Yasir Qadhi – The Message of The Quran #4

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of society and the core of Surah Nisa is highlighted, as well as avoiding foolish behavior and giving large amounts of money until "our children." They also discuss the use of "has" in Islam, the importance of belief in Prophet's words and actions, and the need for forgiveness and privacy in secret gatherings. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding sin and avoiding publicizing sin, as well as the need for forgiveness and privacy in secret gatherings. They also discuss the concept of love, including the fruit of sexual desire and the importance of sexual orientation in the concept of love.
AI: Transcript ©
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saramonic Muhammad sallahu wa barakato All praise is due to a loss of Hannah what tada who knows what the hearts conceal and what the tongues will not reveal the one to whom all shall appeal and in front of whom the believers kneel. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to send his Sadat and his Salaam, upon the one who was sent as Rama tell Allah mean, the one whom even his opponents used to call a solid another mean, the one who will be our intercessor Yama, Dean hamdulillah. Today, we're going to start sooner than Lisa. And we're going to be summarizing the main essential themes of Surah Nisa. And before I begin, just a quick reminder, I've been giving I've been getting quite a

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lot of feedback and hamdulillah. Much of it has been highly positive. I appreciate all of you two hours. Some people seem a little bit concerned or they're wondering like What is there? Why aren't we going over the entire sutra? And why aren't we summarizing the entire pseudo and to respond to this, we cannot possibly summarize line by line the entire Surah Surah Nisa, it is over 20 pages, and it is impossible in 4045 minutes to go over line by line paragraph by paragraph, if we were to do that, I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing doing one 30th of the quote on around the 30th every single day. So what I've decided to do, and this is a different methodology, and you know,

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there's no right and wrong here, everybody will have a different methodology and how we summarize, what I've decided to do is that I imagined my audience ages to imagine I shall all of you are very knowledgeable, wanting to read the Quran. But imagine somebody who's never read the Quran. And I imagine somebody asked me, What is the takeaway of suta, Nisa, and my job is to explain to them summarize for a Western English speaking audience, what are the main essential characteristics? What do I want them to know about the surah? Now, obviously, I have to be selective, I can't possibly do the entire sutra. And therefore I do ask a lot forgiveness. And then your apologies, I do understand

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that some people might not appreciate this style. All I can say is, everybody has a certain methodology. And what I've decided to do is to summarize in this manner, and the way that I do that, is that I'm going to talk a little bit about the entire sutra. And then I'll go over some themes, some major issues, and I'll quote the references and the verses and then move on to another issue called the references in verses I will highlight specifically very important verses. And obviously when I do that, I don't mean that the other verses are not important. I simply mean these verses might be just highlighting them just showcasing them. And of course, the goal I hope inshallah every

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one of you reads the entire surah multiple translations multiple time series, in case somebody is not able to do that. I hope that inshallah what you're hearing is better than nothing. So once again, your indulgence is my apologies as Carlos forgiveness. I'm trying my best, but it's really not possible to do justice to the original, whatever I'm able to do. I mean, I'm trying to do that and ask Allah for trophies and for his forgiveness. So with that introduction again and caveat, so that the Nisa so that the Nisa is a mid to late Madani surah So as of yet, we've done all Madani sodas in terms of the larger ones. baccara embrun Nisa, they're all Madani pseudos and Sugata Nisa

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was revealed after maybe a year or two after soda earlier in Milan. And so there are some references to offer than what not but the major theme of suta Nisa is very different. Now. The theme has shifted to the family and the immediate family and the extended family and my extended family. I don't mean distant

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cousins that's in the immediate family, by extended family. I mean society at large suta, Nisa. And of course, Nyssa means the chapter of women. And this called the chapter of women because there are so many laws and so many rules about the family and about inheritance and about the laws of domestic affairs. And so it is called suton Nisa, and the entire surah is about society broader, and domestic. And the main theme of this entire surah is to strengthen those bonds and those ties both within the family and then in broader society, and to talk about the potential threats that might happen from within and from without, and therefore to make sure that the the bonds of the oma and

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especially the bonds of the family are extremely strong. And the first idea it sets the tone for the entire surah that all mankind fear your Lord have Taqwa of your Lord who created you from a single soul. And from that soul created, it's made Adam and halwa. And from the two of them, Beth Thurman, humare, john and Catherine when is that Allah subhana wa tada sent forth propagated multitudes of men and women. In other words, we are literally one global family. This is what the verse is saying, all mankind you are all one family, all of you, you go back to the same couple, all of you, you are brothers and sisters in humanity, you are from the same flesh and blood. So the verse begins the

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sort of begins by setting up the paradigm that in terms of humaneness, all humanity is equal. And this is something that Islam came with, and no other philosophy or system or religion or preacher or theology and no other person before our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and before the Quran was this explicit in the oneness of all of humanity, that every single race, every single person of different ethnicities and backgrounds and skin colors, everybody is absolutely equal, because all of us go back to the same and this is the Quran and of course, the Hadith, it is exactly in the same narrative as our Prophet sallallahu. I said him said the same thing could lukumi Adam, what are the

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moment to rob the father, our B and other iGEM Ian elaborate taqwa all of you are from Adam, and all of you and Adam came from dust. So there is no superiority of an outcome over nine out of a white over a black except with duck Wah or God consciousness and this ayah therefore, it reminds us that we have the immediate family which is mentioned in this verse, what Hola, hola de TESSA otonabee he will or ham, that be conscious of a law and be conscious of a lot of ham. Be conscious of two things in this ayah. The first is be conscious of a law, and then be conscious of your relatives, ie the rights of their relatives, ie Be conscious that you have responsibilities. You are not just a

