Zakir Naik – The Quranic Word Describing the Early Developmental Stage of an Embryo Astonishes the Highest

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © Speaker 2 discusses the first two verses of the Quran and how it relates to Suri senior's teachings about the creation of the human beings by the lord. The Arabic word for the substance used in the equation is also mentioned, and the image of a leech used in the equation is described as a result of a powerful microscope. The speaker describes how Suri Moore described the early stages of the claim as a leech and how he was surprised by the striking resemblance.
AI: Transcript ©
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And 2 such verses

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were the first two verses of the Quran

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to be revealed from Suri Iqra Suri Alak,

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chapter number 96, verse number 1 and 2,

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which says,

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recite, and proclaim in the name of thy

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lord who created,

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who created the human beings from something which

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clings a liech like substance.

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The Arabic word

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means something which clings.

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It even means a kungjal cloud of blood.

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It also means a leech like substance.

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So So prophet Keith Moore said,

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I do not know

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whether the embryo

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in the initial stages looks like a leech

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or not. So he went in his laboratory,

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and under a very powerful microscope,

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he observed

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the early stages of the embryo, and compared

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it with a photograph of a leech. And

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he was astonished

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at the striking resemblance.

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