Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #03 The Difference Between a Prophet, Nabī and a Messenger, Rasūl

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The segment of the transcript includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then. The segment includes introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I'm only a couple $100. So that was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was so happy he woman what I'm about. So in our last lesson or two lessons, we've talked about the necessity of sending prophets and messengers, and some of the roles and responsibilities of prophets and messengers. Why does Allah sent ambia and Russell? And what does the Koran tell us about the function of the Gambia and Russian? We're still doing our introductory series of lectures before we jump into the actual topic of the actual profits. So today, we're going to get into our first really technical issue and that is, what is a nebby and what is a rhassoul? And what is the difference

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between a newbie and they are sued. So today's topic is going to be relatively advanced one which is about a technical issue, that the distinction between the MBR which is the plural of nebby, and the Russell which is the plural of rhassoul. So let us begin with the linguistics. What do the words nebby and rhassoul indicate in the Arabic language, the word nabee it comes as even Mambo, the famous lexical lexicographer of the Arabic language, who wrote one of the most significant early dictionaries Are you saying medieval dictionaries in Islam? It is called the sound louder, which is considered to be the first primary reference of the Arabic language or the Arabic dictionary if

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you're like, he writes that the word and nebby it comes from Nebula known by wild Tamar, Buta Nebula, which means nobility or a high place. Nebula is also used as a landmark that people will will give you directions based upon Oh, that's something over there. So turn left over here, turn right over there. So a nebula is something that is raised, something that is respected, something that is used is a landmark. And from this, he said, The word nebby is very obvious because a nebby is someone that is respected, that Allah has raised him high, and that he becomes a landmark and an icon for the rest of humanity. So according to this interpretation, the word nebby comes from the

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concept of nevoie. And he also mentioned that there's another interpretation or another derivation, and that is that the word nebby comes from nabba with the Hamza never so nevoie known but wow, Tamar Buta and then another interpretation nebby comes from never known ba and Hamza, and the word never means news. I met this afternoon and he never in alvim This is the number and Allah says no Koran call en de Uyuni, Bellman say tell me in for me with knowledge and be Tony give me Never within. So the word never means news or information. And so nabee is the the conjugative ferril. Find your language is basically the formal structure if you know you're sorry for the Arabic language nebby is

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the firing of never. And so from this nebby would be the one who is informed and then informs others. So nebby is informed by Allah, and then he informs others. So the information is two way. So from this interpretation nebby is from knowledge and information. And from the first interpretation nebby is from nobility and raise to raise up and to be a landmark. And in reality, both of these meanings are complimentary, and they all apply to a newbie. So a nebby is someone whom Allah has given information that nobody else has. And then a B then tells people this information, okay, and an NB is also someone who is the most noble of humans, and an epi has been raised up by Allah and an

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A B becomes a landmark for the rest of mankind, someone that is an icon for the rest of mankind. So this interpretation, or this if your explanation makes us understand, what is the linguistic understanding of the word nebby as and by the way, the word nebby it is pronounced with the Hamza in some in some karate, even when it is maybe even you add a Hamza and some say Nabina How can you make the Hamza into a year and so on?

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Because some of the karats have nabby either. So it does seem to indicate that in fact, the word nebby comes from never with a Hamza on it. And then the case the other interpretation is also valid. As for the word Rasool, which is Allah was the or upon the structure of ferule. So nobody is farine and Rasul is ferule. And by the way, both for either for all have the same connotation, it's just depends on the verb on the actual verb, it goes back to the conjugations of the verb or the science of solve. And so in reality, a semir under the hood for they're on the same meaning as far as for who they mean the same thing. And that is that the one in whom the verb is manifested powerfully,

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okay, so a semi, the one who hears everything, I love a fool, the one who forgives everything so and be the one who has so much information nobody else has, and our rosu the same connotation. So as I said, For Rudin, Farrell, they have the same connotation is just that some verbs become upon the conjugation of Farrell, and other verbs woke upon the conjugation of ferule depending on how the Arabs did it all of this is a sort of lesson by the way, for those of you are studying soft, as for the word Rasool it comes from Rasul Allah Rasul Allah. And this is a very interesting story of how Rasul Allah came from its original meaning to imply what it finally implies. So the very origin of

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our Salah, the very base meaning of our Salah, meant in the very beginnings of Arabic language to send of a large group to send smaller groups one after the other. Okay, this is what it meant way back in the beginning of time, when the Arabs began speaking, the earliest records we have in poetry that I said, that means to send in batches. And eventually, it became primarily to, to send small groups of camels to get water. And then the connotation went on from moving small groups of camels to letting loose and setting free and allowing to go to another location. And so the phrase was, the Arabs would say, out of solo Ebola home, they let their camels go, Okay, so from sending it batches,

