Mufti Menk – Habit Building – Doha Qatar

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not just being worshiped alone, but also being worshiped by others. They stress the importance of understanding the word of Allah and the reward of people who read and listen to the Quran. The message is rewarded for those who study and implement it, and fasting, praying, and small small challenges are emphasized. The importance of testing oneself and others to see if they have any issues, building habits to avoid false positives and false expectations, and testing oneself and others to see if they have any issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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My beloved brothers and sisters, this is the

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month of Ramadan.

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And this is a Friday within the month

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of Ramadan.

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And this is the time of Salatul Jumu'ah.

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So we have a blessed moment, in a

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week, in a blessed

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and all this is the favor of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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My advice to you

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and to myself is to be conscious of

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Allah, to worship him alone. For indeed,

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he is the owner of entire creation, The

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who placed you and I on earth

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without us having a say.

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None of us is on earth because we

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chose to be here.

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But rather we are on earth

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because we were placed here.

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And therefore, develop a relationship

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with the one who has made you.

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He alone

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deserves to be worshiped.

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When a person enters the fold of Islam,

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they declare what we know as the shahada.

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In it, they bear witness that there is

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worthy of worship besides Allah.

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Why then would we be worshiping any deity

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or anyone or anything

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besides Allah.

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So it's very important to seize

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a beautiful month like the month of Ramadan

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to connect with the maker alone.

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It is also the month of solidarity.

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Today we are seated here in our 1,000,

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wanting to hear

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something that will bring us closer to Allah

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and his Rasul salallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Because it's the month of Ramadan, our hearts

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are softened.

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But do you realize it's the month of

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solidarity? Those who are seated here with you

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are your brothers, your sisters

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in faith,

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which is a stronger relation than the relation

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of blood.

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If you feel a good feeling towards those

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whom you come across,

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as you do your daily chores and go

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to work and come back,

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those whom you meet, those whom you see,

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if you feel a connection,

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and if you feel that they were in

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trouble in any way, shape or form,

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you would try your best to assist them

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as per your capacity,

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then Insha Allah, you are heading in the

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right direction. The month of Ramadan

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is a month of reaching out to those

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in need. Not just in need of money,

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not just in need of food and drink,

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in need of anything, at times even a

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good word.

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May Allah Almighty make us from among those

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who are conscious of this.

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If that is the case and it is,

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imagine saying a bad word. Imagine uttering that

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which is abusive,

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hurtful, hateful.

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it would be the opposite of what is

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required of you as a believer.

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And therefore, remember the statement of the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wasallam

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where he says, a believer

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is not abusive.

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He is not deceitful.

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He is not hurtful.

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He is not vulgar.

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But rather a believer is he who utters

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that which is upright.

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Whoever believes in Allah

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and in the last day, meaning

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a person who is truly concerned about the

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that is going to be taken on the

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day of judgment,

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such a person would only utter that which

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is beneficial

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or remain

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May Allah Almighty

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grant us the ability to

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use our tongues and our mouths in His

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and in that which will be beneficial for

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us on the day of judgment.

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This is a month of the Quran because

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the Quran was revealed in this beautiful month

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Allah says it is the month of Ramadan

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in which the Quran was revealed

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as a guidance

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to mankind.

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I promise you, my brothers and sisters,

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the most

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powerful word in existence is the word of

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The most

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powerful message there is in existence

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is the message sent to you by Allah.

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Do you know that message?

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When Allah has specialized

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the month every single year of your life,

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that is known as the month of the

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Quran, but you have not done enough

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to understand

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the message

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of Allah that is the most powerful, most

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important message.

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Surely, a day like this

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should be a day of contemplating,

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and thinking

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about how we can do better when it

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comes to

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understanding the word of Allah.

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There are people who have reached their fifties

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And they've read so many books in their

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during their school days and perhaps later on.

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But at times they are guilty

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of not even trying

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to read the Quran

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and understand it.

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Our duty towards the Quran is not only

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to perfect the Arabic recitation.

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Yes, that is extremely important.

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And yes,

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you will get a reward for every letter

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multiplied by 10, and in Ramadan

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even beyond that. But you will get an

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equal reward

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for learning,

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trying to understand,

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putting into practice and conveying it to others.

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In more than one place in the Quran,

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Allah is asking a question.

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Will you not

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ponder deeply over the verses of the Quran?

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Are you not going to attempt to try

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and understand it?

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To try and ponder over it? To look

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into it? Well, that is the message. At

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a loss,

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is the one who spends his life without

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knowing what did Allah actually tell me in

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His book.

