Zakir Naik – What is the Centre of Our Life?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of living a life focused on one's earnings and values is emphasized, along with the need to identify and live with oneself. The use of bricks and bricks to build houses and the importance of love and compassion in achieving success is also discussed. Personal information is also emphasized, along with respecting and obeying one's parents. Islam is discussed, including the use of media to promote one's success and respecting and obeying one's parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Most of us human beings

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what is our purpose of life? Number one purpose of our life is

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how to earn a living. Majority of the people, you ask them and you enquire with them. Number one,

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the main concern is to earn a living, they're more bothered about earning a living, then how to lead a life.

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And depending upon how much they earn, the lifestyle revolves around it, what will they eat? What will they wear? Where will they live? Which school will they study,

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with graduation, because they'll take up everything revolves around the earnings. And

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these people think that if I can earn good money in this world, they have achieved the purpose of their life.

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You know, I gave the example of being focused, you know, most of us what we do, instead of focusing on the eye of the burden shooting, what do we do, we shoot and then we draw the bullseye around it,

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we shoot anywhere

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we take any course of graduation, then when we ask, why have you taken this course?

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I haven't thought of it. Then they do speciality then they do super speciality. And then they try and justify why they have chosen that course. You know, people follow the thing, how much will they earn? And based on what will they earn? They decide how will they lead the life? This is just an example of shooting in the air, and then drawing the bullseye.

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First, we have to identify what is our center

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on which act does our life revolve around.

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Different people have different centers of the life. Some people, they're self centered, everything for them is themselves that leads bother about anyone else in the world. The only bothered about themselves, how they lead their life, the least bothered about others. They're self centered.

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Some people, they are family centered.

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Their whole life revolves around that their family is happy, they are ready to break and make any rule irrespective whether it's right or wrong, to make the family members happy. Their main aim in life is to make their family members happy.

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Some may be

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parent centered,

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some may be forced, centered, bystandard, husband centered, some may be children centered.

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Some people to make the parents happy, they will go to any extent.

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The whole rules and regulations of life are based on what the parents like and don't like.

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Allah says in the Quran

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in surah Lookman, chapter 31 Verse number 14, that we have enjoined other human beings to be good to the parents, in prevail upon travels that the mother bought them and in pain did she give them both? immediate next verse, throw Look, man, chapter 31 Verse number 15 says, but if your parents strive, do jihad, strife and struggle to make you worship somebody else besides Allah subhanho wa taala,

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of which we have no knowledge, don't obey them, yet, live with them with love and compassion.

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That means our creator says, You have to love your parents, you have to respect them, obey them, but if they tell you to go against the Creator, against Allah and His final messenger, you don't have to obey them yet. Live with them with love and compassion. There are limits.

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Some of us, we our spouse centered, we want to satisfy

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our wives

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or we want to satisfy our husbands.

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And suppose

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the man's wife, she wants a very expensive diamond necklace. The person he can't afford it.

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What does he do? He begs, borrows and steals, but buys that expensive diamond necklace for advice.

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Here we go Liz to satisfy life.

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Some of us

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we are children centered. We want to satisfy our children.

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There are cases

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where sometimes the son wants to go abroad for studies.

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The course in which he's getting admission is useless.

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It will not help him in the akhira won't help him here also but yet

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Because the son wants to go abroad, this person mortgages his property and send his son to America. And then fifth, Mira beta to America maple ah, hi. As though

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the objective of his life is to send his son to America to study.

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What are the objectives? What is the center of your life?

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Some of us

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we are society centered. We want to know what do the other people outside a family think about us. So full life revolves around the society.

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Some people, their neighbor centered.

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They're having competition with the neighbor.

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That reminds me of an anecdote.

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Once an angel,

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he comes and tells the man I'm pleased with you. Whatever you ask, I will fulfill your desire. But

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there's one condition

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whatever you ask, I will give it to you, but I will give your neighbor double.

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So the man says, I want a Rolex watch, to the engine gives him a Rolex watch, but give the neighbor two Rolex watches.

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The man says, I want the Mercedes car. Danger gives him a Mercedes car, but gives the neighbor two Mercedes cars.

