Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafsir of Surah AlMuminun 23

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the negative language and its meaning, including the importance of history and positive attitude towards life. It emphasizes the need to be mindful of past experiences and to not be the same way. The speakers also discuss the importance of having a positive attitude towards life and the need to be mindful of past experiences. Additionally, they touch on the importance of having a positive attitude towards life and the need to be mindful of past experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language Quranic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the Timeless Lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience Quran intensive. Please check out begging us summer.com That's B A y y i n Ah summer.com To get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive.

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Are we the biller him in a shape on the raw gene? bollock omnibus don't fill out the Odyssey Nene Palu la Bitna Yeoman Obaldia yo manifest la la.

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De Dean. Conner in Lebanon Illa Calida low and near Cancun tomb Giada moon

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after Hershey, Belgium and Mr. Hala Kona coma Alba were an icon welcome Elaine Allah to Raja rune hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala octubre to limit shopping or salatu salam ala se did mousseline well Allah Allah He was such we were meant to be our homeboy son, Elijah Medina.

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In the today, inshallah we're starting from is number 112 112. In the previous passage, we talked about

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the reward that Allah subhanaw not only just the reward that Allah subhanaw taala will give to those who believed and did rights, but also how Allah subhanaw taala will punish and also cause a lot of regret and remorse, painful regret and remorse within those who disbelieved. And we talked about how this entire passage has been kind of walking us through the different stages of the life of the hereafter, and how it culminated within those who disbelieved going to the fire of * and those who believed going to paradise.

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In today's passage, or today's section Inshallah, the ayat that we're going to talk about today, or at least what we're starting off from, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about a conversation. So there are many different places in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the conversation between the people in paradise certain death in Fiji nothing and Tessa Aluna and in Majid Amina masala conflicts occur, and certain

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sort of soft fat, and other places tell us about the conversation amongst the people in paradise. There are places in the Quran, like certain wood that felt like sort of out of where Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the conversation between the people of Paradise and the people of *. This is now a conversation that is basically happening amongst the people of the fire of *. And in order to be able to discuss this and talk about it, we're basically going to discuss these two ideas together. Or rather, three I got together is 112 113 Oh, 114. So what I'm going to do in sha Allah is just translate all three ayat, and then we'll have a conversation about these three Iots

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inshallah. So, a translation says about it, number 12.

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He will say, how many years were you on earth, I want their team and they will reply, we stayed a day or a part of the day, or a part of a day. But as those who keep count, I 114. He will say you stayed but a little if you had only known. So this is just a brief translation of these three ayat, and now to kind of talk about these three ayat and what exactly they're referring to before. The first and foremost thing is that there there's a conversation taking place. And the conversation is initiated by someone. And it alludes to whoever initiates the conversation with the word Allah. Bala translates as he said, but it does not tell us exactly who it is. Who is saying this who the speaker

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is, just says Allah He said, but it doesn't identify the speaker. Now when you read it at first glance at first look, it seems that the one who is speaking is Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanahu wa taala asked this question comes from Phil or the other the Cine how many years were you on the earth?

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And then they respond by saying Allah Allah Bitna Yeoman Oba the omen for Lila Ardene that we stayed for a day or part of a day so as those who keep counts, Allah and then he says Allah subhanaw taala said, Elizabeth from Allah pennilyn You did

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not stay, but except for very little. No and that can continue to alimony if only you understood or if only you realized, if only you had known. So majority of the Mufasa and majority of the scholars of the Quran actually do say that this conversation is between the last time I went to Allah and the people of the fire of *, that Allah when it says Allah, it is referring to Allah, it says Palu it is referring to the people in the fire. There are some of us saloon, however, who also say that this is a conversation amongst the people have held themselves. And there's a way to understand it, there's a way to interpret it. Now how do we go about when it says Allah, right, and then fall loose

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B says that the people of * are saying Bacala in the singular, usually that's Allah subhanaw taala. So there are some places in the Quran where it says Allah ka illumine, whom Allah can illuminate them, that a speaker from amongst them, one of them, who speaks up from amongst them, he says, so therefore there is precedent within the Quran, you can correlate this and support this by means of other is where you could say that this is some one of the inhabitants of *, who questions his companions, for lack of a better term in *. He questions them saying that come up with come fill out of the others in in how long did you stay within the earth? How many years did

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you spend in the life and in the in the sense of that either this is somebody who may be like Allah subhanaw taala in another place in the Quran. He says that polyantha Luhan polycotton Elizabeth, Allah Yeoman, that Allah subhanaw taala tells us about another place in the Quran, where the people in the fire of *

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are conversing with one another. They're talking to each other about how long they spent in the life of the world.

