Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafsir of Surah AlMuminun 24

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and meaning behind the use of "immediate of" in Islam, including false accusations and disbelries, avoiding tension and confusion, and the negative impact of actions and actions on one's success and success on religion. They touch on the negative impact of actions and actions on one's success and success on religion, including forgiveness, mercy, and the need for people to show mercy. The transcript ends with a recitation of the phrase "has mercy on me keep me on the track" to encourage listeners to practice mercy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language Quranic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the Timeless Lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience Quran intensive. Please check out begging us summer.com That's B A y y i n Ah summer.com To get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive

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are we lacking in a shape on the Rajiv for to Allah love winning medical help

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ilaha illa who are Bulla outershell Kadeem well me or Omar Allah He Isla Han

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labro Han Allah who will be for in ama he Sabu and Rob be in hula you flee hula Kaffee rune. Welcome Rob Bill fair water hammer. Hey Euro raw he mean

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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa ala aka to live in WA salatu salam ala Sayidina Selena, Allah Allah He was we were meant to be our home be sending Elijah Medina

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Shala we're starting with it number 116 today.

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In the previous passage, we concluded with Allah subhanaw taala.

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basically summarizing the entire discussion that we've been having about from the message of the prophets, the struggles of the prophets, the way the disbelievers behaved and reacted and treated them and finally culminating in

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presenting the life of the hereafter and all the events that will unfold as they will unfold on the day of judgment and into the life of the Hereafter. And Allah subhanaw taala in the previous is head of a hospital Manama Calacatta coma Tabitha Wanda chameleon, Allah told John, that had you really assumed were you really under the impression that we had created you without purpose without meaning and that you would not be returning back to us? In it number 116. Allah subhanaw taala says Fetta Allah Allah will Malakal haka La ilaha illa Hora blah shell Karim, a translator says exalted be God, the true king, there is no god but Him, the Lord of the glorious throne. And another translator says

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rather most high, far above all is God, the King, the eternal truth, there is no god but Him, the Lord of the gracious throne. So here, the thought that the ayah begins with is actually quite profound, because the FDA is now basically summarizing and concluding what has been said previously. So the previous is said, Were you really under the impression that we created you without purpose, without reason? And that you would not be returning back to us so now as a conclusion, rather Allah subhanaw taala says, Fine, but rather, what is the actual truth of the matter to Allah, Allah Who medical health to Allah in the Arabic language. We've seen this before. We've talked about it before

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but very briefly, the word to Allah. It is derived from the word aloo, which means to be exalted to be elevated.

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And as I explained previously, it's more than I thought I'd atheism physically elevate something, but Alou is to be exalted to be above and beyond. And then the word to Allah this comes from the particular pattern of our own, all right, and in this particular form, while a lot of times the meaning that is implied when you bring a route into this particular pattern, the meaning that normally is implied is that of mutual participation, or of an action happening from two sides or a competition or face to face or something of that nature. Some type of mutual participation is being you know, implied what we call moussaka, but in this particular field, it is not moussaka that is

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implied rather it is mobile. However, there are some rare instances there are fewer examples. But nevertheless, there are some very

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there are some very clear examples of where when you bring a router into this particular pattern, it creates a mini omobola which means hyperbole. it exaggerates the meaning it increases the meaning.

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And interestingly two of the very common

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ways that Allah subhanaw taala has described two of the very common verbs pertaining to Allah subhanaw taala. Both come from this particular pattern. The first one is the Isla in front of us

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So it comes from Allah which means to be exalted. So when you say to Allah, it means most exalted, extremely exalted, greatly exalted.

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And the other one is the baraka, again Baraka which means blessing, right when you bring it into this particular form like Allah subhanaw taala has described us to about our Kela xebia Dill milk for Tabata, Allah Who acetylcholine. We found that in the beginning of certain what we known, Tabata means that most blessing, most blessing so far to Allah, Allah Who. The other thing that I wanted to mention here very specifically,

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is that certain sutras for instance Surah Maryam is one of those types of sutras where the word rock but the word Rob, for Allah subhanaw taala, named Rob is used a lot more than what we call love Lu jalala, the name of Allah, right the Name of Allah, that is used only a couple of times rather the very frequent mention of Allah subhanaw taala is by means of the attribute of Rob. Also the word Rockman occurs very frequently in sort of medium. So certain sutras have this particular style and even in certain Iots there's a whole nother area of study that even that level of focus and that level of minute, that level of attention to detail needs to be there in the study of the Quran, that

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in a particular idea, why does Allah subhanaw taala refer to himself as Allah, verses of a man versus a rub? Different ayat Allah refers to himself using different names and attributes. And here the name of Allah being clearly mentioned, is because this is the conclusion and the finality of this long discussion about not just belief but about the argument for faith and belief in Islam and the deen in the religion and prophets in the life of the hereafter, and the entire, the whole scene that takes place of the struggle between believers and disbelievers, and belief and disbelief that how things play out that as a conclusion to that the name of Allah is mentioned here, for to Allah,

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Allah Who so there is absolutely no doubt and actually sort of to me known as one of the sutras where the name of Allah, Allah loves Bucha Allah, it occurs very, very frequently, we saw that those questions that were played that were posed, that the response to them that was given was hapu, Luna, Lila, the name of Allah occurs very frequently in the sutra. And that's kind of a unique feature of this particular sutra. So for to Allah, Allah, who the most exalted is Allah.

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And one of the specific connection from Ira to IRA that the scholars explained here, because the previous is said that were you really under the impression that we have created you for no purpose. So Allah is saying for to Allah, Allahu Allah is above and beyond that most exalted is Allah, that he would ever create anything with a purpose. Everything has purpose. Right now banana halacha Battilana. So you haven't created anything without purpose. So Fatah Allah, Allah Who and then there are two attributes of Allah subhanaw taala that are mentioned here.

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The first one is Al Malik.

