Abdul Nasir Jangda – Paths to Peace – Ramadan 2023 Night 4

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The title of Surah number six is the largest section of the Quran covering the Jewish authentications of peace and liability. The importance of acceptance of Islam in the culture of the United States is emphasized, including the prophets Sal and Allahu Allah. Pr practices and understanding of the meaning of "naive" are also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning one's faith and practicing acceptance of the Prophet sallam in shaping one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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I swear to God I told

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Bismillah he will hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah was early he was Army as a Marine. As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Continuing with our series, exploring the concept of peace and tranquility serenity in the Quran,

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and then reflecting on how we can acquire that peace and tranquility within our lives,

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Allah subhanaw taala in Surah number six Surah Al Anam, which is a really fascinating Surah of the Quran. If I may digress for a moment, sort of an arm, it's mentioned in some authentic narrations. This is a very lengthy sutra that spans that covers the area of at least the Jews and entire Jews, and their authentic narrations that mentioned that this entire sutra came down all at once. And this is the largest section of the Quran that was revealed at once, in one instance.

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Secondly, this sutra Surah Surah. Number six is understood to be the Quran thesis, the course that the Quran provides on faith, unbelief on theology, and spirituality.

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And so in the sutra, Allah subhanaw taala, when talking about the concept of Salam pins, I'm going to particularly go through the verses of the Quran, which talk about the concept of the salam as in the greeting,

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right, because as we're familiar when we greet one another, we greet each other with Salam, a salam Wa alaykum. So there are verses in the Quran that talk about this concept of the greeting. And what that greeting represents. What does it mean? What does this signify, what does it represent?

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So this is the first verse that we're going to take a look at. This is verse number 54. From so that'll answer number six. And in this verse, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And Allah says to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam were either Jah occur,

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when they come to you,

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when they come to you, when who comes to you, Allah describes them as Alladhina, you may know that we are yet Hina.

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Those who are believing in our signs, those who are believing in our signs are singing the English doesn't do a great job in terms of capturing this. But when Allah talks about faith, when Allah talks about Iman, when Allah talks about belief,

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and someone who has already believed, Allah says, Manu

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Alladhina amanu wa AMILO Saleh that

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Allah uses the past tense, that means somebody has fully embraced the faith. Somebody has completely come into the fold of Islam.

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Someone has totally become a Muslim.

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But here's not the past tense, but the present and future tense you may know that be it now. And in the Arabic language, this kind of a verb, the present and future tense verb. What it signifies is that something is not yet complete. Something is not yet done.

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The mold has not set the ink has not dried.

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We're not done yet. It's still a work in progress.

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And so what Allah is describing here, what either Jah Kalinina you know gonna be I attina

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Allah is telling the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when those people who are still a work in progress, when the people who are still working on their faith,

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the people who are still figuring things out, they're definitely inclined.

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They definitely feel

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intrigued by Islam, they may even believe at some level. They're intrigued by it. They're inclined towards it.

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But they're not yet fully there. Their work in progress. When these people come to you,

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then what should your response be? What should your reaction be to their arrival? So Allah tells the prophets Allah the salam for all say, Salaam Alaikum

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salaam aleikum.

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Which we can understand that as the general just a generic greeting of Islam, which in of itself is still very powerful if you think about it, give them the salaams meaning greet them like a brother greet them like a sister. Greet them like a community member. The fact that they're not fully there yet, you know, in flux are in turmoil. should not be held against them. Don't make them feel

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different, because they're still figuring things out. But welcome them. Come on in. Welcome. Howdy. Come on in. Salaam aleikum. Welcome. Welcome.

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Alan was Alan. Welcome them.

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Number one. Number two, if you think about the meaning of what salam Wa alaykum also means its peace be unto you. Peace v upon you write the formal translation which what you're basically is it's a dua you're saying May Allah send His peace upon you. May Allah shower His peace down upon you. May Allah cover you with his tranquility. May Allah

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fill your life with peace and serenity and tranquility.

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That's such a powerful thing

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that you greet someone you welcome someone with a DUA.

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Now with skepticism, who's that guy?

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Who's that?

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I've never seen him here. Excuse me, can I help you?

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Right, which sounds like maybe that's not that bad of a thing, but it's a little off putting.

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It's a little off putting.

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But rather than that, welcoming someone with the greeting that embraces them, and makes to offer them Salam aleykum As Salam aleykum

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Welcome, come on in Allen Wasaga.

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And thirdly,

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the prophets Sal, Allahu Allah. He was saying that he arrived in El Madina, Munawwara

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the day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived into the city of Medina and inaugurated the city of key gave his inaugural address. All the residents of Medina were gathered together, there were Muslims. There were some of the Arabs who still worshipped idols.

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And there was a Jewish community. And then there was as you know, a scattering of different individuals, such faiths and backgrounds, but there was a variety miscellaneous group of people.

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All of them were gathered together and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addressed him Burel address of Medina.

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And what he said was, yeah, you Hannahs Oh, humanity, oh, mankind, oh people.

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And the very first point that he laid out for his vision

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for Medina, the prophetic community was of Shu salah.

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Which means two things. Number one, it means greet one another, spread the Greetings, everyone be greeting one another. And secondly,

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it also means I've just Salam spread peace. Make sure everyone in this community feel safe, feels welcome, feel secure, feels like they belong.

