Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafsir of Surah AlMuminun 20

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a business meeting where Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss the importance of trust in relationships, and how it is crucial for building stronger personal relationships. They emphasize the need for a strong balance sheet and emphasize the importance of trust in building stronger personal relationships. They also discuss the need for a better understanding of the complexion of human beings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language Quranic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the Timeless Lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience Quran intensive. Please check out begging us summer.com That's B A y y i n Ah summer.com To get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive

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are we gonna be lacking in a shape on the regime had either

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a Haida humulene Mojo kala Roberto de Rouen, the only man who saw the female FEMA terecht gala in can imagine who are called elucha When you are on IE him Barossa Hoon Eli, Yom UBR tune for either one of you. Javi Sudhi Fela Saba Bay in our home for the Saba Bay now whom Yama eating wala yet as

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the letter of LoL Amin when the October two nutropin wa salatu salam ala Sayidina mousseline well Allah Allah He was, he was meant to be I'm gonna be sending Elijah Medina. In the previous session, we started the concluding passage of Surah me known surah number 23.

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And in that particular passage, Allah subhanaw taala not only, of course, consoles and comforts, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but also provides a very final and conclusive answer about the back and forth and the difficulty that the messengers Allah ism has been dealing with has been facing in the process of preaching to the people and their refusal and rejection. And Allah subhanaw taala taught the prophets Allah descended to us, and Allah subhanaw taala also along with those who has delivered the very powerful message that Allah subhanaw taala is capable of punishing them and holding them accountable. Allah subhanaw taala told the prophets Allah they said it fallibility

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external so ya know, Allah movie microphone, that we know what they say, we know what they say, and how egregious and how heinous it is. But in spite of that, you can't stoop down to their level, but you continue to respond with that, which is even better.

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And then the DUA again, was there that asking Allah subhanaw taala, for protection from the shouting, and the poking and prodding of shaytaan, that sometimes shaytaan just might try to incite you, and try to make you respond and react, and then asking Allah to protect

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from even the shayateen being present. And we also talked about the other layer of this, that referring it to as shouting ins that not being goaded by these people into responding because a lot of times when you have this type of negative interaction with people, and what ends up happening is that a lot of times people are trying to incite a reaction or a response that's kind of their own need, their own desire for evil, and for that type of interaction. And when you don't give them that response in that reaction. It only further makes them want it and desire and even more, and they try harder and harder. And so they'll get more and more egregious, more and more heinous in what they

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say to you trying to elicit some type of a reaction or response, but just absolutely in no way shape or form should you give into what they're asking of you. Now, Allah subhanaw taala here in number 99, he says,

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modes by law are a bit of your own. A translation says, When death comes to one of them, he cries My Lord, let me return.

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So if we take a look at the I had to kind of analyze the IR bits, the IR begins with hetta. Now normally we translate heads as until.

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And when I read the translation of one of the translators, it says when so there are two opinions here. And we've kind of alluded to this earlier, how data is sometimes connected to something that was said previously. And so some of us you don't have said, like some of Shetty and others have said that the Hata is related to is connected to when Allah said on a movie megaphone, that they will continue to say all these terrible and atrocious things until death comes to one of them. So meaning, Allah subhanaw taala is now educating the believer. He's

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informing the prophets Allah, the sermon educating us that some people, the hairpin ins, that people that are just so set on being evil and being of a source of evil within their own lives and in the lives of others in the element that they live in, that you should keep in mind going forward that these people will not stop saying what they say doing what they do until and unless death comes to one of them

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that don't expect them to stop.

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And just as a little, you know, example of this

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Abuja Hall, who we've alluded, we've spoken about earlier as an example of what disbelief is like, Abuja had of course died in the battle of butter. And what's again, very fascinating on one side, but also very unfortunate, is that Abuja when he was finally struck down and the prophets Allah, the some of the battle concluded, he said, you know, we need to go and take an account of where some specific people are. And he found out that Abuja Al had been badly injured and last he was seen he was lying in the battlefield. The prophets Allah Nizam center, Abdullah bin Mr. Rudra, the Allahu taala. And who, specifically because you knew I'm delivering Massoud to be somebody with a lot of

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patience with a lot of control and restraints, and character that he would be able to handle this type of a situation. He sends up the loving Massoud go and see if you can find a Bucha has a beloved Mr. Who does and defining Abuja while he's lying there in the battlefield, very severely injured, seems to be fatally wounded or injured, and he approaches him and I've delivered. I've delivered Masuda the Allahu Taala and who says that, you know, the messenger told me to come and check on you and to finish you off if the need is if the need is there. And Abuja lying there in the battlefield, knowing that he's lost and how things have exactly played out at that moment. Abuja Hall says to

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have delivered Massoud that number one, I want you to tell Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I hate him.

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Even more than I've hated him before. Don't think that this changes anything.

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And number two, when I'm dealing with Mr. ood basically gets in a position to finish him off.

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Abuja Hill says Abdullah bin Masaru that this must, this must be a very, very special day for you. This must be a really special experience for you.

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And he says that because you are the son of a goat herder. He calls him on the way here but away here you are a small, tiny little shepherd, who is about to kill take the life of a leader must be very special for you. I'm happy for you. Congratulations. Right the arrogance.

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That the the the the conceits that is oozing out of this man, no regret no remorse. And so this is one way to understand this idea that it connects back to

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the microphone, that what they say what they do, and guess what they're gonna continue to say and do these types of things until death comes. So don't expect them to desist, don't expect them to stop, don't expect some of them to learn a lesson. But rather, what you need to do is you have to learn the lesson of standing firm standing strong and having that type of restraint and constraint that is necessary in order to face this type of evil.