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Al Malik, of course refers to King. Right, so word in Arabic for king, the king. And

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I've talked about this before you have milk, which shows ownership and milk, which is authority,

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authority. So Allah subhanaw taala is that milk? He's the king. And not every king owns everything that he rules over. But a lot of the subjects have their own personal belongings. But Allah subhanaw taala is the king who owns everything for to Allah Allahu Malik, and then very interestingly, right and there's there's a lot of discussion there about Allah subhanaw taala being al Malik, of course Allah subhanaw taala explains to us within the Quran, Quran, Allah Houma Malik al Mulk, that Allah subhanaw taala is the owner of all kingdom. He is the owner of all kingdom

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to milk Amantha Shah who attends yarmulke militia that you give Oh Allah, you are the king, you are the owner of all kingdom. And you give authority to whomsoever you will. And you take it away, you take away authority, from whomsoever you will. So Allah subhanaw taala is the ultimate ruler, the ultimate King who owns everything and anything.

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Then it goes on to say I'll help. Now we've talked about this before that this is one of the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. It refers to stability, firmness, strength, reality, that Allah subhanaw taala is the truth, the ultimate truth. And that of course has its own significance and its own meaning which we've talked about before. But the scholars have actually discussed at length that this is a very interesting combination of two attributes.

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And the Quran is so

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remarkable in the language of the Quran is so profound. You can read it you can understand it as for to Allah Allahu Al Malik, that most exalted is Allah Who is the king. For to Allah Allahu Al Huck and most exalted is Allah who is the truth, but then you also can understand it as a combination of the two attributes for to Allah Who molecule Huck.

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And many of the scholars have explored the meaning of this, that what can we learn from the combination of the two things put together the two attributes being put together?

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So some of the about out some of the explanation from the scholars is that they say, for to Allah who need medical help, well, molecule molecule or SHA, Allah de la vida, Allah is the molecule who were put through to that he is the king, who his ownership over things will never end and never cease. And his power has no end. And no limits. One will help for hula the hook Yeah, Heiko law Hallmark. Being helped here means that he is deserving of being the king,

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that He is the true king. He's the only one really deserving to be worthy to be called King. And really who's kingship? Whose majesty? Whose royalty is really of any significance? Leanna coalition in men who were ILA he because everything comes from him and everything goes back to him. Well, who a thought bit, Allah de la Zulu, well, I guess zoom will coho because he is the constant, he will never end and his power and control will never end. Well begun under Hula, hula. And we'll get to that part in just a minute. But another very interesting thing because we, while we might say that, okay, this world will come to an end, but Allah subhanaw taala has power Goodra will never come to

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an end, as Allah subhanaw taala informs us that Allah subhanaw taala will after all, the creation is gone, after the blowing of the horn and all the creation ceases to exist. Allah subhanaw taala will proclaim limonene will Quilliam

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Lee man Lehmann? For whom? For who is Al Mulk a young is the is the ownership as the authority is the power today, Who does it belong to today, right now, Who does it belong to Lila Hill, aha for Allah alone, who is dominant over everything, you overpowers everything.

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So, this particular combination of these two attributes, is very, very profound and very remarkable. Similarly, one of them will fasten on even our shoot, he says something very interesting, very remarkable

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about Allah subhanaw taala his authority and his power being referred to as a Huck

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and keep in mind, what are some of the meanings of ill health, like we, I mentioned numerous times before stability, constancy, the the reality of it that it is constant to the stable, it is real, it is the truth.

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So he says, will help magabala battery, the opposite of heck is button and we talked about that about that is that which is fleeting, which is flimsy, which is weak, which is temporary, which is not real

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Wilmoth homosexuality yatta yatta, the Anamika lady he bought them, he says that if we understand the reality of what Allah is saying, here for to Allah, Allahu Malik will help. The combination of the two, what that necessitates is anyone else's ownership, and everyone else's power, or perceived power is boppin.

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My ownership over the things that I possess is blocked in

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my control or power or jurisdiction, or authority, that I might perceive to have in my life is battling and has no reality to it.

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And again, a little bit of a side note here, but just to explain this concept of how Allah is how everyone else in their power in their control, everything else is bought in, we need to understand what this ownership that we have or authority that we have, we need to understand exactly what it means.

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So let me explain to you

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when somebody dies, when somebody passes away,

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the second day die, the second day pass away.

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Everything that used to belong to them now belongs to somebody else. The beautiful Hadith of the prophets, Allah He somewhere talks about three companions.

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One leaves you as soon as you close your eyes as soon as you breathe your loss, it leaves you that is your wealth. Number two, that which gets comes to your grave until it puts you in the ground and then that company

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and leaves you in those, that's family. And then the third are your deeds. But to really understand the reality of our ownership and our wealth and our property, and the things that we allow us to define ourselves is really remarkable. There are, you know, to kind of use it as an excuse to be able to understand as an example, in the books of phip. In the books of fic, there are scenarios there are examples, there are situations, you know, how like, like an attorney or a lawyer might study previous cases and arguments, or

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a dog doctor or physician or a therapist will have case studies, right examples of patients and different issues that they've dealt with. So similarly, for kaha. The scholars have Fick, right? legal theory and Islam, they have these case studies, they have these scenarios that are presented as a way to really see how the azul the principles, they apply in any given scenario. And some of the scenarios that are very interesting, very remarkable, where you kind of see that the reality that the reality of you know, Islam, and what we believe in our iman and spirituality and we bleeds into everything pertaining to connected to Islam, is that if somebody took an oath,

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if somebody took an oath, I'll just use two random examples. If I took an oath, I will not go to Hollins house.

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Akhmad takes an oath, I will not go to holiday house. He says your Kulu Atmel Wallahi. Let us have hula Zulu beta. Colin,

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I swear to God, Ahmed says, I will not go to college house, I will not visit a college house.

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I had one morning wakes up. And here's the news, Holly passed away last night.

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And he's so affected by this. And he has such a desire to go and pay his respects and console College family that he goes to college house.

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So the question is then brought to the scholar to the musty of the area? That what do I have to pay the penalty for breaking it oath? The Quran talks about the penalty for violating of an oath. Right? So the question is posed, do I have to now pay the penalty for violating of an oath? And the scholar responds by saying no, you don't have to, but I went to college house. He says that the issue is that as soon as Khalid died, there is no longer college house.

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That belongs to somebody else. You didn't go to college house, you went to somebody else's house.

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That's I mean, it's that profound.

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Right, this realization of what we really own and what we don't own.

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So much. So it's something even more shocking than this.

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That if somebody owns,

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let's just use a number that's easier to explain. somebody owns $3,000 somebody owns $3,000.

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And this person is terminally ill.

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This person has been admitted into the hospital, this person is in intensive care. And they're not expecting this person to last more than a few days.

