Abdul Nasir Jangda – The Story Of The Brave Companions

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding the depth of the heart of Islam and the success of Islam culture leads to greatness. A successful man, who lost his trust in Him, became a successful alcoholic and eventually sold alcohol. The importance of strong manners and good etiquette is also emphasized. The success of Islam comes from the importance of learning to be a romantic husband and finding one's own success.
AI: Transcript ©
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How's it going everybody?

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That's how it's going

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How's it going? hamdulillah everybody's loud say Alhamdulillah

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still kinda it's not how we do it in the south we yell alright so one more time really loud the Alhamdulillah

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That's what I'm talking about. gave me the last session shame on why am all right. Last year I came here they had me talk about Hellfire for like 45 minutes. This year I come here they give me the last session so everybody wants to go to sleep and wants to eat food and all types of stuff. But um, yeah, and reading of the bio thing I enjoy coming to conferences, Mashallah. It's a great experience. I love meeting the brothers and sisters. But this reading of the bio stuff has a stopper. I just it's too much you just sit there and listen to somebody reading something about yourself. It's too awkward. Okay. All right.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was rvh Marine

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shala we're going to be talking about the fourth Khalifa I leave now be talking about the Allahu anhu ie the son of Abu Talib or the Allahu

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Allahu anhu, a brief introduction to him that he was of course for of the operation. He was the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was the younger brother of RTL and Polycom and Java. And so he was a direct relative of the profits a lot. He's I'm in a family member of the prophets, Allah love Ali Salim. His father was the man who raised the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, I will call him just wasn't the uncle of the prophets. A lot of them. This was the man who raised him. This is the man who raised him. And so the prophets, a lot of them always felt a very special connection to Ali. Ali radi Allahu anhu was kind of like a nephew to him. He was kind of

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like a nephew to him. That's what the relationship was somewhat like.

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And so he would often stay with the profits, a lot of them he would live with the profits, a lot of them because of his father being very old, his parents being a lot older, he would stay with the profits a lot for extended periods of time.

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But I didn't want to take the very biographical route in talking about earlier of the lavorando because there's an entire lifetime to talk about. I wanted to moreso focus on what were the features of Alito, the loved one who and his life and his contributions. I think a loved one was a very unique combination. He's a very unique personality from the history of Islam. And he's a very unique combination of many, many different, amazing features and aspects.

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The very first thing is that I did have a loved one when this fits in with the theme of this, or these sessions that are going on earlier, I think a lot one who was from the youth, he was a young man. He was basically even a kid. When the message arrives to the prophets a lot. He said,

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Allah, the Allah, Allah, the loved one, when the most authentic narrations was seven years old at the time, he was seven years old. And he was either the second or third person to accept Islam,

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the second or the third person to accept a song. And there's even a narration that says that the day their revelation arrived to the prophets, allottee, Somalia, the loved one who accepted Islam the next day. The very next day, he accepted Islam. So he was very, very young, and he was only 30 years old. When the prophets a lot of them passed away.

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He was only 30 years old. All right, to give you perspective, I'm 32. He was younger than I am. When the prophets a lot of them passed away. Think about that he spent 23 years as a Muslim in the clothes company of the prophets, a lot of them by the age of 30.

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Unbelievable. And that's why when I think of one word to describe our leader, the Allahu I know, he's what we call in our culture a prodigy. You know, when you have a prodigy, like a child that is extremely gifted at something.

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Allah Han who was a prodigy,

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I think a lot more on who

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was very, very devout. One key feature of his personality was he was very devout, very ascetic, meaning he had, he had a, he had very little attachment to any material things. He was not interested in material things. And that's why I actually I read a very, very interesting article about audio, the allaahu Written by an academic from one of the universities overseas, and he actually says that the gauge of success, the way that we gauge success is that success leads to greatness. success breeds more success and the definition or the

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Identifying feature of a failure is that he fails. The problem with that is though, is that we often,

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we often describe or we often identify success in materialistic things. And if you were to take that look at earlier,

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you would end up defining him as a failure because you were looking at it from a materialistic standpoint. But we know he was successful. But it was a key feature of his personality, that he had very little to no attachment to materialistic things. He just didn't really have the motivation to invest a lot of hard time and effort and money into temporary things. He had much bigger things on his plate, he had more important things that concerned him. So much so that when the profits a lot of them, and I'm going to talk about this a little bit later, when he was finally going to get married, and there was the person the profits, a lot of him was personally involved in this not only

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as the mentor of I needed the loved one who not only as the the person who has a major influence in raising him, but also as his future father in law, the prophets, a lot of him actually had to tell me, all right, what do you have in terms of some material things? And he said, Well, I have a couple of camels, he goes, Okay, here's what you're going to do. You're going to go out into the woods, you're going to cut up some woods, you're going to tie it up to your camels, you're going to bring it back into town, you're going to start selling it, because you're going to have to do that if you're going to support a family, he had to be given that level of instruction because he was so

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invested into the big picture. So that was a key aspect of his personality. But here's the catch. Here's the catch. What I'm describing might just sound like the loser to someone.

