Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 134 – Incident And Praying In The Battlefield

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's life was destroyed during the time of the return of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam. The community had planned to attack Muslims at Mecca, but was only able to hold off until the time of the return. The community's actions have caused a loss of control for Muslims and their families, and the importance of praying with the Prophet and holding a strong heart is emphasized. The importance of following laws and not distracting from prayer is emphasized, as well as the need for people to pray with their brother.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, go to Cedar intensive.com to register and for more information

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He will be here edge marine.

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inshallah continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha Nova We are the prophetic biography.

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In sha Allah Today we'll be starting with the sixth year of digital, which is the sixth year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his residence in the city of Medina. What we've talked about so far, based off of that is, of course, we concluded the fifth year, the fifth year is most notable because of the major incidents of the Battle of the trench, or the battle against the allied armies. So hospital, Azov, also known as hospital handed. And then there were some events, notable events in the aftermath of that, as well, such as the incident of a nuclear Reva

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we talked about the conclusion of the fifth year in the beginning of the sixth year. We'll start off by talking about so the the thing that I wanted to mention here is that the incidence of binuclear rayva occurs at the very tail end at the very end of the fifth year going into the month of the hedgehog. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the resolution of a nuclear Eva and their situation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returns back to of course, Medina, he resides in Medina completes the fifth year there, and the first few months of the month, the first few months of the sixth year of his roswaal Muharram. Suffer Robbie Oh well, Robbie will occur or review Thani

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam maintains residents in the city of Medina and tends to the community once again, in the month of jumada oola The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got together a couple of 100 Sahaba. And the prophets a lot of these some set out to resolve a situation that had transpired that had occurred two years ago. So we'll be going two years back. And we'll be going back to around the same time, the beginning of the fourth year of higit off to an incident known as arogya. Now what happened at the incident under a geo to refresh our memories

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was that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said that messenger of God, I have, you know, I have my tribe, my people, and they are very interested in Islam, they are very intrigued by your message. And I'm hopeful that they will become inclined towards Islam and possibly even accept Islam. So if you could send with me some individuals that could come over there and relay the message to them and talk to them and, you know, hopefully, basically convert them to Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seminarians mentioned six or seven, the most generations mentioned his 10 individuals, the prophet Salafi some assigned 10 individuals and sent

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them with this particular individual. When they reach the place of arogya. He had actually set up an ambush. And they ended up in the tribe that had worked with him in this ambush. His own tribe had refused to take part in this, but he was able to read,

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he was able to recruit some help from the tribe known as Bernoulli. Young. And they basically showed up there about 100 archers surrounded them, they were in a valley at the place of Georgia in a low point. And they surrounded them with 100 archers, and they said surrender yourselves. Give yourselves up and we will not kill you, we will not harm you.

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The 10 companions who were there, consulted with one another and they said you know what, these people are probably going to lie, and they're probably going to do something terrible to us torture us or something even worse. So they said let's just go out, you know, fighting

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and they started to fight and eight of them were killed at this time. Two of them survived.

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Their names were who babe and Zaid are the Allahu taala. And Huma, who babe and zayde. Were then captured. And they were taken to Makkah, and they were sold to them Atkins. Now this is the fourth year of his draw. So this is after, shortly after, and it's the beginning of the fourth year. So it's a few months after the incidents of the Battle of hood. So it's a little while after hood, the wounds of brother were still there, or who that further you know, created even a greater, you know, animosity between the Americans and the demons.

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So he takes him to Makkah, and he auctions him off, he sells them off to the highest bidder, and a couple of the families in Makkah, who had lost, you know, family members in the battle above that in the Battle of boyhood, they ended up purchasing them. And then they kept them prisoner for some time. And eventually, they had they conducted a public execution, where they made a public display in a public debacle of this, and they executed them publicly in front of everyone, and made a big show of it. And we talked about in a lot of detail, you can refer back to the podcast or the recordings. But it was a very, you know, beautiful narration as well, because at the time that they

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were being executed, one of the incidents talked, mentioned that one of them requested a blade to be able to just kind of like clean himself up a little bit.

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And as he had a blade, one of the children of the home wandered off and came to him. And everyone in the home freaked out, that he might try to, you know, take the kid hostage or take the child's life, or something of that nature. So he ended up looking at them and said, Why are you so worried? Or do you actually think I would have harmed this child, I would harm an innocent child, you are mistaken, you still don't understand what we're about.

