AbdelRahman Murphy – Heartwork – Surah Kahf #15

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The kalam podcast is a success story for leaders to trust and appreciate it, as it is essential for everyone to be mindful of their spirituality and to be leaders with everything they want. The importance of forgiveness and privacy in the workplace is emphasized, as well as the negative impact of social media on people. The need for personal development and empowerment for women is emphasized, along with the importance of learning from experiences and experiences in helping people understand and communicate with each other. The speakers acknowledge the need for women to be more empowered to have more women involvement in their workforce and emphasize the importance of women’s rights to operate in their own time zones.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who this is Abdul Nasir Jenga, and you're listening to the kalam podcast, the kalam podcast has become an important part of people's lives. All around the world. There are millions of people benefiting from the podcast every single day 1000s of hours of content, dozens of different series from all the different teachers and scholars here at column. All of this is delivered to the community free of charge. We are excited and actively working to grow and increase our efforts to deliver more and more benefit to the community. We ask you to support our efforts and become part of the alum family, please go to column family.com and sign up to

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contribute to this sadaqa Giardia on a monthly basis. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of us desire, Kamala Haven was salam. Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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So we are at the last,

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the last story, each story has its own, like amazing set of lessons and reflections. And again, I just want to clarify very, very clearly without any shadow of a doubt that what we read here, and what we talk about here are reflections of the speech of God, the unimaginable speech of God, meaning that this is not something that is definitive, like when I say like, oh, this verse when it when this verse tells us this, like one thing I think about is this, that's not where the reflection stops. Okay, the goal of HEartwork just to kind of reorient everybody is that I am not the end all be all for knowledge of the Slimer Quranic understanding my job, or what I hope to accomplish is to

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demonstrate how I reflect on Quran using things like tafsir, and things like that. But regardless, everyone in this room has the ability and the capacity to open up the Koran, and to read and reflect. That doesn't mean that a person can like, establish rulings and like legal guidelines. But you know, like, they're, you know, obviously, you're like, I have to go destroy bullets. Now. That's not what you would do, right? But to reflect on the message, that's, that's there are layers to Quranic understanding. And some layers do require training, right? But there is the initial layer, the surface that everyone, even regardless if they're Muslim or not, should be able to read this

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message and derive benefit from it. That's for everybody. And so I don't want Monday just to become like this thing where we show up and we're like, oh, that's what the Quran is saying. Because that's not I'm just one of many, many people who read and deliver to you the message of what I've learned, and what I'm reading, and I want you guys to be able to replicate this on your own go home open must have read, reflect and think about what Allah is saying and how it applies to you. In your situation. Right in sha Allah, okay, so I had number 83. So we finished the story of Musa there were what was the summary of it? Who can remind us? Who said there?

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Like don't say Don't say his name, he might show up? No. Who's clutter?

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Who was doing the story? Yeah. The one that was teaching?

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Yeah, very good. So he was Musa, Prophet Musa teacher. So then there was the teacher of Musa that was anointed by God to fulfill this purpose of teaching him. So Musa when he sought out and asked Allah, what is who is the most knowledgeable or who is the most beloved in terms of knowledge? God responded that the one who is most beloved in terms of knowledge is the one who seeks knowledge, even though they already possess some they seek it from others further than was that person he says, Is there anyone like that? Allow respondents and yes, there is a person whose name is still there. And we gave him knowledge. And then Musa said, Where do I find him? And he went on this journey, and

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he found the there. And he said, to go there, what can you

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teach me teach me things that I don't know. I'm a prophet, and I know certain things. But I want to know what God has given to you. Right? God told me that he bestowed you with certain knowledge, I want to know those things. So Heather told him what?

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You're very good. No. I said, No, it's not going to happen. And Moses said, why he goes, because you won't be able to handle it. You won't be able to handle it. The knowledge that I have, that God has given me, is something that is really, really difficult to carry. It's difficult to hold on to. And we found out why. Because when eventually mucem promises and he says I will be able to handle it. I'll be patient. We find out that in every instance, there were three moments musante Sudan was not able to keep his promise of holding his his question of why there was doing something

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So Heather did three things. The first was

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right, he like chopped out a boat. Okay, he took an axe or he and he chopped out a boat. He damaged a boat. The next one was

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killed. No, yeah, we kind of blocked that one out. Right? He took the life of a young person. And then the third was he constructed a wall. Okay. Now, each of these moments when it was happening, as it happened, and after it happened, Prophet Musa peace be upon him, was stunned and confused, like, what is going on? Why would you damage someone's boat? Why would you take the life of anyone, let alone a young person, a small child. And the third? I'm sorry, my voice guys, you can't tell I have two children. I don't yell at them stuff. But you know, dang, I just put myself in a really tough spot. Okay, so the third, the third was that what did he do? He asked him, Why would you build a

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wall and not just build a wall, but you built a wall for a city, a town of people that were objectively horrible to us? Like, they didn't give us anything. They didn't help us at all. Okay. Further, each time, Musa alayhis salam asked this question, he tells him, I told you, you wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm doing these things, you're not able to handle it. Eventually, at the very end, when Musa finally concedes and says, You know what? The third time that I asked you, you can let me go. The third time he asked him there says you're done. But I'm not going to leave you hanging, I'm going to explain to you every single rationale as to why I did what I did. The first

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was that what that there was a person coming to steal this, this king was coming to appropriate and to capture and seize these boats. And he would only capture the boats that were in good condition. And so Heather said, by damaging this boat, I was able to save these people from being captured by this king. The second was that there was this young man, this boy who at the time appeared to be nothing. But God instructed me and told me that this boy was going to become a tyrant and oppressor, someone that damaged and killed and hurt civilizations and people, his parents, family, friends, etc. So I took his life. And the third was that there were these two orphaned children that their

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father left them a treasure. And even though this town was evil, the treasure was buried underneath this fallen wall. If I didn't rebuild this wall, people would have come and they would have excavated and found the treasure that was not meant for them. And they would have stolen it. So I did this now these three actions, the uniqueness what the scholars Tafseer says,

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I'm sorry, guys, excuse me.