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The message was for me.

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This is why we have the month of

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Ramadan that keeps coming again and again.

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We are fortunate in our beautiful masajid.

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May Allah reward those who made this masjid

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and who actually

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thought of putting it here. And may Allah

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reward all those who have put up masajid

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across the globe. And may He use us

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to put up these masajid

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to make use of them. We are so

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fortunate we have these houses of Allah, Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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Where melodious recital during the month of Ramadan

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in many of those

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masajid, the entire Quran is completed in recitation.

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How beautiful is that? Imagine the reward of

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the people who read, the reward of those

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who listen, but do you realize

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there is an equal reward for the one

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who attempts to understand that word?

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I cannot

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over emphasize

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the issue

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of connecting with the meaning of the Quran.

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It will change your life.

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Promise today, that we will spend a portion

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of the day, even if it be 5

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minutes a day, to try and connect with

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the Quran in the most beautiful way. This

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is the month of the Quran. That is

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why we are speaking about it specifically.

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May Allah Almighty accept it from us.

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My brothers and sisters, the Quran will transform

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you. It will develop your character and conduct.

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When Aisha radhiallahu anha was asked about the

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character and conduct of the Prophet

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she answered with a simple sentence,

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His character was the Quran.

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From this, it means that the Quran would

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transform you and I to the degree where

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your character and conduct would outshine

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everybody else.

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May Allah make us from among those with

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the best of character and conduct. Yet in

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the same Quran,

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Allah speaks about Muhammad

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And Allah Almighty says,

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Indeed you

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are upon

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the highest level of character and conduct, if

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we can translate it that way.

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Adim, huge.

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Something massive.

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The most impressive character and conduct was that

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of the prophet

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It's not easy to be kind to those

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who are unkind.

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But the prophet

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did it. It's not easy to be good

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to those who have harmed you. But the

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did it. Subhanallah.

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He was on another level. May Allah Almighty

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grant us the ability to study his life

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and to put into practice aspects of his

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life to the best of our ability. Wallahi,

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my brothers, my sisters, the fact that we

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are seated here so content,

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so peaceful,

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fasting for the sake of Allah. One pillar

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of Islam is fasting. Another pillar that we're

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about to engage in is the prayer.

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Another pillar that we will engage in in

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the month of Ramadan, those who have the

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wealth to give that wealth. It's not necessary

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give your zakah in Ramadan, but it is

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of a higher degree if you do that.

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May Allah Almighty

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upon success.

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So the gift of Allah, when you notice

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the contentment you have in your heart,

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it's a gift.

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That contentment will only come when you connect

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with Allah. Whatever happens in your life is

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from Allah. Do not despair.

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You have a month of Ramadan.

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A month where

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your problems become small because the problems of

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others are great.

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Look at our brothers and sisters struggling in

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Gaza, in Palestine. It would be wrong for

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us not to mention them and pray for

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When we hear and see what goes on

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and is going on there,

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automatically our problems become minute, small. It's like

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we don't even have a problem. May Allah

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Almighty help us all in our own difficulties

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and issues. And may Allah Almighty

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help and guard and guide our brothers and

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sisters in Palestine.

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My beloved brothers and sisters, the month of

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the Quran

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is a month wherein which

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all of us should be reminding each other

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to do good.

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The fact that you asked someone or reminded

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them to do good, you get a full

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reward of the good that they do. So

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why not? This is why Allah Almighty says

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people are at a loss.

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Allah swears by the token of time and

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he says indeed man is at a loss.

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Besides those who do what? Remind each other.

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Besides those who remind each other.

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Man is at a loss except those who

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believe and do good deeds, and remind each

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other about the truth and about justice,

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and remind each other to bear patience.

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My brothers and sisters,

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Allah has promised all of us.

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Allah has promised all of us that he

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will test us.

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That's why we're on earth.

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In fact,

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every single one of us has challenges.

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The richest and the poorest, the healthiest, and

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the one who is unwell. May Allah grant

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cure to those who are unwell.

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Those who are the most good looking and

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those whom community might not consider as good

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looking. Everyone has some issues no matter who

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you are.

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That itself is evidence and proof

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that Allah made you to test you.

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This morning I had a message from a

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young man asking me

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if he could have permanent tattoos

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and why couldn't he have those tattoos.

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And I told him,

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if someone were to give you a motor

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vehicle of theirs

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and tell you that I want this vehicle

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back at a certain time,

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do you have the right to scratch

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or to inscribe your name or anything you

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think on someone else's vehicle? No.

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The body you have

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is given to you by Allah

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only for a short time while you are

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being tested.