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And not only that, but then at the time of the execution, it's mentioned that they requested the permission and the opportunity to be able to pray. And they pray to the gods. And one of them said that if it was not for the fact that you would accuse me of prolonging the inevitable, I would have prolong my prayer. And eventually they were asked at the time of the execution that would you if you could if you could trade places, between you in the profits a lot. So you could be back at home with your family. And he would be here answering to us, would you take that deal. And again, they both responded by saying that you still don't understand that I would not tolerate if if an exchange for

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me being home with my family. And all it would cost all it would take for me to be back home safe and sound with my family was the profits a lot decent receiving the prick of a thorn, I would not make that deal. I would not make that trade. And they were eventually executed and one of them very terribly, they actually left his body kind of hanging up as a display. And some of the Sahaba basically, they came and they snuck in and they took his body down and buried him at that time. So this had happened two years ago, the profits a lot easier had not forgotten about this other, this betrayal by the people have been newly young, and what they had done. So the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam but they are of course, obviously been very busy and preoccupied with everything that are transpired in the meantime. So now that they had somewhat of an opportunity, and a lot of that area within Arabia had been put on alert, that they could not just take the Muslims for granted. And you know, kill them off and wipe them off. That they basically the Muslims felt a sense of comfort and confidence. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, we need to now go and avenge our brothers.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marched in the direction of alula Yan, and the narrations mentioned that part of the intention of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was that he would go there to the new Lohan and he would first give them the opportunity to be able to offer the financial renumeration that would be made on behalf of the life of a person that do the Atilla that the blood money that was paid for the killing or the death of an individual, that the profits a lot of them have given them the opportunity to be able to make those reparations. And if they weren't willing to do so then at that time necessary steps would be taken. It would result in some type of

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gathered together the Sahaba the Allahu taala, and home and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam initially marched out of Medina, to the north in the direction of a sham to kind of throw any scouts or spies that were in the area off their scent, and then they turn direction

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And they came towards the people of a newly young.

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However, when they arrived there, at that time, that people have been newly here and through their spies and scouts, they had already received the information that the Muslims are marching in your direction. So what they did was they left their town, and they retreated up into the mountains, and they had a small fortress that was built in the mountains and then ice, you know, fortified themselves there in and locked themselves up inside of that fortress, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided that this was not going to be worth the trouble to lay siege to them. And this was not worth you know, the degree of difficulty that it would involve. However, at that time, something

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else ends up happening and that is that the Moroccans find out that the Muslims are in this place of arogya where this transpired in the Bernoulli he actually lived at a place called as fun and as fun is between McCain Medina but a little bit closer to Makkah. Alright, so the coloration that of receiving news, that the Muslims are not too far outside of Mecca, with an army. So they send Khalid Meanwhile, leader of the Allahu taala and who, with the cavalry to go out there and to meet the Muslims. So they came and they faced off against the Muslims. And so the Muslims are facing in the direction of Mecca, Khalid bin will lead with the cavalry comes up from the other side. So they are

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in between the Muslims in Mecca. Even though the prophets a lot of them had no intention to go to Mecca at this particular time. So they're kind of faced off now that it's a little bit of a standoff situation, both armies are kind of camped out, you know, across from one another. And everyone's just kind of playing this the the staring game, trying to figure out exactly is anyone going to make a move? And if so, then who will make the first move? So they're having this standoff. And the time of the the her prayer the this incidence of another hand is so notable because no fighting took place, but it's notable for another reason number one, because it was a follow up to the incident of

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arogya. And secondly, because the time of Lahore comes, and when the time comes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Muslims, they basically they they line up and they prayed for prayer.

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Now that they offered the lower prayer, the some of them will surely go and start to talk amongst each other. And they say that look, look, they're preoccupied. Let's go and try to attack quickly. But they say no, no, it's okay. We don't have to attack now. They had become familiar with the Muslims and their practices enough where they said that However, what these people are going to do is they have another prayer shortly thereafter, they were talking about us or prayer and said that they are going to end up praying again. So why don't we do this? Why don't we just hold off? We don't have to attack them now. We'll just bide our time. We'll wait till the answer prayer. They are

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going to end up praying and they actually made a comment. They said that

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that tra him Alon Salatin here had to lay him in abinadi him or unfussy him because very soon another prayer time is going to come on them. And prayer Salah is more beloved to these people then their own lives and their own families

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that they value prayer so much stay valued. This allows so much even though machico knew that about the Muslims and so they wait for the answer prayer. When the time for the answer prayer comes before the time of the answer prayer comes a loss of Allah sends revelation to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I'd like to share the passage with you.

