Waleed Basyouni – Bulugh Al Maram – Book of Purification #2 Utensils – Hadith 14-15

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The history of the media and media's use of utensils and water is discussed, including the use of water in media and the use of it in media. The sharia law is emphasized, and the use of sharia for non-Halighters is discussed. The use of plates and sharia law is discussed, as well as the use of silver in various cultural ways, including decoration and cutting down on drugs. The importance of practice and caution is emphasized, and the use of silver in various cultural ways is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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A man

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on the line who he said also loss of a virus and himself. Do not drink and silver or gold utensils and do not eat in plates of such metals. For such things are for them the disbelievers in this worldly life and for you in the hereafter agreed upon

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narrated and set him up

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for the law and how that also will last a lot he was an upset he who drinks in a silver utensil is only swallowing Hellfire in his stomach agreed upon this

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took about me lately.

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Can you read the urban Yeah, I gave him a model the Aloha map color card and abuse of aloha as

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well Ah ha ha the dunya welcome after a while quantum Santa Marta de la pilot followed by Salahuddin a lady Yeshua boo fi na innama Uj g roofie. botany Nala Johanna metabo Kannada La la

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la hamdulillah I live for Him a whole la environment half of urban hedgehog said This is Chapter Two utensils and

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utensils in the containers that you put things put drinks or food inside it. That type of containers we call it Ania and Arabic language. And Can anybody here Tell me what the significant of talking about utensils after he finished talking about water and all the rules related to pure water not just water and so forth? Anybody unhealed Callum and Cameron mia jabil Ania why you think this order? Don't just think they just put it for no reason. There is a reason behind it is the logic behind it. Can you think of it?

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Raise your hand because I don't know who's speaking

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what is not pure? It's Ania so why why Ania why the tinsels came right after the ruling of the water and

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nudges and the pure water nudges water and so far? Yes.

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Obviously, the water it has to be contained in some form of containers. That's right. So since he talked about the ruling of the water, now he speaks about the rules of that thing that you put the water inside it.

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Then what's the the third logical thing will be?

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Yeah, everything related to pencils, right.

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The use of the water Yeah, Santa Monica lifestyle, a company, the use of the water. That's why the next chapter is

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another lesson. It's a very interesting way of just putting all the chapters right after another.

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And then he started here with Hadith has a pharaoh the Allahu wa Alba. And this hadith is absolutely authentic hadith reported by Bukhari Muslim and we learned before that any Hadith reported by Buhari Muslim it's in the highest level of authenticity, Allah Raja Sabha Buhari and Muslim agreed upon and this hadith Hadees who they've been at the man or the Allahu Akbar. They've been Aliyah man today for the son of a man, the son of Hasson or Hussein or haseen.

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halifa is a companion and his father your man is a companion. Okay. Both of them.

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Great companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who they spend a quiet time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was so close to the prophets of Salaam hatsumi A Sahaba Surya rasulillah salam, O Soumya Sahiba sera rasulillah salam, he was called the prophets are Salim secrets keeper. So the prophets of Salaam told him certain informations not related to religion

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has nothing to do with religion because there is nothing secret in the religion.

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And our major misunderstanding that you might find between the Sydney believe and uncertainly believe when it comes to narrations like this because nothing in that religion is private or hidden or giving to a certain individual on the rest of the earth.

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secret? No. Sometimes the profits are solemn will share the knowledge with some of based on their ability to understand the knowledge but the knowledge of Sheree hours offered to everybody. So the secrets that the prophet or someone told him is not with the rules and regulations but secrets like what, like the list of the names of all the hypocrites in the society. The process of them knows who are the hypocrites in Medina by names, but in addition didn't mention them by name. Because he don't want to create what a division a chaos

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fight a civil war inside the Medina. So because of that Omar the Allahu ansaid. Whenever anyone died in Medina from Al Ansari, I will look at who they are. If he prey on that person. I'll pray john as on him, but they refuse to pray on him. I will not pray on that person. Because they know that he knows all the names of the hypocrites, or the lower Anwar Abdullah, who they first said, cannon naseous una sola leisel, Allah send them and it will come to us Allahu Anisha, Mahabharata and aka IV. People used to ask the prophets of Salaam about the good things that will happen and all the you know the glad tidings that are coming. But I used to ask him about the Phaeton the troubles, the

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problems, the challenges, the evil things that will happen in the future. Why? Because I was worried about it, trying to protect myself from it.

