Abdul Wahab Saleem – When the Prophet Made Dua for Rain

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The importance of praying before the sun reaches its peak and before the beginning of the season is discussed, emphasizing the importance of staying on time and not taking time off to pray. The use of hadiths in court proceedings and the importance of praying to lockers and not over-spending on people is emphasized. The use of the "harath" meaning "the" and the "harants" meaning "the" in the language of the Prophet sallam. The drought affecting farm and housing sectors in Pakistan, leading to flooding and rainfall causing agricultural and food production to collapse, and the importance of asking the Prophet sallam to allow them to go for their needs is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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swallow handler salatu salam ala Rasulillah hamdulillah him then you are fina Emma who you can almost see the whole SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he was lucky to be here Jemaine Allah melanoma and federal now on Flettner amoeba and live dinner because you didn't even hear Kareem rubbish or actually so very recently embryo opposites and Melissa Annie of coho coli or visit near ailment or visit near ailment or visit near Alma Allahumma Salli ala Jota who Salah entertains you and has an internship and salah. Welcome everyone to another class on social Buhari and today we're looking at Hadith number 52

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and NS even Malik and the Allahu Taala and Julio Kulu can interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a * del Bara dooba Carabas Salafi what is the del Harada a solitary Angela.

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And as he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever the weather would be cold, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would make the prayer earlier. And whenever the weather would be hot, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make the prayer later. And specifically over here, he explains or the narrator explains, yeah, I need a Joomla This is referring to salatu Joomla specifically, okay, bye.

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So what's going on over here

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Joomla our time is coming. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is adjusting the time based on the needs of the people at times, it's kind of cold. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he starts the prayer a bit early at times, it's kind of hot. So the prophets of Allah who it was said Lim delays the prayer prayer a little bit, right. So that's what what is taking place. And that basically means that whatever is going to impact, the prayer of a person should be considered there are several Hadith that show this. So for example, some of them we've already studied, for example, when a person has to use the bathroom, the prophets, I seldom taught us that that's not the time for

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you to pray. In fact, you use the bathroom, then come and pray. The prophets Allah said Lim also taught us that when you're coming for prayer, then come ye la come a Sakina. And you are you are have tranquility, all over you meaning don't come running to prayer. Why? Because this is going to affect an impact a prayer. Similarly, if it's really cold weather, then that's going to impact the prayer. If it's really hot as well, that's going to impact the prayer. So when it comes to this prayer, will hurt. And in this incident, and this is referring to Joomla, which is, which is the same time practically right? And I'll get into the time of July in a minute. But the idea here is

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that when it's cold, he's praying earlier, why? Because right at the time of zenith, it's hotter. So he's trying to catch as much as he can have the heat for the people when they come out.

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But when it becomes hot, the profit waits for a little while, because by waiting a little while, you're going to obviously have a little bit of the extreme heat right at the peak of the sun. Gone. Do you understand? That's the reason why, when it's cold, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prays earlier, when it's hot, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prays later by

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now, the question is what is early and late mean?

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Most of the scholars they believe early and late means basically the whole time completely right? Right after the sun happens to be in the zenith point. And then it slightly starts to set, like the moment it begins to set. At the peak, it's going to be there for maybe a minute or two or two and then after that is going to begin to set it's going to start its decline. So that according to most of the scholars is the point where salatu salam Juma time begins. And this makes sense, if you consider this hadith, because if the Prophet goes to a time before the time of zenith, let's say, the sun reaches its peak at 12pm charcoal over here. Of course, that's not the case. But let's say

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in some part in the world, it's 12. Right?

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So if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prays at 1130, then it's not going to be the hottest point in the day, you understand what I'm saying? The hardest point in the days when the sun is in broad daylight. So based on this hadith, what the majority of scholars say makes sense and that is that the time for Joomla is the same time as will hold as well. This is the opinion of the chef Uriah the Malik here and the Hanafi as well. And many many other scholars as well. So anyways, the majority of scholars they say this, a group, another group

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They are the Hon Nabila. They say that even prior to the beginning of the Sun declining, right not setting declining prior to the beginning of the Sun declining, even at that point you can pray the Lord but you can pray. You can pray that you can pray, Lord, okay. You can pray Jamal, I but you cannot pray Lord, so basically according to the Hanabi, la Jumuah. And we'll have two different types.

