Ali Ataie – Neanderthals & Adam (a.s.) What Makes Human Special Ustadh Ali Ate

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how the angels have had multiple complaints about a creature they suspect is killing each other, possibly the Neanderthal, who they believe is related to the operation Deepwater. The operation Deepwater is designed to destroy the creature and is designed to make them more special, making them the Khalafa of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
AI: Transcript ©
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Angels had an interesting complaint.

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They said, are you going to create one

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who's going to shed blood on earth? Why

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would they say this? Because something's happening on

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the earth. There are creatures on earth that

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are shedding blood. And what are they talking

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about? Animals on earth?

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Animals killing each other is not necessarily considered

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evil. That's their instinct. So it could be

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that the angels are referring to some sort

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of humanoid creature on earth, possibly the Neanderthal,

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Allahu Adam, that looks somewhat similar to Adam

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and saying, look, they're killing each other.

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Are you gonna create something similar that's going

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to kill each other as well? And Allah

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I know what you know not. What's the

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difference between Adam alaihis salam and a neanderthal?

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It's the ability to reason and articulate.

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Right? So, it's not necessarily our physical bodies

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that make us different than the rest of

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the animal kingdom, but what makes us special,

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what gives us the

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Khalafa of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is our

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