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And that goes with the famous line out of two shuttle holiday Shari, rockin literati. Amalia duffle Hira Nina Sheree? Yep, shuttle Sharla minakari aka fee I get to know good from bad not because I love that. Oh trying to get to know the bad not because I like the bat. But if you don't like if you don't know the bad from the good, you might ended up doing what is bad or wrong. Anyway, he died on the low end what AHIMA in what is known today as an era in North America and then muda in

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harmsen was that it ended hyjal 35 around 3500 maybe 3600.

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He said

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a lot the Allahu Allah in the Hadith are lotta shabu Fie Ania T the hubby one filbur while our kulu Vc haffi ha narrated that the prophets of Salaam said do not drink in silver or gold utensil. And do not eat in plates of such metals.

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For such thing are for them the disbelievers and in this world they live and for you in the hereafter. Also he mentioned Hadeeth misalignment Marathi Allahu Allah wa

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Musa Mahatma Jeeva one of the amazing woman she's she was an amazing woman or Hey Mama, what are they allow our mother the mother of the believers. Her name is anybody knows her name.

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Alma Salama.

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Hint, hint. The dhotre hint been to Abby oma yetta

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Maria, the daughter of Deva Adnan mahira mousumi, Karachi, from one of the most noble recognizable

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household in Croatia and Mecca, very noble woman, she became well known for her career her nickname Miss Ella, the mother of cinema. She was really a very, very noble woman. And

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her father was one of the leaders of the people of Mecca

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and well known of his generosity.

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And this is something just a sight point. Those who want to lead the must be generous.

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You can't lead if you're not generous. Sometimes people ask me, why sometimes clearly exam center, give and lead in, basically share and gift to others and because generosity it means leadership.

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You want to lead you need to be generous with your time generous with your money generous with your, you know, that's what leadership is all about is generosity. Anyway, he was very generous, that to the extent that he has a rule, if you ever traveled with her father, you're not allowed to bring provision and your journey no matter how long your journey is. The valley can use some bizarre rock

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Her father, Yanni, the provision of the journey, the provider of the journey, he provided for every one traveled him and you know, in the old days is not like you know, I'm going to Chicago tomorrow. Check him out. Come on, hook you up. Let's travel together. No, it's a journey. It means a caravan. It means a pool of cars. It means many people traveling together. And he was still not allowed anyone to bring food or provision or any money with you. He will spend everything on you and your trip.

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Anyway, so this is his daughter, oma selama hint. Just to kind of get an idea. Her cousin is who

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abou Jehan,

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her first cousin.

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Okay. And also her. She is that Neff, the cousin. She is the cousin of cognitive niladri. In the same time,

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she hollered her nephew, and she's the cousin of holiday in Italy, and Abuja has basically her cousin,

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Mr. mahato, the allowance among the early people who accepted his snap, and she suffered like the rest of the Muslims.

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And her and her husband and her son, were under this pressure, and they decided to what to migrate to Habesha. They went to a procedure and didn't they there is the rumor came in at the senior the first trip go to a senior there is a rumor came that people of MCI became Muslims. So she came back with her husband This is a noble woman from a noble tribe coming back to her roots. So when she came back to Mecca, she found out that the case still bad, as bad as she left it or even worse. When the permission was given to the believer to go to Medina, she decided to go with her husband. But I don't know if you know the story or not. But when she about to leave, her family and his family

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said, No way. No way her families had no way a noble woman like ours will move to Medina. She left the first time to a procedure without us approving this one. Never. It's enough that you have made our daughter follow that evil religion of Mohammed and Saba.

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She became like, more tender she became an infidel she became, you know, upon another religion. That's enough and they were very angry attempt will never let her ever let her travel with you. She stays in Mecca. She's a noble woman.

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So now the pulled her. So her husband's family tribe also he's from a noble tribe. They came and they said, It's enough that you took the woman from her husband and you taking our son because her son is the son of her father follow the Father. And he said, we will not let our son stay with the mother's family. You know, the in laws fight, sir. Okay, so that became a fight and the poor kid in the middle, they start pulling him and the the the father's family pulling him and the mother family pulling the kid what they did for Hala katfoe.

