Aarij Anwer – Point of fasting in Ramadan

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The concept of "taq wa" is used in lasagna to protect against harm and is used to describe the idea of leaving something that is the image. Fasting is a means to reduce energy consumption and increase productivity, but it is also a means to achieve success. Fasting is a secret act that is part of Islam and is used to develop empathy for the underprivileged. It is a secret act that is part of achieving personal growth and helping people achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah where Allah Allah He was heavy on wala publisher. He says that he was silly Emily looked at the Ministry of Holy robina at the methadone near Santa Clara de hacer una mattina de banda Solomonic. warahmatullahi wabarakatuh who lost Marco says in Surah number two i 183 Yeah, Eva levina Amano. quotevalet camassia mukamal gudivada levina min koliko La La Quinta taco. Oh, you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you. It is mandatory for you. Like it was a part of faith mandatory for people before you. People have the scripture in the past. Law. I'll contact the Hoon, so that you may attain taqwa. That is

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the reason for fasting in the month of Ramadan, and also for fasting outside the month of Ramadan, but specially in Ramadan. This is the highlight of Ramadan, Laila come to the school. If you want to write the objective of Ramadan. Why is it that we're fasting in Ramadan? And what is it that I can do to make minimal long more fruitful? The success criteria? Is La La Quinta taco, have I acquired more taco or not? I'm going to inshallah, talk a little bit about what duck wa means. And then from this ayat of Quran, the talk about the fasting of Ramadan, the passage that I started reciting, I'll bring out some points that inshallah will help us all attain the quality of taqwa The objective of

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Ramadan, taqwa, that one is described, or defined as empathy. amarilla Hey, what's the Naboo nahi it is a doing what Allah has commanded, and leaving what Allah has made prohibited. That is the essence of the quality of taqwa. That is the that's the definition of it. Now, what I'm what I want to show is a little bit of what the word means, like linguistically. And then the word in its linguistic origin. How does that translate to the understanding, or the manifestation of the concept of ductwork? You see, for example, the word fasting, cm are sewn in Arabic, in old Arabic, before pre Islamic Arabic, they would describe somebody who wouldn't speak a lot, they will call that person

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saw him, someone who is silent, in the sense that they withheld themselves from speaking. So think of that image. And now take that image and translate that into the actual meaning, or the application of cm as we know what it is to abstain from eating and drinking, and intimacy, the image in an Arabic for an Arabic word, the pre Islamic image that you find that actually really has a close relationship to the meaning and application of the word. Duck Watson's is a concept. It's, I think, even more important that we explore its linguistic origins, its etymology we find in lasagna,

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of even more. The air the lexicon of the sound, a lot of even nonverbal says that duck Wah is a mineral require and require is a shield that a soldier would use for protecting himself or herself from getting killed in the battlefield. That is what the image is, okay? Imagine taqwa as the shield. Now, what does that image look like an application today? Duck Wah, is a shield that protects us from the punishment of a lost duck. What is the shield that protects us from sins? Duck, what is the shield that protects us from doing something haram when nobody else is watching? The thing that stops us from doing something impermissible. The thing that stops us from saying

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something inappropriate, that thing that stops us from looking at something inappropriate, unacceptable, is awkward, especially when nobody else is watching us. We know Allah is watching, and that at its core is the shield that protects us. It is what protects our souls from harm. This duck was or protects our souls from harm, which is since

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the profits are seldom described fasting as a soul majorna fasting is a shield. So as you can see, the concept of taqwa is built into the idea of fasting. Fasting is actually

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shielded protects us from a less punishment. It protects us from sins. It protects us and removes us from the fire of *. Many many years of travel every day a person fast, they are removed many years from the fire of * distanced from the fire *, duck wall literally is a shield between the believer and the punishment of the Fire.

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Duck while also means linguistically, the image of it is to leave something

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the prophets of Salaam used the linguistic meaning of the word duck wha, its dictionary meaning let's call it that, when speaking about doubtful matters, he said Albion while horombo by halaal is clear, and Haram is clear. avena Houma Mustafa punakha Fearon bananas,

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then there are doubtful matters that many people don't know. For many Taka, a shoe hut, taka disturber li where he'll be the one who has left a shoe hot left things that are doubtful has protected himself and his religion. The word the Prophet, some used to leave here from an indica a Shabbat.

