Abdul Wahab Saleem – Fatwa Chaos

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of clarification and the use of menu options to address issues. They stress the need for people to know their limits and use the menu of options to address problems. They also discuss the importance of recognizing and addressing common issues that can cause confusion and confusion, and the use of the symbol of Islam to avoid confusion and fear. They stress the importance of verifying the context and context of the source of information, finding the right person for a situation, and not being too afraid of others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi Obara cats are with us now in the studio is Schaefer hepcidin. And he is a Canadian

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from a Pakistani origin Thank you very much.

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Say happy to have and

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we are talking about a difficult topic, I guess, the topic concerning fatwas or religious ethics, please introduce us to this topic and tell us first, what does the federal mean who's entitled to issue a fatwa? What about all the chaos that we are witnessing? concerning set with Sarah Marie Kondo? First of all, it's a pleasure to be here and on the show with you on how the TV

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adult fat to a fatwa

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is a difficult topic to discuss because it's one of the difficult stations that a person can be occupying. In that, it is that station that was sort of lot's of luck when he was settling himself used to occupy during his lifetime. So if we look at the earliest most portion of Islamic history, right, we'll find that none other than our sort of lot's of luck, where it was said Lem would be occupying the role of Fatah during the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the prophets are seldom, in fact was a statesman the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also a judge the prophets of Allah when he said he was also the Mufti. At that time, the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam was really dealing with a lot of different things that a lot of different fronts so just as we need, when we're talking about politics, the greatest of politicians to take care of, and minds to take care of an entire society. Similarly, when we think about fatwa, or we think of a Baba, we think about judicial rulings, we need people who have a very, very high level of understanding of the subject that they're dealing with because the prophet SAW Selim was the greatest man to live in every single form what I said women can learn takato any woman can tell he didn't so as Hassan even savage says that woman can terracotta meaning that more beautiful and more

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perfect and you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam eyes have never seen more beautiful than you. Women have never given birth to what a gentleman can tell you the Nyssa Julio kamogawa and min Cooley Haven, Connecticut hola pata Masha when you've been created, you know free of our detector says if you've been created the way you Allah, the way you yourself wish for yourself to be created. So the profits are settling is the epitome of perfection. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the strongest man in terms of physical strength as well as about the reality in his book as Shiva explains that the profits are so limited, in fact, the most smartest of people why is that? Because,

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you see a lot says that he has a Hello Pallavi. We're in a Corolla huttopia nothing right? And he says one of the things that leads a person to having great hook and great you know, attitude, behavior and manners and so on and so forth, is the amount of intellect that Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted and because what's up and they say,

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you know, it means to stop something man I am now really in reality. So your appeal your intellect stops you from everything that's evil around you. So the prophets Islam has the greatest of intellect, that human history human experience and anyone that has ever been around has seen right and will see and hence the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam takes dismantle effect upon himself. And that is to clarify, you know, in mumbled and dishonor he says that after use the is to abandon you been to clarify something right? So when you're actually giving effect while you're basically clarifying something for someone, right.

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That clarification However, when it happens to be on religious matters, matters related to Islam matters related to Revelation matters related to a lot matters related to Hillel, Harare, Iran, right, those matters when they're related to * out and Iran was the hub when they're related to all of those government that lufia the five then that becomes a federal at that moment, right. So that that's basically in a nutshell, a factoids to clarify. But what you're clarifying is the most difficult thing to clarify in reality, because the most greatest of human being beings in terms of intellect was designated for this task and delegated for this task, right? Yes. So that in a

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nutshell is what affects boys. And you have again, the fact where

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is causing a lot of chaos in today's world?

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For many, many reasons, and let's talk about those reasons. But first that come to my mind is the fact that people ask about so many things that sometimes are not even important to ask about. I mean, and a lot smarter. It says in the Holy Quran, yeah, even within a manual that is around a Shia into delicata circle. And we're kind of in Central Africa, Russia in general. So, you know, that's for one. Yeah. And, and also that the people who are taking this responsibility

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with the

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revolution that the world of technology and is witnessing now appear on TVs appear everywhere, and the radio, on YouTube and so on the internet, and they issue fatwas without even being asked.

