Why aren’t my prayers being answered!

Yasmin Mogahed


Channel: Yasmin Mogahed

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The speaker discusses the idea that people have been pressured to use social media to express themselves, but this is a sign of a lack of mental health. They suggest that people are setting up their own mental health, which can lead to feelings of envy and frustration. The speaker also discusses the negative impact of people not realizing their blessings and feeling entitlement, which can lead to feelings of sadness and sadness of their own. They stress the importance of not giving too much satisfaction to someone who is the beggars and emphasize the need to be mindful of not being in charge and not wanting to give too much.

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The idea that a lot owes me right? This idea that how could Allah do this to me? And then we go on and we we compare ourselves in our lives to other people. So this this type of thinking of Why me? And why hasn't a law given me what he gave that person? or Why did he give that person and not give me this questioning of the, the the will of Allah subhanaw taala in of course in Islamic context, and and this idea that but, but I am entitled to Xyz, I am entitled to have these things from Allah, that that type of thinking is extremely toxic, it's extremely poisonous, and destructive to our mental strength, it's eating away at your, at your psychological resilience, essentially. But if we

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look at it from a, from an Islamic lens, not only is it taking away from your mental strength, this type of thinking, but it's actually it's an indication that we have a disease internally, when we are when we are angry against Allah subhanaw taala his decisions when we say it's not fair, or when we believe that we are entitled to something from Allah subhanaw taala that is an indication that there's something wrong, internally that that this is an indication of a lack of sub This is This means that we have failed this test, as we know islamically that Allah subhanaw taala he gives and he takes, and Allah knows everything and he knows every factor and and when Allah chooses to give

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and when Allah chooses to take Allah knows best, and Allah does it with wisdom. I think a lot of the way that we are using social media is very unwise, and I hope that inshallah, in the future, collectively we'll start to learn that, you know, what are some more wise ways to use social media, but right now, unfortunately, everything is kind of at a peak of like, here's a way to

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I don't want to use the word show off, because I don't know anyone's intention, you don't know anyone's intention, we can't say, oh, that person is trying to show off because that's something of the heart. But it is that it is a stage for displaying one's one's blessings, it's a it's a, it's a it's a, it's a space to to blast our blessings. And unfortunately, people really are maximizing that, you know, with photos, right. And, and, and, and locations and everything like, I mean,

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people won't eat a won't eat a sandwich before they first take a photo of it and post it right. It's like you can't eat until everyone's first seeing the photo of what you're about to eat. So it's a it's a strange kind of on It's a strange culture we're living in right now.

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But But what I'm saying is that there is a price to pay, and there is a price that we are paying. And one of them is the fact that we are set, we are putting our blessings in harm's way in a sense, because the prophets I sell him told us that any blessing can be envied. And he so he advises us to be discreet. But now the other side of that equation is what happens to the person on the other side of the screen. And and that's, you know, kind of where, where we have to sort of manage this. Because if we are constantly looking at other people's lives and other people's blessings, and then comparing them to our own, it brings about it can bring about envy. And then here's the other

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problem. It can also bring about in gratitude for our own blessings. And going back to the the the point I was making, that every individual has both blessings, and tests. And so the reason why we envy another person is because we see their blessings, but we don't see their tests. And so this is how we actually contribute to our own suffering and our own misery really, and our own unhappiness. And this weakens our mental strength, the ability to have resilience is is actually damaged by these very, very toxic mental habits. So these mental habits become, you know, toxic, not just psychologically but they are also toxic, spiritually as well. So again, the first one was this

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feeling of victimization that Oh, woe is me, everything is unfair. Why is God doing this to me? How could you do this to me resentment towards Allah subhanaw taala feeling a sense of entitlement that I I deserve to get this thing you know, this attitude we sometimes have, May Allah forgive us, but I may do I, you know, like, I may die for it, which means it better common, and it better come in the form that I asked and it better come

