Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Muminoon 12

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of Islam in various context, including the need for a line of people to be included in movies, the importance of the title of the movie, and the use of "centers of the past" in Arabic language. They also touch on the use of " liked" in Arabic language to describe actions and emotions, and the importance of understanding the structure of the Bible and the structure of modernity. The discussion touches on various speakers and their positions within the Arabic language, including the use of "ar passion" and "arogant and conceited" words to describe experiences and feelings, and the use of "arogant and conceited" words to describe experiences and feelings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language or onic Arabic the language of the Quran and discussing and exploring the timeless lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience for all intensive please check out begun smr.com that's b a YYINH summer.com. To get more information sign up, I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive

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are going to be lagging in a shape on the raw gene. Some Shabnam embody him coonan Hurry, but that's becoming much in Agila haha Ah, yes. He Rouen from Santa Rosa Lana tetra llama.

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mata rasuluh. Hakka boo,

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ba ba ba ba ba ba

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watch on

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the border let

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me know on

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our cell na musawah aha who have Luna bi Tina was born in

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11 aloha Farah omala. Eg fasttech. Barua cannon calm and Eileen for callooh minoli Bashar I name is Lena pounamu Milan

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Don't forget boo masaka no mean Elmo lucky Maliki wala pada Tina moose Al Kitab Allah Allah homea do

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hamdulillah alameen wa Kuba chilima chirping or salatu salam O Allah said Muslim, what Allah Allah He was my mentor, we are gonna be sending Elijah Medina, shallow. We're starting today from Ayah number 42. In the previous passage,

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we studied Allah subhana wa Jalla presents kind of a general we talked about a general either a general analysis

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of different scenarios and situations but at the same time, what was consistent throughout all those different situations that different prophets dealt with their people. And then we of course, talked about that there are some varying opinions among among some of us you don't, whether it's specifically referring to Colorado come with a mood. So an eye number 42, Allah subhanaw taala, similar to what we've seen before Allah says, In shutting him down in a hurry, a very brief translation, we raised other generations after them, no community can advance or rather, then we raised and other other generations after them. So there's not much here in terms of analysis,

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because it's very similar to the idea that we've studied before. The only difference here is that instead of the Word of God, none are hidden from

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occurring, which was the singular, of course, as we studied grammatically, the word button, while being in the singular form, grammatically speaking, in meaning it has a plural meaning because it's referring to a group of people we talked about a generation, so on and so forth. But here Allah subhanaw taala presents this word in the plural form grammatically occludin different groups of people, different generations of people.

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And so here, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that then after we raised up after them, different generations of people, now,

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the machete mentioned, from Abdullah Abbas or the Allahu taala, and humor that this is making reference to but who is he? And he specifically makes this particular comment or as a machete. Rather, he holds this particular position, because of the eye out that are coming afterwards. Even in the recitation, you probably heard or you can see the name of Musa alayhis salam coming up. So he says this is referring to but who is LA LA and all the different generations of Vanessa e imamura. De Rahim, Allahu taala says it very well. He says why am I now who subhanahu yakutian kasasa philippou Ronnie terracina Allah Azza biliteracy Karnataka dem okra Allah Sabine ej Malika Hakuna he

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says that Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes tells the stories within the Quran of the people that came before with some amount of detail, as we saw in the previous couple of passages musala excuse me, new halaya salam that had a lot of detail to it. And over here you have more of a kind of general analysis and a summary presented here. So these are different styles. But he says that's a mirage.

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Do closer to loot what should you buy Yusuf alayhi wa sallam that here Allah subhanaw taala just St. rune and offering generally. And beloved in January, with the plural form basically means all the different nations and stories of people that came within the Quran. This is what's alluded to and referred to here. It's a theater from Allahu taala similarly says, Oh, mama, mama, and voila, that is just referring to all the different nations that came afterwards. However,

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Mr. malko to be Rajim Allahu taala also mentioned that same narration about delivering our bus you need to believe in that this refers to but who is he and Mr. malko to be takes the position he says what fee will fill Konami has been so comfortable

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that what's implied here again, because if you read the passage, if you're reading the whole suta a lot talks about new highly his Salaam and his people what happened with the people of New Orleans Salaam, the majority of them they perished, they were destroyed, because of their rejection of New Orleans Salaam and his message. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala, generally referred to some of the nations like odd in some mood, and again, what ended up happening what did Allah tell us that they were destroyed? And then Allah will talk about Musa alayhis salam, while and again, what will entrepreneur what Allah tell us that fit our own and his people again, because of the rejection of

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the Prophet and align his message, that they were also destroyed. So mmamoloko to be says that because of the sequence and the coherence of the surah, you cannot ignore the fact that when Allah says Quran and Allah and Allah means many, many different groups, or generations of people came, but this specifically is alluding to those who were actually destroyed, who are moved lacking more either been, who were punished by Allah and they were destroyed.