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So talk to us about the reasons why there is a network

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crisis. Yeah, and how to control this how to control and limit the damage at least Yeah. Well, I mean, whenever we're speaking about factor, we're speaking about three things. Okay. We're going to be speaking about a the the questioner who's known as the most ft and person who's asking the question, and we're going to be speaking also about a Mufti who's going to be issuing that verdict, that legal verdict. And then we're also going to be talking about the Fed wire itself, okay. So if we understand the role of each individual within this, this dynamic, right, then slowly but surely be eaten in like the other, we can get to a stage where we can solve the federal crisis, right. But

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even before we get into solving the professional crisis, what I want to do is I want to make like a little disclaimer, almost right? Whenever we start to critique anything, something that's happening within society, you start to critique anything's, some people, they start to feel a little bit hesitant about the criticism, right. But in reality, the way forward to fix anything within society is for us to criticize that particular angle, that is going wrong, right. And this, in fact, is a crime. When people are giving fatwa, you know, without any boundaries, without anything, you know, holding them back without any guidelines, and so on and so forth. That actually is a crime. It's not

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just a crime, against like other crimes against humanity. It's a crime against a loss of Hannah Montana. And that's why it'll be one of the great scholars who used to say that la luna, use the hoonah, a hepco decision in Minnesota, that some of the people that are giving fatwas around here, they're more worthy of being inside of prisons than the people that are even stealing because what they're doing is they're committing the greatest crime known in in to humanity and that is to speak on behalf of a loss of handling data without knowledge as a category and said, this is the single highest crime period is because they are changing or they're playing in the boundaries of halal and

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haram and they are perhaps

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inventing new new stuff and in the religion Yes, of course, adding and subtracting for exactly the perfect religion. Exactly. And as I said, it will play him as a as a category he graded this to be the single greatest crime in Islam, single greatest sin in Islam. Why? Because he said that, even when you end up associating partners with Allah subhana wa Tada, that is a way of speaking on behalf of Allah without knowledge. So that actually is the greater category speaking on behalf of Allah without knowledge. That is the greatest category of sins when it comes to sins within Islam, right. So this, in fact, is a crime. And once we speak, when we're speaking about it, we're actually trying

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to, you know, go move forward to fix that problem. So one of the ways I think that we can fix this problem is that we have to have the Mufti know is wrong. The person giving his foot the fatwa, he should know his role. And also the most FDA should know his role. So the person and the motive should know his limits as well. Right? You know, because even the greatest

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movies that followed the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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or the Imams I'm talking here about the Imams and and

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and the Khalifa and loratadine and and also the LA Malabar

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even then at some time they said we don't know exactly. I don't know exactly most definitely some mathematics. Someone came to automatic Rahim Allah who led I know, and he asked him 40 questions, and he was coming from a distance right? Far, far away. And in from those 40 questions, there's different narrations, but one of them says he only answered five of them. Okay, so only five and the person said, I traveled all the way from wherever I traveled to come and see you and I was hoping that you'll have the answer to my question, and you're telling me that you don't have the answer. So he said, Go back, get back on your camel right back to work.

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Wherever you came from untalented people Malik says la adric. I don't know. Much All right. So if you definitely someone who was giving a fatwa it needs to know their limits. Because perhaps why they said that whoever says I don't know has issued a fatwa. Yeah, that's a factor in its own merit. It's a federal on its own. But the federalize telling of the fact that the person understands his boundaries there. Right. So the most he needs to understand his boundaries. And that's a very great point that you brought up. And that that is that, that within the limitations of the knowledge that the person has been given, you know, we have several chapters.

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You know, some people may be very strong and may have perfected a certain chapter, why perhaps they studied in graduate studies on a certain subject, but then we have another chapter, just when it comes to fit alone, we have four different categories. Right. So we have the February bar that we have the Mohammed act, we have the fic, related to acts of worship, we have the fic, related to the transactional law, and just general transactions, we have them without the heart, we also have the power and those things related to judicial rulings, and so forth, right. So someone may really be good at the chapter of God, but he is not so good, or she is not so good when it comes to the

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chapter of Ramadan, right. And someone and vice versa is true as well, perhaps someone who's working in the Islamic finance industry and so forth. And hence, over the years is gained or she has gained a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of finance, and generally transactional law. So they may be able to look into when it comes to contracts, and this is hard. This is how long this is, you know, valid, this is invalid, and so on and so forth. But when it comes to hedge, they've never been to Hutch, right? So we have like a person that might not be able to do you know, the job because he can't envision at the moment all of the rites and rituals that come with Hutch, right? So we have

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different boundaries that we have there are people Allah subhanaw taala gifts as well who are able to encompass all of these boundaries, right? Where it's not, but that's why you said in the very beginning upon Alana, and I think it was great of you to

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to mention it that the only perfect Mufti was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because basically because he was taught by Allah and on my own declining power, I mean, everything he did, was basically what he said was basically the instruction of Allah. So he's the only perfect is the only perfect Mufti. I mean, every single person as Imam Malik, he looked at the grave of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, he said, Khun Johan momento de la Ilaha that we can take from every single person and reject from every single person except the, the the person within this grave right the person within this particular Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, right. So in reality,

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every single Mufti will have its his, his, you know, shortcomings, every single Mufti will have a lot of good to offer as well. But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the greatest of all. Often he's the one who had no books, but he taught people who wrote books, literally, his new software, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. Right. So that's the Mufti side. But simultaneously, you also have the Muslims decide, right? We have the questioner side, the questioner has been asked by Allah are told by Allah subhana wa Taala, he has been told by law to go and ask who first victory and good to go and ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know. So it is a duty then of the moustache D