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They dislocate his shoulder and his hand, it became useless completely because of all the pulling. But he ended up with her father's family. Then what's worse than that? His father, her father, her husband's family refused to give the kid to the Father to go with him to Medina

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and refused for her to see her son. Can you imagine the situation she is in Mecca, her husband and Medina and her son with his family and Mecca not allowed to see his mother. You need the whole family scattered in a such way.

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Strange. She used to go outside crying every day. Every day she'll go outside, crying, missing her husband and her son kind of feeble Tameka until somebody passed by her among the leader of Mecca. And he said Why is he this poor woman crying every day. They told him and he said I won't take care of her. He went to her family and to the Father to the husband's family, and he arranged for her to be reunited with her son and she traveled to Medina, but after the Battle of her husband was wounded

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Did very badly two or three months later on he died and she became a widow after she moved to

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Can you imagine like there is a lot to be said but this is just a short version of her story.

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As such woman everybody will be like impressed by her.

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She had four children

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whether with four children

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and she said when I heard the prophets of Salaam said, anyone strike by a calamity and that person would say a llama journey female CVT Wow, lovely Hira, minha Illa Holla Holla Holla Holla Romina

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anyone strive economic and he said a long journey of human liberty and Allah be for me and my calamity and my this disaster

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and replace me something better than this.

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She said I said to myself, who can be better than Abu Salim?

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And after he left Medina, he never married another one. And that's a common thing in that time. You know, he waited for me the love between them traveling together to the senior who can be better than a boo, boo Sam.

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Even abubaker even our Walker for her. That's why I would like to propose to her she refused. She refused him said I'm not gonna face I was a demo deal. She refused to marry over.

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Then in nebby sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam asked for her hand.

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Even when she said this.

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She knew that the process Allah when he said Allah will give him something better governance better. She knew that that will happen. And she ended up marrying Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. in Ibiza, Salah married her in the fourth year of Hydra. And she died in the age of 84 years old. While the Allah and Allah wa she is a solid motor. She's the last one of the province of salons. wives who died and she died very soon after the death of Al Hussein. When she heard that he was killed. She was crying on her knees, and she was very moved by his death. And few days a week she died after that. That was 59 hijiri.

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she said about the alarm on her that she heard the prophets of Salaam saying alethea Shara bofi Nia till filbur in nema yujiro Judo fee but to Neha botany now Raja Hanim

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FIBA alfalfa Hadeeth for those who enjoy Arabic you Judo fee but now who Johanna bomb under hufa le ga

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well Asha and narrow road

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so this headed the process of him saying he who drinks in the silver utensil is only swallowing Hellfire in his stomach.

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Reportedly by barrio Muslim, so this is very authentic. Howdy

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this hadith swallow reported by Buhari Muslim he said Salah Salim whoever drinks in a silver utensil okay. There is one narration came and say Muslim whoever drinks drinks from a silver or a gold utensils

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swallowing like a fire in his stomach.

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Buhari a Muslim both agree on the duration with no goal but in Muslim another duration which is authentic added the goal.

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Okay, so just for the record to be clear.

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Let's look at some of these words that came in the huddle utensils of

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gold or silver came in the both honey

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in there before bed eating and utensils made of gold or silver or drinking from it. What that means utensils made of gold and silver. It means that means that this cup this plate this fork, this spoon is either 100% made of gold or dominated by gold and silver.

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The End can emit any they have any fill by the way.

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It was described in Arabic, it means it's a gold utensil.

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What's the pure gold?

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What? karats?

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You must you must be married person. 24. Okay 2024 not because woman no gold better than men. No, because when you get married, you get old 22.

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Very smart. 24 is hold on 24 is the pure gold. But pure gold, you cannot change it.

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That's why if you take a brick of gold, that's a 24. You know, but you cannot change it. That's why the add to it copper. And when you add copper to it, or other element, it will make it flexible to be shaped. And that what you call 21 carats of gold. But still, it's a 28 to consider a pure gold. So any utensil made of 21 carats of gold, or 18 carats of gold or 14 carats of gold, it's still considered a utensil of gold. And if it is the same, same thing applies. Silver can be shaped. So the point is that the majority or the main element of that utensil, is gold or silver. But if the gold and silver is something very small percentage in the utensil,

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that we don't call it a utensil made of gold or a golden utensil or a silvery pencil. And we'll talk more about that in a little bit. He said, plate cipher. What's the cipher that said the translated plate a cipher. It's interesting just to for those who want to know what that word exactly means. A soft means a plate, which is usually made of wood. That's what the usually the Cypher made. Oh, and usually a cipher. It's a big plate that five people can eat from it.