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So, and one of the, I guess you can say reflections or shout out from this particular you know, phrasing and how and what exactly Allah subhanho wa Taala says here is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is presenting here the idea that,

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that with these nations in these people of the past being destroyed, nobody should be under the impression that you know, Allah subhanaw taala was somehow in need of these people but allies of any and ally Samad, as Allah teaches us within the Quran, Allah is not in need of the people. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us here, very briefly, that many, many different generations came afterwards that people were replaceable. And again, that sounds very cold and very distant. But ultimately, there is a truth to that, that we need a line Allah doesn't need us that people need a line Allah doesn't need the people. And so that's a very powerful thought and reflection that some

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of the scholars and mufa Ceylon have presented here.

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In ayah, number 43, Allah says my desperate woman Almighty Allah Hi, mom is

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a translation no community can advance or delay its time. So that's beautiful subaqua in the Arabic language means to advance or to move ahead. Right and from this, we have many many different derivatives Allah subhanho wa Taala. praises the early generations of those are the early folks amongst the Sahaba by calling them WhatsApp and WhatsApp via Gunilla. Walloon, first stabby dot which is a derivative of this which means you know rush towards good things raised with one another, Allah Spano analysis wasabi qu e llama karate, mira become the that run and race to the forgiveness from your Lord in your master. So overall the root of the word subak refers to

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the moving ahead sabich humble hagarty in the law, right somebody who advances and doing good by the permission of Allah subhanaw taala so subaqua that's what it refers to.

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Allah subhanaw taala uses the word here agenne the word agile in the Arabic language.

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Lisa Arab says via to lock the Phil motiva hula de Dini when we that it basically refers to a deadline. The word adyen generally refers to some type of a deadline that can be in terms of death, that can be in terms of a debt that has to be paid, or so on and so forth. Similarly, Allah uses a word

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in a very, very different context in the Quran, where Allah says, Well as you more open than the gap, he had Diablo Valley Kitab Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala when informing us about the rules and regulations of divorce, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us teaching us informing us that until the ADA the waiting period after divorce has not expired, up until then do not engage in any type of negotiations in terms of another marriage. So

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It's used in that particular meaning at the same time the word ajan

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Lisa, some of the rather grammarians, they also make note of the fact that the word agenne has a certain versatility to it. So, depending on the context in which you use it, it can take on different meanings. So, for instance if you use the word adjust, so, it refers to a deadline or an expiration dates,

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but if you use it, in contrast, if you use it in the context in which you are using it in contrast to the word Arjun Arjun refers to hastiness or quickness right rushing something, right. So, if you use it in contrast to that, then basically it refers to something that is deferred or delayed, right and Allah subhanaw taala. Of course, we talked about this agile versus agile, right? agile is something being done immediately. And then agile is with some type of delay in another narration refers to people and how they interact with the Quran. And the prophets a lot of these Salaam says that you get the idea Luna who while I get a Jelena who that they do not they rush to implement the

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Quran, they do not put off the Quran. Right? So, but nevertheless, when it's used in isolation in this particular form, it refers to a deadline or an expiration date.

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And then the word gets thrown, comes from the roots of a comma, which refers to the end of something off it'll shape is the end of something, the tail end of something, and it's the cloud

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refers to delaying something, putting something off, trying to extend the end of something. All right, so Allah subhanaw taala here says, My desperate Oh minomycin agenda

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that no oma is able to advance its expiration dates.

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And what that basically refers to is lenta, Mouton, absent habitat, a segment that is Aha, that no soul, we'll see, we'll leave this world until it has fully acquired or has fully collected, what was written or destined for it in terms of sustenance, that Allah subhanaw taala has given everyone a certain amount of time. Now it's up to them what they decide to do with that time, even if they are making terrible use of that time. Allah subhanaw taala and this is the justice of Allah, that Allah subhana wa tada gives that person or that Omar or that nation or those people, that entire duration for my healing kathina I'm healed whom right then? Right that Allah subhanho wa Taala says I will

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continue to give them time because they were allotted or allocated that amount of time so no nation can move up its expiration.