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The man says, I want a big beautiful bungalow. The engine gives him a big beautiful bungalow. But next with bomb law. There are two big beautiful bungalows given to his neighbor.

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So the man says, Agent Lee fulfill my last one desire, what is it? Please break my one I saw that I cannot see with banana.

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he is more bothered about his neighbor than himself. He's not bothered whether his life is simple or complicated. Whether he lives in poverty or luxury, he's more bonded that he should lead a better life than his neighbor.

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For my so that he tells the angel break my man i so that my neighbor's both either broken.

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This is how we our neighbor centered.

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He's not bothered whether he's happy or you can see or not see, as long as the neighbor is completely blind. I don't mind losing one neighbor centered.

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Some people are friend centered.

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Some people are enemy centered, they are more bothered what are the enemy doing? What is my enemy thinking against me? So the plan strategies. If my enemy does this, I will do that full time, the full life goals in thinking what the enemy is doing. And you find this in various you have businessmen thinking about the immediate politicians thinking about the enemy, you have students thinking about the enemies?

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What are they planning, so I will counter plan.

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They spend most of the time in planning to counter the enemy.

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I would like to give a piece of beautiful advice to them, which I follow in my life. If someone throws stones at you, raise yourself so high so that the stones don't reach you.

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If someone threw stones at you, raise yourself so I just want you to teach you. So where is the question of competition? Where is the question of the enemy planning against you?

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And then another device if

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someone throws bricks at you use those bricks to build your house.

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When I was in school to learn martial arts,

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karate, judo

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and if a big man comes and pushes you or do you do to take a sidestep use the Force to throw more uses force.

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someone throws bricks that you use that bridge to build your house.

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Some people are famed centered, they want to get famous. The main aim is to get famous, they can break any of their principles, they can break any of the rules and regulations.

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Some people

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they are materialistic,

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their material centered

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they are more bothered what do they own? What do they possess, what do they wear?

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And this is common, very common amongst people who are rich. And when they meet their friends. They start discussing

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And what brand of watch are you wearing? Is it Tiger?

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Is it omega? Oh, it is Rolex. What is the strap? It didn't matter strap a leather strap. What is a bassinet? Or what kind of a doll Do you have? Is it gold plated or the diamond studded, or designer watch party Phillip.

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And most of these people who are rich, they don't often watch the multiple watches, then they start planning. Okay, this watch I vote today, next time and not with the same watch. When I meet my friend, they've spent their time in planning which washed away for which function

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the same people they start discussing what cars

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what car do you have? BMW, Mercedes, Porsche a

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Rolls Royce

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may back Bentley designer,

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this is the past time.

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And very often as though this is the identity if they don't wear that watch, who will recognize them?

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If they don't travel in the car, if they don't tell in Mercedes or BMW will recognize them. This is an indie

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This is common amongst people of big cities. On a higher level you go they start discussing what do you what do you have? What kind of ship Do you own? On a high level with jet? Do you own a private jet? How many engines?

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People may be wondering how come I know all the nitty gritty of the watches of the brands, you know the profit in the name in and I'm gonna fortunately, unfortunately, the profession that I'm in, I'm mixed around with all types of people right from purpose to the kings.

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Allah has blessed me. Fortunately, unfortunately, I mix around with people a purpose to the kings. And every opportunity I get. Whenever I meet a person

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who's materialistic, I try and convey the message and then tell them you know, your watch, maybe costing 1000s of dollars, or 10s of 1000s of dollars, or hundreds of 1000s of dollars, my watch that I'm betting it cost only 1400 rupees less than $30.

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I have it for several years, yet. It gives the same time accuracy as your watch.

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Simple watch 1400 rupees

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Alhamdulillah. Allah has blessed me all these brands that I mentioned, most of these brands, I've got gifts.

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I've got gifts of these brands. All the omega are like many I got. And

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I always follow the guidance of mama Salah Salem, I give it to other days, and I give it to my staff members so that I'm away from the football to shutdown.

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There have been occasions there have been occasions when my host, they send their private jet plane, the private jet plane to get me into the country.

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There were few occasions imagine the cost of the fuel of the private jet men just to get one man

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the salary of the pilot

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the salary of their hostess, the salary of hiring the airport.