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Some of us sit on are of the opinion to be and others that this Hector, as we've seen before, as well had that this header is empty that year, it starts a new sentence. And it kind of means that when it just means when it starts a new sentence, and of course to finally kind of conclude this issue, which one is it? Is it continuing on from the previous one? Or is it starting a new thought? It's both. And again, this is the Columbia speech of Allah subhanaw taala and it speaks on many, many different levels. So hetta is

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the home and mote that when death comes to any one of them

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follow build your own that that that person says oh my lord, my master rugby energy only is your own is your only return me back, return me back. And of course this means that return me back to the life of the world.

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So there's a few things to also figure out exactly about this. First and foremost, who is this talking about? Had that you had? When any one of them death comes to any one of them? Then they will say oh my lord, my master

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returned me back is Who is this exactly talking about believers are disbelievers? Right, the context seems that it's talking more so about disbelievers. And that would be accurate. There are many, many different places in the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala and I'll be sharing a long list of ayat where Allah subhanaw taala gives us this similar type of message.

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And so the context makes it pretty obvious that it's talking about the disbeliever and there's some narrations or share as well. However,

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there's also the opinion the Mufasa don't have also mentioned that even Abdullah bin Abbas Radi Allahu Taala and Houma Baja, who is one of the students of Abdullah bin ibis, a great Mufasa of the Quran from the tabby own. He says come to Jellison in the evening, Bhasin that I was sitting with Abdullah bin Abbas Radi Allahu Taala anima, for kala monlam yet rock Willem yeah hood.

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That whosoever in another narration It also mentions giving zakat, he who does not give charity gives the cod that is mandatory and he who did not go for Hajj even though it was mandatory on him or her Salah Raja Archer in the mouth, that person will ask and request to be returned back to the life of the world and to be given another opportunity when death will come to that person for color Washington in a magazine article who found

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that the ones who will ask that question aren't the disbelievers like when I read the IR D I was under the impression somebody asked him to live in Ibis sounds to me like he's talking about the cofounder disbelievers for college, you know, Abbas Radi Allahu Taala and Houma that I've done, I've been our bass responding and ultra alayka behave Quran Let me recite something from the Quran to you. And he recited saltan Manasa Quran surah number 63 I attend one people me Maharaja canal communicably And yet to a Haida como lo to fire goon Robin Hola, cottony. Illa Gillian Caribbean for us sadaqa welcome Mina Sani Hain very interesting, Scruton, Susan Manasa Guna, Allah subhanaw taala

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says in spend from that which We have provided you before, and yet to

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remote before death comes to any one of you. Now, of course, the reader of the Quran is the believer, before death comes to any one of you spent from that which We have provided to you, Allah says, fail cool, because at that time, that person will say it up Be my Lord, my master Lola Courtenay, Illa, Jalin. Caribbean, if you could just give me a little bit of a of a delay, if you could just grant me a little bit more time for sadaqa so I can give some more charity. Well, I'll come in on Sunday him and I will not just be a Muslim, but I will be from amongst the righteous, those who who excelled and doing good deeds. And so that is this is Abdullah bin ambassador, the

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Allahu Taala anima not necessarily saying that this ayah is not talking about the disbelievers because it is obviously from the context. But what he's saying is that these type of ions, and this overall concept and this idea that the Quran delivers, of when death comes to somebody, and they will want another opportunity, they'll want some more time. This is not exclusive to the disbelievers. But this type of regret and remorse has Surah will also exist even amongst the Muslims. That at that moment, and at that time, there will be a little bit of panic that I should have made more of the opportunity.

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I should have done a little bit more. I forgot to do this, I forgot to do that I missed out on this, I missed out on that. That that same sentiment that same emotion and feeling will exist and something very powerful that we can learn a lesson from.

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And another question that's also or another issue that's discussed is that when that person says, Robin is your own, Oh, my Lord, my master returned me back. That when will a person say this majority of the Mufasa don't have said that he was the person will say this when the angel of death comes to the person when basically the lens it kind of switches

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where the hidden now becomes apparent that that is the moment when that person will beg and plead. And some have said that no, this will happen when a person sees the fire of *. But if you overall look at, again, the context of all these IOD similar type of ads, it seems to allude to the fact that this will be at the time when death arrives at that person.

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very briefly, before we

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so to now kind of talk about more so this idea of that regret and that remorse and that wanting of another opportunity. This is something Allah subhanaw taala speaks about in the Quran in many, many different places. So I'm going to go through and quote some of those other

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I asked to help us develop a full concept, a full understanding of this concept rather, in Surah number 63. So we're gonna have a boon in iron number 10. And he is telling me loving Allah says, as I just mentioned, will unfold me Moroccan alchemy and cubberly at the common mode, fair, cool, Rob Biloela Tony Elijah limited even for a sadaqa we're a couple minutes early when when you feel Allahu nipson either Judge elucha Allah Who have you don't be much I'm alone, that spend from that which We have provided you Allah says before death comes to any one of you and then that person says, My Lord, my master, please just give me a little bit more time, just a little bit more time, so that I