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But at the same time, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why am I in South Iran, nor can they further put it off? In Nigella law? Elijah Liu, aha, that that expiration date when it comes from Allah subhanaw taala then it cannot be delayed in the least bit low quantity on the moon, if only you were to realize this, Allah says in sort of No, which is very profound, because again, you're talking about Bo Moore, who were destroyed so they couldn't put that expiration off.

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In the next ayah I in number 44 Allah subhanaw taala says filma otter Santa Lucia Lana, tetra, Kula magia mutton rasuluh ha de boo for us, bah, bah, bah humbug on

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a hadiza for garden, the formula you know, a very brief translation, and we sent our messengers in succession. Whenever a messenger came to a community, they invariably they invariably called him a liar. So we destroyed them one after the other and made them into a cautionary made them into cautionary tales away with the disbelievers. So there's a lot of very fascinating vocabulary and language here. And we'll kind of explore it as we go through it because of the length of the LSS filma. And then after that, so it was fun to watch Allah said alesund many, many different generations of people. And then similarly Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Then we also sent Luciana

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Our Messengers

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and this alludes to another place within the Quran, where Allah says, One macoun mitb nahata Hatton avasarala, that we do not punish or we do not destroy, unless and until we have sent a messenger we have dispatched we have sent a messenger and so this is from the again justice of Allah subhanaw taala that some type of message comes to the people and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because this question always arises that

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well, what about if there is somebody or a group of people that don't end up receiving the message?

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Or at least not the proper form of the message or whatever the case may be. Well, the Prophet sallallahu Ani who said and first of all the Quran, again, by establishing the fairness and the justice of Allah subhanaw taala, Allah AdBlue it automatically implies the fact that Allah will deal with them justly.

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And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comments on this talks about this referring to the admin fetzima that people who come at a time where maybe they don't receive the message properly, that Allah subhanaw taala will allow them Allah will test them on the day of judgment and Allah subhanaw taala will allow them a fair opportunity to basically state their belief or disbelief in regards to Allah subhana wa Tada. So here Allah says that then we sent our messengers and see this, while the messengers are talking about whether urusan many places in the Quran where Allah says rusu Lana, this is that ibaka Our Messengers and again, whenever you do a buffer, whenever you

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associate one word with another, you are creating exactly that association and affiliation. So let's find out what's on our affiliates and Associates and restates the affiliation and association of the messengers with the divine

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with the divine authority,

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that that is that the authority and the honesty and the trustworthiness of the messengers has to be respected. And then unless his Thomasina Russell and Petra, now the word tetra is the subject of a lot of conversation, linguistically speaking, of course, that what does it exactly mean? What does it allude to?

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So the first thing that you have to understand is that the word tetra, the roots of the word is wow, ta Wow, ta and Ra.

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techtron is basically like saying what to run.

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And now somebody can say that well, I don't see a while there, that's their data in Iran. Right, Catherine Tatra, but you're saying that the roots is wild, and raw. So one of the I wouldn't quite call it common, but one of the features of the Arabic language and this is not unheard of, is that the wow in certain places, is substituted with the top. This is not unheard of at all. In fact,

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there are a number of different words that we can take a look at that have the same dynamic the the word the Prophet sallallahu Sallam uses in the hadith of Abdullah nobis or the Allahu taala Anoma Yahoo Lam in new Alamo can imagine that a young man I would like to teach you some beneficial things and then he says if a lotta Jihad to jack the jack and that's actually what jack but the wire was replaced what is the wire was replaced with that that jack? Similarly, Duma we're familiar with the word Toma toma means an accusation, a slander an accusation against someone. The word actually is Wilma to home, right? It's just a figment of someone's imagination, but the wall was replaced with a

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towel. So that's not unheard of in the Arabic language and we see it used in many different classical

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instances. And so similarly here the wall with the wall was replaced with the tag creating the meaning of tetra, so it basically means mutawa TV, which means that consistently one after another, the prophets and the messengers they came in there are many Abdullah bin Arbus theater. Allahu taala mentions from Abdullah bonobos that he explained the word tetra as Yani yet to be done, that they came one after another they they came out for one after another. And this is a subject that our last panel which Allah mentions many places in the Quran in different ways. In surah, number 16 is 36 Allah says welaka artifically material sulan and the Abu Lucha, what do you tell me boo autauga that

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we sent in each and every single nation group of people a messenger with the message that worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and leave false worship of idols.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And we'll talk about that part of it later. But