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The word dukkha on the same word as dukkha.

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Its meaning is to leave something that's the image. Now, how does it translate into application?

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fasting so what is to leave haram? Duck what is to leave since that is, by definition what that word means. But who are the other one who was asked? What is duck? Well, he said

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it's like walking a road. With potholes and obstacles and pitfalls. You avoid the obstacles you avoid the pitfalls.

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That is tough when you're leaving those situations. Those objects that could make you trip that can make you fall that at the core of it is what taqwa in application means. Now let's talk about fasting. Because remember the whole goal of Ramadan is to attain stuff. Well how does fasting help us attain taqwa? fasting is by definition leaving food, leaving water leaving intimacy for an extended period of time. That is what fasting is fasting is leaving things that are halaal

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that trains us to leave things that are Haram.

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That is what fasting does. That is how we attain the quote from fasting. We leave things that are halal food, water intimacy with our spouses halaal we leave that and that is by the command of a loss patata and we leave it for days, a whole month. And each day for many, many hours. That is done to train us to leave something that's haram also in compliance with Allah.

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Fasting trains us to leave the most basic necessities of life, food, water, and intimacy, the most basic, essential needs of life that is training for us to leave something that is non essential. A sinful habit, our sinful business, or business transactions. If I could leave food and water for an extended period of time that I can most definitely leave something that's non essential after Ramadan, that's the that's the point. That's the training that Ramadan provides us. That's what the prophet Sam intended when he said Bella Mia da cola surah Allah ma de la silla hijo Otto Otto Shara, the person who cannot stop lying and providing false testimony

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and doesn't

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break the cycle of corruption that they're caught in. Then Allah has no need for them to leave their food and water. Meaning there is no like the soul of the fasting the goal objective of fasting which is to acquire taqwa, which is to stop haram actions to leave haram things that has not been attained. All this person has done is not eat and not drink. But they hadn't really trained themselves to leave Haram. That concept or that is missing. That's what the possum said. If you look at the ayat of Surah Baqarah, the ayat or that describe the fasting. At the end of that passage, the passage starts at iron number 183 and the passage concludes at iron

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Number 187 Okay, I owe number 188 says what? guru Amala combiner combo yveltal but to the Ruby her Ll Academy kulu for retirement and while in nurse even if me what untung Darla moon i a 188 from Surah. Two, this is again the IR right after Allah finishes talking about fasting, what is this ayah what what is this is a it says, do not consume one another's property by unjust means, nor offer it as a bribe to the authorities so that you may deliberately and wrongfully devour a part of other people's wealth. This ayah is talking about systemic corruption. It's talking about bribery, it's talking about exploitation. It's talking about people who are powerful using their power and

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privilege to get more power and more money and more privilege. This is the IRS says don't do that, right after the if the fasting because fasting is supposed to train us to leave things leave haram things leave exploitation, leave things that are sinful habits. That is the purpose of it. That's the objective of it. And that is what one of the wisdoms will lower them why this command came right after the passage of fasting as if to ask us did your fast really change you didn't transform you really Ramadan did it change you in any way shape or form? The fasting is to leave food and water essential needs halaal things training to leave non essential things training to leave Hotronix

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shake a Sadie says

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And the same is true Kumar Rama Allahu Allah He will agree or should be well Gemma when we have allotted to me Lu la de nuff su who

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ality tamiu la enough soooo Bhutto Caribbean Viva La hirogen vitarka has awaba who, for her demeanor taqwa he says the person was fasting. He leaves food, water intimacy, the things that the soul desires. And he leaves this or she leaves this seeking to get close to Allah seeking by leaving this

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closeness and the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his reward. And that is from taqwa. Think about this for a second here, that one of the things that fasting trains us is also you know, comforts of life, things that we are, that we like luxuries that we indulge in. Fasting trains us that we're not dependent on these luxuries. We're not dependent on these comfort foods to make ourselves feel better. Our source of strength, our source of reliance is Allah subhanho wa Taala, not the comfort food or the latte that we enjoy. We leave that and again, that's a way of training ourselves that we don't depend on materialistic means we depend on the last panel dollar, and that's

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where our soul finds nourishment. And that's what gives us the energy to continue. And that's where real sustainability is.

