Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 164 – The Battle Of Ta-If

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet sallavi's name and the upcoming campaign, including the loss of the city of Mecca and the loss of the city of Sierra. They also mention the importance of learning from the Prophet's words and leadership, including the return of people of men to the city of noon and the return of people of woman to the city of morning. The importance of guidance and guidance for people of five is emphasized, including not asking for guidance and not asking for help. The transcript also touches on the return of people of men to the city of noon and the return of people of woman to the city of morning.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example. immersion, mentorship, companionship and Tobia These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam go to Cedar intensive.com to register or for more info

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will be admiring.

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inshallah, continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam masirah Tina but we had the prophetic biography. In the last couple of sessions we've been talking about the Battle of her name. The Battle of her name, as we talked about was in the aftermath of the conquest of Mecca fetch hamaca, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along with 10,000 Muslims returned back to Mecca in order to deal with the fallout of the violation of the Treaty of who they be a solid year.

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After MCO was basically secured in the profits, a lot of them spent about 20 days in the city of Mecca. at that particular time, as we talked about, the news came that there was an army that was a massing, comprised of the people of thought if along with the Bedouin tribes, between Mecca and thought, if that were known as housing, the tribes of housing, so they all gathered together and they launched, we're gathering together for this offensive against the Muslims, the prophets, a lot of them took the Muslims that had come to Makkah, along with some of the Moroccans who had just recently entered into the fold of Islam. They joined the prophets a lot of the time, and they all

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proceeded on forward to deal with the threats coming from the place of her name. That's where the battle occurred was the Valley of her name. And we talked about in the previous battle, that when they arrived there in the battlefield, how Muslims were had a larger number. And this led to just some level of, you know, overconfidence on the part of some of the Muslims. And Allah subhanaw taala talks about this in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala taught them this lesson, they're at the place of her name, that it is not the numbers, it is not the quantity that makes a difference. Rather, it is the quality. And so we talked about the miraculous victory, the prophets allottee,

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something at some odd believers were able to achieve after the initial push that the enemy made at the place of her name, and much of the Muslim army was scattered. The profits, a lot of them rally together some of the more veteran and Senior Companions, and they basically made a second defensive a second push, and they were able to achieve a very miraculous victory at that time and at that place. Now, what we'll be talking about is what happens after the Battle of her name. There's another campaign expedition, it is somewhat once again connected to the Battle of her name, which is connected to the conquest of Makkah, but it is identified within the books of Sierra as its own

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independent expedition. And that is known as what we thought if the Battle of thought if the Battle of a thought if now before we get there, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the Battle of her name, dealing with a lot of the fallout from their gathering together to the spoils of war, collecting all the people together, sorting through all the different affairs, the prophets, a lot of them appointed, Massoud, even a fatty radi Allahu taala, on who to manage and to deal with all of this. And then there were the people who fled from the Battle of her name the enemy, they went in two directions. One group of them a smaller group of them went to a place called Old DOS, they went

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to a place called Old DOS, and this was also outside of the city of thought if the profits a lot except for himself, he did not go to old DOS, he sent some of the Sahaba or the Allahu taala on him under the leadership of Abu Ahmed

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Abu Mohammed Al ashari. This is a cousin of Abu Musab al Ashanti, radi Allahu taala on Houma, and they were amongst the Ashanti Yun, that tribe that had accepted Islam and joined the Muslims during the Battle of haber. So the prophets, a lot of them appointed Abu Ahmed allegedly as a leader upon these upon this little group that the prophets a lot of them sent to deal with the threat that was kind of regathering itself at the place of a loss. And it's not very complicated. They basically they went there and

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I met the group that was there, there was a little bit of a skirmish between the two groups.