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But the thing was that he was so invested into his relationship with Allah and his commitment to the rasulillah. He said

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that he was so beloved to Atlantis or assumed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam looked at earlier with a loved one who pointed me and pointed at him and said, la you hit buka in Milan,

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la you hit buka. in Milan, Wallah you believe in LA Moana.

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That's a man who will love you, no one will love you except for a true believer, meaning and woman, a believer is the one that will love you. Because you embody Eamon and the only one that will ever hate you will be a hypocrite.

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Because that person cannot appreciate your bond your relationship with Allah. That's who I lead or the loved one who was the prophets, a lot of them loved them so dearly. Aside from the major things that we're going to talk about just a small little incidents about the love that the prophets a lot of them had for this young man.

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There's a story that I'll talk about a little bit later, I'll go ahead and just mention it here. The level of trust the prophets, a lot of them had an idea of the loved one who was and the level of confidence he had in him was that when the prophets a lot of them had to migrate to Medina, he had to leave Makkah to go to Medina, he needed somebody to lie in his bed to just be in the house. So that people looking from the outside, we think that the profits a lot is still there. Or even if they could identify a leader, the leader, the one who uses be with the profits alongside them so often, that they would assume that if at least around into the profit zone must still be around.

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Because they remember they surrounded the house they were planning and planning to kill him, assassinate him. So he told Ali lay in my bed.

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And they'll think that I'm still around and I think a lot one who had that level of commitment to the process of we put his own life in danger and laid down and pretended to be the prophets a lot he sent him and then he gave him responsibility. He said in the morning when they realize that you're not me, or that you're still here, but I'm gone.

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There. At that time, you still can't leave and come to Medina. I need you to stay for at least a few days. And I need you to give back to people, the the trust, the Amana, the safe belongings that they entrusted to me. I want you to return it back to them. I want you to clear all my accounts. I want you to wrap up, tie up all the loose ends for me, that level of confidence and trust in Him. So I literally love to spend three days running around frantically giving people back their things, tying up all the loose ends, closing the accounts taking care of everything. Then he left on foot to come to Medina because remember, he didn't have much so he left on foot to come to Medina when he reached

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Medina. By the time you reach Medina, his feet had become blistered and full of paths and had gotten so messed up that he literally couldn't even walk. His feet became swollen and infected and they were bleeding and there was pus horrible, horrible shape. And the profits a lot of them heard that he's gotten to Medina but he hasn't come in just met me yet. He hasn't checked in. So he said go kanani Why won't he come and meet me and they said O Messenger of Allah. At least messed up. He got her real bad his feet are completely tore up.

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So the profits a lot of them goes to the loved one.

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And he looks at him

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sitting there with his feet swollen and bleeding and pus.

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And the processor gets tears in his eyes. And he walks up to him and he hugs him.

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consoles and says, Don't worry, it'll be okay. And then the profits a lot isn't definitely a fee he, he kind of lightly spit into his hands like he applied some of his saliva in his hands. And he rubbed his hands like this, may do it to Allah subhanho wa Taala and then massage the feet of Anita the loved one. And I think a loved one who became cured. This is a miracle of the Prophet sallallahu Sena. And Alina, the loved one who says that for the rest of my life, for the rest of my life, my feet never even hurt ever again.

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I never even felt sore, my feet would never even get sore ever again. After that day, no matter what I would do.

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That's how much love the prophets, a lot of them had for him.

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Another story when he reached Medina, and this whole situation with his feet was taken care of one of the one of the first things that the prophets Allison did when he came to Medina to establish brotherhood between the Mahajan on the people who had migrated from Mecca to Medina, the outsiders, and unsought of the locals of Medina. One of the things that promises some did to incorporate brotherhood was he made one outsider, one immigrant, the brother of a local Muslim.

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He took a local Muslim and made him the official brother of a of an outsider of an immigrant Muslim. And he joined these he formed these brotherhoods and sisterhoods.

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A leader, the one who was recovering for a couple of days and getting better when that whole situation was going on. And plus he arrived three days afterwards. So by the time he got there, and he was up on his feeds, it was already done. So he comes to the profits a lot, some very distraught.

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This is a messenger of Allah. It's a young man. This is a messenger of a life. 20 years old. He says you gave everybody a brother.

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But I didn't get a brother. The process of said he said that's because you are my official brother.