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selfish me myself, and I know you are a brother or a sister, you're a father or a mother, you're a son or a daughter. You're a sibling, your cousin, your uncle, your niece, be conscious of those ties of kinship, and be conscious that you have to answer to Allah subhanho wa Taala for those ties of kinship, therefore, we are being told that we cannot be selfish No, remember the rights of a law and remember the rights of the family as well. What hola hola de Tessa Luna v. What tacos are hammers? Well, the meaning here is that be conscious of a law and be conscious as well of the family that allows the region blessed you with and this verse says the entire tone, that the whole surah is

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going to deal with the family. And also, as we said, extended family, which is society. And there are many sub themes we're going to go into. And we're going to begin with the sub theme of Family Law of marriage. There are so many verses in sort of the Nisa about marriage and about the protocols of marriage and about family disputes and about divorce. Allah subhana wa Taala and sort of the Nyssa encourages marriage, and he brings forth an institution that was unknown pre Islam, and that is the concept of the matter. The concept of the husband gifting the wife in pre Islam, the wife's family would gift the husband's and this culture is still around in some non Islamic lands, but it

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is not the religion of Islam and the religion of Islam. It is the husband who gets the wife at the time of marriage. And Allah says in Surah in verse number four, that what are two Nisa so the quality hinden Allah and give women their dowries, and give it with a free spirit? Nicola means graciously Subhanallah don't give and demean, don't give and remind them of the favor. No, they are also doing you a favor. They're also doing being gracious to you and you be gracious to them by maintaining them by being good to them. And by gifting them free spiritedly gifting them with generously What are two nice sort of quality nilla but if they decide the wives, if they decide to

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give you back some of it if they say Don't worry, because you know, typically in Islamic cultures and there's nothing wrong with this. The matter is set. Sometimes a

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large amount and it's a token that the wife knows that she's not going to demand it so the mother might be much larger and then she says no I'm happy with this much and I'm fine with that. So Allah is saying that for eliminator Comanche I mean, who knows? If she willingly not with pressure, not with society, not by being emotionally blackmailed. If she willingly gives some of it back to you, then no problem for kulu honey and Maria Go ahead, take it back and enjoy it and eat from it and spend it No problem. And in verse number five, Allah subhana wa tada tells us another very important point about children and about wardens that we're in charge of, remember, this sutra was revealed

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around the fifth year of the fifth and sixth year of the hedgerow. And there were many orphans from the previous battles, and extended family members, a distant cousin might take an orphan. So the suit this chapter talks also about orphans. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Do not give foolish people your money that Allah has assigned to you to take care of you do not give them what is the meaning here. So imagine you have an orphan living with you, or even your own son or daughter. And so Allah says, By foolish here, we mean, they're not financially responsible as a way to translate it, not financially responsible, Allah is saying, don't just give them large amounts of money, and

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then they're going to waste it. No, that's not how you raise the next generation. This verse is teaching us parents have a parental responsibility to teach, believe it or not, the Quran is telling this the value of money to your children, and Subhanallah, the most successful billionaires of the world, those that are genuinely successful, they don't just hand their children, multimillion dollar checks, and they say, Do whatever you want. No, they start them from the bottom, and they teach them the value of money. And guess what the Quran is saying, don't just hand your money to people to these young men and women who don't understand how to use it, because not only will you corrupted

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them, not only will you cause them to go astray, they're not going to understand and appreciate the responsibility that comes with money. And that is why in these verses, Allah says, Don't just hand them over money that Allah has given to you to take care of you. Yes, Allah says, feed them, provide for them, work through him, give them their clothing. In other words, you have the money, take care of your family, but don't just give them the money to waste until Allah says they have come of age, this is now a reference to the orphan. So imagine a distant cousin dies, and you are now taking charge of his children. And that cousin has $50,000 that's not your money, it's the kids money. So

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Allah is saying that $50,000 that you have to keep for the sake of this child, test the child, whether totally uttama This is verse number, seven or six onwards, Weber totally uttama that tests the orphan until when you sense that the orphan is sensible, that the orphan is able to manage this amount of money, then do not be a barrier between the money of his father and the child. It's not your money, it is the child's money, until when you sense from them financial responsibility, go ahead and give them their money, because it is not your money. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has a phrase here that is not repeated anywhere in the Koran, the property of the orphan, Allah says

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whoever takes the property of the orphans, they are eating the fire of *, for a number of people, Tony him, now they are eating the fire of *, whoever does that. So taking money from an orphan is considered to be one of the major sins in Islam, you are not allowed to touch that money, unless you have to take some of it to take care of the orphan. And you are not able to take care of the orphan otherwise, in that case, you may take a little bit to take care of the orphan, but you're not allowed to just take it what that could do is often will be done and don't just waste it and he did yourself whoever does that. Allah says he is eating directly from the fire of *. Then in the next

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section, verses seven to 12. And then also the very last verse, which is 176, or the Noosa is 176 verses, verses seven to 12. And verse 176. They summarize in quite a lot of detail in explicit fractions and are half hisab recited some of those verses. They summarize the laws of inheritance in detail, we're not going to go over the laws of inheritance. And by the way, a personal note here that I studied the laws of inheritance when I was a student of Medina, for two solid years, we took classes and then I took private classes and I talked to some students as well, and the depths and the meanings of these verses and the precision of these fractions. Truly it is a miracle it is a