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And ultimately, the group of the enemy that had gathered together at a loss, they surrendered. And Ahmed Abu Musab lashari. The narration mentions that Abu Ahmed actually was injured, and he eventually died due to that injury. So Abu Salah Shakira, the Allahu taala knew his cousin, who basically took care of the affairs after his cousin was injured, he basically settled the issue there, handled everything, and then went to go join the prophets a lot he sent them. Now where was the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So the larger group of the enemy that fled, particularly the people of a thought if they went back to their home, their city of about if I talked about this, I alluded

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to this previously, that the people of a thought if their particular strategy was that they had built walls around the city, they had four to five their city. And so they went back into the city, they locked up and closed up the gates. And they had huge walls, basically entire fortress they had created like a mini city inside of a fortress. And they locked themselves inside of there. And the second thing I had mentioned was that people have a thought if they had figured out a defense strategy, their defense strategy was that they were very, very well trained, organized, and very synchronized in terms of archery. So they have kind of like an aerial defense. So what they would do

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is that they would lock up these gates, they would fortify themselves inside, they had places where archers could be positioned on top of the walls. And then they would basically have this synchronization of the archers, where there was this constant barrage of arrows that would come down on anyone that was approaching the walls, anyone that was approaching the city. And so that's what they basically started to do. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went with the larger contingent of the Muslims. And they approached the city of a thought if, when they arrive there, when they reach there, they found that the people have thought if had basically locked themselves up

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and secured themselves, inside the walls inside the fortress.

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Now, their first taste of it, and there's a lot of different narrations, I mentioned it

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when they first started to approach the walls of a thought if the people have a thought if as they had their defense strategy laid out, they started to ring down the arrow is upon the army. And the narration mentions that many of the Muslim started to succumb to injuries and started to fall due to these arrows coming down. And they were left basically defenseless, because it was just a constant barrage is continuously coming down in all different directions at different different parts of the army. So it was very hard to defend against. And so they started falling due to that. And immediately they backed away from there. And they positioned themselves a bit away from the walls of

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the fortress, at a safe distance where the arrows could not reach. And they basically set up camp over there. Now that the set up camp over there, what to do now. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that we will wait them out. And the narrations mentioned different durations, different numbers, some mentioned 17 days, some mentioned that there were 20 plus days. And the more sound narration is that it lasted for a little more than 20 days, they just stayed camped out there, the Muslims did. And the people have died have stayed inside of their fortress inside of their walls. And there were different moments that were different times where somebody would try to get close

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would try to scout out the walls, try to explore maybe some weakness within the walls. And every time they got close, because those archers would work in shifts. So every time somebody got close enough, they would immediately start coming down with arrows. And it became very, very difficult and very stressful. And the narration mentions that the prophets a lot he said about that distance because they were there for more than 20 days. The prophets, a lot of them even established a place to pray where they would congregate, and they would pray together. And there's a machine that's located there till today. So that kind of became one of the massages established by the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because they were there for more than 20 days. And so this basically continued. Now, before I get how this was eventually concluded, because the story itself in the duration is pretty much the same. Right? They were camped out there, they were waiting them out. The people of thought it said, Listen, we have a whole city inside of this fortress, we got food in here, we got water in here, we got supplies in here, we can wait y'all out as well. And so this was kind of like this standoff.

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And they both basically were just camped out, both camps were there, and they were just waiting each other out. And so it was pretty much a standard operating procedure where they waited every now and then there would be a little bit of an advanced, somebody would try to explore some opportunity. But the second that they did that immediately, the arrows would start coming down and that would make them back out again. But in the meantime, while all this was happening and all this was transpiring, there are a few very

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Interesting things that occurred that I wanted to share here today. The first thing that occurred was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a proclamation at that time. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made two proclamations, excuse me. The two proclamations were number one, the prophets, a lot of them announced, he had announced and he had the message basically announced there to the people of thought, if that, Whosoever from amongst the people of thought it will come out from there, which normally in normal circumstances in this type of a confrontation, would be seen as surrendering. All right, Whosoever from the people of thought, if will join us, no

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harm will be done to them, no harm shall come to them. No harm shall come to them. Not even with the condition of that they come up from there and they accept Islam and they join us. Not even that whosoever wants to come up from there and come to us, that person will be safe. And there's narrations that are mentioned the fact that and there's a very famous Sahabi radi Allahu talanoa Abu Bakr, radi Allahu taala and who that he basically came out from there, he scaled down the wall, and he came up from there, and a few others once he came out and they saw that he was saved. There were quite a few people who defected. There were quite a few people who left but if and they basically