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You're my official brother. Ah ha ha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have been FCV the process of made him his own official brother. That's what the Allahu anhu was. And that's what he meant to Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the unfinished

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and then the prophets a lot. He said, I'm told him after he gave him the good news that you're my official brother. He said unto us, even dunya will Akira, you will be my brother, not only in this world, but also in the life of the hereafter. You're my brother,

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a leader of the Allahu anhu. So after being devout and so connected to alignments, messengers, a lot of them. Another key feature of his personality was that he was very brave and courageous.

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He was brave and courageous, he embodied what a young man should be. You know, Dr. Hussain was talking about that the strong believer, so he was brave and courageous. He was 27 years old at the time of the Battle of cable. And that battle was single handedly one on the back of audio the loved one who single handedly won on his back. He participated with the prophets a lot of them every single campaign every single battle every single journey, one time the Battle of the book, when the prophet SAW son was going in, he said, I leave you're staying in Medina he started to cry. He said, Why won't you take me on messenger of Allah you leave me behind what the women and children

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and the prophets on some says that no, I need somebody here that I can trust. I need somebody here that I can trust. So he was very brave and courageous sad been or a bad article of mine, who was the caretaker of the flag of the profits a lot. He said, um, so when the processor would march or when they would go out for a battle or a campaign, they would have a flag. So the flag of the profits allowed him the caretaker, the person who would take care of it. What's sad about that, I think a lot more I know, but he says, but when it came time for battle, even I knew that it was time to hand that flag over to audio de la Manu. That's who he was. He was the man

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Literally Allahu Allah was extremely knowledgeable. Now look at these things are just unique combination. So we have devout, we have brave and courageous and we even have knowledgeable.

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He says,

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a leader, the Allahu anhu,

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a major student of the Sahaba atterbury. He was asked, Was there anyone more knowledgeable among the companions of the Prophet salatu salam Denali? And he says, No, not that I know of. Not that I know of. There was no one more knowledgeable, even though I bias. ignore our bias. Everyone understands we've not biases This is one of the greatest scholars ever walked the face of this earth. The leader of the interpreters of the Quran, he says that if knowledge of the Sahaba knowledge of the companions was split into 10 parts, Lee himself individually would have nine of those farts and one 10th of it was shared amongst the rest of the Sahaba. And also the loved one who says either either

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sabotage a una de la de la vaidehi. If something was established, ie said something, Ronnie told us something, we would have no need to go check with somebody else that was done. It was a fact. So that's how knowledgeable he was.

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Aside from being knowledgeable and courageous and devout and regularly worshipping, a leader the alarm one was also a leader. He also possessed leadership qualities, the product he was sent to be a governor in the area of Yemen. He was appointed to be a governor of the over the people of Yemen, by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He asked the prophets a lot. He said, I'm on messenger of Allah, you're sending me to Yemen. They will ask me for judgments. They're gonna ask me to make decisions, give rulings or give decisions. And he said, and I don't have enough knowledge, I don't feel qualified to be making those calls. What should I do? The profits allottee. Some struck his chest.

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He struck his chest and he said Allahumma sub bits Lisa, who was who he said, Oh Allah, give him firmness in his tongue in his speech, give him confidence in his speech, and guide his heart leader, the loved one who says since that day, I never had trouble ever, in making decisions. And I never second guessed or doubted myself after that day. very knowledgeable, a strong confident leader of his people.

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And not only that, but he was a father as well. He was a father. He

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was talking about his son's saying, has someone who's saying his sons and the amazing people that they were well, those sons are a reflection of their father, who's an unbelievable father. I have a very short little passage here. That is the advice of a leader The one who that he gave to his son hasn't also also iligan Well, it hasn't worked on yagoona, OC Kavita for a lot. He said, My dear son, my dear son, I strongly advise that you firmly hold on to the doctor of Allah, the cognizance, the awareness of Allah. But getting much will help the federal law. And you hold on to the truth. They're speaking the truth, even in good times, or in bad times. yagoona a young man have earlier he

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He said, My dear son, whoever digs a well for his brother, he himself will fall into that, well, whoever behaves treacherously with his brother only harms himself, woman orgy, but he whosoever becomes too overconfident, Whosoever becomes too impressed with him, him or herself. That person has gone astray that person has lost their way. Woman is still gonna be osterley he's Ella, Whosoever becomes confident and independent based on his own intelligence, again becomes overconfident based on his or her own intelligence. zela that person slipped that person's gone. Woman harlot and dalla hopefully, Whosoever keeps company with lowly people. People have not good character. That person

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has disgraced and humiliated himself, woman Jalla, Salah Rama, wachira and whosoever sits with the knowledgeable people that person has honored and dignified himself well.

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He says, contentment, satisfaction, being happy and pleased with what Allah has given you. This is a wealth that will never expire. It'll never run out. That's money that never runs out. Well edible halal meat often and the best thing that you can leave behind for the people that you leave behind is good manners and good etiquette. Well, Houston, hello p hydro Carina and the best friend that you can ever have.