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may do some good and give some charity and beat from amongst the righteous. And then Allah says that Allah will never give anyone a little bit of extra time. That deadline will not be extended for anyone when the time arrives, Wallah who have you don't be my time alone and Allah subhanaw taala is fully informed all the time always. And only Allah is fully informed of everything that that you do. In surah, Brahim, sort of 14 i 44, Allah says, Well, I'm the NASA and warn the people you're mad at him with a job of the day when the punishment will come to them. Fair kulula Xena wala mu and those who have done wrong they will say Robina kitna Isla Gillian Kareem, our Lord Our Master, give us

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just a little bit more time najiba Dawa Teca when that who will soon we will now enter your call, and we will follow the messengers are William Taku XM to mean Pablo Mala comienza one that they aren't you and the responses aren't you the same people they used to swear that your life will never end? And that this opportunity in your situation will never cease? Your situation will never end? Aren't you the same people in sudo Tila are often I in number 53 Allah says yo May I teach that we do that the day that you know the decision is made for somebody, Jaco Levine and assuming Ovenu the people who had forgotten that that day was coming, but John they will say at that time, but John

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drusen Rabina Bill hack, our messengers came to us with the truth for Khaled I mean Schufa Is there anyone that can vouch on our behalf for Yeshua Oh Lana, they will vouch for us Omura do or maybe we can just be given one more chance for nominal Aveda less economical and we'll do you know other than how we behaved and conducted ourselves we will conduct ourselves differently this time around in Surah, two such if 12 Allah says Willow Tara Ezel Mooji Munna Naki su see him or interrupt him,

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that you will see if you could only just see the believer, the criminals excuse me if you could only just see the criminals when their heads will be lowered in front of their Lord their master Allah and they will say Rob ah, our Lord, our Master of a sudden now we've seen what's I mean, we've heard for Gianna Ahmed Saleh and enamel pin Oh, now give us one more chance to do right. We believe we believe now we accept. In Silicon an arm is 27 and 28 Allah says well Oh Tara is working for Allah enough. If you could not just only see when they will be made to stand at the edge of the fire of * for Kalu and they will say yeah, Layton Anurag do I wish just we wish we could just be given

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one more chance give be given another opportunity. Well, I know Cassie will be it Robina and this time around we will not reject and false we will not call false the signs of our Lord and Master Allah when a goon I mean I mean and we will be from amongst the believers bell but Allah Houma Can you fool them in Kabul.

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But they at some level, maybe realize this and now it has become obvious to them? Well, I would do law I duly man who are and who are in the home that cause a wound and Allah says if they were given another chance, because at some level, they knew that all along, but they chose not to act accordingly to what they felt what their gut was telling them what we call, you know, in this particular context, it's the fitrah the federal that they had buried, what it was, it was climbing and scratching, trying to get out, but they rejected it. So if they were given another chance, they would end up doing the same thing again, we know who look at the boom they're just a bunch of liars

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and pseudo to shoot out sooner. 42 if 44 Allah says, What are other Ballymena lemma Lumira will Adapa yaku Luna Hello Isla Mara demon Sabine, you will see those who did wrong when they see the punishment when they are face to face with it. They'll say If only there was some way out of this situation. In surah HOFA I live in Allah tells us Palu they will say rock banana our Lord Our Master McDonough entertain you we were lifeless twice you put us in a state of lifelessness twice why eternity

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For a time and you gave us life twice, far better off not be the Rubina we admit we were wrong. Finally Lakota German Sabine Is there anything we can work out in Surah farted sir NUMBER 35 by 37 Well whom yesterday Honda fear they will scream and yell like wild animals in the fire of * and they will say don't buy a fridge nah nah man solid 100 Ada let's economic our Lord Our Master take us out

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we will do good not the way we did in the life before oh well I'm no I'm miracle Maya tilaka roofie him into the camera, which is a common need for the EU from aluminium in a seat. Allah will say we didn't we give you an opportunity. Then we send you people to tell you exactly what you're saying right now.

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But Allah subhanaw taala says that for Dooku now this is your fate deal with it. For Monday volley Mina Mina see there is no help for you today.

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In surah, Saba

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is 51 through 53 Allah says Willow Tara in fouzia Willow Tara is fuzzy URL for that photo will only do me mccannon Kareem will call you I'm gonna be he will Anala who Matera will show me mccannon buried worker the kaffir will be him in public, that Allah subhanaw taala says if you could only see that when they are taken, and there is no recourse. And they will say at that time that we believe but at this point, they disbelieved when they had the opportunity. So there's nothing that can be done for them. Now. There's a narration that some of the Facetune mentioned as well narrated by Ibn Jude Ah, so it's a motion or rather excuse me, he mentioned this from Artie shadow the Allahu Taala

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and her either I entered me new al-mulla data, that even the believer the next layer that we were talking about that Abdullah bin Abbas was reminding us of

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that we understand this is the fate of the disbeliever but even for the believers, there's a very powerful lesson here. And this narration supports that.

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That either is not me no al-mulla Qatar, when the believer will see the angels follow Nerja Oka Illa daddy dunya should we return you back to the life of the world? And a true believer one who lived his life or her life in the way that Allah had recommended will say Aladdin who movie will

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you want me to go back to the to the bills, and the troubles and the headaches of the life of the world? Really?

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None of them? I'm not I'm not I don't pay any more bills. I'm done. Right I didn't pay for this grave. I don't know who did this. Right in at that moment. I don't know. I don't want all that trouble again. All that headache. Why would I want that? Fair, cool. Well at the money Illallah take me to Allah.

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Take me to Allah.

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One mile cafe. But as for the disbeliever ficou lunula, who not a joke. When the angel say Would you like another opportunity, he will say a little bit of your own rubbish. Geralyn. One more chance. One more chance. Give me one more opportunity.