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came in, they joined the Muslims, they joined the prophets, a lot of Islam and the character, the honesty of the prophets, a lot of Islam was really remarkable whosoever from the people of thought if came out from there, the prophets, a lot of them received them, told them that they were safe and sound, gave them food and shelter, told them they had nothing to worry about. And in fact, the profits a lot of them would then choose a Sahabi he would then choose a Muslim and he would say you are his buddy. You are his buddy like the buddy system. That you are his sponsor, you are his buddy. You are responsible for taking care of him. What Deaf are cooler, rajala, Minho, Illa, Raja,

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mineral, Muslim, ina yo Lu way

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that making sure that he gets something to eat is your job. And he will ride with you on your transportation when we leave here.

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So everyone shall be taken care of. So this was the first proclamation made by the professor sermon. This was that sign of benevolence, that the prophets a lot of these from that gesture of benevolence that he made. The second proclamation made by the prophets a lot is sometimes very fascinating. Was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Maharaja elayna

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Mancha Raja Elena Mena.

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And in the rewire match mode, Abdullah bin Abbas radi Allahu taala on Houma. He clarifies what that exactly meant he said another slice allottee Sam, can you it to Mangia who Mennella Abbe de Bella Mohali him, either Islam,

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that the prophets, a lot of them said that any of the slaves, any of the slaves that lived in thought if particularly those who are interested in accepting Islam, if they came out to the Muslims, if they came out from behind the fortress and joined the Muslims, the prophets allowed some freedom, and declared them to be free men.

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And I'm going to jump forward in the story here, and I'll fill in the gaps later, but I'll jump forward in the story. Basically, what we'll talk about towards the end of today's session is that eventually the people have thought if I would accept Islam in the lifetime of the prophets a lot, hmm. Okay. So, some of the slaves, some of the slaves who left the fortress of thought even came out to the Muslims, the profits a lot isn't guaranteed their them their freedom, that you would be free men. So they were freed when they came out the process and declared them to be free men.

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Later on, when almost a year later, when the people have thought if would accept Islam, and would reconcile with the prophets allottee some and make peace with the Muslims. Some of those people have a thought if said that

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some of us have slaves that belonged to us that had left the fortress and joined you at that time and left with you. We would like those slaves returned back to us.

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We would like those slaves returned back to us. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said so they said jasola la rue de la una Rafi and a lady a joke.

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returned back to us our slaves who had joined you and the prophets a lobby Some said la? Absolutely No.

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Absolutely not. La, la, la la. Those people were freed for the sake of Allah, God freed those people.

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So they shall not be returned back to slavery. They are free men. And that was another very remarkable thing done by the prophets Elisa, at this particular juncture of life. And one of the one of the stories about one of these slaves is very, very touching. It's very remarkable. One of these slaves who basically came out from behind the walls and joined the Muslims. His name at that time was

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Moto G, Moto G, and Moto G are very strange and Arabic It just means lying down like someone who's lying down.

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Like sleepy. Alright, that was his name, just a nonsensical name. He was a slave somebody probably gave him a silly name.

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When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him What's your name? And he said, look together the prophets a lot of them syllable and tell mum Bharath He said, No, you were standing up. So his name was like sleepy in the process and named him upright salmonberry you are standing up, you are an upright person. And Mubarak not only means somebody who was like resurrected or somebody who stands up, but it has that connotation of being upright. So the process of gave him a very dignified name, and then bestowed upon him his freedom, and then refused to basically return him back to slavery when somebody came later on trying to claim him, and it is at this particular time, that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam Amina abasa, radi Allahu taala annual Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he narrates emammal basically brings in narration that he quotes that the prophets allowed him at this moment he encouraged the Muslims to free slaves.