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all signs are pointing to this person's imminent demise.

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That in that condition, in that situation, in that hospital bed, that person says you know what, I'm staring death in the face.

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Let me make the most of my opportunity right now. Let me do what I can right now.

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All I have to my name are $3,000 right here in this bank account, all I got is 3000 That's all I own. That's the only thing in my name.

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I'm going to give all $3,000 for charity, I'm going to donate all $3,000 Get a little bit of you know, rewarding while I still got the opportunity to chance he's not allowed to do so.

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Islamically speaking that would not be correct for him to do. He is not allowed to spend more than 1000 of that 3000 Because the Quran

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tells us that there was sia can be made. There will see it can be made and the prophets Allah the Psalm said that the maximum that you can request the maximum that you can designate of your own accord is 1/3 of your wealth, the other two thirds, minimum of two thirds of your total belongings are distributed amongst your inheritors as the Quran dictates.

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You know, spouses, spouse, children, parents, etc, etc. So because this person is so close to death, and he's he

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he or she has been informed that they are dying.

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That that person basically is now to some extent treated as if that person is already out the door and two thirds of that person is not even two thirds of that person's wealth is not even permissible for that person to spend.

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Because that already temporary has been put on hold has been placed in escrow, if you will, for the inheritors.

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And only 1/3 that person,

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their own money, their own money

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that they worked for, that they own.

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They're not allowed to touch more than a third of it. Still alive.

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It's remarkable.

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The Prophet of Allah salatu salam, when the conquest of Mecca happened, and they went back to Makkah for the conquest of Mecca for Tomica sad whenever you walk us, great companion of the prophets, Allah the center. He was he's a Mahajan. He's originally a Moroccan.

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He's a Mahajan. He had gone from Mecca to Medina. So he came with the Sahaba the prophets Allah to him and everyone for the conquest of Makkah, when they got to Mecca, again, and we've talked about this before how difficult travelling was at that time, and many people used to get ill and even die while traveling.

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So he becomes deathly ill, very, very seriously ill, to the point where he's bedridden and everyone expects him to die.

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He expects himself to die. Nobody expected him to survive.

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And the prophets Allah, He said, was visiting him spending time with him sitting with him, consoling him.

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And so has been a bit of a cause. Radi Allahu Taala and who says that my parents are gone?

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My siblings are gone.

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I don't my wife has passed

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the only air I have is one daughter.

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I have one daughter. That's it, that's my only air

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and that being the case,

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I mean, I have enough wealth

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that even you know, a portion of it will be more than enough for her. If I had seven eight children, I understand that one one child

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so I have more than enough money to cover and to leave for her.

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Can I give two thirds of my wealth away? Into sadaqa? Some good deeds some sadaqa jariya some some some perpetual charity on my bf Can I and the prophets Allah lism salah. No, you cannot set a miss. Can I give half my wealth away? The prophets Allah Islam salah. No.

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Sarah, Phyllis, the prophets Allah the some said, now I'm with Lulu cuz he said yes, you can give a third away. But even that's a lot.

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Right? So the point that and this is just to give a reference for what I was mentioning that the Prophet system did not allow somebody on their deathbed to give away more than 1/3.

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Right. And so the point that I'm trying to make here is that the McPherson, he says that I'll have my purple button that when Allah is described as a true king, the true owner, the true ruler, the one with true power, that that necessitates that everyone else's ownership, property, power, jurisdiction, everything is battle everything else is false. Well, my phone was safer to tell the animal to Haiti he button a fee he shot a button about the lemon Jihad and God was good. Not saying that it's battle as in that like it's evil. A believer is not like his he's not evil, but Leanna who called you to do Malecon large geography he will hold on, right there is an example of people who

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have either ownership or people leave However, even ruled who are not bad, they were not evil. Look at look at the philosopher Rashidi. Right the successors of the prophets Allah the Son of the Holy Father, right amongst the Sahaba right they own stuff they own property, they ruled over people they ruled the kingdom. Right That of course, it was not it was not evil, but battle in the sense of it is temporary.

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It is not forever.

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Bellman Jihad tiene Bulman Jetty under whom will call Haider Mr. Macmillan hockey cartel amalickiah for in a coolamon Yun, Cebu, la Hill Mulk are the lucky Subhanahu wa Taala who are Malecon? mijia Tenorman lukeman jetten. He says the other thing is, you are really only truly a king.

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If you are not a subject

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and anyone who's a king, even if somebody rules over this entire world, there's no other human being ruling over them.

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voelcker Lydia even Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is ultimately ruling over them. So then that person is still a subject, that person is still property of Allah subhanaw taala there is only one

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who is the owner and no one's property. There is only one who is the ruler and no one rules over him he does not answer to anyone like you said will follow. And that is Allah subhanaw taala.

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And so this is a very powerful kind of an understanding and a reflection from what it means for to Allah Allahu Malecon, Huck.

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And then the rest of the IEA says La ilaha illa Hua rubble Arsham, Karin, La ilaha illa, who of course, it means that there is absolutely positively no one nothing, there is no deity there is nothing or there is no one, there is nothing that is worthy of worship, veneration

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Illa Hua except for him,

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except for Allah subhanaw taala. And of course, this is the fundamental message of Tohei of the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala

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Raghu louder shall carry and then Allah subhanaw taala is described as being Grobbelaar should carry him Rob Of course, we've talked about the master Arsh. We talked about the artist before he came up earlier in the sutra and explained a little bit about the audition what we know about the artist from an authentic perspective, a lot of shooting. Now, two things I want to explain here the first thing is that there are some the majority of the Quran, the majority of the scholars of the recitations of the Quran, they read this particular is La ilaha illa who are a bullet or shall carry me what that means a lot of she I'll carry me if that is said then Kareem is the attribute is the

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adjective is the Sefa of what out but if we say Rob Bulla or she'll carry mu Rabu Allah Arshi l carry mu. Then al Karim is the attribute is the adjective the sufferer have received very good, right? And both recitations both variations are there. The majority reads it as a large will carry me but some of the Quran some of the Quran also have regular shall carry mu, right so we can look at it both ways. If Allah is described as Kadeem, then of course we understand Karim, Karim, or Kurama. In the Arabic language refers to honor and distinction, nobility, and so Allah is described as ketene the ultimately honorable and noble and distinguished All right, and the bestower of honor and