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taqwa is also linguistically a shelter, are the are the other one who would say that is a that is it the hyena when Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would say that when the fighting would intensify, we would seek shelter with the prophets. Allah was a Prophet Solomon was the most courageous of all men. So Lhasa here, earlier of the Lauren who uses the word dukkah. From the same origin as taqwa, to describe seeking shelter. That is what fasting

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is, as well. Fasting is a shelter

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for us from sin and sinful situations, think about somebody who is

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who isn't married, and they cannot afford to get married, or perhaps the situation doesn't allow them to get married. The prophet SAW when he advised people who were not married, he said to them, that

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he was talking about young men, talking to young men, excuse me. And he said to them, if you're able to get married, then get married. But if you're not able to, then fast, because that fasting is like a shelter from the fitna that surrounds a person. It's a shelter from the temptations of life. That is how we should. That is how we're told to view fasting. That's the image of the word linguistically

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Back in like, it's its dictionary meaning and then it's applied meaning is it's a shelter from tribulations from temptations from fitna. That's what fasting does, it protects us from that.

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Fasting, or taqwa is a means of reducing sins and increasing good.

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taqwa is a means of producing sense because when we are fasting by default we're doing, we're engaging in something that is good for an extended period of time that is increasing good. And related to that is

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depriving ourselves of some nutrition. And that weakness of the body reduces the desire for something that is sinful, particularly something that's shameful. The

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the nutritional

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deprivation, like the prophets have said in the shape on yejide manipulate Adam Majora, the ultimate badass was that shape on runs in the veins of the child of Adam, not literally metaphorically, the idea being that when a person is

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nutritionally deprived, that reduces the desire for sins, and by default, makes it less, less desirable, less tempting. And on the contrary, it increases a person's good and that by definition is what the * is. So fasting, again, is training us to acquire duck one. Duck one also entails

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something that's hidden, but what is also something that is hidden like the last part that says, In the Harmon duck wall. Oulu, taqwa is in the heart, the prophet subset, a duck wahana pointing to the heart, it's something that's hidden, it's not

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apparent. It's not something a person can measure. And judge another person by the Quran says, Yeah, you're not in la comida de la la comme Sharapova. merkaba in LA, in a chroma key in the La Jolla at Qualcomm in the LA Hollywood club in Surah. Number 49. Alas, Martha says that we have made you all mankind from one man and one woman and made you into ethnicities and into large families, tribes, and clans, large extended families, leader out of food so that you can get to know each other, not so that you feel superior to another person because of your ethnicity, or your tribe or your clan or your family. No, no, that's not the reason why you are different families, different ethnicities,

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that diversity is there so that you can get to know each other. The best of you in a Chroma comb. In the law. He at Costco, the best of you is the one the one who is most honorable is the one who has the most and that Taha in the Lucha demon COVID. Allah is the one who is knowledgeable and aware he knows who has how much taqwa not people, people can judge taqwa. Allah is the sole Judge of it. And this is a beautiful thing for two reasons. Number one, it is not now anybody's responsibility or prerogative to figure out who who is ranked higher or lower. That is a LA's responsibility, that is a last call solely because duck was the basis of success. It's true value is known only to Allah.

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And number two DACA is a this is a level playing field. You know, a person who is from a privileged environment does not have an upper hand. Because DACA is something that's in the heart, and anybody can acquire it.

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Unlike say, materialistic gains or assets, where somebody who's privileged has a head start in life. Tough. What isn't like that duck what is from the heart taqwa is something that anybody can acquire for in the Harmon touchpal Hulu, it is something that Allah is holding us as or giving us as the success criteria. Now taqwa is something that's hidden, likewise is fasting. Fasting, like the prophets have said that it is a Soma Li Zb he the Prophet says, I'm quoting last pantalla in a hadith What's he saying? fasting is for me and I will reward for that fasting. Meaning a person fasts solely for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala. That fast, it's a secret. It's an action done,

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that is done for the sake of Allah, Allah, even when no one is watching, and food is available and accessible. A person not consuming it is not doing that because of Allah. They're not eating because the last part Allah is watching and they're fasting for his sake. It's a secret

