Abdul Nasir Jangda – Istikharah How To And Why

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The importance of researching and narrowing options for making decisions is emphasized. The need for clear guidance and success in a decision is emphasized. A customer named Danielle calls Assurance to inquire about cancelling her Medicare Advantage Plan and provides her name and the call-back number. The representative, Danielle, confirms that the company is open and requests Danielle to call back.
AI: Transcript ©
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Meanwhile Africa chillin with Sakina wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say the mousseline for Allah Allah He was so happy he were meant to be our home yes and no human being

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is the heart of the word itself comes from the root word of faith. Faith in the Arabic language, in its origins is representative of all that which is good claim is like an umbrella word it represents all that which is good istikhara comes from Bob Estefan. And in that particular verb pattern, it develops a meaning of seeking something. So is it harder means a vulnerable thing to seek the good to seek that which is good and that's the meaning of the word is to kata itself. And so just like the meaning the the prayer slot to the Sahara, which is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's, in fact, it's in authentically narrated some of the prophets, Allah Islam,

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and it's an extremely emphasized practice of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so similarly, just like the meaning of the word is taharah. The purpose of this ally is similarly to seek that which is good from Allah subhana wa Tada. And so I wanted to inshallah have this session to talk about the explain the procedure and the purpose of the staccato so I'm basically going to split today's presentation into two parts. The first part of the presentation will focus on the ritual itself meaning the technicalities of a staccato the procedure of this thought or the concept of the staccato and the outcome of the Sahaba then the second portion of the lecture will focus on

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the what you could call the purpose of this staccato which basically will be by means of explaining the the meaning and the beauty of this application of the socket itself, because that in and of itself unlocks the purpose and the reason why we even do with Suharto.

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So to begin with the technicalities, I'd like to cover a few basic points. The first point is the concept of the staccato So to understand this the harder conceptually what is salata? The staccato so so let's Salaam to the Sahara. I also I can explain best to you what is the hora is by by explaining to you what is the hora is not, you know, as they say in Arabic to autofull, a Shia will be sometimes the best way to get to know something is to know the opposite of it. So the best way I can help you understand what is the harder is conceptually what's the role of istikhara what's the purpose of istikhara the concept is by explaining to you what it is not what it most definitely is

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not. And what I can tell you that it's a kata is not it's a kata is not a magic APR. Everybody know what a magic eight ball is? never buy that you get it at at the mall, like a gag gift. Right? So what happens with the magic eight ball? let's just think about that for a second. So you say Should I go to the mall today?

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Maybe, right? So that's, that's a magic eight ball. Right? Basically what I mean by saying that by just giving a silly example, what I'm trying to explain is the what we try what we what people play around with, when they play around with a magic eight ball. What they're basically trying to do is, you know, they just throw up a random question, just shake the ball and get a magical answer. And boom, you just go with it you roll with it's kind of like rolling the dice. It's harder, it's not that

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it's harder. The way I can explain it to you is that it is the third of a three step decision making process. secara is the third of a three step decision making process. The first step of a decision making process is to use the God given intellect, ability, critical thinking that Allah subhanaw taala has blessed each and every single human being with in different capacities no less. But nevertheless, Allah has granted every single human being the ability to be able to take factors into consideration. Weigh different options, think about it, ponder on it, you know reflect on it, contemplate it and process. That is the first step of a decision making process in the life of a

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believer that he first uses this arcon this this, this intelligence, this ability to think that Allah has granted him and there's a reason why Allah subhanaw taala emphasizes Jaco above and these types of things in the Quran, because this is from the greatest of Allah subhanaw taala his blessing. So that's the first step of a decision making process. Take Take your circumstances into consideration, look at the options available to you, and then sit down and think and try to figure out do some research and try to come to somewhat of a conclusion, at least try to narrow your options and come to somewhat of a conclusion and decision. That's number one. The second step of a

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decision making process is the shadow. That sounds kind of like your rent rhymes with this taharah is because it comes from seeing verb pattern, which basically is the Arabic word for seeking counsel seeking

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advice, seeking counsel seeking advice? much what all right comes from that same word. So then the next step of the process is to then seek some counsel, seek some advice. And that really depends on what type of a decision you're trying to make, if you want to buy a car. So first you took a look at, you know, did some research online, you, you know, maybe when low car shopping, looked at a few cars, maybe test drove something, and you narrowed down to about three, four different cards that you're thinking about. Then what you could do, for instance, is you go to the machine, you know, there's a brother at the machine who's a car mechanic.

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Now you what you do is you sit down with that brother and say, brother, I wanted some advice from you, because you're experienced and knowledgeable about cars. What do you recommend? These are the three, four cars I'm looking at? What can you tell me? And he says, Well, I wouldn't buy that, that has transmission problems, his car wears out really quickly, etc, etc. Now you're seeking counsel, you're seeking advice. If it's a more personal matter, or a personal issue, something that is like a lifetime of decision, then you seek that counsel, that advice from somebody who sincerely honestly cares about you, somebody that is experienced and mature, and maybe even spiritually focused, so

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that they have a well rounded perspective that they can provide to you. So that is the shadow that's the seeking counsel, that's a second second step of that decision making process. The third and final step of that decision making processes now is to have now what basically has occurred up to this point is you started off with no idea what to do, you narrowed it down to maybe a half a dozen different options, you then sought some counsel and got some advice or some from someone, now you're down to your last couple of options, a few options, maybe just two options, whatever it is, at this point in time, and now you're just, you know, you're kind of struggling with this or that. And