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nobility as well. It is both in transitive, intransitive in the case of Allah subhanaw taala. But what about the archer being described as cutting? How do we exactly understand that so the way to understand that is that again, it is noble and there are two thoughts here number one, of course, it's noble. So it you know, anything can be described as noble as long as it

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does the job that it is made for that it is placed for that it is created for that's the that's the dignity and the nobility of the creation for the creation to recognize its place and its role and play that role accordingly. And secondly, another thing is that of course couldn't do my get to unlockable carry me for work honeymoon

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Kulu Margarita Allah who will carry me for work honeymoon, anything attached to the Karim is carrying

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anything attached to the cream is cutting, right anything attached to a noble person is also dignified and noble and respected. And we understand that right that there's many examples of that throughout our deen that whenever you attach something or something becomes a means of something very dignified. We also show it a level of respect. In fact, even we have this particular principle, my UC Lu l watch before go watch it on something that makes something that is necessary in order to attain or in order to perform a mandatory deed in and of itself becomes mandatory

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right so if somebody asks is it mandatory to you know keep track of yours accountable assets? Well, can you pay the gods if you don't keep track of yours accountable assets? No, you can't. So therefore it becomes mandatory. Yes, there are ayat of the Quran at that point Jamila Salatin foxy Lu, right there's I have the Quran that makes will do mandatory but if only the only thing that we were said was last Elijah Lima Allah will do Allahu La to hoorah Allahu, that there is no prayer for the one who has not purified him or herself has not performed will do that in and of itself would have made will do mandatory because you couldn't do

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Do you can pray unless you have done we'll do. So we'll do what it become mandatory in and of itself. Right? So anything that is attached to something dignified, noble, respectable, also is dignified. Right? And that's how we understand. Right that. And this is an interesting dynamic with a lot of the Boffa. This is an interesting dynamic of a buffer. That's what we say Baitullah.

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We call the masjid Baitullah, the house of God. Now there's nobility and dignity and respect attached to it. Kitab Allah, the book of God,

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rasool Allah, the Messenger of God, it's an interesting dynamic of that. So as I was mentioning before, anything attached to the Kadeem is also kidding. And Allah subhanaw taala the word kidding itself can be used for other than Allah, as it is used many places in the Quran Allah says was Zulu and Mama calm and Karim. When Allah in Surah, two Doohan is number 26. When Allah describes Paradise, he says was Zulu and that there will be lots of growth, vegetation, greenery and Paradise will not come and can even a very dignified noble place to live. Allah subhanaw taala when He commands us and similar to the Surah Surah 17 i In number 23 about how to interact with our parents.

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He says what put it like my colon Karima

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that say to them a very dignified word, speak to them in a respectable, dignified, noble fashion. olan Kadeem

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right, when should a man sends a letter in new will to La Akita wouldn't get him when Superman sends the letter and the Queen presented to her people she says that, or Solomon writes that I am placing before you I'm sending to you this very noble message.

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Right? So

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this way Allah subhanaw taala describes different things as being noble as well. And the prophet of allah sallallahu Sallam also has a statement, where he referred to use of Alehissalaam when he was commenting on the the story of use of alayhis salaam, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Al Kareem Abdul Kareem Abdul Karim

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that he is kidding use of evil killing the son of the apple. It will kill him the son of his heart YBNL, killing the son of Abraham,

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the son of Ibrahim Al Kareem Abdul Kareem Abdul Kareem Abdul Karim, right so the prophets Allah him is describing these prophets as cutting. Right? So that's how the outage can be called ketene because it is the outer shell of who out of Silla.

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It is the outer shell of Allah subhanaw taala. Right. So therefore, Allah is kidding. So the auditor is also described as being kitty. And like I said in the other variant translation, recitation, it's also described as l carry mu, which would be going back to Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, when Allah can Osama or will or the wama Bina Hama Bartylla that we did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between the two of them without purpose Valley cabana Latina kung fu there is the assumption of those who disbelieve for way newly Latina kufr Rumina now, Allah subhanaw taala says that terrible is their condition those who has this belief and

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they will end up in the fire. Allah subhanaw taala says another place in the Quran, while McLachlan Assa T will are the one Albania Humala. I mean, we did not create the heavens and the earth and that which is between the two of them as a game. McCulloch nakoma Illa been happy. We did not create them except for the truth.

00:33:30 --> 00:33:51

And that Allah subhanaw taala Of course we talked about this. Yesterday we're Allah subhanaw taala explains as well, that I asked about internal and you talk us through that that Allah says that there's a human being really assumed that we created him aimlessly and without real purpose. So La ilaha illa horrible outershell Karim

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in the next idea

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Allah subhanaw taala says I 117 We'll meet you there Omar Allahu Allahu Akbar. Libre Han Allah who will be here for a number he Sabu who were in the rugby in the hula you freehold. Caffee rune.

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A translation says, Whoever prays to another god alongside him, a god for whose existence he has no evidence. So this part is kind of like we would say, between between commas. It's like an interjection into the statement. All right, whoever prays to another god alongside him, Allah, a God, for whose existence he has no evidence, will face his reckoning with his Lord. Those who reject the truth will not prosper. Another translation says this, whoever calls upon any other god with God with Allah, for which he can never have any proof. His reckoning is awaiting him with his Lord, indeed, the disbelievers shall never succeed.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says

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Ahmed, and whosoever, and whosoever yet there, yet, right, this is a conditional statement. And whosoever calls my Allah He along with Allah, because at the end of this entire discussion and argument, nobody can deny the fact that Allah is worthy of worship. But whoever calls along with Allah Allahu Akbar, any other deity any other god, lab, Rohan Allah who be he has an explanation, right? That there is absolutely positively no proof for it with him

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for the sake of worshipping that God that he was him

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like he cannot provide it's a way in Arabic behaves meaning he cannot provide any proof at all whatsoever for the worship of that other deity that idol that God that false god so in my haste eyeball who ended up he then

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that person who would dare still do that, worship someone or something else, for which that person cannot produce any type of evidence, concrete proof or evidence, feeding them actually several who are in the lobby he then that person's reckoning, I ended up he is with his lord and master Allah in the hula agraphia whole caffeine on the most definitely, the believers will never succeed

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will never attain success.