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Something that's private, like taqwa is a secret private matter. So you can see how both of those are related. taqwa is something that's not apparent. Likewise, fasting is something that's a private matter, as well. And the beautiful thing about a private matter is, when it's done, it's done to please Allah and nobody else. It's done well, to not acquire fame, to not acquire accolades, or earn accolades. It's done well so Allah can be pleased with us, and that is the sign of the flow. Lastly, taqwa, which is again, the objective of Ramadan, La La Quinta Taku. That's the reason why we're told to fast by Allah. Allah does what entails developing empathy for the underprivileged, the prophet

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son woods, make dua,

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that Allah Allah in a asaka, farewell, Herat, water kallmann, karate will humble Misaki, Allah I asked you to give me the ability to do good to leave evil. And the love of the poor, do good and evil, like we said is the is the essence of suffering. That's the definition of dukkha. Well, humble masakan does what entails and develops the person who has a love for the poor, and empathy for the underprivileged.

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All of us are a product of our place and time. And a lot of times if we are from a place or time or circumstances that are privileged, we will not understand the struggle of the underprivileged, we may like to help the underprivileged and that's good, but understanding their plight, empathizing with it, and then helping them through it is a way higher level love of the poor is a higher level than just, you know, feeding a poor person or giving them some monetary help, because loving the poor is done

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for the sake of understanding their plight, and it protects from a person thinking that they're, they've done their part now by giving them some money. And now the problem has been solved on their end, loving the poor makes sure that we understand their plight really well, and continue to support the underprivileged in whatever way,

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shape that support manifests itself. The Robert solem will make this law he will advise Sahaba like Buddha, he would tell them, he will tell him that I'm already be hauteville Misaki. But the new women whom he my Prophet told me, my friend told me, referring to the prophet SAW them, as his friend, my friend told me for so long, that I should love the poor, and be close to them, again, being close to them, so we can understand and empathize with them, support them, not just support them, to make ourselves feel better, but supporting them because we understand what they're going through. That's one of the things that the what entails. Now you look at fasting, fasting allow

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makes us feel the pangs of hunger, the thirstiness in our throats, the lack of luxuries that we're accustomed to,

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that gives us a glimpse of what the underprivileged experience day in and day out. And that is something that is from the qualities of the righteous the people who have done work that they can appreciate, and put themselves in the shoes of the underprivileged, having the love of the poor. All of these things are part and parcel of taqwa, fasting in Ramadan, quotevalet camassia kamakoti Valentina macabre con la la law of the horn, it is prescribed to us so that we can acquire taqwa, which is a shield, protecting us from what's harmful, protecting us from committing sins, even when they're accessible and easy and no one's watching. It's a shield from a loss punishment, it is to

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leave something and this leaves something that is sinful. That is what fasting is preparing us for to leave haraam. If you can leave halaal to leave the non essential, bad things. If you can leave the essential things like food and water. It is a shelter, like a shelter from a place of refuge, a place of shelter. Fasting is like that from the trials and tribulation of those of the society around us. The circumstances around us, duck wa entails include reducing sins and doing good entails developing empathy for the underprivileged, all those beautiful things are all tied together with duck Wah at it.

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When Ramadan ends and we look at our lives a transformative Ramadan means that our taqwa has increased. That is the success criteria. I asked last month to give us the understanding of the Quran so now to implement in our lives and ask a lot of to make us return Milan and to make the best of Ramadan to attain the quality of taqwa to fast as it is intended to fast to read, and with understanding in Ramadan shuttle Ramadan, Olivia African Quran in nuns, Allah who feel as the month of Ramadan is when the Quran was revealed in the night of power. So we are developing that connection with the Quran in Ramadan is what helps us attain taqwa. We ask Allah to give us that

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with understanding of the Quran. We ask our sponsor to accept our worship, so that after Ramadan, we are changed, transformed people izaak malo Hayden was Allahu Allah Amina Muhammad wa ala he was happy as rain Solomonic. One of the lucky

Taqwa means linguistically: 1) A shield 2) To leave something 3) Seeking shelter

Fasting is a shield from Allah’s punishment.
Fasting teaches us to leave something halal, training us to leave haram.
Fasting is a shelter from fitna.

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