Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail – The Prophetic Personality 12

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The operator discusses a course called "immaterial prayer" designed to help individuals become more aware of their spiritual presence. The course is recorded and designed to be accessed later, and the speakers discuss various types of dreams and what refers to them. They stress the importance of "ver Terror" and "brits" in describing them, as well as the significance of "ver Terror" and "brits" in relation to dreams. The segment also touches on the importance of the "afternoon of Islam" and the relation between the physical appearance of the Prophets a and b, as well as the experience of seeing the process of imagery.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Who does have the notch agenda and you're listening to the column podcast. Before we get started with today's session, I wanted to share a really amazing resource with you. A question that everyone has a problem that everybody deals with is, how do I focus within my prayer? How do I enjoy my Salah? Well, the answer to that question, the solution to that problem is actually quite straightforward and simple. If we understand what we say within our prayer, we'll be able to focus on it, internalize it, and actually get back to enjoying our conversation with Allah subhanaw taala. We created a solution to make this possible. It's called

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meaningful prayer. This is a course a curriculum, a seminar, a workshop that I taught in over 100 locations, all across this country and even in other countries. 10s of 1000s of people have taken this course. And it has really turned around transformed their relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Well, now in sha Allah, you can take the meaningful prayer course online, you can take it according to your own schedule, at your own leisure, you can pace yourself, you can go back and review some lessons multiple times, to really be able to internalize them, go to meaningful prayer.com. To sign up, share this resource with others, so that we can get back to not only just

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offering our prayers or performing our Salah, but we can go back to experiencing a conversation and relationship with Allah.

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Now to get on to today's session in sha Allah, we're going to be covering the Shema a mohammedia the prophetic personality. The following session was recorded at the Sita intensive

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Bismillah Ghulam the lava Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while Allah He was a marine

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shala continuing with our study of the shama mohammedia, the prophetic personality

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pipe I apologize for the delay everyone

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shala we're going to be starting today with chapter number 56 which is the final chapter of the compilation by Mr. mahtomedi Rahim Allahu Allah, Babu Maja a pharaoh at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam often No.

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This is the chapter about seeing the messenger of love, peace and blessings be upon him in one sleep.

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Now before we get started, what this obviously alludes to, but just to clarify, is that this basically speaks about seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a dream.

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The word ruya As mentioned before, as mentioned in the title, the word Roja would be Tama Buta around Tod D and return basically means to see something physically and but however, he adds the qualifier for unknown to see him while sleeping. And so there is another word that represents

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that idea in its entirety, which is the word ruya, where it does not have around that at the end, but it ends with an Elif the word ruya. means to means a dream. But a mama Timothy Rahim Allahu Allah very kind of carefully crafted the title of this chapter, where instead of just borrow you utilizing the word, which just means dream, bruja use the word root Yeah, which means to see something. But then he added the qualifier for gnome. Now why he went this exact route, we'll see when we read the chapter, because seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in a dream is not like seeing any other dream. So to differentiate it from all other different types of dreams. In

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Mama, Timothy Rahim, Allahu taala, utilized a little bit of a different verbiage, and he changed up some of the wording.

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before we actually get started, I wanted to just spend a few minutes talking about

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just the concept of dreams in general. Number one, obviously, because that is the subject of this chapter. So I might refer to or might have to allude to certain things. And instead of just assuming on the part of everyone listening, that they are already familiar with these things. I figured that we would just have a little bit of a quick

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session inshallah, or just in the beginning of the session, rather, excuse me, we would just covered these items very quickly, first of all, secondly, I also thought that I would go ahead and just talk a couple of minutes about just the concepts of dream from an Islamic perspective. Because our community is obsessed with dreams. And, you know, one of one of our teachers basically he mentioned this one time

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I share it with the students quite often that there are certain buzzwords

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in the Muslim community. And whenever you have a Muslim audience, there are certain buzzwords and the hisa basically advices. And tell us that try to avoid these buzzwords as much as possible. Because what happens is that you can be talking about the miraculousness of the Quran for an hour. And you then say the word jinn. And nobody remembers a single thing you said, afterwards, everyone's like, I had a question about gin. There's one in my basement, what do I do? Right? So that's it, what I've been talking about is of no consequence to you. Now all you want to do is talk about gin. So there's certain things black magic gin, dreams. These are I'm loading them all in into one right

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here, your brains are probably just, you know, melting at this point.