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you're starting to lean a little more towards one direction, you're starting to lean a little more towards one direction. So you're thinking about two cars. And now you're starting to lean a little bit more towards buying a Camaro, for instance, random example. I don't know where that came from. So you're thinking about buying the Camaro. All right, over, you know, a minivan, no brainer, right. But nevertheless, for some strange reason, you're conflicted. Maybe you have two kids, but it doesn't matter, they can sit in the back seat. All right. So all right, somebody's gonna be watching this video. Later on, they'll become very, very confused. All right. Nevertheless, inside joke, I

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apologize. So now you're, you're starting to lean in one direction, but you're kind of conflicted. You're just a little bit conflicted, you just need a little bit of a push, you need a little convincing, you're looking for that confidence, that confidence to make your decision that you kind of have come to now through critical thinking, you don't apply your intellect do some research. Number two, you sought some counsel, now you're starting to lean in a direction, but you require some confidence, you need some clarity of mind and heart. That is where the heart comes into play.

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And that right there, what I what I've just explained to you removes many of the issues and questions that people have about it's about itself, a lot of people are confused about is secara. Because people try to use it like the magic eight ball.

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I gotta buy a house, let me do a staccato, what do you think is gonna happen? Like, like, are you magically just gonna see a house like in your dreams, and then all of a sudden, you know, that's the house, then you go searching for it, and then you find it and then you buy it doesn't work that way. You don't decide I need to buy a car when we need it. We need an extra car in the house. And so I'm gonna do is Takata and a Honda Civics and a follow on. So it doesn't work that way. That's not how and when people try to utilize this the car in that way, then they walk away confused, I made a tsikata. And I'm so confused. She had I made a tsikata. And I can't figure anything out. It's not

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working. It's not working. You don't change the batteries in your setup, right? What basically is going on is that you're not utilizing your property, anything that's not utilized properly. Of course, it's not going to work, right. So the thing is, you got to utilize it in the right way. You have to utilize it properly and appropriately. And that's the thing. So make sure that you turn it into the third of a three step decision making process.

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That's the concept and the role of is the funnel. The next thing I'd like to explain now is the prerequisites of the Cipolla, what is required to do with DICOM what is required to do with the heart and I'm going to be giving some context to this I'm going to give you the actual narration and the narration actually explains a little bit of this, but just for now, we're just going to roll with it just speaking about a little more generally, what is required for the staccato is what is required for any other prayer which is you need to make sure that you are pure and clean, you need to make sure that you are clothed appropriately. You need to make sure that you have to do obviously

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that falls under purity, but I just want to be explicit Alright. So you you are pure and clean. You do not require a bath of purification, you are dressed appropriately you have will do you are facing towards the table.

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And that's what's required First of all,

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so basically whatever is required to pray, just normally pray that is exactly what's required for us. There are no

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Other extra absolutely no extra prerequisites or requirements for staccato. All right, you don't have to pray it immediately before you go to sleep. Don't have to. You don't have to take a shower and then immediately very staccato. No, you need will do it we'll do first tsikata secara is a prayer, just like God is a prayer, just like nephal would be a prayer. All right. So that's all you need. You don't need to like stop talking to people, when you decide to do is taharah don't need to do that. You don't need to wake up in the middle of the night and do secara not required. You don't have to go stand on top of a mountain on one leg and do it tsikata none of that. So you get my drift

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at this point. anything extra that you might have ever heard you might have ever come across you might have assumed that is needed for tsikata. Aside from what's required to pray, will do dress appropriately. Obviously, you want to be clothed. That's common sense. All right, facing the Qibla Allahu Akbar. That's it. That's it. The only thing I will add in here is that according to the opinion of the majority of the scholars, there are small differences of opinion, I'm basically going to go ahead and tell you what the majority of the scholars say, because it is Takata and sloppily staccato. There's not like some very, very, like major differences of opinion. There's a few minor

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opinions here and there that differ from the vast majority, I'm just going to go ahead and share the majority opinion, because it's an overwhelmingly majority opinion. And an overwhelmingly majority opinion is the only thing you got to watch out for is, again, what you watch out for other prayers. And that is make sure you don't pray to see how that the times when prayer is forbidden at the time since prayers forbidden, and those are three basic times of the day, while the sun is rising during the rising of the sun, when the sun is at its peak at its zenith. Alright, which literally last for a minute or so a couple of minutes is playing it safe. And then the setting of the sun goes three

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times of the day when we are told not to pray that same again. So it's the same requirements of Salah, same requirements. Where's the cloud? That's it.

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So that is the prerequisites of the staccato. Now what is the procedure of a staccato? What is the sequence of events, the procedure? So obviously, once you fulfill the prerequisites, you will stand up and you will pray to God. two units of prayer, two units of prayer to Raka Uppsala

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with a knuffel with a voluntary to purgatory intention to record two units of knuffel prayer optional voluntary prayer. All right, that is how to why am I emphasizing and specifying that it needs to be to the cause of a voluntary prayer. When we read the texts of the hubby together inshallah, at that time, you'll see it's it's mentioned explicitly within the text of the Hadith by the messenger have a lot of peace of blessings here. So no debate, no question there. What that basically means that you can like pray sent out to the Asia and just make this application of a secara 241. All done can do that. All right. It's the heart of the process of exclusively said you

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got to invest two more extra cause of prayer that are voluntary, that are optional. That's the first thing. The second thing so you pray those to the cause of prayer. There's nothing different about those two units of prayer. You pray them as you would pray any other two units of prayer. Were actually let me kind of backtrack just a little bit. You pray those two units of prayer as you should pray any other seller All right. There's obviously room room for improvement in my prayer and I'm pretty sure everybody feels that there's room for improvement within their prayer. So aside from that entire discussion, basically you praise Takada like you would pray any other prayer any other

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solar, which is to cause the young Rico to subdued. The young recruits who should be just like that, and then you sit at the end, the Sherwood Salawat on the messenger supplications set up set up.