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miracle that somebody who was unlettered somebody who never went through mathematics and training and college and fractions. Somebody who didn't do any of this then produces a system that is so simple, so elegant, so perfect. And the more I studied, this branch is called

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available for you, or the knowledge of inheritance, the more I studied it, and it wasn't one of my favorite classes, by the way, as well, because I go into my tangents here because I had a background in mathematics. So I knew mathematics better than some of the other students. And it was very easy for me in that regard. But in my case, in particular, what I'm saying here about the versus the fact that these verses are so precise, and they're so beautiful, and the fact that again, in the middle of it, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, verse number 11, Allah says about an outcome, your father's and parents and your children, how will you decide how much to leave your parents? And how much to leave

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your children? Are you even capable? Are you even emotionally mature enough to take a step back and say, How much do I leave my parents if I'm leaving this world? And how much do they leave my kids and ally saying, Don't worry, I took care of it for you. But Oakland will have an outcome later on. Are you accountable? You don't know which of the two they need your welfare more Allah azza wa jal knows and that is why so many times will Allahu Allah demon. Hakeem what kind of La demon hekima, Allah knows and Allah is all wise, Allah is the one who know and you do not know. And in verse 32, by the way as well, we are told very explicitly to not challenge these fractions. Do not challenge

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Allah's wisdom that Allah subhana wa tada knows one at a time and know my football, aloha Viva la comida belt and do not be greedy over certain things that Allah might have given preference to others over you. Everyone has a fraction if your fraction is less with regards to one inheritor, don't be greedy, accept a loss decree, literally giardino, seeable mimic, the men have a share of what they have earned. And women have a share of what they have earned. And the both of you men and women ask a law of his bounty. And indeed, Allah is aware of everything. And by the way, these verses when they came down, they proved to be another shock to the pre Islamic jaw Haley system.

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Why? Because in pre Islam in the days of gi helliya, women did not inherit a single dime, women themselves were inherited, women were treated like property. And when a person died, his other children would inherit his otherwise other than the mother that was their biological mother, they would inherit, the eldest son would inherit his other wives and the atsuta Nyssa came to ban this, as soon as Tennyson also instituted a radical reformation. And that is to give the women of any specific generation so a son and daughter, a brother, and sister, if they're in the same slot, then the woman is going to get half the share of the man. And again, just a footnote that is intended

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this isn't one of those unintentional tangents a footnote that is necessary. Look at how frail the human psyche is, look at how every one of us is a product of our own culture and society. When a law reveals sooner than nissa

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t tells us this, some of the Sahaba came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and they question they didn't challenge it is allowed to question with adapt with respect, it is allowed to understand the wisdom. It is not allowed to challenge Allah and His messenger that that doesn't come from the hearts of men. But men can ask why men can ask, Is there any wisdom? So the companions came? And they asked the wisdom, they said, O Messenger of Allah, why are women getting half of the inheritance they used to get zero? Why are they getting half of the inheritance when a woman doesn't go and fight in the battle? When a woman doesn't work in the fields, when a woman doesn't do any of

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the things that the man does? Why does she get half of this year? And Subhanallah 1400 years ago, the question why she gets half was asked, because they didn't even understand the wisdom of getting that half 1400 years later, the exact same question is asked, Why does she get half but the paradigms have changed, the culture has changed. And rather than wondering why the half Why is she getting even half? The question is why is she getting only half nothing has changed, the Quran is still the same, the cultures have changed. And this shows us the frailty of the human psyche. Every one of us we need to be aware that we absorb our cultural biases we absorb the societies we live in,

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and therefore true human means we need to be brave enough to challenge our cultures before we challenge the origin to challenge our assumptions to challenge our philosophies of modernity before we challenge the Koran then and then we understand the wisdom of the Koran and that is why Allah subhana wa tada says over and over again, you do not know and Allah knows what kind of low ID man hakima so this is one major segment is sort of the Nyssa. Also, I mentioned the suta Nisa has lots of rules about marriage and about marital issues and about divorce and the family. We have a very explicit forbidden in the sort of thinness of verse 20 verse 21, that the man should never take the

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matter back when he divorces the lady and Allah azzawajal rhetorically chastises demand. How dare you

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You think of taking the money back? What gave her Luna who How can you take them back? What are the law autocommit about and the two of you embraced one another laws being very generic your law is speaking in elegant language that you were intimate with each other. You were so close, no human being should be that close except if they're married, you did that bond that nobody else did. And now if a divorce is going to take place, now you're going to demand your money back well, k factor, O'Donoghue was made about 100 and minko nimita de la. And so this is very explicit that if the man initiates divorce, then the method will be all for the lady and he cannot take it back as well in

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the surah. The surah came and limited the practice of polygamy, as we all know, made very stringent conditions on verse number three, and other verses as well as sort of the Nyssa and also verse number 19. Allah forbade the practice of inheriting women. So when a man died, and he was married to 10 women, his children would inherit the women just like the inherited the properties and the lands and the cows and the sheep that's how they treated women in the days of Jehovah. And so Allah subhana wa tada bring brought the origin down and forbade this practice that you do not inherit. Voila, telephony soccer. I don't inherit women women are not property that you handed down and do

