're going to experience your teachings and your values. And they're going to grow up and perhaps develop their own perception on things, their own theories and philosophies about religion. And Allah is saying, and Noir, the law you help Well, our kin axon layer animal, it's the promise of Allah that at the end of the day, if he says he's going to do something it's going to happen. And so when you piece all of this together, in another sort of going back to sulit, is Surah. Allah azza wa jal reminded us kulu inset wakulla insanity as a natural part

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your whole fionna P. Allah says that on the Day of Judgment, every single human being will have around them their fate. So in other words, you what you have been destined to experience and see and go through in this world, it's already a done deal. And for the kids here, what that does, it was it at whisler Ohara. At the end of the day, you have to be accountable for yourself, and tells you it was it, I don't think that you're going to carry on burden from anybody else. This is all on you. So when you look at the bigger picture here, the fact that Allah does allow the mom to see her son is one thing, but there was a deeper lesson for the mom, if you trust me now, and I brought him back,

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you need to trust me always and forever for the rest of your life. And then Allah gives us a reality check what I can throw him lay on the moon, most people, they just they don't get it, they won't learn that lesson. And that's really tough. And then the parents that are listening to this, you probably know how difficult that is. When you're trying to teach and you're doing your best. And then the first day you gotta, you got to drop the kid off at kindergarten, it's the first time you have to let go. The first time you go home without them. You just spend the last four or five years at home, doing everything, training them, teaching them, raising them. And then all of a sudden,

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you've got to drop them off at this school with no other parents and just leave them there. It's such a nerve wracking experience. And that's why if it's not the kids that are crying for their parents, it's the parents that are crying because they can't wait to see their kids again. So that relationship will never leave. But the deeper wisdom by why Allah puts us through that is, at the end of the day, do what is right, do your best. Do what you can to ensure that you make the right decision pleasing to Allah pleasing to yourself, and just leave the rest. It's a tough pill to swallow. It is not an easy thing to learn. But it's one of those lessons that we are in class for

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life, we have to continue to be able to retrain and re emphasize the certainty of telecoil in Allah subhanho wa Taala each and every day of our lives in everything that we do in for the kids. This is where you come in as well and you help facilitate and you help encourage and strengthen that tawakkol for your parents, by being good kids by loving and respecting them and accepting that they are human beings with faults and mistakes as well. And that's okay. So with that being said, this is all that I want to share with you in terms of just life with kids life with young adults in our family, and how we can help cope through some of the challenges in parenting.

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In short, long term to inshallah tada to moral. We're going to go to another surah, which I'm not going to mention, we're going to start extracting some parenting techniques as well as relationship with children and parents. We're going to do that from that sort of inchoate level terror. With that being said, I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala continues to reward bless and honor and protect all of you watching and listening. And wherever you are, may Allah subhanho wa Taala keep you safe, love them and mean. So until we meet again, just like Willow hydrant was sent Mr. alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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