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But that's the nature of it. So since obviously, it's a more serious topic. It's again, you know, connected to the love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And also the honor bestowed upon the prophets allottee sent by Allah subhanho wa Taala. But nevertheless, it involves the subject of dreams. So I just figured I would just kind of talk about it very briefly. So I mentioned a little bit about the language grow Yeah, means or what Yeah, to Albacete or to be lying. That basically means to physically see something. The word Yeah, with the Elif at the end basically means a dream which the way that they would understand that as the way they would explain that is Alba Silla to

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Bill calm. It's basically to see from the heart. That was the concept of dreams to the ancient Arabs, what that they basically saw this as kind of like a, almost a, a subconscious vision, and that's basically essentially what dreams are, it's just a manifestation of the subconscious.

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Along with that, though, however, in the, in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam separates between three types of dreams. He uses three distinct words when talking about dreams. The first word the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uses is the word Yeah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically says in the narration that even Hydra Allahu taala authenticates he says yameen Allah that route yeah the type of dream called Roja is from God is from Allah. So basically what we understand from that is the word root Yeah, the prophets A lot of us have used it for good dreams. The second type of dream the prophets

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allottee seven tells us about and or that he gives a special title to his or whom it is both be sukoon allow me will be done me ha, alright, hello, or whom, which the profits a lot of them says Wilhelmina shape on that the profits a lot decent uses the word who to basically speak about bad dreams, nightmares, etc.

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The third type of thing the prophets, a lot of them alluded to in another narration completely was the prophets a lot Daesung referred to in the Quran also,

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you know, utilizes this word, but the prophet SAW some more specifically address something by means of it. And that was the word of the cloth of cloth. And the word of have basically the prophets a lot of a sudden explains that that is just the manifestation of the subconscious. These are the random thoughts, or the day's events, or things someone might have just been, you know, thinking about, when they kind of manifest in random jumbled, you know,

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visions, if you will, then that's basically what refers to what's referred to as a goth. Now, when it comes to all three of these different things, there are

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there are some etiquette, there's some etiquette regarding these three different things.

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There's another narration of who are the Allahu taala and who were the prophets a lot. He seldom says that a Roja thalassa tone for esrd habush Rahman, Allah Wa, xenon misshapen Maruyama, you had the full Maroon epsa who the prophets a lot he said, um, says that a debt dreams are of three types, things you see in your sleep are of three types. The first is a good dream, and that is encouragement from God. So something that encourages you that lifts your spirits. The second is a dream that causes you some type of grief or brings you down so to speak. And that is from shaytaan, the profits a lot of assumptions. The third one he says that a dream, which basically it's kind of a

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person talking to themselves, and that's the just a random thoughts of a person to subconscious manifesting itself. So now talking about what is the exact or precise etiquettes of different types of videos

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Then there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the narration from Abu sorry, the hoody, radi Allahu taala. And who this is an authentic narration found in the Sahara remember Hadith? Where

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows me the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, either I had to come bro, Buddha, for innama, he I mean Allah He,

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that if any one of you sees a dream, that is, the person likes what they see, it's encouraging, it's uplifting,

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then then know that it is definitely from Allah. For Yama, De La Ilaha. When you had this behalf, then that person should thank Allah for that dream. And that person is free to basically talk about it.

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But the prophets a lot, it adds some more instruction to this talk about it. This idea, in another narration from Abu Qatada that is found in the Sahih Muslim where the prophets a lot of them says for Indra Hashanah, that if you see a good beautiful encouraging dream, fell YouTube ship, then that person should feel encouraged by its well I use a bit alarming you hip. And that person should not inform it to accept someone who now the word the fear you hip, which means to love can actually be interpreted both ways. The person should not inform it to anyone except someone that that person loves. You're close to that person. And it can also be translated as that that person who saw that

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good dream should not inform it to anyone except someone who loves him.