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zooms I'm lemonade.

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No, it's I wish let's go do that. When you go for I'm gonna just take Gatorade packets and make them a marine

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all the time. Okay, so each of these lessons again, they have a different theme to them. Right? The first one is its own theme. The second one is on the third is something and Musa Saddam. He, as he's being as these things are being explained to him, it becomes clear to us the reader as well, that there are countless, right, even though these are three. For us, there are countless moments, countless moments in life in which something happens. And the apparent nature of it is one thing but the hidden nature of it is something different. Now what's the difference with Heather and Musa Musa is like you and me. Obviously he's better than us. He's a prophet, but in terms of our humanity were

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the same in which what God has not given anyone in this room the knowledge of the future, if he has seen me after, right okay, I have some questions. No, he has not God has not given anyone that knowledge moves on he said I'm shares that trait with us. He doesn't know the knowledge of the future, the unseen. So when things are happening, he responds in a way that any of us would respond. For the first two he shocked and for the third one, he's kind of disappointed like, why would we help these people could there on the other hand, is a creation of Allah in which Allah has given him this knowledge, Allah has given him this knowledge not normal, by the way, not something that you

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see every day. This is a unique once in a lifetime, once in an existence occurrence, in order so that the story could have been preserved and taught to us that what every single moment in life that something happens, you have to trust that not Kidder, but the one who gave to their knowledge knows the reason why. And you trust that without knowing. Right the prophets all sudden them as he's holding his passing grandson in his hands passing away. In this the young child 1618 months is gasping for air passing away. In that moment, any human being losing a child or a grandchild or a young would scream out to the heavens, why me? What did I do? Right? What did I do to deserve this

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moment? The Prophet Muhammad SAW said and taught us something very important about how to handle when we don't understand why certain things are happening. He said, The I shed tears and the heart feels pain.

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In, but the tongue will never utter that which displeases or insults God. Which means what you are allowed to feel as a human, the uncertainty of what's happening, you're allowed to feel that God does not tell you Don't be confused. God does not tell you don't do this. All God asks Is that at the end of that confusion at the end of that curiosity, uncertainty, you tie it up with the bow of trust, of telecoil, that you know what, I don't know why. But what I do know is that Allah knows why. And I have enough trust in Allah, to feel comfortable with that to feel like you know what, as long as Allah knows why I'm okay. After thought, if when the Prophet SAW sentiments abused and

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harassed and tortured, what does he say? He doesn't know why he's leaving the city of us. He has no idea what's happening. God is the one who's telling him to go and find a place to take his community. He goes, and he gets hurt. Any of us in that moment would have done that if you got up to come to harbor tonight, and you got a flat tire, you'd be like, I thought I was doing something good. Right? Why does God do this to me when I'm doing something that's supposed to be good? I'm coming to a holiday, I'm going to pray. Right? So the Prophet SAW Selim is trying to build a community for his his believers, the Muslims, and he goes to five and they reject him in like the

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worst way. And he stands there outside the city. And the angel Jibreel comes and says, we can we can destroy these people, we can crush these people. And the Prophet SAW sent him says, No, don't do it.

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I don't want that. Because maybe from their future generations, there might come people who believe that God has one Animas messenger, and he Christ Allah, and he says, oh, Allah, why is this happening to me? What is going on who's in charge of me? But then he finishes and he says, As long as you are not upset with me, oh, God, that I'm okay. I don't mind. As long as you're not upset with me. This level of trust is almost divine. But it's something that is being taught to us time and time again. Because as an individual, you will go through moments that you don't understand why they're happening. You don't understand why it's happening, right. And I see a lot of people,

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especially those who are a little bit maybe on the older side, that they start to not I actually had this reflection after class last Monday. I feel as though in my life as an imam for the past, like 13 years, the people who struggle the most with the question, Why are things happening are always on the younger side of things. The older you get, you have enough demonstrations, Allah allows to show you behind the curtain why things happen, why that proposal didn't work out why that Job didn't pan out, why the move didn't happen, why the House wanted, didn't get didn't get the offer, all those things. As you get older, Allah gives you those, like peek behind the curtain. And after four or

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five of those, you're like, you know what, I don't need this anymore. Like I trust, you know what I mean? It's only on the younger side of things that we feel like, I don't know why there's this doesn't make sense. Why would this? Why would this happen? So whenever I do conversations and talks, I'm like destiny and, you know, free will. And these things, I always noticed that it's the people with gray hair, right? The wisdom of the gray hair, and they say yeah, don't worry, we can move on, right? I've seen enough. I've seen enough. So that is the story of moose and feather now. I am number 83. Little thought a name, though for name the one who possesses two horns. Okay, it's a it's

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a, it's a nickname, or it's a it's a title given to him. That's not literal. So don't worry, right? This is a person that we know of, in our books of history, they'll call name. There's a little bit of debate as to like who he was, but all you need to know is that he was a king. He was a leader. And he was extremely righteous. And God gave him essentially, everything. God gave him provisions. God gave him power. God gave him a fortune. Right? So whenever you think of like Jeff Bezos, more than that, right, Elon Musk more than that way more than you want. Okay. And Allah protect us. So

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am number 83. Yes. Aluna cannon little carnation Full Sail to La Coleman who the crop. Alright, so as Lou la combined with the crop, the Prophet saw someone here is being instructed by Allah. He's being told by Allah what that these people are asking you about Bill Putnam. Do you guys remember way back when, when the SUTA began? What's the whole premise of the SUTA? Why are these four stories even here? Who remembers?

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Hmm, yeah, there were questions. The grayish the Mexicans are trying to disprove the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sunnah. And so they go and they seek counsel, and who do they seek counsel from? They seek counsel from the community of Jewish people who also receive revelation, the community of Jewish people say look, if he is in fact receiving revelation from God, then ask him about these three stories. These are three stories that we know about from our tradition from our books, asked him if he knows so they go back to the Prophet saw something they asked him about these stories, right one of them is the story of those codename so Allah

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I was responding and he says, yes Aluna handle Kearney, they asked you about this person, local name. So as they come into the crop, so tell them that I'm going to tell you about him. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to tell you his story. Okay, number one, why is this very important? You guys ever get asked questions by people about Islam?