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And over there, they all kind of give different ideas or different amounts of time that they spent within the firewall. Allah subhanaw taala says, it's a conference you and I've been in libitum Illa Yeoman. This is in surah Taha is one of the three and one or four, Allah subhanaw taala says he had a Kapha tuna Boehner whom that they are kind of almost whispering amongst each other. They're talking to each other. And they're saying Elizabeth in the Huffington Urbina, Houma, la vita, Mila Ashlynn, that you did not stay in the life of the world, except for like, 10 days, a very short amount of time, like we say, a week or so. No, I never will be my Yahoo loon. Allah says that we are

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very well informed, we are more informed of what they are saying, if you're Pulu, I'm fellow whom, buddy cotton, when the most sensible amongst them. The most sensible amongst them says in libitum, Illa, Yeoman, you did not stay in the life of the world except for a day.

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Right? So even this other place in the Quran tells us that they are conversing with one another. And there's one of them who may be is a little bit more sensible. I'm following Tarik cotton, he's a little bit more sensible than the rest of them. And he ends up basically correcting them when they're like, maybe we spent like 10 days, a dozen days or so in the fire in the life of the world, that the more sensible amongst them. He says, no, no, you only stayed for about a day, he did not stay in the world except for a day. So what this basically shows is that maybe there's someone amongst the inhabitants of *, who just as a little bit more sensible, or kind of realizes things

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a little bit before the rest of his companions in * realize things. And so he is the one who kind of questions the rest.

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The guy is how long did you stay? And of course, including himself, how long did we stay? How long did you stay in the life of the world in terms of in terms of number of years? And then they all respond by saying Kalu let me tell you, Oh, man, nobody on a day or half a day, part of the day.

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Let me tell you about the unfair Senator Ardene. And then some of them will first you don't say that them saying first Allah Dean almost expresses kind of like, why are you asking us this was somebody who kept track of these things? Because they're so frustrated with their own plight with their own condition? And then he says a little bit Tamila kalila whatever it is, you stayed for very little No, no, and that can continue Kalamoon if only you would have realized, right, so some of us who don't have presented this analysis

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of this conversation. However, that is a majority

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Excuse me that is a minority amongst the Mufasa. The scholars of the Quran, the exegesis. The majority of them, however, are of the opinion as it seems a little bit more obvious from the context and from the flow and the consistency of the ayat that when it says Allah, that this is Allah subhanaw taala speaking. So Allah subhanaw taala questions them, come loveth don't fill out the Now two things I'd like to point out here before we go forward libitum this word then they respond by saying Latina and then again, Allah subhanaw taala corrects them, fall in love with them. So this word lab etha it occurs three times within these three Ayat once in each verse, which once in each

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if so what this is where Lebua actually mean? The lexicon says

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headphone you Lulu Allah microfine

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that this is a word in the Arabic language that means to stay somewhere. It refers to staying somewhere spending some time somewhere. For instance, you call you lovey dovey makan a comma, he stayed for a wild letter place meaning he stopped there for a while, or he set up shop there for a while he kind of settled in Allah subhanaw taala. In surah, Juno's Sen and Surah Kahf it says, let me give birth to a lesser atom in the heart, they did not stay except for a little while during the day. So this word love visa in and of itself, it means to stay somewhere for a while. But even the word itself, the usage of the word, it does express the fact that it's temporary. So it's almost

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like a temporary spot like a temporary stop or a temporary residence. Right. So it's not a permanent residents. So that much is understood about the word. So that's what this particular word means. And that was used in two different forms. The second thing is they say fill out the fill out. Now fill out and fee means in our means the earth the ground. Now, if you literally translated it means in the ground. Now when I say how long did you spend in the ground? What does that make you think of? The grave? Exactly. So there is a difference of opinion and a discussion among some of us who don't? And the scholars have to see the scholars of the Quran that this fill or the What is this exactly

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referring to? Right? Are they being asked how long did you spend in the life of the world? Like in your life? How long were you alive for roaming about on the earth? Because again, in the Arabic language, you can say fill out, right? Like Allah says, Cool see, to fill out the go and move about go and roam about in the earth. Now that doesn't mean that burrow down into the ground and then move around underground. That's not what it means, right? It's an expression. It's used in the Arabic language to mean within the area of the earth like on the earth, as we say, but within the area of the earth. All right. So that's what it basically refers to. So it does not have to literally be

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understood as inside of the ground, like in the grave. So some of us you don't have said that. This refers to how long did you spend in the grave? All right, and that's why they kind of some scholars have used this as a another Quranic reference, another Quranic kind of implicit mention of the life within the grave. However, that's a little bit of again, kind of a stretch. And it's kind of forcing the issue, because it's very obvious. As I mentioned, the other eye of the Quran will see roof will move about in the earth, that of course, it talks about moving about on top of the earth, all right, traveling around in the earth, as we even say, in English. So it doesn't have to be understood that

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way. And again, when you look in other places within the Quran, where the same type of a conversation takes place, it makes it very obvious that what they're actually being asked about is how long did the life that you lived back in the world back in the first life? How long did that last? Your 5060 7080 years? What does that seem like now, now that you've experienced resurrection, and the day of judgment, and the weighing of the deeds and the crossing over the bridge and the, you know, being marched up to the Gates of *, and then being entered into the fire of *, and now that you've been in the fire of * for an amount of time, only Allah knows that now when you look

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back at your 5060 7080 you know, years of heedlessness and you know, complete

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You don't complete disconnect, disconnect, spiritual disconnection. That's what does it feel like that life that you live that you were adamant that you were going to live on your own terms, and that you were going to do whatever it is that you feel like doing. And you are going to do things your own way, and you are going to enjoy life and you are going to make the most of your life. When you look back at it. What does it feel like?

