Zakir Naik – Was Jesus Christ (Pbuh) Crucified According to Islam & Christianity?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of Islam and the use of the word "ocean" in the Bible. They explore the concept of crucifixion, which is the person who is supposed to die on the cross but is not. The importance of Jonah in the Bible is discussed, along with fulfilling the prophecy of Jonah, including having a son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum

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My question is kind of related to the one sister started asking and the other one who commented on picking good things in religions See,

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I believe I believe Islam as part of this continuous chain of religions, like if we're talking about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in order to be a Muslim, you have to believe first and Judaism and Christianity. My question is, like this amount is m, the crucifixion of the Christ. Like me, let me say the Islamic story about the crucifixion of Christ. In other words, and I believe that it's, you know, what, once this issue is clarified, we'll have no more major differences like gods will just turn off. There was a question he has posed two parts of the question that a Muslim can only be a Muslim first if he believes in Judaism and Christianity and Islam, which I disagree brother, Allah

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says no Quran in surah Al Imran Chapter number three was summer 19 in the Deena in the LOL Islam, the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah Islam. So what Moses peace be upon him preached was nothing but Islam. He never preached Judaism. What Jesus guys peace be upon him preached was nothing but Islam. He never preached Christianity. The word Christianity doesn't exist in the Bible. Do you know that? The word Christianity doesn't exist in the Bible.

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The first time the word Russian is used in the book of Acts. In the book of Acts, it says that the people of Antioch they called the followers of Jesus Christ as Christians. It was a nickname given by the people of Antioch. Jesus KSPs we have never heard the word Christian in his life. Do you know that? So where did it is Christianity so for you to say a Muslim should first follow Judaism, Christianity and Islam is totally wrong.

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In the Dena in the line Islam the only religion acceptable in the sight of Allah and Islam, what all the messengers perish is nothing but Islam. These What do you find the Bible and they are the books they are the corrupted form of the original revelations. Now coming to your question, that what is Islamic version of crucifixion, well established civil crucifixion. Quran says in Surah Nisa, chapter number four was 257 that they said in boast that we killed Jesus, the son of Mary, the Jews, they send bows, we kill Jesus son of Mary, for Marketo masala boo, they killed him not needed in the Christmas time. Well, I can shoot me alone. It was only made to appear so and although the differ

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are full of doubts in Lahti Berzon with only conjecture to follow Mamata Lu Yaquina for a surety they killed him not so far in the Quran. The Jews said in boast that we killed you this case peace be upon him but they killed him not needed in the crucify him. It was only made to appear so and although the differ a full of doubts, with only conjecture to follow for assurity the killed and not so fine in the Quran, we believe that Jesus Christ peace be upon him he was not crucified.

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It was only made topia so and I've had a debate on was Christ really crucified. Crucifixion means a person should die on the cross. And in my debate, a proof that Jesus Christ peace be upon him, he did not die on the cross. So we don't have English term for a person who's put on the cross, but does not die. So the new word that we can coin is crucifixion. F I see T I O N fiction, not fiction, not f i l i Oh, and so what we believe that it was a crucifixion Cru CI, Si Si, t i o n, but it was not crucifixion ePHI X Iowan because approved in my talk that he did not die on the cross, to cut it short.

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To make the Christian realize, in one nutshell, how to prove that Jesus Christ piece by mom did not die. On the cross He was crucified. When Jesus Christ peace be upon was asked by the people. That own master shows some signs. So he replies in the Gospel of Matthew chap number 12, verse number 30. It says, you evil an adulterous generation, you asked me for a sign, no sign shall be given except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so she has a son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now anyone who's a Christian, he knows the sign of Jonah, he has to go to the book of Jonah. It has only one page, only

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two sides.

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And when you ask any Christian about the sign of Jonah, they will tell us that Jonah was asked by Almighty God to go to Nineveh deliver the message, but he runs away from the commandment and goes to Java. So here while he's traveling in the ship, there is a storm. So it was

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a thinking at that time that this

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Tom is due to a person has not obeyed to the commandment of his Lord. So they do lots. So Jonah peace be upon him, he volunteers and says, I have run away from the commandment. At that time. It was a thinking that if they throw the person overboard in the sea, the sea will become calm. So the day Jonah, and they throw him overboard, now when they throw Jonah overboard, was he dead or alive?

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Are they dead or alive?

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He was alive when he goes in the sea. Normally in a raging sea in a storm, a human being ought to die. But do not does not die peacefully upon either life. A fish come then gobbles them up. When the fish gobbles them up. Walls do not live

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your life. If he dies, it's not a miracle. He's alive. It's a miracle. Three days and three nights. The fish takes him around the ocean. The man ought to die because a suffocation he does not die. It's a miracle. The fish moment him out on the show, He ought to die. He does not die. It's a miracle of a miracle after miracle after miracle. He's thrown overboard, he does not die. A fish come then gobbles them up. He does not die. Three days and three nights he roams in the belly of the fish, he does not die. He's vomited out. He does not die a miracle of a miracle after miracle. So Jesus cast peace be upon him said that as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the

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whale. So she has a son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. vinyasa Christian, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him in this America in his grave for three reasons tonight was he did our life

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was he did our life.

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The Christian tell us he was dead. But then there's 100 action. For him to fulfill the prophecy of the sign of Jonah he has to be alive. So only on this one prophecy, there are various ways I can prove you other because if it proves that Jesus cares Peace be upon did not die on the cross, he was alive.

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So based on this, we can prove from the Bible that Jesus Christ peace be upon him. He did not die on the cross. Jesus cash peace be upon him puts all his eggs in one basket. He says no sign shall be given except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale. Social is the Son of Man with three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And further if you analyze, even three days and three nights, it is not fulfilled. Because on Friday, he is put on the cross. So before Saturday comes, he's put down. He's in the grave. When when he's put in the grave. He's put on Friday night, his own Saturday, full day, Saturday night, Sunday morning

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is out. So it's two nights and Monday. So even the prophecy of three days and CNET is not fulfilled. But surely if he has to fulfill the other way, like Jonah, he has to be alive. And I've given various arguments from the Bible and proves that Jesus Christ was crucified. You can take my videotape, at a debate with an Arab Christian and Iraqi Christian was Christ God crucified and approved there that he was crucified he was used for life. Hope that answers the question.

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