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the questioner to ensure that he's actually going to ask the people of knowledge, right, right, one of the points you brought up, and I think it's a really good point to bring up and that is that, you know, we're at a time with all this media and you know, print media, and also digital media, and you have the WhatsApp and this and that on the other, all sorts of things, right? So people are ready to comment on every single thing. And any person that that has, perhaps just a little bit of knowledge feels that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made him a bit of a game or something, right? And is just ready to, to go out and say whatever comes to mind. And in reality, the more you learn, the more you

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realize you don't know. And the more that it makes you want to stop and ensure that what you're saying is actually accurate. It's a sign of a person who doesn't have much knowledge that he just continues to speak all the time and doesn't ever stop themselves. Right. So So this is one of the problems that we're faced with now. That because of this world, that we're living in the digital revolution that we're living through right now, the social media revolution that we're living through, right now people with hundreds of 1000s of followers on Facebook that can literally be purchased on a click of a button, right and people with you know so much polled that might not have

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that knowledge but suddenly they feel that they can comment they can say something about Islam they can so on and so forth. And slowly but surely it's a trap perpetrated on the person may be doing a good job essentially, you know, we don't question people's intentions isn't initially they might be doing a good job.

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But slowly, but surely it gets to a point that nouns have had a lot. The person internally feels that if they're all calling me a shape, I really must be one. Right? Yeah. So then it starts to then the questions, you know, start to get answered. And then we have a problem. And that's that's the, that it's upon the question or now to recognize that there's a difference between fame and popularity. There's a difference between speech that's very fluent and very appealing. And a person who actually spent, you know, 1012 1315 1720 years of his life, sitting and really learning the tradition and understanding what loss of data said, and understanding what the messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam said it's not a joke. It takes a long time.

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She had to have the brothers and sisters allow us to take now in shakable hymns he then

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teach us about this, this subject Santa Monica, she

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great pleasure having you on whether tonight Just below Highland please talk to us about the flatware, the problems of fat nowadays, the dangers of rushing to issue fatwas. And what should our attitude be towards differences among the scholars when it comes to

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fat was about a specific topic.

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Say Marina Mohammed

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mela apparently would you for discussing the subject, it's something so important, especially with the time of ages that religion with so much information and knowledge that people get exposed to and as a result of something like this, which can bring many good things, but at the same time, the danger of twists and speaking about the theme of amount of knowledge and almost kind of against this and made it one of the evil actions is to say about Allah Subhana Allah without knowledge on the hoorah multi million dollar mood that you see about the last panel allows you to not know the last panel Tyler also said, well at the hooli mythos it was you know, to communicate even has a * of

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a lot of money. Do not say, with your intended lying that this talent and how to claim life last panel, and these such people, they are never successful. And there are many evidences in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, one of which is that last panel can only take the life of the scholars in a way that was relevant to their interview.

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But I can yet read the copy that I must have had I take the knowledge of the color that the people have been killed, there is no knowledgeable person, people will take ignorant heads and they would ask them faster we were aiming for lower, so they would meet without knowledge and they would be the three themselves and others. Yes. So what are the things that we have to have this year of of Santa Clara? As Mr. Malik Rahim? Allah He said in the meaning of which that when a person is given an answer to a religious question, he should see himself as if he's standing between the gender and the housewife. But that means that the answer that you will give either will take them to dinner or to

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the house, and a person without knowledge, saying even if he's correct, he is committing a sin by speaking about the Quran or the deen of Allah Subhana Allah. So knowledge, comfort, and the responsibility of the people of knowledge, of course, is a great responsibility. And we should extremely Be careful and teach ourselves and teach others to constantly saying Allahu Allah, Allah Subhana. Allah knows. That's what are providing us all the love and resettlement canines are in

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whoever has morality should say, and speaks about the woman that you're connected with.

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The one that doesn't have much he should say about who's dead. Because Indeed Allah subhanaw taala said to His Prophet says a lot is connected to Kumara in Nigeria.

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I don't ask you for recompense for the message and and that from replicating defeat, I don't go out of my way. The message so easy, by the will of Allah Subhana Allah, Eskimos kind of Allah to make a step back from the dinner. And when it comes to more than one answer to the stage to too many movies of many people have knowledge, what a normal person should do. And this is also one of the difficult things especially with many information that people are exposed to, used to be when a person has a situation it goes to the island that he trusts his knowledge and his religion. We ask him to give him the answer and that's sufficient for him. But now there are so many and so many things are being

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said and a person is exposed to so many. So what to do about this? Yeah, definitely. The first and the most important thing is to know that this is a serious method.