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the last thing I wanted to kind of mentioned before we go forward to the next idea, which is kind of like a tima. It concludes basically what they're saying. Before we go forward there there's one little grammatical or linguistic nuance that is actually quite fascinating.

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And that is

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when they are talking when they're saying this. Carla, that person will say Rob, be my Lord, my master energy to me. Is you owe me. The knee of course means what? Me? Energy. Oh, right. It's the command form. Right? It'll jer right? It's a command form energy. Oh. So what is it a G? Oh, is it singular or plural?

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It's plural. Who are they talking to?

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Who are they talking to? To Allah Robbie, my lord my master. Right? Because they except now

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they're talking to Allah. And they use the command form for the for the plural.

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How do we make sense of that?

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Right there talking to Allah.

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But they're using the plural in the command form. It'll journey return me, oh, Allah, the singular that makes sense. Energy through me. They're using the plural. Some Mufasa don't have delved into this and said that well, because they're actually speaking to the angels to the melodica as well. However, that still doesn't explain that they start off by saying Robbie, my lord, my master

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They're addressing Allah, they're talking to Allah. And so then they say, well, that's kind of like they're, they're, of course talking to Allah and the angels.

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Or they're also kind of saying rugby almost like as an oath.

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But this is there's a level of piccolo for a call, there's a level of kind of stretch or a little bit of difficulty in kind of reconciling it in this manner. The true understanding of why they're using the plural form is exactly why Allah uses the plural form when he talks about himself.

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No, right. In that newness in Africa, we're in Allahu Allah Hafiz Arun, right? Allah speaks about himself in the plural. What do we say? Why does the lion speak about himself in a plural form? What does that call the royal plural the majestic we, right? It's the royal plural. And it's it shows power and authority and respect and grant your. So similarly, it is an established sloop. It is an established style in the Arabic language, that when you address someone, especially if you're addressing someone greater than you, for instance, amongst people, if you're addressing someone older than you, if you're addressing someone,

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you know, who is an authority to you, then it is an established sloop and style even in ancient Arabic, that you do so in the plural form, that you address them in the plural form.

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I still remember I was sitting in class and one of our teachers that we had, so the medium of instruction was Arabic. And so one of the teachers who was teaching us, he asked me a question.

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And I he asked me a question on one day, I had answered the question. So the following day, he kind of asked me the question again, and he said that, you know,

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what did you say about this? What was your answer to this kind of like testing me again? So he said, he asked me the question. He said, What did you say about this? Right? And so to respond in Arabic, because I was still, you know,

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a noob, basically, right. So I was still finding my way around the language. I knew the grammar, but I didn't know the style and the sloop yet. So I said, pull to lockable arms. And he goes, cool to laka. Right. And so then he kind of switched over into another language. And he was kind of like, do I look like your friend called to laka? laka. Right, he said, and then he taught me. He said that when you speak somebody older than you, and you're trying to show respect, he said, You say cool Tula calm.

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Cool to Lacan. I said, Now normally, if we literally translate that, I said to all of you, or correctly, I said to y'all, right? So

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I said to all of you, but you it sounds like it's plural, like that seems either wrong or unnecessary. But it is an established style and a slew of the Arabic language, that when you address an elder, you address someone in a position of authority, you address even if it's one person, you address them with the plural. You address them, right. So when you are asking, so if you're asking your friend, how are you doing que for Hi, Luca.

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But if you're asking that same question to an elder, it's actually if somebody's familiar with classical Arabic, that it would be considered kind of rude, if you will, and lacking in other Connecticut. If you were to take a for how to CA to an elder but you take a 400k for Antoon gave a Moodle come, right, even though you're talking to one person, right? But it's other bits respect. All right. So that's the real answer here. And there's plenty of

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you know, show I hate what we call in linguistic or in the Arabic language and study of the language. There's lots of show ahead, from share from poetry, ancient Arabic poetry, pre Islamic Arabic poetry that demonstrates the same style as well. So don't build your own. Oh my lord, my master returned me back. So we are talking this person is talking to Allah. But even though they're talking to Allah, they're using the plural as a sign of respect because they're basically asking for a favor.

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The next idea is number 100. Allah subhanaw taala now tells us that they continue on Robins your own law li ama Lusardi, hen fee metric to Kela in mahogany Mattoon who are called elucha Well, me whare him perusahaan Illa young Yuba attune. A translator says so as to make amends for the things I neglected returned me back, so as to make

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amends for the things I neglected. The response is never, this will not this will not go beyond that person's words. A barrier stands behind such people until the very day that they are resurrected.

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Another translator says, so that I may do righteousness and believe in what I previously left behind, the answer will be no indeed, never shall this be. It is but an empty word that such that this that one utters it is but an empty word that one utters for behind them is a barrier that has sealed them off from the world until the day they are raised up to life in the in the hereafter.