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When you enter a hard hatch zone where

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there is construction happening, and they want to

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take you to show you the place, they

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will give you a helmet, and they might

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give you some protective clothing.

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When you enter, you wear it. When you

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exit, you remove it and say, Thank you

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very much. Here is the clothing.

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If something fell, a stone or 2 or

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a rock or 2, you were saved because

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of your helmet. And you were intelligent enough

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not to break the helmet and do silly

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things to it because if that was the

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case, you probably would have injured yourself, and

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you would be to blame.

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So in the same way, when we're entering

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this earth, Allah puts the soul into a

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body. And Allah says, I'm going to separate

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the soul from the body once the mission

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is accomplished. What is the mission? I'm putting

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you onto earth and I'd like you to

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do as much good as you can

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I decide

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that now your mission is accomplished. Come back

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to us. Let's see what you've done.

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That's exactly what Allah has done. So I

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cannot decide to do something to this body

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that is not ordained by the one who

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actually owns the body.

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This is why my brothers and sisters, the

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point I am making is

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we will be tested by Allah. He's put

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into a body. The soul goes in

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and he allowed us entry into the world

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for a short time. He will test us

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with 1, 2, 3, 20, 30, 40.

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200, 300, 400 tests. Some of them will

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be massive. Some of them will be small.

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He promises you when I love you, I'm

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going to test you more. I just want

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to see. I told you I'm going to

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test you. What are you going to do?

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You lost your job? Do you come closer

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to me? You lost your health, do you

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come closer to me?

00:16:17 --> 00:16:19

You lost something else, do you come closer

00:16:19 --> 00:16:21

to me? You lost a loved one, do

00:16:21 --> 00:16:23

you come closer to me? Or do you

00:16:23 --> 00:16:25

turn away and forget

00:16:25 --> 00:16:28

that you yourself are going to come back

00:16:28 --> 00:16:28

to us?

00:16:29 --> 00:16:31

May Allah Almighty make us conscious of this.

00:16:33 --> 00:16:34

So this is why the contentment

00:16:35 --> 00:16:36

is definitely

00:16:37 --> 00:16:37


00:16:38 --> 00:16:40

upon the faces of the believers who are

00:16:40 --> 00:16:41

connected with Allah,

00:16:41 --> 00:16:44

and they understand that this world is temporary.

00:16:44 --> 00:16:46

We are going to be tested. And it's

00:16:46 --> 00:16:48

okay. I will rise to the challenge by

00:16:48 --> 00:16:49

the help of Allah.

00:16:50 --> 00:16:52

So this is the month of solidarity as

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I said. The month of reaching out to

00:16:54 --> 00:16:57

those in need. Reaching out to those

00:16:58 --> 00:17:00

who are struggling and suffering in any way,

00:17:00 --> 00:17:03

shape, or form. May Allah Almighty use us

00:17:03 --> 00:17:03

to do good.

00:17:04 --> 00:17:06

We have the fasting that I'm not going

00:17:06 --> 00:17:08

to go into because every one of us

00:17:08 --> 00:17:11

knows that we stay away from certain things

00:17:11 --> 00:17:13

in Ramadan. But I want to tell you

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I want to tell you very importantly, the

00:17:16 --> 00:17:19

prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam warns those

00:17:20 --> 00:17:22

who stay away from food and drink, but

00:17:22 --> 00:17:25

do not stay away from bad mouthing, and

00:17:25 --> 00:17:26

foul language,

00:17:26 --> 00:17:29

and deception, and false witness. He says,

00:17:39 --> 00:17:42

Whoever is not going to quit or leave,

00:17:44 --> 00:17:46

false witness and uttering that which is bad,

00:17:46 --> 00:17:47

that which is

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00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

that which is abusive and so on.

00:17:52 --> 00:17:53

During the month of Ramadan,

00:17:54 --> 00:17:55


00:17:55 --> 00:17:57

Allah does not have a need for that

00:17:57 --> 00:17:58


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to have quit food and drink. In other

00:18:01 --> 00:18:04

words, they wasted their time fasting.

00:18:05 --> 00:18:07

May Allah Almighty help us develop the best

00:18:07 --> 00:18:09

of habits in the month of Ramadan. May

00:18:09 --> 00:18:11

Allah Almighty help us to become the best

00:18:11 --> 00:18:12

of people.

00:18:12 --> 00:18:14

May we not only quit our sins for

00:18:14 --> 00:18:16

Ramadan but even post Ramadan.

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May we not only become people conscious of

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what we say during Ramadan but even outside

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