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That is a procedure of use. There's no extra special suit that should be recited here. There's nothing that's authentically narrated from the profits a lot. He said that he would recite this in the first circuit he would recite that and the second, nothing of that nature, nothing of that sort. You just recite to you pray to records of free.

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Once you finish these two records of prayer, which means I said I want to listen, I'm only going to love listening to you then at that time, recite the exact supplication taught to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Arabic language. You read it in Arabic. Now again, here, the vast overwhelming majority of scholars are of the opinion that the supplication of isakov has to be done after the prayer. There is there are just a couple of opinions here and there, where they say to do it before the destiny however, the vast overwhelming majority and again, if

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Analyze the texts of the Hadid, which I'm going to point out to you when we do read the texts of the actual Hadees from the prophets allottee. So you'll see that the process of mentioned the word, which makes it very clear that the supplication is meant to be after the prayer is complete. Okay. So now at this point, you recite the supplication. And again, I'm saying you read this application in Arabic, you read in Arabic, why am I explicitly saying that? Again? The Hadith very clearly mentioned setback. Now a question comes up here, what if I don't know, I don't have a memorize, read it off of a piece of paper, football have stated that very clearly, if somebody needs to read it off

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a piece of paper, that's okay, read it out of the book, read it off a piece of paper, photocopy it, do what you got to do. But nevertheless, read the actual Arabic of this application, don't kind of read the summarized English translation and say, I'm going to paraphrase and do it on my own. Know that when we read the text of the heartbeat, you'll see the process of explicitly said, read it, as I've taught it to you. Alright, so that's the next thing. The other thing and I'd like to go in and state this because the, you know, just in case anybody is watching the video, or is listening to the lecture, then what if somebody can't read Arabic, somebody doesn't yet have the ability to read

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Arabic can shallow learning how to read Arabic, alright, then you don't use a transliteration or something of that nature to try to do the best of your ability. But of course, somebody recently took Shahada, somebody just you know, recently kind of came into connection with their Deen and started learning, there's always an exception to the rule. We do not give enough consideration to people who have had a major turning point in their life, whether we're talking about people who might have been born in Muslim families, but just not raised with the deen. And they come to practice the D later on in their lives. Or we're talking about converts or revert people who took

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Shahada accepted Islam later in life, consideration always should be given to them. And it should be understood that, you know, they're doing the best that they can. And they should make an effort definitely to try to learn Arabic as much as possible as quickly as possible. But until unless they get to that point, they are completely capable of practicing their Deen to the best of their ability. And that is, it's okay for somebody like that, to read it in English, or even read the translation of it. That is a very, very specific situation. And consideration should be given to those types of cases. Nevertheless, going back to the procedures that we talked about, you pray to a

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cause you complete the prayer, you then read this application in Arabic to the best of your ability. And then after, then that is basically the procedure of

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you read this application in Arabic, and that is done, then you don't have to make some extra do after that supplication, the Arabic that you read is the supplication itself. It is the drive itself. All right. So there's no other extra procedure after that, once you're done with reading this application, you are done.

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Now, the next issue I'd like to address is what is the outcome of these?

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Again, I can start by telling you what is not the outcome of these two columns, you will not wake up in the middle of the night and have a 3d vision of what you should do. I can tell you that much. That's not going to happen. All right, it's just to call out that avatar. All right. That's just not how it works. Okay, so that's one thing we need to be clear on. And while it might seem like a joke, or silly to some people, sometimes people just don't know. Alright, so the outcome of this ihar is nothing out of this world like that. The primary outcome of the secara is that clarity of mind that I was talking about that confidence to make the decision you need to make that I was referring to

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earlier that alluded to, you feel confident in making the decision, you feel good about making your decision. So you were already leaning towards one option, Option A. Alright, and there is another option on the table, but you're a lot more confident about option A or maybe you've kind of come to a decision on option A, but you just need that extra little confidence.

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So you do your secara, you'll naturally start to feel more confident, you'll feel more clear, you'll feel ready to make that decision. That is the outcome of yours. So the outcome of the Sahara is to reflect internally, to be a bit introspective to just take a look inside and see if you feel good you feel confident about making your decision. And how do you know that maybe the Saqqara the outcome is that maybe this isn't the best decision for you, you'll naturally feel doubt, you'll feel conflicted, you'll feel doubtful, you'll feel very, very scared or anxious or hesitant or apprehensive about making your decision, then that at that time at that point, that is basically

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your responsibility as to how to your outcome of the tsikata that maybe this isn't the best decision for you. All right. And that's how simple and easiest to hada is. That's how simple and easy is to kata is the reason why sacado has also become complicated for us a lot of times is because we're looking for something out of this world something supernatural something, you know, that's really really far out. So we

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We look for something crazy like that. And when we don't find it, then we feel unfulfilled. But if we learn to just think of it internally, we learn to just be a little bit more reflective and introspective. Naturally, you'll find the responses to how to be a lot more facilitated for you. You're just thinking internally and you naturally feel confident in your decision. So that's the outcome. And that's the result of these staccato. The question always comes up. Well, what about dreams? The issue of dreams is one thing that needs to be understood. We don't completely dismiss dreams altogether, authentic narrations of the prophets, a lot of them tell us that dreams are

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something that a believer derives inspiration from. I listen to the words very carefully. Dreams are something that a believer can drive, excuse me can derive, can take inspiration from. But by no means even the greatest of scholars, like even seen from this have your own even great scholars of interpretation of dream, one of the first things they would say or the first things that they taught their students was that dreams are not a basis of making decisions. decisions should not be made based on dreams. They were the first and foremost to tell their students that even though these were scholars of the interpretation of dreams, nevertheless, they said at the most it's inspiration, it's

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motivation, it's encouragement.

