Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafsir of Surah AlMuminun 22

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "monster" in English and Arabic to express frustration with negative behavior. They also touch on addiction and the concept of "slack" in Arabic, as well as the "monster" in English and its use in the APAC region. The transcript describes various narratives and references to various topics, including the origin of the word "bruz" and its meaning in various cultures. The importance of success in various situations is also discussed, including farming, business, and political parties.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language Quranic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the Timeless Lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience Quran intensive. Please check out begging us summer.com That's B A y y i n Ah summer.com To get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive

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hours below him in a shape on the Ragini

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all Robina kala Bucha Alena Shekhawat you now I can call on Nene Robina Regina I'm in half in Northern Africa in vani moon called AXA goofy Hi where that you can meet moon in who can fit me in a body yaku Luna Rob burner.

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Fulfill and our ohana we're Joe Hayward ra he mean

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so come victory. Working on tomb in Home Tab Ohakune in New Jersey to Julio my be my sabato and now whom Hold

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I'll be Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu

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wa Salatu was Salam ala cdmo Selena ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Mansour we are home we are sending Elijah Medina.

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In the last couple of sessions, we've been going through this concluding passage of similar to what we know in Surah number 23, in which Allah subhanaw taala talks about the events of the life of the hereafter and what will transpire in the Hereafter.

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And from talking about the moment of resurrection, to the weighing in the scale of deeds, and the fate that will be met by those who rejected and disbelieved in is number 106, Allah subhana wa Tada. He now says Alura bunna Vela tallinna Shekhawati in our COULDNA Coleman Bollin. So if you follow along kind of the sequence Allah subhanaw taala talks about resurrection, the scale of deeds and the terrible condition of those who come out on the wrong side of that weighing and measuring of the deeds. Now here, Allah subhanaw taala mentions that after they are at the gates of *, like we talked about last time in the gates open, and they immediately are able to feel the torment and the

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horror of the fire of *. And at that time, they are admonished and they are told that I'm talking it to Claire alaykum to continue, we have to cut the wound that were my signs not constantly, repeatedly presented to you and recited upon you, but you continue to deny them and call them lies and reject them. So now they are the people who have been put in the fire of *, now they speak. And Allah subhanaw taala meant tells us he informs us that Kalu they they say at that time, they will say Robonaut. So a little bit of a nuance I guess I should explain here. Kalu is the past tense, they said, but of course we're being told about what will transpire in the life of the

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hereafter. And that's why when we translated we sometimes are saying that they will say because obviously it's talking about the life of the hereafter, that still doesn't necessarily answer the question, then why is the past tense being used, and the purpose of using the past tense to talk about the events of the future the life of the hereafter is to give that emphasis and that confirmation that this will happen and the past tense helps to communicate that because what is in the past tense is fact. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us all of this of what will transpire in the life of the hereafter using the past tense basically saying that consider this as real and as

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confirmed as something that has already happened. CalU Rabanal caliber tallinna ship what you now Hakuna Coleman darling. A translation says that they will say Lord Our waywardness overcame us and we went astray. Another translation says they shall say Our Lord, our perverse ways overcame us this we were a people lost in error.

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So a couple of things. A couple of

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So to go through the eye and to understand, particularly when word Allah subhanaw taala says that they will say, Ramona, our Lord, our Master, they are accepting the fact that you are our Lord and our Master. But as we've talked about previously numerous times that this admission or this proclamation at this particular point is, you know, fig, from what we can call too little too late. And they will say hello, but Elena, that it overpowered us, it overcame us. The word available literally means to overpower something. It's overpowered us, it overcame us. We succumb to it, we were defeated by it. What were we defeated by Shekhawati? Not? Now to understand this word shipwatch

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Hoonah that our this word schicke WA, or Schuck? Allah is the roots of the word Chicago, or Chicago is the mustard. It is the antonym it is the opposite of the word CIDA. So are they usually translated as good, you know, blessing or good fortune or Felicity? And so it's the opposite of that. But again, what does that exactly mean? Like how do we translate it? How do we understand it? You heard that a couple of translators have translated as perverse ways, or waywardness.

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Some other if we look where else this word is used in the Quran, and how it's used, Allah says, I'm a Latina Shaku for those who suffer from this shock, shock Arwa, they are in the fire of *. But one other place where a derivative, a form of this word Shekhawat is used, that really helps to kind of understand what this word means is in the beginning of sort of medium, so number nine team wins that CReality has Salam is making dua to Allah, asking Allah subhanaw taala for a tremendous blessing and favor, and that is to grant him to bestow upon him a child, an heir. He says at that time, that whatever couldn't be do, it can't be Shaka Yun, that Oh Allah, my lord, my master, by

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turning to you by calling out to you by asking and begging you, I have never been in a position, my lord, my master, I've never found myself I've never found myself in a position of being in loss of being rejected, of being turned away. So shocking, and like I've never found myself to suffer. I've never found myself to be in a bad position, by turning to you and making dua to you. That the idea there is that when we turn to Allah, we make dua to Allah, we might not get exactly what we're asking for it. But ultimately, we get whatever is best for us. And if we don't get maybe what we are asking for, it's because it was not good for us. So I never find myself in a bad situation in a bad

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position by making dua to you. And by turning to you, and from this,

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the scholars basically mentioned that Chicago via means suit will have to be in a bad situation. So either has to be very blessed to be very fortunate. And Chicago is to be in a very, very bad situation. A lot of times the translation also, that it's given a lot of time is wretchedness, wretchedness, to just be kind of like to be in a downward spiral. I'm trying to give like some type of visual, or some expressions that we might be familiar with an English, it's like to just be in a downward spiral, where it's just one bad thing after another bad thing after another one bad decision after another bad decision, to the point where it's like, you just feel like things are

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just spiraling out of control. And you just can't kind of stop your freefall. You just keep messing things up. And that's this condition. That is the situation of Chicago. And another thing that might help kind of understand how the, what this word means and kind of the connotation and some of the meanings that this word carries in Arabic itself, is that in classical Arabic, and mu Charcot another derivative of this word Masakatsu. My novel Elmore, Allah to fill Herbie with AD, Musa cards means to rush into battle without proper strategy and planning.

