Abdul Nasir Jangda – Just A Tear For The One We Fear

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the controversy surrounding prophets and their actions, emphasizing the importance of finding a job that aligns with personal values and avoiding harming one's relationship with Islam. They stress the need for personal and intimate relationships, finding a job that aligns with one's values and maintaining a neutrality in relationships. The importance of being aware of one's potential relationships with Allah and the best for their partner is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla will hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah wa aalihi wa sahbihi ultramarine salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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All right. Now, here's a little bit of the problem.

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I don't like talking after we saw, because I can't do the epic voice thing. All right. So

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while I'm talking, when I call it an is not gonna sound epic. I'm just gonna go ahead and quote it. Okay. So, you might not feel as excited. And I apologize. But some people are epic sounding. Some people aren't epic looking. Okay.

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Okay. All right.

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All right.

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So to inshallah dial it back in what we were talking about, we were talking about this beautiful, beautiful narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And this entire weekend's been dedicated under the shade, to talking about this one tradition of the prophets. allottee Salah. And, you know, I tell people, I mentioned this when I lecture even in my Tafseer lectures, when Allah tells us about the life of the Hereafter, when Allah tells us about paradise, when Allah tells us about the fire of *, when Allah tells us about the Day of Judgment, I want you to understand the level of mercy that that is how merciful that makes Allah you know, when there's this there's this big philosophical question that Muslims get asked, and Muslim intellectuals are constantly dealing with that the Quran talks about the fire of * very, very

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prominently. And what kind of a religion Do you have, and it's so angry, and it's so scary, and it's so frightening and your God is so scary and frightening you

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a lot telling us about the punishment in the fire of * is actually an amazing form of Allah's mercy. It's kind of like

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a teacher or a parent, somebody that is responsible for your actions, letting you know that Listen, I specifically do not want you to

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break this. break this job. I do not want you to break the jug. Don't play with the jug, it's glass, your child, it will break. If you mess with it. You played with it, if you toss it around. And if you ended up breaking it, you will not get to play video games for two days.

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Now, that's, that's mercy. Because if the parent never even told you to begin with, don't play with the jug. How do you know you're not supposed to play with the jug? Or they said Don't play with the jug, but never bothered to tell you what what happens if I do play with it? And I end up breaking it. They never told you what were the consequences. And then all of a sudden, they come and they * your video game away. And you say you're not playing video games. Now it feels like oh my god the oppression? Like why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me so much. But if I'm telling you don't mess with it, don't play with it because it will break. And then you won't have video

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games for two days. Now I know exactly what I'm dealing with. And then if I still go ahead and choose to do it, then that's my own choice. The prophets a lot. He said, I'm looking at the level of mercy the processor is displaying to us, the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him. He's telling us the day of judgments coming guys, and it's so severe that the sun will be right there above people's heads. And there will be no shade on that day where you can seek refuge and you can take shelter, except for one shape. And that is a shade of Allah. And there are seven categories. And of course if the hedgerow law, he mentioned that there are other narrations, other

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ahaadeeth, he hasn't actually an entire book dedicated to this. Hassan al mozila illa Allah, that the qualities that will take you all the way to the shade of the of the, of the shade of the option of Allah, how and however, nevertheless, this narration mentions seven categories of people, he's letting us know there are seven qualifications. There are seven different things that we are looking for. We have seven positions to fill.

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If you can fit the description, the qualifications that fit into any one of these seven positions or categories, you're guaranteed a place you're guaranteed a spot you got nothing to worry about. You can throw it on cruise control in this Tilden.

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That's all that we're already being told everything's being told to you. There's no mystery. Like if you go for a job interview a lot of you are college students when you start going in for job interviews. It is nerve racking.

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It is the most nerve wracking experience of your life. Because you know, everything you've done up to this point this for this right here, this is your future. This is make it or break it. And when you walk into that room, you don't know what they're going to ask you. You don't know what they're exactly looking for. What do they want to hear? What do they not want to hear? And it feels it's really, really scary. But then guess what happens? Well, the guy that's going to be interviewing you, the guy who works with him, or who works on his team is like your cousin's best friend. And he ends up calling you up and saying, Hey, I heard you're coming in for an interview. Well, guess what,

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I work with that same team. Oh, my God. Fantastic. And it tells you look, this is exactly what he's gonna ask you. And this is what you what they're looking for. If you hit these points, boom, it's all taken care of. You got the job? What a hookup right. And you'd walk into that room full of confidence. you'd sit down with a big smile from here to here on your face. Because you know, you got this all figured out. The prophet SAW sent him gave it to us like that on a silver platter. Sit here, take it.

