Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #8

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the life of Ayesha or Dylan, highlighting their upcoming session on the life of Ayesha or Dylan and highlighting the importance of the master level at 5 PM. They also discuss the history of Islam, including the use of prophets to sell drugs and the shift of people from certain areas to other areas. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning to read and being a teacher to be a right tarliant, avoiding financial and social unrest, and not disrespecting people. They also emphasize the importance of affirmations and understanding the value of one's actions, and stress the need to show pride and not allow anyone to ask questions.
AI: Transcript ©
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and welcome to this the eighth, I believe a session

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on the life of Ayesha or Dylan, her mother of the believers.

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So while we're waiting for people to join us,

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I see, yes, as we're waiting for people to join us. And I just wanted to check in with you, and see how you're all doing.

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You know, the link for this class, the zoom link is going to stay constant now and handler, so you don't have to worry about you know, receiving a different link every week. So we're going to keep the link the same now. So do save it on your notes or on your phone, you know, somewhere so that your laptop, you know, so you can easily access it every week.

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Today's session is going to be about 45 minutes, because of the model of Salah now coming in earlier. And we have decided to move the class from next week,

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to the time of 5pm, on Sundays 5pm on Sundays. And the reason for that is obviously the marketing side is going to keep kind of moving back. And so, you know, very soon it's going to be very difficult to you know, to manage that. So, we decided that the best time is going to be 5pm. And then we can keep it to 5pm you know, for quite a long time. And Charla yes 5pm. UK time. I hope everyone takes a note of that. And it shall obviously in next week's email that we will remind people about that as well. But it's going to be at 5pm from next week. Okay, so if you know anyone who's maybe you didn't realize or doesn't know, sorry, you didn't attend today, for example, then

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please do tell them in sha Allah.

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first of all, I wanted to ask you how you felt about the last session? You know, in the last session, we

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we looked at some visual kind of, say,

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representations of the house of, well, we call it a house, but it's more of a room, isn't it the room, the holder of Ayesha or Dylan ha, and the mestu, the number we were seeing after the hegira I just wanted to catch up with you and see, you know, how you found that session?

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So do let me know in the chat.

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so today, we're going to be I'm going to revisit one of the slides from last time. Okay. So I'm going to share my screen

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if I can figure out to do it again.

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Okay. I think you can see this.

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Okay. So with this slide, I just wanted to point something out about the master level we saw at the beginning of you know, once straight after the hegira

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though Kamala was actually still you know, the masjid in

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in alkaloids, right. So much lochsa was still the direction of the Qibla. So the people I was actually

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around this direction, right.

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So this direction,

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okay, so away from the houses of the profits wait

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until around I think to add two years in and that seems to be around the time when

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I should have probably moved in with the prophets of Allah willing to sell him as well. Right. So by that time, he drew out the people that had changed.

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And so it moved to being this side. Right. So now our issues house here,

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it would have been, you know, right close to where the profits on a lot, one of them would have been the Imam and led the press.

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So I just wanted to point that out, you know, as an interesting thing. And so all that happened was that literally, this area used to be like, obviously, the direction of the seller. Okay.

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This area used to be the direction of the seller, and it was covered. And then this part

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was where the people of suffi used to stay. Okay. And then when the people are changed, basically, they just swapped that around. So this part became covered. I think one of the future. One of the other slides kind of shows that better.

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Yeah, so initially, the Pueblo was that way, right?

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And then you can see this part was more covered.

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And this part was where the people of software used to stay.

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And then a few years in, this part became the way of the people. So this pot, so they basically just swapped those coverings around.

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Yeah, and I just wanted to mention that to you. I was just a little interesting thing.

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There we go.

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moving on.

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The matter of I shall Atlanta so.

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So basically, straight after the job, he said that, you know, people became ill, a lot of the Mahajan became ill and it just seemed like, there was no end to the illness. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made

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his own father abubaker became ill.

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And soon after that,

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abacha said they actually asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam, is there any reason? Is there any reason why you don't? Why she doesn't move in with you. Okay, so he actually asked,

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oh messenger of Allah. Is there a reason preventing you from staying with your wife Aisha

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so duck. And so that is basically the dowry, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam couldn't afford the dowry. He didn't have the means to pay a dowry.

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Okay, and so a Booker said, you know, he would lend him the money for the diary and the profits because I'm agreed to that. And so, that way, you know, the diary was paid. So what was the Diary of a shadow the light in her.