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Part of a cipher, Yama dish becomes a chemical casaya Oh,

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is that limiting the plates to this category of plates this type of flight?

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No. So the problem just mentioned a cipher the plate as an example. It could be a ball, man, someone who can eat like Elena, you see, I think is a philosophy and a smart guy. He said, You know what? So bowl of gold is okay. But plate is not okay. You know, a pot made of gold or silver. It's okay. No. So he just made an example of the plate. But that's applied to anything that you eat from directly or indirectly. Like sometimes there is a senior Simona tipsy

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this tray, the serving tray.

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If it's a silver, the trades made of silver same rule you're not allowed to use it. Even if you don't eat directly from it. It's like the pot. You don't if you don't eat from it or not. Sometimes you ate from the tray director sometimes not. So orange is gold. So anything that it has to do with serving food or eating the food, and that will include fork. knife, spoons, chopsticks.

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oh man Erskyll Oh yeah, sure. chopsticks just leave it oh the Chinese

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huh gonna be real gold. Okay, so anything cups, jobs, tray a pots, anything like that will be included in this study. Then in Ibiza Salim said, For in Allah home for dunya a belongs to them in this worldly life.

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Hina and then apply the

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either Janice, Libyan in Waka fana mfu mela,

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when we have attacks that describe reality, it doesn't mean that this tax can be a rule can be driven from that tax.

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This is a rule of principle. I'll say it again. If we have a text that describes reality, in the time of the prophets of Salaam, it doesn't mean that that

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And approval from the prophets of Salaam to this practice

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so when the newbies are Salam said it belongs to them in the dunya he describing what they practice not that the process I'm saying it is allowed for them to do it is not approving what the doing he just relating to us what they are doing. Yeah, you have Latina Manu Lata Kuru Reba burapha madatha. All you believe, don't consume rebound, don't consume rebound

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multiple times. Nobody can say, Oh, so it means if I am not the consumer, I'm the boss. I'm the giver of the rebates. Okay? Because the verse always talks about the consumer, not the one who pay the interest is the one who received the interest, the verse say, those who consume the interest those who receive the interest. So that means those who give the interest are out of it. No, it's not. The verse just simply talking about the common practice of the people. Because the issue of interest was mainly related to the people who consume not the people who get the verse came to describe the situation. You don't drive rules from a verse that describe reality.

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And there is many things like that. So here we don't means that it is hard for them to do it or the person said, hey, go do it. No, it means that this the process of describing what they do

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otherwise, they're drinking from this type of utensils only increase their punishment and the hellfire.

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this led the scholar to discuss an issue

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was the Kufa the disbelievers,

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required by Islam are required by Allah

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to practice the laws of Islam.

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And if they don't, where they be held accountable for it,

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number one, number one,

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and I'm going to give you a summary there's a long discussion.

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And in my opinion, this discussion need to be reframed. The way I will say to you to appreciate the debate.

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So the frame that's exists in the books of yeppoon Harold kuffaar, Maha baboon aamupala, born before a Sharia law, is the non Muslims prescribed upon them the rules of Islam or not. The majority says yes, the minority said no minority like the Hanafi is the majority like the hamady, the Shafi, the Malik insidious, the Hanafi and some of the somebody said no. And

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the right framing here to this issue is the following is not just what I said the right framing is highly in Kufa. motala born before a Sharia am hanon kofod Maha Sabu and Omar, Omar kaboom before Sharia, there is a difference between the two. Are the non Muslim required to apply the rules of Islam? The answer is no. Nobody ever would say that non Muslims woman need to actually jump.

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Nobody ever would say that the non Muslim person needs to pray five times a day. Nobody will say that. But they will cite in the Day of Judgment, would that person be held accountable for missing the five daily prayers for not wearing Hijab for eating pork? 444 etc?

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That's debate. Some scholar said yes. Some scholar said no. Those who said

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no, they will not be held accountable for it. Because if a Muslim if a person now enter Islam, if that a person became a Muslim, would you ask that person to pray all the missing salon his life?

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No. If it was prescribed upon him, you should

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but it was not prescribed upon him because he was not a Muslim. That's one side of the argument. The other side would say no, it was prescribed It was a sin but that sin wiped out when he became Muslim.