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The prophets a lot of them said what a Umar Rosalyn aka radula and Muslim and for in Allah azza wa jal jar a loon Kula min min min Eva he we call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whosoever

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freeze a Muslim men, Allah subhanaw taala will make every bone in the body of that slave a protection for that person from the fire of *. Kula admin be admin. For every bone of his body that you have granted freedom to God will free every similar bone of your body from the fire of *. And then he said, what you might attain Muslim and attach him rotten Muslim and Allah has Aveda geralyn gulag missionary Tommy how we are we are an Cooley as missionaries, ami hominin are the profits are lovely. Some said every Muslim woman who frees a Muslim woman will be granted freedom from the fire of *, each bone exchange in exchange each limb in exchange for the others

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limb that whoever you grant freedom to, in exchange for that you will be granted freedom from the fire of *, you'll be protected from the firewall. So it's beautiful narration and so this was also said by the prophets a lot of him at this particular juncture. Now, I was telling you about that basically the course of events kind of transpired. You know, similarly for the next 20 some odd days. And it was kind of a stalemate in that regard.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they just kept on waiting. And the arrows would just kind of keep on coming. And they couldn't get any closer. And so it was a stalemate. So in the narration of body, Imam Buhari assassination, Abdullah Omar bin Al asadi, Allahu taala. Nehemiah says llama hacer la sala de matar Eva, Philomena men who say that after they see the city of LA for a number of days, and there was no progress being made. One day finally after 20 some odd days, the prophets a lot of them said in our coffee, Luna garden insha Allah, we shall leave tomorrow. We're just going to leave, we're just going to pack up and go away.

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And we'll see another day. All right. So we're leaving tomorrow for supper lolly.

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So some of the Sahaba they kind of felt they felt bad. Like they, they they kind of felt bad, they felt down on themselves. They kind of felt like they had failed. Like we should have been able to achieve victory here. So they kind of felt it a little bit. And so they said to the prophets a lot, especially usually it's younger men have a lot of zeal, a lot of energy. Right? So sometimes a lot of times it would be like the young men who would have a lot of fervor. So they said, not that well enough to who we're just going to leave. We're not going to wait out, we're not going to wait for victory. We're not going to go on the offensive and try to get victory we're just going to leave.

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And the prophets a lot he said when he heard them and he kind of realized that they were a little riled up the prophets, a lot of them said, Oh, do al al Qaeda.

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Okay, if you think that you can get victory, then Bismillah Go for it.

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launch an offensive launch and I give you permission go

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for huddle for JIRA.

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So they got together, they organized themselves and they said let's launch an offensive and attack and they launched an attack and the arrows started coming down. And as soon as the arrow came down, the arrows started coming down. They started dropping like flies.

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People getting injured hit with arrows dragging them out from there,

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and they basically were repelled back by the arrows. Then the second

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Time The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in our coffee, Luna hudon insha Allah, after they made this attack, and they retreated back and they came back the prophets, a lot of them said, We shall leave tomorrow for our Java home. And they said, Yeah, that sounds like a good idea for bioeconomy. So some of the process of laughed at them. Say you don't listen. Right? young people, sometimes first time around, they don't listen, you have to kind of scuffed your knee. To learn the lesson, you have to kind of learn the lesson the hard way. It's a see and this there's something really remarkable and beautiful in this. There's a couple of things I want to highlight this because

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this is the epitome the prophet SAW some is the epitome of leadership, the epitome of leadership, what do we learn from this moment from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and even the Sahaba The first thing that we learn is the fact that we learned that if you sometimes find yourself in a position of responsibility, leadership

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and you sometimes have trouble convincing communicating with the people that you are leading.

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That is not some epic crisis that cannot be overcome.

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The Sahaba there was no believers ever who are better than the Sahaba hydroquinone

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hydroquinone, Rooney Bernie. The professor said my generation is the best of generations.

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Allah Allah Hafiz has heavy the process and these are my companions. He said, The Karate Allahu Allah subhanho wa Taala declares and declares end up on a Sabbath wasabia una una manera mahadji de Laval and sala de method oromia said

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that the Sahaba God is pleased with them Mohammed Rasulullah he Valentina ma who Mohammed is a messenger of God and those who are with him.

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All right, and on and on. Abdullah bin Massoud says extra hula hula Sabatino de sala de ser, God chose these people for the companionship in the support of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they're the best people.

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But you see, even sometimes they would have like these moments where they would be like the process of someone saying we're leaving, and they're saying, really, we're gonna leave, we're not gonna try a little bit more.