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In a hadith of Osama bin Abdul Rahman said, I asked, I shall not be alone. Hmm, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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What the matter was that was given by the prophet. She said, the man her that he gave to his wives was 12 or

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12, opia. And a nap Nash?

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He said, Do you know what a Nash is?

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He's, she said, it is half over and opia. That was 500 deer hunts. This was the matter given by the profits and loss alone to his wives.

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The weight of a dyrham in grams is 2.97 grams. So the matter of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was 500 times 2.975. So that's about 1487 grams of and a half grams of silver, which basically amounts to a few $100. So it wasn't a very high. Mark. Right. And it wasn't a very, very low matter is kind of,

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you know, a moderate Morrow, we could say, right. And that's the matter that he would give all of his wives, you know. So it's interesting because it shows you that,

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you know, although the marriage is an important thing, right. And you know, and we said in cultures, in some cultures, it's the goals family who pays them out right to the to the mouse family.

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Or even with the arrows usually the, at that time, the Mahara was something that when the husband paid it to the

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wife and his family that basically the wife's father would take it and use it right.

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But of course, in Islam, the matter is something that is specifically for the woman, you know, something that's specifically given to the lady

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once the marriage is consummated,

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and pretty much in a marital contract a woman can ask for as much as she wants, right? Technically, um, usually, it's recommended to ask whatever is the norm, you know, the norm for a woman of your status.

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So, I think people know what that is generally, you know, so obviously, if you're, if the norm for a woman in your community and your society, if the mayor is certain amount, then you are within your right to ask for that, you can ask for more, you could ask for less. It's completely up to you. Generally speaking, I, you know, when I speak to sisters, and especially reverts,

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converts, you know, to Islam, sometimes they're not given the information, you know, about the fact that they are entitled to a Mahara. And unfortunately, I've found that sometimes reverts, they either forego them or her or they asked for a very, very small amount, like, less than, you know, any kind of norm, right, like a few pounds, 50 pounds or something like that. Right. And that's something that, although it's within their right to do, right, I would discourage that, you know, generally speaking, because I think it's important that,

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you know, when it comes to the matter, you, you make it a decent amount, you know, not extreme and not so little. And one of the benefits of that is, of course, when somebody is going to marry a woman, if there is a matter, I would say, one of the benefits is apart from the fact that it's something that she can use, you know, for her own personal, whatever she wants, she can use that money for. Apart from that, I think one of the reasons that it's beneficial is that it is a kind of like a symbol of how serious the man is right? To get married.

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although that's not its only aim, I would say that is one of the benefits. And unfortunately, one thing that I noticed was that sometimes especially

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sisters who embraced Islam, and they might not have family support, you know, they might not have a family behind them, like, father or, you know, and that might have appointed a Wendy, for example, sometimes Little Sisters, when they either have no my hair or some very small amount of my hair.

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The the prospective spouse, the husband can sometimes see it as an easy marriage, you know, as an easy option to Okay, let me just, you know, marry this person, see how it goes? I'm not saying that, that always happens. Okay. But I'm saying that I've seen it happen, you know, a few times. And so I think that's why it's actually beneficial in many ways to actually ask for something that is a bit substantial. Because then it will make the man think twice, right? You will think seriously, I mean, you know, you won't think oh, this is just an easy marriage for me, I'm just gonna get married. If I don't, if it doesn't work out, no big deal. If there has been a significant financial investment in

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getting married to that person, then obviously the person is going to be careful, you know, okay. You know, I've got to make sure that,

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you know, I'm making the right decision. And I'm not going to just think of this as something that I can just do easily and quickly.

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And the other side of it is, of course, that people sometimes ask for huge amounts, you know, in my hair, they expect huge lavish weddings and things like that. And that's not something that Islam encourages. In fact, you know, we should be making marriage easy, and we should be making znr difficult, right? Don't make having her own relationships should be difficult. Having healthy relationships should be easy. But unfortunately in many countries today, the demands for my her gifts and the level of

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The standard of living for a newly married couple, as well as you know, what is expected of the wedding can be so huge, that panela is impossible for a young person who's just starting out, you know, a young man to afford that, you know? So somewhere in between is the correct way, right? The best way I would say.

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And so, I think those are just some things that I wanted to highlight that I want people to, to bear in mind. But we see here that the profits are low. What in salons, Mahara was something very sorry, the man he gave to Ayesha was

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was a moderate my hurt was not something huge. It wasn't something massive, you know, it was an easy thing. You know, it was a simple thing.