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So the only law Allah in the Arabic language and y'all can you remind me where did we come across that Allah

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in and

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that's it I'm done. All right. So but it's one that heard from us a very good right so Lala in terms of meaning, though, right, in terms of meaning the in the Arabic language is explained that Allah Tala Ji

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Lala liturgy what to record right now Allah liturgy whatever call it shows desire and hope law Lee, please, please give me this, please let me have this. So that so that I'm able to do what I'm Malou Solihull so that I will do good female talk to in that which I left in that which I left it sounds kind of strange when you translate it like this. But again, the meaning of talk to Taraka is not just what you what one has left, but also what one has neglected. Right the meaning of leaving something is neglecting something, forgetting about something and that which I neglected

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color. Now this is the response color color means never. And we're going to study this inshallah this week, amongst the different types of negation. That color means never absolute, it is the most emphatic way to request someone's reject Kerala. Absolutely no, never in the harkening Mattoon who are called elucha in the hackling, Mattoon, who are called elucha. So now a little explanation of this in the hackathon who are called elucha. What does that exactly mean? If we again literally break it down word for word and try to translate it, it means that this is telling me the word Kenema. In the Arabic language, it is the combination of words Kalama, literally in the Arabic

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language means a combination of words. Right to keibul color. Right? So it's a combination of, of different thoughts. It's like a thought that is being presented in Nakajima to this is an idea. This is a thought, Who a thought elucha That he is saying it.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:15

Now, what does that exactly mean? Like how do we better understand, right that this is an idea or this is something that he is saying that this person is saying. So the scholars have explained this in a couple of different ways.

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Number one, is that in the Haqqani, Mattoon, who according to her, this is an idea, this is a thought that it does not go beyond the fact that this person is saying it that is the only validity of it. That is the only significance of it, that this person has said it. And so this is a way to dismiss what somebody says, when someone says something, it's a way to dismiss it that this is just something somebody said, right? That's all it is. So if you bring me like something, somebody might have said, an idea or thought somebody brings, and it's incorrect, and you present it to me, my response would be that this is something he said or something she said this is something somebody

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said, there's no reality to it. So it's a way to dismiss an idea. There's no reality to it, other than the fact that came out of that person's mouth. That's it. That's as far as it goes. The second way that the scholars have also explained this

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is that this is quite

00:34:21 --> 00:34:45

this is quite frightening. It's quite scary. That notice Allah subhanaw taala did not say in the harkening, Mattoon, Kala Ha, that this is just an idea that that person said, but ALLAH says who are called into ha that he will say is saying said this is saying it and we'll say it in the noun form in the nominal form.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

And so the meaning of that is that this person wrote, build your own or build your own Lolly, Armando Saleh and FEMA Tara, that's crying that this person will continue to cry and yell and

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Scream Mahonia steady, who's gonna see how, like we talked about those continued to yell and scream and cry this for all of eternity in the fire of *.

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Just, it's almost like the level of insanity

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that this person will suffer from. They'll just keep yelling and screaming and crying this over and over and over and over again. That's the second meaning that this gives us. So the first one applies, that there's no reality to this other than the fact that this person said it, that's as far as it goes. Number two, and that person will continue to scream and yell and cry this. And number three, what's also very interesting is that it doesn't talk about, you know, it's just saying that that person says it

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without any type of, you know, interaction or response being given for it.

00:35:56 --> 00:35:59

So it's also a way of saying when you say in academia,

00:36:00 --> 00:36:02

this is something somebody is saying,

00:36:03 --> 00:36:12

like, if somebody is saying something, and I'm not paying attention to it, and the third person comes up and says, you know, that person is saying something. And I say, yeah, he's always saying that.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:17

Right, that's, that's a way of basically saying, nobody cares.

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inocle imagine who are caught in wise Allah subhanaw taala. Also a level of this is that Allah is saying nobody cares.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:29

Nobody cares what this person has to say now.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:34

That person could have uttered a couple of words, I'm on to Billa.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:47

And those words, La ilaha illAllah. Hadith would be taka, the Hadith of the prophets, Allah to him where it says, one little slip of paper, and we're going to talk about this tomorrow when we talk about the scale of deeds.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:53

That one little piece of paper with just the words La Ilaha, Illa, Allah written on it.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:03

Without way the heaven seven heavens and seven Earth's would outweigh everything in existence, all of creation, the entire universe.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:14

It is worth more, it weighs more, and is more valuable than everything in existence. That's what they could, you could have said those four words.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:19

But now you can sit here and scream and cry for all of eternity.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:40

Now it holds no value. So goofy, ha. We're going to read this where they will be told. Now just be quiet and stay there. Why not? You can remove don't talk. You can continue talking. But just know that it won't be listened to. It won't be listened to. May Allah subhanaw taala protect yourself

00:37:43 --> 00:37:46

in the heart Kalama tune who are called elucha

00:37:47 --> 00:37:55

Well, meanwhile, raw hem Barza Hoon. Illa yo, yo bathroom. When we were on E him we again study the meaning of the word whare

00:37:57 --> 00:38:00

remind me where did we study the meaning of the word whare.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:03

Especially without

00:38:04 --> 00:38:27

really good. Alright, so when we were talking him and we talked about it means beyond, right? But we've seen this word wa before here in insulted me known as well. And we kind of talked about that it means beyond and some places in the Quran it means something that is yet to come will mean what am I gonna leave? Right?

00:38:28 --> 00:39:04

Well, I mean, what are you him? Jahannam mean what I am Jahannam right. So it means something that is yet to come. So Allah says when we were on em Barza one that beyond them, is Berzon. Now what does the word Barza exactly mean? The word Barza. And this is a very interesting word. I'm gonna go ahead and mention something here that should connect to something we've talked about extensively in class. The word bizarre is one of those few words, a small group of words in the Arabic language that has four root letters.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:35

Right, that should set off all types of alarms in your head. Your life should not make sense to you anymore at all right? Because everything we've studied is based off of how many root letters three, right? So here you go. There's very few the reason why we didn't spend a lot of time on it, but you'll just be made aware of it is because in the Quran, there's literally a handful of words that are for root letters. So to sit there and study it extensively for hours and hours. It's not necessary right now it's a further step that you will take in sha Allah

00:39:36 --> 00:39:59

but Barsuk is full for root letters and it's a word that literally in the in the language, oh my God and others they say that it means Alhaji is been a shame and Farik Boehner shame. That's something that separates my Boehner Cooley shame, anything that is between two things, a separator or divider between two things

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

All right.