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But they will come back even if the sin is wiped out. You still have to do it like a Muslim now Mr. Salah

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Okay, he's still have to make it up. So the argument back and forth. Those who said they are going to be held accountable.

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For these deeds in the Day of Judgment is because all of a sudden the masala comfy Saqqara akumina mousseline while I'm not gonna pay miskeen we did not used to pray we did not used to give zakat.

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But is this verse strong enough to establish that in my opinion, no. Because these this is the mentioning of the salon and there's a cat is not from the salon itself and there's a cap so it means we were not doing this big to represent that they were not Muslims. So the mentioned Islam by mentioning part of his now

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Otherwise, the use to it Ivan miski,

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the co founder of Piraeus used to give food to the poor.

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That's right. The co founder of Cora is used to pray

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Yeah, he used to make hedge they used to do this but what does not accept them from them because they didn't do it as Muslims. So the whole point will go back to us the masala masala bubble Islam, that they were not. They were never they were basically never a believer and that's the whole discussion is all about my opinion.

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But in any way, there is a third opinion I know of anybody like interested, there is a third opinion kayalu

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whom motala booneville Cafe Anil Muhammad, we'll hear more matana beam Bill amaravati back. The federal law only will hold them accountable, not for the

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orders, but will hold them accountable. They broke the rules.

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Like if they kill if the steel if they furnish it. But they will not ask about the pray that the fast colony and now they have taken in a Nia Aslan,

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you don't initiate fall out of the car or car until unless you have an intention for it. Anyway, I don't want to drive but this is for those who benefit. These are three different opinion in law item. The strong opinion among all of them, in my opinion, is the minority position, which is they are not asked for it in the dunya. But why did I mention this today in my class, because this is important for us in America here. A lot of people think that Muslims want to apply the Islamic rules upon the public, who are not Muslims. We don't force the non Muslim to practice Islam.

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In an in a Muslim country majority, we don't force Islam over them. And we don't ask them to pray. We don't ask them to fast. We don't ask them to pay job. We don't ask them to do that. We they're not. They're not asked. That's why they used to drink alcohol. They used to have hammer they used to have their own life. We didn't enforce our rules over them.

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And that's from the time of the companion are they allowed no Mandala medical images in Nevada, when the krisztian came to a model they allow and with the wine. And they said this is our share the tax the tissue should basically we should give almost that I don't take wine we don't accept wine

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pile and to talavera who tabula rasa, you select among yourself, then you give the 10th of it.

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So that shows you that they used to have their own drinks, they used to have their own transactions. Also in Derby, sallAllahu Sallam bra and Yahoo

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they have the pegs and they have the paint. And they used to sell the

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the fact of the pigs they used to some of the music to do for the ships. And that was practice among them. So that and that's an Islam not a lot, but among them they do that they do things of that nature. So my point here that nobody ever would say that or even think that we have to enforce the Islamic laws upon non Muslims. Look them Do you have your religion, I have my religion

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in the same line, some massage that they ask women before even in some Muslim country, before they go to a master, she has to put hijab on

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and she had to put a scarf on and she has to do this and she has to do that.

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And there is no islamically reason for you to ask for that. I think you should ask for decency.

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Good libs. Mataram.

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Should not coming with a short She's not coming with skirt. She isn't he's not coming with a short. Any. There is a respectful dress you like any if you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Go To Court you don't just show up wearing

00:35:04 --> 00:35:28

short or so bathing suits you know when you go to chair you don't do that even though it's might be a challenge some bizarre we go to court and we go to churches for example with a skirt, but still we tell them the proper etiquette according to the Muslim culture to the out of over the Muslim meat. So a proper clothes that beyond the knees and you know

00:35:29 --> 00:35:34

even if it's a short sleeve or whatever long sleeve we're not going to go into details, but it is acceptable.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:42

And even if there is some exceptions sometimes happen it happens to to all the massages and those are involved that I knows about that.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:51

But the point is we not asked to enforce our Islamic ruling upon them.