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Yes or no? Okay. Go back to Islam. You guys ever get that? Right? Okay?

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Are you Islam? Right? So there's a lot of you guys, you guys ask questions. Why do you do this? Why don't you do that? What does this mean? What does that mean? Right? How many of you have ever been asked a question? And you don't know the answer?

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Come on, everyone after class is like I need your help.

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Right? So I know it's more than that. You could ask the question by neighbor, coworker, friend, classmate, whatever. And you don't know the answer. Yes or no. You've been there. Okay. How many of you when you don't know the answer, you realize it panic starts to set in. Anyone heart rate goes up, pupils dilate a little bit, start sweating and all kinds of weird places, right? Because like, Oh, God, all right. And your concern is like, compounded because not only do you do you feel like in that moment, like, oh, my gosh, I wish I get attention Sunday school. Like, I just got ties all I remember.

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And then you got you know, that the pressure of like being the other, and then Islamophobia and like, we're the reason that I want to get your shoes off, and the travel and just all this stuff. And you feel in that moment, like if I don't answer this, and if I don't answer perfectly, then the whole the destiny of the OMA is on my shoulders. Right? It's interesting, because in this way, the Prophet Mohammed Al Salam, like also felt this experience. He did. They were asking him constantly, they were testing and they were doing it publicly. And I want you to understand that when he didn't answer, right, they interpreted it, and they use it as a mockery that you don't know. Like, if you

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were really a prophet, you would know instantly, right? Because we create our own logical rules to decide if Truth is truth or not. So they said, Hey, tell us about this guy that was called name. And he said, Okay, God is gonna reveal to me, I'll have an answer for you tomorrow. And he didn't say what? shall remember that whole lesson is done. But he said that. Now when he comes back the next day, and day after day, after day after day, she will say what you said that God is going to give you the answer, and you didn't come back with one. This must mean that you are not telling the truth. You're not really a prophet. Can you imagine, right, the feeling of failure that he felt the

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disappointment? Obviously, he knows that God will not let him fail, but at the same time, you can appreciate that in that moment, maybe you're in the break room. Maybe it's like on a zoom chat now, I don't know maybe it's you know, and someone goes, Hey, what is it with Islam? And like this whole thing about you know, XYZ ABC, like these meetings of paradise and whatnot, like 72? What What is that all about? Right? And you're just like, Oh, my goodness, how do I even begin to explain? I don't even know the answer to this. In that moment, Allah is instructing the Prophet saw seven here and us to tell us that it is okay in that moment to say what?

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I don't know. It's okay. Like, you don't have to be Encyclopedia Britannica. You don't have to be like the reference of all Islam everywhere. If somebody tells you like, Hey, I read or I saw on Reddit, Neil deGrasse Tyson told me that Islam is this or whatever, that's a that's a bit of a stretch by that joke. If you know then, you know, right? Okay. Or Bill Maher said this about Muslims in Islam. Right. And Ben Affleck, Elijah de came to ours came to our aid, right and was basically destroying this guy who means a bigot. And you're like, but what was he saying? Was he was it? Was it true? And you don't know, right? Anyone ever asked you about the verse in the Quran? You never

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heard it before. Or a hadith in your

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teachers on Monday nights, and he's gonna respond in six months.

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He'll never get back to you. But that's okay. Right? And then if you're patient, right, you turn to each other in that moment, when they asked you that you won't be able to deal with it. We'll be able to handle it right? You won't be able to handle the procrastination of this guy that teaches us on Monday night you won't be able to handle it right

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you have just quit during all of you right? Or I'm just sad. Okay. So Allah tell and then when it's time to engage when you have the knowledge when you have gained the ability to articulate that. Then he tells the Prophet SAW sort of now's your chance. Now is your time to tell them I will tell you, Okay, a lot of it says in number 10 Allah who fill out the way it now him in cliche instead Allah, Allah is setting the stage who is this guy? Allah says, We established him in the land. We made him the leader.

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He's absolutely a person who's in charge and authority, and Atay not homing cliche in Sabah. We gave him

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Every provision, okay, what does it sound like this guy is? How would you describe a person who has position and provision? Everything?

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privileged? Okay. Maybe like a

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little less woke description, maybe we? What do you say? Powerful? He's powerful, right? And when people are powerful, don't we think of our own descriptions of them? Typically as a powerful person, like good or bad? Typically, why? Because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right. So this is, again, it's not necessarily a fact it's an opinion. It's an assessment. Philosophical, right, debatable, but we do agree that when a person is in charge, they can be corrupted. Is that true? Or all of your thinking of your direct report? You're like, Yes, right? No, it happens. And you know, and this is something that's very interesting. A lot of you maybe just

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checked out right now. You're like, you know what, I'm not in charge of anything. This HELOC is a waste of time, should I have more lemonade?

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Every person in here is in fact, a leader. The Prophet SAW, Selim said, could it look on, Brian, all of you are shepherds. Well, good luck on Miss Udaan, I'm right at all of you will be asked about your flock. Now, some of you your flock is not what you're thinking of. Like for some of you, you might be a specific leader of like your friends group. Maybe you're the one who knows how to do something in your friends group. Maybe you're like the photographer.