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What does it feel like what's and it's a way again, to continue what this entire passage has kind of how it's been setting up. And the tone of this entire passage where it seems to be emphasizing regret remorse,

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that this is something you're going to regret. It's talking to living people this passage is speaking to the living, but it's telling them about what will transpire after death and in the life that you're after. So what it's saying is that the way you're going about things only ends badly.

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Right? So they're being shown this preview, that when you're asked about the same life that you want to celebrate and you want to enjoy and you want to live up and you want to, you know fulfill all your dreams and your ambitions and your desires right here and right now. Then let me tell you what it will end up feeling like after the fact what it will seem like

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call it come lobbies don't fill out of the other the ceiling. So how long did you spend in the earth either does he mean either in the Arabic language means to count.

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In terms of accounting, either the CMHC mean is a plural of the word Sana, which means yours. Alright, so how long did you stay in the earth when you counted in number in terms of years? In terms of years? That if you counted how long does it seem like? And again, as I mentioned before, that this is to basically further emphasize the the reprimand from Allah subhanaw taala, about the way that they're living their lives and the way that they're going about it. And so they respond Palu lisabeth, Na, Yeoman, Oba Yeoman, first alila Ardene. And again, as we mentioned, the translation but to kind of talk about the language itself, that they say, le Bisnar, Yeoman, they

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were specifically and explicitly asked tell us in the number of years, how long did you stay? And their response kit just cannot be anything but a bit now Yeoman, maybe a day. We stayed for a day. Oh, Baba, Yeoman, or maybe part of a day. First, Elina Ardene. So ask those who kept count the Ask those who keep count who keep track of this? What does that exactly mean? Who are the ones who keep track of it? So there's a few different ways that the scholars explain this?

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Number one is that this, you know, and we're talking about somebody who might have spent again, like I said, before, 50 6070 years, and now this person is very seriously and objectively answering the question that we stayed for a day or part of a day. How's that possible? Right. And so the first thing is that could they just be again, sticking to that old behavior of being? They're mocking, and they're being sarcastic? And they're being again, kind of obnoxious. Could that be the case? Well, we know that's not the case. Because we've heard from the people in *, that they will be the most sincere they more sincere than they ever were in the life of the world. For Gianna Allah Ahmed

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Saleh, Amina Mookie noon. We know now, we're not we're not acting that way anymore. So this is not some type of sarcastic or some type of, you know,

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false response, but they're being very serious. So how can that be? How do we understand that? A narration from Abdullah bin Abbas Radi Allahu Taala anima. He says unsaddled mcConathy him in Allah that the payment of Katyn

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that when they go into fire of *,

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and all the punishment that they will experience in the fire of * will literally make them forget.

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It will make them forget,

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they will have no recollection.

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Right. And that's part of that misery again, that you don't even have any memories. That's a part of that torment. You don't even get to have your memories, you might have had a couple of good memories in there. You don't even get to have that, that they will be made to forget. And specifically the punishment and the torment will cause them to forget. Another interpretation says that this is meant kind of, it's a form of like eloquence and this is very experiential as well. That when you go through difficulty,

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that you know difficult

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You know, like they say, you know when your time flies when you're having a good time.

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Right, but when you get into difficulty that everything slows down. And it seems like it lasts forever, that pain seems to last forever. And so obviously, they might have fulfilled their desires somewhat in the life of the world. And also keep in mind, the life of the world is so short, the life of the hereafter is actually a lot longer. And then when you factor in the fact that this is, you know, a torturous, miserable existence, that when they compared the two, they mean it in terms of comparison, that if you're asking us how long we were in the life of the world, compared to what we've experienced now, it doesn't even feel like a whole day.

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It does not even feel like a whole day. So it means in contrast to what we are going through right now.

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Right? So that's another explanation of how they can actually respond by saying that, you know, we stayed a day or a part of a day. Another question that's brought by some of them Facetune

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is that when you look within the Quran, you find that there are different responses to the same question in different places. So for instance, one place in the Quran and Sunnah number

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in Surah number 30. If 55 Allah says yo multiple Mossad to use similar Majidi Munna my lebih, through hatless I attend, that on the day when the hour occurs, the criminals will swear that they did not stay in the life of the world except for an hour. They only stayed for an hour they only spent an hour in the life of the world. All right, another place in the Quran, God Nahum Yama Girona Hallam Gilberto Allah, she gets an old boo ha ha.