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not coerce them a lot is saying to take away from them something that you have given them. In other words, even if a divorce takes place, do not put pressure to get your head back, as we said, also sort of a nice out. There's a long list of our Muslims and who we are not allowed to marry verses 22 to 23 to 24 all of these verses they discuss her metallicum Omaha Tuco binotto magic mohalla to come. your aunt's your uncle's your maternal aunts, your maternal your mother or your aunt's your maternal aunts and your maternal paternal aunts and your daughters and your granddaughters and the whole list continues. And the mothers who gave you milk were on holiday or buying a home and your

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sisters from those mothers will have logical menorah bar and the late the stepdaughters that you have if you marry a lady and she has a daughter. So Allah has a long list here of women that are held on and of course for sisters, they just flip the gender around and they'll know the items that they have within this list as well. Also sort of the Nyssa we have very clear rulings forbidding extramarital relations verses 15 to 16. Also, Allah forbids mistresses secret mysteries is layered on Safa. hanaa, what am we definitely done? It's a common phrase in sort of the neasa that don't commit sci fi and sci fi is adultery, what I would definitely have done and don't take a hudon is a

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mistress is a person that is basically a secret lover and a lie saying no, that's not the way of the believer. And Allah lays punishments down for this as well. And of course, in these series of verses as well, there is a verse that has brought a lot of discussion, frankly, a lot of controversy. And I was debating whether to even pause it or not, because if I do pause, I cannot do justice. If I don't pause, then people are going to say, Oh, you didn't talk about this. First, I decided to spend two, three minutes and then move on. Truly, this is a verse that has generated a lot of discussion. A lot of people have been critical of our faith from outside Islam. Even some Muslims have radically

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reinterpreted this verse because it does raise an eyebrow raises a lot of questions. It is verse number 34. And

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much can be said time is always limited and especially in this verse, but I just want to lay out for you that look, let us acknowledge that this verse should be discussed in a very educated manner, we need to discuss this maybe inshallah I myself might give a longer lecture later on, but this verse translates as follows a digital Columbo denisa. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women are regional, a warm, a warm means to protect a woman means to take care of a woman means to be in charge of. And so there is this notion of in terms of roles and responsibilities, men have certain responsibilities towards women. Why? Because Allah has given the one what he has not given. The

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other are scholars mentioned, Allah has made the one physically stronger. When you have to have a fight with an intruder, when you have to go fight and war one of the two genders is better equipped than the other. So Allah is saying when it comes to karma, when it comes to protection and responsibility and maintenance, originally, our Mona Lisa, why, because the one has been given certain things the other has not been given. And because the one is in charge of the finances, right, one of them is in charge of the money. So whoever has been given in this case, the gender is the male, whoever has been given certain differences biologically and whoever has the responsibility

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of giving the money that comes with certain privileges and certain responsibilities. And then Allah praises women, that the righteous women are those who obey Allah who guard what Allah has asked them to guard and then a phrase or curse that has generated over a dozen dissertations.

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Over 100 articles, many YouTube videos and people have even left Islam because of this. So I do need to just reference it. And I say I cannot do justice to the verse, much more can be said. But the verse translates as for those whose new shoes you fear as for those ladies who's disloyal to you fear Now, what does new shoes mean? There's a long list of different interpretations. One interpretation is who's disloyalty, ie you fear that they might lean towards breaking the bonds of marriage and engaging in extramarital affairs. So if you there is that type of fear, then the Quran is saying 501 admonish them why Judo hoonah thermoball Jerry that abandon them in their beds while

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booty boo Hoon, and discipline them. Now, of course, the phrase discipline them. This is the phrase that has generated so much issues and discussion and controversy. And this is not the place to go into a lot of detail. But I do want to point out here that we do need to be frank about this and take a holistic Look, let us be careful that our own prejudices don't read in let us be careful that we don't react or counter react, let us be careful and gather together all the relevant verses and all of the ahaadeeth Okay, this is an ayah in the Quran, and the meaning is very clear. At the same time, let us also remember this a hadith in Sahih Bahati, our mother Isha said, Our Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never once lifted his hand against the servant or against the lady. And let us also remember that once he gave an entire sermon in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he gave a sermon. And he received a lot of complaints the night before about women who had been admonished who had been disciplined by their husbands. And these women complained to the prophets of the law, why do you send them and he then gave an entire whole debate, he gathered the men, and he said last night, many people complained, or in one version This morning, many people complained they made the ladies complain against their husbands, and these men are not the best men

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amongst you, the Hadeeth as well of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that the best of you are those who treat their women the best. So all of these ahaadeeth and other Quranic verses, including the one in suta, Nisa, where are she ruhuna been maroof and live with women in the best of all manners, they have to be taken all together. Now all fine and dandy what is to be done with this phrase here? Again, much can be said. I'll quote you one of the great scholars of the suit of the last century, I've been assured, I've been assured said that, if we see that men are abusing this concession, because it is a concession, it's not obligatory, it's not obligatory, do step one, if

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you want, if not, you can divorce do step two, if you want to, if not, you can divorce if you want to, there is a possibility that the marriage will retain if you do step three, you're allowed to do step three. So Mr. Even assured said that if Step three is not doing its job, the state can intervene and forbid step three from taking place, and the state can take charge of this issue. And in other words, if I can rephrase, it's not exactly what I should have. Let me rephrase though, and this is what I say when I teach advanced students that would not this what I say that look, the Quran is meant to cater to all situations. And in this particular scenario, Allah subhana wa tada