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So I told this man

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that would have been preferable that you're giving me an economic class

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a London Allah Allah has blessed Allah bless my family

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that mashallah we can own all these cars.

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We can travel first class Alhamdulillah but I'm gonna die. So I told him instead of spending such a big amount, you will preferably given me an economic class a ticket out of come and you could have given the difference in charity in the view of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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my host also mashallah been very clever. He told me that who can I sent my private plane to pick up who is a better person than a day of Allah.

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So I told him, Inshallah, if I knew it was there, inshallah we'll get the reward, his near it was

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to give a servant of Allah the best of treatment, Allah will reward him.

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The point to be noted is

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I am not telling you that all these material things are haram.

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They are not always haram, you have to know your objectives of life, they can become haram, they may not become haram.

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Let me give an example. Suppose you belong to category one

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in which

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a person cannot afford these things.

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expensive watches expensive cars, expensive bungalows yet

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he begs borrow then steals

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or takes a loan and events with expensive watches.

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He does an expensive cars, it is called as a Seraph. It is haram.

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We have second category of people who Allah has given them the means, as Allah says in the Quran in surah Anam chapter number six, most of us haven't given, we have been told bounties more freely on some human beings than the others.

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But Allah says in surah Nam chapter six, verse, Psalm 165, that Allah has raised some people in higher ranks and giving gift to others, so that he may test you.

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So if Allah is giving you the means, and if you have all these things, expensive cars, expensive orchard expensive bungalows, and if your life is revolving around it, that you cannot do without it. It is your center. It is your purpose of life, yet it is haram.

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We are the third category of people who are alive given the means.

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They own these things, but they aren't dependent on them. They own it. You have examples of Prophet salam ala Salam was rich and your own, but he wasn't dependent on it.

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So if you own these things, and yet, you follow the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala. You aren't dependent on these material things, then it is mobile.

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It's optional. It is not haram.

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But the best category is the fourth category, that Allah is giving you the means.

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And yet

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you don't use it. You don't acquire it. Like a beloved Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem, a beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem the power he had,

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the fame he had,

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the command he had, he could have become the king of the world that time you grab on all the riches, but whenever he got a gift, most often, almost all the times he gave the gifts to the savages.

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Not that was haram don't it. If someone gives a good gift, you can keep it it's not haram.

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But the prophet, he gave it to others. The fourth category Allah has given you the means. But yet

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you spend those means in the view of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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We have to identify our center, what is our center, the most important center for the human being is, he should be Allah centered.

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His purpose, His goal should be Allah subhanho wa taala. And the last and final message in Mombasa Lawson. And believe me, if you're Allah centered, that does not mean that you neglect yourself. You neglect your family that neglect a society. If you're Allah centered, Allah says

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that take care of yourself.

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sleep at night.

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Allah says that take care of your family.

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Allah says about the parents, and for Israel chapter number 17 Verse number 23 and 24 that Allah has ordained that you worship none but Him that you be kind to your parents. And if one of them or both of them reach old age, don't say a word of contempt. Don't say off to them.

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But address them with honor and load to them your thing of humility and pay to the Lord, the cherish them as the churchman children. That means if you're not centered, you have to love your parents. You have to respect them. You have to obey them only when they go against a land with a fool that the time you don't obey but live with them with love and compassion. Through look man chapter 31 verse, Psalm 14 and 15.

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If you're Allah centered,

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that does not mean they don't take care of your wife.

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In the hadith of a beloved Prophet Musa Salem mmm number, Hadith number 7396. A beloved partner masala Salam said the best of the believers are those who are best to the family, especially your wife.

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Allah centered doesn't mean neglecting your family neglecting your society. Allah says in surah mount chapter 107 was the one to seven that you provide neighborly needs.

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Help you enables.

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A beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salam said

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if added in say Buhari by number one book of 800 number 13 that a person is not a believer, if he does not wish for his better the same thing what he likes for himself.

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That means take care of other people, too by being Allah centered. It doesn't mean that you're neglecting

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that you have to lead a life of a popper.

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Your focus will be Allah.

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If Allah is giving you wealth, see to it that use your wealth for the cause of Allah. If Allah is giving you fame, use that fame for the view of Allah.

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If Allah is giving you quality, if Allah is best or different, you use it for the cause of Allah.

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