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That if you just kind of rush out into battle, and then you get crushed, that is called no shortcuts. There's no thought there's no planning, there's no consideration of any of the factors involved. Another very interesting

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derivative is that the Arabs would call would say, a Shakti, a Shakti Heydo. Mila Jebel Tweedle like you sutra

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that is the type of mountain that is so not just so high, but it's so steep, that it makes it impossible to climb up that mountain. Alright, so kind of like the P

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Eat a mountain, the top of a mountain that just become so narrow and so steep, that it's impossible to climb up and you can't gain any leverage to properly climb up it, they will call that Sharpie meaning that it is very, very dangerous. And again, you risk basically plunging and falling to your demise to your death. And that's what Chicago is. That's the type of meaning that it carries that when you just fall prey to your own bad decisions, bad choices, lack of thought, lack of planning, to the point where you begin to succumb to it. And it's just it started, you just start falling and free falling and just rolling down, spiraling out of control, as I said.

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So that's the meaning of Chicago. So here the IEA in the IEA, they're saying Rob, Bonanza, tallinna, Shippo, tuna, our evil, our wretchedness, our bad decisions, our bad choices, our lack of thought, lack of consideration, lack of planning, right, that just got the best of us. We just started living spiritually. You know, sometimes you kind of talk about somebody living a very reckless life. Somebody lives a very reckless life. They're not very careful maybe about their health, or financially they're behaving very recklessly, right, spiritual recklessness, spiritual recklessness, that we our spiritual recklessness, overcame us and got the best of us we developed bad spiritual

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that just overcame us. And this fits right in you can kind of see where we ended the previous passage, right where he talked about, we talked about bad things in our lives and how to go about and replacing them with good. But then once you just start making bad choice after a bad choice, realizing that it's bad and suffering because of the bad choices that you're making it about decisions you're making. And then after a while, it's almost like this weird addiction to this restlessness or this self sabotage. And then that just becomes the cycle that you just live in. Until these people are saying that it was before we knew it was over.

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And by the time we realized we had left the world, we had seen the hereafter we had seen reality. And that that was too late. Welcome, not Bowman balding. And we were like we became a people who were just wandering about aimlessly. We were just lost balala, right? Is the antonym the opposite of hedaya. And a lot of times we translate this again more from kind of like a theological construct hedaya guidance Islam Quran sunnah, right, which is which is correct. And balala would be the lack of that guidance, that structure that Quran and Sunnah. Right? That lack of Scripture within our lives, but at the same time, understand and appreciate more of the linguistic meaning of these

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words, and the basic meaning of these words and what they communicate. He Daya is to know what you are doing, to have a game plan and a plan of action and to have a certain amount of structure.

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And balala is the lack of that where you're just wandering about aimlessly going around in circles bouncing around from side to side. Right now think about the the, the how chaotic that is. That that's the idea of Delilah that chaos.

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And Imamura to be Toby Rahim Allahu taala. He mentioned something. He says what I said who mappila FEMA now who? Well I sent him up. Well, I said, Oh, my pillar femur now who one of the best ways that I've heard he says this concept what they're saying Kalibata Halina Shukla tuna, when the best way is that I've heard it explained the mammal quote to be says, the halibut, Alena, Lazar tuna, tuna,

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our desires, and our short sightedness got the best of us. And he says, For Sama, Allah that will acquire chakra chakra chakra, that that is basically what is described as a spiritual recklessness to just live solely for the fulfillment of base, animal carnal desires. That is that spiritual recklessness, and he said the end of Houma you are Diani La Ilaha because the more you become addicted to just that basic desire, that immediate gratification, that temporary pleasure that you enjoy in that moment. Right, that that is what leads to that spiritual recklessness, which leads to being straight, which leads to the Ultimate Doom.

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And he says that Allah subhanaw taala. You know, this is this is the crucible.

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Phil V. McConnell Musab

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This is mentioning the means or the Quran Musa Buffy mechanics about that this is mentioning the outcome in where it's talking about the means. Right and the example of that is in surah nisa Surah four I attend. Allah says in a Latina, Yaku, Luna and while Alia Tama those who consume

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those who consume and take the wealth, they prey on the orphans and they take the wealth of orphans. Vilma wrongfully in the maniac coluna feeble tuning him naran they are actually consuming and putting fire inside of their bellies. What they're actually consuming is wealth. But that wealth is called Fire. Why? Because that the consuming of that wealth will lead to the fire. Right. And that's the same idea here that they're saying our wretchedness our spiritual recklessness got the best of us. But what leads to that spiritual recklessness is that addiction, and that,

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you know, that addiction, and short sightedness and engagement and indulgence within desires, that just wanting to fulfill the desires and seek out that temporary pleasure

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and Allah subhanaw taala talks about this as well in Surah Tunis, I remember one on one Allah says when I took when I actually went new through anomala up known, very interesting Allah says that all the signs and all the warnings do not help, uh, people who don't want to believe.

