Zakir Naik – Fasting During Travel Permissible Or Prohibited

Zakir Naik
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The speaker discusses the rules of fasting, including the number of days and the use of the word fast. They also mention a Prophet's preference for fasting, citing the use of the word fast to indicate a fasting behavior, and the importance of fasting for gaining rewards and gaining opportunities. The speaker emphasizes the need for fasting to become a habit and to become a habit for future generations.
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Regarding the situation of a traveler, is it forbidden or optional

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for a traveler to fast, unless isn't the Quran in surah baqarah chapter number two was the 185 that if you are ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number of days for fasting can be made later on. But this is a concession given. That means, if you want to fast again fast, if you want to exempt yourself exempt, but later on, you have to make up the period. Allah subhanaw taala here has compared the traveler and kept him or her in the same category as the person who's ill, because a beloved prophet muscle loss from said, is mentioned in say Buhari number 300. Number 1804. A Beloved Prophet said that traveling is a punishment when a person goes on a journey. It's like a punishment.

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That means that difficult, he has to undergo many hardships. And it is mentioned in say Buhari, number three, Book of fasting. How did number 1943 there was a Sabatino Hamza Miller with him. And he used to always fast even on a journey. So he asked the Prophet that should he fast on a journey or not. So the Prophet said, If you wish to fast, you can fast. If you don't do fast, you don't fast, that means it was optional. The person wanted to fast he could fast. If he didn't want, he did not fast. For example, if a person who's used to traveling and he does not find any hardship, and if he fast, there's no problem it could fall. Or if a person feels hardship and doesn't want to fast,

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then he did not fast. And this you come to know from the date of how the talisman lobby pleases Him. He said, it's mentioned in say Buhari number 300. Number 1947. We have a Thomas Miller president. He says, then when we used to travel with the Prophet, close the companions, they fasted, some of them did not fast. But those who kept the fast, did not criticize those who did not keep the fast. And those who did not fast, they did not criticize those who fasted. So basically, it's optional. Those who can take the strain and want to fast again, those who don't want, it's up to them. Logically, from there, we can deduce that it's an optional, necessary fast, but if a person decides to opt to

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fast whilst traveling, are they in a situation where they get more reward from Allah, unless mother says in the previous verse is Rebecca, chapter number two was the one before that those who are ill are on a journey, they can make up the fast later on, offer a person for whom fasting difficult, he can either fast or he can recover under some feeding of indigent person, but let them know that fasting is better. So this proof that fasting is better, though they are exempt if they want, there is no sin on them, they can keep it up later on, but it is better. And we find in several Hadith, if read the hadith of blood Prophet Musa masala it's mentioned in say, Muslim woman number two, Book of

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fasting Hadith number 2492. That there was a time when the Sabbath they traveled with the Prophet. And because it was very hot, none of them fasted, except the Prophet masala Salaam. And when Saba Abdullah been available,

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there's another Hadith several other Hadith in Sahih, Muslim, Muslim to book of fasting, hunted number 2472 and 2473. That the companion is a towel with a profit and some commitment faster, some didn't first, and when the Prophet when he came to note that it was becoming difficult for the companion to fast, he broke the fast in another did say Muslim boy number two, Book of fasting, and eat number two for seven to Once, when the prophet in the year of the victory of Makkah, he goes to a place along with the Sabbath, and he realizes that some of the Sabbath were fasting, they will find it difficult to fast. So the Prophet as a prayer time, it took a goblet of water and he

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trained, he broke the fast, so that it becomes easier for the other. But from all the studies, you come to know that the Prophet preferred to fast unless it was difficult, and he broke the fast Why? Because the other companions, they found it difficult. He did not want to put them in a critical situation, therefore he broke the fast. But from here we come to know that fasting is better if you can. If you cannot, then there's no problem. You may not fast and you can make up the positron. Further we come to know that it is preferable

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to fast. Why? Because if a person delays his fasting, if he's traveling, and God forbid, if his life comes to an end or whatever it is, then

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That wouldn't be a thing which had left for him to do fries. So if a person can fast while traveling, it's preferable that he fast. And furthermore, when you're traveling in the month of Ramadan, even the people around you the fast food is easier in that sense when you come back home and the month of Ramadan is over, and if you individually want to fast and no one else is fasting, it becomes many attempts difficult. So that's one of the reasons also that if you can do it with the hardship and fast while traveling, it's better and I will swap Islam

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