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Okay, of course they overlap, but Joomla has more time. So when you see the little hole start time, that is not according to the Hanabi to this the beginning time for

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for Joomla. But rather, you can pray before the sun begins to decline and before the sun even reaches the zenith as well. And this is very important. Why? Because sometimes, notice the prophet is considering the people sometimes, especially in Western countries and countries where Muslims live as minorities and don't have the Friday's off. Sometimes you really don't have a choice in some places except to pray a little bit early before the Lord time. Right? Actually, it happened over here in our Masjid one day. I remember, we hadn't changed the times yet. So I started the salon. And as of yet the hood hadn't started. So someone came to me after the Salah, and he said that, well,

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the whole time hasn't started. And we've we've started prayer already is the July even valid, I said according to the Hanabi. That's valid, and both groups actually have their evidence is I'll share them with you. So the opinion of the majority, which is that drummer our time is exactly the same as the whole time. The problem the NSA numerical, so he said in a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray Joomla when the sun begins to decline, this is in L Buhari. So this shows that the Joomla time that the Prophet was praying was when the sun began to decline. This is the moment where gold comes in. Got it.

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The other opinion they also have a hadith and Hadith in Sahih, Muslim actually many a hadith. And they say in this the hadith of Java, that the prophets Allah Salam, he used to pray, do Ma, and then we would go and take our camels and graze them when the sun would begin to decline.

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So what does that show? That shows that he was praying Dubois before the sun had began to decline? This is the opinion or this is the evidence that the Hanabi let's stick to so the idea here and the reason why I'm giving these evidences as well. Oftentimes people say, Well, can we not just stick to the Sunnah? It's a little bit more complicated than that. Because there are a hadith, often too many to more than one effect in these rules of Islam. They're not just making up these things, they have an idea about sticking to the Sunnah just as well as we do as well, right? But they're all trying their best to figure out what is the Sunnah, because we have sometimes conflicting reports, reports

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to have more than one meaning in terms of what you can comprehend for them, and so forth. So you can see over here, the Hadith in Behati, is applicable to the opinion of the majority of the scholars, the Sheffield amalickiah, the Hanafi urbanism and others, and the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim is applicable to that of the HANA villa. And this again, is very, very crucial. Because high schools, sometimes kids do not get time off. I remember this was a situation when I was going to high school actually, that we would not always get time off to pray Joomla at the time of war, so what do we do? Just leave Joomla altogether? No, Colossians? There is a an there is a concession within the method

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of the Hanabi law. And there's a hadith on that as well. So then you won't can take it no problem, you understand.

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And sometimes a masjid may be very small for us. And Hamdulillah. As of yet, we're able to manage with two Jomo has, right.

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But the rate at which this neighborhood is growing, and we don't have a property, right, that is larger than this. I think in a couple of years, we're going to have to open a third Joomla. So what are we going to do? This is the reality right now unless there's other messages that open up in the neighborhood, the rate at which this community is growing and just in a couple of

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years, we're probably going to have to open up a third Joomla as well. So how are we going to fit all those in? Well, there's no problem and taking the opinion, again, of the 100 biller in this because he's adopted it so when things become difficult, is should be sought out as well by the next hadith is the hadith of Javid. dilla call Jaya Raju Ramona we use Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam Jacobo NAS yo Mel do Marathi for paella oscillate. Yeah Funan Holla Holla Odin phulka Jimmy.

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So, in this hadith what's happening is a man walks in, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is giving the hotbar

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and as the prophets are selling them is giving the hotbar and the day is the day of jhamora the prophets SLM addresses that man specifically, and he says, Have you prayed Oh, full on XYZ. Oh person.

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Meaning Have you prayed to hear to the masjid? It's a sunnah of the Prophet said Lim where the prophet said that if one of you walks into the masjid then let him not sit until he prays to lockers. That are the hatred messages that are basically your way of greeting or your way of, of glorifying the masjid magnifying the masjid, appreciating the message that Aleem and yet a totally immune so you he's saying to this man that did you pray to here to the masjid Have you prayed that to raka us before sitting down? So the man says no. So the prophets of salaam said stand up and praise was teaching him to pray when you come into the masjid even if the hotbar is going on. This

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is one Hadith. Then on the contrary, we have another Hadith and that is the hadith of Abdullah had been BUSA and knowledgable and Jaya Illa, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa Salam wa jolla Nasya woman Juma it for kala evangelists for data on it. And this hadith isn't so Nobita would Mr. Muhammad and others as well. So this hadith is saying the exact opposite. And that is a man walked into the masjid and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was giving the hotbar on the day of Juma as well. And the Prophet said, sit down because you have began to harm people. You're harming people. Now notice again, two opposing a hadith.