00:35:54 --> 00:36:10

He said salatu salam, you Georgi rofi, botany he now consume fire in his stomach, you charger Calumet Jara Jara. Anybody knows what ga mean. You charger

00:36:12 --> 00:36:22

people think you judge him and you pull that he comes from North algebra algebra it is when you put the water you know when you

00:36:24 --> 00:36:24


00:36:25 --> 00:36:41

you know it's like that sound comes when you open your mouth and your I have one of my daughter's she drinks like that. Okay, when she drinks she just take the whole thing together. You can hear the water going through her throat and hitting the stomach.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:49

I said one of them I didn't say no to our I didn't mention any names and the sad one okay.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:17

Anyway, also it could be the abuse this to describe the voice of the of the sound that comes from the camel. When the camel drink the water can swallow the water Paul comes in so that's called it means consuming. A big portion of the water is straight to the stomach. That's how our beloved will do in hellfire.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:39

They will consume a huge amount of the fire and the boiling water and Hellfire inside their stomach. Not just a sip, no huge amount they will consume it in nema coluna fever pone him Nara like what Allah subhanaw taala said in regard to the

00:37:40 --> 00:37:44

the people who consume that wealth of the orphans and sort of the Nisa

00:37:46 --> 00:37:57

because of this two Hadith the Prophet forbade and because the Hellfire is the punishment and the Hellfire cannot be punishment for anything but for what something Hara

00:37:59 --> 00:38:10

almost, I can't say every. I say almost all the scholars said the drinking from utensils that gold or silver, pure gold and silver is crap.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:26

Does anybody disagree with that? Yes. Had a Polish Shafi refill adeem the old opinion Shafi Rahim Allah and some of the old chapter is in Iraq held into it. Also.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:34

The old advisory from bahariya they said it's only dislike they didn't say to

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37


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00:39:10 --> 00:39:11

shadow one

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00:40:36 --> 00:40:42

so this opinion that this is only for means dislike karahan z here

00:40:43 --> 00:41:01

or I would that would avoid he said it's hallum only for drinking from a cup that is silver or gold, but it is permissible for eating. Why did he say that because he looked at the Hadith that you consume fire if you drink

00:41:02 --> 00:41:08

but we can dismiss this argument easily by saying there is another narration says Muslim eat or drink

00:41:09 --> 00:41:12

Okay, so that really doesn't hold any

00:41:13 --> 00:41:36

strong argue is not a strong argument anymore anymore and enables a solemn debate either in native and nebby forbid something solid is on them. And there is no proof to make an exceptions it means it's a lot. What's the exception that they have for this they said because in the visa salon, one of his cups cracked and in Derby sallallahu Sallam filled that crack with

00:41:37 --> 00:41:43

a chain or a silver Jaffee either hand nappies or solemn

00:41:44 --> 00:41:45


00:41:46 --> 00:42:30

lemahieu abuse or subtle ambitious Scylla demon filled they said so that means it's a lot but we say no. Here this is a very small amount just to fill the crack. It doesn't mean the whole the tensile is filled but you can just drop this honey which is very clear text to that incident. That's why the vast majority of our time outside it's forbidden It's hot. Why? Why it is hot on to drink from it pencils made of gold and silver. What's the inner? What's the reasoning behind it? allama Rahim Allah debated among themselves a lot. What is the reasoning behind it? Because when individual Salam said it's for them in the dunya, and for us in the era, that's not a law, that that's something you

00:42:30 --> 00:42:31

cannot meet the US on it.

00:42:33 --> 00:43:00

You can make analogy based on it's for them and the dunya and for us and so what else can be you know, associated with that reasoning, really nothing you can't really use it. That's not how the ELA in the solo works. So they have to come up with the reason behind it. So they can use the same logic to apply to other things for tyloo and ELA some LMS add color in the castle

00:43:02 --> 00:43:08

The reason behind forbidding eating from gold and silver utensils because you break the poor people's heart

00:43:09 --> 00:43:38

yeah that's maybe wisdom but because there is so many things the rich people have can break the poor people's heart without giving example some people Mashallah they have their iPhone seven you know and it's like the fancy the charcoal one the you know the latest version of it and I'm still have like you know, iPhone four okay.

00:43:40 --> 00:44:28

Stick break the hearts of the poor people. You know you drive a 2017 or 18 maybe Okay, Mercedes blah blah blah. And I drive a Honda I don't even know what's the make of it. Okay, so on Honda, you know, you didn't know what is it for color Misaki. So that's, that's not a reasoning otherwise everything will many things will be how long? They said no. And in law, the reasoning behind it. title because golden silver in the old days were what the currency that's what the currency made up. So the set if you're going to use the gold and silver in the market to make plates and go and

00:44:31 --> 00:44:34

utensils, what happened to the golden silver

00:44:36 --> 00:44:40

the value of it will go very high and that will hurt the poor.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:56

Because not available anymore because they are reusing it can only be absorbent. It will create basically a chaos in the market. And for what for somebody to use it for food and drink

00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

and he said gold and silver should

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

be used for something better than that, like trade and purchasing and things of that nature.