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it became sending them out for the water, and then it becames letting it grow and being free. And this is why for example, the items will say that the hair of a lady is more self meaning is flowing freely. Okay, so the connotation came to be going without any effort. And this is how our salad eventually became to mean to send forth and then it meant to send forth with something with a message. And so the term rissalah was then derived to indicate a message that is sent modern Arabs use rissalah for a letter, okay, so when they say a letter, they say, the Salah, from the origin of the connotation of letting the camels go into the water. And so our Salah nowadays now means to send

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unconditionally, and typically with something but not always with something I'm talking about purely from a linguistic connotation, and it this is how it is used in the Quran that Allah azza wa jal mentions that we are selling the Ria we have sent forth v winds, and Allah azza wa jal mentions that he sends the angels and Allah even mentions, I hadn't thought of selling the shell Tina, we have let loose the shell team. So all of this term out of Salah, it means to let go to let loose This is what the term means. So Rasool, therefore, is someone who has been let loose or set by set forth by someone with something. This is what Rasool actually means now in the classical Arabic language. So

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Rasool is someone who has been sent by somebody with some things, this is now the connotation that the message has, and even ambari, one of the great early scholars of the Arabic language, he actually derives an interesting point. And he says arasu is only called Rasool, if the person who is sent the messenger will follow up on the delivery of the message, he's not just going to deliver and then walk away, no, rather, he's going to deliver. And then if you want to put it in Simple English, that as soon is the one who has been sent with a message and then actively engages in seeing what happens to the message after it is delivered. He doesn't just deliver and walk away rather he is

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actively engaged in the delivery and continues to give the delivery and to monitor the delivery that is one of those tools is called a rustle classically. So this is the connotation of the term or school and the notion of continuity and going bit by bit by

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in multiple batches, this is actually mentioned in the Quran from Arsenal rusu Rana tetra that we sent our profits continually batch by batch bit by bit and this goes back to the origin of the term rhassoul. So rasuna is the one therefore, who has been sent with a message by someone of authority because only somebody of authority will give you a message. And that assumes then monitors the delivery of the message actively, and is engaged in seeing what happens to the message after it is delivered. This is the linguistic meaning of our soul. And now we get from the linguistics. So we see now the difference between nebby. And we see the difference between received from a linguistic

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perspective, we can say a nebby is someone who knows what the rest of mankind does not know. And he then informs mankind of that knowledge. And they are assumed as someone who has been sent with a message and he then engages in that message, this is from a purely linguistic standpoint. Now remember these two, because we're going to go back to this linguistic notion at the end of our lecture after we've done all of the opinions out there. Okay, now we move on. This is from a purely linguistic standpoint, what do our odema of this religion? What do they say about the functional differences between an abbey and arasu? Is there even a difference between the two of them, the vast

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majority of scholars of our tradition, they said that there is a difference between an abbey and arasu. And they said this, for multiple reasons of them, is the the reality of the fact that two separate words are used. And whenever we have two words, in the same language amongst the same group of people, whenever we have two words, in the same language amongst the same sub group of people, the reality is that those two words never mean the same thing. In other words, and this is a linguistic point, absolute synonyms, according to the majority of linguist do not exist. You have synonyms that overlap in reality, and people have tried to find, you know, examples of this in

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multiple languages. And maybe there is an example in some obscure language, but the default is that there is no such thing as absolute synonyms because why would you have two words for the exact same concept, in reality, you have a lot of times synonyms, that each one expresses a different nuance or is used in a different context. And so there are plenty of synonyms in every single language in the world. But to bring an example of two words that are spelled different, pronounced different, and are used exactly the same, with every single connotation being the same, this is something that linguists have struggled to provide examples of. And the default therefore, is that there is no such

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thing as absolute synonyms. And in fact, I cannot think of any such example in the or on what what you do have are two words, each of which sometimes become synonymous, but at other times, they become different. So for example, the cat and sadhaka. At times they overlap, but then at times, they become different, for example, Islam and Eman or Mothman. And Muslim, these times they overlap and at times, they become different because it as we said, If two words that are different in sound, and in spelling were exactly the same. It defeats the purpose of having two words, why would you have two words, so the very fact that there's something called the Navy and there's something called

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the resume indicates that they are not the same concept and the same connotation. Now that's one one reason why they'd be undersold cannot be the exact same thing. Another reason that is given is that the Quran and Sunnah clearly seem to indicate that

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for example, sort of Hajj verse 52, Allah says, One our son Nam in public under Rasool in one and a billion, we have never sent before you, neither prophet nor messenger. Now the way that this wording occurs even in English, neither prophet nor messenger, right, mira su Lin one and Abby and so the fact that Allah says well and maybe neither this nor that when you have that phrasing or structure, it is very clear that two separate things are being referenced by separate me they're not exactly the same. You know, as as we are we're going to come to one is larger than the other right Mandela school which is a smaller category one I know be a neither even a prophet, which is a larger

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category. And so this is a verse that is relatively clear. Also, the fact that Allah subhana wa tada describes some profits as rhassoul and some profits as nebby and some profits as rezulin obeah iF rasuna and OB were