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Meaning a well wisher, somebody that you feel has your best interests at heart, somebody who is a well wisher, then you should basically informed the dream to that person. So this is the

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first instruction that we have in regards to good dreams.

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The second type that we talked about where basically there is kind of a frightening or a disheartening element to the dream. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says what either Aveda Valley come in my Yatra that if that person sees something else, something that they do not like, then the profits a lot of assumptions for innama here mean a shape on then it is from shape on filius there is Min sialorrhea the person should ask a law for protection from the evil of that dream. Well, Ah yes, Guru Holly I had in for in Hala toto and you should not mention it to anyone, because know that it cannot harm you. It cannot harm that person. All right, it can do no harm. So

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by not talking about it, there's some very deep profound kind of, if you will, psychological advice from the prophets, a lot of them that don't dwell on it.

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That don't internalize it, that the more you talk about it, the more you think on it, the more you reflect on it, the more you you know, talk about it with others, the more you'll continue to internalize it, and it will as you know, as they say, it will haunt you, it will bother you it'll really get under your skin. So the prophets, a lot of them says don't talk about it, don't mention it, move right on. And in fact, the way to kind of mentally move on from it as well for Nia Sir Edmund shabbiha, ask Allah for protection from it's bad or it's evil. And then again, the etiquettes of that.

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The etiquette of that, that seeking refuge from it or taking seeking protection from it, that the prophets a lot of Islam teaches us is that when a person basically kind of wakes up from that bad dream that nightmare, then the prophets a lot ism teaches us to say our overlaminate on the Rajim Sullivan, that the person should say I take refuge with the love from shape on the cursed the rejected that rejected three times. And then the profits A lot of us have another narration specifically says that the person should make kind of spitting type motion over the left shoulder of the person. Basically, that is very powerful and symbolic of just completely dismissing the shape on

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and removing the influence of shape on from the person. So that's the second type of dream. As far as the third type is concerned, which we were that we mentioned is just the thoughts of a person.

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Abdullah bin Miss Rudra the Allahu taala on who he heard somebody basically talking about, you know, just seeing all these random things and he said aku Latifah. He basically, you know, this person was sitting there telling all these crazy, you know, random things that that person saw in their dream to somebody in the masjid, and I'm delivering Masuda the Allahu taala who came and he said, Everybody go and don't be diluted by this like this is just these are just random thoughts and ideas. Don't bother with this. The Prophet

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Somebody somebody told another Sahaba the Allahu taala on him that Halla stellata Alec, that this seems like your thoughts were just kind of jumbled in your head. So there's no real actual reality to it. And when you're not sure which one it is, then it's probably just a random thoughts especially particularly with the types of, you know, the the overstimulation that we have in our times. And we're constantly just absorbing just random things from all sides. More often than not, it's just the just random things just kind of manifesting in our subconscious. And so it doesn't need to be paid any attention. The other thing is that the prophets a lot of them did talk about

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either if there was a man who lent a kid real Muslim who checks them, the prophets, Allah disseminate another narration and Hadith, in Sahih, Muslim, the prophets, a lot of them said that one of the signs of the end of times as time will kind of go on is that people's dreams will lie to them. And what that basically means is that there will become more of a fascination and an obsession with dreams. And the more we become obsessed with it, we don't really realize kind of the ratios there. But more often than not, the vast overwhelming majority of our dreams absolutely have no meaning don't require any type of obsessing over them. And it doesn't, it should not be something

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that we really obsess over. And that's what the prophets a lot was saying is that these dreams a lot of times will just be kind of figments of people's imaginations, and people will make bigger things out of out of things that are not that big of a deal.

