Zahir Mahmood – The Day of Judgement #02 Resurrection

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the horrors of the day of judgment in the state of waif, where the judge will bring the person who died to stand and recite a holy holy message. The transcript also describes the horrors of the day of judgment in the state of Raku, where the judge will bring the person who died to stand and write a holy holy message. The transcript also describes the horrors of the day in the state of waif, where the judge will bring the person who died to stand and write a holy holy message.
AI: Transcript ©
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When the trumpet is blown for the second time, man will stand from his grief. Abdullah bin Miss O'Donnell Delano mentioned how traumatic and how horrific the scene on the day of judgment would be. He says for 14 days, man will stay at one place he will not move his eyes right or left. Just stay and stay

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but not everybody is buried. Some people are promoted the Messenger of Allah said Kulu Abdullah Ubuntu Allah Mamata allayed. If a person who is devoured by an animal, Allah will bring that person forth from the stomach of that animal. If a person was martyred. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on the day of judgment or martyrs, wounds will open, the blood will begin to flow and that blood will smell like musc a person who was going for hygiene Amara in the state of ROM and they pass away they will stand on the day of judgment and they will recite that there will be a love bake Allah Humala bake, imagine everybody will see this individual, the way you die is the

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way that you will be resurrected, if you die in Salah. If you die in such the you will stand on the day of judgment in the state of such in the state of Raku in the state of Salah. But if you die in the Haram way, doing haram, that that is how you will be resurrected. If you die in a nightclub. If you die taking intoxications if you're high and you die, then that is the way that you will be resurrected on the day of judgment. And this is why it is very important that we ensure that we live a life which is pure that we do not engage in places which may result in our destruction, not only in this world, but surely in the Hereafter. And remember, no matter how you die, Allah will bring

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you forth the province Allah Allah Azza wa sallam spoke about a person from the Bani Israel II, the person was a sinner never did good actions. When he is dying, he gets concerned called his children. And he says, Look, I've never done a good action in my life. Now I'm scared in front of standing in front of Allah, what you do is you chromate my body burn me take half the ashes, scattered them in the sea, take the other half and scattered them on the earth. The message of ALLAH said on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will command the sea, bring his ashes back Earth, bring his ashes back, and then he will be formed like he was once upon a time that dunya and Allah will ask why did

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you do this? Oh Allah, I feed you that's why you done it because you feed me and no other reason is that no other reason and Allah subhanaw taala because of his fear for Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will empty into Jana, they will be others were totally fine in this dunya Lim who are totally, utterly fine, but they will stand up on the day of judgment and some will be blind as Allah recalled in the Quran, but out of that I'm decreed for in Lahoma Egypt and Dunker will ever turned away from our vicar for him is a tight, constrained life. One shooter who yo multi armed with the atma Tala B never has shelter the atma will cut into Bucha and then Allah says we will resurrect him. When he

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stands on his grave on the Day of Judgment, we will resurrect him blind. And this man will say, Oh my Lord, why have you resurrected me? Blind today, although all my life in the dunya I could see, Allah will say because our science came to you. And you neglected you turned a blind eye to our signs. And now you are blind because the truth is, the real site is not the site of the eyes. The real site is a site of the heart that you can see the truth and falsehood throughout your life.

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