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Okay, so then, that is when Ayesha Medina Anna moved in with the prophet SAW. So I have a little bit of a description of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in his house.

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It was so small, that when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam stood up, his head nearly touched the ceiling.

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And so if you just raised your hand, you could touch the ceiling.

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And when I shut it down, her lay down to rest. So if she was lying down, there was not really enough area and enough space

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for the profits or loss alone to make such stuff. Okay.

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So you know, we know that, then she's to move a little bit in order for him to make some stuff.

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So it was small and unadorned. But in one of the books that I was reading, there was a beautiful little statement. And the author said, spiritually, even though it was small, and and adorned physically, spiritually, the room was large enough to enlighten the entire world. So panela

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and it's so true, isn't it?

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So, the profits are selling the nation moved in together. It was the month of show Well, we said, and we mentioned the story of how, you know,

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I should have been, I was prepared. And then the prophet SAW Selim came. Well, she entered the room. And she had a she was offered milk.

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And Shana did on that the, the other ladies they said to, you know, take take the ball from the profits, I said, and don't turn down his offer. He took the ball, she drank

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the profits or loss and told her to give some to her friends as well. They declined

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the profits, I sort of said, Oh, lies and hunger should not go together. And then

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what about the walima of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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It was a very simple, kind of, you know, walima, one of the

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leaders of his rich saw the blue bar that he brought a meal to the prophets home, and this became the wedding dinner, right? So again, that shows that the walima doesn't have to be something that lavish doesn't have to be a specific food or other. Right, it can be something simple, like the volume of the profit source and almost just means a meal, you know, a meal is served

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upon the consummation of the marriage to mark, but now you know, the couple of together living together.

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So from then on, I should have Dylan ha

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was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Subhana Allah, you know,

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I want you to mention to me sisters, what you think when you think of the marriage of the prophets, or Sonam without Isha,

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and you know, their time together, I want you to mention some of the kind of the dynamic between them or some of the benefits that you can see, that came from that marriage. I've got some in front of me, and I just wanted to hear from you. What are some of the things that come in mind? So obviously, there is the husband wife dynamic, right. And we learn a lot from their marriage about what it is to be a husband and wife What else?

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student and teacher dynamic definitely does that girl affair. Excellent sister, Ayesha. Yes. So, you know, there are so many examples of the the profits are seldom as teacher

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and I shadowed the learner a student. And one of the marketing features of that is that she would not just sort of listen

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She would actually be very alert. And then she would ask follow up questions. Right, she would ask follow up questions.

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What other kind of relationship dynamic? Did they have?

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Friendship? Excellent. Yes. actually wrote that down as well. The dynamic of a friend, right with a friend, because there are plenty of husbands and wives who might be, you know, obviously, you're, you have that kind of intimate relationship, right.

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And you have a relationship living together. But friendship, you know, that that's something that's important to you, right? Not every husband and wife have that.

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So, yes, friendship. We're gonna go look at examples of that.

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Anything else?

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Love? Yes.

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wonderful example of love.

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Okay, so I'll mentioned that I have written in front of me.

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So yes, there's the husband and wife dynamic, right? The friendship, the dynamic of friendship. Also, I would say, apart from the teacher and student, also mentor mentee, right.

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And I say that because there's difference between being a mentor and being a teacher, right? Because a teacher might be teaching you knowledge, information, knowledge, you're taking that in, you're learning something, right. But

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mentor mentee relationship that is more about how to be a right tarbiyah. So when you share your thoughts, you share your problems sometimes. And your mentor is somebody who will help you solve that right will help you look at things in a different way, or nurture you help you practice, right. So another dynamic we could say, is the dynamic of a coach, and the coach, right. And the reason why I say that is because there are times when we will see those examples, where I showed a dealer and he

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wanted to do something and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was training, he was literally training, right? Like a coach, that actually, I want you to get used to this type of way of life, not that way of life. So also, I would say,

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another feature of OSHA's relationship with the prophet SAW Simon was that of a keen observer, somebody who was not just observing and witnessing what was happening every day around her right, but also a witness to history. Because when people would have mentioned stories, and the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam, obviously told her a lot of stuff you know, about what happened before she was born or before, you know, marriage to him, the time of Khadija etc. She then became the key person who would convey that in the Hadith, you know, which is, which is really amazing as well.