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has allowed it is an allowance is not an obligation, various tactics that are meant to protect a marriage in very extenuating circumstances. And if in a particular place in time, a particular tactic is not going to work. In fact, it is within the goals of the Shetty to then say this tactic is not the intent of the showdown in this society that we live in. And so if the situation gets that bad, we simply do tactic one, move on to tactic two. And then if it doesn't work out, we part on good ways, and there's no need to resort to tactic three. And again, much more can be said, This is not the time but I did want to not just gloss over it. Because I do realize that anytime this verse

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has read, it raises a lot of discussions and whatnot. And you know what, curiosity is healthy. And we should ask and we should read. At the same time, we should be brave enough, intellectually brave enough. And we should have enough faith as well to try to reconcile our cultures with our texts. And we think a lot that this is not an obligation, it is a concession, it is a tactic and if the tactic is not reaching the goal, then there is no need to insist on the tactic. I have to be very clear here. Sometimes some of us especially the youngsters, they become overzealous more so than the shitty requires, and they feel that they're defending this idea by being absolute literalist. And

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that's not what any train scholar understands. Train or llama are not minor students of knowledge who can copy and paste and use Google. The difference between an actual alum and a student of knowledge is that the student of knowledge sticks with the literal books that he's read. And the true alum is brave enough to explore and move beyond that with this

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They obviously have so many caveats but obviously within the the paradigm and the methodology of mainstream Islam, nonetheless, I wanted to point out that that is indeed a verse that deserves more attention. And let us not forget as well, that suta Nyssa, the same verse that has this also has verse number 19, that Allah says, Why should we never live with women in the best of kindness Bill Maher, Ruth means that live with them, and treat them in the way that your society treats them in the best of manners, because treatment of husbands and wives treatments of men and women, it varies from culture to culture, time to time place to place. And yesterday I mentioned that genders are

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real agender genders are actual real facts, unlike what some people are saying now. And gender roles I said yesterday and the Quran is very clear in this verse, some gender roles are from the Sharia, and some gender roles are from culture. And that's something that requires a longer discussion, but it is very clear that there is this combination of factors the Quran says certain things about gender roles, and the Quran also says certain things about gender culture where I should own a Bill Murray bill Maloof means treat them with the best of manners, the way that your culture does, and that's what it means here. So this is a commandment in the Koran. Then Allah says, If you dislike

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your wife, realize you may dislike her, and Allah has placed a lot of good in her. In other words, a lot is speaking this is verse number 19. Allah is speaking to the husbands there who are always nitpicking on the negatives. And a lot is saying, Why are you looking only at the negatives, there might be a lot of positive that you're ignoring. And by the way, it's a two way street here. And I said this yesterday, I'll repeat again today. Every time there's a gender specific verse, flip it around, because it's meant for both. If a wife is always finding fault with her husband, see if she can find the positives as well. Don't just concentrate on the negatives weigh the positives and

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negatives. This is in the Koran, if you dislike them, it's possible you dislike something despite the fact we're Jalla lo fi hyaluronic kathira, Allah has placed a lot of good, but as is usual, we are blind to the good. We don't appreciate the good that we have. We take the good for granted. Also, Allah subhana wa tada reminds us again, verse 129 130, that you're never going to do justice to your wives, you're never going to treat your wives fairly. If you're in a multiple wife situation, even if you want to do so. But at least don't try to show your bias. Try your best to do that well into slavery. If you try and of course, the verse is about polygamous situations, but it

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can apply to a monogamous situation as well that you can never do justice in a marriage. But if you just try and you try your best allies, Georgia is Forgiving and Merciful. One yet federal law covers 130 and in case the marriage does not work out, and they have to go their ways, a law xojo will take care of the both of them from his abundance also. So that the Nyssa is the most optimistic verse about solving marital problems, the most optimistic surah about solving marital problems. Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages dare dare I say commands the couples to try to reconcile verse 128, that if a woman fears that her husband might not love her might withdraw from her and vice versa

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both way as I said in the Quran, then there is no problem that if they try to reconcile, if they try to bring about some type of peace between them, then Allah says well suited to higher, reconciling is the best coming together is the best. And in verse number 35, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, if the two of them feel fear that they're going to break up, if there's a dread that the divorce is going to take place, then appoint an arbitrator, one from his side and one from her side. And then there is a phrase here, listen to this carefully. Every single man and women if you're single or married, memorize this verse, memorize it. Allah says in UT that is law when you are 50 law who obey

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Noma I say when I teach classes about marriage, this is the most optimistic phrase to married couples in the hole or on a lot is guaranteeing if you want reconciliation, if you want to have a happy marriage, if you want to come together, a law will bring about that reconciliation and you will be living together. So if you are sincere, and you want to compromise, you want to have a good life with your spouse. And the both of you come with sincerity. Allah is saying Allah will bring it about and therefore if there's genuine sincerity on both sides, Allah will bless the marriage. So there's many verses about marriage and divorce. Another theme of suta Nyssa is a very, very long

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theme. It's in multiple verses and it deals with the hypocrites and

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It deals with their reluctance to turn to Allah and His messenger. And so we can talk about this theme that the most men are the believer is somebody who judges in his personal life, according to the judgment of Allah and His Messenger, the movement and the believer resorts to the Quran and Sunnah and tries to find everything in light of the Quran and indeed, Sunnah. Verse number 64. Allah says, We have not sent any prophet except that he be obeyed by Allah command. prophets are meant to be obeyed. Verse number 65, one of the most explicit verses in the Quran about the importance of obeying the Prophet sallallahu. I said, I'm gonna remember, this verse was revealed with regards to