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It's from Surah Nisa, which is Surah number four, and I'll be sharing with you is number 101. To 104 even though the crux of the incident is I am number 102. I am number 102 is the key idea here in this conversation discussion, but just to give you the full context and the full passage and an appreciation for what Allah subhanaw taala is saying here, or share with you is 101 to 104 they are lengthier is but nevertheless I'll go through them. Allah subhanho wa Taala says what either brought up to fill out the that when you are traveling, Felisa Aleikum, junan and taxa luminous Allah, then there is no harm there is no accountability or there's no problem with you. shortening the prayer

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like it is not bad, it is not sinful for you to shorten the prayer in the system NFT Nakula Tina cafaro that even if you are afraid that those who disbelieve might try to cause you some type of harm. In the cafe, Nina cannula Komodo movinon or rather

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If you fear that those who disbelieve will try to cause you some harm, then shorten the prayer. So this is the first confession that was offered in Islam and we know this has caused the shortening of the prayer. So Allah subhanaw taala said if you are traveling you can shorten the prayer. If you are facing some type of difficult situation which means you might even be in Medina, you might be in Medina, but you have an army of the gates of Medina trying to attack you. Then you can also shorten the prayer. Alright, so it's basically saying either while you're traveling or under duress, you can shorten the prayer and we are familiar with the shortening of the prayer the opposite of the prayer.

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In this cafe, Nina cannula Kumar do a movie now because these disbelievers they are very clear open declared enemies against you. They have declared their animosity for you. Then Allah subhanaw taala says, we can jeffie him and when you are amongst them, oh messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I'll comment on this in just a minute. For a peninsula, Houma salata, and you are standing up for the prayer, you're establishing the prayer, you have made the call to prayer, and you have gathered the people together to pray for him to come talk to men home Mac, then split up the Muslims into two groups, split the Muslims into two groups, the army into two groups. One group

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should come and stand with you in the prayer. Well, yeah, who do

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they should bring their weapons with them and kind of keep them with them. Either lay them down or kind of, you know, sheath their swords kind of put them on their bodies, however, they keep their weapons on them * their weapons, or lay them down, but they should keep their weapons with them, not lay not put them away. But bring their weapons, strap them away, or put them right down next to them or in front of them. And you lead them in the prayer. But you're already praying the castle, right? You're only praying to the gods. So you pray one Raka fadeout cetera do. And when you do the second subject of the first Raka Everybody with me so far, right? So when you do the subject,

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the second aka and you stand back up for the for when you do the second sentence of the first car, and you stand up for the secondary car for your coonawarra

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then the people that were praying with you should go and stand.

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And so while one group was praying with you, the other group where were they, they were standing guard on the front line, holding off the enemy. So the enemy sees that there are soldiers, arrows drawn short swords drawn, that are basically standing there at the front line ready to fight ready to defend.

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But when you stand up for the second Raka, the group that was praying with you leaves the prayer

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they leave the prayer they had their weapons with them remember they were strapped on are sitting right next to them, they get their weapons and they leave the prayer was that the plot

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and the group that was standing guard, they once the soldiers who have left the prayer going now they stand up on the line. The group that was standing guard now comes and joins in behind you as you are standing there.

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Loving you salute for you, Solomonic. Now they will pray with you. The second record, will Yahoo do his or her home while asleep.

