Zahir Mahmood – GLOATING (Shamata) over others’ misfortunes

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary © The importance of socializing love and values for one's health and wealth is discussed, including the need for practice in belief in one's own values and values for one's health and wealth. The importance of avoiding jealousy in society is emphasized, with examples such as the success of a cousin's children in business and the struggles of a heart doctor. The use of jealousy in media and political messages, as well as the problem of jealousy leading to evil behavior, is also discussed. The importance of avoiding jealousy in society is emphasized, and shaping is the ability to make an average person an average person.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do not gloat over people's misfortunes. We're in an era. You know where we are mobile phones and we see people in misfortunes.

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We see people, somebody is afflicted, and we sit there and we laugh.

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And we spend hours Listen, we spent hours, one hour hours we spend on bigger. We jealous because somebody's got a nicer profile picture than you somebody's gonna hold a gun on a holiday. Somebody's going out to eat

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a doll in the afternoon.

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doll in the afternoon he didn't take that picture. But she took the picture when she's in Kobe's.

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Nobody ever takes a picture of when they wake up in the morning

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is already already the makeup checkup and then the filters and then they take the buzzing and then when they get when they called married the husband looks at the wife is

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dying the one I saw she looked different last night she looks different now.

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In a time overflow Katara the Allahu Anhu there was a person who wanted to get married

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so he puts him out on his bed he put maybe some those oils etc. And he looks a lot younger. And then he gets married.

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And when they when the wife realizes Yeah, this is an eight spring chicken

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these guys are on a rooster on his way out.

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So she goes through a mirror Momineen and she's lovely Alana O'Meara mommy this man deceive me

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called him and he realizes the guy the Buddha

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is Oh man.

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Oh my god Alana separate let me say this in deception.

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But the reason I'm mentioning this is that we spent hours firstly,

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being Hasidim jealous of other people envious of other people's lives. Scroll scroll, zombie scroll scroll. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Musa li Maulana Muhammad wa ala early he was Herbie human severe homie, Sandy, Eladio Medina, but their respective brothers, elders, sisters, Ramona qualifed Allah

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I mean, I'm sure

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we are all aware of the fact that

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if we want

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a society in the community and even a family, which is harmonious,

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then we need people to care about each other.

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And this is one of the unique things at the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah is a love created amongst people, that he created people who cared about each other. Who actually before Islam were very tribal.

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That the Bani OMA here as a Bucha has made it clear. He said, we knew that this man was a Prophet when he was asked, he said we knew. But the thing is that whatever when he Hashem did,

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we, the buddy must zoom did just as good. If they spent we spent more than them.

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If they were brave, we will pray with them. If they had warriors, we had more worries than them.

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But when they came with a profit,

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we cannot provide another prophet. And therefore, one of the reasons that we did not follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was because they bought something and we became jealous.

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And because we became jealous, we did not embrace this religion.

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Now, these things are components of society.

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Jealousy is a component unfortunate of society and unfortunate components society, but that should be replaced with goodness, empathy, love.

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Hate, unfortunately is a component of society.

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But as society where there is love, there is Mohabbat. This forgiving is far better than that society, which has hate prevalent in it, which has

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enmity prevalent in it which has jealousy prevalent in it

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And this is why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam put guidelines for us 1400 years ago, Salah yoke may not

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have you humbly agree he may you humble enough see, it said none of you could be a true believer until he loves for his brother and sister and his community, what he loves for himself.

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Imagine this principle

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that none of you can be a true believer until you love for your brothers and sisters what you love for yourself.

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There are many interpretations of this.

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The ideals the ideal scenario with this but it becomes very difficult, very impractical for the vast majority of us is that whatever you want for yourself you want for your brother. But if you practice that life would become very difficult. Majan you found your ideal girl you wanted to get married, you find the ideal girl. And then you remember the Hadees on law, your Minowa huddlecam. Hatha, you're asking him are you able enough? See, I can never be a true believer until

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I give the sister

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to my friend.

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And then you give, then you find the next you give you find the ideal job, the ideal business and you say Oh, I can't be a true believer. So I must give it over to Mirage

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for instance, your favorite chef is a favorite chef.

