Surahs Shura, Zukhruf, Dukhan & Jathiya _
Yasir Qadhi – The Message of The Quran #24

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The transcript describes the importance of having a strong relationship with one's partner and not giving false advice. The transcript also discusses the weight of the Jorah law and the importance of the Koran language in the title of the book. The transcript describes a paraphrasal statement that describes the Day of Justice as a time for everyone to receive their proof of existence, and that everyone has a chance to receive their proof of existence.
AI: Summary ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu bless it be he in whose hands is the dominion and in front of whom even the sun and moon have bowed. He it is Who causes the earth to sprout with vegetation and sends rain down from the cloud. He revealed to us a reminder and Revelation verses that are recited and reviewed out loud, we asked for his mercy as we walk with life on this earth, and when our bodies will be placed in a shroud and we plead for admittance to paradise, we're only those given permission by him shall be allowed. Today inshallah Allah we're going to be doing for suitors and everyday we're going to be doing more and more as we wind up closer to the end. And all of these
four are the Hawa meme sutras from the homies that we mentioned yesterday. And all of these, as we said, are mid to mid late matki Sutras, and they have some level of overlap, even though each one has a particular facet or theme. So all of the housewarming suit, as we said, there are seven in number, there is quite a lot of overlap in content. And yet each one of them takes a separate angle or tangent, and we're going to begin with sudut assura and Seurat assura is six pages again all these are McKee 53 verses and it is the only surah in the Quran that begins with happy mind seeing cough and it is called Shula, which means consultation because Allah subhana wa Taala commands the
Muslims to consult with one another before undertaking a decision in verse 38. The main theme of the surah along with the usual mccunn themes is to clarify the revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala and it goes into a lot of detail regarding tawheed and regarding proving the Day of Judgment, also one of the main sub themes or sub motifs of sort of assura is the concept of is or sustenance and Allah subhana wa tada giving sustenance and however Allah chooses to give to whomever he chooses to give. So as for the theme of revelation that this revelation is from Allah subhana wa Tada This is clearly one of the main themes of the surah and we see it in a number of verses the sort of begins
with this theme verse number three, a work of radical heyneke and this is how we have inspired you and those before you that allies The Witcher is indeed the Almighty and the all wise verse number seven, and thus have We inspired you with an Arabic Koran that you may warn the mother of all cities determine their own Malcorra woman how Allah will turn there are human jameelah rubber feet so Allah azza wa jal is saying we have revealed to the Arabic Quran so that you can warn the mother of all cities or the central city or the main city of this world. And of course that is the city of Mecca and all the cities around Makkah. In verse 13, sha Allah committed Dini ma wasabi, he knew how
worldly our hyena ileka he has prescribed for you the same religion that he has prescribed for new and he has he has inspired to you the same that he is inspired to Ibrahim and to move center Isa What is it and aqui Medina wala Tata for Rocco fee that you shall uphold this religion established this religion and do not be divided between yourselves with regards to this religion. Verse number 17, Allahu Allah, the unzila kita Allah is the one who has revealed this book. So so many verses are talking about the book and the revelation and that Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent the clear guidance to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam As for the other sub theme, which is that of risk
and wealth, again, this is very clear so many verses regarding Allah subhana wa tada providing sustenance verse number 19 Allahu la de fenberry Bodhi Allah azza wa jal is the thief and the thief means a merciful kindness that is nourishing that is taking care of a lot xojo will take care of his servants in a kind manner Jaco minissha he provides for whomever He wills and he is indeed the coachee and the Aziz, then Eliza just says, Man can you do to help her dunya whoever wants the How to monitor the health and accurate whoever wants to excuse me the health of the Hereafter, we shall increase his health here means of course, the Share it means the harvest. So Allah subhana wa tada
is giving a metaphor. The metaphor is that of the farmer who is harvesting crops. So if you want the crops of a particular field, you had better be planting the seeds taking care of that field. So I was saying, if you want the crops of the Hereafter, we will increase those crops, and whoever wants the crops or the harvest of this world, we shall give him all that he desires but he
shall not have anything of the hereafter. And again, it's very straightforward. You know what sometimes surprises me that why do people find this problematic? The one who never desired a lot, the one who never desired the pleasure of a law? Why when this person passes away, do people presume that he might get it the one who intentionally rejected Allah subhanho wa Taala, the one who turned his back to the worship of Allah. Of course we speak in generalities, not specifics, but anyone generally speaking, who turns away from all types of religion and religiosity, anyone who denies the existence of a creator that is simply too big of an arrogance that really generally speaking cannot