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That's all it is. It's not something that you base a decision on. And so that's I'd like to clarify that right here. If you have a dream, and it kind of inspires you or motivates you, I haven't good enough. Don't read too much into it. Because you're not supposed to. All right. Now, that's the outcome of the setup. And that basically, now there's two miscellaneous issues that I'd like to explain two extra little issues here at the at the end that I'd like to add on to this discussion. The first issue is kind of related to the outcome. What if I make it too hard, and I just still don't feel comfortable or confident in my decision. You know, it's I need, I mean, it's not, I still

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don't feel confident, I still don't feel clear, I'm not comfortable making a decision, and I made it out and I followed the procedure properly, I still just don't feel comfortable. What do I do at that time, the course of action at that time is you would again,

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do it again. And it doesn't work again. Then do it again. And still, I'm not comfortable. Do it again. keep doing it until you feel confident and comfortable in making a decision.

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That's it. There's even a narration from I've done nothing to Vader the a lot more. I'm

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one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and also one of probably I don't think a loved one has best and brightest students. He says in the Musa haven rugby telethon.

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There's a little incident about his life, he talks about this, he says that I made this taharah with a law three times, through my eyes, imana Allah.

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And then I was comfortable and confident in making my decision. So he actually explicitly mentioned while explaining to his students, he says, you, if you got to do sanada, multiple times you got to do is to kind of multiple times, that's okay. He says I had to make it seven or three times one time to make a decision. But that's all right. So don't be afraid of doom repeating the Saqqara multiple times. And a lot of times, it's just a matter of, and this is, this is kind of a tragedy of our times. But sometimes we become we become kind of spiritually numb. In that sense, or we're just not we're not very introspective, we're not very reflected. Right? Sometimes the superficial nature of

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the culture that we live in, or our activities and things like that make us a little spiritually dollar numb. And so we might have to just do it several few times to kind of break through this the surface are cracking the shell. And that's okay. All right.

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The next the last issue I wanted to mention here that is associated with staccato is

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that there's one very commonly asked question, one issue that comes up quite often. And that is,

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can I have? Can I ask someone? Can I have somebody else do a Suharto for me?

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All right.

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There is no precedent. There is no religious verification,

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for having someone else who is to cut off for you. There's no precedent, there's nothing that's mentioned within the Hadith of the prophets a lot. There's no precedent of this within the generation of Sahaba. None of the classical In fact, in fact, the classical footbaww have explicitly stated that his tsikata is meant to be done by the individual him or herself. It's meant to be done by the individual him or herself. And that is a rule. That's it, a person has to do this to conduct themselves. Now,

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there's a very honest, sincere question, a concern that's in the minds of people who ask this question. And that question or that concern is often you know, I'm not a very good person. I don't even pray five times a day. I have a lot of sins, a lot of issues in my life.

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I feel very I feel distant from a law maybe. Or I don't know, if I make this Takada, then I will, it'll be clear, it won't be clear. And so I want to ask someone to make a staccato who's a lot more righteous and pious, and someone who's a lot better person than I am.

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And that's just a concern that a lot of people have. But I'd like to answer that concern by first saying that

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maybe part of the reason that you feel that way about your relationship with Allah is because of this mentality and this approach that you have, where you don't feel like you're good enough to talk to him, you feel like you don't have access to a lot. So the first thing that you have to get over is the simple fact that the last panel antenna is just as available, alleged just as accessible to the sinful person as he is to the most righteous and pious person.

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Alive, it's accessible and available to everyone. We all can pray to Allah, we can all ask Allah for whatever we need, we can all do is Suharto, with Allah? And the second answer to that concern is, if you do, are you you are feeling a bit guilty, you are feeling a bit self conscious about the fact that you are distant from Allah, and you're not praying, and maybe that's why you shouldn't be doing this taharah then why then put another barrier between you and the law? Why not fix the problem?

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Why not say I have a situation I need to do a secara I don't pray five times a day. That's why I don't feel comfortable doing this era. Well, it's time for so lots of negative right now we're assigned for selected HR right now. Why don't I go ahead and take that first step? Why don't I go, we'll make we'll do stand up, praise a lot of Asia, then pray to regard to do my stuff.

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Let's get it out of the way. Let's get it done.

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And so that's the answer to that question.

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So there is no validity to having somebody halfway across the world in some village somewhere doing a squat on your behalf. And that person needs to know who you are and what's going on with you. And by the way, as a little side note, just a little word of advice. If that person is charging you it's probably a scam. All right. Just a little note of caution, all right, the person who's charging you, right, dolla dolla bill, y'all, then then then there's a problem there. Okay, then you need to stay away from that entire situation. Okay. So just a little note of caution, okay. But nevertheless, I did want to address that in a serious issue in a serious manner, that there is no validity, there is

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no precedent, there is no, there there is absolutely no authentic authenticity, to having somebody do is to hide on your behalf, the person him or herself, that person, whoever in whatever situation they're dealing with, they need to be doing their own istikhara. They need to do their own stuff. There might be situations this and as a side note, there might be situations where a decision affects multiple people, then everybody involved in this situation makes their own is the hot if I will be implicated by this decision that we all make our own car. But nevertheless, it's not kind of like, okay, we need to do a business deal. So myself or Baden middot are going to get into a little

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business together. All right. I wouldn't get into business with obey. I don't trust it. But nevertheless. So all right, so

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these people are so with a couple of people, I'm getting into a business with them. And I need to we need to come to this decision. Is this a good decision or not? So we decide, you know, what brothers, we've looked at the facts, we've crunched the numbers, we've spoken to a couple of people, we got some consultation, we need to do is sacado. So we say All right, any mining any meenie miney. Moe you do it doesn't work that way. Let everybody go and do their own stuff. So even when it is a joint decision, everybody should be doing it. But definitely when it is your personal decision, make your own stuff. Don't put it off on someone else. Nobody else can do your tsikata you do your own.