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exactly the same, this would be repetitive. Why use the exact same adjective if it means the exact same thing. For example, the surah mme verse 51 word Corfu kitabi Moosa in the hookah Anna macula son, what can arasu then be you recall the mention of Moosa in this book, indeed he was someone who was chosen and he was a Rasool and he was a nebby. Why is that? Why does Allah say he was at a school and maybe, because there to not say exact same things he was both are soon and Debbie, which indicates there is a difference between the concept that was sold and the concept of nebby and so on or off Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions our own profit verse 157 our school and be on me there are

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so then maybe the Omi he mentions these different adjectives and characteristics all together. If Rasool and nebby had been absolutely synonymous, it doesn't make sense for the Quran to use both of these terms back to back okay, you don't use the exact same adjective to describe something back to back yet Allah does so multiple times in the Koran, which means they are not the exact same adjectives which means there is a difference between the Russell and the Navy. On the other hand, some profits are not called Russell they're only called nebby. For example, yeah, it has Salam that Allah says say you than what how surah one or the yen minister Ali hain, he is a Sayed a leader and

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a householder, somebody who never married when nebby from the solder hain so he is called a newbie. And there is a very, very interesting Hadith that is so important that we should discuss this in detail because it is a fundamental Hadith about the concept of prophets and messengers and the quantity of prophets and messengers, which we're going to come back to next week as well in sha Allah Allah. And that's a separate topic, but today we have talked about the difference between nebby and Russell. And we have to use this hadith here. So there is a very, very interesting Hadith that is used by many people to indicate that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, explicitly

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demarcated between an abbey and date or a shoal and it is a very, very important Hadith about the concept of Zambia and the concept of Russell so I bought the actual books with me so that we can shallow to look at them and then discuss a little bit about the authenticity because obviously at the end of the day, this is not a very advanced class it is I would call this just like my car on the others it's advanced to intermediate advanced, it's not you know, more than this is going to be like graduate level or something which is not not gonna we're gonna not do this online of this or on you know, public podium. So um, the, the Hadith in in question, it is narrated, or it is mentioned,

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referenced by even headband and even headband was a great scholar of Hadith. And his book is, is called the silent headband by literary scholars. And he is one of the few people who attempted who attempted to write a sloppy compilation, we have Bukhari, and Muslim, and then even hoceima, and even hybond these are the four most famous attempts at writing Sufi only, but Buhari and Muslim have a separate category. And even if Hosea comes number three, and a bit headband comes number four in that genre, and he is the last of them. And he is also you know, not the he is even in terms of chronology. And in terms of authenticity, there are many hasn't had it and there are even some weak

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Hadeeth in this compilation. So in a bit, Sahib it had been in for those of you who are interested in Volume Two, page 77, there is a very long Hadith that actually goes four pages, five pages, actually a very long, heavy five pages, not going to read all of it because it's simply too long, and is the famous hadith of a Buddha aliphatic rhodiola one in which he says that I entered the masjid and the prophets of the law while he was setting them was sitting by himself, and then begins a very long conversation between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in which he asks him a whole bunch of questions. It's a very, very interesting, very atypical Hadeeth it's full of things

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that are not found in any other headings, which is why it is so fascinating. And so, and he and this head, he talks about what is the best rebounder and which versus the best and describe to me the throne of Allah and this industry of all of these different things here. And then we have over here that Altria rasulillah Kamil ambia. I said O Messenger of Allah how many ambia were sent? The Prophet sallallahu it he was sent him said me to elfin were a schroon alpha 120,000 meter to elephant whereas schroon alpha 120,000 poultry Yasuda, la cama rusu, mean Zadek, I said, O Messenger of Allah, how many of those

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Waterson Okay, so now we have in this Hadeeth we're going to talk about its authenticity in few minutes. inshallah, in this Hadith, we have a large number of ambia 120,000. Then a Buddha says from them how many were sold. So we clearly have in this Hadeeth that Russell or a category within Zambia, and our profits of the law while he was selling responded, Sarah, to me it was, et cetera Sharon Jamin hoffy rock that 313 a very large quantity. Don't trivialize that 313 might seem small to you, but it is very large, out of 120,313 work of ritual. All men can have one at home. So I said Who was the first tianyi newbie and the Prophet salallahu it he was sent him said, dumb old jr

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sunova and EBU in Mosul, I said O Messenger of Allah, Adam was an AVI omala sent Adam was an abbey and the profitsystem said yes, Allah created him with his hands and blew the spirit into him and spoke to him directly. And then the Hadeeth goes on and on, you know, four of them were sirianni are the machines and and and no calidris and no and four of them were out of who would ensure even solid and your Prophet Mohammed how many books came down, you know, 100 books came down, and four of them were the Koto and it goes on and on. So you find a very, very interesting, if you like Hadeeth in this regard. However, however, this particular chain has in it, somebody by the name of Ibrahim