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The other thing that I wanted to mention while we're on the topic is that

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also says like you had the thunder arducam beetle, rb shaytani, B, he Manami. The prophets, a lot of them said, Don't sit and talk and obsess over shape on playing minds, playing playing games, playing tricks on your mind while you're asleep. So this kind of reinforces that same idea. Now,

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the last couple of things that I mentioned here is that there is still obviously a certain reality, to dreams, which there's a narration that we're going to be talking about. That's going to come a little bit later in the chapter. And when we get there, inshallah, we'll talk about it there. And we'll really contextualize it and understand it. A lot of times his narration, which is saying something very specific, is oftentimes misinterpreted and generalized to basically give credence to anything and everything a person might experience in their sleep.

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And then, last, and the final thing is that the some of the scholars have mentioned,

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you know, overwhelmingly that the scholars agreed upon the fact that dreams are absolutely aside from the dreams of the prophets, a lot of them but the prophets, a lot of them is not with us right now. So during the lifetime of the prophets, a lot of his dreams or inspiration revelation, but after the prophets a lot he solemn dreams are not a suggestion. Yeah, they are not a deleted shutter, which means they are not proof within our Deen in our religion, they are not proof of anything. And decisions and actions should not be based upon dreams. That is something our scholars overwhelmingly agreed upon.

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And so, with that being said, that kind of summarizes the issue in the topic. Now, let's move on to this because the one big exception to all of this conversation on dreams is seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one's dream.

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And so that's what this chapter will be dedicated to. So in this particular chapter, starting with the first narration following suddenly for Hadassah, Mohammed Abu Bashar, but I had the Santa Monica Noma de calidad de la Sofia and Abby's harp was an Abdullah bin Amazonian or the Allahu taala on who I mean to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apol man Ronnie film Anamika dharani for in a shape on alligator Martha looby in this narration, Abdullah bin Miss Rudra the Allahu taala who says that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he or she who has seen me in their sleep has in fact seen me because shavon cannot impersonate me cannot take my form, shape on cannot take my form.

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So, now to kind of unpack what this is talking about. So the prophets a lot he seldom says that he who has seen me has in fact seen me. This is something that's very interesting. This is a Joomla sharqiya, right, where there's a condition and then a response to that. It's a conditional statement. And a conditional statement has two parts two portions.

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And what's really fascinating is that the shark in the job is exactly basically the same sentence, but man, Ronnie faqad GORANI and this is from

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The eloquence of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, where the prophet SAW someone saying, someone who has seen me has, in fact seen me. Now, there is so much conversation and discussion even amongst classical scholarship on this, and, you know, at different opinions and interpretations, which I had the pleasure of going through all of them.

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That, ultimately, to conclude, ultimately, ultimately, to conclude, because I'll just kind of throw out a few things, there's a lot of different, you know, ideas are conversations that different folks have entertained, because of this narration and the others that we're going to see as well that are similar to this, that maybe it's saying that someone who has seen me

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some have interpreted or some narration to the effect for say, Hourani, someone who's seen me will soon see me, meaning that that person will see me while they are awake, somebody who has seen me in their sleep, film Anam will see me while they are awake. So some folks interested in the idea that is it saying that somebody who sees a processor in a dream will have kind of like a waking vision of the profits allottee setup, and then obviously, is conjecture, and it's dismissed.

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Some have said that saying that somebody, so someone who has seen me in their dream,

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has in fact, seen me that basically, it's like physically witnessing the profits of lobbies, and physically being in the company of the profits and sell them. And some I've entertained the idea that seeing the process of in a dream is almost like an out of body experience, like your soul was transported. And you then were in the company of the profits along the summer, and so on and so forth, obviously, once more conjecture, and is dismissed.

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Some others have entertained the idea, which is now getting to an area of at least a little bit more rationale, if you want to call it that, that the process of selling maybe is saying that somebody who has seen me in their sleep, will in fact, see me in the afterlife, will like physically be in my company and will witness me.