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Right and this is the Promise of Allah subhanaw taala that is made within the Quran, we are the layman ANAB we are the elite human unit, that he guides whosoever truly sincerely internally wants guidance, Allah guides that person. But if somebody just does not want to believe, then all the signs and all the reminders and all the warnings in the world, don't help that person. So Kalibata Allina Shukla, tuna, well could not call my darling, that we, our we we were so indulged and engrossed within the fulfilling of our desires, that our own spiritual recklessness overcame us and got the best of us. And we ended up being a people who were just lost we were astray, and

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walking around bouncing around chaotically throughout life aimlessly.

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And the next I am number 107. Now in the fire of *, they make a request.

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And this will sound very similar to something that we've read earlier. And I number 107, Allah tells us that they will say Robina asked Regina minha for in order and alpha inner volume on a translation says, Lord take us away from this. And if we go back to our old ways, then we shall really be evildoers. Another translation says our Lord bring us out of this fire to life in the world. And if we return to disbelief, then would we most surely be godless wrongdoers? Okay, so they're saying Robina Regina minha Oh, our Lord, our Master, Allah of Regina, remove us take us out, extract us minha from it and minha is talking about the fire from the fire of hope for in order for in order to

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know that if we return. Now I want to pause right here and point out this particular word, the word or the word or not comes from the word out.

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I will do shape. Right and what that means is that it means to return to something it means to return to something to go back to something to repeat something allowed to repeat something and by them saying for in ordina. If we return back if we repeat the same behavior, right what does that automatically imply that we did it the first time? They're admitting we did it the first time. And we've seen that I've mentioned the IRS a number of times Fonterra snobbism Rubina, Robin Alba Sinha was me I know for Gianna I'm sorry, honey, no McAleenan right far teraflop busy moving ELAC routine rudimentary, we admit to our wrongdoings, is there any way that we can get out from this? Is there

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anything we can work out? Right, so they are admitting and this is very interesting. It's very powerful. And I wanted to kind of pause here because we see a lot of there's this constant thing that everything that they're saying everything that they're feeling.

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If that same those same statements are made that same feeling that seems

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sentiment is there, right now in the life of the world. It is the most powerful thing.

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Right? It can wipe the slate clean.

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That same idea that phytotherapy Zubeida final dinner like I did it, I messed up, I did wrong.

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That simple statement

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that is so powerful, so powerful. You know this is saying from some of the hookah from some of the wise people that they say that, you know, one tear out of, you know, remorse regret for wrong that we've done or out of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala. In this life and in this world, figuratively speaking, is powerful enough to extinguish the fire of *.

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If you understand that, like one's own personal nod one's own personal journey level, one tear of regret remorse, a fear of Allah sincere. Right, is enough to extinguish the fire of *.

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But in the life in the hereafter,

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somebody could cry tears of blood, enough to fill an entire ocean, and it will make any difference.

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Right? One, these people will yell and scream and cry for all of eternity, like we talked about that one interpretation I can imagine who are called elucha. They'll just keep on saying this for all of eternity. And it won't make any difference.

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And one little statement in this world of a subfield Allah, Allah I must

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forgive me please

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is enough to change someone's life and change the entire outcome of someone's life.

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That's how powerful the opportunity we have now. And now you see the blessing of Allah telling us all of this, here now that they're saying it then

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won't do anything. But read this, listen to this, understand this and say it now.

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Say it immediately. And it makes all the difference in the world in order for enough valuable if we return back to if we do it again.

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For enough volume, then we've done wrong then we are wrong do worse than we haven't just done before we did wrong now we'll accept that we are wrongdoers.

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And Allah subhanaw taala. Again, kind of reiterating or rather, establishing what I mentioned about the opportunity we have now but at that time, it's too little too late. Allah speaks about this within the Quran.

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In surah tilma EADA sunnah number five is number 37. Allah says, you read una and Yahoo Jimena. Now

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they want more than anything that they that they can come out from the fire of *. Well my home Behati Jean I mean how they will never come out from it. Well, who am I double my team for them is a long lasting punishment. insulted Bacara Iowan 67 Allah Cisco Dalek AUD him Allahu Allah, Allah goon Hassan Ali him, Allah will show them their deeds to cause them severe regret and remorse and sorrow. Well, my home Behati Jean Amina Na, but they won't be able to leave the fire because of that remorse. Versus again in this dunya the prophets Allah Islam teaches us another Matoba

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to severe sincere regret. That is repentance that is Toba. That's enough to reconcile with Allah.

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In Surah Al Hajj in Surah 22 is 22 Allah says, Allah Morocco and Yahoo Zhu Min Herman Herman or Adolphe Ha, every time they want to try to leave come out from the fire because of how overwhelming it is. There'll be returned back and pushed back into it. And then sorted to satisfy a 20. Allah says cool Mr. Raju and Yahoo Jimena. Or Adolphe, her again, that every single time they they want to they tried to come out from it. There'll be put back and returned back into the fire that they will say in Suzuka of ISMB seven Allah tells us they'll say when I do yeah, Malik. They'll call out they'll say oh Malik, the warden of *. Yeah, Malik Lea Toby Alina rockbrook Tell Allah to make

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some decision in regards to us. And he will respond to them Allah in Accomac Kifune you are staying right where you are right now. You're not going anywhere.

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Ignore Abbas mamalahoa to be mentioned this, Abdullah bin Abbas Radi Allahu Taala and Hema.

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He says that Anabaena Cooley Ptolemy minha, Joe Abu al facility, every single time they make a request to the angels, like they say, Yeah, Malik Lea, could they call in or book the response between their request

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And the response 1000 Years will pass

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that that's how they'll be dealt with that they won't even be given a response for 1000 years.

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so, the reason why I mentioned that particular narration is because after they made this request, a Krishna I mean, have a northern Ave Navali moon and I remember what awaits Allah says, Allah, that he will say, if so goofy, how illogical the moon away with you in Hugo do not speak to me. Another translation says he shall say sink into a despised nor shall you ever speak to me.