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the hypocrites who claim to be Muslim, who outwardly said they're Muslim, but they didn't want to listen to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, that version of hypocrisy and Hamdulillah, it is rare in our times, because Islam is persecuted hypocrisy of that version. It only comes when Islam is very powerful. As for when Islam is being persecuted, that version of hypocrisy is less. Nonetheless, we as individual Muslims, we need to be careful that we don't fall prey to that reality. Allah says in the Quran, fella, what a baker I give a custom by your Lord, that they do not have faith until they come to you to judge between them and all their matters. And then they find

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within themselves no resentment about your decisions, and then they submit wholeheartedly. Then Allah says verse 69, whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, those are the people that Allah has blessed for Lachlan, Anam Allahu Allah, him certain Fatiha in a certain Muslim Serato Ludhiana an untidy him sooner than Nyssa verse 69. Answers who is an untidy him for like minded in Anima, la vida him Mina Nabina was the Athena Wish you heard that he was solid again, these are the people Allah has blessed and favored the prophets, the sincere the marchers and the the solid him the righteous people. Verse number 80. whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed a law woman Rasulullah

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sacado Otto Allah and therefore dear Muslims, anyone who says I don't need to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even if he calls himself Muslim is not a Muslim Simple as that anyone who says I don't need to follow the Sunnah. I don't need to follow what that man that Allah has sent to the Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Hashimi al oroshi I don't need to follow anybody who says that. They are disobeying a law you cannot be a Muslim and reject what are prophets of the law is that I've said because Allah has appointed him and the Quran tells you maynooth Rasulullah Zakat Allah whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah subhana wa Tada. So there's a whole motif and theme about

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judging by the judgment of Allah, and about following and by the way, how does this come into play in our daily lives? Well, this harem and the halaal the good and the bad, the ethical, the moral and immoral, where do we get those values from? We need to turn to the Quran and Sunnah. We need to submit what you sell Lima, Lima, even if we don't understand, we have the right to question no problem. Yes, aluna. They asked you about this, they ask you about that. We have the right to question for knowledge, we do not have the right to challenge what Allah subhanho wa Taala has said or what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said,

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there's another small passage that I wanted to shed some light on because we have not talked about this up until now. And that is belief in predestination. So that the Nisa has a small section that is very profound about predestination versus 78, and 79, please look at them. And I encourage all of you to take quick notes as I'm speaking, and then inshallah you can go back and look up the verses on your own.

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First number 78.

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A lot of talking about the hypocrites, the hypocrites. When something good happens to them. They say, Oh, this is from a law. But when something bad happens, they blame the prophets or seven, the Muslims, that's your fault. This is a reference to the Battle of Orford, you guys messed up you guys didn't listen to us. Allah says Paul could illuminate in the law. Everything that happens happens by the will of Allah. So what is the matter with these people that they don't understand? Everything that happens happens by the will of Allah. That's verse 78, verse 79, it seems to conflict directly with what has just proceeded. Whatever good happens to you is from Allah, and whatever bad happens

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to you is from yourself. Subhana Allah, how do we reconcile 78 says everything from Allah 79 says the good from Allah the bad from yourself, the response, this beautiful section summarizes the profundity the proof that the profundity of our belief in Qatar, the belief in others is a very detailed topic and I have given

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Longer lectures about this but in a nutshell, we believe that everything happens by Allah. Nothing happens except by predetermination. And predestination. We believe Allah knows Allah controls not to leave falls except with His permission and his knowledge. At the same time, we do not ascribe evil to Allah, we do not ascribe evil to Allah know, if good happens, we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala if a misfortune happens if a calamity happens, we do not blame Allah, we realize that this calamity, it is as a result of our sins. And that should cause us to turn to Allah to come closer to Allah. And that calamity then becomes a blessing in disguise. The calamity is not in and of itself a

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punishment. It is because of our sins. Yes, that doesn't mean it's a punishment. Why? Because Allah says in another verse, not as sort of the Nyssa we are for empathy. Because of these calamities, Allah forgives much of your sins. So a calamity comes down. The calamity can come on the righteous, it can come on the evil person. how we respond dictates whether we are righteous or dictates whether we're evil. If we respond by turning to Allah, if we respond by increasing our email, and if we respond by is still far, then that calamity is a blessing in disguise, it is because of our sins, but Allah will use that calamity to forgive our sins. So we come out the winner. And if we respond

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by blaming Allah, if we respond by turning away from the religion, then that calamity is a punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Therefore, everything that happens is from a law. The good that happens, we think, a law, anything bad that happens, we think about our sins, we blame a causal connection between our sins and that bad thing. And then we say, oh, Allah, forgive us, I'm going to be a better person, and we try to make the best of that situation. Recognizing that that calamity has the potential to earn us Jenna has the potential to draw us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's a beautiful summary of other sort of the Nisa also sort of denisa there's an interesting

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story about it as well. And that's verse number 41. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Eben Massoud, that I want you to recite the Quran to me, even Massoud said he out of pseudo law. You want me to recite the Quran to you even though it came down to you? And he said yes, I love to hear the Quran being recited from other than me. This shows us by the way to recite the Quran is an action of worship, and to listen to recitation is also an act of worship. It is Islamic to listen to the Quran, and it is a part of Islam to recite the Quran, even our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Quran came down to him. He said, I want to listen to somebody else. So it when