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Right? Maybe you're a leader at your work, like you're a leader of your team. Maybe you have younger siblings, maybe there's a cousin that looks up to you. Maybe you have, who knows, maybe you're just a leader in your household. Every single person in this room, the Prophet said, I've said it, all of you, at some point or another are going to step onto the pedestal and the mantle of leadership. And so no one can ignore this conversation of being a leader because you're either are one or you will be one, right? Every single person in this room to some degree will have power and authority over someone else. This is a fact. Okay? Even if it's something as simple as you're going somewhere and

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someone is serving you, in that relationship, for that moment of time, the person handing you a drink on the plane, you are in a position of power, you're the one of authority, they're the ones who are serving you, you have the leverage. You're the one who asks if you want ginger ale on the airplane, and the answer is yes. Because it's all you can drink on an airplane. It just tastes better. Okay? So Allah is describing this person to us. And he says, he has everything he wants. Now, power leads to maybe corruption. But what else does it lead to? Guys? If I told you that you had all the money in the world, all the status in the world? What was the first thing you would do

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Quit very good side, shift. Right? Quit what everything? Every you name, and I'm quitting. Okay? Definitely. How many of you would say working? Get all the money in the world on power? Would you work? Okay, how would you work at the job you're working at now? Okay, there we go. Right. You might do some like, like, Habitat for Humanity, pizza type stuff, right? Passion Projects, right? Everyone here opens up a coffee shop, because we're all hipsters, right? You would do something. Okay. But you definitely would not do what you didn't want to do. True or False? Absolutely true. Okay. It's a fun exercise sometimes, right? If someone promised you $10 million a year, and they said you have to

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pick a career. Not you have to pick a career could be anything, ask yourself, what would it be? And you'll find out that you've been adopted by your parents, okay. So

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to be something simple, but not all Passion Projects pan out, so be careful. Sometimes hobbies should say hobbies. But Allah is describing this person, why is he describing this person guy? Really?

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Why is he describing this person? Why is he describing this person in this way?

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So that we can understand stuff.

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So that we can understand and appreciate what we're about to witness from him. Okay, Allah is setting the scene for us. He's like, I'm talking about a person that has been given everything a human can want, power and provision.

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Now let's learn about him as bass of of that one, verse 85. Three words for advice.

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He has everything. So he started to take a course he started to move. It's interesting because when you think about being given everything you've ever wanted, the first description that I would give myself is, I get to take a day off, right? I don't have to go. I don't have to do anything. I don't have to do this. I don't have to do that. I always say if I ever make it rich in sha Allah, first thing I'm hiring is a chef. Not because I don't like cooking, but because chefs are just amazing. And it's ultimate flats. I don't want to bake house as my chef, okay.

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People would stop doing what otherwise they would have to do. You wouldn't get up and do your laundry. You'd probably pay someone to do that. You wouldn't cook you wouldn't clean. You wouldn't do anything. You

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You would chill, right? Ask yourself, what do you do on Pay Day? When you're getting paid every two weeks? Do you really hustle at work? Right now you're like, I'm good, right? Today's boba day, right? On the way home, I got to pick up something nice for me treat yourself. Because why? Because provision, it can sometimes even temporarily, it can engender a little bit of laziness lead to negligence, right? Allah describes him says no, for antibiotics.

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We gave him provision. And he started hustling. He kept working. He kept doing his job. His job was that he was somebody like fitter that was given a mission by Allah to live according to the divine principles of faith, and to teach people and to serve people. So even though he's powerful and rich, he still goes out and serves people and does things for people. His job was to travel across the world, as far as he could, and find people and do what he could to engage them in a way that was virtuous. And he goes out there and does it, right. So the number one thing that we should be careful of, is that when God gives you provision, don't let that provision take you away from God.

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The number one draw out we should make, if you ever get something good in your life, if you ever get something good in your life, ask Allah Oh, Allah don't make this something that distracts me from you. Make this something that connects me to you. If you give me a nice place to live, or a good job, or a car, or clothes, don't make this thing you've given me punishment, right? Because what we get from God can either be blessing or punishment, not at that moment, but after we use it. If the house that I live in, my focus is decorating, and furnishing, and making it aesthetic, and posting about it, and I don't pray in that house, you know, the Prophet SAW southern he compared a house

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that people don't pray to graveyards. He said, Don't make across the grave. Number one, because we can't pray at graveyards. But number two, because every one of the grave is dead. If a person doesn't pray, it's almost as if the Prophet SAW Selim is saying, What's the difference between a person who doesn't pray and the person who's dead? It's like no difference, right? Because your function of this earth is to pray. Your purpose of being here is to worship God and the person doesn't worship, then what are they? What are they adding to the universe, right? What are they adding to the cosmos? So number one, is that Allah is telling us this person has been given anything

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and everything did not forget about Allah. Ask yourself, what is your spiritual response? When Allah provides for you? We beg and pray and make dua and when Allah gives us that thing that we've been asking for, what's our initial response? Right. And this is something that's very difficult, but it's something that has to be mastered. And this is something that little Korean was known for. For algebra. Sevilla, Hatha Yoga, Bella Muslim is Shamcey whether they have to have ruble feet or in Hamilton, that until he reached the setting point of the sun, and Allah describe that you guys ever seen like a sunset on a lake before? Okay, you've ever been to like a nice like body of water. And

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you've seen the sun? What does it look like? Looks like the sun's going into what? Into the water. So that's what Allah is describing, until he reached the setting point of the sun, and it appeared to be hit to be setting into the water. So this is like he travelled a long time. He started in the morning, and he traveled all day long from seven to seven, right? federate him over the dawn till 1112 hours he was traveling.

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And he found some people and he said, Well legendary and to have Coleman could not Yeah, name in men to Aviva. What ima enter tequila fee, interpersonal, Allah told them for name. Here's your first test. You found these people, they'll coordinate, you're the powerful one, you're the one that has everything up to you. You can either punish them and give them consequences. Or you can treat them well. It's your choice. Right? And these people that tafsir says they were not particularly good people, right? If you looked at them, they weren't like the most virtuous. So he's telling you that you can either be tough on them and give them consequences or you can be good to them. Which one

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will you do? Which one would you guys do?

00:29:15 --> 00:29:24

You get to be good Mashallah. Thumbs up be good to them routes Monday night combat, right. Okay. How many of us have been taught that like might is right?