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Ibrahim al Hasani, and this particular person is considered to be a liar with Tom and Bill Kirby's accused of lying and because of this, the famous scholar of Hadeeth, Ivanova, Josie, who died 597, he considered this hadith to actually be fabricated. He said, this hadith is forget, it's not even supposed to be in the Sahih he said actually, it is supposed to be fabricated, and so, he went to a very harsh level in this regard, and he said, we should not use this heading at all, because it is not just somebody with a weak memory, but somebody has been accused of lying. However, there are supporting evidence is you know, for this narration, and have them also from without a refinery, but

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with a totally different chain, we have in the Muslim humble, which is the famous collection of Hadees. All of you should be familiar with in volume 35, page 341 of the famous doctor or shall have no note addition, the famous one that was printed in 40 volumes that we have the hadith of Abu rafati in which he mentions that the same, the same, a relatively long Hadith and he says Yasuda, Allah MBI Oh, well, so which profit was first he says, DME? And I said, Was he an OB? And he said, Yes, he was somebody whom Allah spoke to hold to era Sula company, motor saloon, how many were the Prophets, and the Prophet says, and responded Salah To me it will build it I showed 310. And

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something even headband says 313 was set by Mr. Three and 10. And something jam Mandela theater a large quantity. And then I and then it goes on to other sections. And in this Hadeeth 120,000 is not mentioned, we only have we only have the notion of the proffer the rustle being 310. And something. So this is used as some supporting evidence, because it is from a totally different chain, it has nothing to do with this previous chain. However, this chain, it does have in it, a number of people that are problematic as well not as problematic as this one. But nonetheless, some people are unknown. So for example, it says

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that an unknown person in this chain and also you have somebody by the name of Rob bade them in a hush hush whom, and again, there's a whole long commentary on this on the channel, I want to go into all of those details here. So the point is that a lot of scholars even by the way, the editors of this of this book, who are considered to be great scholars, they also come to the conclusion that that this hadith is a weak Hadith is hard, it is a weak Hadeeth. Now there are other evidences as well that are used of them is a narration from abou mama another companion not a Buddha, and it is reported in the TFC have a banner behind him which has been recently published in its entirety. And

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there is a chain in their in which it mama says Yasuda, how many ambia and the profitsystem responded me to elfen waterbar tune washroom 124,000 these names

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The one even headband mentions 120 and this one mentions 124,000 Min, Daddy catarratto. Me attend welcome cetera Ashura. Russell, so of them were 315, even headband mentions 313 it mostly misses 310 and something and this one says 350, we'll get a similar figure jump men have a few or a large quantity. And that chain as well has issues with it. In other words, and some have found other you know, even more weak chains. In other words, you have three or four different chains that have a similar concept. Not exactly the same, by the way, because each has a slightly different but it's similar concept that ambia are very large 121 or 24,000, ruso or 310 313 315. Now, what to do? Well,

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some of the scholars of our times and in particular, the famous Albanian Jordanian scholar Adela, Barney Chahal, Barney, and he was well known to, you know, for the scholars of Hadith to take such chains and consider them to be supporting evidences, he actually considered this hadith that the prophets are 124 and the Russell or 310 and something to be not just hesson he made it Sahil, Mashallah to vertical law, right. And most of the scholars of Hadith that are considered to be the experts, they consider Shahada Bonnie to be somewhat lacks when it comes to these types of issues to bring forth chains and then consider them to be very easily because in reality, each one of these

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chains is actually very weak and to take these very weak or maybe even Moncada chains and then to consider the Hadith to be, say, for example, this is not something that anybody before him had it done. Nonetheless, you should be aware of this is shahadat Bonnie's position. And because of this, the Hadeeth has become very popular in those circles that look up to this particular chef that they consider this to be an authentic Heidi, that it is found in many, many books, to be an authentic hadith, shareholder, Sam, even Samia, he comments on this Hadeeth as well in his much more volume seven page 409. And he mentions that he mamod himself despite the fact that it is in his in his book

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he made himself did not consider this hadith to be authentic. And this also seems to be the position of even taymiyah that we don't know the quantity of ambia and the quantity of Russell, we do not know them. Now, Allah knows best. It is my humble opinion, as I've been Tamia concluded that the tradition is not authentic, that this this notion of 124 or 120, Gambia and then 300 something useful, that it is simply not authentic. And therefore, because the Hadith is not authentic, it cannot be used to derive theology or to base our albedo on we do not base our theology on sources that are not certain theology has to be certain, nonetheless, nonetheless, if somebody were to say,

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there is a hadith in most of the Mohammed, and some have considered to be life, that the prophets are so many in number, and you know, even headband right, and you just mentioned that it is there. But you point out that you know, what, even tambien Mr. McMahon and others did not consider this to be authentic in reality to, to state this without firmly believing in it, there's no problem. In other words, what I'm saying is that, to believe that there were around 124,000 prophets and around 310 messengers, there's nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't become a point of theology, because there is no authentic hadith in this regard. And whoever believes that Hadith is authentic, should

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must, must believe in it, obviously. And so the main point for us is that there does not seem to be any definitive number. However, what can be said without a doubt, is that the notion of MBR and Russell being two distinct categories, and the Russell or a sub category within MBR, that this has found in the Hadeeth books that much is factually true. So we can bring this and say that the MBR and the Russell or not the same, and that the MBR is a larger category 124. And those cells are a smaller subcategory within them. 310 of them are our Russell. So this seems to therefore be a very good premise from which to begin our discussion, by the way, although this was a preliminary now we

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get to some of the opinions out there, what exactly is the difference between an EBI and a lawsuit?