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And this can depend on the answer a person can give a good to the agenda of Allah Subhana, Allah Oh to the hellfire. So we have to be serious about keeping the true people of knowledge, those who we trust the knowledge in the religion and the righteous one, and to go to the accountable and to the great Allah and the Greek on a map. And once a person gets an answer, he should know from someone that he trusts his knowledge and religion and so on, he should go by, if there are more than one opinion, a person should go if he if he has the knowledge, if he has the ability to differentiate between the things of somebody great, if not, then he should take the opinion of the one that it was

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more his knowledge and his opinion, and then he will be excused. Because the last kind of data sets victory and good luck on the road, as the people of knowledge if you do not know. And part of our religion is to respect the people of knowledge, and to seek them and to find them and to be in their company and to listen to what they say and so on. Yes, one final question, Chef Ibrahim, if you will allow me and that is

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our attitude as regular common Muslims when it comes to asking questions asking for fatwas, I mean, should we ask about everything? And anything that comes up to our mind? Or should we just you know, be more serious and stick to, to the main important stuff and, and stop think, asking about every single tiny weeny detail, because when we do that, like we saw, for instance, many, even the story of Al Baqarah, when they kept asking Prophet Musa

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Allahu Allah, Selena have those sorts of silent

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about the cow. And in the very end, I mean, Prophet Musa was not very happy with with their questions, because they kept they made it very difficult. So what I mean is,

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should we stick just to the basics, and stop asking about every little bit of detail? Or is that a sign asking about my new details? Is that as a good sign that, you know, people want to be as prizes as they can?

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This is an important subject also. And then the heavies in Bukhari and Muslim, where the prophets are certainly certain almost kind of Allah hates for you, your canonical mosquito and coloca. So

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that almost kind of had a dislike for you too. He said, he said, things of that nature to take the, the talks of people and tolerate it to one another. And to ask a lot of questions. Some of the people of knowledge when they describe this, they mentioned these questions that does not benefit the questioner in his life or in the Hereafter, just asking for the sake of questions, asking to, to show off or to add things that is not really benefiting. So this is important, as

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you mentioned, it's best to ask about something today. That is not something that has been forbidden or something that is helpful, you know, something like this, this is something that is tangible. This is something that a person is going out of his way to do things, which is something that is forbidden and to be normal Islam. And the Prophet Allah sort of ceremony was prevented him from asking many questions it because the revelation was keep coming to the profits of seven, so they will forget it. After the way after the revolution has been seized, then it's important for the Muslim to ask and we should the methods of the Muslims should as the people have knowledge about

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what's benefiting for themselves in this life and in the US, methods of belief, how to worship and what kind of data halal and haram and so on. But to go beyond this, to make up things and to be difficult in letters of questions. This is something that we have been committed

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to second long, high and safe and

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always informative, always insightful, Baraka low FICO.

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And back now to the studio with she had Rhapsody.

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She had to read again, the questions when they tend to be too much they could cause

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strife as well. Yeah, I mean, fitna?

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Well, first of all, I think what chef Ibrahim said was pretty was really good. And

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in in that vein, specifically and that is that the the questions that become too much in number. We have to sort of decipher between those questions if there are questions that do not actually benefit the person in reality and that has

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straight. Sometimes you're looking at the Koran and there's a message Allah subhanaw taala is already placing and giving within that specific ayah. And then the person gets stopped at what's the name of that person? Right? Well, yeah. You don't mean absolutely. What's the name of that person? So, no, well, there's a difference of opinion about the name and which name should is the best known. I mean, I'm not even talking about talking about questions that make people think about unimportant things and let go of the main the basics, the priorities, because people tend to concentrate, sometimes on silly issues, really on issues that have no effect at all, on our lives,

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whether in the dunya, or in the Acura. And this tends to cause

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confusion or caused a diverse, or to divert the attention and set an agenda, a new agenda that's away from the, the priorities we should have. Yeah. So that that leads us to another important topic. And that's the topic of Oda, we ought to recognize the

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the things that are basically the priorities, the most important things that you have to be dealing with. So for example, a person that's dealing at the moment with literally

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drugs and, you know, gang violence, and so on and so forth. If you see a person like that, you're not going to be giving them no Say hi, and about specifically about, and it's not also expected of him to be seeking that nice he had this moment about, you know, you should ensure to perhaps raise up your pants, right? Because there's a bigger problem that the person is dealing with right now, when we deal with that problem, then yes, we're going to get to another problem. And then another problem. And then another problem, however, so long is all of those questions or all of those problems that we're dealing with either actively through an active network, or through a question or

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asking us a question, and we replying back to them, so long as though all of those matters that we're dealing with are still within the realm of the shadow of the shadow of the legal law that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us so long as it's within that scope, it's it's still considered important, meaning that but of course, there's something more important than another thing as well, right? But it's still all considered apartment. That's why a man came to Mr. Malik the alarm? And he said that I have a question. And he said, What's your question? He said, it's a very, very, you know, yes, each question. It's a very easy question. Right? So he replied back to him. And he said,

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Lisa, for the admission, and knowledge, there's nothing that is your seat, everything is a serious matter. So if it is within the scope of the meaning, like he, he or she is asking of halal and haram. Right, then that's fine. But what I what you're trying to get to, I think, is you're trying to get to the sometimes people make their own lives harder, by getting into the nitty and gritty details, too.