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That on that day that they see everything they see reality let me but they will feel like they had not stayed except for ashington. i She attended means an evening oh do ha ha or a morning, a half a day a part of a date.

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Another place

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in Surah number 10 And so that you notice I have 45 Gollum yellowblue, Elissa terminan the Hadiya to Agra fauna be now that it they'll feel as if they only stayed for an hour from the daytime in the life of the world. Same thing and sort of 46 Allah says, let me get back to Elissa atom in the harem Bella Hoon file you will Aquila come on first second, that they have not stayed except for an hour from the daytime. That I mentioned the ayah from Surah surah Taha surah number 20 You have to have a tuna Bina hula Bismillah Ashran and maybe 10 days. But then of course, Allah subhanaw taala says now, we may have to Luna is the Quran fellow who elaborated Mala Yeoman, that the more sensible

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amongst them will say that we only you only stayed for a date. And now here they're saying a day or part of a day. So you have all these different responses to the same question an hour,

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you have

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a part of a date, like morning or evening, you have an hour from the daytime, half a day, one day, 10 days, all these different responses. So how do you reconcile all of them? And the way that is reconciled is the IRS from surah Taha are very insightful, that the more sensible one, he actually corrects the rest of them. You say you can't even call? How are you going to sit there and tell me that the life of the world even felt like 10 days, it didn't, it barely felt like a day compared to this. So it is in contrast, it is in comparison to what they're experiencing in the life of the hereafter. And that helps to also answer the question about why would somebody who live for 60 years

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say that I only lived in the life in the world for a day, because it's an expression, it's figuratively speaking, and speaking comparatively, that if you want to compare it to what this feels like, it's barely a day. It's barely a day. And that also helps explain kind of the different responses that are informed to us within the Quran about what they will exactly say. Now, first, le Ladin so they say

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Paula elaborate to me, excuse me, Allah, betta Yeoman, about the yeoman, first L.

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Which means ask. It's the command forum for Ask Aladdin, Aladdin. And this again, either does he mean? That's from the same word I didn't means one who counts? One who keeps count as the one who keeps count as those who keep count? What does that mean? Who are the ones who keep count? Right, who is that referring to? So the Mufasa don't give different answers to this particular question.

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Some of the scholars hate that what they

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referring to is that

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we, that asks, we don't know. We didn't keep track of how long it was. Ask somebody who did keep track. So that mean, what they mean by that is go and ask somebody else who did keep track. Right? And that's the opinion that Qatada one of the McPherson who mentions another opinion is that go and ask the angels.

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Go and ask the angels, the angels that recorded deeds and kept track of everything that we did in life for the world, go and ask them. And that's the opinion of Mujahid another one that move us along from the from the generation with the tabby on. So Qatada says that they are referring to maybe somebody amongst us here can give you a better idea. This is what it feels like. Now, if you want an accurate number, you're gonna have to go at somebody else, or they're saying refer, refer, go ask the angels. Either way you look at it, there's something very powerful and very insightful about what they're saying first alila, adding their obliviousness. Their obliviousness to how long

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in terms of time they spent in the life of the world, actually, is quite significance.

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And the Mufasa don't point to this, they say this is a huge point of reflection, because they say that this is indicative of how they live their lives in this world. See, a very interesting thing is that whenever we talk about the life of the hereafter, and especially in contrast to the life of the world, like Allah subhanaw taala says, In the Quran will will ask you not to hate on what I call, the life of the Hereafter is better and longer lasting. So when you compare the two, this life, the life of this world is very lonely, when compared to the life of the hereafter, however, it is not insignificant. Those are two different things. Right? The life of this world is not the goal. But

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that in and of itself does not make it insignificant. Just because something is the means to an end, it can still be very important,

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right? Because you have to utilize the means and you have to properly fulfill the means. So it doesn't make it insignificant.

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And so a believer, right, a believer like Allah instructs us in the Quran will attend Santa see becoming a dunya. Do not forget, do not be neglectful of the opportunity you have in this life.

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Do not be neglectful of the opportunity you have in this life. Right that a believer understands the life of the hereafter is my goal. This life is not the goal and the objectives. The life of the hereafter is, however, at the same time, at the same time, the believer very much values this opportunity, though, and understands that I need to do rights here. And I need to make the most of my opportunity here in order to achieve what I'd like to achieve over there in the life of the hereafter.

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And that's why when you look at the Islamic framework and kind of the lifestyle, and the structure that we've been given in terms of how to live life, it is actually built and structured in a way to teach us to really value time.

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And make the most of our time in an opportunity. Right, whether you're looking at the five times daily prayer, right spread out all throughout the day, beginning with Fudger early in the morning. So almost you're being forced to wake up in the morning

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and make the most of your day, then stopping at overtime at noon time.

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Right. So again, kind of reassess how your day is going, what did you do with your morning and realize that there's still quite a bit of daytime left, you still have daylight left. Also time to help you understand and realize the day is coming to an end you need to hurry up and make the most of this opportunity Maghrib time the setting of the sudden realizing that the day is coming to a close.