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And we will now begin with a quick opinion that we will dismiss immediately. I'll call the author mentions this in his shifa, and he says that of the opinions is that there is no difference between an A B and or assume that every newbie is or assumed and every rasuluh is an A B, and the two circles completely overlap. There's two Venn diagrams completely overlap, and we

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Based on all that I have just said for the last 20 minutes, we should dismiss this opinion altogether. Allah azza wa jal does not use two words, to indicate the exact same thing. So this position simply is untenable from a linguistic point of view. And from a Quranic point of view, and from a Hadeeth point of view, even if some rude ama have said that even in our time Chicago does not have Fifi, the famous scholar of study of the last generation would also claim this, but it doesn't really add up in many different ways. And also, it has been a very, very minority opinion in Islamic history. So that is the first opinion and we respect it. And we move on. The second opinion, is that

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another group

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said, and this is the opinion of quite a lot of Roma, including the great theologian of the 11th century, or the mom has suffered any alima has suffered. He said that a nebby is somebody who is inspired, but not commanded to propagate the message, and are assumed is somebody who is inspired and sent to a people and commanded to propagate the message. So a nebby has information but he doesn't share it with others, he's not commanded to share it, and or soon is sent to others, and he shares the information with others. Now, this is a common opinion that is found in quite a lot of source of early books. The problem, though, is to fault. The problem with this opinion is twofold.

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Firstly, there are plenty of texts to indicate that newbies were also sent to people. And secondly, it is difficult to imagine Allah subhana wa tada inspiring a person with knowledge. And this person knows what no other person on earth knows. And then he stays quiet and doesn't preach to the people. A person who is not a prophet, that's me and you, we are required to spread whatever we have. We must speak the truth we must guide our family and friends we have to be, you know, role models as much as possible. How can one believe that Allah subhana wa tada inspires somebody? And then he sits in the corner and does not do anything in reality. Neither does this make textual sense, nor does it

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make logical sense. And the Koran is explicit. Allah says in the Quran, women are sending them to public school in what and maybe we have never sent before you neither prophet nor messenger. Well, not out of Santa Min nabee. So the nebby is also more of Sal. Allah sends then maybe right he's not called or soon, but he is still out of cell look at the technicality, right? A lot out of cell, the ambia and the Russell so the fact that a lot out of cell does not make him out of school. Allah sent them maybe it doesn't make him the messenger and Allah sent that assume, and he becomes the messenger both are motorcyle but only one is Rasool and the other remains nebby and also Allah says

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in the Koran, very explicitly, Weatherford Allahu, Allah, the auto Kitab led to be you know, no holy nasty will attack to Muna who Allah took the covenant from the people of the book that you are going to, you are going to reveal this message to mankind and you are not going to hide it. So Allah azzawajal has a very clear contract, when you have knowledge you have to preach and teach it and you do not hide it. And we also have the famous Hadith is why Muslim as well, kindness bunu is through Isla de su su ambia Kula Mahalia canovee Yun Hala who nabee the children of Israel, they were governed by ambia. Every time a nebby died or was killed another NaVi replaced him. Okay, so this

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hadith shows that the Gambia were sent to Bani Israel and why we're aware of their existence. They didn't just sit in a corner and meditate and not preach to others. And we have the famous Hadith disciple hottie as well, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we're ready for it. And among the nations were shown to me, and I saw a nebby, who had one person with him, and under B that had two people, and then a B that has a small group and an abbey that nobody followed him. So we clearly have the notion of ambia preaching to their people and people are following and if nobody follows it's not because then it'd be didn't try. It's because this is people did not his people did

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not accept so then Debbie is also sent by a law. And this is proven as well in the famous hadith of Amitabh nabasa of ambilobe nabasa, which is one of the very interesting heidy that is mentioned in a number of source books that I'm leaving ibises says that he came to Mecca. He came to McCann early Islam

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And he heard that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was preaching something new. He heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was preaching something new. So he went up to him, and he asked him ma anta What are you? This is a really interesting question. He didn't say men enter Who are you? Because he knows he is. The profits of the last time he said Ma, anta, what are you and the profitsystem said, an n b, I am a nebby. Now, the concept of nebby, as we're going to come to in a later lecture was not known amongst the Arabs.