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another thing about this, sending one after another one of the theories that are one of the ideas that is shared by some of the most Ceylon is that the word wakita the word Ouachita, which comes from that same roots of Wildcat and RA, and fatra to anila Amman in reverse to a break in the action, a break in the action. So when Allah subhanaw taala says tetra some of us who don't have extrapolated from this, that what that means is that messengers came in succession one after another. But that also implies at some level, that there were certain gaps that there were some generations that came in between prophets who did not receive a prophet or messenger

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That doesn't mean that they didn't receive a message. But what that what that implies is that rather they were supposed to implement the shitty or the message of the previous prophet or messenger. So somehow I've also extrapolated that as well. So my daughter salado, Solana sutra. Now last one of which Allah says, Kula majha mutton Rasulullah that each and every single time there came to a people, its messenger.

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Now this is very interesting. So for two reasons, I'll point out two things here linguistically. First and foremost, is that cola magia, mutton Rasulullah. There's a little bit of

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switching of the sentence structure here, that normally you would mentioned, like we talked about, the firing comes before the before the door comes before the object, the detail, right that a message the messenger came to the people, but the order is reversed here. And that creates some emphasis and exclusivity that messengers were sent specifically for some people,

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exclusively for some people. So it shows a lot of care and attention, that Allah subhanaw taala sent some messenger specifically for some people. And not only that by but by reversing the sentence structure, what is also achieved is now rasuluh ha, the word or soon is associated with the pronoun ha, which goes back and refers back to the oma. Now I mentioned in the previous, or in this same ayah, Allah calls the messengers, our messengers, now allies saying the messenger of those people.

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So the authority of the messenger was associated to a large amount of water was being sent by Allah speaking on behalf of Allah. But the responsibility of the messenger was to the people

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was dedicated to the people. And we see this of course, you know, obviously, in the example of our beloved messenger, Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam unlikeable here on the

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right there were Allah subhanaw taala, to caution him, that you will destroy yourself worrying and going after these people trying to get them to believe some way somehow.

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So Allah says, couldn't imagine Mata Rasulullah each and every single time there came to specifically to have people their messenger, get the Boo, they rejected him. And so this is this seems a lesson each and every single time.

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And so we talked about this earlier that this is how this was a consolation to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that is the people in my car being difficult with you, well, people were difficult with each and every single messenger. So that's one aspect of one idea of it. Similarly, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran in surah, t as in sort of 36 or 30, you had sort of a bad that. So that regrets upon the slaves, may it may rasulillah can be assassin that never did a messenger come to them, except that they would mock the messenger will come out and let them in a lacuna Minh body No. Right. So this, this idea is also present within the Quran, and a number of

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different places that are lost pentawards Allah would send these messengers, but they would always reject and refuse and refuse and call the messenger a liar. So then Allah says, bah, bah, bah, bah. And again, that idea that that thought is reiterated here. That then Allah says we followed some of them with others,

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that people are to Allah subhanaw taala people are replaceable.

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And the human being has to recognize,

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you know, one's frailty and

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one's weakness in need of a loss of parental autonomy. Right, so for about an hour.

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And that's where the idea comes in that Allah subhanaw taala says, We're coming to remember the know that how many of different generations after New Holly Salam even were destroyed.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say, for Jana, whom a hadith was a Hadith, and we made them a hadith. Now, what does the word ahaadeeth mean? Because we've probably heard this word before. ahaadeeth is the plural of the word Hadeeth. And we use this word when referring to the traditions, the prophetic tradition, the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the called Hadith, a hadith is the plural. But so let's say we made them a hadith. So what does the word Meteor mean? And of course, the word ahaadeeth is being used here. So again, I spoke a couple of sessions back about, you know, literal meaning versus technical terminology. had these

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ahaadeeth in technical terminology, right the sonic sciences refers to the statements of the profits a lot of the similar traditions of the profits a lot he said them.

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But literally in linguistically speaking, the word Hadeeth had that.

