Haitham al-Haddad – The Best 10 Days of the Year

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The speaker discusses the importance of fasting 1 day in a given week and how it can be used to increase one's reward. They explain that fasting 1 day means almost 3 years, and that even if one day is fasted, one day is equal to fasting 1 thousand days. The speaker also discusses the importance of performing specific tasks in a given week and explains that the focus should be on the specific tasks performed.
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One of the great merits
and virtues of
these 10 days of the hijab is what
Al Hasan al Qasri
He said that,
was said that
fasting one day of those 8 days
is equal to fasting
1 1000 days,
and fasting the day of alafa is equal
to what? To fasting 1 or fasting 10000
days. Imagine,
my dear brothers and sisters.
And I think he took this
from the other Hadith when the prophet said,
Anyway, that the hasanah is multiplied by 10,
and sometimes the hasanah is multiplied
up to 700
This is in normal circumstances,
so Al Hasan al Basri may have understood
that Al Hasanah is multiplied
in those days
by 1,000 times.
And in fact, he took this from
the people at that time, from the Tabihin.
So that's why this hadith has wait
because he said, as Al Bayhaqqai reported,
that it was said. So this is as
if it is known. That's why this hadith
or this statement, although it is not,
it is not the reference to the prophet
but it has weight.
So imagine
one day,
my dear brothers and sisters, in those 8
days of Dhul Hijjah is equal to what?
To fasting
1 1000 days,
almost 3 years.
Fasting one day is equal to fast, what,
3 years.
And imagine
if that can be extended to any good
deed that we do in those 10 days,
it means that any good deed will be
multiplied by what? By 1,000
So for example, take the example when the
prophet said,
100 times. Allah
will give him
5 things. This is the well known hadith
in Bukhari.
As if he has freed 10
of the slaves, of the precious
slaves at that time,
Allah will grant him
100 Hasanah. It seems 100 big Hasanah and
will remove 100
sin from him,
which means big sins as well.
it will be
a protection for the rest of his days
for his day, and no one will come
on the day of resurrection
with good
deeds equal to the deeds that he did
except someone who someone did what he did
and more. So imagine
you multiply
this reward
times because you said this
You said it in those
10 days.
You said it 100 times as the prophet,
imagine the amount of reward.
And similarly,
brothers and sisters, imagine the amount of Sadaka,
you gave. Sadaka will be multiplied
by thousands of folds.
Imagine you make your father happy. Imagine you
make your mother happy. Imagine
you help someone who is really
in need of help. Of course, the focus
on the specific Ibadat, the prophet mentioned
in the hadith and leave the other things
because the prophet
said, there are no days in which the
good deeds are more beloved
to than the deeds performed in those 10
days. In what narration? He said increase
which means
saying saying
and, of course,
of Quran and those specific outcome.
In one narration,
the Sahaba understood that
10 days of the rihija are meant for
these specific Ibadah
because they asked the prophet even
good deeds
are better than going for jihad, You Rasulullah,
doing good deeds in those 10 10 days
better than going for jihad, You Rasool Allah?
And the prophet
said, yes,
better than going for jihad except for someone
who left for jihad,
and he lost his life. He lost his
wealth as well.
That is an exception, which means that there
are specific
needs to be performed
in those 10 days of the hija. My
dear brothers, my dear
sisters, why do you lose them? Why do
we lose them? Saying
as if you have said it, what,
times. This dua,
100 times
as imagine the amount of reward you will
get when you say in those 10 days.
That's why
the prophet said,
there are no days
in which the good deeds are more beloved
to Allah
than those 10 days of.