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So, the first question here or the first issue here that is discussed is who is the one giving them the response. So if we look at in light of the ayat and sort of Zucker off, it is one Some say that it is the Mallikarjun who Jahannam the warden of * who will respond to them. And some narrations mentioned that it is Allah subhanaw taala directly and it is directly Allah who will respond to them. And there are some narrations I mentioned that this was this will be the last thing that Allah will say to them,

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the last time that Allah will directly addressed him. There is a narration

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there's a number of different narration that it can cathedra Rahim Allahu Taala mentioned here

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in the seat of this particular IRA. He says that when narration by EB Hatem narrated by Abdullah bin I'm going to be the last Radi Allahu Taala Nkrumah he says in that Allah Johanna, you're the owner mannequin that they will call out to Malik this angel that is in charge of * for like ug boom out of Barina Iman he will not respond to them for 40 years. Somebody will do Allah him in a Komaki film then he will say that you are staying right there called Hana Dawa, to whom Wallahi Allah Malik he says that Malik won't even care what Allah He Malik won't even care to respond to them. What a bumalik and nor will the Lord of Malik the master of Malik Allah subhanaw taala want to respond to

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them. So May their own Arab doesn't fare Kowloon and then they will call it directly to Allah. And they will say Robina kalaba Alina Shekhawati now we're gonna comment Darlene Robina Oskaloosa Manhattan Organifi Navali moon and then he says for EScooter unknown kodra dunya Mara team, it will seem like two lifetimes will pass so my road to Allah him and then Allah will personally respond to them and he will say it's a goofy how I like to call the moon and then he goes on to comment he says follow Allah he might never cellphone will bother her becoming much in Wahida Omar who are endless the feed was Shaheed fanatee Jahannam that after that point on forward, the people of * will no

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longer even they will lose the ability because of the severity of the fire of *, they will lose the ability to even speak all they will be able to do is exhale and inhale like pant like animals. collar for Shabbat had a SWAT to whom be swatted, Hamid, the only sound coming from the inhabitants of * will be the brain like the brain of a donkey. Just exhaling and inhaling and the sound that that will make a will who has a feat and will ask you to Harsha he one another narration from Abdullah bin Mr. Andrade Allahu taala. And who also mentioned by Ibn cathedra,

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which he takes on again from Lebanon behind him that I'm delivering Massoud says either Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah Yahoo German whom I did, that when Allah finally decrees that no more people from * are coming out of * and going to paradise.

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Then at that time,

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada Ji will Raji luminal, meaning a man from the believers will come and want to intercede on behalf of somebody in * for a full year of being fair kulula Who He will say Oh Lord, let me intercede. And Allah will say Munna Arafa hudon. familia file Ucrete who if you recognize someone in the fire of * then you can vouch on their behalf for your jewel Rajan Amina meaning so this disbeliever will come for young guru fillet it for hidden and fly it for her that he will look and he won't recognize anyone for you. Not the Raju people from * will call out to him. Yeah Falana Falon he will say hey, so and so I'm such and such person. Fair Kulu ma de Fuca he says

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I don't recognize you. I don't know you. Were in the valley. Chaohu Luna and at that time, they will say I'm in alpha in Organifi. Now Vani moon, oh Allah take us out. If we do it again. Then we are wrong. fairing the Donica kulula Huzzah Allah and at that time Allah will say except will feel when I took on the moon.

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That Be quiet. Go back into the fire and do not speak to me. Faisal Kala, Gallica once Allah has says that a to berkata Allah he will not follow your countrymen home. At that time the fire

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or Hellfire will be sealed

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and nobody will come out from there after that point on forward.

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Now to briefly explain this word if so Oh, because it's very interesting word, some of the scholars of the language in the Mufasa donde se Kalimantan, Belinda Toon physiologia It is a very powerful and profound word that is used to reprimand rebuke, somebody kind of pushed somebody away. And it is not just simply to tell somebody to be quiet. The word for that is salute means to be quiet was good, be quiet.

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But this word is una casa. It means a salute Mozilla well hawan it is a very humiliating and debasing disgraceful way to tell somebody to be quiet. Lee the alligator who Luna Helene Keylab. And that's why the Arabs would use this word when they would tell a dog to be quiet to stop barking. This is the word that they would use.

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And this word occurs a couple of other places in the Quran different derivatives of this word.

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Here it's in the command form in Surah Al Mulk in is number four Allah says through merger a Basara Karitane Allah is saying reflect on the creation of Allah and he says look back at the at the sky at the heavens multiple times.

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Yet Talib illegal, bizarre who has and will will have said, your your eyes your vision will return back to you very humiliated.

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Like it's talking about somebody who's trying to be defined trying to find fault in the creation of Allah, they're really look, look as many times as you want, look as closely as you want, look as long as and as hard as you want.

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And when you are still not able to find any fault in Allah's creation, like any faults in Allah as a creator, and you're not able to point to any flaw of Allah subhanaw taala then at that time your your vision will be lowered like you'll look back down, but you'll be humiliated and you'll be quiet. Well, we'll have a seat and then you'll feel bad.