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It refers to something being new, nothing too deep. It is the opposite of something being old. It refers to something occurring. My mother had, like what happened? Right? So it refers to something occurring, something happening, something new. And from that basically comes the word in the Arabic language for even talk. Because what's new? When you sit down and talk to each other, you say what's new, and people like to talk about new things. And so that's why speech and conversation and talking is also referred to as Hadeeth or hidef. Right. And similarly, the word hoodoo. Another derivative refers to also something occurring that hasn't happened before. And from that we also get the word

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with which the prophets a lot of uses, in a very authentic narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says khulumani does that Tim did it cannot be attained Bala kulu kulu de tiempo, attune, wakulla attend Allah Allah shown that each and every single unprecedented

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idea within the religion is an innovation is a perversion, a distortion of the religion. And every distortion of the religion is a misguidance. In its very essence, right? Why does that include er como de la mer, the prophets, a lot of them said, Be very careful, and about unsubstantiated thoughts and ideas and practices. Right? So that's where this particular also word the derivative, a derivative of this word is used. So what does it refer to here? So over here, right, the ahaadeeth is the plural of the word, do that. Do that. And do that in the Arabic language refers to almost like a story that's told

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a story that's told. And some of the linguists and the scholars of the Arabic language I asked fresh, who is one of the authorities within the Arabic language of fish, he actually says that this word bootha has a very negative connotation. It is never ever used positively, like youth God, Lee halen, but youth guru Lee Sharman that it is not used for something good, it is used for something bad. And that's where you saw, even in the translation, that it referred to as cautionary tales,

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where you warn someone like look, this is what you call you feel hate. Come by you call Sora Fulani had eaten a rotten melon right into my Eucalyptus shell. It is used for bad like to caution or warn someone against some bad or detrimental behavior or conduct. And that's why you say that that person became a cautionary tale. And Allah uses this and other place in the Quran. In surah Saba, Allah subhanaw taala uses this particular word, sort of number 34 I believe in it number 19. Allah subhanho wa Taala says for Gianna whom ahaadeeth similarly talking about people who are destroyed, that we made them a caution we made them cautionary tales, when mazeppa Nahum Kula Mama masakan and

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we completely obliterated them.

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We completely and absolutely obliterated and destroyed them. And that's what made them the cautionary tale that they are. So Allah says Raja Allahumma Hadith for Bora den, lipo min law, you know, now we've seen for more than a volume in and we read it, we talked about this bar that means that away from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, away from salvation and forgiveness. And over there it said midvalley mean, that wrongdoing people, people who have oppressed themselves in their souls, but here are lessons for more than LIFO Minh.

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And this is a more general statement, you kind of see how the conversation has gone from being very specific about the people of New to being a little bit more general, a kind of a case study of a few different.

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A few different people came like FOMO, I've been with a mood and now it's just very generally stating it. And this is kind of the captivating style of the Quran, that Oh, it brings it into the present tense now, it makes it very relevant. So how you start off telling kind of a history lesson that once upon a time there was somebody somebody and then from there, you start to kind of extract some of the morals or lessons and then you bring it to the people to your audience that is sitting in front of me and say and that's why you should be careful about this.

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So Allah says for more than

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that away from the mercy of Allah will be the comin any people. That's why it said in the common form the form in any people like you know, who are not willing to open their minds in their hearts to believing in Allah subhanaw taala who are not willing to listen, who are not willing to understand and not willing to believe

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that they're closing themselves off from guidance that those people are away from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, may Allah Spano etc protect us all.

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And this is how that conversation comes into the current wood in the case of the profits allottee, some, of course, to the coloration to the mccanns. But just in general, it provides a very serious and a very stern warning.

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In the next Daya

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is number 45. Now Allah subhanaw taala talks about Musa alayhis salam

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and some of the experiences of Musa alayhis salam. And I'm going to go ahead and kind of jump forward here and mentioned something but so because I'd like to explain

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the connection and the coherence of the different ions, and the different, you know, kind of sections of the passage, if you will, we're still generally within the same passage, but it's kind of a segue or a different section. But I'd like to explain that but rather than explain that at the end here, I'll mention it at the beginning. And the reason for doing that is because it seems like such a drastic switch.

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Now all of a sudden, unless talking about Musa alayhis salam. Now if you go back and you pay attention to what some of them will first say don't like go to B and raazi. And others were saying

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that it's referring to come we brought him home, we lose to a como una comida como como use of that. It's basically talking about all the different nations and profits and different situations that occurred between some of those early nations new

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the mood, and the later nation of Miuccia Alison, Vanessa.

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And Vanessa L. Of course, even though whenever you say when we start in our mind immediately goes to Musa alayhis salam, just as that's because that's the period of anusara. Let's talk about the most frequently within the Brahma de nuestra illustra. He was the name of Yahuwah his Salah, and so but who is Rob Ellis is beyond that at scope as well, there were different generations of Nusrah and different periods of time within the history of nuestra Eve. So Jacobo Allah Hassan Yusuf Alayhi, salam, and many, many other prophets were sent also amongst what we can call the nuestra.