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Best home you can ever roll with is having good luck is having good conduct good character behaving in a dignified manner treating people respectfully is the best companion that you can ever roll with. This is the advice that is given to a son. And guess what? After being a leader, and I'm a scholar, and being a brave warrior, and being a devout worshipper, and being someone close to a lion is messenger and being such an amazing father. And this is what I want young people to pay attention to. He was also a husband.

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And I'm going to use this word, but I want you to understand in its proper context, in its classical context, he wasn't just a husband, but he was a lover.

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He loved his wife.

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And he was a very loving, compassionate, romantic husband.

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And his wife was a first none other than the daughter of the prophets a lot, even Fatima, which literally when she was old enough to get married, there was a line of people lined up with proposals,

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lined the people with proposal process and kept turning people away, kept turning people away, and finally comes to his daughter and he says, I know the right man for you the only right man for you the only one that I think is good enough to marry you and that is Ali.

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And how much it alila Fatima How much? How in love was he with Fatima? Something very we were talking about some of the tragedies of these great individuals. When he was 30 years old. I told you his mentor, the man who taught him so much, and His Messenger and His Prophet, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away. Six months after the prophets, a lot of them passed away Fatima who is very close to her father, she couldn't live without her father, she lost the will to live without her father. And six months after the profits a lovely son passed away. His wife Fatima passed away. She died 30 years old. He lost his wife and which shows the amount of love that he had for her.

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There's some couplets and poetry that after she was buried, and he was still just in so much pain and agony from losing his wife the love of his life. He went and stood on her grave and he recited some poetry, some couplets. He says Mali refers to Allah Allahu Budi Musa Lima. He says what's wrong with me that I'm standing at a grave and saying Salaam cabrol habibie philomela rajabi. The grave of my beloved.

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And my beloved won't even return my Salaam.

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Habib bumalik Allah through digiovanna My beloved, what's wrong? Why won't you reply to me? And as he's about the whole lotta Bobby, have you forgotten all the good times that we enjoyed? Have you forgotten all the intimate moments that we shared? on Al Habib? Oh, and then he says he himself responds what the beloved must be saying. He says the beloved says what? gainfully? BTOB come, how do you expect me to reply to you? Well,

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you know what, Robbie, when I have become interested to rocks and dirt and dust,

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I've been turned into Dustin Roxanne stone. I tell it to Robin mahasin. a fantasy to

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the dirt has eaten away at all of my beauty. And I have forgotten you.

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and my beloved people in my family have been covered from me. I can no longer see them. For our Lego mini Salaam takes a lamb from me, the cottage mini woman comfy little Bobby, those good, intimate, private moments loving moments that we shared together, they are gone. They're finished. Such a lover,

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such a husband.

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And it shows again, that very unique personality that he was. And I want the youth to hear this and understand that when we talk about living up to the character of these people does that that does not preclude the human experience is a loving doting father. This is a romantic husband.

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But he's also embodying all those other amazing qualities. I'm going to end here by kind of wrapping up or concluding everything that's been talked about from Abu Bakar to to Roma tourists mentality, not a long one.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that these four are included in a narration, which lists those 10 people that were promised Paradise by the prophet sallallahu sallam, Abu Bakr Abu Bakar Phil Jana were Omar feagin words manfield jen polyfill Jana

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obaidul baby laughing Jenna was debating Phil gender

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and gender

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agenda. beta amyloid ninja Rafi. Jenna was

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Are you doing as a beginner I might have been new failed for the agenda. The prophet SAW somebody saying Abu Bakar is in paradise. Omar is in paradise Earth. Mine is in Jenna Lee is in paradise. These were amazing, remarkable people. But here's what we need to understand what I need to understand what all of us need to understand. Abu Bakar the Allahu anhu. He was like the older community leader. I'm talking about before Islam. He was that older uncle like the community leader,

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or the loved one who

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was the guy you didn't want to cross paths with

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what we call a roughneck.

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He says himself before I saw him, he says, I used to drink and womanizer. That's what I used to do.

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Or it's mine or the loved one was he described very eloquently, was a very wealthy individual and a very reserved person,

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a very reserved, quiet, a very wealthy individual.

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I leave that the loved one I know like I said, was that young boy who was the Prodigy, you knew this kid had a bright future, you knew this kid could do whatever you wanted to? Do you see how they represent different demographics in our community, how they come from all spectrums of the community.

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But they were all able to achieve success.

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So what I want everyone here to go away what I want you to leave this session realizing and understanding you represent a demographic, a certain aspect of the Muslim community. But each and every single one of you has that same amazing potential,

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to be successful, to leave a legacy to be a role model, to not just improve yourself but impact others in a positive way. All of you have that ability. So May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to practice just like malacanang Subhana Allah handys

The story of the brave companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS

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