Zakir Naik – A Muslim who lives long can perform more good deeds than the Muslim who lives short

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
A man named Allah Subhana discusses his experience with death and how it can affect individuals. He explains that individuals who die at a young age can perform worse actions than those who die at a later age. He also discusses the importance of knowing one's ability to perform better in a certain life and how it can affect one's chances of success.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question posed

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is by brother no shot

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from India. Allah created human beings. Some human beings he gave long life and some shot.

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A long living Muslim can perform more good deeds than the short living Muslim.

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What if a Muslim wants to perform more good deeds, but he dies very soon, isn't it injustice?

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But as an OSHA that asked a very interesting question,

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and he said that

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if a Muslim died at a very early age,

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won't it be injustice, as compared to a Muslim who is living for a longer time a person will live for two years the other Muslim Allah for 25 years? So isn't it injustice for a Muslim will live for a short time that he had no opportunity for doing good deeds, if he had lived for longer times yet and more good deeds? What better than OSHA fails to realize that I can ask the counter questions that the more longer you live, the more evil deeds you can do. So it is disadvantageous to live for a longer time because if you live for longer time, you will do more evil deeds. If you live for shorter time, you will do less evil deeds.

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This life doesn't work in this logic. Allah says in the Quran in surah, chapter number 67 was number two l as the collateral Mata while Allah has created that and life to test, which is good Indeed, Allah Subhana. Allah can test people even in short time, even in long time. Suppose a person does good deeds. Allah knows that average good deeds into maybe suppose for example, in a year, a person average does 10 good deeds. So if a person lives for 10 years, he will do 100 good deeds. If he lists for 50 years, he'll do 500 good deeds. That doesn't mean a person who does find it good deeds is better than a person who does 100 good deeds, the other same, average is 10 good deeds per year.

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So it works more than a percentage and various aspects. Allah judges every human mean depending upon the quality and the ability he has given, he makes some people rich, some people poor, some people healthy, some people handicap, the people who are poor, the ruder who gives a car they get 100 or 200. And the person who is rich has to give the cat has to give more charity. So depending upon the facility, Allah subhana wa Taala Allah says in the Quran in Surah Nisa, chapter number four was number 40. Allah is never unjust in the legal degree, there's no question that Allah can do injustice. So you Allah subhanho wa Taala knows depending upon the ability has given you the wealth,

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or poverty or the health or sickness or the short life or long lead based on the ability has given you He will judge you accordingly. Allah is Maliki Ahmed Dean, the Master of the Day of Judgment, he knows all these things. No one on the day of judgment will ever tell to Allah subhanaw taala that you have been unjust. Even the toughest will be put into hellfire. They'll say we agree we are wrong. But give us one more chance and I realize it's too late. Allah gives you 1000s of chances in this world to come in this world only once. And then is the day of judgment. Hope that answers the question.

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