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So that also is part of how we can explain this transition, that Allah talks about the early nations. Then he talked about those nations that came in the middle of the early part of the Nusra. And then now he's telling us about Musa alayhis salam, and the letter but who is sorry.

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And that's why Allah will then again, we will go on to talk about esala his Salah, all right, a brief mention of a Salah, his Salah, one of the other kind of segues or kind of transitions that some of them have asked, you know, and also explained that if we just take it to be very general that Allah is talking about any and all people that came afterwards, with Musashi Salaam, you have a very interesting and specific dynamic, at least what's told what's what's mentioned to us within the Quran. And that is, you see that Musa Ali Salaam, almost had like two audiences.

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He had an audience that was like, he had two groups of people. He had Musan, excuse me for owning these people. And then he had the Israelites, the bunnies are in themselves. And you have to own in his people who rejected beliefs completely and totally did not comply with any of the instruction and were destroyed. And then you have been to Israel who continued on afterwards. And then there were a lot tells us quite a bit about what transpired with them even after the destruction. Like we knew how they get set on. It moves right on. It doesn't tell us about a lot of what transpired afterwards with the survivors. But in the Quran, it tells us a lot about what happens. So here Allah

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subhanaw taala is alluding to the fact that it's very plausible that within the audience, if you will have a messenger that there will be some people who will not believe

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and might end up facing their end, they're doing their destruction because of that.

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But then enuma will continue on after that. And they will have their own unique struggles and issues. And that will be another another focus completely. And we see that some semblance of that and the profits, a lot of us have alluded to this

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In the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, where you had the mela again, very fascinating, all the connections, right? So how deeply and profoundly it's speaking to the prophets, a lot of them and that's why the study of the cedaw intertwines like you do justice to the seed or when you intertwining with the Quran, and you also help yourself understand the Quran by intertwining with the Syrah that it keeps talking about mother making reference to Mala. And that was

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excuse me the leadership of the operation. That was the leadership of the parish.

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And what happened? The prophets allottee some says at the bottom of other Accra jets in aina, coration agbada.

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decorations pushed out to aspirations brought out to us it's the word covered refers to liver like essential organs.

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like they've brought their most important people. The people without whom flourish as a people cannot succeed, won't survive or cannot succeed

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in their current status.

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And that's why the prophets a lot of them, also quoted some of the ayat that talk about the destruction of a people when reflecting on the the leadership of the Quraysh that had fallen in the Battle of butter, and the profits of autism, specifically this very profound. The prophets alonnisos specifically commented on abou JAL

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where he says that nikoli omitting fear, anger, fear amati, abou john,

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that for every people there is a phenomena phenomena, my own mo is Abu Jad.

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Right, so the there's some very fascinating connections here, that some of us who have pointed out but even just historically speaking, you're able to see and observe what the sequence in the coherence is that we talked about the early nations and the early part of the news flow, and that Musa alayhis salam is being brought up here. So my daughter Salah musawah, who Haruna Biya Tina was so funny moving, I in number 45 Allah subhanaw taala says a translation of which is, then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron, with our signs and clear authority.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says then, and this again would the usage of the word filma would more so support kind of a more historical analysis of the sequence of the ions in what's being mentioned. So Allah says, We sent as messengers

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Moosa, and his brother Harun Musa, and his brother Hydra. Now I'm not going to get into a lot of detailed discussion here about Musa Harun and their relationship and things like that. Some of the previous seeds that we've done such as sort of Baja, we talk about that in a lot of detail there because it talks about Prophethood being bestowed upon musante salmon, a lot of detail, and also exactly the details of prophethood being bestowed upon Harun alayhi salam,

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but very briefly, you can kind of even tell even though Harun Ali Salaam Allah says for Odyssey Lila Harun that Haruna Elisa was a prophet in a messenger, nothing taking away from that, but even the way the mentioned is constructed. musawah ha, hoo, Haruna Musa, and his brother Harun, it does make even the mention of her own tabula rasa,

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kind of following Mussolini's around that our knowledge salaams mentioned is connected to dimensional musala

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dimension of how one is connected two dimensional Miuccia Lisa that's why some places in the Quran and very very similar looking at a loss phenomenon that some places mentioned both Musa and Halima salon, but sometimes only mentioned musala. And of course, Haruna Elisa is automatically implied, because between the two, the, if you will, kind of the leadership structure was that Musa alayhis. Salam was the leader amongst the two of them. And there's, again, refer back I'll just refer you to some of the previous tafsir sessions. But there's some very interesting dynamics there because very authoritative Lee a lot of historical accounts, they present the idea

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that in most, the majority of us, you don't have agreed with this, that Haruna Allison was actually older.