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And when they come and pray with you, they should also bring their weapons, strap them up, tuck them away, and they should pray with their weapons within reach. In case the situation breaks out. What the levina cafaro that these enemies what they want more than anything else is lo de una una de como te article. They want you to become careless. They want you to become neglectful about the battle. They want you to forget where you placed your weapons. They want you to forget about the battle and the battlefield in the situation for me lunala caminata wahida so that when you are in the middle of prayer, then they can swiftly attack you and finish you off in your prayer. So don't give them that

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opportunities. What am I saying? When I do not have a come in? Can I become a de matar in a country muda and taco taco. However, if you are sick if you are ill, or there's very severe weather, you can even put away your weapons, which means that basically you can retreat back if many people are injured or it starts to pouring rain and the weather gets very difficult. You can even retreat away from there. Well who do hit rock bottom just always be very careful. Allah says and this shows the balance of our Deen

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because we have one problem. We have one problem and the problem is that we are very spiritually neglectful. We are extremely spiritually neglectful anything and everything distracts us from our prayer. Everything else is important enough and a big deal enough to the extent

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Where it makes us forget our prayer and be neglectful of our Salah. That's one extreme, and that's very problematic. So the obvious lesson here is that even in the battlefield, even in the battlefield, prayer still never goes away.

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Think about that. And here I am asking questions. Oh, what if I'm on the highway and you know, taking the exits a lot of trouble. And, you know, and so maybe, right, we need we just need any excuse. What if it's really cold?

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You know, what if I'm kind of feeling not so well, I cheap, right? So, but over here, even in the battlefield, they're praying, even in the battlefield, they're praying. That's so one extreme is that unfortunately, that many of us are plagued by May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Forgive us. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to be more spiritually vigilant. But that's one extreme. But the other extreme that somebody could go to is that

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who Sure?

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Right, that even I'm praying in the middle of the road.

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And a bus is going to come in who short brother

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who Sure? I can't move from my prayer. For bus hits me then Shaheed, right. That's the opposite stupid extreme.

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And that's that's not that's that's reprehensible as well. That's not what we're commanded to do. And our Dean will do his rockem Allah says, Be careful, look out for yourselves. Watch your back.

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Keep your guard up.

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Right, be very careful and cautious will hold your heads welcome. And then Allah subhanaw taala says in aloha del Katharina de mahina.

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And as far as these people who are trying to distract you from your prayer unless pentawards, Allah has kept a very severe punishment for them. May Allah protect us all. Then Allah subhanaw taala says for indica bitumen salata, when you are done with the prayer, because some of the Sahaba kind of felt a weight on their hearts.

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Obviously, we've heard about the prayer of the Sahaba. The prayer of the prophet SAW some of these amazing, remarkable, but even the prayer of the Sahaba. We've read about it. Right, the who showed that they had in the prayer the way they used to enjoy their prayer, they loved praying.

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So we saw the Sahaba kind of felt a little their hearts felt heavy, because imagine what the quality of that particular prayer would be. You're standing and praying with your sword kind of right there tied to you. Right, and you pray one guy, and then you got to retreat back to the battle line and the other group comes and you're even while you're praying, you're very cognizant of the fact you're in a battlefield, right? So they kind of had a heavy heart. So lessons for you that could lead to salata. Look, it's a tough situation, you make the best of it. First, go to law. First go to law. When you're done with your Salah, you can still connect to Allah subhanho wa Taala and connect your

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heart to Allah maintain the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and that's why even the battle cries of the Sahaba like even in the battlefield was what Allahu Allah Aisha Allah I shall fulfill. I'm sorry, well Mahavira there are law there is no life there's nothing better than the life of the hereafter forgives the unsought in the Maha God. National Medina Latina by your own Mohammed Allah jihadi Ma, Burkina Aveda, we are the ones who have given the oath of allegiance to Mohammed salatu salam that we will stand in fights as long as we are alive, like even their battle cries were the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala right so Allah subhanho wa Taala says when you are done with

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the prayers remain engaged in the remembrance of Allah, the Gambian will corrode and voila Judo become standing, sitting and even lying on your side's fader to Milan to vaca masala and as soon as the battle is over in the situation is safe, then pray and enjoy your prayer. Now in the salata can, Mina t turban, makuta. Allah says the prayer Salah is the fixed obligation upon the believers and as timings and as timings. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, I'd say you know 50 ha

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and at the same time, don't lose your spirit.

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Maintain your your your vigor, and your spirit in standing up to those who would oppress you. And to those who do who have done wrong to you. fight them with all your minds, while taking 50 in the home into Kunal jamun lamona Kamala moon, if you are feeling physically worn out,

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you're worn out, you're tired, you're fatigued, you're injured, you're hurt, then know that they feel the same pain that you do. But what I'm doing I'm in a lucky mallikarjun

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but you have a spiritual energy and power that they do not have. You have the hope and the connection to

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Last pentawards Allah, they don't even know what that's like.