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You know, and they make others lives harder is harder as well by by making this noise, if you will, on TV, on the internet. And that's true and the prophets of Allah, actually, you know, discourage the practice of Catholic priests who are asking, you know, too many questions. Just the example that you gave of the Israelites that started to ask, you know, mallow know how, what's the color of the avocado? What's this? What's that? Lots of macadamia nut and then they finally ended up slaughtering it, even though they weren't planning on doing it. Right. So the idea is that, that they did that to themselves. They asked questions after another after another after another after another whereas

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where they just stay silent and just take what Allah was clearly giving them. Allow me to, sorry to interrupt you, but we have another phone call. Okay. It's a viewer it's Brother Mohammed from Cairo, Salaam Alaikum. Brother Mohammed, thank you for calling us go ahead.

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Brother Mohammed Salaam Arico?

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Do we have the brother

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Okay, sorry for that. I think we had a technical problem. And in all cases, we have to take a short break. Okay. The brothers and sisters please stay with us. She had the wraps he will be back with you shortly. And we're still discussing the fat where the all important issue of fat was.

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So do not go away. saramonic

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Monica, Katelyn Welcome back. She had to rehab the sources of affetto. Can you talk to us about the main sources

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Rahmatullah the sources ephedra

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you know there's a line of poetry that one of my machete wrote in his book he said una persona. Well, that is my office man. Well, the who not saw him in PRC gonna be there caspase and something similar to this very thing that you know, Shafi also said and that is that

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the also that we have the primary sources that we go back to in our religion are four things okay, there are actually a number of more evidences as well within the Sharia, according to different without him, according to the Maliki others. I'm Adam Medina, the actions of the people of Medina, according to other people, there's other things as well, right. But almost all of the Muslim Ummah, agrees that there's four primary principles to which we all go back to to deduce our rulings. Right. And that is an Koran first and foremost, the Book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is the primary source of law. Pretty much everything that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had discussed, is

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sometimes very clearly, sometimes not extremely clearly, but always within the Quran count as well. Why? Why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala encouraged us to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, hence it from that angle includes all of this as well because Allah commanded us to follow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Sylvester now after that comes the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw celemony mama shaffir in his book rusada he made sooner and put on together at one level. And that's because from the angle of legislation put on in sooner or at the same level, right? So there's the Quran, there is a sinner. Well, the other hand each manifest man, after that comes this consensus

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consensus of the Islamic scholars. Now this is an important talk topic to discuss on its own. And that's, and that's because not every single time that we hear that this is a matter that's unanimously agreed upon, is it in reality unanimously agreed upon writing. So when it is it becomes a binding source of knowledge, which cannot be rejected to a degree that the folk aha they said that it may even gain precedence over the Quran and the Sunnah. unanimity, why is that? Because that's a very tough statement to make over there. Right? Yeah. Why is that the reason? Yes, yeah. Because some people will say, Well, you know, that's a very difficult statement to make because the Quran

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and the Sunnah First, we say yes, of course, I don't see what the Koran and you know, first always, but when you have the EMA, the consensus of all of the EMA on a topic, that means that all of the EMA agreed to not understand your personal understanding of the products. And

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so you understood something from the Koran, or from this or no, that seems apparent to you. But the rest of the EMA had agreed that that appeared meaning which appears to you is not actually meant.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:22

So they understood from that very wording something, something a little bit different. So when there is a when there is an age match, which is confusing, but it's but it's, it's confusing. Yes. Okay. So basically, when everybody in the room like, let's say,

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what, 14 centuries, everybody over the course of 14 centuries, or that during that time, when the agema actually occurred, everybody, all hundreds of 1000s of scholars, or 1000s of scholars, or 10s of 1000s of scholars, during that time, all of them decided, well, this verse, it appears this way, but because we have 10, other verses saying something else, because we have half a dozen, you know, how each of us would have lost all sudden seeing something else. That means our clear, apparent understanding of, or this hadith is actually not meant, that's what it appears to us. But we have a number of others a lot of other, you know, appearance, meanings also that are contradicting what

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this appears to be meaning. That means we'll have to understand something else from this. So that in that way, they say that you might have to sometimes take the schema and even give it a precedence over over the court arguments. And so we can say to put it, I mean, again, precedent says no, yeah, I know it's tough to use yourself said I know it's a tough statement. So we're just yeah, we're gonna have a book, but please, no precedent. Yeah, no, no, it's a very tough statement. And that's the reason why I said that statement over there to clarify before I guess it's not extremely literal literal, because it's actually basically saying, This is how the oma has understood the Quran and