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On the timescale that I wrote, right, whenever, you know you, you get this sort of this attitude sometimes where you're like, but god but Allah, I asked for it, you know, it's like, as if we're in charge, right? We're in charge of what Allah does, when he does it, how he he passes out his blessings. And it's like, but I but I said it's almost like, I mean, this is Allah subhanaw taala we're not talking to a child like, Did I tell you to do you know, to clean your room? Like who are we talking to in this way? Unfortunately with sometimes we don't have that with Allah subhana wa tada we act as though it was working for us. I was a bit let you know, it was not a genie in a

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bottle. You know, give you my wishes. You know, like, I I own you, and you better give me what I asked for, and you better give it to me when I asked for it. This is a very, very, very bad attitude. And it's a very poisonous attitude. This isn't the way we deal with Allah subhanaw taala we don't make demands to Allah subhanaw taala depending on where the beggars remember, that allows the king right? We're not in charge. We're not the ones who Tell, tell Allah what to do. Yes, Allah subhanaw taala here is our da, but that's because that's out of his mercy. But Allah Subhana Allah is the way in which Allah gives us our draw. And the timescale by which Allah chooses, that is for

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Allah subhanaw taala we don't dictate these things. And so what sometimes people, unfortunately, we have this weakness, where we sort of tried to use religion, you know what I mean? Like, like, we're using it to get the material things that we want. And, and, and, and, and it's fine to make dua for nice things, right? It's okay to make dua for for dunya, as long as obviously, it's halen. But we have to be careful, because the ultimate objective is not dunya. Right? It's almost like our ultimate objective is dunya. It's like, I want a big house, I want this type of spouse, I want this much money, I want this much status. So let's see, how am I going to get there? Well, I heard that

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we can use religion to get there. You know, there's this thing in religion that we can use called drop. And let's let's use that to get to our ultimate objective.

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And then, and here again, there's nothing wrong with making to offer these things or banner ads, if adonia has enough of an asset it has a network can either have or not, or law give us good in this life, give us good in the next life and protects us from the hellfire. Great. But here's the problem is what is our attitude when we don't get our demands? How are we asking Allah subhanaw taala? And then how do we behave when we don't get our way? That's a very telling, right? Who is in charge here? Like, like, who is in charge? Are we in charge there is a lot in charge. Remember, we need to stay in our lane, right? We need to remember that we are the beggars. We are the beggars that's why

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it is like this, because you're literally begging from Allah subhanaw taala we're the beggars and he's the king national for Korra We are the poor and he is the rich will enter the honey right and pull money you will not know for Korra You are the rich, you are the one who doesn't need anything or anyone and we are the poor, we are the ones who are begging. So we just have to really know our place. You know, like stay in our lane a little bit. It was not working for us. Okay, we are working for Allah subhanaw taala and it is out of his generosity that he gives us our it isn't like he owes us this is the attitude we have to understand that this attitude of but but I asked why did he give

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he owes me that is poisonous, you know, and we have to be very, very mindful of not having that attitude that that Allah owes us something. Looking at ourselves as either powerless victims or entitled both of these are toxic. Both of these are toxic. And then lastly, comparing ourselves to others absolutely toxic. We need to realize that we have blessings and tests and so do others. Everyone has both blessings and tests. Do not focus on other people's blessings and think that they don't have tests. And definitely do not focus on only your hardships and forget your blessings. Because if you do that you will fall into in gratitude and despair. always focus on what you have

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and it will grow at some point no matter how hopeless as long as Allah subhanaw taala has still given us breath, then there is still hope and we can always get back up and we can always come back to Allah Subhana Allah and Allah can always change our condition. Never ever think that anything is permanent in this life. Nothing is permanent in this life. Whether that is a, you know a condition that you that you like or a condition that you don't like, This life is over.

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always changing and so never ever feel helpless or hopeless. If If there's something about your condition that you don't like, it can always change Allah subhanaw taala is the Turner of hearts and Allah subhanaw taala is the Turner of condition. Remember that all Allah has to do is say be and it is