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Massoud started reciting Surah Nisa, he just chose to to to Nyssa and he got to verse number 41. And he heard the Prophet system crying and he said, Stop, Enough, stop enough. He looked up, he said his tears were running down his eyes. Verse number 41 of Surah Nisa caused our Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to cry. And the verse translates as how are you going to be out of sort of law? How would be your situation, the day that we bring a witness from every community and we bring you as a witness against these people. So the prophets of the law who I sent him will be a witness against the Orisha rejected him against his people who persecuted him, and the visualization of that of the

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day of judgment and of the situation caused him to cry. So verse number 41, sort of the Nyssa it is the verse that caused our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to cry. Another theme that we can derive from Surah Nisa is the theme of Toba of repentance, and this fits perfectly with the broader theme of family and society. Why? because nobody's perfect, nobody is perfect. Just like you find faults with other people, people will find faults with you. So the way that you become not perfect but close to perfection is by acknowledging your mistake and repenting to Allah. That is why Toba is such a common motif motif of Surah Nisa, and there are so many verses about Toba sort of the Nisa of

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them, for example, verse 16, about those who commit an extramarital affair that if the two of them the man and the woman if they repent, and if they reformed and they turn over a new leaf, then leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Verse number 17, and verse number 18. olara xojo reminds us whose repentance is accepted. Allah says that in the matoba to Allah law, repentance will always be accepted by a law for anyone who commits a mistake while they were ignorant. The meaning of ignorance here is that they acted in a state where they weren't, they weren't that foolish is the better translation here that they they they committed the sin in the state of

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heedlessness, and then they repented after this Allah zoa

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shall forgive them and Allah is knowledgeable and wise. But Allah says don't make a mockery of repentance will Lisa Toba to repentance is not for those who continue to commit sins their entire lives. Then when they see the angel of death, they say, Oh, now I repent. No, Allah is not going to accept the repentance of the one who plays games in this manner. Repentance has to come from the heart, and repentance has to be immediate. And repentance has to really show that Oh Allah, I feel regret and remorse for what I've done. And I want to turn over a new leaf. And this is again, very explicit. And that's why I inserted in verse one 110 that a lot of it just says that woman Yes, if

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man whoever commits an evil deed, or whoever wrongs himself fool myself in the law, and then he asks Allah for forgiveness. Yeah, do they learn how a fool or rahima he shall find a love forgiving, he shall find a lot merciful. Whatever sin you do, whatever you have wronged yourself, and you ask Allah forgiveness, Allah will forgive you. And Allah says, Whoever commits a sin, you have done it against yourself and Allah is aware of it. Then verse one 112, whoever commits a mistake, or does a sin, and then blames an innocent person, you bring somebody else look between you and a law. The default is if you repent, you are forgiven, no problem. The minute you trample on the rights of

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other people, the minute you bring in an innocent person, and you take his house or you blame him for something you have done, Allah says, that is a clear sin. That is something you have done a boil it down, you have done a major sin. Therefore we learn from this and from many verses that sins between you and Allah, and I'm not trivializing but I'm saying, generally speaking, the private sins that we do, if we are resentful, we are regretful, we turn to Allah insha Allah, Allah will forgive, but the sins we do to other people, slandering people using vulgarities against them stealing their properties, backbiting, doing things that will hurt other people, that is a much, much larger sin

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and that sin, Allah subhanho wa Taala will let that person ask his right on the Day of Judgment for so that's something we need to be very cognizant of.

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Also in the surah, there are many many verses pertaining to personal matters pertaining to a HELOC. And there are again so many verses about this because again, the theme of the sutra is family and society right? Therefore, how do you live comfortably in a family with your family members? What must you do so much is set over here? Verse number 50, verse number 37, Allah subhanho wa Taala forbids stinginess, you have to be generous. Allah does not like the one who is stingy. Verse number 58. Allah subhanho wa Taala instructs people to be honest and to give back their whatever has been entrusted to you. You have to be able to keep secrets if there's a secret. If somebody has trusted

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you with something, somebody has gifted you or giving you something and said, Keep this for some while until I come back. So you have to return what has been entrusted unto you. And that means, of course, ethical morality, it means you are an honest and trustworthy person. Verse number 85. It talks about the necessity of positive intercession, woman, Yeshua Scheffer. Eitan has entered in your colonus a woman, what does this mean? So you see two people, a cousin and another cousin or a friend, you see them, they're not talking, they're on bad terms. Allah is saying, don't be a neutral party, get involved and bring them together, be an intermediary and do a good shofar. And you know,

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just talk to one talk to the other and just sweeten things up. Sometimes a third party will help bring those two together. So Allah is saying, why don't you do that be that third party, and if you are, if you are that intercessor, you shall have a good share of that. And on the other hand, if you're an intermediary for evil, if you are doing something wrong, and you're the middleman, well then you're going to get a share of that as well. Verse number 86, Allah Subhana Allah is saying, and what a small commandment in the grand scheme of things but it's in the Quran, it shows you what it means to be a good person, whether he to be the hating for how you be as enemies, or to do ha,

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when you are greeted with any greeting, respond to that greeting with a better greeting, or at least return the same thing. Verily, Allah counts every single thing being of cheerful countenance. Somebody says Salam aleikum, Allah sang se y de como Salaam wa rahmatullah. Somebody says, Sarah, Sarah hora de la ad wabarakatuh wabarakatuhu, or at least respond in a similar manner. And if they're not Muslim, and they say, Hey, good morning, how are you doing? The Koran is telling us we respond back in a similar manner and even better. Oh, I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking. How are you? A lot is commanding us to be of cheerful countenance. When somebody says a greeting to us. Why?