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So, one of the main words that I wanted to explain here is the word Busan

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now, the word Wuhan, there's a lot of discussion amongst the scholars of the Arabic language, the linguists about what are the origins of this word? Borhan some and a lot of modern dictionaries even some of the classical lexicons will also list the word Wuhan under the four root letters above ohana,

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Bao ra High Noon,

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therefore implying that it is a it is a quadrilateral word not a trilateral, it has four routes letters, not three routes letters, it is Rowbury not philosophy. However, however, that is contended and that is argued against

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and that is that the contention right that it is a three route letter word makes more sense. And there's proof to back that up from even the classical usage of the word that we find even in pre Islamic Arabic. Right in the in the pre Islamic Arabic poetry you find proof and evidence for this, that the actual roots of the word are three letters by raw and ha Baraha are buddy Hi Yubraj who all right and the roots of the word and Buddha two was Baha two and Hinata will mean a DA it means a very very, very long period of time. The roots of the word bara Bara Jew or a Buddha to reverse a very very long period of time. And that's why and from that.

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It the the word basically was derived that the Arabs would say Abraha Raju, a fella by NASA, what a terrible Agia

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Abraha a Raju coming from the evolved Islam form Abraha would mean hello Vanessa, he dominated the people in argumentation.

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He defeated the people in argumentation and was a tabula. And he brought very, very remarkable things as proof. He made his arguments in very remarkable ways, he won the arguments and in a remarkable fashion.

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And then from that, you have the extraction you have the derivation of the word Buddha Han. Now Bohan, based off of this, this argument, and this is like as I said, this is what majority of the scholars say, if it is coming from the roots of Baraha, or buddy Ha, and then you have Bohan This is on Allah, wasn't it for Allah, and this is on the patter of the word for Aladdin. And the example of that is full con.

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The example of that is for Pan Farrakhan means what we've talked about this it means to, to separate

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for con is the ultimate distinguisher.

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The ultimate distinguisher. The thing that distinguishes that separates

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you know, very conclusively

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it very conclusively and very clearly delineates, that is what it's called for con.

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All right. And so from that, that same pattern is Bourassa.

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And buddy have means a very long period of time or to make a very conclusive argument.

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To defeat others ideas and others arguments, Wuhan is basically what they explained as a hood biannual hoja de where it's a Baja, what is the Baja which means it is not just proof

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it is bringing proof explaining it, laying it out and clarifying it. And some actually, some actually say that the word Buddha Han also has a plural Brahim. But are he. But in spite of that, they say that the word Buddha Han, right another implication of the word on this particular pattern is that it is a combination of different things. So having one proof for one evidence is one thing. But when you have a an argument, see, a proven and evidence is part of an argument. But in the entire argument might contain a dozen different proofs and evidences and the explanations of those proofs and evidences. And then it might even explain to you the entire argument will also include

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what would be the counter proof, what would be the counter argument, and then it'll refute the counter argument, well, we call that a G.

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So you first have an argument, then you have your A dilla. Write your evidences. Then you have

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then you have basically the istilah for the argument that is presented, and then you have Sergio Adela, then you have the refutation of the counter argument.

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All right, that why even after hearing you out, why is my argument still superior to yours? I let you speak I let you present your are your your evidences. But why is my argument still superior? Right. And when you conclude all of that, and you piece all of that together, and you put all of that together, the culmination of all of that is what you call Bohan.

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That is what's called Wuhan. And that's how many of the scholars of the language have explained the meaning of the word Quran.

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that is what Allah subhanaw taala says here in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala himself challenges will have to BronyCon condoms are the thing that he tells the prophets Allah He said them to announce to them bringing your Buhari your conclusive final argument.

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Right bring your final conclusive argument if you if you are actually truthful.

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But Allah subhanaw taala here says level Rohan Allah hoopy. There is absolutely no conclusive final proof or argument that can establish ever the worship of anything or anyone along with Allah subhanaw taala level 200 OB. So whosoever will still do that

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will still go ahead. Like that level of stubbornness and closed mindedness and narrow mindedness.

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Some would even you know, we talked about this earlier you can go as far as calling it recklessness. Remember we talked about the concept of spiritual recklessness. So whosoever will have that type of recklessness, then find the Mahi Saba who ended up being then his accounts.

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His affair his decision is with with his Lord and his master with Allah.

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His judgment is with Allah.

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And this is also alluding to the fact this and some of them have us you don't have discussed this point over a year. That is is basically from the realm of Allah subhanaw taala telling the prophets Allah, He said,

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for that kid innama and some other calesa let him be musei to remind them because you are nothing but a reminder, one who reminds right, and you cannot control them, you cannot, like make them do anything in Alika ill beloved, in Surah 42 sudo to shoot off, I am number 48. Allah says in the alayka ileal beloved, there's nothing about upon you except for delivering of the message, the delivery of the message that is all you're responsible for.

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So is this Allah subhanaw taala basically tongue the prophets Allah He said look, you go ahead and make the announcement and then that's it. They have to face a lot they have to answer for Allah. No.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:54

This is like a little block. Or what this is saying for nama he Saba who ended up being this cannot be used very frankly speaking. This cannot be used by lazy people like me to basically say

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I posted on Facebook there is no God but Allah how

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00:45:02 --> 00:45:03

That's it, I'm done.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:38

All whatever however many millions of people are on Facebook Colosse accom 218 I have established a proof against him. He Saba whom Allah Allah, Allah will deal with them now. Now that can be used by lazy people like me to try to make that argument. That's ridiculous. That's preposterous. Because Allah subhanaw taala he's speaking to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is the same man. To whom Allah subhanaw taala says Lakka back here on left soccer Elia Konami name.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:43

It seems like you will destroy yourself you will wither away

00:45:45 --> 00:45:51

working and grieving and worrying. That why won't these people believe

00:45:53 --> 00:46:02

right in the in the collection of the Shamar ill it describes the prophets Allah they sent him as that human Ficarra constantly worried.

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constantly worried multiclassing Allah Zan always grieving for people lay settler who Raha he never took any rest or comfort for himself? No, no, I can't afford it.

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I do not have the luxury of taking comfort, enjoy myself. That about him. Allah is saying to myself boring, there'll be that is basically saying that these people, you are exhausting all means to try to get through to them to talk to them. They just

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have gotten to the point where they're not even interested in intelligent discourse any longer.