00:40:02 --> 00:40:41

And that's how it's used within the Quran as well. Allah subhanaw taala says Bina Houma. Berzon now you have as a young man, when Allah mirages behind el Tachyon, where the two seas they meet the two oceans the two bodies of water where they meet Bina Kumar between them bursa Han there is something that separates them right now yeah Brianne so that they're not able to cross over into each other. Right? Allah subhanaw taala also says which Allah Bina Houma, barista can wear hijab urine, that Allah subhanaw taala is placed between or that he placed between them, but as a human, right that he placed between them a barrier, a boundary.

00:40:42 --> 00:41:01

So it refers to something that separates two things. And from that what we have is in this in the Islamic discourse, in Islamic terminology, if you will, in the Quran, and especially many places within the Sunnah. And then just in general Islamic discourse in terminology, the word Bonanza refers to be

00:41:03 --> 00:41:19

the life in the grave, that there is the life of this world that is called high up to dunya. And there is high actual akhira which is the life of the hereafter. That's everything that happens after death, but within Hyattsville, Africa, you have the specific marker of Yom, Yom

00:41:21 --> 00:41:43

Yom will bath, yarmulke Yama, you have the Day of Resurrection, right the day that everyone will be brought forth again, the period that passes from the death of a person right from the departure of the soul from the body till the resurrection and everything that transpires in between that is called bizarre.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

Right? That's called bizarre and that's what separates the to

00:41:50 --> 00:42:25

the two lives that we will experience the life of this world and the life in the hereafter, which is the day of resurrection to the judgment, when everyone will be revived. The period in between that is called the Batista O'Meara in Bursa Hoon li Yomi yerba Athan and that's another thing that teaches us what it's talking about. And beyond them is the barrier, right that light that period of life lessness if you will, the life in the grave and beyond that even right the life in the grave Eli Yomi Uber iPhone till the day that they will all be brought forth and resurrected and brought back to life.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:59

So basically, their reject their request is rejected kola inocle. Imagine who are called into a Nobody cares what they have to say now, when we don't want to embarrass or can tell them to stay resigned to the fact that whatever is transpiring, now, in this period, within the grave, and of course, there are numerous a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that talks about the life in the grave. And what will transpire there, that the grave when a good person goes to their grave the prophets, Allah the salam says,

00:43:00 --> 00:43:06

the Prophet salallahu Salam says that it is a garden from the gardens of Paradise,

00:43:07 --> 00:43:11

and expands as far as the eye can see

00:43:12 --> 00:43:24

that a person is told to rest and relax, and a window of Paradise has opened up into their grave so that they can go to sleep and rest with the cool breezes of paradise comforting them.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:31

That the aim that the Quran comes and guards them against any type of torment or punishment.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:38

But when a bad person goes to their grave, the grave and also when a good person goes to the grave, the grave welcomes them.

00:43:39 --> 00:43:43

But when a bad person goes to their grave, the grave threatens them.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:57

And it constricts upon them. The prophets Allah has been demonstrated to speak with a sabia where he interlocked his fingers at the grave closes in on them, so much so that the ribs interlock with the sides with the other side of the ribs.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:01

And punishment is unleashed upon them.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:08

And they will suffer that term until the Day of Judgment till the Day of Resurrection. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us all.

00:44:12 --> 00:45:00

In is number 101 Allah subhanaw taala says for either Newfie Hafiz SUTI fella and Saba Bina whom Yo Ma even while I get a saloon, a translator says and on that day, when the trumpets is blown, the ties between them will be as nothing, and they will not ask about each other. Another translator says and then when the trumpet of the hour of doom is blown, no ties of kinship between them shall avail on that day, nor shall they care, then to ask about when nor shall they, nor shall they care then to ask about one another. So for me that no fake OfficeSuite and then Luffy Hafiz who doesn't let me explain this very briefly. Some of the key parts of the language Newfie Ha, is the again can

00:45:00 --> 00:45:49

Here's something new for you, huh? Passive very good, right? It's passive, right. So NEFA means to blow air into something to blow air into something new is for, for something to be inflated, or for air to be blown into something for something to be inflated or for air to be blown into something fissile when air is blown into a suit. Now, what does the word to assume refer to? Generally speaking, majority of the scholars and amorphous unknown are of the opinion that the suit here refers to the like a horn refers to a horn like a trumpet or a horn, that is blown. And this horn basically, is going to be the way by means of which the Quran talks about multiple instances where

00:45:49 --> 00:46:30

the horn will be blown, right, that first horn will be sounded, the horn will be blown. And what that will do is that will cause everyone all of creation in existence to cease to exist. All of the creation will see sages and that's what the Quran talks about either Shem Scooby Raj, were either Nudelman Catarratto eligible to figure out where either HR or toilet were either whoo hoo, Shira, when the sun, you know, will will will boil over and fall when the stars will come crashing down when the earth will totally be destroyed, when the oceans will boil over when all the creation of God will be destroyed. Right that that's talking about that moment as soon. Number two is that then

00:46:30 --> 00:46:43

that horn will be sounded again. And what that will do at that time is that will bring forth the creation for resurrection, that will bring forth the creation for resurrection. Those are the two moments when the horn will be sounded.