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Well, now we're kind of in the realm of normal, a little bit more normative Islamic thought. However, the problem with that is that it's basically saying only those will see the prophets, a lot of them who actually saw him in a dream. But what if somebody is a true believer of the highest caliber, and does not see the profits, a lot of the some of their dream. And there's actually documented testimony from some of the Sahaba and the companions, that after the passing of the prophets, a lot of them just because they missed him, they were his actual friends and companions and students, they missed him. Some of them would talk about the fact that they wanted to see him

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again. And they would long to kind of see him in a dream. And some of them lament the fact that I have I don't see him in a dream. So is that somehow now taking away from the idea there are many other remarkable people luminaries from our past? Who again Nando Zeki Allah lucky, I hadn't, we don't know for certain what anyone's fate is, but at the same time, we must be him. We have the best hope and assumption in regards to them. These are pious, righteous, knowledgeable, you know, people who talk about the fact that they, you know, I long my whole life to see the process, I'm going to dream and I didn't see him, does that somehow mean that they're not going to get to meet the profits

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a lot. Right. And so again, it's rejected, it's dismissed, because it's once again, creating an idea that there's no basis for it, there's no backing for it's almost kind of narrowing down the scope of something that we know to be much, much greater than all the believers, all the people of this oma who will go to Paradise will actually drink water from the blessing hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So is there going to be some type of like a filtering there that who saw the promises in a dream and didn't? That's not a standard we have from anywhere? Alright, so that again, even though it's a little bit more now, normal, the conversation, but it's still suggesting

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something that cannot be proven and cannot be corroborated?

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So lastly, and finally, kind of To conclude, I wanted to originally share with y'all many, many different scholars such as Claudia yob, Emma Manila, we emammal Duany.

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And actually, there's tons of others as well. These are just more of the chef's, the saga Tricia because I was reading this from the shovel by Judy who is a chef theory.

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But basically the idea that they are sharing is that when someone sees the profits, a lot of them in their dream,

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then they can at least know for a fact that this was not shaped on trying to dilute them or confuse them. And they can also know for a fact that is not just kind of the the ramblings or just, you know, just the random thoughts within their head. They can at least find comfort in the

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fact that they have actually seen the profits of lobbyists among their dream. Now, this leads to two questions. Two questions. Number one is that how do you know that you've seen the processor in your dream? And the overwhelming answer that comes from the scholars? And I'll talk about one specific scenario, the overwhelming answer that comes from scholars is that

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you just know.

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Right? And I know that that doesn't help anybody much.

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But those who know No, right. And I keep on using the word no, right? So but that's just this is this is the, to an extent, right, and we're gonna go over the narration. But the realm of dreams a lot of times is described kind of as like the bridge the intersection between this life and the the unseen. The Bursa, the afterlife, it's kind of like the bridge here, because the prophets a lot even told us that sleep is the sister of death. Right? That it's, it's, it's that connection. It's like a bridge to the afterlife. So because of that a lot of things there are not always bound by the same rationale, and by the same principles, and beloved's corroborate that this world operates with. So

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that is just something that Allah subhanaw taala, intuitively instills within a person, that when a person sees a prophet system in their dream, they just have that confirmation. Many of the different, you know, scholars who have written on the subject do basically say that those who talk about having seen the profits, a lot of them and their dreams,

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will basically say that there will be something in the dream itself, either somebody saying, how about our pseudo like, it's a lot, he termed this as a messenger of God, or there will be something in the conversation, which basically will lead to the confirmation of the fact that it is in fact, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Either way, however, it is whether it is just intuitive, or there's something that occurs within the dream, which confirms that. Basically, when someone sees the prophet to love him and their dream, they will know that they have seen the process of selling their dream.

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And once they have, they come to feel this and know this, then they can know that they actually witnessed the profits, a lot of them. Now this has a follow up question to it. The second thing I wanted to mention here, and that is that there's an aeration that we're going to see as well, we're going to look at not sure if we'll get to it today, but potentially tomorrow.

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And that is that

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there are conversations that some of the Sahaba had that when someone came to them and said, I saw the prophets a lot to him and their dream, and they basically asked for a description. But that also is because the Sahaba, you know, took it a lot more personally, the profits a lot easier to them was with someone you know, that they had interacted with.

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And they were the person who had seen the process of in the dream provides kind of like a description of what that person saw. And they actually confirmed it.