00:29:25 --> 00:29:59

You guys ever run a camp before and when your youth camp counselor tried being good to them on the first day, you're gonna be waking up wrapped in Saran wrap? Right? There's a There's a principle not only in like Youth Camp leadership, right? Mail off save us man from that. Right. Those of you do it. You're the real ones. Okay. There's a principle of management. There's a principle in parenting. Right? That might is right. Authority works. You guys aren't talking about now. We got to figure this out. Okay. How many of your parents regularly told you your father has told you I love him.

00:30:02 --> 00:30:09

How many of your parents regularly or coincidentally apologize to you when they made a mistake?

00:30:10 --> 00:30:12

Okay, you know why?

00:30:13 --> 00:30:16

I tell you why, before we all pick up the tears because we all realize that

00:30:19 --> 00:30:20

this is why I can't feel right.

00:30:23 --> 00:30:43

You know why? I'll tell you why. Because I used to do parenting sessions. I used to sit with parents a lot. And I used to tell them things like this, you know, what, if you make a mistake, apologize. And you know what they would say? And again, it wasn't that they were evil. Alright, they didn't want me to slither. And I told them, You should do this. You know what they said? They said, We are afraid that if we show that they'll see it as weakness,

00:30:45 --> 00:30:54

right, they'll see this weakness. So I need to maintain the authority in the house. And even if I'm wrong, I can admit it. So what I do slice up a plate of fruit and drop off quite a bit.

00:30:56 --> 00:31:21

That's the apology. Right? Or I look at them and say how are you? Right? Engage? It's interesting scrambler right might is right. This is something that we learned is not from our tradition. The prophets will send them a man just told the story of five was literally given permission by the angel of the mountains to crush these people into oblivion, after they stoned him, pelted him causing him to bleed profusely, what does he say? Don't do it.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:35

Don't do it. They were people in Medina, known hypocrites. You know what a hypocrite is. In Medina. Like we're talking about a mafia not like a English translation. A hypocrite is someone who's pretending to be Muslim.

00:31:36 --> 00:32:02

So but trying at the same time to sabotage the Muslim community. Okay, so you know how we talked about like informants? Like, definitely, you're in here right now. But you know, how we talk informally, like people who are in the gathering. They appear to be Muslim, they're moving like a Muslim. Right. But they are working for the FBI. Because remember, that happened with few months ago, we found out in the community, there was someone that was like feeding information to like, it was

00:32:03 --> 00:32:04

not here, not here, but

00:32:06 --> 00:32:18

it was somewhere else. I don't because remember, this was the difference. Remember that? care if something? Yeah, yeah. Well, it wasn't. It was. It was one of somebody were from some organization. And they were

00:32:19 --> 00:32:25

discussing, I know in my nose addresses go. I got eggs. It's got to work when I make an omelet. Right. So

00:32:27 --> 00:33:02

this guy was found out and this is again, I'm not I'm not, I'm not pro. I'm not proclaiming, he's going after I'm not. But that is a description of what the hypocrites of Medina would do. They would show up to the masjid. They would grow up their beards nice and long. They would get close to the Prophet SAW Selim. Yeah. But then they would meet with each other, and they would sell out the Muslims to flesh. When there was a treaty right with them, and the Muslims, they would be the ones that would be the first ones to abandon it. When the boorish King has surrounded the muscles during the Battle of the Trench. They were the ones that tried to manipulate the borders to let them in to

00:33:02 --> 00:33:44

attack them. So again, appearing to be one way, but not really being that way. Okay. So when this was told to the provinces, that the companions were like, We know like, it's so obvious, it's so clear that these people are trying to destroy us from the inside. You know what he said? Basically, why don't they ask the Prophet Why don't you execute? We know who they are. And in fact, Allah even revealed to the Prophet SAW Saddam Hussein, then word by name. And he told one of the companions, the list of who the names were, and every companion ran to that companions have told me my lowest all my one time could ask them so much of the companion said, you asked me again, right? You're not

00:33:44 --> 00:33:58

on the list. I'm telling you stop asking me, right. Because they were so worried. You know what the Prophet SAW Selim said, when they said, why don't you just kill them? Might is right, right foot on the throat, make an example out of them. The prophets that I don't want them to say about me that Muhammad killed his companions.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:13

Later on in history, when people look back, and they see that I executed this person. They weren't here to see the treachery they were doing. I don't want them to say about me that Mohammed killed his dependents. Might is not right.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:21

It's necessary but it's exceptionally necessary. The default of the believer is gentleness lots read.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:32

A group of people one time we're walking by the Prophet SAW Salem, assemble alaykum jasola May death be upon you, they weren't Muslim, may just be upon you. They thought were funny.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:39

His wife Aisha was right next to him. And the Prophet saw some just looks at them casual and he said

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you know, kind of like, did I hear what I thought I heard. He's like, why they called

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

me like whatever you want. I know whatever you send to me, right? It's it's gonna bounce off me go back to you now. So I hope for your sake. There was good, right? Kind of like just a very like casual way of and his wife

00:35:00 --> 00:35:12

I show the woman as she says, why they come son? Right? Why not? I mean Allah, well, honey, but they come, because crispy upon you, may he destroy you and fight you and crush you. Right? Try and mess with my husband.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:15

Right the prophet of God

00:35:16 --> 00:35:20

in that moment, like any husband will be like, this is the one

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00:35:24 --> 00:35:26

Double the matter, like,

00:35:27 --> 00:35:34

you know, retroactive double, whatever, whatever I paid whatever I gave to you as a gift towards someone

00:35:35 --> 00:35:41

defending you, you're like, yes. Right? You know what he says? He looks at her and he says,

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relax. And she looks at him and she says,

00:35:47 --> 00:35:48

Well, I'm testing my map on.

00:35:50 --> 00:35:53

Well, you didn't hear what they said. She thought like, why are you telling me relax?

00:35:55 --> 00:35:56

And he says, aleafia

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you can lose your gentleness. In the law of equanimity you have a RIF? Allah is gentle, and he loves gentleness. So she asked him, she says you didn't hear what they said. He says, I want them to marry maculatum. He was I don't care about what they said. Are you hearing what I'm saying? It's irrelevant how they treat you. Your default has to be gentleness, compassion, no one's heart was ever won over by might.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:27

Right? We're in a war of hearts. You know?