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And I really, really want to drill this message and I do it on all of my gurus. It's not as simple as let's stick to the Sunnah

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a hadith apparently contradict one another sometimes. Big Apparently not. Actually. Apparently the profits are sitting and wouldn't see the same. One thing and the opposite but apparently and then the URL Mr. Because we don't know the whole context of what was taking place. Right? So from the different view ayat, and from the different chains and so forth, we start to get a picture of Oh, in this incident, the Prophet said XYZ in that incident, the prophets of salaam said XYZ, and different people have different ways of figuring out how to reconcile between apparently opposite, opposing passages, right. So the first hadith is in the context.

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According to the Shafi area, the first hadith is what we need to stick to this is the standard principle and that is that when a person walks in to Joomla, and the Imam is giving the hotbar you should in fact, pray to lockers. This is the opinion of the chef area. They took the Hadith in Bukhari, which I shared with you right in the beginning,

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the amalickiah, they said the opposite. They said that, actually, the other hadith is what needs to be taken at face value and the other one, the first one, that hadith in body will be reinterpreted. Meaning that when you walk into the masjid, you sit down you don't do to hear to the masjid. Got it? How did each party explain the other Hadith the opposing one to them? The shaft area. They said that the hadith of Abdullah had been was the one in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the man to sit down at this date. The reason for that was because in the remainder of the chain, the Hadith, the Prophet SAW Selim or the narrator explained that the man was crossing people. He was

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walking over people he was stepping over people, right. This is something that the Prophet forbade from when you walk in don't overstay try to overstep people, you can walk through the lens, but sometimes, you know what happens people you know, they step on top of people to get through the lens. This man was really trying to maybe he found a place that was empty was stepping over people. And so the prophets send them told them at least they sit wherever you can, because you're harming everybody in the process. Okay, you got it. So this is how the Shafi had explained this hadith, and that means that you should pray to here to the masjid. This is what I believe you should pray the

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hated masjid and the Molokhia, who did the exact opposite. They said the first Hadith was a very specific incident. It wasn't the general rule. Why? Because there was one specific man, the Prophet was telling him to stand up and pray because he was impoverished. And the Prophet wanted everybody to see that the person has ripped clothes and he's impoverished.

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so that people end up giving sadaqa to this man charity that to this man, he walked in late. And he wanted to kind of stay away from the eyes of the people in the crowd, because the situation wasn't very appealing wasn't very easy. And the prophets I send them saw him from afar. And he realized that the way he's going to get charity from the people and people will begin to help him is if they actually observe this situation that he's in, that he has ripped up clothing, and he's not doing too well for himself. So he told him specifically stand up and pray. But again, I believe the opposite, and that is that every single person that walks in the masjid should in fact, pray, the hated

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masjid. And that other Hadith, the Hadith of the life, and it was about this man who walked in he was overstepping people's will the Prophet said, it's better for you to just sit down wherever you are, don't go around walking overtop of people. And and that is what we understand from this hadith. Another thing to note from this hadith is that it is permissible for the Hadith to speak to people, okay, for the Hadith to speak to individuals within the hotbar. There is no problem within that. If you notice, sometimes I do that as well. I say what, who knows about this in the hotbar and that's perfectly fine. There is no problem within that. So people should not be speaking at the time of the

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hotbar on their own, but the Habib can speak to people do you understand?

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And as we'll find it the next Hadith, or I'll say that for the next Hadith type, let's go to the next Hadith, Jamie

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and this is the hadith of aggressive nomadic and or the Allahu Taala and who Paul Assa T NASA Sanatana Allah had Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that people were struck with a drought in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as the Prophet was giving the hotbar, the Sermon on the day of Joomla, a man from the Bedouins, he stood up, I'm translating long Hadith. I don't want to read the Arabic right now. Yummy. So a man from the redwoods, he stood up and he said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Our wealth has become destroyed, our children have fell hungry, have fallen hungry. So make dua for us.

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So the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he made dua at that moment and the Sahaba they said that at that instance, there was not a single portion of cloud, there was no clouds whatsoever, not even a small one within the skies.

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And unless he said, By Allah, the One who in whose hand is my soul, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not put his hands down from the DUA, except that the clouds began to form like mountains all above us.

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And then the prophets are seldom did not step down from the member from the pulpit.

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Until I noticed that the clouds began to pour and rain began to pour, and the rain could be felt and seen on the beard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the prophets has a limb of course, he had a very thick beard, but not a very long one. And obviously, that means that the water would not get swallowed up into his beard very easily. Do you understand what I mean? Like people that have very thick beards, like for example, sometimes North African brothers that have beards, it becomes really, really sick, if you know what I'm trying to say. So the Prophet had a very thick beard, but not a very big one. Actually, you could see even the neck of the prophets of Salaam. And

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so the water began to trickle on the beard, it didn't get swallowed by the beard.