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Where you're talking to this person, that person just screaming over you.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:29

So now, you make your argument in favor of Mackey's. abhorring. There'll be that Allah subhanaw taala describes his people in the Quran in surah, CASAS i 50 Allah says Ramana volumi, Manitoba who believe in Allah, that who can be more lost and more stray, more misguided than somebody who would follow their desires without any guidance from Allah subhanaw taala that if we take this particular understanding, oh, I'll just go ahead and just proclaim it Lightline Allah and then that's it, I ain't got to worry about nobody. I'm just gonna go about my business. I've established the proof. I'm actually that I am now replacing me as well because I'm following my own desires.

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But no, so this, we cannot extrapolate from this idea where Allah subhanaw taala is saying, they know Maha Sabha who are in the rugby, that that's it, we just say Lai la lala la ilaha, Illa, Hua, Darshan, caring? And then that's it, leave them to Allah. Right? That No, no, there has to be the delivery of the proof and the evidence, there has to be the conclusive argument that is made, there has to be an engagement. And then finally, when somebody completely hears you out, here's everything you have to say takes everything into consideration, then it's just not interested. Now it's on that person. But that's a lot of work to do. And as again, kind of like as an example. There's a very

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interesting incident that is narrated that as mentioned by Imam Timothy Rahim Allahu taala. And his Jamia

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and he narrated from Imran Imran Hussain. Radi Allahu Taala and who who narrates from his father Radi Allahu taala. And who from the Messenger of Allah salatu salam that the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam Cara Lee Raju Lin matter Abu he said to a man what do you worship? By the Abdullah waka waka haka a cinema a cinnamon. The man said I worship Allah and this and that and this and that and sort of counting off the idols for Karla Rasulullah he's Allah they some of the prophets Allah they set him said for at home either Asaka deuteron for the outer who cash cash or for who Hunka there

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for the outta who cashflow who anchor, that who amongst your idols, which of the which of your gods or deities that you call out to that when you are dealing with some difficulty. Do you call out to to remove that difficulty or adversity from you? By Allah, Allah?

00:49:29 --> 00:49:30

I call us to Allah.

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Then he says, For whom he that cannot like a handwritten for the outer who are pakka which of all these gods that you worship? Do you call out you when you have a very severe need? And when you call out to Him, He gives you what you need. Tada Allahu Allah azza wa jal, he said Allah. So then the prophets Allah SMS him from Allah yummy Luca, Allah, Buddha Allah in maha who then why would you work

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ship these other items along with him, um has shipped and doesn't embody

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that do you think that you'll be able to overpower Allah subhanaw taala

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that you are admitting

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that what really is going on here and yet you still continue to stick to your ways.

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And so the Prophet of Allah salatu salam, so the the man says a lot to Shukra who we are about that you who like him are who I actually wanted to thank Allah by worshipping all these other gods along with him. So the prophets Allah He said Tala Munna while I animal

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Tala Munna Allah Allah

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says you know when they don't know,

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right like makes it makes no sense what you're talking about. So the man he accepted Islam and he would use to say, he used to say when people would ask him how did you become Muslim? He would say lucky to Raju Liang Hassan Mani, I met a man who convinced me whenever people were asking how do you become Muslim? He said I met a man who convinced me talking about the messenger Salani cetera. So this is the type of engagement that the prophets Allah the seven would have with

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the people and so this cannot in any way shape or form, be taken as some type of a license to not put in work into calling people to Allah subhanaw taala

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along with that Allah subhanho wa Taala says last year I knew well, I knew my Allah He lacked an icon in the likeness in Nila comb in Hoonah zero Moby do not make any other partners or deities or Gods along with Allah subhanaw taala and I am a clear warner to you from him. Allah subhanaw taala also says that when I tell you oh my Allah He like and I do not call out to anyone, Allah, any other god along with Allah subhanho wa Taala La ilaha illa who there is absolutely nothing or no one worthy of worship except for him Kulu che in Halligan Illa wotja Who everything will perish, every single thing will perish except for Allah subhanaw taala. Local hookman to him alone belongs the

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command will lead you towards your own and to him alone. Are you all returning? Well, I laughed at your Alma Allahu Allahu Akbar, do not make any other deities or Gods along with Allah subhanaw taala for duck or ODA mother Moo mama Zulan. Because you will find yourself in a very, very terrible place in position, you will find yourself in a very terrible place in position if you make this one critical mistake.

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So Allah subhanaw taala then finally concludes the I O and 17 by saying in who like if you hold caffeine, in who like if you hurry caffeine. Now, I'm just going to mention this kind of as a side note, because this is a prominent example of this. Some of the students particularly who are studying Arabic, might wonder the inner who what does that mean to go to? What is that pronoun pointing to? Right? What is that pronoun connected to? It's not connected to anything. It is what we call in the Arabic language what is grammatically called the middle shot in

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the middle shot, all right, or also the middle baiyang. All right, which basically the middle pizza, excuse me, the middle tion or the middle pizza, and basically it is used in the Arabic language to create greater gravity and emphasis for the following statement.

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It is used to create greater because it now already has emphasis then when you place that dummied in who it is, it lets you know that what's coming now is very, very important.

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As this very important, you need to pay attention to it and that is like you flee who I'll caffeine

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like you flee, who I can feed on, that those who disbelieve those who are ungrateful those who reject those who disbelieve they will never, ever, ever achieve success.

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And I in number 118 Allah subhanaw taala says, Lakota a bill Phil Warhammer intercranial Rahimi

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a translation says, say, oh Prophet, Lord, forgive and have mercy you're the Most Merciful of all. Another translation says the same, my lord forgiven, have mercy for it as you will own horse who prefer above all who are merciful. So while coin is again commending the prophets, Allah hasten to say Rob, be my Lord, my master, my Creator, my Sustainer my provider, it will fill

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cover up forgive what happened and that mercy, what unstable rocking mean? And you are the best of all those who can display or show or have any capacity for mercy. You are the

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now, a couple of things here to kind of explain and mentioned something very powerful, very profound that some of the scholars mentioned, just in the sequence of the ayah. First he talks about forgiveness, and it talks about mercy. And some of them will first soon say that if you pay attention to the Hadith of the prophets, Allah the salam, where he basically says that everyone and anyone will only go to Paradise by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. And he said, even you and he said, even I, even myself, I will only go to Paradise, by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, that the forgiveness of Allah is to absolve someone from punishment, the forgiveness is to remove you

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from punishment,

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to take you out of the line of those people who are being taken to *.