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They didn't know what an OB was. And so I'm leaving the ABA said, woman a B, and what is a nebby? He is asking him and what is a nebby? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that our cell and Illa Allah has sent to me, Allah has sent to me. And the AMA said to him with what and the prophets have said, to fulfill the ties of the family and to destroy the idols and so that only a lot is worship. Now, all of this is a beautiful Hadith, why am I quoting it? The Prophet system said, I am a nebby, whom Allah has sent an EBI or salmonella. So this second opinion that a newbie does not preach to the people simply doesn't add up, all of the texts and even common sense and

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logic detect dictate that that does not make sense. Okay, so then we park this opinion as well, let's move on to the third opinion. The third opinion we find is mentioned by a group of great classical odema of the early the flourishing time of Islam. And this is the fourth and fifth century when the knowledge was beginning to be crystallized one can say that sixth, seventh, eighth, and others, you know, somewhat ossified and, and set into stone, and then you get to the somewhat of a decline. But that's beyond the scope of our class here. So fourth, fifth century, we have a lot of thought coming out and processes and trying to look back and, and figure out what's going on and

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categorize. So you have some really brilliant minds, and of the minds that we have is the professor a 30 B, who died for 29. hedgerow, and somebody who was greatly influenced by him, his student and Wahidi, who died for 68 ledger, who has a multi volume book called elbow suit, and also another one called n wedges. And these came out recently 30 volumes of Tafseer, they were discovered in in manuscript form. So these are great roadmap of the past, and the both of them and they are student teacher, the both of them have pretty much the same opinion, authority be said in his tafsir, that rasuluh is the one who was sent to mankind, through Allah sending gibreel down to him, and gibreel

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communicating with him directly. And through visual, he could see him directly and speak to him directly, and ask for the nebby then there'll be his new Bulwark comes through inspiration that is not God, and through dreams. And so he said, there'll be endora soon there or soon is one home gibreel comes to, and the Navy is the one whom Allah communicates without God. Okay, so that's his interpretation. And he said, therefore, every rasuna is an abbey. But not every newbie is, is or assume the same thing. We said that this notion is pretty much, you know, unanimous for everybody besides the first group, the first group, of course, that that, and then it'd be exactly the same,

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and then why it has the same concept. Now, the response to this is that there does not seem to be any shred of evidence for this. It seems just to be something that is there's no evidence Well, what is the evidence? How do we know gibreel did not come to the Gambia. Where do we get this from? In fact, there seems to be a lot of indications that you breed went to every single newbie and rasuu. So it's an interpretation, we should mention it, but it doesn't add up and there's no evidence for it. So that is a third opinion, a fourth opinion. A fourth opinion, is mentioned by perhaps, you know, a lot of great roadmap perhaps you know, some of them being of the greatest of the theologians

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of certain schools. mm inessa fee, human humanness is considered to be the primary or one of the primary architects and expounder is I should say, of the Ashanti School of Theology EMA nessus. An SF he says, I will fall kobina Houma under Rasulullah man Gemma even more use et al. Kitab al Manasa la wannabe Melhem unison rally hit up. We're in Nima O'Meara and yet the Raider Shetty. It Monica Bella Who? So the difference between the lawsuit and the nabee is that the rasuna has a miracle and the book that Allah has sent down to him, and then nebby does not have any book necessarily he doesn't have a book rather he calls to the book and the shedding of those before him and therefore

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he said, though Sood is the one who

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Who brings a new Sherry? And then there'll be protects the Sharia of the one before him. Okay, so this is a fourth opinion of Imam nsfc. Before I critique it, let's mention one more. And then we critique all the last three ones, or fifth opinion, which is very similar to the fourth one is that era soon was sent with a new shadia. And then a B is one who was sent to uphold the previous Shetty. I know the words. This is the second half of an SFC statement, the first half of an SF, he says he must be given a book and he must be given a more juice or a miracle, whereas the nebby is not given a more jeiza or a miracle. The fifth opinion is a modified version of the fourth one, it's basically

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the last half of the Mississippi and that is that there are Sewall comes with a new Shetty and the nebby oppose the previous shediac. And this is one of the dominant positions that one finds scattered throughout many books of Tafseer. And in many books of commentary and creed and great roadmap past and present, including the great professor Lucy, he held this position. Also we have you can even say a sixth opinion or modified fifth one if you like. In which one of our the scholars of our time is that somebody who might consider a teacher and mentor ship stuff in Hawaii. He says that the difference between the Rasul and the Navy is that both are soon and then maybe convey

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information. But there are school Yeti beshara nj deed comes with a new shadia in a Coleman cafe in a biggie to a group that have rejected him while you're cool lubaina whom were benina who took the Bull Run, and between him and his people, there's a back and forth of reputations and of rejection, until finally Allah subhana wa tada causes him to win over to win over his people to win over his people ask for and then maybe he comes to revive the cheriya of the previous rasuluh. And to correct what was ratified to simply uphold what was ratified. This is the position of some modern theologians and of the evidences that are given for this is the statement of the Prophet salallahu