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That's what we've been talking about this entire weekend.

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And I had a few final thoughts here what I was requested, the primary thing to touch on here in my session here was, you know, the topic was to shed a tear for the one we feared.

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With all due respect to the organizers, I would slightly adjust that a little bit.

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My talking point is the mercy of Allah. And I wouldn't, even though the fear of Allah is a component of our relationship. But that's not what I would stress here with you guys today. to shed a tear for the one that we love.

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to shed a tear for the one that we respect, to shed a tear for the one that we feel a sense of commitment to, to shed a tear for the one that we fear, we might have disappointed.

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That's what matters.

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That's that's really what I want us to focus on here.

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And as you leave today's conference, and he talked to you about building that personal, private, intimate relationship with the love,

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you know, we have two drastic spectrums of the Muslim community, particularly in the youth community, we have two opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm going to address both sides. The first side is the more religiously active view, the active youth, all right, they're, they're involved with the MSA, they're organizing the conferences, they're taking the seminars in the classes, they're doing all of this. For them what I want to bring to your attention based on that last portion of the Hadith, what what you learned the Corolla hollyanne.

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And the person who remembers a law, free of any distractions, free of anyone around him, free of all the internal baggage that we're carrying, just connects individually one on one with a law. What I want to address to the act of youth is the need to have that private, intimate relationship with Allah, you can become so active, so active, so active, that you forget to invest time into your own personal relationship with alone, serving humanity is, is the goal is what we need to do, but not at the expense of our personal relationship with Allah. That's why I look at the five pillars of Islam you find that balance there after belief. What comes next, Salah Salah is an individual act. Yes,

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there are certain there's the element of congregational prayer. But it still allows for that personal reflection, fasting, everyone's doing it at the same time, but it's a personal experience.

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All right, but then you've got charity. That's community that's serving mankind serving humanity serving people, your fellow brethren. And then there's the HUD, the communal experience of HUD, the collective experience of HUD, there's a balance, activist 90% of the time tend to lose that sense of balance. find time for this, you and a loved

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one of my teachers.

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When we were graduating, he shared this love, he shared this piece of advice with us. And he said he was given this advice by his teacher who was given this piece of advice by his teacher.

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And it's and he said that his teacher told him because he was telling me that he was Mashallah also very good, who's a people person, he was good at working with people. He was good talking to people. He was a very, very dynamic speaker. So that naturally just kept involving him more and more and more in community work in lecturing and talking and teaching and preaching. Right. So he was constantly out there engaged with the people.

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And he said that his teacher took him aside. And he said his teacher was the very opposite type of scholar, the one that wasn't a very dynamic or prolific speaker.

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The one who wasn't he wasn't like antisocial or anything. But he just went didn't have a very outgoing personality. There are people like that. And there's nothing wrong with that. But so he was the opposite type of scholar who was teaching a lot. He was always there to answer questions for people. He was doing a lot of research writing books.

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And so he said, he pulled him aside and he said, Abdullah, listen,

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Abdullah, listen, and he said the phrase in Urdu, and I'll just repeat it, but I'll tell you what it means. He said, Jesse Joel was very, very hard worker. He said that as you continue to increase your public presence,

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as you continue to raise your voice, and talk out and speak to the people, engage with the people, make sure that your intimacy with Allah also increases.

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If I'm working a lot more with the community, but I'm not also gradually increasing my time that I personally spend with Allah, whether that be in prayer, or that'd be indeed God, or that'd be making Vicar or that'd be reciting for an just sitting there and thinking

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in Morocco, but that's also an aspect of our religion and Deen and an aspect of our relationship with Allah.

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But find time for yourself in the law alone.

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You got to, you have to. So that's the first thing for one side at one side of the spectrum, the active the active youth, the activists, for the other side of the spectrum, which is a good portion of our youth community. They feel

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very threatened, or very hesitant. They feel uncomfortable at the moment approaching and getting involved in being a part of the bigger scene of what's going on. They feel that things are either being defined for them, they feel that things are being shoved down their throat, they feel that they are being told to conform and to fit into a specific mold. They feel that this is a cookie cookie cutter system. You want to take my individual individuality away, you want me you want to take my personality away. I'm my own person.

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I don't I'm not I'm not I'm not ready to just subject to some system that telling me that I gotta be exactly like this.

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And they feel some level of they feel uncomfortable with that. And I'll tell you right now, for those youth that are listening, that fit into that category, I'll tell you right now, the reason you feel uncomfortable is because that's not what Islam wants from Islam does. Islam is not a cookie cutter system. Islam doesn't want you to be clones of each other.