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So physically, even if you're not feeling the same pain that they are, maybe you're even in a physically worse situation than the enemy is, but your heart is stronger. What's up, gentlemen? alaikum Alexandra, what kind of like what alleman hakima. And Allah subhanaw taala is all knowing and all wise. So this is the passage from the Quran that was revealed at this particular time. Now, very quickly, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, because it's obviously you know,

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it's more of a

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conversation. And even some, you know, some of even our teachers basically explained and expressed to us, not only is it more of a fixed subjects, Salatu hoath, the prayer in a situation of distress, that not only is it a detailed fifth issue, an advanced fifth issue, but on top of that, it's one that's not immediately relevant to most of us, right. And so I don't want to spend a lot of time on it, but just appreciate the history from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and also the importance of how the Sahaba the prophets a lot he summoned the Sahaba would not abandon prayer, even in the most adverse of situations. And even in the battlefield, just to share a little bit of

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that detail with you that the scholars have compiled. All the situations in which the prophets a lot, he said, I'm offered Salatu hope. And it's mentioned that there were four places where Salatu was offered by the prophets a lot, he said them this prayer of the distressed

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in the incident of that Rica, it was also offered

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at the place of bucks, and

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it was also offered at the place of erstad

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that we're talking about. And then it was also offered at the place of the stated the card, which will be the next incident that we'll be talking about in the following session, inshallah.

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And it was, how many of a total number of prayers were offered in this format, by the prophets allottee, some with the Sahaba. So the scholars have compiled that about 24 prayers were offered in this format. In these four incidents, about 24 prayers were offered in this particular format.

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And what's also very fascinating is that the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he actually offered this prayer in a few different formats. And that's why there's a difference of opinion among some of the scholars as to what is the preferable format, what format they prefer, there's a number of different methods, there are three that are most notable that the scholars kind of differ upon. But nevertheless, all of them are offered by the prophets, a lot of them, they are all authentically narrated by the companions of the Prophet Solomon. So they are all valid, but scholars give preference to different methods based on different factors. And there's even some

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discussion as I'm, as I pointed out in the ioway, daklinza, VM when you are amongst them, right, somebody could ask the logistical question that very respectfully, why is all why why are we going to all this trouble? When people could just basically go and pray in shifts?

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Right, you could just have 10 people at a time, or 20 people at a time, or 30 people at whatever, whatever number you decide makes sense, based on number of the army? Why couldn't people just go and pray in the small little quick mini shifts and just come back? Right? Why go through this big entire scenario? So the scholars provide two reasons. Right? why this was so important to the Sahaba? Number one, was because if you know that there's going to be two shifts, or four shifts, or 10 shifts for this law.

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isn't one of them inevitably going to be with the profits? allottee? center? Right, of course.

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And if that was going to happen, even amongst us right here, right? If there's, we're going to break up into three groups.

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And you know, this brother will lead one of the groups and his brother will lead the second group and the profits, a lot of them is leading the third group.

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Those who brothers will probably try to get into the third group as well, when they

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can we all agree in regards to that? Yes. That's one thing that you have agreed upon, right? Everybody wants to pray with the Prophet slavisa. Especially if you consider the factory in the battlefield. You this might be the last solo you ever pray. I'm gonna pray with the profits.

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Right. So who wants to bring the other group

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Oh, you know you should love for your brother what you love for yourself? Yeah, it's nice when it's a bagel

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prayer salon. I want to pray with Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's the love of the Protestants. You can't replace it. You cannot. Very interesting you know when we say love for your brother, what you love for yourself, but it's very fascinating that you know just to demonstrate that how the love of the prophets, a lot of them superseded even that principle for the Sahaba or the Allahu taala on that one time the prophets Allah the son was sitting.

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And to his right. Was Abdullah bin abass radi Allahu taala Anima. Who is younger? Who's a young man, a boy you can even call young boy, a young man. And on the his left is none other than Abubakar acidic, radi Allahu taala, who is a senior

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much much senior to Abdullah boss.

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And so we know that the general rule is so somebody brings somebody the profits, somebody brings the profits a lot, they sell them, like a bowl of milk.