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it who was sending them in, in which he said lama wertha to ambia. scholars are the inheritors of the prophets He did not say of the messengers, scholars are the inheritors of the prophets. What does a scholar do? A scholar cannot bring forth a new Shetty, a scholar reinforces the idea that the prophets came with. And that is why the Prophet system is saying

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what I said to an MBA, the scholars are now going to do the jobs that the prophets used to do. Right, Allah is not going to send any more profits. So then who's going to uphold the Sharia interpret the Shetty out, make sure the Sharia that's going to be the rule of the rule ama, he didn't say the Roma are the inheritors of the rustle. Nobody can take on that job other than the rustle. And so this position, I would say, let's call this both four and five and five, a basic of the last 25 minutes that I was mentioned, these types of ideas that the the Shetty comes with a soul or that a book comes with a soul. And that nav is somebody who opposed the previous Shetty or

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doesn't have a book, this is something that is perhaps the most common, or versions of this interpretation, or perhaps the most common that are found across the board. And the reality is that this is seems to be a very good opinion at first stroke. And it makes a lot of sense. And that's why a lot of people propagated. And if we look at so many names amongst the MBR, and Russell, everything fits into place. So for example, that we know that yahaya is an AB, whereas his cousin, Isa is a rhassoul. You Shaq is an OB, but mosa is a Russell. And if we look at the bulk of the names that we're familiar with, then clearly this definition makes sense. Okay, especially in light of the MBR

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of the bunu throw in all of the bunu is through. prophets were unburied, they were not rustled until Aris comes because he has given a new Sharia and a new book. And so if you look at Moosa is our soul he's given a book, and he's given a shout out all the profits after ambia all the way down to ERISA, because he says also given a book, and he says, given a new Shetty and so that seems to make a lot of sense. However, it doesn't make complete sense, or I should say not it's not right to use the word sense I should say. If we were to look at all of the names we have about Zambia and Russian and use them as litmus tests. Let's compare our definitions with the actual names on the in the Koran,

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we find that there are specific names that do not match up and have them is Adam a new hire to his salon. Now, if we say that a rasuluh is somebody who comes

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With a new shadia and then Debbie has to affirm the shedding of the Prophet before him or the Russell before him. Okay. We know from a hadith in Sahih Bukhari that no, is the first Rasul ever sent and we know from Heidi than Muslim Imam Muhammad and others that Adam is a nebby So Adam is gonna be no error is rosu Okay, now if we say a nebby must uphold the shitty out of the previous rhassoul what is Adam coming with?

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Adam is gonna be there is no Shetty before him. So Adam and No, they don't fit up with this definition. And we also have use of as well. The Quran mentions the surah Hoffer. welaka Jochem usofa makapuu, Bilbo janati. From a zoo to Fisher kinemaster COVID Hector ada halakhah pulutan linea batha la and back to Hera Su. Okay Rasool Allah calls use of aerosol Okay, did use of get a new Sharia. Did he get a new revelation? No use of his following the Sharia. We brought him at his Salaam no new revelation yet he is called Rasul. So Adam, and use of our two examples, and we can find more as well. that don't make sense. A third example is how rune, how rune is a Rasulullah even

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though he did not get his own shehryar he of Musa Allah says in the Quran, that in Rasulullah Arabic right? Allah xojo says in the Quran very explicitly, that both Moosa and how rune came to frown for Kula the both of you say that Allah has sent us Okay, so Moosa and how rune or sent by Allah subhanahu, WA Tada. They are both Russell. And yet how rune did not get a new shed here. He is following the shady isle of Musa alayhis salam, and yet their book called The lawsuit. So we have a number of key examples in which these definitions do not match up. And therefore, we need to go back to another definition, or there's yet one more example by the way, and that is the word that is the

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word alehissalaam. That would was given a book, but no newsha and that was an abbey not

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the old was an abbey not out of school, because he followed the shadow of Musab, but he was given a book or attained Buddha, the Buddha and the Hadith and was seen in Mamet, the prophet system said Canada wouldn't be the Prophet that would never be that would and then the head goes on. So these are examples that don't match with the definition that is given by a lot of roadmap. So therefore, let us pause on this definition. And now get to our final definition, which is a shallow to either the strongest candidate and really it makes the most sense, and it also goes back to the linguistic meanings as we will see. And that is the definition that is propounded by none other than

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shareholders, to Dean Achmed. The famous shareholders have given to me I thought, how Ronnie, that shareholder Islam, mentions in his famous book determinable, what, which is a massive, you know, attempt by Ubuntu, a really erudite book to talk about prophecy and prophets. He wrote two volumes, GitHub and the Buddha, which is one of the most amazing books I mean, to be frank, almost everything he wrote is a very, very ingenious, very amazing book. In this book, it happened to be what he discusses the notion of prophecy, he discussed it was what is a prophet and in how do we know profits or profits and you know, the reality of profits? So he has an entire book about keytab, and