00:36:29 --> 00:36:40

So, in this situation, Allah is giving both Grenada test. How are you gonna treat these people? Are you gonna punish them? Are you gonna be good to them? Love Korean response, he says, caught up.

00:36:42 --> 00:37:17

And Mad Men Vala for so fun or liberal, whoever oppressed, whoever transgressed. They were tyrannically wrong, somebody for sofa noir, and they're not repentant. For sofa, I'm gonna, they have to be given punishment. You can't just let the transgressors run around hurting people. Otherwise, there's no there's no harmony in society, there's no safety, there's no peace and tranquility. You can't just let people who are guilty of crimes and hurting and you know, destroying people's lives just go off scot free. No, that's not rapid. So he says if someone found them invalid enough for silver neurons,

00:37:18 --> 00:37:56

and he says thumb, maybe we'll do 11 BV. And those people, trust me, my punishment compared to Allah, they're going to be returned back to God. And Allah is going to have for you or the boudoir, I never know Quran, the punishment they get here is going to be nothing compared to the punishment they get there. So go, Carnegie's saying, like, I may not be able to find everybody. If someone commits wrong, I gotta hold them up to justice. But you know, what's crazy? Even the justice of this life is nothing compared to the justice the next life. And this is another lesson for us, by the way, in this large question of why does evil exist? How does Allah let people who torture and hurt

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and kill and destroy exist? And how does he let people who don't have any of those qualities perish? Right? And the answer is, the reality is that this life is not the ultimate rubric for one's finger. The day of Justice, the day of equality, the day of fairness is the next slide. If you don't get fairness in this life, then that's par for the course that's normal. No one here should expect my dad and may Allah bless our parents, man, my dad, not the most texturally knowledgeable guy, he wasn't a professor wasn't ashamed. But my dad when I used to come home from school, that's not fair. The teacher picks on me. Right teacher picks on me the teacher doesn't give me this. This is right

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

as a kid.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:40

Not like this isn't reason.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:46

You don't even say he was a fair? Who promised you fair?

00:38:47 --> 00:38:50

You know what I mean? Because that Islamic school, I was the only white kid

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at a public school. I was the only half Egyptian kid. So everywhere I went, people were like, blew up here. And it's not as cool. They were like, Murphy, what are you

00:39:01 --> 00:39:02

and posted on like Abdullah? Who?

00:39:03 --> 00:39:15

Kind of never really, I had teachers that would just make it their mission to like, make my life difficult, right? As we all did, I'm sure. You know, I mean, I had a teacher one time that told me they were gonna call me a different name. I'm just gonna call you Charlie or something.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:19

And I was like, do it once I dare you. Right? So anyways,

00:39:20 --> 00:39:58

my dad used to say he's like, fair, why do you expect better, and his lesson was fairness what you deserve. What you deserve in terms of justice is going to be given to you in the afterlife. If you don't get it here, you're gonna get it there. If you get it here, it's extra credit. If you get it. It's going to be given to everybody there Allah Tada. Well, now you want to be more of a hand up. Not a single person on the Day of Judgment will be oppressed. No one is going to be able to complain. I didn't get my right. Right. So we should pray for mercy from God. We should pray for justice for those who deserve it. Okay. So he says that and then he says, What am men why men are

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

Mad Men, Airmen.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:33

Well, I mean, I saw the hunt for that which is an personnel that whoever does good and they're gonna be given the reward wasn't a whole new level men and Marina use rock and I will make their life easy. I will do my best to facilitate their affairs. What is the first lesson notecard name gives us Allah tests him says, What are you gonna do these people? What is the coordinate teach us? He says, What do you do with these people? And they'll Finance says, I'm not going to answer one way I'm gonna give two answers. Whoever does wrong and is not repentant, they're gonna get it. Whoever does right and tries, they're gonna get rewarded and treated well, what is the first lesson of being a

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person of power and leadership?

00:40:37 --> 00:40:38

Justice fairness, Okay, what else?

00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

Would you learn from that? Let's reflect. Give me a second chance.

00:40:44 --> 00:40:59

Maybe giving a second chance? Sure. Responsibility, responsibility. Have you guys ever seen someone that didn't uphold their amount of their trust? Right, they were supposed to do something they didn't. How many of you guys hate it when you were in school? And one person did something wrong and everyone got punished?

00:41:00 --> 00:41:39

Because remember that? How many of you were that person? You're like, I didn't mind. Right. Misery loves company, right? Like we all kind of deserved it. Right? Behavior is really an ecosystem right now. Enough, we don't blame others. That actually, by the way, I'm a I'm a licensed educator, a secondary education, but my undergrad degree. There are numerous studies that show that that does not work. Because it's all rooted in peer pressure. It's all rooted in the fact that other man keeps acting up. Everyone's getting their recess taken away. So everyone looks at me and what am I just gotten attention, which is exactly what I want in the first place. Right as a butt dummies, but much

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00:41:41 --> 00:41:44

as a as a gesture. My mom used to never run.

00:41:46 --> 00:42:30

So, listen. So that idea of one person makes mistake, everyone gets punished is not something you have to be principled in how you engage with people. As a leader. You cannot punish everybody for the sake of expediency. You cannot ignore just for the sake of expediency. If someone made a mistake, you have to hold it to a catalog. But you also don't make it personal. But you have to deal with it. And if someone did, right and they tried, you have to make sure you recognize that. You have to make sure you do that. Otherwise, your leadership your responsibility, your Amana is at risk your relationships, forget leadership, your relationship is at risk. If you're friends with people

00:42:30 --> 00:42:36

and some friends, right are doing some that's annoying you but the other friends in the group are not don't ghost everybody.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:39

Yeah, I hit something.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:47

If one person in the group made you upset, don't ghost ever make everyone feel guilty? That's not right.