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When we study the Shema, l when we study the prophetic personality, and we learn about the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there is a little bit more of an understanding, again, we can totally visualize, but there's a more better understanding of what the prophets a lot of them must have looked like.

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So, a lot of times, when folks will see the process of imagery,

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he will match very much a lot of the description that we have of it.

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That right there doesn't create any confusion, that seems very straightforward. But there are accounts of people saying that they saw the profits a lot easier than their dream. And it was, you know, like we said, intuitively or in the course of the dream itself, that confirmation occurs.

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And but there's something very, maybe different about the setting or something about the appearance of the profits a lot of them from the narrated descriptions of the profits, a lot of the setup

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there's something that is a little bit starkly contrast, right it kind of contrast what we read about him what we know about him and then how do you basically understand that

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right. So what they basically say and this is something very interesting and the the scholars that I was mentioning, basically talk about this idea, a mama Casali Rahim, Allahu taala also addresses this, that more often than not, when a person sees something a little bit different than the appearance of the prophets allottee something that is described to us, there's usually some type of a message involved in that difference. That difference is communicating something, the example that he gives, to just kind of not,

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you know, take too many liberties and talking about the profits a lot, he said

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Because we should also be cautious and careful. The profits a lot of the time is described as always seen smiling.

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He was always smiling. In fact, the Sahaba overwhelmingly say I never saw him,

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you know, ever, in a situation where he wasn't smiling, I always saw him smiling. So what if the profits or lobbyism sees? or excuse me, What if someone sees the profits a lot, he said them, and he is frowning.

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Like frowning? Like his face is obviously, you know, displaying a lot of, you know, angsty and displeasure,

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which is we don't find any description of the profits a lot isn't like that. So it's very, you know, opposite to what we know about him, then how do we understand that? And how do we interpret that? And so he uses this as an example to say that there is some type of a message in that for that person,

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that there's some type of a message and one of the interpretations you mentioned is that it's a message to that person that about maybe the

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reprehensibility of that person's character and o'clock, that the message there is that that person is being told your clock is not good.

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Your interaction, your behavior with the people is not pleasant.

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So you're seeing the prophets a lot. He said, I'm frowning. Like that's the messaging there. But it still doesn't take away from the fact that that person has, in fact, seen and witnessed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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00:31:29 --> 00:31:30

now basically,

00:31:32 --> 00:31:48

to go to the actual narration, it then says for inner shape honor, like it's a Mr. looby The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that because shavon is not able to imitate me or to take my appearance.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:51

The Next Generation column was suddenly foo had the Phantom Mohammed Abu Bashar when Mohammed Abu Musa Nicola Hadassah, Mohammed new Jaffa Bala had that Anusha unabie Hussein and Abby solly irata radi Allahu taala on who call? tala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam man Ronnie Phil Miami, Ronnie famous shape on alligator savoir Whoo, oh call Allah yetta shaba who be very similar to the previous narration, but with a little bit different vocabulary. But what are the Allahu Jelani narrates that the prophets a lot of them said that someone who has seen me in their sleep in their dream meaning, then that person has actually seen me, and then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says,

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because shaytaan is not able to appear or is not able to resemble me cannot imitate me.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:44

And all these all these three words that are used the muscles, the sub word, and cacheable are basically sister words near synonyms of one another, they have their own specific connotations, but essentially the message is the same in all three cases, and that is shaytan is not able to give off the notion or take on the appearance or gives the impression that he is presenting himself as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is for a couple of reasons. As you know, we kind of mentioned before that number one, obviously this is a last panel what Allah has honored to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and number two, this is also so that shaytan is not able to use

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this most powerful elements, the love of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, the place that he holds in all of our hearts, and he's not able to basically turn that against us and use that against us.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:31

The third narration in the chapter 74 headers and APA table column headers are helpful no halifa and Abby Malik in abhi Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam manga Ani film Anamika Ronnie caliber is our Abu Monica who is notorious Russia, a sham Ouattara could know a sham Who among us happen to be salatu salam, WA salatu salam aha de de Samira libnah hojin yaku Kala healthfood no halifa Rama Rama hoorays Sahib and Avi salatu salam ala mon severen.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:50