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For what for trying to set out to find a flaw or imperfection with Allah subhanaw taala in Surah Baqarah Allah subhanaw taala talks about the people who made a mockery of the legislation from Allah, the Command of Allah and Allah says Welaka alinco Latina Dohmen come first served the people who defied the Command of Allah about not working not fishing on Yom was subbed on the Sabbath. That Allah subhanaw taala says well look at the link to Medina aunty Dominicans except you know Who amongst you crossed the line and did wrong on the Sabbath did not observe the Sabbath properly for guna home and we said to them cool no be clearer than like monkeys, animals, wild animals hostile in

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cars in humiliated, humiliated. Right. So again, this word, it can it means humiliation, it carries the meaning of humiliation. So when they're told, Wolfie, hmm. It means multiple things you mean stay in the fire, be quiet, but above all else, it has a meaning of humiliation. Almost like kind of like kicking them on their face, shoving them back in tossing them back in like a piece of trash like a piece of garbage and just saying stay there. Your trash this is where you belong. May Allah protect us all.

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And then there'll be total well Attica li mu me. Do you not speak to me? Allah subhanaw taala will will say to them

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and I am number 109 Allah subhanaw taala now

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says in the WHO Ghana. Now this is the response. And this is the lesson being taught to us in the who kind of funny commentary body Yaku, Luna, Robina Amana fulfill and our Hamner will answer Hallo rocky mean. Translator says among my servants, there were those who said, Lord we believe forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the Most Merciful of all.

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So the first thing I want to explain here is that this is like an explanation from Allah subhanaw taala of why they are being treated this way.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:42

That this is not again, this is not injustice. This is not undue harshness.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:59

But Allah explains even Allah does have to explain himself to anyone in any way, shape or form. But this is for the sake of our own guidance. This is a mercy and a blessing from Allah. And he says in the who. Now normally, how did we learn to translate

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00:35:01 --> 00:35:05

indeed, most definitely, certainly emphasis, emphasis

00:35:06 --> 00:36:01

Toki, what we call an Arabic. However, one of the very functional uses of ena in the context of speech, right? In speech, one of the very functional uses of ena is yes, it's for emphasis, but while speaking with emphasis, it is also what they call tau needy, which means it explains the reason and the cause of something. And so, it is not only for emphasis, it is also for causation. So it explains the cause of something into who most definitely that this is all because Why can a free human body so that who goes back to what was said before? Most definitely this is because Ghana free luminary body. There was a group. Allah says there was a group for it refers to a group GEMA. But

00:36:01 --> 00:36:39

the specific meaning we've talked, we've practiced with the word fatigue or Faruk, right, it means to be separated. And so it means like a separate group of people. And why are they a separate group of people? Did they think they were better than everybody? Were they like elitist? No, no, you ostracize them as we're about to learn in the next couple of hours. You ostracize them, you cast them off? You outcasted them. You did that? All right. So kinda funny. Everybody there was a group from amongst my slaves. Allah subhanaw taala says,

00:36:40 --> 00:36:50

Your kulula They constantly regularly they used to say Rabbana, our Lord, our Aster, Amana, we have believed

00:36:52 --> 00:37:04

for fildena so forgive us lafora, we talked about the meaning of this imagery to cover something. And it's not just the part in forgiving of the sins but also covering them up.

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That they used to say in the life of this world, we believe our master, Oh Allah, we believe, forgive us what happened and have mercy upon us? Well, antihero rocking me. And you are the best of all those who have any capacity to show mercy. You are the best of them, you are the greatest of them. Like Allah is also referred to as Mohammed Rahimi, the Most Merciful of all those who have any capability of showing mercy.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:54

And so this is of course, talking about the fact that there was a group we haven't really finished a thought and the idea yet, we need to read I 110 and 111. And then we'll be better able to understand what it's talking about. But very quickly here before I go forward, there are many more fussy Rune

00:37:56 --> 00:38:06

emammal here to be, for instance, quotes Mujahid one of the Mufasa rune scholars of the Quran amongst the Tabea own. He says that whom Bilal were kebab was who Hey,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:14

that this kind of real pulmonary body this group amongst my slaves, this is referring to people like Bilal

00:38:16 --> 00:38:18

people like hubub Abarbanel

00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

Souhei a roomie

00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

right, that this is referring to people like that. I might have been the acid

00:38:28 --> 00:38:33

sumiya the Omo Amar Yes, sir abou Amma

00:38:34 --> 00:38:55

right that this is referring to people like that mentor alpha, il Muslimeen. Those who are weak amongst the believers and who were suffering. What kind of Abuja Han was Hibu yazar owner the him that Abuja Hill and his cronies used to not only mock them and ridicule them but persecute them

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and torture them that this is talking about those types of people.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:04

That Allah subhanaw taala in the next idea,

00:39:05 --> 00:39:06

Allah subhanaw taala says

00:39:14 --> 00:39:16

for the herd to move them safe region.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:43

So they had this type of iman they had this relationship with Allah right Robina Amana fulfilling our Hunter Hunter Hey Rocky mean. Now Allah and I are when 10 says fit the hut to whom sick region had that and welcome victory. Welcome to minimum tobacco. A translation says but you kept on laughing at them. So intense, so intense, where you are laughing at them that it made you forget my warning.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:59

Another translator says but you disbelievers took them as an object of scorn and ridicule and scoffing and remained obsessed with it. Until such incessant mocking of their faith caused you to forget my

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

remembrance utterly for all the while you were diverted with laughing at them.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:10

And so in Ioan 10 Allah says fit the huddle room say creegan.