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That's it, we need to understand we have to learn to understand that that is not disrespect, that is not defiance, that is sometimes just part of the human nature.

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That is part of the human nature. And more often than not, as I commented earlier, new people younger people will sometimes be more prone, will sometimes be more prone to this type of, you know, a response. But we cannot see it as some insurmountable offense or we cannot see it as defiance. We can't demand and expect for human beings to not be human beings anymore. Human beings will have sensitivities, they'll have sentiments, they'll have ideas, they'll have faults, they'll have inspirations, aspirations, motivations, it's natural, it's only natural. And we have to learn to manage that. We have to learn to handle that. It's part of leadership. Okay, the second thing, the

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second thing is, look how the prophets allottee. Some handles it the first time when he says in that coffee in a coffee, Luna dementia, Allahu taala. We're leaving tomorrow in sha Allah. Did he say that? He asked them should we leave tomorrow? Was that a question format? It wasn't.

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He didn't ask him. What do you think he didn't say? Should we leave he said we are leaving.

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It's a command. It's an order. It's a directive.

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Me even in my position of responsibility or leadership, wherever I might be in that position. I might not have the authority to issue a command. But if anyone has ever possessed the authority and the ability to issue a command, it's Mohammed Rasulullah salatu salam.

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But they respond. They don't talk back. It's not disrespectful. There's young people, they're inquisitive. They're eager. And they say nothing well enough to who they're asking. They're saying, we're going to leave, we're not going to try harder.

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Now, how you handle that moment says a lot about your leadership ability and skills.

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Right? Do you yell and scream? Do you crack down?

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Do you reject them?

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Do you reprimand them? What?

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How dare you?

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Did it sound like a question? Was I asking you a question? I said we're going to ask for your input.

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Right and we sometimes admire there's something I talk about quite often we in our culture today today admired that. We say like that's a leader iron fist. Throw down the hammer. He says it like it is He means business. Saw nonsense or garbage.

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No buddy was a better stronger, more effective more successful leader than Mohammed good Australasian ladies

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Look what he says. He says, oh do lol Krita if you would like to try, give it one more try. Go ahead.

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Give them a chance.

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And then when they fail the profits, a lot of them did not stand there and be like I told you so.

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Then I say, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam just said in a coffee Luna Fadden insha, Allah tala. Again, he said, inshallah we'll leave tomorrow. And then when they said, Hey, that sounds like a good idea for our job. And they were very excited. Yeah, let's go, let's go, let's leave the process. I'm going to help him so but just for the heck and then he just laughed. Right? Because it's just a reality of the moment. And it reminded the profits a lot of that people are people, you have to kind of work with them. You have to work with people. And that's this remarkable moment. From the life of the profits of somebody, we learned so much about how to handle adversity, how to

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handle difficulty, how to handle challenges, all right, and then those challenges can be moments to build. They don't always have to be moments of doom and destruction, but they can be moments to build something really special really remarkable.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the very powerful moments from the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is that before they left there, before they left there, some of the Sahaba generation in the book of Timothy Jabir bin Abdullah the Allahu taala and who young Sahabi he says before they left a thought if some of the companions came to the process of something, they said, ratnani balluta Cliff

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ratnani balluta Cliff nibble means arrowheads, the arrowheads the arrows of thief, the thief was beneath a cave, they were the people of thought if the arrows of the thief have burned holes in us, like they're, they've killed us with their arrows, federal law and they

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make dua that Allah destroys these people make dua against them before we leave here on messenger of Allah.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he raised his hands to make dua

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everyone held their breath

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and the profits a lot of them said in that moment he said a lot Maddie familyfun will law guide the people of guide the people of life

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and then the prophets a lot he sent them as they were departing from their to the profits a lot of them again made to our he said Allah MADI him

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Allah guide them what phenol Magneto and protect us from their harm, protect us from their harm, but guide them he did not wish he did not wish ill upon them. He did not mean to offer their guidance and the prophets a lot he said I'm at this moment also commented the narrations mentioned that he told the Sahaba in Namibia in nama boy to Ramadan

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in nama boy to Ramadan, Willem, Oba Isla and then

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the profits, a lot of them said I was sent as a mercy.