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And then that little concern that would that is there. I'm not good enough. I'm not pious enough. I'm not righteous enough. doesn't make any sense. Otherwise a lot. And he's accessible to you. All you got to do is go get clean, go make will do face the fibula, Allahu Akbar, and you're talking to a lot, then do secondly, if you do feel like there's you're distant from a lot, then fix the problem. Don't create another problem.

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Don't create another problem, but rather fix the problem, repair the relationship fix the issue. And it obviously goes without saying that

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we don't make is to not offer anything that is impermissible. So there is no istikhara for you know, should I drink alcohol? Will I ever be? No, of course that's very bad. You know, should I gamble? What should I put my money on? Should I put my money on this race or this horse? It goes without saying it's common sense. You do not make it out about things that are impermissible. Also, we do not make use of honor about things that are obligatory. So there's no making this akata of Should I pre selected a shower not That goes without saying things that are obligatory things that are a part of the deal.

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Things that we're supposed to do like fasting in Ramadan. There's no making it hotter, should I fast in Ramadan or not? And similarly, we do not make it harder for things that are impermissible. And of course, that's common sense, but I just wanted to mention that.

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Let's go ahead and discuss the supplication of istikhara itself.

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I'll go ahead and read the Hadeeth to you.

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I'm Jeff and this is a hadith from Sahih Bukhari. This narration is in the sahidic of human Buhari, Rahim Allah I'm jabbing under the alarm what Andrew call javin the Allah be pleased with him. He is a very eminent and knowledgeable Companion of the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. He says, Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you only Muna is the heart of moody Kalia

00:30:50 --> 00:31:30

Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Are you on the Mona Lisa hora de Filippo moody Kalia. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would regularly teach us the kind of here emphasizes the regularity to consistency you regularly would remind us and teach us to do is to harder in all of our affairs in our issue will automatically hide all issues and all decisions and all affairs gamma, you only want a pseudo terminal. Just like you would teach us a pseudo from the Quran. Just like you will teach us a surah from the Quran. What does that mean? He's making you drawing a parallel. And this is by the way, this is the same type of verb verbiage that's used to

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talk about that the Shah who did the prayer camera also writes a lot about the Shahada Kama Sutra Camila Quran that he would teach us at the show would like he would teach us a pseudo from the Quran. And it's also said here about the staccato supplication. That means two things that has two implications. implication number one, he emphasized the importance of memorizing it, just like we memorize the pseudo from the Koran.

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Similarly, he emphasized the importance of memorizing

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the supplication of a staccato. The second implication of this is that, to read it in the Arabic language, like we read a surah in the Arabic language, when we read a surah from the Quran, in our prayers, we read it in Arabic, correct or not everyone? Yes. And again, there's that rare exception that I talked about. Nevertheless, the general rule is that we read this application in Arabic.

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Similarly, the prophets, a lot of them taught us to read the supplication of the secara in Arabic, just like we read a suit I interviewed. Okay. He then goes on to say,

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Yoku, he would say, either

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when any one of you is concerned with an issue, or a matter, you got him I had to convince somebody, when any one of you is concerned or dealing with or

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is concerned or dealing with or thinking about an issue or decision, a matter.

00:32:56 --> 00:33:41

File yada yada Itanium innovating for the lucky for your car or car team innovating for you, then he should pray to the cause of optional voluntary prayer. So he should pray to the cause of prayer for the for the aircar katine mean right. And for you though, aside from the obligatory prayer, other than the further obligatory prayer, so this is where I was explicitly saying that it has to be voluntary optional prayer, because the prophets a lot of them exclusively in the Hadith, in the narration says it must be voluntary optional prayer. So many upon then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, film, film ma literacy with 13 filma in the Arabic language in classical Arabic diachronic and

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prophetic language. In classical Arabic, the word coma is just basically say what we would say afterwards after that, then afterwards Alright, so it states that this occurs after the previous thing has been completed or concluded. So based on this, the vast overwhelming majority of the scholars are of the opinion, the supplication of insofar as to be read after the prayer has been completed after that asleep so that holographic philosophy

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now the prophets a lot so them reads this application for us and teaches us this application. So I'm going to explain the meaning of this application

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Allahumma in me as the hero Kabir in Mecca

00:34:22 --> 00:34:42

Allahumma in the US the hero Kabir enemigo. Oh Allah Most definitely I see that which is good from you. Be a maker by means of your knowledge, because I will let you know what's good for me. I don't know what's good. Like I have the answers to a Boucher, whoa, Santa crochet,

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crochet assenza crochet and for what was a rifle shotgun. What was tshabalala so the Quran tells us you might like something initially and it turns out to be good for you. You might dislike something initially and it turns out to be bad for you.