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Because the greeting lays the foundation for the rest of the conversation. If you're gloomy, you're angry. You're scowling as the first conversation what's going to happen? These are commandments in the Koran looked at the

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minutiae that Allah is revealing from above the seven heavens when somebody greets you greet him back with a better greeting our religion really once a beautiful society. It's also a religion Yes, of worship, yes, of rituals, but it's also a religion of good and good manners. It's a whole way of life, from the smallest to the largest thing. Everything is encompassed in this religion. And verse number 140 114, excuse me. Allah forbids secret gatherings that are meant for evil. Generally speaking, Allah says law hierarchy Kathy remained at home, when people arrange a secret gathering, nobody should know about it, a lot of saying, Kathie Lee, most such gatherings, they are not good.

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However, if there's a secret gathering that is meant to do a good that is meant to do some charity or kindness or to bring reconciliation, for example, two people are fighting. So you bring their friends and you say, Hey, don't tell don't tell. We're coming a secret gathering to bring those two together. Let's discuss tactics, how we can bring these cousins, these brothers, these people that are not talking how we can bring them together. Allah is saying most secret gatherings are not good. But if the secret gathering has a higher golden purpose, then that is a good thing that you can do. Again, look at these small little things that Allah is telling us that we reflect upon and make our

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society better. Verse 148, Allah subhana wa tada says, Now you have below whose job is to imminent holy in lemon budem. Allah does not like the public uttering of any type of evils, except if wrong has been done. If a sin has been committed in private, if two people if one person has done something, and you come to know about it, or two people, and you come to know about it, and they've not hurt anybody else, they've not harmed anybody else. Allah is saying, Don't publicize their sin, keep it hidden. you advise them directly, sure, try your best that they repent and whatnot, but you don't go in and gossip and tattletale and put it on Facebook and Twitter I would have been not what

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Jordan what would it what type of religion is this that or what type of manners is this that if somebody committed a sin, you want to publicize it? No, Allah does not love the politicization of that things that have happened. But yes, in one scenario, if wrong has been done, somebody has taken your money, somebody has hurt you. And there's no justice you have to say look, this has happened he has done this so the one who has been wronged Yes, that person has the right to go public but if it's a sin that is private you caught somebody drinking it's not your responsibility to go and publicize that oh, I found this person drinking No, no your hair below whose job is to somebody

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who's done something sinful. keep it hidden between him and Allah subhana wa Tada. Yes, you advice Yes, you take charge and try your best to to make that person better, but no need to go public about this. And we conclude with two verses that I especially wanted to pay extra attention to. And then inshallah we are done with our summary of sort of the Nisa and tomorrow we will move on to sort of alma mater, which is a very, very juicy sudo the pun you will understand tomorrow in shallow data, but just remember, it's a juicy pseudo. So first, I wanted to dementia with two verses here. Verse number 36, is one of the most important verses of Surah Nisa, our scholars, in fact, some of the

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Sahaba and had their own, they called it the verse of the rights, the verse of the OIC. And this is a verse that Allah subhanho wa Taala summarizes who you have to be good to. And that's essentially everybody. What are Buddha law, what are two should be shared and worship Allah, and don't ascribe partners to him and be good to your parents, and be good to your relatives, and be good to orphans and to the poor, and to the neighbor who lives next door to you and to the neighbor who's far away and be good to your associates and be good to your travelers and the one that you're traveling with the one that you're just sitting next to on the plane be good to him and be good to your servants

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and your and everybody and allies. Georgia does not love the one who is arrogant and showing off. So this is called the verse of rights that Allah is commanding you to be good to everybody around you. And the final verse that I want us to go away with her Surah Nisa is a very important commandment. Verse number 82.

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If Allah tada Bowron Barun. on why don't they ponder over the message of the Quran? Why don't they think about the Quran, for Had it been from any besides a law, they would have found much discrepancy, they would have found much contradiction in it, this book that has laid the foundation of an entire civilization, this book that teaches you the most advanced theology about the one in the heavens, down to the most mundane rituals about how to enter houses and what times you could go in and out and how you say Salaam and all of these, this book, entire system that's teaching you fractions of inheritance, Allah is saying had the book been from other than a law they would have

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found much contradiction in it but not only is there no contradiction, it is coming together in such a beautiful manner.

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Look at the diverse range of topics that is being discussed. Look at the various concepts one after the other, and SubhanAllah. If you understand the Arabic and you listen to the Arabic, it just flows miraculously. And I have to say this point i excuse me for one extra minute here, any other book, if you go in this type of fashion and manner, you will get lost immediately. It is the Koran that jumps from topic to topic from the heaven to this earth, from issues of theology to law, from history of the past to predictions of the future, and you don't even under you cannot even tell that it's jumping, the smooth transition the flow of language, it is simply inconceivable that any other book

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can do even anything closer to the close to this and that is why this book is clearly from Allah subhana wa Tada. You know, when you read an awkward translation, a lot of times it is true, you kind of get lost what is going on here I don't understand. But if you go to the Arabic and you listen to the Arabic, the speech of Allah through the Quran, is unlike the speech of any created man the Koran is a completely completely unique and different understanding and with that, inshallah Tada. We conclude

Part 4_ Surah An-Nisa

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