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Right and now making sure that you get in what you need to get in and then a short time

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again to kind of conclude an engineered day in a productive manner in fashion.

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Because if you don't end up again, kind of wrapping things up and concluding things like we talked about earlier in the sutra, then you're only going to struggle going forward again the next day. Right that there's an emphasis on time.

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You know, when you have the month of Ramadan coming around every year in 30 consecutive days, 29 or 30 consecutive days of fasting and fasting during the daytime praying during the nighttime.

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Right zakat being due once every year. So almost keeping track of that and tabulating that and remembering that every year you have to pay your ticket, right so there is an emphasis on making the most of your time and your opportunity and valuing time

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And the Quran constantly talks about this as well. La vida Joomla is known as our a Saturday when we talked about this, that when that when that time that expiration date comes around, then nobody gets a second more second less. But that time is fixed. So they're kind of attitude about time is that I don't know, we didn't keep track of time last somebody who didn't keep track of time. Well, that right, there is a problem that they did not keep track of time.

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Right. So it's actually quite profound, that even they're after realizing what they've realized, and being as remorseful and regretful as they are, you still see that they have that fundamental problem

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that basically landed them in this predicament.

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The second response where they say, go and ask the angels that is also very telling, because a little while ago, or a little while, quite some time ago, but in this process of the journey of the life of the hereafter, they received their book of deeds.

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And in that book of deeds was all their actions and deeds were recorded. And they recorded by those angels. And it's almost like they are still lamenting and still angry at themselves, for what they saw within those books and what was written on those pages. And so they're saying, Go and ask the angels who have track of time, because they recorded every single little thing that we ever did. Every day, every hour, every minute, everything was recorded there. So go ask those angels first alila iodin.

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So that's what that makes reference to. And then in the next idea,

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Allah subhanaw taala again, responds to them he reprimands them. And Allah subhanaw taala says, Carla, Elizabeth tomb Illa, Kalyan,

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Allah in the wisdom Illa kalila.

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The in over here is what we call in Mafia. In mafia it is used to negate

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and it is a very powerful form of negation that you did not stay in Lappalainen, except for very little low income, if only if you continue to Allah moon, if you would have realized this, if you would have understood this, if you would have known this. And by knowing it, it's talking more so about realization and understanding. Now, again, a very interesting kind of question is posed here by someone who will facilitate some of the scholars who say that another place in the Quran, where for instance, so Surah Baqarah is number 259, where it talks about

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Ocula, the man Moura Allah creating, that the man who passed by the town and some of them some of the books have seen in their agents tell us that's talking about oh zeta Alayhis Salam again to Allahu Allah, but the man who passed by a town right where he how we have to know Allah or Lucia,

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that it was turned over upside down, meaning that it was like a deserted kind of like a dead town.

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And he says collar,

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where you have we had to not allow Arusha paler under your heel, color under your he had the other about the multihull right that will you revive the earth after it has died like this? Everything can be brought back to life. Allah says then for Amata hula who me at Armen Allah subhanho wa Taala made him basically die like Allah subhanaw taala made him took his consciousness away for 100 years, some Abba, who, then Allah revived him, Allah restored his consciousness. And then Allah asks him come live with Allah asked him, come loveth How long did you stay? Kala Lavista Yeoman about other young. He said I stayed for a day or part of the day, Allah says Bella Vista Miata Amin, rather you were

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here for 100 years. So Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies exactly how long were you here for? Now here Allah is responding by saying Allah Mr. McAleenan, you did not say except for a very little, why not more of an exact response. So this is how much time you stayed? Well, because we understand the difference in the two discourse in the two dialogues, that is based off of the narrations, a prophet, and Allah subhanaw taala design has been conducted as a miracle and as a proof of the truth. And so Allah subhanaw taala is displaying his Qudra his power. Right? And that's why then he tells him to go and look at his, the donkey that he was writing, Allah tells him to go and look at

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the food and the drink that he had with him the provisions that he was carrying with him, right that Allah subhanaw taala tells him to go and look at all those things, because that is more of the objective of displaying the miracle. And that's why the clarification is provided that rather know you stayed for 100 years versus over here. This is kind of talk

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Think about how things finally ended. And it's really talking about in terms of reflection, and comparing the life of this road to the life of the hereafter, especially when the life of this road was spent in such a neglectful and heedless manner.

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That how frivolous everything that happened is life will seem compared to the life of the hereafter, and everything they're experiencing there. So Allah says Elisabetha Mala kalila, you did not stay except for very little. No, and that can come from Darla moon, if only you would have recognized if only you would have realized.