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So based on that, Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who knows what's good for me. So that's why I'm saying Allahumma O Allah in the Sofitel, cobia in Mecca, Oh Allah, I seek that which is good from you, by means of your knowledge, what I stuck with the Luca biquadratic. And I seek the ability to do what I need to do, by means of your power and your ability, meaning I'm weak, I'm incapable. But I seek the ability to make my decision and to do what I need to do, by means of your ability and your power. Well, as I look, I'm in public and

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and I asked you, to grant me from your great majestic benevolence, that your blessing that is that that is so great, I asked you to bless me from your blessing, to grant me some some from your blessing in the color of it.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:20

And now, this is personally my favorite part of the supplication extremely beautiful. And this kind of states that the mentality behind this to huddle for in Nicaragua do what I have to do for in the capacity to weather after this, because most definitely, you are fully capable, and I am completely incapable very nikka Toledo, what I have to do, because you are fully capable, and I am completely incapable. What's our level? Well,

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and you know everything and I don't know anything without ever without Allah and you know, everything and I don't know anything. Well, until I learn when we you know, like you are, I love I love this is the exaggerated form of the word, the hyperbolized noun. This basically means that complete Knower of who you will use a plural of the word evade all those things that are unseen, all those things that are hidden, all those things that are unknown,

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that you are the complete Knower Inside Out of all those things that are unseen and unknown, and hidden.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:07

Now, here comes the crux of this application Allahumma in Punta de la Miranda had an ombre hire only fee Dini woman is she Wow, everybody agree?

00:37:09 --> 00:37:11

Oh, Allah you know,

00:37:12 --> 00:37:16

all you know that this issue this decision, this matter.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:52

If this is good for me, V Dini in my Deen in my religious affairs, what am I she, and then my worldly affairs? Well, I'll keep it empty. And then the end of my affairs and the end of my affair? What does that mean, the end of my affair? What is that? What do you think that's referring to the offset of the life of the hereafter? So if you know a lot that this decision that I'd like to make, that I've been kind of struggling with, you know, a lot that if this is good for me and my Deen and my religion, in my worldly matters and issues, and if this is good for me and the author

00:37:54 --> 00:38:06

another narration of this same supplication, the prophets, a lot of them said, Oh, Paul, I actually agree with it, you RGB MD what RGB in my short term and in the long term,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:18

in my short term, and in the long term? What do you think short term refers to everybody? during the life of this world this life and IV the long term makes reference to

00:38:19 --> 00:38:20

the license figure out?

00:38:21 --> 00:38:25

That all I do know that this is good for me in the short term and long term dunya and now

00:38:26 --> 00:38:29

what do I request you all ma phipa Guru hooli

00:38:30 --> 00:38:32

make it possible for me

00:38:33 --> 00:38:36

make it possible for me to make it happen for me

00:38:37 --> 00:38:46

to do those who make it possible for me to make it happen for me. But that's not it. Now we get to see the real beauty, the magnificence of this application.

00:38:48 --> 00:39:16

We assume hooli don't just make it possible and available to me. While you're Sidhu make it easy facilitated for me, facilitate it for me make it simple, make it easy and accessible for me. And we're still not done foma Remember I told you the meaning of homeschooling means that after the fact after what fact after I have achieved it by Rick Lee Barrett Levy, put blessing in it for me.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:34

We're going for the premium package here. Premium Package. I want to I want the works. All the options. I wanted to be possible for me. I want it to be easy and simple and accessible facilitated from yo Allah. And then after I haven't I want Baraka and blessing in it.

00:39:36 --> 00:39:41

What a comprehensive supplication what a beautifully comprehensive supplication.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:56

It then goes on Allahumma O Allah, what in Guantanamo and the handle on Russia only. fee Dini while my ice while puberty, MD

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

and online, you know that this

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

issue this decision this matter if this is bad for me,

00:40:05 --> 00:40:20

in my Deen in my worldly matters and in the end of my affairs in the hereafter. Another narration again says, oh god, oh god, we're actually in my short term and in the long term meaning in my junior and my Acura.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:26

Then what fosse live, who I knew he was with me and

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positively, for three, four, and he was with me. And now here we get to again see the beauty and the eloquence of this application, the prophetic eloquence on full display. Let me explain the word to you. The word soft means to turn something means to turn something. There are two entities here. There's you and what you are making staccato. There's you and what you're making a staccato. So the first part, the supplication says, if this is bad for me, in my junior inositol then foster is who I need for sleep who on me turn it away from me once it is me on who in turn me away from it. Turn it away from me and turn me away from it. You see the supply you see the the the eloquence within this

00:41:16 --> 00:41:34

application the visually provides imagine you and what you're making it harder for that are like this is bad for me in my dunya and my office, then I want nothing to do with it. So don't just turn it away from me, but turn me away from it. One nothing to do with it. I got no business with it. If there's no pain, then what would I want with it?

00:41:35 --> 00:41:38

So this is what this application teaches us to say.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

But that doesn't solve the problem does it?

00:41:42 --> 00:41:46

That doesn't solve the problem. There's still an issue left.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:49

What's the problem?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:53

A brother she'll gotta get married. Right?