be forgiven, unless obviously, a person repents before death that is a separate issue altogether. So unless saying if you desire the Hereafter, and you plant the right seeds for the Hereafter, I will make that crop flourish and I will give you much more than what you actually planted and whoever wanted this dunya you will get it okay notice Allah didn't say he's going to make it more you desire this world you work for this world, guess what, you will get this world but then don't be surprised you didn't want the architect so you're not going to get the Hara Allah subhana wa tada also informs us in this surah of why he chooses to give some wealth and others he does not give verse number 27
wallow bustle de la hora escalier eva de Leyva lo fill out. If a lot were to simply hand out all of the risks that he wanted to or that his servants wanted, then they would have transgressed on this earth will act in unit zero Bill cardarine Maya, but rather alized, Georgia sends down in precise amounts and measurements to those whom he chooses. Surely regarding his servants, he is indeed an expert and an observer. The point here a lot is saying, if I were to just give everyone what they desired, they would have transgressed they would have acted in a very evil manner. And so Allah chooses to give how much and Allah xojo isn't in the end of the day, the one who decides for a
benefit to the person that is giving, getting that blessings and Allah says is verse 49, Lila Haman Kusama wa t without to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills, He grants daughters to whomever He wills, and He grants sons to whomever he pleases, will use a widow homes, crown and whatnot, or he shall pair them together giving a couple both sons and daughters wage alderman yoshua akima and some he renders to have no children. Indeed, he is knowledgeable and all powerful. So Pinilla just like assigns wealth and a lot of signs money. So to a lot of science families, some families, some parents, they only have daughters, and some parents,
they only have sons, and some they have sons and daughters, and some they don't have any children and each one of them they could not predict they do not know it is up to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And notice, Allah says that he is indeed the knowledgeable one, he knows who to give what and he knows what is best for every single situation. Now this does not mean obviously, that we don't make do offer what we want, we continue to make do our till the day that we die, we continue to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But at some level, we also accept Allah other that we desire. And if we don't get it, we understand that Allah azza wa jal is will is more important and more knowledgeable
than our desire. So Allah azza wa jal informs us He is the one who decides and everything happens by his corridor, this surah as well has a beautiful description of the righteous of the believers. Verse number 36 onwards, that Allah says, will not with eternity shave a metallic hair to dunya whatever you have been given it is of the temporary provisions of this world. But whatever Allah azza wa jal possesses that is better and more everlasting. For those who believe I will never be me to walk alone and those who rely on their Lord and levena big Tony Boone acaba, he was awash the believers are those who rely on their Lord, avoid the major sins avoid in decencies what are all the
Boo homeo furon and when they become angry, that is one day forgive you know, when you're calm, when you're collect it is easy to forgive a lot praises that what you're when you're in a state of anger, that is when you find it in you to forgive other people. Verse number 38. When they do this to john Buddha obey Him, and those who obey the call to their Lord will call masala and they established the prayer regularly what amerihome Shu albina home and they conduct their affairs by mutual consultation woman known as Akane homayoun for your own and they give from what We have provided them. So anytime there is a major decision whether you are a head of state or whether you are the
head of the household, whether you are the president or the Prime Minister, or whether you are a person who is just doing anything that will influence and affect you and people around you.
It is sooner It is recommended. It is of the ways you get a lot of blessings. It is embodying the values of a sensible person that you get the advice of other people. And you listen to what they say. And then of course, you also press the harder which is another topic altogether. And then after these two is the shadow, and it's the horror, then you make your decision. Our scholars have said whoever does is the Shara and istikhara, will never be disappointed. So the Quran tells us what am rowhome Shu rabina home and shoot on means mutual consultation, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam anytime he had a major decision, he would call the Sahaba to the masjid. And he would ask
them, What do you think I should do? He did that at Bethel. He did that at Ohio, he did that at a reserve every single time and he is getting the shirt off. And in fact, if you look at the Treaty of Philadelphia, He even took sure from his wife on Miss Ella. And then he followed her advice. Husbands take shirt off from your wives wives take shirt off from your husband's all of you take shirt off from one another and get advice and see get other perspectives as well. And so Allah says that the believers they take their affairs by mutual consultation and, and one of the characteristics as well, and they continuously are charitable to others. And then verse 39, those
who, when they have been wronged, they defend themselves that no problem if you have been wronged, you can get some help you can get other people to help you in this regard. You get the law involved, you get other people involved in manners that are legitimate to do so. Then Allah says, which is that we say yet in say, yeah, to me through her, if somebody does a wrong to you, you can do a wrong back onto them. If somebody says something mean and nasty to your face, you are allowed to say an equivalent and equivalent, it's allowed, it's not something there, then the very next verse, or the very next phrase, from an alpha was lahab. Whoever forgives, and then whoever reconciles and makes