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And so the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us and it teaches us that there is an angel that Allah has created. Seraphin we are told is the name of the angel in the narrations, who will blow into this horn, who will sound this horn and Allah subhanaw taala has made this angel so huge, and so remarkable. And so just mind blowing, that by sounding of this horn, which will be accompanied by the command of Allah, that is the command of Allah, right? That Allah will command that angel to sound the horn, that that will first again the first time around, it will call a cause all of creation to cease to exist. And the second time, we will bring the creation back. Right. So

00:47:24 --> 00:47:28

that's how powerful and miraculous it will be. And it's, of course, all by the command of Allah.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:37

So that's the normative and the general majority explanation of what this is making reference to.

00:47:39 --> 00:47:46

And in this particular interpretation, which is again, like I said, the normative and the majority interpretation of this

00:47:47 --> 00:48:01

is that something very interesting about the Quranic language, Allah says, for either Luffy Hafizullah, in every single place, Allah talks about this in the Quran, he says it in the same way in the passive form, when the horn will be sounded.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:05

When the horn will be sounded, the horn will be blown into.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:29

And that's very fascinating. Why not say it in the active form, when the angel will sound the horn, and this is part of again, the sloop, the Stromata Alimi, this is part of the educational style that we find within the Quran, that Allah subhanaw taala is educating us at the basic level, that first and foremost, grasp your basics.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:32

Right, grasp the basics,

00:48:33 --> 00:48:35

and know that this moment is coming.

00:48:36 --> 00:49:04

Right now, don't occupy and don't busying yourself because especially because the Quran is for the purpose of the book, and for reflection and contemplation and pondering that, right now don't obsess over who's blowing the horn? And how is he blowing the horn? And how big is he? And how small is he? And what does the horn look like? And how will he blow it? How long will he blow it for? Will he take a breath in between? Will he not take a breath in between? Right? What will it sound like? What will it not sound like? Right? You can kind of see and

00:49:05 --> 00:49:18

you know, sadly enough, you will actually find these conversations in existence. Right? Don't go look for them, please don't go look for them. But now your organs could look for you right? But

00:49:20 --> 00:49:39

this is why Allah subhanaw taala didn't even address it. But Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us here, focus on what's important, there moments coming where everything that you know will end and then everything will be brought back to answer and to be held accountable. So worry about it. So that there are two things you got to worry about.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:46

You you will not be asked about. Well, what did you know about it? Seraphina What did you not know about this often?

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

Right? But what you do have to worry about is number one, you will be held accountable. And number two you don't have forever. You don't have forever so you have a very limited opportunity.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

You got to do what you got to do. And then you'll be held accountable for it. So make NANOG get to work.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:10

Don't worry about the details.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:36

Right. And this is part of that was snooping that style within the Quran that is so remarkable and the kind of like embedded as a reminder as an opportunity so that when I am reading desire, when I'm sitting here today reading desire when you are reading desire or listening to the IEA, and you say that Luffy Hafiz suit and it sets up something in your head that Ha, it said in the passive form, it's almost kind of just alluding to it look, the horn will be sounded.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:43

That actually that is even something you should sit and reflect upon that. At what level in my life,

00:50:44 --> 00:50:47

especially in my engagement with my religion.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:00

How much of my engagement with my Deen in my interaction with my religion is necessary and important in how much of it is just the

00:51:02 --> 00:51:22

outcome or the consequence of just my own curiosity? Or fascination? Right that do I approach knowledge in terms of that which benefits me and changes me? Or do I approach knowledge with the mindset of trivia?

00:51:23 --> 00:51:36

Do I have a trivia type mindset or what? What's exactly my approach? That's something I this is this is an opportunity in every single time you read this phrase novikoff suit in the Quran is to remind us

00:51:38 --> 00:51:44

that I am more busy when it comes to knowledge and understanding of my brain and my more busy with trivia,

00:51:45 --> 00:51:47

and cool facts.

00:51:48 --> 00:51:53

Right? Where am I more concerned with? The salvation of my soul?

00:51:56 --> 00:52:42

With what will make me a better person, what will bring me closer to Allah? What am I more concerned with? What am I more preoccupied and busy with? And that's a very powerful reminder here. So for either no if you have so I wanted to explain one last thing speaking of kind of trivia, but it's a seed that is mentioned. There are several Facetune Razi mentioned that I'll hustle Busey rom Allahu Taala did have an alternative interpretation of this particular idea. But it is a minority opinion, where he read it as for either Luffy Hafiz Sawari. A sewer sewer is a plural of the word su rock, which refers to kind of like the physical form of a human being. And so Lucy coffee is Surah

00:52:42 --> 00:52:48

novikoff is sewer, basically is an expression in the Arabic language for bringing someone to life.

00:52:50 --> 00:52:51

Kind of like inflating something.