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Also, a person who preserved fifth, she became a person who preserved not just through knowledge, not through not just through that teacher student relationship, but also through just experience and what she had witnessed just being in that house, right? Like, not many people could say about sort of loss all alone. And so if he was here, he would do x, right? If he was here, he would have said this. Not many people would be able to say, you know, Oh, I know the profits or something didn't did an agreement this because I saw this, I witnessed this, right? There's not that many people who could say that those kinds of statements, but it showed Atlanta was one of those people who could

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because she saw him day in day out in the situations where, you know, other people couldn't. And another aspect of that dynamic is, you know, when you live with somebody,

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not just when you live with them, but obviously when you're their spouse, and you have a deep connection and love

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And all of those elements that we mentioned, then you know how that person thinks, right? You know how that person thinks.

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You try different things out sometimes, you know, at the beginning, for example, you might not know how that person thinks, but due to experience due to having experienced so many different types of situations with that person, you really get to almost be inside their mind, right? In fact, well, you know, when your spouse isn't there, for example, you might say, Oh, he was here, you be thinking this, right.

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And it's almost something that their presence is something that you feel right, in different situations. So Pamela, you know, that really intimate relationship was the relationship that I had with the prophet SAW. So I'm going to read some examples of that. One of the things I wanted to highlight is that, you know, it should have been on her. At that time, it wasn't actually that common for people to know how to read, right? Because reading wasn't something I mean, books do it really books around, you know, we take that for granted, you know, we have books everywhere, we literally have books and writing, and everywhere, this is a society where the oral tradition was the

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main, you know, form of conveying knowledge. But also, you know, memory, memorizing things was the way that that knowledge was preserved, right, primarily. And so, learning to read was not like something that every single person did. But it seems that abubaker said, the output of the law, he really did value.

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Knowledge and, you know, learning to read. And so I shouldn't be alone, I was one of the few people or one of the kind of rare people in that generation who could read. Mashallah, right, that really shows you that, you know, abubaker, and the prophets are Salaam, they, you know, they,

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they valued that, and that was something

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that, you know, for a girl for a woman, it wasn't something that they thought, Oh, it's not, you know, she shouldn't be educated, she shouldn't know this, it's not important for her to know this, right? No, rather, you know, something that they encouraged in her something that they encourage you now,

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apart from that, we know that abeka Siddiq was so knowledgeable, you know, in terms of genealogy, he was very much known to be a preserve of the history of the Arabs and of the tribes, etc. And that's something that should have gone have learnt from him. Also poetry, something that she had, you know, learned from, from her life with her father,

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but also just her culture, right, she seems to have absorbed

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the most eloquent elements of Arab culture Subhanallah, she was very, you know, known to be able to just speak poetry, and remember things, you know, beautiful words that she'd heard, etc. And also medicine. And the reason why medicine seems to have featured is that, you know, people used to visit the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And sometimes they would mention some remedy, and stuff like that, and she would learn that from them. And then she would try these things out. So later on, you know, people were really amazed at how much knowledge she had, of, you know, medicine, medicinal cures, herbal remedies, and things like that. So, that's just something I wanted to highlight, because,

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just to show that, you know, so Pamela, a woman and a girl being educated, her mind being developed, her skills being developed, that was not, that's not something that we should discourage, you know, should not discourage that. Unfortunately, in some of our communities, people do discourage it. Right.

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And especially when it comes to the right, we should encourage it, of course, when it comes to knowledge of the deen because we want you know, our daughters, we want the next generation of women to have a strong connection with Allah and the book of Allah. Right. So and hamdulillah I shall Dylan who was one of the people who could read and although that doesn't seem like a big deal to our in our times, for that time, it was a big deal. Right. It meant that she was a learned educated person.

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Okay, so one of the examples that we can see, I'm just gonna read this in the ration.

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One of the examples we can see of her as a witness, I showed a black hat as a witness to, you know, this amazing panel a period of time, right? Revelation, the period of Revelation. I showed her the line her narrated

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and how to even he Sham asked God's Messenger Salallahu alaihe salam, O Allah His Messenger, how is the divine inspiration revealed to you? All those messenger replied, sometimes it is revealed like the ringing of the bell. This form of inspiration is the hardest of all, and then the state passes.

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After I have grasped what is inspired, after I have grasped what is inspired, sometimes the angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me, and I grasp whatever he says,

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I shadowed the lion he added, verily, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam being inspired, divinely on a very cold day, and notice the sweat dripping from his forehead. As soon as the inspiration was over. Sandeep is in the heat.