00:40:11 --> 00:41:02

You took them. So you took them, say three yen. So Korea, this word Sahara in the Arabic language, it means to mock something to make fun of something, to specifically talk about something, or someone rather excuse me to talk about someone in a very mocking, sarcastic belittling manner in fashion, where it has a couple of different elements. It is talking about someone number one where you're trying to make comedy out of them. Like you're making them you're making someone the butt of your joke, right? That's why ensuited harati says lie as a woman Holman Assa, coulomb HaileMariam. Well, ANISONG minisite. And you're gonna hate on me? No, yes, come sucker. So Korea, right. So

00:41:02 --> 00:41:45

number one, it is not just, you know, like, just pointing out somebody's flaws. Like, even that's very evil, right? In a very, even if it's done in a very dry or very, you know, almost kind of like, serious analytical manner. Right. But this is number one, this carries the meaning of like, you're trying to make a spectacle of someone, you're making somebody the butt of your jokes, you're creating an audience, and you're trying to get like the whole crowd, kind of jeering and laughing at somebody. And the second thing is that this is not done out of like, some type of fun or love, like this isn't, you know, some type of like playful banter between friends or family members, that this

00:41:45 --> 00:41:48

is specifically done, to humiliate someone

00:41:50 --> 00:41:53

to just completely destroy someone.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:22

And someone's, you know, self esteem. That that's the intent. It's got very, very malicious intent. That that's the intent behind it. That's the meaning of the word. So Korea. So for the honeymoon, so Korean, you made them sickly, and you make them the object of this type of conduct and behavior.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:26

And that is more than just saying that Sahara.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:29

Right, like Allah says, lie, yes.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:43

Don't treat each other that way, instead of just saying Sahara to move them. That's how you treated them. Allah says you made them the objective that they became your permanent target

00:42:44 --> 00:43:23

of that type of treatment, and behavior and conduct Hebda until the point, and so convicted, it is very fascinating. The language and desire I wanted is remarkable, right? Because again, instead of just directly saying, that's how you treated them, it says you turn them into the object of that treatment in that behavior. And that says more than just you personally did it, you did it to the point, and you created such an environment out of it. And to the point where you encouraged others and you facilitated for others, to the point where everybody was not treating them that way.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:31

So one thing is for you to abuse someone, but then when you abuse someone so publicly,

00:43:32 --> 00:43:44

and making like a sport out of it, right? That everybody now wants to jump in and participate to the extent that you can get up and leave and it'll just continue

00:43:45 --> 00:43:52

and you could not come back the next day but somebody else would just pick up from where you left off. Because now you've turned it into public sport.

00:43:54 --> 00:43:57

That that's what you did to them that's how you treated them.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:00

And then it seemed habitat and token victory

00:44:01 --> 00:44:14

until the point where and now this language here is also very fascinating. And so can this Ansel come we see the attached pronoun couldn't write all of you

00:44:15 --> 00:44:25

this word and so it comes from the word the fear I'll answer you and see which means to make to to make somebody forget something

00:44:26 --> 00:44:34

to cause someone else to forget something. This is saying they made you forget they

00:44:35 --> 00:44:46

made you forget now who is the thing talking about who the same people that you are making a mockery out of. They made you forget

00:44:47 --> 00:44:50

what did they make you forget the cream I remembrance

00:44:51 --> 00:44:55

now for a second that makes you pause. That seems almost

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

like counterintuitive. It seems a little off

00:45:00 --> 00:45:13

have almost contradictory because earlier in the previous I had said these were people who had such a dedicated relationship with Allah, where they proclaimed Robina Armineh fulfilling our hand I mean,

00:45:14 --> 00:45:21

but now it's saying they made you forget my remembrance, how? Why would they do that?

00:45:22 --> 00:45:27

I thought they were trying to get people to remember Allah. Now make them forget.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:47

And again, this is Bulava within the Quran. This is the eloquence of the Quran that had saying that they made you forget, but not that they were trying to make you forget. But they became the source of why you forgot my remembrance. And what in regards to them

00:45:49 --> 00:45:53

was the source of making you forget my remembrance your mockery of them.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:05

You mocked them and became obsessed with mocking them to the point where you narrowed your scope and became so obsessed and fixated with them.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:12

That that preoccupation and obsession with mocking them.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:16

It that is what made you forget my remembrance.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:29

Right and that is something Allah speaks about in the Quran as well, to move to behind the Quran that say, Let your own, you know, hatred.

00:46:30 --> 00:46:35

Let your own hatred and obsession for hating us, let it consume you,

00:46:36 --> 00:46:38

you will drown in your own negativity.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:47

Allah says this, about people who just become so fixated on to picking on someone opposing someone

00:46:48 --> 00:46:59

that they can't even see beyond that. And their obsession with just picking on those people, that they can't even think about what's good for them.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:11

That they obviously lack a certain amount of humanity. That's how you can treat another human being that way or a group of people that way. But they can't even think about themselves anymore.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:22

Right. And that's why there's such a warning, and such reprehensibility and so much precaution with negativity.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:26

John Hancock was a hackle button.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:31

That, you know, even as believers don't become obsessed with negativity,

00:47:32 --> 00:47:41

if we just sit here and constantly for hours, upon hours upon hours, talk about the bad things that people do.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:48

That's that at some level is bad for our own souls, and our own hearts.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:53

There's a very beautiful,

00:47:55 --> 00:48:20

you know, mention and interaction of Robbia that we're the great, pious woman, that's a woman who was conversing with her, was talking to her, you know, saying dunya is so bad and money corrupts people, and it's so bad. And it's so wretched, and she's going on and on and on about the evils of, you know, money and materialism and going on and on and on.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:31

And after a little while, Robbie, the we're just kind of tells her like, timeout. She goes, Is it okay, if you don't talk to me anymore.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:40

And she's like, why? What did I say? She goes, because I feel like being in your company is a bad influence on me. She's like, What do you mean?

00:48:42 --> 00:48:51

And she says, To be very frank, that I don't think I've ever met anybody who was as obsessed with dunya as you are.