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But Musa alayhis salam had the position of leadership. The Assad was with Musa alayhis salam. It was musallam who left Haruna Ali Salam in charge when he left to right so some very interesting dynamics here. But Allah says some of Salah musawah Haku Haruna, Biya Tina, Biya Tina, with our signs, is the plural of the word ayah. Now I referred to

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linguistically means of course, a sign, but refers to a very huge sign or a very obvious sign. And one of the key definitions how it differentiates from even a llama or something else is that an ayah points you to something else. In and of itself. It's not the end. That's not to say that it's not important of course, because the verses of the Quran are referred to as is. So we can't say they're not the objective obviously, but it's not the end of your journey.

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It's the is strategically and specifically positioned to bring you in to teach you something profound and to continue you onwards

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as very powerful. So with our signs now, what are the signs exactly referred to?

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So of course, many different opinions amongst them will first see rune

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Razi mentions referring job delivering Ibis radi Allahu taala Anima. That He said he'll I add to

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that there are nine signs that Allah subhanaw taala mentions. When he Iliad, Willa were healer I saw when he said it is the staff of Musa the hand of Musa al Gerrard. The locusts that were sent upon surrounding these people, I'll comment the lice, the infestation of lice that was sent upon them, what the Father the frogs infestation of frogs mentioned within the Quran were done, and blood, what infill apple

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and the splitting of the Seas was was noon, which was the drought and the difficulty the famine that came upon the people, when looks Amina thammarat, and also the decreasing of their produce.

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And so this is what's referred to as all the different ions of that we sent with Moosa and Harun Ali masala

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then Allah subhanaw taala. And that's very obvious. So there's a lot of different discussion where the scholars basically the Mufasa don't say, I art makes reference to alma jeiza Bahujan says, usually your audio and your audible iottie Nuff said. He said that it was the different miraculous events and occurrences that happened in regards to Musa alayhis salam or at the time when Musa alayhis salam, but then Allah says wasn't born in moving

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the word Soobin in the Arabic language sunfab two refers to authority,

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something that has authority

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and this is used a number of different places within the Quran.

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In a similar meaning fun fuzu latinfeels una elaboration on

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that you can never leave the authority or the jurisdiction, if you will, of Allah subhanaw taala so in their body, they said I gotta lay him on a lot of shade on That As for my slaves, you have no authority over them. Makana Leon, a comment from Vaughn shaytaan himself says I don't have any authority. I didn't have any authority over you. So the meaning of the word soupon is authority.

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Now Allah gives an adjective for the words we've gotten, which is moving clear authority. Very clear and obvious evidence authority. Now what is that exactly referring to? So there are two dominant opinions among some of us who don't want to just kind of consolidate it because there's pages and pages worth of discussion upon this actually are mentioned three things. There are three opinions among some of us. I don't really see a problem with understanding all three maybe implied at the same time. The first of them is that some of them some of the mufa cylinder a little bit more inclined towards kind of like the velocity, meaning of it the Bulava of the Arabic language they say

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that has not been Amelie hasn't been kabilio Artefill abscissa fancy Allen mo souf. This is a style within the Arabic language that what you do is you basically connect one attribute or aspects of something upon the name of the item itself. So for instance, if I'm talking about Jade, and Jade happens to be a teacher of wildlife.

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So you say about a tamale man was Aiden,

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I saw a teacher and Zaid. Now first time you hear that you kind of think you're talking about two different things. Okay, I saw a teacher and associate. But that's a very eloquent way of saying I saw the teacher who is aid.

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So it's a way to emphasize the fact that Zaid is a teacher. And so here it's

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through Marcella musawah, who Haruna Biya, Tina was hooked on a movie

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that we sent to Moosa and his brother Harun

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With the clear proof that we're signs that it wasn't just for argumentation sake, the more exotic moves that weren't just for argumentation sake for the sake of argumentation with stubborn people like that. But they were signs, miraculous signs and those who paid attention and listened to them and looked at them and observed them, they were able to believe and understand.

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The second meaning that some of us don't give for this, is that and this is very, it's just remarkable. SubhanAllah I sat there, when I read this, and I kind of thought about it. I sat there for a good 1015 minutes just floored

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that they specifically say that this amongst all the modules that I mentioned, nine of them, that I'm delivering our basadi Allahu taala Anima mentions

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that it mentions, b i got Tina all nine signs, what some funny movie and then specifically how the other apps will have an alarm that has an equal hospital alarm that this is mentioning after mentioned the general category, all the different miracles of Mussa.