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what the book of prophets and in this he defines nebby He says, a nebby, who will you be Ohio law? Well, who are you the oma Amber adma ob ob, that the nebby is somebody whom Allah gives information to, and then he shares the information that Allah has given to him. Okay, that's an OB. And that'd be by linguistic definition is anybody whom Allah communicates with directly and because Allah communicates with him, he is obliged to share that knowledge to some people, at least his people, he is obliged to do that. Allah does not, you know, make somebody a nebby and then tell him to sit in his house, every newbie is going to preach, even if it's to a group of people, not to all of

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mankind, he must preach so that is an abbey, then for in Odyssey, Rama as radical Islam and Han for amberleigh II. If then a B is now sent to a group who openly rejects the command of Allah, the existence of Allah, the worship of Allah, and he now teaches the message of Allah to that group. He becomes

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As a rosu, he becomes a rosu.

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And he then mentions that, generally speaking, there are so it might also come with a new Sharia. But that's not a condition, it is just an a norm, it's not necessarily a condition. So even Tamia gives a very, very precise definition that in reality fits perfectly with all of the examples. And it fits perfectly with the linguistic origins of nebby and rhassoul. And that is why we will conclude with this definition. The nebby is someone whom Allah informs directly inspires directly communicates with directly and a lot teachers knowledge that no other human knows. And that nebby is then required to spread that knowledge and share that knowledge. However, if then a B, is now

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sharing it or, or being sent to a group that doesn't accept him, that is going to reject him that doesn't believe in his message, and he must establish himself amongst them. Now he gets an upgrade, and he is now a rasuluh. He is sent to a people that are rejecting Him. As for a newbie, who is not here, assume his people want this information, his people are eager, and they're waiting for it. And they accept him by and large. So the nebby is not being sent to a disbelief in calm, and nebby is sent to people who already believe like Adam, it his son, Adam, his children believed in him, Tao luud was a king and a mighty prophet. But his people believed in him. He's not at our sole use of

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didn't have a new Sharia. But he is sent to the people of Pharaoh or I should say, the people of Egypt, he is sent to the people of Egypt. So it's not about Shetty. Even though generally speaking, every rasuu would have a new Sharia, generally speaking, but it's not about Sharia. And it's not about book, because books are as we're going to come to. In reality, a book is nothing other than the compilation of the revelation. And it's, in some sense, every single Prophet was because they were given inspiration. In some sense. every prophet had the rudimentary nature of a book, ie something that came down from Allah, some of those prophets, their books were compiled, and others

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were not. Some were given larger books and others were not. Some were given non legal books were attained at the Buddha's abora. This aboard was a non legal book, it had nothing to do with the shediac it was just praise of Allah. That's all that it was. It was just praise of Allah. And it was a book that Allah revealed, but it didn't contain laws. Moosa was given the laws that would follow the laws of Moosa. Yusuf was not given a book nor a machete out, but he was a school because he followed the shady Ebrahim, but he was sent to the people of Egypt. So if you look at this particular definition, it's not about what they were given, whether it books or what not, it's about

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the reception, it's about where they sent to. And that's what I've said amines. Now, in one sense, in one sense, every newbie is sent to his people, no doubt, but to be sent to those who are welcoming you, is not the same as to walk into the policies of fit own as musaajid, it is not the same as to fight the courage like the professor some did in bed and organize up, that is a higher level of being sent. And that is why they are called rhassoul. Because they're now being sent to a group of people that are going to battle with him. And that's why as well, what does the meaning of receive means he's an active messenger, he doesn't, and Abby is going to inform, or assume is going

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to actively engage by preaching, there's going to be a struggle back and forth, that goes back to the connotation of Rasool, because there are so doesn't just deliver the message that Assad is engaged in delivering the message, which means there's going to be resistance, and they must be pushed back. And that's included in the term or soul. And that is why the reality therefore, which seems to be the strongest opinion, Allah knows best. And by the way, there are some other opinions as well out there, which I just left because they're even more obscure. I quoted you six opinions, which are really the main positions that are found there are others as well. But again, this is

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enough for our, for our level. And the sixth one, the final one seems to be watertight, there's not a single example that I can think of, that does not fit with this definition of rhassoul and nebby. And so with this shallow data, we come to the conclusion of this lecture of ours, and we explain that arasu is a nebby, who has been sent to a comb that doesn't believe in Him or doesn't believe in God, and that he has to then establish his credentials and ask for an Abbe he is sent to a home that already believes in Him or is expecting him or shall not reject

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him and therefore he is a nebby and he's going to inform them of the revelation of Allah on him. inshallah, in our next class we will continue other introductory topics about the concept of Zambia and Russell and now you know the difference between the two until then Jacques mala head on with Santa Monica Rahmatullahi wa barakato Yeah.

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He can't

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