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Now over here

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over here there's a couple of very interesting

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narrations and some of the things that the Mufasa don't have shared. For instance, there's a narration that many of them will force you to mention amongst them is of course even concede, Rahim Allah Huta Allah, that the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said in the Lucha either at the color Allah Jannetty al Janata, why Allah natty and Nowra that when Allah has entered the people of paradise into Paradise and the people of Helen to * Baliga Island Jannetty come live with some or the other the CNAME Allah will say oh people of paradise How long did you stay within the life of the world in terms of like number of years, called Lulu visa Yeoman about the Yeoman? That even the

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people of Paradise will say it was like a day or part of a de Cala Linnaea alma mater jam tomb. Fi yo me know about the obody omen that Allah subhanaw taala will respond to them by saying Matt Tegile tomb linea mama tartufi Yeoman about the Yeoman you made? You did a lot with that day or part of the day. You made the most

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of what might feel like a day or a part of a day right now you make the most of that. Right You did good with that opportunity with that time. And then Allah will say Rama to you were in one you were Jannetty

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Rama t what is one he would Jannetty Allah subhanaw taala will say that what did you earn? That you earned my mercy and my DD the announcement the proclamation of my being pleased with you. My pleasure. What generosity and my paradise. Uncle Sophie how Holly Deena Mahan, Nadine, then I'll stay here for all of eternity and reside there in paradise for all of eternity. So my colleague Island naughty come the victim or the other the scene and then Allah will ask the people of *, how long did you stay in the earth in terms of number of years? Follow everything about the human day will similarly say a day or part of a day, fair Punahou and then Allah will say beat samatha

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gelatin V Amin about the omen that you make the worst use of that time.

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You made absolutely no use of that time you wasted that opportunity. And then Allah will say Nadi was salty. My fire in my wrath and my anger oncotherapy Ha Holly Dinamo Paladin, that reside there in for all of eternity. May Allah sWINTER protect saw.

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In the next cya I number 115. Allah subhanaw taala says, A Huseby tomb and Namaha konaklama Bertha, were under chameleon, Allah told John,

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when the translation says, Did you think we had created you in vain? And that you would not be brought back to us? Another translation says, Did you think then, that we had created you in vain and that you will not be returned to us for judgments? So there's a couple of words that need to be understood here properly. First one is alpha Huseby tomb for Hasebe to

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the Hamza that,

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I begins with

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is called Hamza to listi farm. It is it is used to ask a question to pose a question. However, there are of course, different types of questions. This is not this is not the type of question that necessarily has a response. This is what we call a rhetorical question. Five then means that as a consequence after this

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conversation occurs. Now Allah saying so now based off of this, what we've just discussed what we just talked about, Allah poses a question and then the word is has symptom that comes from the word hassy Ba. Now has Seba, yes Cebu in the Arabic language mean refers to assuming something refers to an assumption has to be a symbol also refers to accounting or keeping track of something, but has a symbol also refers to assuming something and Allah subhanaw taala mentions this in solitude and kaboodle as well has he been as who are new to Roku and your Kulu Amanda wasn't like afternoon that that people really assume that they would say I'm Anna

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has given us a new truck who and you're cool with that they would be left to say we believe will hula you stir noon and then they would not being tested that people really assume that could they really think that? So here's similarly Allah says Allah has symptom

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had you assumed?

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All right, a NEMA halacha nakoma Bethan

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the most definitely without a doubt. And this is very interesting style within the Quran that we find a few other places as well, that Allah saying, had you assumed

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that without a doubt, and it's exposing something here?

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You had assumed that most definitely that indeed, you see kind of the difference? An assumption is something that is not very concrete. Right? You're not sure that's why you assume something. You're not sure about it, I just assumed, right? But Allah is saying that for her symptom and nama had you assume that most definitely.

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Right? So I had one site, Allah subhanaw taala exposes and critiques criticizes, you know, almost reprimands them, that based off of what did you come to this conclusion? It had to be an assumption. Because everything else told you to the contrary, everything else in was informing you of the contrary.

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But then you still came to this conclusion. So it has to be an assumption, there's really nothing else that it could be. But then Allah says Allah, McDonald's, definitely, indeed. And that confirmation is to expose the fact that, but you didn't really assume because you live their lives, you live your lives in such a way. Whereas you were like betting on this fact. You had betting on the fact that all of this was not real. You Bet Your Life

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You Bet Your Life, you bet all of eternity

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on the fact that this was not real.

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So let's not sit here and pretend

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that you know you just kind of assumed and you made them, you know, somehow you weren't really sure. And none of the you you knew what you were doing. You made your mind up that this is what you were going to do. But Allah subhanaw taala at the same time, does not dignify that process of theirs, by actually calling it any type of athlete or anything. And Allah says, had you really assumed, did you really? You had assumed under that without a doubt Haluk Malcolm, that we had created you? I Bethan. Now the second word that we have to understand the desire to want to Abbath the word ibis, the lexicon says, that

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lie boon for Hua Harbison says Larry Buffa who I've beaten a lot I wouldn't be Malaya and he will aid him in Bali he that it means somebody who is preoccupied with something that does not concern him or her, nor does it have any benefit in it for him or her. Some other scholars of the language also say

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a Shangri la de la fit that a fee that it is something that has no benefit to it. It has nothing no benefit. It is completely like it doesn't have any type of in it completely unconstructive and unproductive.