00:48:53 --> 00:49:05

You are the most materialistic person I've ever met. And she's like, What are you talking about? I've been sitting here talking about how bad it is. And she said, You can't stop talking about it.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:10

eemaan is not that you talk about evil. eemaan is that you talk about Allah.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:21

The prophets, Allah the salam said that the believers are those people who talk about Allah so much that people would call them crazy.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:27

People would think that they were crazy, that they were obsessed with Allah.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:34

Right, like, all this guy does is talk about the Quran. Exactly.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:39

All he does is talk about Allah. Beautiful, lovely.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:46

And I'm going to be really fair, and be honest here.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:53

That somebody can counter by saying, but there's the issue of raising awareness about issues.

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00:49:57 --> 00:49:58

but let's not delude ourselves.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

You can raise awareness by saying one sentence, or in a minute, or in 30 minutes, or I'll give you an hour.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:26

But then for us to nonstop constantly, just be fixated on Well, these people do that, and those people do this, and this is bad, that is bad. And this is bad and right, just it at some point, that negativity will consume you.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:29

And that's what happens with these people.

00:50:30 --> 00:50:37

They just became consumed, which is picking on these people to the point where they forgot to remember Allah subhanaw taala.

00:50:40 --> 00:50:42

Right, there's this, you know, a lot of times

00:50:44 --> 00:50:45

some of the,

00:50:47 --> 00:50:52

some of the older, older folks who have some, you know,

00:50:53 --> 00:51:22

some battle scars, some wounds, you've kind of been around, you've, you know, you've you've, you've experienced a bit here and there, they'll tell you about, you know, especially a lot of times when they'll come to a place later in their life, when they want to occupy themselves with something good and something positive, something that builds something that is fruitful. And they'll recall, about a lot of times kind of the young, energetic, diluted,

00:51:23 --> 00:51:32

you know, Islamic activism, religious, you know, activism, religious work.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:52

That is basically people sitting around at night all night talking about the evils of society, and the corruption of this and the corruption of that and the evils of this and the evil of that to the point where they'll forget to pray, Salat al Fajr. Right, they'll sit and talk till 3am 4am Go to sleep and not pre budget.

00:51:53 --> 00:51:57

That that is counterproductive. There's no good that comes out of that.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:07

And that's why what we're trying not that we're 60 succeeding at it, we should always remain humble. But that's what this is an effort that

00:52:09 --> 00:52:26

that let us sit here and put some time some work some effort into something that builds something that benefits something that that that that helps, right and focus on something good goodness, hey, positive. All right.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:29

In the next idea,

00:52:30 --> 00:53:11

oh, excuse me had that unspoken victory. So your preoccupation with them made you forget my remembrance, we're going to main home tab hagwon. And Allah says, Not only did you laugh at them, but you consistently continued to laugh at their expense. You laughed at them nonstop, and you continue to laugh at their expense, and then an eye on number 111. And then I'll kind of go back and talk about a few points. Allah says in ages eight to Julio might be my sub who and whom Homolka isn't? A translator says, Today I have rewarded them for their patience, it is they who will succeed. And another translator says indeed, this day I have rewarded them for what they have

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endured patiently, it is they who are truly the triumphant

00:53:16 --> 00:53:37

and So here Allah subhanaw taala it says it needs to say to whom Jezza in the Arabic language means reward or recompense, right reward or recompense the outcome of something because a to whom I have rewarded them. I have rewarded them. I Leola today, in the life of the hereafter be mad somebody

00:53:38 --> 00:53:41

be my southern. Now this has two layers.

00:53:43 --> 00:53:46

Because of the patients that they practiced,

00:53:47 --> 00:54:07

what type of patients that they practice, number one that they were patient in the face of all that they stuck to what they were doing, even though you were mocking them, even though you were ridiculing them, even though you were getting people to turn on them, and turn against them, and make the spectacle of them, but they stuck to what they were doing.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:13

They remain firm and they kept on doing what they had to do and what they needed to do what they should do.

00:54:14 --> 00:54:19

Right, that's the first layer of it. The second thing is remember we talked about some it also means restraint.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:34

That today, Allah says, I have rewarded them today, because of the restraint that they showed that we talked about this earlier that they did not stoop down to your level.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:45

Right, these disbelievers that Allah is speaking to that they did not stoop down to your level and respond to you. Similarly, the way that you were treating them they didn't respond back accordingly.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:59

But they made sure that they conducted themselves with the higher standard and morality and the values that their religion and their spirituality their scripture, taught them and how I rewarded them.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

versus under whom OLFA isn't

00:55:03 --> 00:55:17

that they most definitely they end specifically them, there's emphasis under whom Home and the Home Home, that they, without a doubt, most definitely our alpha issue

00:55:19 --> 00:55:30

Faza Fuzu in the Arabic language is also a word that refers to success, like we read in the beginning of Sultan mcnown. And some of them will first don't point out here that Now do you see the two ends of the surah tying together?

00:55:32 --> 00:55:34

You see the two ends of the surah time together.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:40

The success in the beginning now success is returning back to the theme of success.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:53

And in the beginning, it talks about what are the qualities and the characteristics and the traits of being successful people. And now we're actually seeing and witnessing these people reaching the finish line.

00:55:55 --> 00:56:07

And experiencing that success. But a different word is used here. Why very interesting, the Quran just Subhanallah the word that was used for success there has to do, the roots of the word comes from farming,

00:56:09 --> 00:56:19

because they're saying you got to put in work. And the word that is used for success here again, the best kind of like, example I can give you, or kind of like an

00:56:21 --> 00:56:37

kind of an example or an image that I can give you that exemplifies the meaning of Faza, your Fuzu, right, this, this word for success is reaching the finish line, like get that image in your head of somebody just crossing the finish line.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:44

That that's fuzzy a Fuzu literally refers to like rising above, coming out on top.