00:34:39 --> 00:34:59

Sunnah. Because there's nothing that that can that can, that was that unanimity was derived from Quran and then after that, it was also right. So it's not really precedent in that yes, it's basically precedent of what appears to be the meaning of the parameters. Right? And and then comes the Bs, okay? And then comes the ontological

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reasoning where you analyze something and then you define, you take in a ruling that Allah Subhana Allah has given in the Koran, let's say, Allah Subhana, Allah told us of the fact that karma is, you know, just right or the hammer is, is filth, right? It's forbidden and it's filthy, and so on and so forth. This is found in the Koran, and also in this. So now we say, Well, you know what, we have some another specimen, which is like hammer, but it's not something we have a clear passage upon. And that is, that is drugs for example, right? It does the same task as, as hammer as alcohol, it ends up intoxicating and individual, right, but we don't have a clear passage, meaning that we don't

00:35:43 --> 00:36:23

have clear wordings in the Koran telling us that this particular type of intoxicant is impermissible, we just have one about alcohol. But because it's certain types of drugs might even have more negative side effects on the body. And some of them you may have you heard it, yeah. So then that that would be called the acid Oda. Because you have two different things. You have two different objects, one of them is impermissible, and another one is even more intoxicating, even more harmful, even more. So you say, Well, this is if this is hot on then this must be even more hot off. Yeah, or this is more worthy of being hot, right? So So that's an ontological reasoning. And

00:36:23 --> 00:37:06

those pretty much some of the primary sources to which the Muslim Ummah goes back to. Now, I must add over here, that, for the most part, for the most part, the day to day dealings in the day to day matters that we deal with on our on our daily basis, for the most part, the answers of that are already there. Like, it's not like someone has to go and reinvent the wheel in terms of a lot of these things. The only time that we actually have to go and reinvent the wheel, or we have to go look at the passages of the historical scholars and decide whether whether we need to do each Jihad again, on a certain matter is when they haven't spoken of it, or they haven't clearly spoken of it

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only alluded to it, right. Other than that, for the day to day, things that we do, even when it comes to things which we may presumed to be modern matters, such as drugs, and so forth. They've been historically discussed very, in very, very great detail. And they were discussed. And then authors came and gathered the information down and canonized it, you know, how the Hadeeth was also canonized. Essentially, it was passed down verbally, through, you know, just verbal communication and memorization and so on and so forth. Then came out Malik and he was one of the first to start writing is more problematic, right. And then after that, and based on that, I considered him the

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revolutionary of that time, right, the mujaddid of that time, and a little bit later in the game, and he wrote his body. And then after that the alief lots of books were authored, right. So that was a way to canonized had he similarly, also, fit was canonized, also, you know, other subjects were canonized. And one of the ways Allah subhana wa tada allowed for 50 to be canonized is through the form of diet that Allah subhanaw taala place the for Sunni Medina that Allah subhana wa, tada, placed. And, you know, there were studied in different places, and different people to with, you know, different modalities. And SubhanAllah. Sometimes when you look at them as I have, and you look

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at the opinions of some of them, you also notice that they are almost a product of the society that they were right. So sometimes when you look at the Maliki method, when you're looking at how they ended up deducing a certain ruling, you can sense that they are Spanish people, you know, because they're, you know, they're from Andalusia, a lot of them are really enjoying this, and I don't want to cut your, your flow of ideas there, but the phone callers so I want to introduce him. Thank you very much, Brother Mohammed for calling us from Cairo. Please go ahead.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:01

Yeah, Santa Monica, Monica, and eco cinema.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:13

Well, my, my advice is very important that this problem that he's talking about right now, which is the first four chairs.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:19

What I'm going to say is first 111, sort of Mr. Fuller.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:46

The the the one I'm going to say is concerning concerning this person, his accident, the first one was sick. And the first one is who is to see knowledge, or to ask for the password for person for the knowledgeable, trusted person for him. Because if he doesn't do that, he may fall in a problem which is in two pathways, two different pathways

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

confronting each other at the time that he doesn't have knowledge how to deal with these kind of passwords, because the person who can deal with this kind of stuff or is the person who are who is the word educated.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

Knowledge how to deal with this kind of pathway. So his rule is to follow the most knowledgeable, trusted caller for him.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:15

Thank you very much. Thank you very much for them. Does that come along?

00:40:18 --> 00:40:27

I reports. First, you have to have dear brothers and sisters, we will watch this report together and come back and continue our discussion here at the studio, please stay with us.

