Yasir Qadhi – Wisdoms of the Quran #15 Dawn Is Near

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of procrastination and delay in the context of the Quran and the message of Al Qaeda is emphasized. It's important to act swiftly and not procrastinate, as punishment is coming soon. Procrastination is a consequence of procrastination, and staying at the pace is crucial to achieving success. The context of Islam's actions and promises is discussed using a hypothetical scenario, with emphasis on the importance of not losing hope and not giving up hope. The speakers also remind people of the difference between the Information and Agent, stressing the importance of not procrastinate and continuing to live a better life.
AI: Transcript ©
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What evening of Ramadan is it tonight?

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Which means

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half the month has gone.

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Isn't the month almost over?

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So today's aya is about the swiftness of

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Surah Hud verse 81,

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This is such a powerful,

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sweet, profound verse.

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The context of the verse, of course, it

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translates as isn't the dawn so close by?

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It's the middle of the night, isn't the

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dawn around the corner? Isn't it almost time

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for the dawn? And the context of the

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the angels visit Lut,

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and they tell the Prophet Lut that Allah's

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punishment is coming. At the crack of dawn,

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the angels are gonna come, and they're gonna

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turn Sodom and Gomorrah over, and the punishment

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will come. And then they say to Lut,

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And of course, the primary meaning, hurry up,

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get out. Hurry up, it's almost done. Alayasasubhubuqareeb.

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But as usual,

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this maxim, this Quranic wisdom,

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this gem

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has so much profundity.

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And because of time, we are limited. But

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I'm gonna extract 2 separate points.

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1st and foremost,

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It is an encouragement

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for us to act immediately

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and swiftly,

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to not procrastinate,

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to not delay.

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The Quran is full of commandments to act

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and the Quran

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Allah tells us in the Quran that when

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the angel of death comes, Allah says,

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make sure you're giving charity.

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Kharib. Give me just a little kharib time.

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Just a little time give me. And Allah

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says, no, that's not gonna happen. That's why

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the Quran says,

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rash to do good deeds. The Quran says,

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win the race. Our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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said, Badiru bil aamali

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Be hasty to do good deeds. Our prophet,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, said, ikhtanim khamsan kablakhamsin.

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Shababa k kabbalah Haramik.

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Take advantage of 5 things

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5 things will come that destroys them. Take

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advantage of your youth before you become old.

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Take advantage of your health before you fall

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sick. Take advantage of your free time before

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you become busy. And the hadith goes on.

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Be quick, be hasty, do not procrastinate

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and delay.

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evil deeds, when you commit them, Allah says,

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do not delay in your tawba. Inna matawba

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tu a'allallahi.

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Lilatheena yamaloonasuabijahadatin

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Allah will accept the tawba of anybody

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who does a sin, and they did so.

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They were jahil when they did it. They

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were not good people when they did it.

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But Allah says,

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They repent

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They repent immediately.

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So the first thing we derive,

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Isn't the dawn so close by? Isn't it

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almost time for the dawn to come? Allah

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is encouraging,

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just like he's encouraging lut alayhis salaam. Don't

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delay. Pack your bags, get your family, get

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out of here. Don't delay. The punishment is

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coming. So act swiftly,

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act hastily, and do not procrastinate.

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And in fact, we learn from some of

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the statements of the sahaba. Some say it's

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a hadith, but it's not a hadith. It's

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a statement of a sahabi. Ataswifu

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is from shaytan. To delay something, it is

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not from our sunnah. And this is every

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effective leader, and every single

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successful person will tell you the number one

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thing, you take advantage of time. You do

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not delay, you do not procrastinate.

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You wanna be successful

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in this dunya, much less the akhira. You

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cannot procrastinate.

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So we get this from this ayah, alayhisasubuubikari.

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There's another profundity

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in this ayah. There's another

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deep meaning in this ayah, alasa subhububiqareem.

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What is the context? The context is Allah's

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upon evil people, and the context is Allah

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the righteous people. Remember, the righteous people are

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being persecuted.

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The righteous people are being mocked. The righteous

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people are being physically harmed, and the evil

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people are the Walimun and the tyrants. And

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Allah says in that context,

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alaysa subhubikareeb.

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In other words, don't lose hope.

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No matter how dark the night is, there

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shall be a dawn that will cause the

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sun to rise. No matter how bleak the

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world looks, no matter how much

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and oppression is taking place,

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there shall be a change, and there shall

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be an uplifting.

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will not be allowed to continue forever. There

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shall be a day of reckoning, and there

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shall be the crack of dawn that will

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get rid of all of the evil and

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the that exists. So there is a positive

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news for those that are being oppressed, and

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there is the threat of punishment for those

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that are persisting

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in the evil. And the Quran is full

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of this motif of Allah's help being kareeb,

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of Allah's rahma. Inna rahmatallahi

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Allah's rahma is kareeb from those who want

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to achieve piety. And Allah says, wakhurasuhibunaha

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nasrumin Allahhi wa fathun

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kareeb. Allah's fatha is kareeb. Allah's

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Verily Allah's victory is kareeb. Do not lose

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hope, oh people who are oppressed. Do not

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lose hope, oh people of ghazah. Do not

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lose hope, oh people who are being shown

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unprecedented amount of lul. Allah's help is

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kareeb, is kareeb,

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Allah is inspiring optimism,

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Allah is inspiring courage, that no matter how

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bad the situation is, Allah's nazar, Allah's rahma,

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Allah's fata is always kareem, and Allah reminds

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us in the Quran

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the difference between the kafir and the mumin.

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Allah reminds us that when it comes to

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Allah's help and victory, when it comes to

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qiyama, Those who reject Allah, they think Allah's

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help is never gonna come, or is very

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far away. They think reckoning will never come.

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And as for us,

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We know Allah's help is close. We know

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Allah's victory is close.

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Isn't the dawn so close? It's not far

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away. And so we put our trust in

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Allah. We put our in Allah, Allah's help,

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Allah's victory, Allah's nazar, Allah's rahma, all of

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it is kareem, and how can it not

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be kareem when Allah himself

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When Allah is kareem, then how can his

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nazar not be kareem? How can his fatah

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not kareeb? How can his rahma not be

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Ibrahim says, my rab is kareeb, and my

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rab hears the dua of the one who

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is oppressed. So Allah is kareem, and his

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help is kareem, and his naser is kareem.

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So he reminds us, Alayasasubhubikareem.

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O Muslim, do not procrastinate.

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Turn back to Allah in repentance. Hasten to

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do good deeds. Turn over to live a

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better life. Alay sal subhubhuibikareem.

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And all Muslim, do not give up hope

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of Allah's mercy.

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Never despair of Allah's rahmah and conquest. The

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conquest of Allah, the naser of Allah is

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always kareem because Allah himself is kareem. And

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InshaAllah ta'ala will continue tomorrow.

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