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I was not sent to curse people, to dam people to Doom people to destruction. That's not what I was sent. I was sent as a mercy. Do not ask me to pray for the destruction of people asked me to pray for their guidance.

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And then after 20 some odd days, the prophets a lot of them and the Sahaba left the siege of a thought if and returned on the way back to Makkah. And on the way back to Makkah, they would make one more stop. This is known as Ronna and inshallah, in the next session, we'll talk about exactly what happened what transpired at the place of gi Ronna, this is where they distributed the spoils of war in a very powerful moment occurs over here. And then secondly, this is where they did the head on from and then they would go to perform Ramadan. But we'll talk about that in the following session. What I wanted to take the opportunity now since we're talking about the people of five, I

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wanted to talk about, in conclusion, what occurs with the people of five. So the narrations they mentioned that the following year in the month of Ramadan, so this was the month of Shabbat the month after Ramadan because it came to conquest of Mecca photomechanical into Ramadan. And then most of the month of chawan 20. some odd days, most of the month of chawan was spent in the siege of the city of Paris. So basically 11 months later in the month of Ramadan. The people have thought it would send a delegation to the city of Medina.

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And they came to the city of Medina, they sought permission to have audience with the prophets, a lot of them. They met with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and they accepted Islam. The delegation accepted Islam and they brought the good news that our people back in 34 are interested in accepting Islam and we would like to make peace and come under the the the protection of Islam and the guidance of the of Islam and the prophets. A lot of them

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The profitsystem gave them the testimony of faith and welcomed them into the community and the people of thought if accepted Islam

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at this moment, you know, in conclusion, even Cathedral rang Allahu taala. He shared some thoughts and reflections. He said, What can I tell him Martin Ilaha and duck and duck Dr. Lee and you are our alpha even. He says this is from the Divine Wisdom. This is from the divine wisdom that Allah subhanaw taala had decreed that this that the Muslims would not win the siege in the Battle of a life, that they will not be able to penetrate through the walls of the fortress of a thought if why, going all the way back to the first time the prophets A lot of us have visited the city of a thief

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going all the way back then,

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a decade ago, when after the passing of the uncle of the prophets, a lot of them the wife of the original Khadija but the uncle of the process of mobile polyp, with his passing the process and lost the protection in the city of Mecca that he had from Abu Talib. So with the passing of Abu Talib, and now maka becoming a lot more hostile even towards the prophets a lot. He said I'm in the process of kind of saw the writing on the wall that the stay in Mecca might not be able to last a lot longer. The prophets a lot he said, um, we talked about this in detail here in the series. But as a quick refresher, the prophets a lot of them wanted to explore opportunities outside of Mecca. The

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first opportunity that he explored was the city of a thought, due to being the second largest city in Arabia at that time, home to the second most powerful tribe after operation without the profits, a lot of them came

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to the city of a Cardiff. And we all remember we all know exactly what happened. The province ism came very peacefully, very respectfully sought permission from the leadership to be able to address the people, the leadership rejected the prophets a lot a solemn. And when the prophets a lot of them then tried to leave the city of about if they sent a lot of the troublemakers in the city after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to basically harass him. And they the way that they harassed him was that they threw rocks at him. They stoned him threw rocks at him, and they threw rocks at him from the city of five all the way to Cardinal monazite, which is a distance of three miles.

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And they split up into two groups and one would throw rocks after the other so that they would throw rocks at him at every step of the way. And they aim for his feet to injure him because they weren't supposed to kill him. Because they couldn't do that that would start a war between my wife, but to injure him badly and they threw so many rocks at him and injured him so badly. His feet were bleeding profusely,

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so much so so much blood came out of his feet, a blood so much from his feet that it's soaked into sandals and dried up and crusted and kind of glued his sandals to his feet. And when they finally left him in the process of sat down he had to say even harder if I was if I had to rip those sandals off of his feet, and his feet were bleeding so much that he fainted. He became unconscious.