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And the profits a lot eat him drinks from it.

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Now the rule is a layman from a man.

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If the obeah mean that you start with the right side. So the bowl of milk should first go to

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the lobby now bass, but we also know about Iran will be

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respecting your elders. Very important. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks at Abdullah bin Abbas and he says, Listen,

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son, listen, you're on the right. comes to you.

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He's your elder. He's the

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right. So if you give permission, he'll drink first.

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And I'm delivering ambassador, the Allahu taala. And he says, you know, of course, I respect my elder. And he's Abu Bakar, acidic, or the Allahu taala. And who I would always defer to him.

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Except when it comes to you.

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I want to drink your leftovers, like I want to drink after you. I want that blessing.

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So what about the Allahu taala? And who he has my most respect. But I can't put him I can't put him first when it comes to access to you.

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Right, so that was the love of the Prophet talathi center. So everybody wanted to bring with the prophets. Awesome. So that's one reason why there needed to be some resolution to this. The second issue is that, and this is the thing about the leadership, philosophy of the prophets a lot he said them and how the profits a lot isn't paid very close attention to the psyche, the morale, the attitude of his team, his people, his followers, his community, where if everyone's going off breaking off and praying in small, small shifts, what does that at some level do? I kind of mentally scatters everyone. But if you have one big prayer taking place, that even though it involves two

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groups kind of going and coming, but everybody's involved in the same task together.

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Right, we talk about team building activities.

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And we fight together. We prayed together. And if we die, we die together. And we go to Paradise together.

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Think about how, you know attentive and in tune the prophets a lot Hassan was with the mentality, the psyche, the mindset of his team,

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the ultimate example in leadership.

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And so that's something the profits. So for these two reasons scholars say this is the wisdom of this format of Salatin have some scholars because it says we couldn't defeat him. When you are among some, some scholars, you know, posited the theory that well, Salatin hope was specific to the prophets a lot he set up. Because who after the prophets a lot, ism holds that much like love and respect that everybody wants to pray with him. And, you know, so that was unique to the profits a lot of the time and after him, it's no longer legislated for anyone who comes afterwards. However, that's not the position of the majority vast overwhelming majority of scholars, because even some of

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the halifa some of the the successors to the process, the Sahaba, they also offered the prayer together in the format of selected hope. Because even if that first benefit is not there, of the Prophet salami Salaam, the second benefit is most definitely still in place. And that is, it maintains the unity of the entire team. All right, so that's why it's a lot to hope was something that was that, you know, theoretically, is still something that could be practiced. And then there's just a discussion about some of the different formats in which it's offered, but that'll go away.

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into a lot of details. So I'll spare you a lot of that discussion. And plus, it'll probably just end up getting really confusing after a while. But coming back to it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offered to sell out to the hope and they prayed in this particular format.

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And it's a, it's actually mentioned that not one, but maybe multiple prayers were offered at this particular place in this formats of Salatu hosts. But eventually, after some time of the standoff between the, the, the Army or the cavalry, that Holleyman rallied around the Allahu Talon who had come with and the Muslims that they ended up, you know, retreating, both sides ended up pulling away and there was not any fighting at this particular time. And the Muslims, they returned back

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to the city of Medina, and no fighting took place. They went there to seek out the people of Ben Houlihan who had retreated which is a defeat, you know, in and of itself, that they fled and from their own homes, and they retreated for the murder in the massacre of the Sahaba that they had committed. And secondly, that cavalry that had come from Mecca to intimidate the Muslims ended up going back as well. There was no fighting in this particular incident and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Muslims were able to return back to the city of Medina safe and sound. And we'll go ahead and stop and pause here. And in sha Allah. In the next session, we'll discuss one of

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the major incidents of the sixth year of the life of the prophet SAW Selim in the city of Medina, which is closer to the karate, the incident of do karate, and we'll talk about that in the following session. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to be devoted and dedicated to our salah and prayer. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us quality Lucia within our Salah May Allah subhanaw taala make us regular, consistent and steadfast with our prayers. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to remain regular with our prayers till our very last breath does not come Allah Subhana Allah we humbly he Subhana columbium dek Chateau La ilaha illa Anta, the soccer owner to build a

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Banu Lihyan Incident And Praying In The Battlefield

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