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And then the rationale is to enter into paradise.

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So a big fear Allah forgive the sins, take me out of the ranks of those who are going to *, what Uh hum and have mercy on me and put me in the ranks of the people going to paradise even though I don't deserve it. I haven't earned it. I haven't, I don't deserve it. I'm not worthy of it. But Allah you have mercy on me and make me Amongst them were underpaid or rocking me and You are the Best of those who show mercy.

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Another very interesting and powerful thing is that this entire, you know, sutra, which has been talking about back and forth between good and evil belief and disbelief, believers and disbelievers. And at the end, Allah subhanaw taala after making the most, you know, conclusive argument you could ever make and getting the opposition to the point of either they believe or either if they want to see on their disbelief that they just have to be behave ridiculously LeBron handler will be to the point where they get to admitting Yeah, I don't have any proof for what I'm saying. And I still don't care.

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Like that point of just,

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you know, just ridiculous behavior.

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mindlessness, that point of foolishness,

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that once they even after all that, and they get to that particular point of foolishness, and you've made the most conclusive argument, you still close with this dua.

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Meaning, it's a very powerful reminder that we all have to remember, we're all engaged a lot of us, you know, at different levels in different capacities at different points in our life, we might find ourselves in a position of whether it's preaching, right, calling to Allah, explaining, you know, Islam, explain, you know, even speaking on behalf of the Muslims in the community, particularly in light of Islamophobia, and you know, kind of the culture that's being established right now, where Muslims are vilified and demonized, right, and we feel kind of pinned into a corner, and we want to come out swinging and come on fighting and really come out strong, and take a stand and speak for

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what we believe in, and why this is not appropriate, what is being said about us and argue back and, you know, defend ourselves in our faith and our belief in our religion, that you have to be very, very careful that in the process of that you don't lose yourself.

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That at the core of it, the reason why you stepped up there to begin with, was because of your belief in Allah and your relationship with Allah, you will only last you will only last out there as you know, based on your relationship with Allah you will only last as long as your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala will allow you to,

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you will only go as far as your relationship with Allah will take you.

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So your your success,

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your consistency, your effectiveness, everything is dependent upon your relationship with Allah. If you lose that

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it really honestly as as serious as saying this is

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it's pointless.

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It's pointless.

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If you lose your relationship with Allah, it's pointless.

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You might end up benefiting someone else when the Hadith of the prophets Allah, sometimes Allah aids a religion through evil people.

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Which one of us wants to be that person though.

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We want to be somebody who is good benefits from the good and is able to benefit others as well.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:43

That's the salient feature of December only Jacqueline NAS, Jack Marula Bill Murphy, Mattel, Hona and Mancha. They encourage good they spread good they try to curb evil, but what does it say at the end? What took me a biller

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but above all else, and before anyone else, and more than even anyone else, they believe in Allah.

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If you are truly the Omar Mohamed salatu salam, you will spread good and you will help to limit the evil around you, but you will always be firm

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In your belief in Allah subhanaw taala but if you lose that then what's the point? And the prophets Allah the somebody's being reminded of this and he doesn't need to be reminded of this. Muhammad Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, nobody had a better relationship with Allah ever than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he's even being told this and reminded of this as a reminder to us

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that don't forget

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to make time for you and Allah, this dua is not just a dua that's the other thing too. It is not just like some ritual or formality. It's not just some little you know rhyming or some some some little incantation that we just recite mindlessly without knowing what we're saying. Right Robin I could have done yesterday

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like what what just happened right that's that's unfortunately that's how we practice do Ah, but no dua is representative of you make time you sit down and you have a one on one conversation with Allah from Betfair what I want a favor i i need this.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:12

Oh ALLAH forgive me. I'm going to make mistakes trying to do what I'm doing.

01:01:13 --> 01:01:18

I'm going to sometimes gonna take missteps here and there I'm gonna come up short

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or teeter on the edge sometimes, but forgive me for my shortcomings Have mercy on me keep me guided keep me on the track. Well, habla Mila don't

01:01:30 --> 01:01:32

want to hate me because I need you.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:40

Even if nobody else I need you. I can survive without everyone else but I can't survive without you.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:46

So Allah make sure that you keep me on the right side of this.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:05

That's that's the second point I wanted to make based off of this dua. The third thing that firstly, don't point out there is just so remarkable about the sutra and you kind of see the lesson being taught that just a little while ago, in the sutra, it told us

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that the believers in the life of the world

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they were the people in the hookah free pulmonary body yaku Luna, they used to say Robina, Amana, our Lord, our Master, we believe.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:29

And then what did they say fulfilling? So forgive us what Hamza and have mercy on us. We're antihero, Rahim in some familiar

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and you are the best of those who have mercy. So it's practically teaching us that when you read this surah when you read the Quran, and it tells you that this is on the Day of Judgment, the announcement is being made. The disbelievers are being told that the believers were those who said the following statement. Now don't get left behind. Secure your place in the ranks of those believers. And you right now, right here, as soon as you've read this, use a little bit firmer, Hemanta hierarchy. Enlist yourself in that group of people for the pulmonary body. Make sure you secure your spot reserve your spot reserve your seat amongst those people

01:03:08 --> 01:03:10

in the Haggadah for the commentary, buddy.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:31

And in fact it's very beautiful. The Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala Anhu Imam. This is this hadith is found in Bukhari and Muslim Timothy you know, Marja, many, many different books of Hadith that Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Taala and who he said yeah rasool Allah I need to iron other Obi Heafy Salah T

01:03:32 --> 01:03:44

O Messenger of God teach me a dua that I can utilize that I can benefit from in my prayer and my salah and the prophets Allah He said I'm taught him to do ah Allahumma in Islam to the offseason men cathedra

01:03:45 --> 01:03:50

Oh Allah I have wronged myself a great many wrong

01:03:51 --> 01:03:58

I've messed up a bunch of times what what well under hula your fellow Zulu by Allah and

01:04:00 --> 01:04:24

and there is absolutely positively no one who can forgive sins except for you for Finley so forgive me Mumfie rotten, wipe my slate clean mean there indica as a favor and a special blessing and mercy from you. What are having me and have mercy on me in Nikka until hopefully Rahim, because you and only you are the constantly Mersive the constantly forgiving, and the constantly merciful.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:52

Right? So this to offer forgiveness. And to offer mercy is something that should be in our prayers. It shouldn't be a daily part of our lives. It should be a constant, so that we can be again amongst those people that Allah subhanaw taala speaks about, and he brags about on the day of resurrection on the day of judgment that there was a group of my slaves who used to constantly make this dua from being fair. Warham antihero Rockman.