So in this narration, you have a different Sahabi so a mom telling me these kind of compiling all these different durations together you have it from Abdullah bin Mr. ODU, avid from mobile data and your you have it from a companion of the prophets Allah He said them by the name of Tarik Eben a Shem. As you mentioned, bumalik actuary

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

is the cornea of them of a man named SOG been thought that's what the commentary there from me Mama Timothy on the chain of narration

00:35:00 --> 00:35:24

is basically saying, the bumalik Alessia he is a tiberi His name is Sandra neurotic and his father thought admonition was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he actually has quite a few narrations that he has reported from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But essentially, it's a third narration now, corroborating the same idea that the person who has seen me in the dream has actually seen me, and he's not shaytaan impersonating me.

00:35:25 --> 00:36:00

Call him suddenly for hatanaka Taiba. What would you say? But I had the Santa Abdullah hidden Luciana asked him the Kool Aid calahonda funny abhi Anna who Samia bajo de la radi Allahu Allahu upon Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a man Ronnie film Anamika Ronnie final shape ornellaia Timothy Looney Kala Abbey for her death to be he even a Bhasin for Kolkata a to who for the curtain has an alien for call to Chabad to be he for color abuzz in Ghana, you should be who who

00:36:02 --> 00:36:14

in this narration of a hooded or the Allahu taala and who he says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that someone who has seen me in their dream has in fact seen me because she is not able to impersonate me.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:24

Then the narrator, he actually says KoolAid the narrator. He says that

00:36:25 --> 00:36:47

I mentioned this to ignore the Allahu Allah Allah. All right, so Caleb says that my father, rather whose father, his father, his name was she haben Koofi. He was a Tabby. He says that my my father mentioned that he told him in a bus

00:36:48 --> 00:37:01

that I saw him in my dream. All right, so she have a goofy, the father of the narrator Caleb's father, he says that I went to my boss and I said, I saw the process of having a dream

00:37:02 --> 00:37:08

for kodra a tool. And so basically, what's implied here is that if a boss asked him,

00:37:09 --> 00:37:11

can you describe what you saw?

00:37:12 --> 00:37:48

And so he says, I gave him a reference of someone else I had seen. And I basically mentioned hasn't the grandson of the prophets allowed him the elder hasn't of the two brothers. So he said in my father, he says, basically, that my father had mentioned that I felt from what I saw, in my dream, that the profits allowed him to demand that I saw the profits allowed him he reminded me of hessen Now obviously, it's the other way around the process of did not look like hasn't hasn't looked like the processor. But you understand from his perspective, he has physically met hasn't.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:58

And then he seemed to process him in a dream. So that's his reference point. All right. So he says that I felt like the profits a lot of the some resembled has and he reminded me of Hudson

00:37:59 --> 00:38:18

and Ibis, radi Allahu taala annuum actually confirms and he goes, Yes, that is true, hasn't did does in fact resemble the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has and does in fact resemble the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And what's very interesting about this, what's very interesting about this is that the

00:38:19 --> 00:39:04

some of the Sahaba mentioned, when describing Allah The Allahu taala, excuse me, not just any of the Sahaba a leader the Allahu taala knew the Father has an Hussein, but the Allahu Allahu Allah. He actually said that hasn't his, his face resembled the face of the prophets a lot he saw his hair and his facial features resembled the prophet SAW some very closely. And the younger brother who's saying his physical stature was like the prophets a lot he saw, he was physically built like the promises of his high kind of his build was very similar to the build of the profits a lot of them but he wasn't the older brother, while his physical build was not like that over the profits a lot

00:39:04 --> 00:39:26

he sent him but his face and his hair resembled the profits a lot he some very closely. So both grandsons in that way, were a reflection of the profits a lot of them they resembled him and the reason for that very, you know, interestingly was the fact that their mother faulty model the Allahu taala on her

00:39:27 --> 00:39:28


00:39:30 --> 00:39:39

you know, I shout out the Allahu Telangana says that when Fatima walked into a room, there was no mistake about the fact that she was a prophet somes daughter

00:39:40 --> 00:39:45

says when Fatima walked into a room, it was like you were witnessing the prophets. allottee so she looked like him.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:56

She talked like him, she walked like him. She looked like him her facial features. Right? She very closely resembled the prophet SAW. So it was breathtaking.