00:41:54 --> 00:42:27

Let's you gotta get married. Right? Whatever it is that you're making it harder for your need your necessity, your situation. Your decision is still not complete. Fine, you made a secara you realize that this is not good for me. You felt uncomfortable. You felt hesitant or you felt apprehensive about the decision and you backed away then but your needs still remains. So the profits a lot of stuff doesn't leave us hanging here completes a supplication. Welcome, dude. Neil. Hi. Welcome to li li

00:42:28 --> 00:42:46

make and then make possible for me that which is good. So this particular situation wasn't good for me. So I asked a lot a lot turn it away from me turn me away from it. I want nothing to do with it. But all along what could Julian Hey, make that which is good possible for me. But the problem is

00:42:48 --> 00:42:52

I don't know where I don't know how I don't know when I don't know anything about it.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:36

I don't know who she is where she lives. I don't know nothing. Where do I start? Hey fuka Hey fuka wherever and however that good may be hateful gun wherever and however that good may be. So make that which is good possible for me whenever wherever however it may be hate because I leave it to you all alone. Also still do my due diligence all still stay at work trying to find the right option trying to make the right decision. But it will not make that good possible for me, meaning lead me to that tape. I stumbled here No worries, no problem. I was saved from sharp but make something good possible for me down the road. And this is like a consolation at the end of supplication this

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situation didn't work out that's actually good. I mean there wasn't height you're asking a lot for hate and Allah will make it possible for you that you have clean that conviction needs to be there when you make supplication particularly, Allah will make that which is good possible. I just got to keep sticking to what I do.

00:43:55 --> 00:44:16

And I got to keep my hopes high in the last part of what's on some of the Navy so make that which is good possible for me wherever and however it may be some of the Navy Duma or the Navy and then meaning once I have gotten that which is good for me out of the Navy make me please make me satisfied with it.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:30

Well, if he rewired him in another narration the profits a lot he soon says the words from Murat dB, then make me satisfied with it. Make me content or satisfied fulfilled with it. Make me pleased with it.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

Now again,

00:44:34 --> 00:44:51

kind of sounds like the same thing. Right? We have Hamidullah here at the lecture here. We have plenty of Arabic students, and even somebody who doesn't have any formal background and in Arabic study. You can hear the difference. DOMA out of the Navy, when Bobby

00:44:52 --> 00:44:56

and the other one is full month rob the Navy named after eight

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

out of the knee, rugby in the summer.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:38

A lot of light Berardi completely the same word, there's a little bit of a difference. And the little bit of a difference is the difference in verb pattern. And the thing about these verb groups and verb patterns is that they all have their own special implication, in the classical form of the language, they have special implications on the Navy, and robbed the Navy when you have the same root word coming in both verb patterns, these two verb patterns, the subtle difference between the two is that all of the means make all at once, for to make something happen all at once make me all at once completely satisfied and fulfilled with ruthenia ve, the verb pattern it comes from has the

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implication of for something to happen continuously, little by little step by step.

00:45:45 --> 00:46:08

And so behind a lot of the prophets, a lot of them said it with the two different verb forms. And this shows not only the eloquence of the prophets, a lot of them, but it shows how well he understood people. Because there are two types of people when it comes to making a decision, right? Some people might take their time I do their due diligence might make their do their research, and then take their time to come to a decision. But when they finally come to a conclusion decision, then what got

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done, decisions may finish colosse confident going forward. Now. That's it. Some people are like that. And then some people are a little different. They come to a conclusion and decision.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:35

They feel good. Everything's okay. All right. Bismillah. sha Allah, going forward are great, fantastic. And then at 12 at night, midnight, you get a text message from your friend. I'm freaking out.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:49

Oh my god, I don't know what to do. I'm nervous. And then you say Don't worry about it. It's all okay. It's midnight and asleep. Everything will be alright and shall law set and say okay, okay.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:06

And then you wake up to branch off and budget. And he calls you who calls at 5am? You answer the phone like probes. Here's how to talk to you right now. I'm not sure about this, man. I'm really nervous. That's okay. So people don't like that they need that constant reassurance. They need to be reassured.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:12

SubhanAllah look at the Messenger of Allah salami somehow, well, he knows his people how well he understands people.

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He accommodated both types of people from the Navy for the guy who might take his time to make its decision. But once he makes it, he's done.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:35

So Marathi Navy for the person that Oh, a lot. Don't just make me pleased with it. But keep me pleased with it. Keep me pleased with it constantly reassure me about my decision. So Pamela, all right.

00:47:36 --> 00:47:49

Now, at the end of this application in the narration of Bahati, the prophets, a lot of them says and I'll now I'll point this out, some of you might be have that question, but you didn't explain this. At the end of the duration of the profits, a lot of them said where you suddenly had

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where you saw me habitable, and then he mentioned his knee. So when you go back into this application, remember the part that I said was the crux of this application, Alabama in Quinta, Alamo. And the huddle, Amarok hate only Oh, a lot, you know, that this decision, if this is good for me, that is the moment where the prophets, Allah says the person should mention his or her needs. And the scholars explained that if somebody,

00:48:18 --> 00:48:24

there's two options, somebody could just simply think of whatever it is that they're making the Sahara about, that would suffice.

00:48:25 --> 00:49:05

That would suffice. If somebody just just visualizes or, you know, conceptualizes, or just thinks of what they're making, it's not about that is sufficient. Otherwise, a person can feel free should feel free to go ahead and even verbalize it if they need to know they don't need to verbalize it. They don't need to verbalize it in Arabic, if that's not their language, they don't need to say it in Arabic, if that's not their language, they can say it in their own language, they can interject that right there. There are a lot, a lot my input, that's animal and Umbra. And then at that time, the person says, buying this particular car, purchasing this house marrying so and so hate on me

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that this is good for and then this application on goes on and continues. Similarly, there's a second moment when you mentioned it as well, when you say the other part of it Allahumma in good that at one point the Dalai Lama shut only. So when you say the flip side of it, there are a lot of you know that if this decision initially was bad for me, this is not good for me. Then again, you can either Think about it, conceptualize it, or even verbalize it, say it, whatever it is that you're doing. It's not about the profits, a lot of them taught us to do that. inshallah, that way becomes very practical. It's very, it's very real. It's a real experience. You're literally stating

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your need. All right, and that's something the prophets a lot taught us to do. So that concludes the discussion on the meaning of this application is a hora and to quite an extent that gives you an insight into why we do what is the purpose what is the spirit of this Aqaba? One other thing I'd like to explain here about this application of is hora. This is

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prime example. This is a perfect example of the prophetic eloquence how eloquent the prophets a lot is and was and how beautiful these applications are that he studies taught us. And there's a lot of pain, a lot of good in learning the prophetic supplication and we should make sure that we invest some time and energy and to learn these beautiful supplications.