01:04:53 --> 01:04:54

I'll conclude

01:04:55 --> 01:04:58

here by mentioning

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

a couple of things.

01:05:02 --> 01:05:09

And then I'd like to talk about just some of the structure in the coherence of the sutra as kind of a conclusion.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:12

One of the things that I'd like to

01:05:14 --> 01:05:20

mention here towards the end is a very interesting a very fascinating narration

01:05:28 --> 01:05:34

Yes, so mama Timothy Rahim Allahu Taala mentions a narration

01:05:35 --> 01:05:39

from Abdullah bin Massoud, Radi Allahu Allah Allahu

01:05:40 --> 01:05:44

Allahu Cara. Fee Guney Mousavian

01:05:45 --> 01:05:48

alpha hasip. John had Takata Matsuura.

01:05:49 --> 01:05:56

I've delivered Mr. Eau de great companion of the prophets Allah the some he came across an individual who is very, very ill very sick.

01:05:57 --> 01:06:41

And so he kind of kneel down sat with that person visited that person checked on that person and got close to him. And in that person's ear, he recited these ayat that we've studied, a hospital man Namaha konaklama Bethan one not chameleon Allah tubes your own further Allah Lachlan medical help, La ilaha illa horrible La Silla Karim while many other Omar Allahu Allah and Ankara libre Han Allah who behave for in the MaHA Sabha who are in the rugby in the hula. If you hold Catherine Walker, Bill Federer, humble antihero Rockman, he recited these out in the ear of that person for but for somebody and that person you know by the command and the permission of Allah was cured was healed

01:06:41 --> 01:07:21

that person got better shortly thereafter. For cholera sunnah is a lot easier when the prophets Allah Shem came to know about this and he asked him to live in Missouri What did you recite in the ear of that person? Medaka interviews when he when did you receive any he told him I recited these I had these verses, the prophets Allah he's gonna say well, Athena fcbd He, I swear by the one who holds my life in his hands, I hope I swear by Allah. No, unrar Jhulan McAleenan that is somebody who really truly does believe has conviction in what they're reading. See, that's the difference is not just believing that yes, do our works. But it's also knowing what the eye is saying and and

01:07:21 --> 01:07:26

believing without a shred of a doubt what the idea is saying,

01:07:27 --> 01:07:30

Cara Behala Javelin Lasala

01:07:31 --> 01:07:46

these ideas are so powerful in their meaning, that if somebody who understood them and really truly believes them, them and lives their life in accordance with them, were to recite these ayat, these verses upon a mountain, the mountain would crumble from the power of these verses.

01:07:47 --> 01:07:50

Right? So such powerful AI out here.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:08

And there's another narration that is a little bit of a weaker narration. But some scholars have actually classified it as Hassan as an acceptable narration will Lakota Allah Allah. But Ibrahim Al Hadith, or excuse me, Ibrahim Ahmed al Hadith, a Tamimi.

01:08:09 --> 01:08:56

He narrates and he says by sunnah Rasulullah he's a lot he's and he said he gets in the messenger of God Salah to some centers on a campaign on an expedition. Well, Amara, Anna Anna hula. And he commanded us that we should say either I'm seeing our smacna Every evening and every morning for Huseby tomb and NEMA Kolok nakoma Bertha, wonder chameleon Allah towards your own. For Karana, half of an inner was alumna was was Salamina. He says that we used to read this idea, morning and evening as a reminder of Fi symptom and Namaha Kanaka, Mahabharata one Aquilina to John, and this was so this provided such focus and motivation, that we were not only successful on our expedition, but we

01:08:56 --> 01:09:16

were able to come back safe and sound. Right. So as almost again, as like an affirmation, right to remind you of your purpose in life and what really the objective of life is. And also, since we are here at the conclusion of the surah remind myself and everybody

01:09:17 --> 01:09:27

of the Hadith that we talked about in the beginning of the Surah, where the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:09:29 --> 01:09:36

The couple of narrations that we talked about Amara the Allahu taala, and who says that the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:09:37 --> 01:09:59

Whenever revelation would come to him, we would be able to tell. So once revelation came to him, and we could see the effects of revelation on him, so we waited a while, and he turned towards the Qibla after it was done, and he raised his hands and he made the DUA, Allah Who was it now what I've done with the SNA O Allah increases Nura decreases what I claim now we're allowed to hinder honor us do not humiliate us where it now

01:10:00 --> 01:10:44

A lot to him nah no Allah give us grant to us Do not deprive us what are Sidna what to say to Elena and give us preference do not prefer others over us. What are the NRI? What are the NA that make, be pleased with us and give us contentment and satisfaction with your decree? And then the prophets Allah has him turned to the Sahaba and he said that the only Allah to Allah, that right now revealed to me where I should I asked him, I should do it in 10 verses 10 ayat Menaka Hoonah duckula Jana, whosoever will establish them, will live up to them. HUD has entered paradise and then he recited the IATA.

01:10:46 --> 01:11:02

Right and that allows me to kind of explain, one of the very beautiful things that we find within the Quran especially lengthier Shiraz is at the end of the surah always ties in with the message that was given in the beginning of the surah. Allah subhanaw taala says cada Fla,

01:11:03 --> 01:11:18

success has already been achieved, is guaranteed for the believers. And at the end of the surah Allah says in the hula, you flee who al cafiero. Success will never be achieved by those who are ungrateful in disbelief.

01:11:20 --> 01:11:25

So strive to stay away from the attributes of behavior, the qualities, the rhetoric

01:11:26 --> 01:11:52

of those who disbelieve and strive to inculcate and develop the attributes and the qualities of those who believe. So this is how the end of the surah ties into the beginning of the surah. And another very interesting area of study, coherence of the Quran that some scholars particularly study is that even in the compilation we talked about how the next Surah to be revealed, in terms of sequence of revelation was surah.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:55

A to Surah

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