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The one that you always wanted to listen to it's it's coming to a sofa and you get there two hours early and you're sitting in the first stuff and you want to listen to this yes and you're dying all your life you want to meet see you heard is recording. Now you want to see me in real life. And you're sitting there at the front.

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And somebody says you remember the Hadith law your Minowa huddlecam. Hatha, you humbled him are you able enough see, ah, then you look back, and your friend walks in and you think I shouldn't be sitting here because I want for him what I want for myself. So then you move over stuff back.

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Next comes your other friend, you move another stuff back. And then you think let me make this hadith even more general people, I don't know, let me give them preference over myself. By the time the talk stops, you'll be in the carpark.

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So the best interpretation

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and those practical interpretation for this hadith

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is that you love for your brother, what you love for yourself meaning treat others and behave towards others. Like you want others to behave towards you.

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Like you want others to treat your son, treat your son in law like that. Like you want other to treat your daughter in law, your own daughter, treat your daughter in law like that.

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That's what the Hadith means. And if we had these principles, and we acted upon these principles, subhanAllah the Muslim ummah would be in a great state. But unfortunately

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it's prevalent people are, you know, they they have enmity, they have shamatha Genosha Martinez shamatha is

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where you don't you gloat over the misfortune with four other individuals.

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And the problem is Allah Salam sought refuge from shamatha

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imagine you gloat over the misfortune that before other people the problem is Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam said, it is enough for a believer

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to be evil,

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that he regard his other believer another believer as less than him. It's sufficient, this is sufficient.

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And then the border is Allah sallam said, the blood blood of a believer is haram. The man of a believer is haram. The URL the honor of a believer is haram.

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All these things are haram. We know generally we know that the blood of a believer is haram we won't go around killing generally. We know the man of a believer the Haram but the honor

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of a believer, that's where we fall often short.

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The honor her believer will say whatever we want regarding a believer

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will and why

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often why is that the case?

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Because of jealousy?

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Because we're jealous of that individual. And because we're jealous of that individual

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will say what we want regarding that person, because we don't regard his field. We don't regard that honor of that individual as to be sacred. So the bar is Allah Salam spoke about his blood is sacred.

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His wealth is sacred, but also his honor is sacred.

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Imam Ghazali Rahmatullah Lai says, you know, how acid envy Why is envy let me define envy for you.

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Islamically what is envy?

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Envy is that you

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somebody has a favor, you want that person to be stripped of that favor, irrespective that you have that favor or not.

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Okay, you want that person not to have that favor, irrespective that you have it or not, so somebody has a nice car.

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So you don't, what is that you want that nice car as well? And you want him to or her to have it fine, no problem.

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But hazard, which Allah subhanaw taala is sort of falak

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tasted refuge from min ha see them is a hazard from the envia when he envies

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is that you you don't care if you have that or not. But you don't want that person to have that favor and name this is hustled

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and Shimada and hassad are very similar. A linked Imam Ghazali says they inseparable, because if you don't want another person to have a particular favor

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then whenever a misfortune before that person you will gloat and you will be happy.

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And the problem is Allah Allah Allah was sallam said, do not gloat. Listen to this. Do not gloat over the misfortune of other people.

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Because Allah may have mercy upon him, and Allah may afflict you

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do not

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gloat over the misfortune of others because Allah who may have missed may have mercy upon that person. And Allah may afflict you with that, or a similar misfortune.

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And shabam Allah, you see, Subhan Allah, people gloating over the misfortune of others.

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You have entire countries. And after this Muslim countries, there is a Muslim country that they don't like, and they have a earthquake, they have a flood, and they and the people from the other country, Muslims gloat over it.

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Imagine the 1000s of children who may have died or maybe afflicted, imagine the women who became widows. And you sit there and you wrote

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you wrote

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imagine Subhanallah

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imagine all this and I've just see this the infrastructure of a country of Turkey is destroyed the infrastructure of a part of Syria is destroyed. So part of Syria and a part of Turkey in destroyed there's no home that nobody stays in homes. And we sit there say yes, serve them, right. And I'm not going to give you names of countries because you know the names of the countries

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you know the name of the country that you dislike

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and you will gloat over their suffering.