00:45:06 --> 00:45:08

But is that true?

00:45:09 --> 00:45:12

That logic or reasoning? * Have you ever?

00:45:13 --> 00:45:33

Because how many people can offer to have gold and silver of utensils very few reality will not really affect the market. So to make this as a reasoning, it's not really a reason, some set may be the reason is imitating the kofod.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:59

So because it's imitating the kuffar the imitation of the kuffaar, it's forbidden. We say not every imitation of practice of the non Muslim. It means it's haram to do for instance, and now visa Salam said, Pray with your shoes on because the people who have the book, they don't pray while they have their shoes on.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:03

Okay, pal salvini article

00:46:05 --> 00:46:20

Are you following? So, in Ibiza, saddam said that? He said, Pray in your shoes on because the people of the book, pray with no shoes. I have a question for you. How many times the verse on pray with no shoes on

00:46:23 --> 00:46:26

1000s of times? Would he making imitation?

00:46:27 --> 00:47:01

No. Yes, the reality he does. He praying the way the same Jewish and Christian practice. But this imitation is not how it's a common practice between we don't wear shoes when we pray most of the time. Is that is that clear? So to say that it is imitation. That's why it's Haram. Not every imitation makes things harder. So that cannot be the reasoning. So what's the reasoning? Why the prophets of Salaam said it's haram to drink or to eat in gold? or silver plates and cups?

00:47:05 --> 00:47:08

arrogance so somebody tell you maybe it's not arrogant.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:12

Similar to arrogance?

00:47:17 --> 00:47:27

Same but is that a reason? To make a can you use this because if the moment is said it's a reason, you can use the same logic to apply to many other things.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:49

So just because of the time outside, am Rahim Allah said something and he was very strongly supporting his view over all the previous ones, by sign because if you start eating and drinking in silver and gold, that will go against the state of Bodhi and Illa.

00:47:50 --> 00:48:02

That Abdullah, the one who's a servant of obedience of Allah, Who is down to earth, no arrogance in his heart if you are eating and golden so what left for agenda

00:48:04 --> 00:48:19

the idea in another word, you basically living a very arrogant life and that's again is the concept of Islam to be down to earth to be humbled to be this to be that but again I don't see this really as a reasoning will allow

00:48:20 --> 00:48:23

hoonah freehold

00:48:24 --> 00:48:31

condominium to be a very few can see the difference between the following two points I'm going to cite

00:48:32 --> 00:48:38

Nan Lana Pathan a lead to hit demons that have been filled but

00:48:40 --> 00:48:49

that's the mistake that the doing the looking for the reasoning behind why using gold and silver as utensils is haram.

00:48:50 --> 00:49:03

What I think we should be looking at why what's the reasoning behind forbidding eating and drinking from the golden silver plates

00:49:06 --> 00:49:10

and there is a quite different between the two. And I explained that later.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:16

For that fork bin inlet is the same as they

00:49:17 --> 00:49:18

were a little

00:49:19 --> 00:49:21

tiny mill achill washer minute.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:32

Why? Because you're going to know later on that you can use gold and silver according to the majority of the bar and other than eating and drinking.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:38

Because many of these things can apply to a golden pen.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:40

A gold phone

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43

real gold phone.

00:49:44 --> 00:50:00

Okay, so what and many of our sins a lot. So here we say what's to the prop the end of the reasoning is strictly related to the eating and drinking what will be there in the what will be the reason in my opinion.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:50

Nobody knows it's from the last panel to add all the points that was mentioned are valid points are good points. I call them wisdoms Hakan the tertiary wisdom behind legislation but not the end because it'd be so solemn said it is for them in the dunya and philosophy that's very specific very restricted to this specific ruling we take it away it is a question Can I apply the same ruling to plated gold and plated silver? I think that's mainly that's more practical here. plated silver plated gold. I have come across many times invited to many weddings many even Islamic events and rostra in weddings and fundraising dinners stuff like that. And I found that they have pure Silver's

