Yasir Qadhi – The Parables of The Qur’an #01 – Introduction

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of parables in the Quran and how they can be applied to various topics. They explain that the Quran uses various parables and methods to convey various benefits and lessons, including the use of images, words, and phrases. The speaker also mentions the importance of the title "by the way" in the title of the book and how it relates to the title of the book.
AI: Transcript ©
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How to be lacking in a shoe banyuwangi This means

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what you can

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salat wa salam, O Allah, Allah.

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Allah subhana wa tada has honored us by revealing to us the best of all speech and that is the Quran. The Quran is the most effective and the most powerful and the most eloquent of all speech. And the Quran uses different mechanisms, different rhetorical devices to convey its message. So Allah subhana wa tada conveys to us facts, and he conveys to us via total event or heat, which is incentivizing us making us urine and desire making a scared of certain things. And a lot as Virgil conveys to us information via stories and via examples. And one of the mechanisms that the Quran uses is the mechanism of unfurl or parables and this series insha Allah to add that we're gonna be

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starting today. Ours is going to deal with the some of the parables and the aphorisms of the Quran. Allah tells us in the Quran, what to do nobody boy Holly, nasty woman in the alley moon, these are the parables that we give for mankind. And it is only those who ponder and understand it is only the island who truly benefits from the parables. Allah says in the Quran, that Wanaka Dora Bernardin Nassif, he had the Quran even Cooley method in the Quran. We have have given every type of Powerball in this Koran so that they can understand and think in another verse, Allah says, What do you call? These are the parables we give to mankind so that I love him yet so that they can benefit and

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ponder. So Allah is telling us that the Quran has every type of parable, the Oran has every type of method. The purpose of the method is for us to ponder for us to reflect for us to benefit from and that will be our series insha Allah to Allah in this month of Ramadan. Now, there are many types of parables in the Quran. And we can say that there are two simple categories. The first is a historical parable. And that is an actual story an incident that has taken place and Allah subhana wa tada is telling us to think about that and derive benefits and lessons from a real example. For example, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions and sort of teleca have that there the example of the two

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gardens This is an actual story that took place, for example, in Surah Yaseen while the rubella method and us herbal Korea, give to them the example the method of the people of the village, this is on Takia Antioch. It's an actual incident. That is one type of parable, and is a very, very good topic, but it's not the topic of this series. The second type of parable, which is what we're going to be discussing, is the symbolism. And that is when Allah subhana wa Taala uses an image uses something of nature uses even an animal today our body recited that Allah azza wa jal mentions a mosquito and the Quran mentions an ant and the Quran mentions light and darkness. And the Quran

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mentions the one who sees and the one who cannot see there's vivid imagery, and in that imagery, Allah Subhana what other than extracts a lesson from us he uses an image we are all familiar with. And then he uses that image to strike home a message for something that he wants us to understand that will be insha Allah to Allah, our seabees for example, Allah subhana wa tada says, method alladhina une fue, una Anwar the Houthis are beating up the Powerball the example of the one who spends of his money for the sake of Allah is like the one who plants a seed that one seed gives seven corn ears, seven ears of corn, every one of those seven gives 100 grain. So we see that every

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parable must have three things. Number one, the imagery. And that is in this case, the seed giving seven corns, the seven corns having 100 seeds within them. Number two, the reason why the imagery is given methodology and

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that is charity. So the second thing, why is Allah drawing the parable? What is the reason for drawing the parable? And then the third, and that is the commonality, what is it about the image? And what is it about the cause that links the two together? And for example, in this one, it is the plethora, it is the multiplication, it is the magnification that one seed can potentially become 700 seeds. So every parable has three aspects to it. And we're going to go over them in sha Allah to other the topic of parables is of course a very strong beautiful one. It is mentioned in many books of our tradition, every single book of Lumo Quran for example, the famous Encyclopedia of Yama

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mazurka she who mentions ever

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every single aspect related to the Quran he has an entire chapter dedicated to the parables of the Quran. Imam Shafi said no one is allowed to interpret the Quran until he understands the parables of the Koran, the famous scholar of no female Josie, he wrote an entire treaties which is published separately It is called um third Al Quran, the parables of the Quran. And of course, along with this once in a while, we're gonna add the aphorisms of the Koran. And by this I mean those phrases that have become a part of the culture of our people, they are so powerful, the entire Koran is powerful, but there are certain phrases that are so powerful, so vivid, that they have become a part of the

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vernacular of, of societies and civilizations, for example, for the kurumi corkum, for example, the in Chicago,

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for example, what a cornfield kasasa hyah tune each one of these phrases, it has become very symbolic and they are used as aphorisms or statements of the utmost wisdom. So to this series in sha Allah will do majority of parables and once in a while aphorisms, we cannot do all of them. There are more than 45 actual thought in the Quran, and of course many many dozens of aphorisms, but inshallah, the goal is to introduce us to at least this topic and concept May Allah subhana wa Tada, makers of those who love the Quran and who read it and who benefit from it and whom the Quran intercedes for on the day of judgment and will continue to motivate the data Allah was Salam aleikum

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wa rahmatullah

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wa, ganas.

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In Vietnam tgb shave evolution, Ernie era be worth to be

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in wodgina journey

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