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and as he said, thermal yo woman, that whole day, all of Joomla from the time of the hutzpah till mother of time, all of that day, it continued to rain, and the next day, it continued to knit rain, and the day after continued to rain, and the day after that continued to rain until the next Jumaa came, and it was raining throughout the week, because of the drought of the prophets of Allah who it was settling. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Bucha with Dawa. His dua would be responded to by Allah azza wa jal. And so the when the prophets Allah made dua that Allah gives rain to the people he did assists off for the people. And Allah accepted the DUA and gave them rain

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throughout the week. So the same Bedouin man he stood in the Dubois again and he said, O Messenger of Allah, buildings are starting to come down. Remember, they don't have the liberty of having nice homes and buildings and you know, the architectural beauty that we have today but they have simple homes they're made of

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as mud and so forth. So those mud houses are starting to come down now. Buildings are starting to come down, and our wealth is starting to drown as well what does that mean? They're most likely referring to their cattle and their livestock, and our wealth is starting to drown. Because that would be the main thing that you'd be worried about in those societies. If the cattle drown into the water, what's going to happen they'll die. So our wealth is starting to drown further Hola. Hola Anna. So make dua to Allah azza wa jal for us so the prophets I said Lim raised his hands and he said, Allah Houma Hawa Lena, Wella, Elena or Allah put the rain all around us, and don't put the

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rain above us. And then as the prophet is making this dua, the prophets are Salam began to point at the clouds sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And you could see that every direction that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam would point the cloud would disappear.

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The cloud would begin to disappear. So he's saying Allahu Maha Elena, whether Elena and he basically formulated a round circle. And as the Hadith continues inland project, while sobre el Medina two with Rachel Betty and Medina, it became like a round circle within the clouds, meaning there was a circle that the clouds formed around Medina and there was a hole within these clouds. And the only place that is not cloudy is Medina. This is what the dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And so

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as he said that

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the entire valley of or not what's cannot and that is a name of a specific Valley in Medina, and why they cannot. So that entire valley, it began to become flooded for a complete month. And

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he continued and he said, Well, me, I had malaria in ILAHA, desde bill, Jodi

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and no one came from any direction except that he would be talking about how severely it's been raining all around them, because remember the prophets I said, Let me said that Allah Maha Elena without Alina, so the rain stopped in Medina, but it continued to rain all around. So everyone that would come from outside of Medina, they will say it was raining so hard outside, right? But in Medina, there is no rain at all. So Had Allah and of course the water slowly ended up also getting drained away into the valleys here and there around Medina among those valleys being the Valley of Anat. Jimmy

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so there's a lot to learn from this hadith. Number one. And this is an important point and that is that, notice the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking to a man but this time around, it's the other way around.

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So the man actually stood and spoke to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, this Arabi, the prophet is in the middle of the hotbar and he stands up and he starts speaking to the prophets and salam. So that means it's okay also to speak to the Habib as well. But is it something necessary?

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You know, sometimes Subhanallah you're giving the whole device in the middle of it, someone says parking spot XYZ stuck, he just wait. We're doing a hotbar but this man is going through a situation where where it's a serious matter over here, they're afraid of a drought and droughts are pretty serious Arabia, there is no important export of water and there is no pipelines that is bringing water to people and there are no pipes that can be dug up. And so you can go under the the underground

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reserves of water, none of that can happen. Water is really far and scars. They need the water to survive for their, for their farms for their livelihood for drinking for their animals as well. So this is a serious matter he's addressing the prophets I send them with a serious issue that the people of Medina are faced by when you have a serious issue. Then of course in that case like life and death situation this is basically what's happening over Hala Cal man Raja Raja Yeah, the wealth has started to become destroyed, meaning our

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plants and didn't have vegetation, but our our palm trees and and also our children are starting to become hungry and our livestock are starting to die serious matter, you understand. So if there is a serious matter like this, you can speak to the Houthi it's fine. There's no problem in that.