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Hazard let me go back to hazard

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so hazard your cousin

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your cousin's children are doing well. And your children may not be doing well maybe because of your maybe because of you maybe some other factor. So now why you You are jealous of your cousin. What is jealousy again? You don't care necessarily necessarily you don't care if you get that favor, but you don't want your cousin children to do well in the exams.

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Your you don't care you don't want that. You don't want your

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cousin children to do well in business. You don't want your cousin children to become a doctor you don't want I know nobody really jealous on this one. Well, let me get through it and just to make myself good, feel good. You don't want your cousin child to become a molvi

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just to make myself who

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shamatha so what happens? There's a manga that he says they inseparable the what happens?

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So the child doesn't do well in exams.

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He failed his university exams. What do you do you gloat? You actually happy?

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Now the villa over the misfortune of other individuals

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Why would you be happy?

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The problem is Allah sovereign citizen enough for the evil of a person that he neuf that person be defined as evil that he regards his other Muslim brother as less than him. That's just for less than him. Hey, you are gloating over the misfortune of other people.

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And these are listen brothers and sisters, these are sicknesses of the heart. Wallahi

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these are sicknesses of the heart. Let me tell you, when you got a flu, you go to the doctor.

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When you got a heart problem, you go to the doctor.

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But these are sicknesses. These sicknesses are worse. Because the other sicknesses, the physical sickness will destroy your dunya. But they will destroy your art era.

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And not only that, let me tell you, you will never ever be happy as an individual.

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I've never seen a person who's who jealous of other people who's looking at other people ever happy.

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Because you're never in a state of Shuker to be happy. You're always in the ingratitude. You're always looking at as a people.

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And on top of that, so next time

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you see somebody or you feel like even if you dislike that person,

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even if you dislike that person, you see somebody gloating

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over the misfortune of somebody else, stop them there and remind them of the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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that do not gloat over the misfortune of others, for Allah may have mercy on that person. And Allah may indulge you in that same affliction. And that same receiver or some other masiva that Allah had afflicted that person.

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We have pre for people who are more and Allah will give you more in Chicago to La as eaten. Allah said do Shakur, tell me Allah say do Shaka and I will let us see then for those who know the Arabic language is a double tacky double emphasis, I will surely give you more.

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I will surely give you more.

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So be happy for what other people have.

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And thank Allah subhanaw taala for what you have.

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Do not gloat over people's misfortunes. We're in an era you know where we are mobile phones and we see people misfortunes

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and we see people someone is afflicted, and we sit there and we laugh.

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And we spend hours Listen, we spend hours, one hour hours we spend on bigger, we jealous because somebody is gonna have nicer profile picture than you. Somebody's gonna hold a gun on a holiday. somebody's gone out to eat. He had doll in the afternoon.

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doll in the afternoon. He didn't take that picture. But she took the picture when she's in Kobe's.

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Nobody ever takes a picture of when they wake up in the morning

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is already there. Already the makeup shake up and then the filters and then they take the thing. And then when they get when they called married the husband looks at the wife is

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dying. The one I saw she looked different last night she looks different now.

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In the time, oh no. Katara the Allah and who? There was a person who wanted to get married.

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So he puts her on his bed. He puts maybe some of those time oils etc. And he looks a lot younger. And then he gets married.

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And when they when the wife realizes, yeah, this isn't a spring chicken.

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These guys are on a rooster on his way out.

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So she goes through her mommy need and she's lovely Alana O'Meara

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We need this man deceive me.

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So Omar called him and he realizes the guy's a Buddha

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is Oh man. Oh my god Alana separated me said this is deception.

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But the reason I'm mentioning this is that we spent hours firstly,

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being Hassey D, jealous of other people envious of other people's lives. Scroll, scroll, zombie scroll, scroll,

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and then we watch the other videos which show people's misfortunes. So shamatha

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we see people's misfortune and we laugh at people misfortune, somebody's embarrassed, somebody's been humiliated, and we watch these videos and we and it makes us feel good.