00:52:53 --> 00:53:21

Right? So he said that if you have a suit when everyone is brought back to life, and what we ultimately understand is it's not really something to stress over because as a consequence, both are saying the same thing. But the still however, I do want to emphasize because there are numerous Hadith about this as well, that the majority understanding what seems to be a more concrete understanding of this is Faith and if you have a soul when the horn is sounded

00:53:22 --> 00:53:58

for that and Saba Bina whom Allah says then there will be no relation relationships between them, and south and Saba is the plural of the witness of nessa refers to like relationships of blood, kinship, relationships of blood, then there will be no relationships. And the reason why oh, okay, there won't be relationships of blood, but other types of relationships will be there, like adopted relationships or foster relationships? No, no, see, that's that's silliness. Because when something that is the basis, and that is actually more,

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you know, more common is negated than that also negates everything else that falls under that general umbrella. And that's how speech is constructed for that. And Sabina whom says, Even if blood relations don't exist, then forget about all other types of relationships for now and Sabino then there will be no relationships between them. Yo might even on that day, when I get to Salou nor will they ask each other. Now what does that exactly mean that no relationships will exist amongst one another? Allah subhanaw taala speaks about this some other places in the Quran in surah tomar in show number 70 I attend Allah says what I guess aloo Hamid Mohammed their best friend

00:54:41 --> 00:54:54

right even the word like best friend the that doesn't do that doesn't fully explain what he means. I mean, was like bestest friend, right? BFF right. That even your bestest friend in the whole world

00:54:55 --> 00:54:58

won't ask how the other one is doing

00:55:00 --> 00:55:17

The Prophets Allah Islam talks about this that every person will come for them that they never seen up see what will happen to me what will happen to me and they'll be dodging each other y'all may have February March in Surah to the others in surah. Allah is Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about this you may have federally murdered women Aki

00:55:18 --> 00:55:40

that the day that a person will run from their own brother will only he will be from their mother and father will Sahiba he will bunny. That even from their wives, their spouses and their own children, liquid Emery iminium Yama even chatting on yagni On that day, everybody will just be worried about themselves.

00:55:41 --> 00:56:16

Everyone will be worried about what will happen to them for not unsavoury. Now. However, there is a question that is presented here. Allah subhanaw taala does say in another place in the Quran, it's a autofull Nabina whom that some they will recognize one another. So if there's no relationships, then how will they still recognize each other. So the Mufasa rune and the prophets, Allah, He said, um, you know, the Mufasa, don't explain this, that what this means is not that relationships will, like, just disappear.

00:56:17 --> 00:56:21

It's not like relationships will retro actively be wiped out,

00:56:22 --> 00:56:32

that a mother will not recognize her child and the child will not recognize the parent. That's not saying that, that they will recognize the other Filipino who don't recognize each other

00:56:33 --> 00:56:40

for that, and Saba Vina who means that they will not care about the relationship at that time.

00:56:41 --> 00:57:02

Right, there's, we see this in this world as well. Unfortunately, a lot of people have relationship, but they don't care about the relationship. And that's what it's basically saying that they'll have bigger fish to fry. And so they won't be concerned and preoccupied with these relationships and formalities, they'll have bigger things to worry about when I get this out alone, nor will they ask one another.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:36

Now there is a little objection that or a question that is presented and actually some of the orientalist critique of the Quran where they tried to point out certain errors or contradictions within the Quran. They point out here that in other places within the Quran, like in Surah, two sulfat Allah says what Kabbalah Baba whom I allow them to get a loan, that some will turn to others and they will ask each other questions that in certain would depth it feed Jannetty and Tessa allude that in paradise, they will be asking each other questions.

00:57:37 --> 00:58:12

Right, that the Quran is saying in one place, they won't ask each other questions in other places, and they will ask each other questions. Well, we simply point out his context. This is speaking about on the Day of Resurrection, while people are still running around in the panic. That Hadith of the prophets, Allah doesn't which I will mention in the coming sessions, where the prophets Allah, He said them says that before the accounting and the reckoning begins, the next ayat that we're going to study talks about the weighing of the deeds, the sequence of the IR tells you this is before the reckoning begins, and the prophets a lot, he says that the torments and the horror and

00:58:12 --> 00:58:29

the the the panic that people will feel at that moment will just be so bewildering, will be so overwhelming and intimidating, that people will just be running around like wild animals. It'll just be the most frightening experience, you that you can't even imagine,

00:58:31 --> 00:58:34

is the most frightening experience that we can't even imagine.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:39

And so at that moment, they won't ask each other any questions?

00:58:40 --> 00:58:50

No, everyone's just trying to figure things out. And every single place in the Quran where he talks about them asking each other questions in life and thereafter. So to solve that is talking about people in paradise.

00:58:52 --> 00:59:19

That people in paradise are sitting and hanging out sitting on there with Sakina a lot of Robin Hood denwa Karina Hasaan they're sitting on their luxurious couches, drinking the you know, pure wine of paradise and eating the fruit food of paradise. And now they're having a conversation Well, of course, because it's a good times. So they're having a conversation with each other now, in some of them will definitely feature not in yet as alone in paradise. They're having a conversation with each other.

00:59:20 --> 00:59:39

So it was actually a lack of context and, you know, almost trying to create a contradiction, where there is no contradiction, and that's where they brought about this question, but the context itself just completely dismisses anything, any type of even notion of a contradiction, that it's actually just plain Oh, silly.

00:59:41 --> 00:59:42

So Allah subhanaw taala says here

00:59:45 --> 00:59:59

fella and Saba Bina whom Yama even while I get this out alone, that then they won't care about any type of relationships on that day, nor will they worry about each other or ask each other how they're doing or ask each other and the type of questions but they will be completed.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

be preoccupied with themselves

01:00:04 --> 01:00:20

and inshallah with that will go ahead and conclude May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhan Allah he will be humble he Subhana Allah who will be Hamrick national Allah ilaha illa Mossad Philippa wiener tabula like

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