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This is what the people of five did and it was at that time that jabril alehissalaam came and the promises him at that time made a dua Allah Escuela de Falco wa t Joaquin la hayleigh Tijuana Allah nasya me

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I complain to you of my weakness of my lack of resources and me not commanding enough respect

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with these people are a lot most Merciful of all of those capable framers Antara boo Salafi Antara, you are the caretaker, the Lord in the master of the week, the oppressed and you are my Lord in my master 11 techie loony who will use surrender me to Isla de Illa Illa buried in the utter joy harmony to a merciless creature that will that will abuse me amela I do in Malacca who Emery or to an enemy and let him have his way with me in lemmya couldn't be gallega bufala Ooh, Bali as long as you are not upset with me a lot. I don't care what they do to me.

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When I can alpha Tikka here Oh, sorry. All I want is your protection online. Or with venuti wedge hc, Allah The Shaka Zulu Max was solo Alejandro de la hora

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that I take protection with the light of your face Oh Allah that removes and dispels all the darkness. And that can solve all the problems of this life in the next

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book that you never be angry with me Oh Angela be psychotic or that you never punish me. Luckily urdhva Heta turbo, I will continue to serve you until you are pleased whether hola La quwata illa big and no one has the ability to do this and the strength to resist giving up unless you give it to them. Powerful while he made

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and when he made this dua jabril Ali Salam came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he also had with him the angel that is

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Charge of the mountains and he said, Yeah, Mohammed in Arabic ochroleuca salam, God sends you his alarms were cut semi auto la comida laka Walmart do alayka he said that Allah heard what they said to you and what they did to you for an hour to Bihar Aleikum, wa chabane. On messenger of life you want me to crush these people between the mountains. But if it's a valley if you want me to mountains to just merge and collide with one another, and crush and destroy these people,

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then just say that word, I am at your command and at your disposal, they have earned it they have deserved it. And the prophets a lot of them said very remarkably, at that moment, he said been a stat Navy him

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said, a stat Navy him, he said no rather I have hope for them.

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I have hope for them.

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Powerful, remarkable.

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lalala and nucleolin A Slava, he may Allah Buddha who was the hula usually could be shaken

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that if not then they may be from their progeny will come people who worship Allah alone.

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A step may be him hoping them

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I think they can. They can do something they can become something I'd like to see what happens. I have hope.

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And he he writes here for NASA Baku who suddenly became a law you have to her has his normally Allah Yokota Luana him what and you You are all federal Lee aka mubadala Muslim in a fee Ramadan, Minami look bill.

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And he said that this was a law accepting, that's why the prophets are some so commonly so serenely. What did he say in our coffee, Luna, then inshallah, we're gonna go home, we're leaving tomorrow.

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So calmly, because it was the answering of the, of the prophets, a lot of time when he said, I have hope in them,

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that their fortress would not be overrun,

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that a fight in a battle would not occur, that they would not be killed. So that the following year, in the blessed month of Ramadan, they would come to the illuminated beautiful city of Medina, and they would accept Islam at the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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This is the power of mercy.

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This is the power of hope,

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hoping the good of people hope that people can get better.

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This is the power of the Do I have the prophets alavesa. Now, we need to remember this, each and every single one of us, we need to remember this to continue to hope and that Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that brought those people who threw rocks at the profits allowed them and allowed them to be in the city of Medina, the city of the prophets, Allah says in the machine of the promises that I'm sitting in front of the prophets, I'm holding the hand of the processor in their hands and proclaiming their belief in the profit center.

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That's that mercy of alone. That's the power of that hope. We need to similarly have that hope. We need to remember that mercy in regards to us in regards to people in regards to all of humanity and our dollars. First and foremost need to always focus on that mercy, need to focus on that hope

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that this is one of the most powerful lessons learned from this incident of a thought if that if you're just simply counting action. If you're just simply focusing on the action, there wasn't a lot of action as battle. This would be one of the side notes.

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But this is maybe one of the most powerful moments from the life of the process where you see his beautiful art. That to us is unfathomable. How do you make the art for somebody who threw rocks at you for three miles and made you bleed out?

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But this reminds us of the power and the beauty of lead law. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhana labmd Subhana columbium dek nashoba La ilaha illa Anta sakana julik

Life of the Prophet: The Battle of Ta’if


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