00:42:49 --> 00:42:49

That's not right.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:02

Be a mature, spiritually refined, adult and address the one who did wrong without punishing the ones who didn't do well.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:42

In ordering, be able to filter that, okay. Forget about sativa. So mad about sativa. He continued, had ta either Bella, monthly or Shamcey until he reached the rising point in the sun. So he traveled around the earth and he reached the rising point of the sun. Whether that had to do it here, Coleman lay Ajala home in dunya house as well, that he's been doing he hasn't thought of that he found a people that had no shelter. Allah is describing a people that were destitute, that were vulnerable, that were weak. What's one description of people that are powerful, and they come across people who are in need? What might they do?

00:43:44 --> 00:43:55

What happens if you guys need some work done, and the person that comes to you says, you know, I can't pay my bills, I have no groceries, I have no rent. And you are the one who's hiring them to work, you got to offer them top dollar.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:05

You're like sweet, I just got a discount. Because of a person needs help. And is asking someone else for help. Who has all the leverage

00:44:06 --> 00:44:18

that was being asked? They'll coordinate is all powerful, right? From what God has given. He has all the provisions from what God has given him. And he comes across now a group of people that have no power.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20

What does he do?

00:44:21 --> 00:44:22

What does he do?

00:44:23 --> 00:44:24

What do you guys think he should do?

00:44:26 --> 00:44:42

You treat people based on their what they can do for you. You treat people based on their ability to repay you know, we treat people based on all that on virtuous character. You know, this is something that's really really important. You know, where this is really important for everybody. In places like the marketplace.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:57

Allah actually despises the person who bargains to the point of breaking down the mental health of the person they're buying from. I've seen this and we take a lot of pride in this. I'm so good at bargaining. I make them cry.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:39

That's dangerous. That's really really I'm worried about your kids. Like I'm worried about if anyone has a relationship with you. I was once with somebody who literally was shopping for something overseas, and just worked the guys so hard. I'm talking like, and this guy, by the way drives very nice cars, those that are very nice house doesn't mean to bargain. But there's just a weird like bargaining, you know, hunting for sport. Hunting for sports, haram Islam, by the way, you can't hunt an animal for no reason, right? Shopping for sports, kind of on that path. People who don't need stuff, but they just love to make people squirm when they find the deal. And this guy is I saw my

00:45:39 --> 00:46:14

life, he took the garment they were arguing over, so Okay, probably the word anymore. He asked the guy you guys like 5050 this 50 rails. And he's like, 20 and the guy's like, You got to get his finger. You know what that means in their culture. Bit biting your finger. Anyone know you've ever seen before. He was like, I want to end myself right now. Like, how could you say 20? Right. So So, and the guy goes, yeah, 20 and he goes 40 And he goes, 20. And then you can tell the guy there was a point where he's like, I need this money.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:28

And he's like, I don't know if playing hardball. So he's just fighting 20 And he starts cursing him. And this isn't his right. And the guys walking by he's like, right? And then the guy's wife behind them goes and slips into 30

00:46:29 --> 00:46:41

because she actually has like a heart of coals. Right? And she went that behavior and the guy mashallah he's improved since then, you know, to give a little talk, okay, you can do that.

00:46:44 --> 00:47:23

You know, and especially, but again, it's not even his fault, because this is praiseworthy behavior. In some cultures. This is praiseworthy, right? When we find someone who is in need, it is not from Islam, to exploit someone's needs. Let me tell you one Hadith, the Prophet SAW, Selim said that the upper hand is better than V. Lauren, you guys heard that one? A little bit earlier. Hi, Ramona via the sofa. He has heard this hadith the Prophet SAW sunnah. What is this hadith usually mean? What does that mean? Does it mean like I'm getting Salam like approached from the top? Or what does it mean? taller? People are just better. Right? I like that one. What does it mean?

00:47:25 --> 00:47:30

Have you had an earlier how you don't mean again? The sofa? What does that mean? Yeah, that's fine.

00:47:32 --> 00:47:45

You know, it's appreciated. To given someone can the charity sector. Very good. One of the interpretation of this hadith is that the one who gives, okay, the one who gives

00:47:46 --> 00:48:07

is better than the one who receives okay. You know, what's interesting? Subhanallah shake up an answer. I read this hadith with him. And he like paused. And he was like, you know, this interpretation is too limiting. It's too limiting. Why would the prophets also just say that someone who's receiving is not as good as someone who's giving?

00:48:08 --> 00:48:36

He didn't? He's like that, that doesn't sound completely accurate. According to the Islamic worldview. We don't just celebrate someone who gives charity and say that you receive charity be Mayas right? In life? No. He said, one of my teachers explain this hadith mean, he explained in a way that's so beautiful, and it doesn't have any contradiction. He said, When the prophets also upset and he ended early, I hate him any of the stuff that he said that when you approach someone who is asking for something,

00:48:37 --> 00:48:45

you dignify them, and instead of handing the money down, you hand it like this as if you're the one that's begging for them to take it.

00:48:47 --> 00:48:50

Because then he says, You made them better.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:07

You said, I need you to take this for me. Otherwise, I'm going to be addicted to money. Otherwise, I'm going to see myself as better than people who are in need otherwise, I'm going to have all these financially associated diseases of the heart so please, for God's sake, take this money from me.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:11

He says this is what the hadith is talking about.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:35

When you want to ennoble somebody makes someone dignified. You say what? Put your hand on top please help me. This is why I show the gala on how what she used to do. When she used to give Salafis used charity. You know what she would do? She would perfume it. She would perfume it as a way of dignifying the act of charity. How many of us when it comes to donating clothes, what do we do?

00:49:36 --> 00:49:50

Head straight to the back of the closet? What don't we like anymore? Why don't we like what doesn't fit? What's out of fashion, what's out of what's out off trend, right? We pick the stuff we don't want and then we put it in a garbage bag.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:58

Do you understand the psychological imagery that we put clothes that we're donating in garbage bags? Why? Because to us it's trash.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

We say this is for you, where my trash

00:50:07 --> 00:50:16

instead of washing it, perfuming it, folding it, putting in those really nice cardboard bags, that they give you a Northpark

00:50:18 --> 00:50:24

carrying it over and handing it to people who are in need as if they have dignity because they do.