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So you can see so panela

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you know, I chose literally witness to the revelation. And you know, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once when one of the wives or the wives were kind of getting upset that people seem to favor Ayesha and they keep sending food to the Prophet salaallah salaam, when the Prophet is in Ayesha's house, you know, he, he rebuked to them or he said to them, Look, don't say anything about Ayesha, because

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the revelation comes to me when I'm with her and it doesn't come with any other wife. Right? In other words, there is something special about her. You know, there was something special about her that when the prophet SAW someone would be lying in the bed in her house with her, he would be inspired, sometimes he would get the revelation, whereas he did it in other places.

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In another Hadith, I shall define her, said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and, and receive good news? Because one's good deeds will not make him into paradise. So here are the profit signs and I made a statement. Okay, he said to Ayesha that they do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. And, you know, but don't think that the good deeds are the ones that are going to make you go to Paradise. And she then asked a follow up question, you know, and this again, shows you this is one of the things that shows you how she was so valuable to the oma. She didn't just listen to something and say, Okay, that's it. Now

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she's gonna convey that. No, she asked the follow up questions, right. So she said, even you know, messenger, Allah. In other words, even you will only enter Paradise. Your good deeds are not the thing that's going to enter you into paradise. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said even me unless and until a lot bestows his pardon and mercy upon me. So Pamela, this isn't so he

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shows you his inquisitive mind right intelligent questions.

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And in a similar How do you know I share the profits are seven said.

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Ayesha mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to offer prayer at night, for such a long time that his feet used to crack. I said, Oh Allah messenger. Why, why do you do it? Since Allah has forgiven your faults of the past and the future, right? He said, shouldn't I love to be a faithful servant of Allah?

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When he became old, he prayed while sitting but if he wanted to perform a bowing, he would get up, recite some other verses and then perform bowing.

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So this hadith is in Buhari again here. I showed the line how witnesses something right, she witnesses the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do something. And her inquisitive mind doesn't just allow it to just pass. She asked an intelligent question. She says, You know why? Why do you do this? Why do you have to do so.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:24

Much like, even though your past and future sins are forgiven. And so Pamela in that question, there's so much benefit for us, right, there's a p the benefit for us knowing that, you know, we should worship Allah, we should never feel safe. We should worship Allah to show thanks to Allah, not just, you know, for the good deeds, but also to show thanks.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:50

And it also shows us about the status of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that even though he was the greatest of creation, and he knew that his future, and past sins are forgiven, he still continued to worship online that way. And look at her keen observation, she tells us, you know, until his feet cracked. So Pamela, you know, who would notice those kinds of little details? Except somebody who's very close, right.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:53

So Pamela,

00:35:56 --> 00:36:38

another thing to notice, I would like to point out is the value of questions, right? islamically were discouraged from asking too many questions. Meaning, if you if you know, an instruction has been given to us, we're not supposed to ask every little detail, right? Like bunnies I used to do, where I, you know, a lot told them to slaughter a cow, or sacrifice a cow. And they said, Well, what color should the cow be? What size? Should the cow be? Should it be like this? Should it be like that? And they kept asking so many questions, right? And so things were made more and more difficult and constricted for them. So that type of questioning is discouraged. However, intelligent questions

00:36:38 --> 00:37:07

are, you know, very, very valuable, right? And we should never be afraid, especially if you're a student of knowledge, for somebody who's a student should never be afraid to ask questions. Unfortunately, sometimes students feel like if they ask a question, it's going to make them look stupid, right? They think that, you know, it kind of shows that they don't know. So one thing that I've witnessed, like being in going to lots of institutions over the years, and also going to university now,

00:37:09 --> 00:37:16

students tend to be, except for some very few, who tend to be extrovert, I would say,

00:37:18 --> 00:38:06

students tend to be very reticent to ask questions. And it's not because they know what's going on, if they literally will pretend that they understand, you know, sometimes very complicated things. And I know that because after the class, sometimes, you know, they will thank the people who asked the questions or, you know, that you can just tell that they didn't understand, right? And so that this is why, you know, the scholars, they said that two types of people can never seek knowledge properly. Two types of people will never be able to seek knowledge properly. One is the one who is arrogant. And one is the one who is too shy, right? Too shy, or too arrogant? And the reason is that

00:38:06 --> 00:38:08

if you're arrogant, if you're proud,

00:38:09 --> 00:38:17

you know, you don't want to ask questions, you don't want to make sure you understood something because you don't want to show that you didn't understand, right?