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

And so you see that obviously reflected within

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

Her children as well. May Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with all of them.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:14

What I'll mention here and this will be the last generation we do today will continue on tomorrow because there's a longer narration. But I wanted to mention something that I forgot to,

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you know, talk about at the beginning, but it's good kind of as a concluding thought.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:50

The scholars mentioned, you know, Mama Timothy, some of the commentators on the book of Shama, they also comment on Imam Timothy's thought process in his wisdom. In mentioning this as a very last chapter, even though it's so personally about the prophets, a lot of them, it's a subject that is specific to the process of them. But the reason why they say he mentioned it all the way at the end of the book, is that this is, you know, with all respect and reverence and regard, but this is something secondary.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:52

There's something secondary,

00:40:54 --> 00:41:30

right? When it comes to developing love for the prophets a lot, he said, I'm seeing him in a dream or not seeing him in a dream. Of course, singing in a dream is not something that we talked about about this is one of those topics I you know, we were talking about earlier in the car class as well. Yes, do some people go to a particular extreme with some things they do? But do not respond to one extreme with the other do not speak dismissively about seeing the process of imagery and Oh, yeah. Okay, so big deal. What Don't talk like that. Because the profits, a lot of them said, it's, it's, it's something that is significant. It is significant. Yes. It's not like an automatic stamp

00:41:30 --> 00:41:47

of piety, like, Alright, I never have to pray ever again. Right? That's not a thing. All right. That's not a thing. But at the same time, it is still something significant than something established. And the process of spoke about it, so don't speak about it. In very dismissive terms. It is disrespectful

00:41:49 --> 00:42:05

about something the promises, some actually spoke about to be dismissive about that very dangerous for a person's faith in a person's human, No, never. But what we can say is that it is not necessarily reflective of how much a person loves the process of selling or does not

00:42:07 --> 00:42:09

about whether they saw him in a dream or not.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:27

But look at the sequence. Look at the things that Timothy mentioned before that he says those are a lot more important. First, he paints a very detailed descriptive, you know, picture of the profits a lot he sounds like he very intimately describes him, how he logs how he walks walked out, we talked

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because that's appreciating that is something that will actually contribute to your love of the profits, a luncheon will help you feel closer,

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then there is the character of the profits allottee zone, which not only appreciating that but then emulating his character is something that will actually once again bring you closer to the profits a lot. And he mentions is all the way at the end, because this is the smallest if any, at all have a factor when it comes to the love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that is a very important note today that is something very important to know done. And something very, very important to remember. And again, remembering kind of our obsession our unhealthy you know, respectfully speaking but just in general not about the process numbers in general, our a bit of an

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unhealthy obsession with dreams, most definitely effects here, where I don't know about the life of the profits, a lot of them I don't actually know like the seat all we study all day long every day.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:38

I don't know about his actual life. I don't even know about how you know, he was I don't concern myself with his character in his o'clock.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:50

And then I'm just waiting for a dream to basically somehow, you know, absolve me of all that responsibility. That's a that's an unhealthy attitude.

00:43:51 --> 00:43:56

Maybe but at the same time, we don't speak this rich dismissively about it. We don't dismiss someone

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who might have a dream of the Prophet television because that might inspire them.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:04

That might be the catalyst

00:44:05 --> 00:44:28

to you know, encouraging them to learn more about the prophets a lot easier and to start emulating his character and to try to be more like him. Well, luckily, tell us a little bit so with that, we'll conclude the session here. And shalabi nilah will continue on from the fifth narration in the next session. So how to lay behind the 700 Columbia 100 Mashallah, in a high lanterna Sephora interview

Shama’il – The Prophetic Personality – Episode 12

May 01, 2017.

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