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None on the basis of Islam is again your private, personal, intimate relationship with Allah. And nobody, nobody, nobody can define that for you. No one can define that for you. It is your relationship with Allah.

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When we saw him just told this story about discovering tahajjud.

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That was, it sounded like from from somebody who might know a traditional method of praying at night that might sound like very, very weird and bizarre.

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But it's his personal relationship with a lump.

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It doesn't matter what I think of it. As long as it's valid in the eyes of Allah, as long as it's valid according to the principles that our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he laid down and he taught us doesn't matter what anybody else thinks.

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So I want you to know that here today, don't feel that you have to exactly fit in. But realize that will make you Muslim is your relationship with Allah.

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And now let's talk about this. We keep talking about our relationship with Allah.

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But you in order to love, you have to get to know the person right. It's hard to love without knowing.

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You have to know you have to be familiar. And that leads to love, because you that leads to admiration which leads to love.

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So we need to get to know who are we dealing with? Who is Allah?

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And that's where this comes in. Who are we dealing with? We are dealing with the one who in Surah number 39. I am number 53.

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Who tells us he tells the Prophet tells him to proclaim to announce to say

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Yeah, everybody else, yeah, everybody, all my slaves. He's having this proclamation made. Oh my slaves allies calling out now which slaves is a lot of talking to the righteous, the pious, the scholars,

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none of them and Latina a surah who Allah and to see him, the ones who have wronged themselves. And the word for wrong is not just wrong, but crossing the line as sort of who is wrong. They've crossed all lines against themselves. They are self sabotaging self imploding, a sort of who Allah and push him they're harming themselves. La takanobu Mira Mattila

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Do not ever, ever, ever despair from the mercy of Allah. Don't you dare ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah. This grammatically speaking this is called sila tonight. This is the forbidding form of the word. Don't you dare it is forbidden for you to ever despair from the mercy of Allah we like we Sam was saying we got a lot of talk in our communities about what's wrong. This is wrong and that is wrong and that is wrong. The Hara we need to be talking about the Haram we need to understand that comes first and foremost, it is haram to lose hope in the mercy of Allah. It is haram to despair from the mercy of Allah, La takano to Muhammad Allah. Why in the Maha yaku by Jamia Allah can and

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will forgive all the sins, all the sins. In the law Yoku Nova Jamia in the hula hula Rahim. Why? Because he and only He alone is the one who is constantly forgiving and constantly merciful. We as Muslims need to understand, we need to attach our hopes on to the mercy of Allah. We need to attach our hopes on to the mercy of Allah.

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And when you attach your hopes to something, right, when you are attached to like a balloon,

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how high you float or how high you fly up, is going to be based on the strength of that balloon, the amount of air in that balloon, right? When we attach our hopes to the mercy of Allah,

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we need to understand the nature of the mercy of Allah.

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How that how carefree should like in the sense of how confident it should make us how much of a sense of security should it give us? How much love it should bring into our hearts for the one we're dealing with? The nature of the mercy of Allah Allah tells us himself in the Quran, in naramata he was

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most definitely My Mercy it encompasses everything, everything. That means the greater the greatest sin that you can commit Allah's mercy is greater than that.

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The most horrible, despicable person you know, Allah, mercy is greater than that person's crime, and then that person's evil. A loves of mercy encompasses engulfs takes over everything in a heartbeat. footsy Allah subhanho wa Taala says the prophets Allah Nizam says that Allah has said we're rush mighty Saba katabi in naramata Sabah Ravi most definitely My Mercy it supersedes it overcomes my anger in my wrath.

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Allah's mercy is so available for us, the prophets allottee some tells us the manifestation or the access the access door to the mercy of alleged what we call towbar repentance, to turn back to Allah. The process of gives us this beautiful analogy, where he says that the door of Toba is as vast as far as the distance from the east to the west.

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You know, when somebody has a past what do we call that in our common language they have.

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They have baggage,

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they have baggage, you know if a door is narrow, I can walk through it. But then if if I pick up two suitcases Can I walk through it anymore? I can't make through I can't make it through anymore because I got too much baggage. But doesn't matter how much baggage you have. Because the door of Allah's mercy allows forgiveness and the door of repentance is is bigger than any amount of baggage you might personally have.

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And then I'll end this point on a hadith bootsie. Again, where the prophets a lot he said him says that Allah has said Yagna Adam,

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old son of Adam, oh human being

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and this is a singular address.

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So Ally's talking to each and every single person individually.