00:56:46 --> 00:57:10

So let's talk about success in the beginning and success at the end of the surah. But the word at the beginning of the sutra was for farming, you got to put in work. That's what he told us what qualities to work on what characteristics and traits to develop. And now at the end, again, he's returning back to the theme of success. But here he's using the word that quite literally refers to the crossing of the finish line. And the whole fact is that they made it

00:57:12 --> 00:57:20

they made it they might have been too weak. They might have been too frail. They might have been, you know, not strong enough to get here by themselves.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:31

But I nudged them forward, I pushed them forward across the finish line, I carried them across the finish line, may Allah make us amongst them

00:57:33 --> 00:57:34

and know whom whom will fail.

00:57:38 --> 00:57:39

Now a couple of

00:57:41 --> 00:57:49

just kind of thoughts on these three is to just kind of conclude here our discussion today I as 1091 10 and then 111.

00:57:51 --> 00:57:54

A few thoughts to kind of share in regards to this.

00:57:55 --> 00:58:12

Number one Allah subhanaw taala speaks about this other places in the Quran as well in Surah Nutrafin into the Ummah and is 29 through 36 Allah subhanho wa Taala also speaks about the same issue.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:57

In the Latina Agera mukaan Amina Latina, Amanu you have Hakuna, that those who are criminal, they used to laugh at those who believed were either Maroubra him yet Osama Zune when they would pass by them, they would mock them and ridicule them, they would pick on them quite literally into commerce and they pick on them. Well he then colorvu Illa Allah him in colorvu Fokin and then when they would go back home, they would go back home, almost kind of like proud of themselves. Like they had done something good. Like high fiving right. They go back home, high fiving each other, we that are oval, and then when they would see them call you in the heart hula Illa balloon, and then they see them

00:58:57 --> 00:59:12

later and say, look, look, look look at these people. And they would call them last astray, misguided, delusional. They're the believers they would call the disbelievers were picking on the disbelievers would call the believers just delusional will not want to see why they can have feeling

00:59:14 --> 00:59:30

right Allah subhanaw taala and then they Allah says we're not Lucy Liu Allah him have feeling that they that they had no protector that was sent over them that they would say there's nobody here to protect them. For yo Mala Xena, I'm aluminium Safari of

00:59:31 --> 00:59:59

that Allah subhanaw taala says that. Now today, those who believed will laugh at those who disbelieved. I arrived in Kingdom the room sitting up in paradise, leaning against the luxurious couches and arrangements that Allah has made for them in paradise sitting from up there, they will be looking down and laughing at the disbelievers healthy we bulk to Pharma. Can we ever alone? Did they get what was coming to them? Did the disbelievers get what was coming to them? Allah asked

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

This rhetorical question at the end of this and of course the answer is yes, they got exactly what was coming their way

01:00:14 --> 01:00:16

Similarly, Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran

01:00:17 --> 01:00:37

he says in surah number six I in number 53 What Kedah Lika Fontana Baba Homi Bhabha, Leia Hulu hola Eman Allahu Allah him in Benina that this is Allah says this is how we test people with other people that the disbelievers would look at the believers and say you want us to really think they figured out what was right before we did.

01:00:38 --> 01:00:40

They figured out what was right before we did

01:00:42 --> 01:00:50

in surah. Number seven is number 49. Allah says I will I live in Assumption lie in Allahu Allahu Villamartin. These are the people

01:00:51 --> 01:01:10

that God will never shower His mercy upon such people in Surah number 46 i 11. They say Locata Hayden, Massa Pune, LA, if this Islam eemaan was actually good, they never would have gotten it before us. They would never beat us to the punch. If it was good, we're better than them.

01:01:11 --> 01:01:26

We're just better than them. But again, their feeble mindedness did not allow them to understand that what is the value of somebody saying about somebody else, that I'm better than that person?

01:01:27 --> 01:01:36

What's the value of that? What is the credibility of that? Right, that that didn't help them at all. And that's not worth anything. And that doesn't mean anything.

01:01:37 --> 01:01:50

Finally, one of them will firstly don't share something very, very powerful. He says that Allah subhanaw taala, telling them images at home.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:10

Today I have rewarded them, the same ones you laughed at, you picked on be my somebody who because of their persistence, their steadfastness, and their restraint, under whom will presume that they came out on top today, that they have succeeded today, that this is also another form of torture for them.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:32

That Allah is again, when the Latin methylone Allah later coming through the sheikh, right that we don't compare anything to Allah and we don't speak in an unbecoming manner and fashion about Allah. But this is like what to help us understand kind of the concept of you know, like rubbing it in somebody's face.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:38

That this is Allah subhanaw taala putting it in their faces, that look,

01:02:39 --> 01:02:47

and those people will have to sit there and see this and admit that these are the same people that go out far the Messiah clean.

01:02:49 --> 01:03:32

Water clean, the way they would talk about them, call them we call them poor, call them lonely, that these are the same lonely, poor, weak people that you picked on and you mocked and ridiculed, but today they have achieved success. And today, you're the one burning in the pits of the fire of * in suits of Bukhara and I 12 Allah says Xuyen Alina Athena Cafaro al HYAH to dunya those who disbelieved the life of this world has been beautified for them. We as Haroon Amin Alladhina amanu and they mark those who believe when Latina taco folk for whom yo milky Yama but those who live a life of God consciousness will rise above them on the Day of Resurrection. May Allah subhanaw taala

01:03:32 --> 01:03:44

keep us amongst the believers and may Allah subhanaw taala raise us amongst believers Subhan Allah who will be Hamdi Subhanak Allah who will be Hambrick Nash Hello Allah ilaha illa Anta necec Furukawa to Bulik

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