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And then one specific miracle, and that specifically refers to the outside of Mussa. And many, many different professionals have said this from could to be to even assure to many, many others, that this could be making specific mention of the author of Musa and the reason for that is that the onset of Musa was a miracle in of itself, meaning that when it would turn into a into a snake into a serpent,

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but then the staff itself was the means to so many other miracles.

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That the sea splitting What did Allah tell Mashallah Sam to do for Caribbean Sakakibara strike the sea strike the water with your staff and the sea splits for Griffey rasakan Hazara that went blue is raw, he needed water, they need water to drink, as it were wondering, what did Allah tell musante sam to do? strike the stone with your staff.

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And what happened?

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From budget set means that I shot the island 12 Springs came out of it. So the saw of Moosa was not only just a miracle by itself, but it was the means to so many other miracles that is specifically referred to as football. It was an overpowering arguments and evidence and proof authority.

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And the reason why this really intrigued me was going all the way back one of the primary mentions of the ASA Moosa that we're familiar with, from Surah, number 20, sort of Baja, that when Musa alayhis salam, when he's asked by Allah wa Martin cabbie, Amina, aka Musa, what's in your right hand or Musa, and he says, Carla, here are saya, this is my staff. So I lean on it. Well, we should be. I love anime. And I knock down these for my, for my, for my animals that I that I, shepherd. Then he says when he FCM, arriba, okra, and there are so many other benefits in it for me. And even, maybe at the time, he said that even musallam didn't realize how profound that was that he was saying,

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there are so many other benefits in it for me, that it was almost kind of foretelling through his own tongue,

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that all these other miracles will sprout forth from this one singular Aha.

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And then the third arguments of some of them will first sit under certain third interpretation, and some of them don't, is that big, now referred to all the miracles, what some funny movies then specifically refers to the the words and the thoughts and the ideas the message of mutualism, estate laloux.

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That the conversation he has with fear

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and how we leaves fear around and his people speechless. That it's specifically referring to the message, because even the mortgage is at the miraculous things do not replace the message.

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The message can stand on its own. So the message is called Sultani well being because that's really what's authoritative.

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a supernatural or extraordinary occurrence without the message

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could be meaningless or could even actually be problematic. But it's coupled with the message that makes it something very, very powerful. Right. So that this refers to specifically the message was so Dynamo been.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala says,

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah omala II for sec Baruah kind of common Ollie, that he was sent to fit on one Mala. Again, you see that word mela here occurring and the elites from the people of Philip

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He was centered around and the elite from the people of our own sustech baru for Sadguru. they behaved arrogantly

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what they thought they were too good to listen. Well, can I leave?

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Right? And to Pharaoh into and these prominent leaders, but they responded with arrogance, and they were a hottie people and what the Aileen refers to it's something very interesting, right? Allah says another place in the, in the Quran

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that in the owner I laugh in early,

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that he was arrogant and conceited within the earth, Allah subhanho wa Taala. When praising people, he says, like, we do not really want

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that they don't want to conduct themselves arrogantly within the earth. And something that's very interesting linguistically, that some of the Mufasa don't points out is that the distinction between the two words is tech, but it's thick bar. It refers to not listening in a specific instance.

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And that are Aloo. Ollie, it refers to just be thinking that you're good to too good to listen to anyone to begin with.

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It's a bonus to not listen in a specific instance, to think you're above instruction in that instance. And the irony, as it's described here, is to think that from the very beginning to just be convinced that you're not under anyone's authority to begin with. And that's why Assad is number 75. Allah subhanho wa Taala winshape Bonnie blees refuses to prostrate at the command of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says to him a sec, but are you just not listening right now? I'm going to minella Eileen. Or have you always had this attitude that you're too good to listen to anyone?

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Are you not? Are you not listening now?

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Have you always had this attitude that you're too good to listen to anyone? And that's why Allah subhanaw taala says electron omala infosec Barua can do comunale that it wasn't that thing. They didn't listen to Mousavi Salaam in that moment in that instance. But the problem was even deeper, London says they just thought they were above and beyond any type of authority, that they weren't governed by any authority at all. And that was their problem. We'll go ahead and stop here inshallah and then we'll continue on from here may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhanallah he will be hungry he Subhana columbium dig

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into the software going into really

Tafseer of Surah Muminoon – Part 12

May 03, 2017

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