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The next thing that I wanted to the last little note that I wanted to mention here is

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a few little basic quotes from some scholars about the blessing of this economy. And why we do is to have

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something beautiful even Abby gemorah Rahim Allah great scholar, he says the wisdom behind putting these is the solid before the Sahara is the Sahara combines both the good of this world in the next and just like in this dunya a person needs to go to the one that he needs something from that he has a need with. You have to go to them, you have to basically win their favor and then you present your need before the the Salah the prayer that precedes this application is like knocking at the door of the king is like knocking at the door of the king it is presenting yourself before last salah and praying lama sujood humbling yourself before a lot putting your face on the ground in front of a law

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and then spreading your hands and presenting your need before lost power.

00:51:17 --> 00:51:20

And that is the beauty of the even the sequence of events.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:59

Even Tamia Rahim Allah He says that he who seeks guidance from the Creator, he says my nativa manisa Haru Holly was Sharon McClure, amaku makuu clean with a better family, that somebody who seeks the good seeks guidance. See, does he say hello with a Holic with the Creator, and then consult with the creation with people with habits of being a marine. And then once he comes to a decision that he's confident and he goes forward with it, man nativa such a person will never regret man that diva man is the heart of Hanukkah was showered on mfu clean with habits.

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That person will never regret or have no remorse about the decision that he makes.

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And Emma Noah, we are kind of end on this point. Mm hmm. No, he says that after performing these secara then when a person is wholeheartedly inclined and feels good about a decision, then a person should go ahead and then say Bismillah, as we say, Do be say Bismillah. And then just go ahead and go ahead with the course of action. Go ahead with that conclusion in that decision. Because it's the hardest like a training and other with a lot. It's a Cora is a training and other with a lot. There are a lot I will not make a decision without checking with you. Without praying to you even though I'm fully confident I'll still do is to call

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it it shows up with a lot. And part of that other with a lot is that when you do come to a conclusion decision, you did make a secara and you feel confident about your decision, then you go with it, then you roll with it. You remove doubt at that time, you don't second guess you don't doubt you don't do these things. Because then that on the other hand would actually show disrespect to Allah and to this practice of istikhara. And at that time you go with it. And the last one the final note I wanted to mention here is is secara. One other requirement for secara. And I didn't mention this in the prerequisites, because I was talking about more in terms of phip what do you

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need, like in terms of phip when you do a tsikata but the primary ingredient of the secara is conviction.

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know who you are praying. you're praying to a lot Rob Buddha, Allah de Cali kukuli shake well, while you're working, you're praying to the one who created each and every single thing. And he watches and controls each and every single thing. He sustains and maintains each and every single thing. It is a law adira condition. He's capable of doing whatever you want.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:59

He can do whatever you will, yeah, oh my god, yes, I don't mind your shot.

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That's who you're dealing with. So have that level of confidence when you do is to call up. I'm not just consulting with anyone I'm talking to Allah. And Allah will help me in my situation, Allah will give me clarity of mind. And Allah will bless me with confidence and have that. And when you do make it tsikata. And let's just say that negative aspect of these 100 that I mentioned the sharp, let's just say you do feel hesitant to remember what the end of this application said. Don't feel disheartened at that time because the end of this application you do ask a lot for pain. And if you have that level of conviction in the law, you will have the conviction that Allah will provide to

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you that which is best for you have that conviction have that that that level of humanity have been within the last panel which Allah in His ability to take care of you and Allah will inshallah take care of us, as it says in the pudding and there in WWE, that I deal with my slave according to how he perceives me. I deal with my slave according to how he perceives me, meaning if he perceived that I can take care of him. I take care of him when he's doubtful.

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Then maybe he won't be taken care of. So actually the onus is on us. How do we perceive our relationship with Allah? May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and hurt.

00:55:12 --> 00:55:16

I guess I'll end with this. I actually forgot I'll end with this one last Heidi mentioned.

00:55:18 --> 00:56:01

Narrated by sad when have you ever lost a loved one it says like a messenger or somebody someone said means either to me either is too loud or too is too loud or too long. Tyler, that from the blessing of the son of Adam is the ability to seek goods from above, do staccato with a BA or mix it we have a da ba who revolve will be ma Ba ba ba and also from the blessing of the son of Adam, the children of Adam, is that they are pleased with whatever Allah has decreed for them. Well mainshock wati woman shipwatch even the Adam Turku is the hora de la jolla azzawajal and from the wretchedness of the the children about them The human being is that when he leaves doing a sacado with a law,

00:56:01 --> 00:56:19

woman ship what even the Adam says to whom remarkable law and also from the wretchedness of the human being is that when that human being is displeased with what Allah has decreed for him, may Allah subhanaw taala bless us all to do with Sahara and to be pleased with the last panel hotel as decree and decision in our affairs and issues just below him.

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