00:40:38 --> 00:41:14

Among the signs of the Day of Judgment is that writing will become widespread, whereas religious knowledge will become low, that is, knowledge will disappear and ignorance will prevail, and that authority will be given to those who do not deserve it. These signs are to some extent reflected in the issuing effect was by individuals who were not qualified to do so. Even though there was widespread access to classical Islamic texts far beyond what was available to the masses just two decades ago, the quality of scholarship has nonetheless decreased. Presently, there are an abundance of individuals willing to provide rulings concerning important Islamic matters that are not grounded

00:41:14 --> 00:41:57

in the Quran or authentic sooner. The same technological advances that have made knowledge more accessible have also enabled unqualified individuals to proliferate their ideas and masquerade them as fact. Thus, criteria should be established that will enable individuals to distinguish between scholars who based effect was on historically recognized sources rather than ideological fads or personal whims. First and foremost, one must examine the source materials that are being cited. are the primary sources that is the Quran and Sunnah or are they secondary sources, including the author's own opinions. Second, it is imperative to verify the context in which a given Hadith or if

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it was revealed, as it is quite easy to twist random quotes to match a certain agenda. Regarding the first point, it is difficult for an individual who lacks knowledge of the Arabic language to accurately interpret primary sources, often owing to but not limited to linguistic nuances. Thus, the qualifications of an individual and his or her inherent limitations must be taken into consideration.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:32

Even though the aforementioned points are applicable to knowledge seekers of all ages, they are particularly important with respect to youth who can be easily misguided with potentially severe repercussions.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:55

Lyla, Catalans Welcome back. See how the rehab before we got the phone call and before the report, you were really speeding through. So So continue, please. I was speaking about the canonization of the of the different

00:42:57 --> 00:43:30

and as I said that, just like every other science, and perhaps one of the most earliest of all sciences in that regard was the sciences of science of Hadith. And just the canonization of the books of Hadith. Allah subhana wa tada preserved the religion when it comes to the judicial rulings when it comes to the legal rulings. And when it comes to halal and haram and so forth, in for schools of thought these schools of thought ended up spreading in different parts of the world. So for example, the Maliki might have been ended up spreading in Andalusia, it spread also in Africa, much many parts of Africa, North Africa as well,

00:43:31 --> 00:44:11

as well as over here in Egypt as well. It's spread and similarly, if you looked at the Chateau a school of thought it was widespread and continues to be so in Yemen, it continues to be so over here as well in Egypt, Egypt, Mashallah is a mix of everything. And also, it happens to be in Hejaz as well, and different places. So it spread like this and Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed scholars to basically ponder the student of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they are on as well. And and write down the rulings that would be deduced from that in the form of books, which we cherish till till today. And that's the canonization process. So for the most part, we already have the answer.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:31

There is sometimes we're, we're still in search for the answers, right. But for the most part, a lot of the discussions related to that a lot of the discussions related to even while I'm not related to worship related to transactional law and so forth, have already happened. You don't want to get to another topic. Okay, please. And that is that

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

what Brother Mohammed was saying on the phone, and that was related to how a Mufti or how a misstep the questioner should, should figure out who he should be asking right. And he made a very good point that is that you should look at the person who's most knowledgeable to him in his own eyes, and people are a little bit different in that regard. So one person may consider another person a very knowledgeable and so on and so forth. And another person may look at the third person and say, Well, you know what, I think he is more so knowledgeable and that is the

00:45:00 --> 00:45:32

Really how Allah subhanho wa Taala has prescribed for layperson, a regular person who just wants to get an answer and move on with life. Right. And that is that. And that's the most of us. And that is that if you ask your question asked to the person who you a trusted knowledge and be trusted religiosity, because people can be very knowledgeable, and they could be not so not so religious, right? Sure. I remember a story over here that, that one of my shoes told me, and that was that a person was sitting in. That's right. And he's talking about

00:45:33 --> 00:45:40

salah and whether a person who leaves us alive, leaves the fold of Islam or doesn't leave the fold of Islam and so on and so forth. And he said that

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he said that he decided that the person who does not pray Salah, he's committed a major sin, a very evil sin, but does not leave the fold of Islam. And by the way, this is the majority opinion. It's only reported that the amount measurement said otherwise. And it's also reported that he retracted that opinion as well. So

00:46:00 --> 00:46:41

so once a lot time came, that when the time came, the person didn't get a prepare that same time, same Chief, that was that same individual that was, so when they asked him, he said, I'm in phatak. Sixth, Alavi is a believer, but I am, I'm committing a sin. So he knew that he could just be a sinner, which is a very big sin, especially for someone who knows. But the point over here is that some people may have knowledge, but they do not have religiosity, that person is to ask someone who you trust in religion, and you also trust them, in terms of knowledge, looks is not one of those things, a lot of people or looks is not one of those that I say this for a very important reason.