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Another lexicon also says that if you get down to the roots of the word, the core of the word the origin of the word, it refers to your doula ll Khaled refers to something being mixed up. And from this they also say that there are different derivatives of this as well. I'd be throwing a Hollington bananas, somebody who just mixes around, I'll be thrown or more. I Bethan refers to somebody who like a group of people that are just completely mixed up a completely mixed up group of people, that that's what it refers to. That's what it makes. That's what it makes reference to a completely mixed group of people I be thrown or about

00:45:00 --> 00:45:28

That's one. All right. So it refers to a mixture of things. And it also refers to something that has absolutely no benefit in it whatsoever no benefit in it at all. Completely useless, pointless and absolutely no benefit in it at all. Our birth of a hospital had you really assumed and the masala konaklama albertsen that we created you pointless, without any benefit without any structure without any purpose, with no points at all.

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What an alchemy Lane Allah towards your own and that you were not returning back that you would not be returned back. It's in the passive form, that you would not be returned back and some of the other acleda Odd some other recitations they also say why not come Elayna later on, that you would not return back to us. And this one says that you will not be returned back in the passive form total Gerona under chameleon Allah to Jiang that to us, you will not be returned back and again, we've talked about this that usually the normal sentence structures laptops or owner Elayna that you will not be returned back to us here you have a switching of the sentence structure of the sequence

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of words, which basically creates a meaning of exclusivity and emphasis if the sauce which basically means that that exclusively to us you would not be returned back. That you would have to stand and face an answer for how you had lived your lives of a hospital mana McCullough Kanaka. Mahabharata, why not call me Lena, Allah to Jiang.

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Now, this, some of them will fasten on basically mentioned that this is kind of like a conclusion of this dialogue and discourse that started from ID number 112. Where Allah subhanaw taala asked them come in a bit and fill out the How long did you stay within the earth? And when they respond by saying that maybe a day or part of a day that they ended up? Allah subhanaw taala says rather, you did not say you didn't say except for very little, if only you would have realized if only you would have really understood. And then as a conclusion, Allah saying Alpha has hippodrome had you really assumed is that really what's your conclusion was that we created you for no purpose at all

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whatsoever. When a chameleon Allah to join and that you will not be returned back to us. Another very interesting idea that some of them will first you mentioned

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that another thing that is highlights is, this being said, kind of at the conclusion of this particular passage, not just a couple of ayat that we've talked about here tonight, but the overall passage which has been talking about the life of the hereafter, and all the events that will transpire in the hereafter and on the Day of Judgment, that it being set as a conclusion to it, and specifically refuting the idea that, like everything that we created, you and everything around you, in the circumstances we put you in was not all useless and pointless. It had a very, very profound purpose to it.

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That part of it is to also point to the fact that if there was not this day of judgment, and there was not this accountability, and this judgment, and people being sent to Paradise, and people being sent to *, that if all of this did not exist, and this did not happen, that would have actually made everything pointless. All of this would have been pointless, everything would have been pointless, but the just outcome and the accountability for how you live your lives is a necessity for purpose. Anything that has purpose has to have a conclusion. And without a conclusion. It's an exercise in futility.

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Without a conclusion, it's an exercise in futility. It's pointless completely. So there has to be this conclusion. So you can lament how you concluded things, how things are concluding for you, but understand that this had to happen.

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And things had to end this way. Allah subhanaw taala alludes to this and sort of to piano as well. I number 36 I guess I will Insano and Yutaka Sudan that they did the human being really assume that he would be left just aimless, pointless,

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right to do whatever it is that he wanted to do

00:49:14 --> 00:49:20

something very powerful that had been cathedra and other unforeseen one as well. mentioned this,

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that even cathedra him Allahu Taala mentions

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that can ask you to hit button Catawba amagno Abdulaziz Rama Allahu Taala the last public address that Omar bin Abdulaziz that he delivered he said and Hamid Allahu ethna Allah He He praised and glorified Allah subhanaw taala and then he said about as for what follows au Hernan so people, oh mankind in Nicola LEM took laku Bethan, you were not created pointlessly, without purpose will end to Turku, Sudan and you will not let

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

After aimlessly what in the law coma then you have an end in a conclusion Yanceyville Allahu faecal

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will hook me being a corpsman. Firstly being a comb that Allah subhanaw taala will settle everything amongst you in between you for haba was hasira was Shaka? Yeah. I'm doing a kraja who loves him in Rama t he that that slave is ruined and in loss and wretched. Whom Allah subhanaw taala ousted from his mercy. Well, how do my Jannetty wahama Jana Turner who has some Awatea will and was deprived of a paradise that is as vast as the heavens and the earth. And I'm tell them who don't you realize, and the hula yet Minervois Apalagi garden in lemon Hazara has a Yamaha for who, that that person will not be safe from the punishment of Allah tomorrow, tomorrow in the day of judgment in the life

00:50:58 --> 00:51:24

of the hereafter, except for the one who will fear that day who will develop the consciousness of Allah and be afraid today. The only one who will be safe tomorrow is the one who will start living mindfully today. What bas Nafi Don't be battling waka waka Leyland because Eden will hopefully be among Him and He will exchange that which is expiring

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in exchange he will switch he will trade that which expires for that which lasts forever. That which is very little for that which is very abundant.