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And Allah subhanaw taala says in Nevada attorney or attorney as long as you continue to call out to me he didn't say pray not even prayed as long as you continue to call out to me as long as you have the capacity to just say yeah Allah

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all I need you

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in the cameras out and he wrote me and you continue to have hope in my mercy will go forth to La Villa Bali. I will forgive you. And I won't even mind it's not even a big deal. Don't worry about it.

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He then goes on to say you have an Adam Oh human being Oh each and every single person.

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No Bella, but we Luca and Anna sama.

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If your sins were to reach the limits of the sky, if your sins were to reach the limits of the sky, I'm going to give you guys a little bit of an example.

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This is how my teacher explained this to me. He said, I want you to imagine for her to explain it to understand it every time you one person

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committed a sin,

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a cup appeared

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in this world.

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And then when he committed a second sin, a second cup appeared. And then when he committed a third sin, a third cup up here, and so on so forth, to the point that this person kept committing sins, kept committing sins, kept committing sins, till the point that the entire world north south east west became completely the earth became completely covered with cups.

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There was not a single inch left on the surface of the earth, the entire Earth was full of cups. But then guess what that person keeps ending? And there's no more room on the earth. So where are we going to put the cups now.

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So he committed a sin again. And now you put it on top of the previous cup. And then it kept stacking on top of that. And this person kept committing sins to the point that eventually the entire world all the way from the ground to the sky became completely filled with cups. One person committed that many sins one person, lo Bella, but boo boo Karna sama.

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And then what does he say?

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For myself or penny.

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And then after all that, boomba then after all that stuff, you asked me for forgiveness, once

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you sincerely honestly asked me for forgiveness once a last kind of what Allah says refer to Lackawanna Valley, I will forgive you.

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And I won't even mind.

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That's how merciful and forgiving Allah is. That is who we are dealing with.

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So I want you to take this, I want I want you to really, really internalize this. This is a huge issue we are dealing with today.

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That is who our relationship is with. That is who we are dealing with. You know, a good friend of mine, a local native of yours, here from Chicago, brother of mine, Murphy, he was telling me about a situation a story one time you went to a community and he was talking to high school kids. And he said he was talking to these kids, and it just kind of occurred to him. And he asked him, How many of you think that allies mad or angry with you right now. And he said, every single hand went up in the room.

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That is our perception of who Allah is.

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Where's the motivation and the inspiration come from them.

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This, this, wherever this mentality comes from the lava Island, where you got being scared, and feeling deprived keeps you motivated. It goes against everything. Psychology teaches us. And it goes against everything that the Quran teaches us. And it goes against everything that the prophets a lot he sent him did, making people feel loved, and not letting people know that they're, that they are welcome, and that they are being received into open arms. That is what motivates people. That is what drives people. And so know that that's who you're dealing with. The final note that I want to end with is this second point. And again, I've been talking about balance, I want to bring balance

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to my talk here with you today. And I'm going to end on this final point, a final observation about this entire Hadeeth and all seven categories that we studied about over the span of the entire weekend, though just ruler,

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the young person who grew up was raised in the worship of Allah, trying to please Allah, the person whose heart was constantly linked to the house of Allah,

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to people who love each other,

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for the sake of Allah, based on their relationship with Allah and be joined, they combine they come together based on that, and they depart based on that.

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And a person who is called by a member of the opposite gender, who is very attractive and very appealing, the full package, alright.

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And then that person is able to resist that temptation, solely based on their relationship with a lot and their cognizance and their awareness of a law. And a person who gives whatever is within their capacity for the sake of Allah. And they are protected, they guarded, they save it, they don't use it as a means of showing off or celebrating themselves.

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And then finally, a person who finds private intimate time to connect and build a relationship with his Lord Allah.

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These seven categories of people, you know, it's very consistent throughout all seven categories of people. One thing that one thing that we can find consistent in all seven qualities or characteristics or traits, is that you will have to keep you have to work hard at it.

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Not Not, not not not not that it's difficult, but you will have to work at it a little bit. You have to invest yourself into it. You know why, but just drooler there will be times where

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his power and his control over those people that are his subordinates, under his authority, his power is so absolute over them, he will have to catch himself and say, No, no, I could do it if I wanted to, but that didn't make it right. I got to do what's right, or the subordinate will speak back, or will will insubordinate against him.

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And he has to have the the, the, the awareness of mind, the consciousness, the cognizance, not to retaliate, not to attack, just because I have power. And I have the upper hand. The second category, the young person has more distractions than any other demographic within our community. But that young person will continue to catch themselves and say, No, no, I got to see the course I got to see the course, this is just a distraction. This is just trying to is this a speed bump, I just hit a speed bump, I gotta keep going.