00:50:51 --> 00:50:53

even one time in the airplane to us

00:50:56 --> 00:51:01

if you fly any first class you know just kidding. You get in

00:51:02 --> 00:51:11

and you know in some of these airplane airlines when you go first class was supposed to give you actually pure silver utensil

00:51:12 --> 00:51:13


00:51:16 --> 00:51:29

who knows but most likely it's plated plated gold or plated silver can you use that and no matter how we'll have to position the vast majority of the fuqaha will tell you it's forbidden

00:51:31 --> 00:51:36

not allowed to use anything plated gold and silver why

00:51:38 --> 00:52:11

because every wisdom behind why it's held on to use pure gold and silver uplighter the arrogance the breaking the heart of the pours it just to the state that you are it looks like because it looks like gold it's not about the value not gonna sell it's about the experience of just feeling that I am eating on a golden plate that happened with a pure gold or plated gold that what they said okay

00:52:12 --> 00:52:39

and also because there is a hadith and eration that in nebby salam said I will show you a min and he don't don't eat in a drink or in a in a plated in a gold or silver plate or if part of it any part of it is gold on plate so they said since the plating plated gold it's part of a goal but this heading is really not authentic.

00:52:41 --> 00:53:02

The second opinion said it's allowed why they said because plated gold and silver very small amount compared to the actual amount of the plate. So we will make this analogy did in the processor land filled the crack filled the crack with silver that small amount so if it's in the same line

00:53:03 --> 00:53:09

Okay, we allowed and basically that's something some of the alcohol rahimullah

00:53:11 --> 00:53:20

allowed it in the set and there is no proof to say that there's very small amount of gold or silver will be considered something how long

00:53:21 --> 00:53:21


00:53:30 --> 00:53:34

I personally don't have a very strong position either way.

00:53:36 --> 00:53:43

Because both have very good argument. But my recommendation is try to avoid it.

00:53:44 --> 00:54:01

And many I never used it I never allowed myself to use plated gold or silver utensils or many times I was in position people made fun of me and I saw people on the table and dinner table in hotels is the leg that they looked at to me because they asked for a plastic spoons

00:54:04 --> 00:54:10

I said no I said plastic spoons Can you imagine first class restaurant and I said plastic spoon please

00:54:12 --> 00:54:13

an airplane plastic spoons

00:54:14 --> 00:54:16

are always my hand but I'm not gonna get it

00:54:19 --> 00:54:20

and I'm ready

00:54:23 --> 00:54:32

but charger feet open enough I'm not I'm not gonna take that you're not gonna take that you consume Fiat and health is not worth it no matter how the food is.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:34


00:54:37 --> 00:54:57

Another question LMS said the heading said eat he forbade eating or drinking from a utensil made of golden silver tub What about using golden silver items in other than eating or utensils that you don't use it for eating

00:55:01 --> 00:55:02

No, not

00:55:03 --> 00:55:23

gold tooth or anything. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about items like either it's a plate. Let's say I have this beautiful gold plate and I want to use it as a decoration. I have a jug made of silver, and I want to make it as a vase.

00:55:24 --> 00:55:25

I'm not gonna drink from it.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:27

I want to use it as a vase.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:30

But what about pin

00:55:31 --> 00:55:32

made of gold?

00:55:34 --> 00:55:35

What about

00:55:36 --> 00:55:39

watch made of gold or silver?

00:55:41 --> 00:55:41


00:55:43 --> 00:55:44

what about

00:55:47 --> 00:56:08

jewelry? Yeah, that's a debate it can be jewelry or not silver. Let's put a silver Okay, what about tooth and things like this are different but let's say I'm talking about tools. Let's say you know what i'm gonna i'm a dentist and I'm going to use the tool that I use made of pure silver.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:13

You know what I'm going to have a gold phone.

00:56:16 --> 00:56:24

What if I want to have a cover for a book made of pure gold some masa have the cover of the must have made of pure gold.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:38

That's very common especially in the Ottomans time Emperor all this area you go up and up north all the way to China. You will find this as a common practice in old Masada

00:56:40 --> 00:56:44

gold sinks, a toilet seat made of gold.

00:56:45 --> 00:56:47

A gold card.

00:56:48 --> 00:56:50

Gold pure gold car.

00:56:51 --> 00:56:54

Huh? glass is made of gold.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:00

All these issues. We'll talk about it next week and Shawn latonya

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