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And that's what we see here that Allah is telling the prophets Allah, he's reminding the prophets a lot. He's instructing some instructing the prophets Allah ism, but in actuality we're the ones who are being taught through the example of the prophets a lot. He said that when people show up,

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we should be going out and reaching out to people. But if we're failing to do our job when people show up, the least we can do is not turn them away.

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The least we can do is not be a reason for them to not come back. But when they show up and they're still figuring things out and that's okay, because no one's got everything figured out. For one set I'm gonna Alec Aleikum. Welcome them number one. Step number one welcomed them. Number two is now

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of course they're here to pray there.

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You're here to listen. They're here to learn. They're here to grow in their faith, learn their faith. How should you go about in teaching your faith? Allah gives us a curriculum.

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Right question, what's a good place to start? Allah tells us exactly where to start. It is a good question, but at the same time, it's not a question that hasn't been answered already. The answer is right here. cateva Rob buco Marla Neff, see here, Rama,

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which if you literally translate it, it's very interesting. It means your Lord God, Allah, your Lord has mandated upon himself. He has mandated mercy upon himself. What does that mean? What it's saying is that your Lord has promised,

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has promised that he will always be merciful.

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Now, if you think about what that means nothing is mandatory upon God. Allah does not owe us anything.

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But this is the generosity and the kindness of Allah, that Allah is saying, I am promising you, I am guaranteeing to you

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that I will be merciful with you.

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And that's where there's a remarkable narration in Sahih Bukhari and in Sahih Muslim

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that mentions Abu Huraira the Allahu taala, and who says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Lama, Allahu Allah Halper

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when God created all of the Creation cutover fee Kitabi who felt a harsh God wrote down in his book that is with him above the throne,

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in the Rama to holla but rather be that indeed My Mercy dominates and overcomes my wrath in my anger.

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There's another narration similar in which have not undermined areas of the prophets a loving some said he that forever forever Allahu Allah Allah II banal color when God is done deciding the fate of the creation. Raja Kitab Amin tattle Arash he brought out a book from with from under the throne, and it said there in in the Rama DISA bucket rather be that my mercy supersedes my anger and my wrath, while another hammer Rafi mean and Allah declared that I am the Most Merciful of all of those capable of showing mercy for you up to be the other than Oh Papa Dane, and then God will reach down into the hellfire and bring out such a huge amount of humanity from the Hellfire for Euclid Umina

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Nadi HALCON LEM Yama Lu Hadron, these people had never done any righteousness or good in their lives, but Allah will pull them out from the bowels of the Hellfire muck to win Bina Are you unit him and it will be written on their foreheads are now pa Allah,

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or da Allah, that these are the people that were freed from the Hellfire by Allah. Because Allah promised that by mercy supersedes my wrath and my anger. And so that's an there's another really beautiful narration submodel Pharisee before he even became Muslim, he traveled the world and he studied the ancient scripture. And he said, one of the things that he found in the ancient scripture was, we'll call up Emile Mateen. Allah created 100 portions of mercy. Which I mean, a couple of helper for what the Avena whom Ramadan Wakita Well, I'm Sokka and the who decide on what to Serena Ramadan, for behind the Tara Moon will be hired to out of whom will be hired to by the loon will be

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hired as out yet as our wound where we had the Hindu number two with the sigil Bacara to What does was SHA two what's the taba title? What? With the tuber Anita? No, Phil buckbee that Allah created 100 portions of His mercy.

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One portion of God's mercy was and it is that one 100 The 1/100 one one portion out of 100 portions of God's mercy that makes his whole world go round. That's why a mother love. That's why we have friends and family. That's why you see the animal taking care of its offspring.

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All of the love all of the Mercy, all of the compassion, all of the kindness that you see in this world is a result of 1/100 of Allah's mercy.

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For you that kind of Kenny Omega three Amity Jarl Allahu Tilka Ramadan Illa Marinda who were Rama to who Abdullah Oh sorrow and on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala

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I will then shower humanity with the remaining 99 portions of His mercy

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in the Rama T and that's what Allah says what Rama T was Kula che that My Mercy encompasses everything. So in this verse, Allah is reminding us greet the people salam Wa alaykum and then start off by helping them understand by talking to them about Allah's mercy. That's the first lesson of Islam is Allah's mercy?

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And no human. I mean, I mean come soon and be Johanna, that anyone who has made a mistake, and it says made a mistake through ignorance, if not Abbas and Al Hasan Basri. And they all explained, Jehovah just means that they, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know any better.

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So anyone who has made a mistake, through metabolome embody and then they repent, while Ursula and they correct their ways for the hula hula Rahim that know that indeed, God is forgiving and he is merciful.

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So this is the greeting here with one another. It's such a powerful thing that represents the peace and blessings from Allah. It represents tranquility, it represents the Mercy of Allah and it represents the forgiveness of Allah.

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So this is a reminder from the Quran about what exactly is the meaning and the purpose behind the peace and the greetings that we share with one another and how to share those greetings amongst and that this will create greater harmony and tranquility within the community. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhan Allah he will be humble he Subhana Allah will be humble to a La ilaha illa into the software corner to wheeling.

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You ready

Tarawih Khatirah

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