00:46:41 --> 00:47:04

Because sometimes people are driven by looks, right? appearance, like the size of the beard, the way the person is wearing his claws, clothes, and so forth. And, and this is found very, very neatly and beautifully. In a statement by a man by the name of will cost him a bit Mohammed. Mohammed is from the scholars of Medina, one of the other seven scholars, right. So

00:47:06 --> 00:47:43

someone came to him. And he asked him a question. So he replied back to him. He said, I don't know the answer. Just like a great scholar, you know, doesn't know the answer is simply said, I don't know the answer. So he came back to him. And he said, you know, ask them the question again. So and and he told them this time, is it Look, people are telling me that you're the man that's going to have the answer? If you don't have it? Where do I go? Right, something to this effect? So you told them Latin long enough to really hear it? Well, Kathy, Nancy, how is it don't look at how big my beard is, or, you know, the amount of people that I have around me. And really, these are the two

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mistakes that people make in terms of judging whether this person actually has the knowledge or not. And I tell people that that's not the right way to go. Because sometimes, you know, you know, credentials and the people that he's taken from, and the knowledge scholars who's endorsed the individual, are much more worthy than the way the person may be dressed, or the size of his beard, and so on and so forth. So, so he said, don't, don't look at the size of my beard, and don't look at how many people I have around me. So one of the things that we go wrong is the appearance. The second thing we go wrong in is how many people are looking to this individual, how many Facebook

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followers the person has, how many Twitter followers how many, you know, likes or watch it, you know, how many views does he have on YouTube? and so on and so forth. Right? So he's saying, Don't look at how many people are wrong. That's not that's not the way you define whether I'm knowledgeable or not, don't look at the fact that I have a big beard and I look like a shave, no. And people do that. I remember in hajj or an armlock. You know, if you just simply dress up the way the Saudis dress with the shame and the, or the water or whatever your preferred choice of wearing is right? People will come if you see a beard, and they see a person with a shoe mouth. And he's not

00:48:52 --> 00:49:26

wearing their pod, right? That's normally assign someone who's leaning more towards religious not society, at least. Right? So people will come in asking questions, and it's happened to me before I'm like, I mean, how would you know, to ask me a question. And people will just come up and walk to you. And they'll say, you know, I have a question. She wants the answer to this. And this is not something that happened to me alone. This happens to everyone who dresses in a certain way, where it appears to be a person of knowledge. And that is not permissible. You can't go to literally a person module for you, someone you don't even know you you've never seen before. You've never met. I mean,

00:49:26 --> 00:49:59

if they saw me somewhere, that's a different story. But the you've never seen before you've never met before. You didn't even ask who he is. And you simply ask them a question on the date of a lot based on the way they appear. That is that you're the person who's asking the question, he's not doing his job. He can go up to someone who appears like a person of the law had not a knowledge and so on and so forth and piety and say, you know, are you a scholar? Are you on shape? Are you so on and so forth? You know, maybe ask for a reason or two why he should trust that that what the person is saying in terms of the fact that he's a student of knowledge a scholar, and so on.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

so forth. And if he has enough reasoning, he may say at that moment, sure, this is my question, and you can now give me the answer to that. But just because of mere appearance, and that the person wouldn't be, you know, fulfilling his duty. It is a common mistake that a lot of people do. Yes, it sure is. Yeah. And, you know, simultaneously, there are people who capitalize on this as well, right? That, that if we were to put the bishton, okay, that would be like the scholarly gear or the scholarly clothes. So there are some people who may be absolutely, absolutely ignorant individuals, but because they recognize that they can, you know, they can make other people feel like they're

00:50:40 --> 00:50:50

knowledgeable people, they will put the clothes on, that makes them seem that way. And that was a minute, please. One minute lifts. So if you if you want to wrap up or, or

00:50:52 --> 00:50:52


00:50:54 --> 00:51:10

Okay, something that's so it's very essential, something that is very essential. I just wanted to say two things. Okay. And some of what you were saying was essential, by the way, yeah, that was very essential. But there's something that I think we can close off on. Two things are lots of panel data set in the process, to add a degree include to

00:51:12 --> 00:51:24

ask the people of knowledge, if you do not know this is guidance to the person who's asking the question. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, to the person answering the question specifically or sort of line that time with any combiner who

00:51:26 --> 00:51:29

rule between them, based on Allah Subhana Allah has revealed.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:42

Thank you very much. Perhaps an email from Canada. Thank you very much to the brothers and sisters for watching us until we meet again on Hodor tonight, Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

“ I never thought I would live to see this day. I just read a fatwā on an otherwise respectable and resourceful international fatwā website in which the Muftī guided the questioner to search more on the topic on Google. In fact, he even gave specific keywords that the questioner can search on Google to ensure that he arrives at the right answer!?

Such trends, if left unaddressed, will lead to very unfavorable consequences in the long run. Here is a show I did for Huda TV on the subject of “Fatwā Chaos”:

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