00:50:27 --> 00:51:04

When we engage with people that haven't been given what we have, there's no reason for us to feel a sense of superiority. In fact, in this moment, what does Allah say you ready? This is super powerful. Allah says that you're engaging with people level, Allah Tada says, Let him let me add your Ion lemenager Allahu Madonia sutra. We didn't give them anything. And now Vulcanian is stepping up to these people who are in need, you can imagine them begging, asking for help. And Allah says Kedah in that moment, while called a hot nabina beam Isla de hombre Don't forget about money and Allah knows everything that you're going to do.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:23

Allah knows how you're going to treat that situation. Are you going to exploit the person that needs the money? Are you going to make them wish that they never engaged with you, but they need to feed themselves so badly that they gave you a price that was so ridiculous, but they need it? Because $1 is better than none?

00:51:24 --> 00:51:28

Are you going to honor that person and dignify them the way that the Prophet SAW Selim did.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:35

There was a man who once came to the Prophet saw seven. And he said, You have Mohammed? Which is how you knew he was a better one.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:41

If you don't know a better one is imagine someone from Denton Very good. Okay.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:48

So if you haven't Mohamed says, Give me Give me money. Give me money.

00:51:49 --> 00:51:52

All the Companions are like, just do for real.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:03

He just wants him to give me money. And he says, Yeah, Mohammed, no one said, Emma homeboys first name. Yasu. Allah. Right. Oh, messenger of God. So the prophets doesn't give him some money.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

He looks down.

00:52:06 --> 00:52:10

And he says, Oh, they said you were generous.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:14

Can you imagine? He said, that's

00:52:15 --> 00:52:18

now the word on the street that you were generous.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:23

All right, I guess you can imagine how quickly all my grabs a sword.

00:52:24 --> 00:52:26

Like guys, prepare a grave.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:40

Get your shovels. You know what I mean? Like, he's like, no, what is this person? How do you come up and ask for money? He gives you a bag of silver and gold coins. And you look and you say, Well, wait a minute, where's the rest? They said, You were generous.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:54

The Prophet SAW Selim says, Come with me quickly. takes him inside. And he gives him more and more and more. And he goes, Is this enough? And the guy goes, yes. This is what I was talking about. It was are you happy now? He was unhappy.

00:52:56 --> 00:52:58

They come outside the house together.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:01

And everyone's like, they want to jump the students

00:53:03 --> 00:53:05

and the professors and comes out with him. And they're both smiling.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:17

And he says it looks around at everybody. And he says, I gave him what he wanted. And this man makes dua. Right, he makes draw for the profits also limit himself and he leaves out everyone else.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:22

And he heads up. And the Prophet says I'm looking at the companions and he said that man

00:53:23 --> 00:53:26

in that state, was like a scared animal.

00:53:28 --> 00:53:35

And instead of giving him what he needed, when he came here for all of you, we're about to humiliate and punished him for a mistake that he made.

00:53:36 --> 00:53:41

This is our messenger. This is our prophet like, This is who we're supposed to be acting like.

00:53:43 --> 00:54:07

A lot of us wonder like, why doesn't this Islam thing work in my life so much? Well, we have to look at these stories and we have to try at least try to replicate that if they do our best. Okay, so Allah is reminding him or the last one that will be done. I promise to match the process of the hottie that Bella Boehner said Danny, whether them in Dooney Hema Coleman, La Jolla Kaduna, you have Corona cola. Now, I will say this for next weekend.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:45

It's too long. It's too long. This one is amazing. This one is incredible. Subhanallah it is so amazing how next week, but what gives us life. We ask Allah to Allah to allow us to benefit from these lessons. We ask Allah to bless everyone in this room everyone in this gathering, we asked God to keep us on his path of guidance and the path of virtue and piety and good character we ask Allah to allow us to refine ourselves to become the best version of ourselves so that we can be examples of the life of our messenger Muhammad Sallallahu said that we ask Allah to forgive us for our shortcomings and to give us lessons that we learn from them that we don't repeat them. I mean me out

00:54:45 --> 00:54:52

of it. I mean Subhanak alone, either as necessary with a anyone have any questions before we wrap up and trauma.

00:54:54 --> 00:54:56

Nothing a little late to wrap up. Yeah.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:58


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00:55:01 --> 00:55:20

So how did there get that knowledge? So there's different in the study of our human Quran, there is a there is and which is the science of the Quran there's a different discussion about revelation from God. And basically the short answer is there are many forms of revelation from God, the one that we are most accustomed to is what he because it's sporadic revelation.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:37

And what he limits Luke more specifically the recited revelation, but there are other forms of revelation that God has given and he tells us about them in the Quran. One of them for everybody for an example, is the mother of Musa. When Musa was born, God inspired to her to do what with them,

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put them in the basket, put him in the river. That was an inspiration. That was technically what we call wacky or Ehab, right, God inspired her. Allah even inspires the bees, by the way, these are divinely guided creatures, Allah Tada says, that work we did inspire the bees. Well, how are you? Right? So there are forms of revelation that God gives to creatures that are not going to anak revelation, but there are moments of inspiration.

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It's, you know, and there's lesser degrees of it, like in ham. And finally, things like that, that people you know, we call them, what's the what's the word? Like, you know, that eureka moments, right? But maybe it's Allah just giving you because it remembered something all of a sudden, it was really important. Could have been, God gave you that now, you're not a prophet. Be careful. Right? But you do sometimes benefit from this kind of knowledge being given to you. Right now. Let's go there. So Heather had a very special, special specific knowledge for him or Laura.

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Anyone else? Endlessly?

00:56:42 --> 00:56:49

We had to switch the time because Marla was more important than whatever I can say stuff. Okay, all right. Well, that's all for sure. I'll see you next week.

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