00:38:18 --> 00:38:21

So that's gonna prevent you from progressing, right?

00:38:23 --> 00:38:31

And the person who is too shy, will not ask questions, because, you know, they just don't have the guts to ask questions, right?

00:38:32 --> 00:39:19

And so both of those people are disadvantaged. So sometimes you have to swallow your pride, right? Of course, we should swallow our pride anyway. And have the courage to ask the follow up question. And you see that lots of people are probably wanting to know the answer to that question as well. And you'll also see that you end up by being the person who asks the questions, okay. And make sure they understood something, you end up helping the teacher to become a better teacher, because the teacher realizes, okay, I didn't explain X, Y or Z, well, or properly enough, but also you make sure that you understood something properly, right? And you don't just leave those settings, half

00:39:19 --> 00:39:20

understanding something.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:22


00:39:23 --> 00:39:30

So that's an example those examples that we mentioned, of the inquisitiveness of it show that the learner

00:39:31 --> 00:39:33

and our time is up.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:51

I was going to go into examples of her witnessing, you know, important things. Child we will carry on next time with, you know, the mentor mentee relationship, third teacher student the friendship, the love

00:39:53 --> 00:40:00

and it should have been on her as preserver of history and preserve our fifth Charlotte will carry on next time.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:21

And at the end of the session, I just want to ask if there are any questions. We are ending early today, as we said, because our mother of coming in, and that's why the lighting is also a bit dodgy today. Because now that I don't have natural sunlight, I'm having to figure out lighting, you know.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:24


00:40:25 --> 00:40:29

if you have any questions, any comments that you'd like to share

00:40:30 --> 00:40:32

any thoughts? Please share them.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:57

In the sense panel, I realized how luxurious we live and still complain about it. They lived so simply and live to contently because their heart was focused on a lot of hours focused on linear. Yeah, so panela yesterday, I was reading a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you know,

00:40:58 --> 00:41:21

be in the world as if you're just a traveler, right? Or wayfarer? Somebody who just stops, you know, in another hand, he says, You know, I am just a person who is traveling, you stopped under the shade of a tree, and then carried on this life is the shade of the tree. That's it.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:25

So Pamela, and it's so hard for us to,

00:41:27 --> 00:41:32

to kind of internalize that, right? Because this life just feels like everything.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:46

And yet, imagine what would happen if we were to look at this life as as though we're on this journey. And all we're doing is stopping under the shade of a tree for a few moments. Right? We need to

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use this time for the real life, which is the life of the hereafter. Right? So there will definitely be difficulties. They'll definitely be tests, they'll definitely be difficult times. And that's something we should be anticipating. I know it's easier said than done, right? Because even though we say it, we hear it when those trials hit us. You know, they can blindside us, right.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:29

But as believers, that's why it's so important, you know, to surround yourself with the sorts of people who will remind you of Allah, who keep reminding you about the straight path will help you get back on track.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:31

Especially when you have tests.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:45

Solomonic on last week's class was great, and I've never seen visuals before. And it was great to reflect on our materialistic tendencies. Yes, indeed.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:49

Okay, um,

00:42:56 --> 00:42:58

okay, I can't see any more questions.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:09

The last time somebody communicated with me, according to my computer is 728. So, Eva,

00:43:10 --> 00:43:17

I've got a feeling that there might be some delay in the Wi Fi. Or you guys are really quiet today.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:39

Okay, I've got some more questions coming up. Would I shouted blonde hair, write things down after learning them? From what I researched? She didn't seem to be somebody who knew how to write. Okay, this is a different skill, right? So write writing was usually something that scribes scribes did, right.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:47

And something that people learn and then it was quite formal writing, you know, in the sense that

00:43:49 --> 00:44:15

like, in our times, right, what happens, you grab a piece of paper, you grab a post it note, you scribble something down, right? In that time, if you wanted to write you literally had to have some thing that you prepared to write on. So usually, it was a skin of an animal, a dried skin of an animal or it was a bone of an animal that was like a large bone that you could or even a small bone, you know, just something flat

00:44:16 --> 00:44:29

or something that was like a, you know, a surface and then you would need either ink, which isn't something that was common in that time. Or you know, some other

00:44:30 --> 00:44:50

kind of writing material, right? So, writing was not something that was writing was even less common than reading right in that time. So inshallah See you next time. 5pm so palika, Lahore morbihan. diga shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta fue kawakubo like for Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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