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That he will exchange he will gladly accept fear in this life so that he can be safe in the life of the hereafter. Allah Azza Dona Ana Coleman a slab will hacky lien Harlequin, excuse me. Do you not realize Do you not see that your forefathers are gone? What's a Google mean by the Camelback clean and there will be people that will come after you. Your forefathers are gone and there will be people that will come after you meaning you'll be gone one day as well. How's that? radula Illa faded why they seem that you will be returned back to Allah subhana wa Donna through my inner comfy equally Yeoman to shake your own Avadi and whare

00:52:21 --> 00:53:09

il Allah azza wa jal and that every day you will be presented before Allah subhanaw taala but the Cadorna who won cada Angelou who had that to her you boo who feeds southern middle of the fee button he said there in Rayleigh Mahajan. What I'm worse than but the father uncle, Bob Wabasha to Rob Well, what what gehele hisab monitor Hannula be Amily ganiyu taarak faki Ron Ilana Padam that he goes on to say that each and every single person, their time will end and the opportunity will come to a close and they will all be put inside of the earth and they will not take anything with them from this life into their graves. He says that friends are gone. He will leave his friend's father

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Kala, Bobby has left his friends and he has become one with the dirt. He has come face to face with his reckoning. He is completely entrusted over to his deeds and his actions. He is no longer in need of all the wealth study left behind, but rather he is desperately in need of the deeds that he has sent ahead. For Tapachula Kabila in Qaeda in my wealthy. He says that fear God be mindful of Allah before it's time for you to answer whether you kept up your end of the bargain or not. When Musulin multicam and before death arrives at your doorstep, so Madala Tata for the Da da e, Allah what G for Becca what upcoming hola who? And then he finally concluded with these words that wake up before

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death arrives at your doorstep. Then he covered his face with a shawl that he was wearing. He took apart the end of the shawl. He covered his face and he started to weep. He started to cry and everybody around him started to cry as well. This was the last public address of

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Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allahu taala. So for Huseby to Anna masala, konaklama Bethan one Nakum Elena Allah to Joan and that to us, you will not be returned all kind of end and conclude

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to today's discussion with this particular IRA with a 115 by again, while we mentioned Amata bin Abdulaziz kind of talking about this life having a point.

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And what that necessitates is us realizing what is the point of this life

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and trying to make the most of ourselves and making sure that we live a life that is worthwhile. A life that has purpose, a life that has a point.

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Just a little since we mentioned him, it reminded me Ahmed bin Abdulaziz or him Allahu taala. One time he found out that his son, one of his sons, had bought a ring that was worth 1000 That I

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will just call it $1,000 ring. He found that his son had bought $1,000 ring. So he called his son. And he asked him, I heard you about $1,000 ring. And his son showed it to him. And he said, Yes, absolutely. Look at it at a party. And he tells his son, he says that, what I want you to do is this.

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I want you to go and sell during for $1,000

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a day is enough to feed a poor person at that time. $1 A buck was enough to feed a person a meal. He said I want you to then go and feed 1000 Poor people 1000 Misaki go feed 1000 people. And then I want you to go to the blacksmith.

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I want you to tell I want you to tell him to make you a ring

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worth one day.

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Like a cheap you know kind of a ring wants you to tell him to make you a ring that is only worth one day at home cheap garbage.

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And I want you to tell him to inscribe something on there for you.

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And what I would like for you to inscribe on that ring is Rahim Allah Who Imran

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Arafa donough seeking, may God have mercy on the soul. May God have mercy on that person who recognizes their value and their potential.

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May Allah have mercy and this is a Hadith of the Prophet salatu salam.

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And that Rahim Allah Who Imran is a way to make dua for someone, it is the prophets Allah to him making dua, may Allah have mercy on the person who recognizes their potential, their value.

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You are somebody that can feed 1000 people.

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Not somebody who can have some blink.

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You are not just somebody who can have like a little shiny trinket.

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But you are somebody who can feed 1000 People

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know your potential, realize what you're capable of.

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And remind yourself so I just kind of remember that, for all of us to kind of reflect on and think about, that this life is not without purpose. It has a point and an objective. And we need to realize that point, realize that objective, remind ourselves of it, and then go out there implementing it and be able to live a life of meaning and purpose and realize our potential and our value. And may Allah subhanaw taala mercy on all of us.

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So we'll go ahead and conclude here today. Subhanallah who will be happy to hear some 100 Columbia Hambrick Naturalia ilaha illa Anta Nasir freeborn attaboy

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