Zakir Naik – Jesus (p) was Way to Reach God. Who is Way to Reach Allah- Prophet Muhammad (p) did not Promise

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the use of the Bible as a means of obtaining
AI: Transcript ©
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Merci beaucoup de la Yes, Chris Medina v our young Islam miracle number in Bahrain nanoribbon Nani, volume Satyam Giovanna ma Eric re ndarray na na, na na na, na na s Ed Agha Korean como de esta chrissa kopin van de Mola Mola, maga Kolkata Khurana

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maga, ma de la sala moody young Erica tangle welcome Tara viendo en and rock a secrecy a unity aunty sola political body mobile NaVi a pretty eerie Agha moody mindray Carnival Selena Komodo Allah Katanga Villa Katara window we can

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translate in English please. When Jesus says that I am the way and truth through me Only you can reach my father like that. How can you reach Allah or God by following Quran which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, who is not giving any promise? The President assumes a Christian he poses a question that Jesus casts peace be upon him said, I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto my Father but through me. So if Jesus Christ has promised this How can you reach

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to Allah

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somebody's gonna calculate now no they paid when the Krishnan non yes secret away This was the rip patina record his name is Christian and his following Jesus Christ passed away

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Yes, Krishna Krishna nega Hindu I Paul as a Christian Casa waited one day for a follow up on time, okay, he took in the religion of Christianity.

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understood his name is Christian. Yes. Therefore assume for this question that I said that assume that the question is a Christian Yeah. And he said that Jesus gave peace be upon him said that I am the way the truth and the life the translation of the brother was in perfect, and bring the translation and the way, the truth and the life No man come into my Father but through me. So how do you come to God through Quran and Mama Salam hasn't promised you anything. Whether what you're quoting

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is the verse of the Bible.

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You haven't given the reference I'll give reference. What you're quoting is gospel of john, chapter number 14, verse number six.

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You haven't given the reference reference, gospel of john chapter 14, verse number six, and the way the truth and the life No man comes into my father, but through me. And many people assume that when they say this was Jesus Christ, peace be upon him is claiming divinity. And many Christian missionaries echoed this very often. You know, Jesus guy said, peace be upon him, and the way the truth and the life No man come in and the Father but through me not to know the context whether Jesus Christ, we are going to claim in divinity, you have to go to verse number one. When you read verse number one in the Gospel of john, Chapter 14, verse number one, it says, that Jesus Christ

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upon him says that, why are you worried? If you believe in God, believe in me also, in my father's house, there are many mentions, and I'm going there to prepare a place for you. If it was not, so I would have told you, I am going there to prepare a place for you. And then he says, you know where I go, so what are the processes? No, we don't know the way. Then gspb upon him says, I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto my father, but through me. But this statement means that if you want to understand Almighty God, you have to understand through the teachings of the messenger. So we do agree in this statement, what Jesus says peace be upon him said, Is 100% perfect. What he

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meant was, if you want to reach God at His time, you had to go through his teachings. At the time of Moses was the way, the truth and the life No man reached God, but through the way Moses taught. At the time of Jesus Christ, we agree, he was the way the truth and the life No man came unto the Father but through him. But Jesus has also said earlier in the Gospel of john, chapter number 16, verse number 12, to 14, I have many things to send to you, but he cannot understand now for him in the spirit of truth shall come, he shall guide you into all truth, he shall not speak of himself, all that do shall be talking about and the prophet to come, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. So

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what he means to say, at the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Prophet Muhammad will be the way the truth and the life, no man come on to Almighty God, but the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So at the time of Jesus, I really agree with you. We agree with the Bible, that Jesus was the Messenger of God, he was the way to lead God. But he also said, there's one more messenger to come to today, anywhere in the world where they live in India or USA or Canada or Saudi Arabia, we have to follow the last and final messenger, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So even according to your Bible, according to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, gospel of john chapter 16, verse 12, to

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14, he says that another messenger is going to come believers and the Quran, your Bible is telling that I have many things to say and do Jesus Christ peace be upon him, saying, I have many things to say unto you, but he cannot bear them now. For him in the spirit of truth shall come, he shall guide want all truth, he shall not be

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From self, all the dear Shall we speak, he shall verify me.

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So leave us at Quran even a Bible is saying that any of the messengers will not come. He's prophet vamos a la salam, and He will guide you to all truth. So Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is today, the way and the life no man cometh unto Almighty God Allah subhanaw taala but through the way of Hama, Salah Salem, that is the reason when we say Shahada with a shadow Allah Allah, Allah Allah, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger and servant of Allah. Why? Because he is the way and this revelation. The Glorious Quran is the last and final revelation of Almighty God. If you want to go to Almighty God, you have to follow his last and final

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revelation. And the thing of the last and final messenger masala salam, which has given this a hadith so if you follow Quran and they say Howdy, inshallah, you will get salvation.

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Hope that answers the question.

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