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Because we see somebody else being humiliated and today's This is a norm with the internet Wallahi you can spend hours on being jealous and the word is Allah Allah Allah wa sallam said, jealousy.

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Jealousy, eats the good deeds. Like fire eats dry wood, like fire burned dry wood. You're jealous. Why are you jealous for

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see? The thing is in all honesty, jealousy is a root problem for many things in our society.

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It's many things in our society.

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So you spend hours and hours shamatha looking at people okay, okay.

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And let me tell you when me are you always on there for no religious reason. We're just looking at people for two people since then we are a part of the sin.

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The Bible is Allah sallam said, do not look out for other people's sins.

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He said, as he said, Do not expose the sins of other people. First, he said don't look at the sins of other people.

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He said because if you do, listen to this, if you are there exposing the sins of other people, then the borrower is Allah Subhan. Allah will expose your sin.

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And then the robbers Allah Salam said when further on Subhan Allah, He said, Allah will expose your sin whilst you are sitting in the depths of your home.

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When you go out to look at the sins of other individuals,

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Allah will expose your sins.

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Today do is simple.

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You on your phone, you forward something by somebody else has been exposed. Somebody else has been humiliated and used to you and I think nothing of it.

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And the problem is Allah Allah, Allah Salam said, Whoever goes out to expose the sins of others, then Allah listen to this, then Allah

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will expose his sins. So mean you might be thinking, okay, but I haven't done anything.

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I haven't done anything where I've done anything wrong way my sins will be exposed. No, no, no, no, this is why the Bible is Allah. Someone said, No, you may not think you've done anything wrong. But Allah will expose you what you sit in the depths of your own.

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In the depths of your home, Allah will expose you.

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So brother, this is this comes back to where I started.

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We need a society.

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We need a society, which is made of good individuals who have basic decency.

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And the basic decency is that we're not jealous of each other.

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If we see a brother with a favor, we thank Allah we say Allah give him more but Allah give me the same, because what is jealousy? Let me define what jealousy is.

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How sad. Islamically is where you see a person with a fever. And you want that favor, to be taken away from that person, irrespective that you attain that favor or not.

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It doesn't matter you might want to you might not want to but you just don't want that person to have it.

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And then the other thing I spoke about was Shemitah. What is shamatha? shamatha is where you gloat over the misfortune of other people.

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And the verb is Allah Allah Allah wa salam said, a person who performs shamatha

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Allah subhanaw taala, who may have mercy on the person who's been afflicted, and he may afflict this vary in the individual who gloat over the misfortune of other people.

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And this can come in many forms isn't it doesn't have to be something major.

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Somebody doesn't do well somebody's child doesn't do well in these exams, you're happy about it, somebody's businesses and go, Well, you're happy about it. Somebody's child has gone off the rails, you're happy about it.

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You're happy about the misfortune of other people even if they're small, they don't remember the prophets Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam said, Allah may have missed a Mullah may have mercy on that person who'd been afflicted, but he will afflict you.

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you know,

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unassign these are the hadith of our Salah Messiah, what kind of person are we go to what other people misfortune Let me ask myself, let me ask myself first, and everybody asked yourself, what kind of person am I? The I get happy over the misfortune of other people? What does it say about me? I'll tell you as you're sad,

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you're a sad degenerate, the heel Mahmoud, you're a sad degenerate, that you gloat over other people misfortunes.

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So there is you and I,

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that we need to look at ourselves, what kind of beings are we are,

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you know, your average human being, let alone a Muslim

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that you go to with other people's misfortunes, that you're happy that they do well in life makes you feel good.

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If you have this feeling, let me say, if you have this feeling of hasip or if you have a feeling of schmatta, the owner might say make dua for that person. Sit down and make dua for that person.

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Oh Allah give that person success. Allah give me children's success. Yeah, Allah make him happy. Make his business live, make him pious, the children who are off the track, bring them back on the track. Make dua for that person shall Allah will remove that sickness from my heart.

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