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That person who is trying to build a relationship with the mustard with the house of Allah, he goes there, he's trying to build a relationship with the house of Allah, and then some uncle yells at him, and then some sister screams at her for not being covered properly, according to the opinion of that sister.

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Now it is your responsibility to make sure that somebody else is not gonna let not going to become a wedge between you in the house of Allah. No, no, no, no, my relationship with this place is based on Allah, I could care less what that person has to say.

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They have to remind themselves to people whose relationship is based on Allah. Well guess what, if your relationship is based on Allah, then when something petty, something trivial comes up between the two of you, then you gotta behave yourselves.

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Then you got to behave yourselves. Because if you're true in your commitment that this relationship, this friendship is based on a love and the mutual love that we have for Allah, then you're not going to let something petty make bad people out of here, not gonna misbehave.

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And then of course, the temptation via attraction.

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That sometimes it'll become so severe that you actually stand there and start compromising making excuses for yourself. But at the end of the day, I'm just a human being

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how much am I supposed to resist?

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And just a human being

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or we'll get married later? or whatever else the excuse or the compromise you might be making there with yourself at that time? No, you're gonna catch yourself and you're gonna say no, I know what my Allah wants from me and I'm not going to engage in this because this would this please my Allah

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and then

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giving charity

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somebody else will give $100 a week after you gave $1,000 and they'll publish it in the newsletter and they'll give him presents him with an award and they'll thank him from the microphone or so one of your other friends will be like man,

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you know a gorilla. He's a super awesome guy. He gave $100 man Mashallah, that brother so generous. And you're sitting there and you gave $1,000 a week ago and you're just thinking like

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where's where's where's my props? Where's my pat on the back? When am I gonna get some love?

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You're gonna want to seek out Mashallah, that's really good. But Allah you know, brother, I dropped the grand on last last week.

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No, no, no, I'm gonna catch myself. I'm gonna say my show log good for you Good for brother Billa good for everybody. handler.

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Because I know what I did. I did it for my Allah.

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And then like I was talking about earlier, I will make time for Allah. And then when I get up here on the microphone.

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And I'm talking and I'm doing a great job. And then I'm getting invited to three other conferences and I'm hit my stride. And then again, I start to convince myself, This is my Dean, this is my, this is what I'm doing for the religion. This is why Allah will be pleased with me. That could be true. But again, that does not preclude me from my the necessity the need that I have to still after I'm done with this lecture, to go back up to my room when nobody else is in my room to clap and to say, thank you very much brother, great lecture when nobody's there to say anything. Then I sit down on the ground and I spread my hands before a line is a little off. Forgive me.

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Oh, Allah forgive me.

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When I lay down in my bed, and I think you know, one day life's gonna end and I'm gonna have to lay down in a grave like this.

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Just like I'm lying here in my bed in the comfort of my bed one night I'll be lying in a grave like this, and I'll be all by myself.

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I still got to do that. I still got to put my time in for that. Catching yourself reminding yourself and the last thing that I'll say here is this. These are seven categories. You guys are young people. I said this in my last couple of talks as well. You guys are young people.

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Your potential is limitless.

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The prophets a lot he sent him I said and NASA my ideal commodity.

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People are gold and silver mines.

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You guys are worth more worth more than gold and silver, you have so much potential you are capable of so much

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and your academic achievements

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and your involvement in the community and your activism is a testimony to that Mashallah. The number of relationships that you balance is a testament to that.

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I want you to make one commitment. Notice nowhere in the Hadith that it's a that you can fit into only

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one category didn't say that anywhere.

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Did it say that one person can only fit one category? Did that see that anywhere? Guys? Did you hear that at any time during the weekend? Yes or no? No.

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strive to be the type of person who fits into every single category. Because you know what, there will be people like that on the Day of Judgment. And I'll end with this. I talked about heroes earlier this weekend to look up to these amazing type of people. Abubakar radi Allahu anhu.

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Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu, an amazing Companion of the Prophet named Abu Bakar. May Allah be pleased with him. He was such an amazing and remarkable individual, he strove to always do be the best and to do the best and Subhanallah there was one time during his lifetime when the prophets a lot of reasons with him honey and laka Ababa. Congratulations aboubaker congratulations aboubaker in the little genetti samanya to avoid paradise has eight gates. paradise Jenna has eight gates will enter to know them in coolibah and your name will be called out from all eight gates of paradise. Let's strive to be people like that, because we're all capable of it does acmella hit on for your time and

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your patience but Salaam Alaikum

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