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Another thing to note over here is that this sahabi, this Bedouin Sahabi he is speaking to the Prophet and asking him for the

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sometimes people get too worried about asking someone else further Ah, but essentially if you know someone is a greater human

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Do there is no harm in asking them for the ah, this is in the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim. And this is also the Sunnah of the brothers of use of La salaam, where they went to their father and they said, oh our father, go and make his still far to Allah azza wa jal for so they're asking him to make dua for them and there's also the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about always carne as well, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that if you meet him, then ask him to make to offer you right? So that's another example of the prophets of salaam recommending making asking someone to make dua for you. And there is another Hadith albeit a little

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bit weak. And this is the hadith of Baba and certainly be dealt with and others that the prophets of salaam was asked by Burma, that could I go for him or he was basically asking the prophets of salaam to allow him to go for him. Of course, he's traveling, he's one of the main Sahaba he's, you know, an important asset to the stage for the Muslims. So for him to travel, he came and asked the Prophet to Salam, if he could go for Umrah and the prophets have said Lim said and listen to these words. He said Latin Sana yeah oh, hi efe to, don't forget us all our little brother in your DUA. Remember, the prophets of Salaam is older than almost so he's saying, Oh, our little brother, don't forget us

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in your DUA,

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is the role of Hatha and the Hadith continues. And it says that I would not be willing to sing, I would not be willing to trade the whole world for those words that the prophets of salaam said to me, the prophet asking God to make dua, right. Although as I said, this hadith has some weakness, but a lot of the element they use this hadith is one of the evidences because other than this we have also other evidence is most importantly Imam and no he said there's a consensus of the Islamic scholars that a person can ask someone else to make the offer them. So there is no problem greater than you lesser than you in this hadith with the weakness there in the prophets SLM is asking who

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Rama who is lesser than him, right? So there is no problem. Especially if someone is going overseas and they're going to go for Imran no problem. Ask them in sha Allah, someone's or I can be accepted. That doesn't mean you can't make the offer yourself. You can make the offer yourself. But you can ask someone to make dua as well. This is why this man is coming to the prophets assylum prophet could say, Forget me, make the call yourself. Right?

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But he's saying okay, I'll make the DUA. Sometimes what happens is in a gathering, you have an elderly human being who you know, is known for righteousness. We say okay, can you make dua for us a person who's been worshipping Allah azza wa jal, all those life, Perhaps Allah will accept his dua, someone who's known for his righteousness or piety or knowledge and so forth. Again, no problem. And this and this is one of the evidence but there are many, many evidences for this, Jimmy

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Bye, but another thing is that the

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I mean, there's a lot to say within this hadith.

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And that is that the potency of the dua of the Prophet the power of the DUA he makes to before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gets off the member. You see the clouds are already forming around Medina. And before that, it literally says the Hadith says there was not even a single cloud formation within the sky, not even a small plaza, not even a small portion of clouds within the skies. And Allah subhanaw taala allowed for all of those clouds to form and the rain to fall down as well. And then the prophets are Salam again, he, the potency of the DUA, or the effectiveness of the, out of the Prophet, the Prophet when he made the other dua for it will be stopped again, the

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dua of the Prophet affected so much. Of course, after the Leave of Allah is origin, so much that the CloudFormation changed into a hole around Medina. And everybody outside is being affected by the rain. And the people inside exactly as he said. Think about it, oh Allah all around us, but not above us. So the rest of the Hadith, it says, anyone that would come from any corner of Medina, they would say it's really wet out there. They get to Medina, it's really nice and beautiful. So this is the art of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to give us the field to be able to be people whose art is accepted. Of course, there are certain conditions if you

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fulfill them, then your art is accepted. I'll give you some, okay. One of those conditions is that you have to ensure that your visitors highlight

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your risk is halal. Try to make sure that your sustenance that you have is halal. Number two, try to say Yara all of this in

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one Hadith tried to say, oh my lord, this is the way that all of the prophets of God would make dua. If you notice in the eyes of the Quran, it's always been our vulnerability, right? What's going on over there? These are the prophets of God. They are making dua invoking the lordship of Allah azza wa jal, okay. You can say your Allah as well, no problem you can say Allahu Allah, that's another way of making dua, no problem. But this is one of the ways to invoke the lordship of Allah the quality through which Allah sustains people, the quality through which Allah maintains people, the quality through which Allah grants to people. So if you want to ask Allah, ask Allah and ensure that

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your sustenance is halal, ensure that your drinks are halal. Ensure that the things that you eat is halal.

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And then say, Oh, my Lord, and then look for specific timings that help you get your DUA accepted, for example, after your Salah, that is a time for the DUA to be accepted, for example, after Salah to Assad on the day of Juma, this is a time in which your DUA is accepted as well. And similarly, there are places within which to is also accepted as well. And I remember that we did a complete maybe three or four part lecture on this many many months ago. So you can refer to that and I also sent in the group

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book dedicated to this particular topic as well. So you can benefit from that as well. If you go back to it and if you don't remember it, I can also send it again no problem sha Allah JazakAllah heron, for listening are some of the Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad in early he was a big marine and if there are any questions, I'll take them now to Allah

Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #19

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