up for a Jew who Allah law, his reward is with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Verily, Allah does not love the one who is unjust. So this is the beauty of our religion, there is a spectrum, when somebody does wrong unto you, there is a spectrum of permissible reaction, the very bottom of permissibility is you do the same amount of wrong unto them, they they said something bad, you say something bad as well. And if you do so, neither are you sinful, nor are you going to be held accountable, nor are you going to be rewarded. It's a complete neutral thing he did that you did that exact same, but it has to be the exact same. And it has to be mean permissible as well meaning obviously, something
that involves blood or something of this nature, you need to go to the court and do justice over there, but some verbal altercation or something of this nature, then you can defend yourself verbally back in a manner that is the same as him. However, Allah says, If you forgive, that is even better, and Allah will give you the reward. And then the highest level, if you forgive, and you make up, you reconcile, you be soft, and you come back to that level of friendship or kinship or brotherhood, that is the highest level. And that is something that only the righteous, they're the ones who are the majority and are able to do and that's what a lot of xojo praises in this section
of the Koran before we move on to the next suit on conclude this surah two verses that play a very prominent role in our theology in this Surah Surah Surah. Verse number 11, is one of the most important verses that is used by all the various sects in Islam, the various theologies of Islam, Islam, like all the religions of this world that has different interpretations, whether we like it or not, it exists, we have to deal with it. And the biggest point of contention for the first 800 years of our tradition has been regarding the divine attributes and how we understand the divine attributes. Many were the groups that were formed. And again, much can be said, and I have to force
myself back here. This is my area of expertise. This is what my PhD is in my entire area of expertise in Islamic theology, and in particular, the development of sectarianism and whatnot. And this topic of the divine attributes, so many different interpretations. How do we understand when Allah says he has risen over the throne? When Allah says he created Adam with both of his hands when Allah says, He is this and that, how do we understand this? And this whole concept or controversy began, when Muslims entered the lands of Christians, Damascus and other areas? And they heard the christological debates the nature of Christ versus God, how do we understand who Christ is versus
who God is? And how do we understand the attributes of Christ? And so when the Muslims began hearing this it kind of absorbed into them, they began discussing what does the Kalam of a law what is the speech of Allah? How do you understand the attributes of a law and this Christian controversy became an Islamic one, and instead of talking about Jesus Christ, it started talking about the speech of a law and the attribute
Have a law and hundreds and hundreds of different theologians came back to this verse so that we can continue verse number 11 Allah says lay second myth Lee or who was me rule but see there is nothing whatsoever like him. Lisa chemically the calf here is for emphasis the calf here does not need to be the linguistically you could say Lisa mithila who sure you could say that but the calf hear it as an extra puncher on fleece cometh cliche, there is nothing whatsoever that is like unto him while he was semi Earl bossy, and he is the one who hears and the one who sees and again so much can be said, I will simply summarize for you what the verse says and then is up to you to go beyond this. Allah
is saying there is nothing whatsoever that resembles him nothing. So anything you imagine not that you should imagine a lot You are wrong. Anything you try to visualize anything that you think you understand exactly. You and your mind will never fully comprehend a lot of Hannah hautala Lisa cometh Lee he she he is absolutely unique in every fashion and manner and attribute and name and then when Allah azza wa jal negates from himself being anything like the creation, he then affirms the two most common names and attributes that are found in every single or almost every single living organism, and that is semir and Basia. Every animal is semir and bossier in some sense, and
Allah says, There is nothing like unto me and I am the one who hears and sees Why did Allah subhana wa tada mention the two most common attributes in all of the creation to underscore that just because the same word is used, I hear and see And Allah is a semi honorable seer. There is no similarity between my hearing and seeing and between the hearing and seeing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We understand what the word means I understand what it is to hear and to see. But how Allah hears and sees is beyond my comprehension. This is the simple understanding that we derive straight from the verse, use it for every single other attribute and leave it at that we understand what the
word means. We will never understand how it exists in Allah subhana wa Tada. That, in a nutshell solves all of this controversy straight from the Koran. Another key theological verse, in Surah assura is verse number 30, ma sobre, como si button, heavy Makassar but a de como se adverse number 30. Whatever masiva happens to you, whatever pain suffering calamity happens to you. It is because of what your own hands have done. And through it, Allah forgives plenty. So this is the verse that shows us that evil does happen, and that at some level, it is what we ourselves have done, and that if we are patient, that evil will be a mechanism of having our sins forgiven and not just equivalent
to that pain and suffering. Why are you here? Small evil, a small pain so much so our profitsystem said a thorn that pricks the believer the smallest of irritations and nuisances if we exhibit proper decorum and proper Eman and turn to Allah subhana wa tada and ask for forgiveness. If we understand that all that is happening is happening for a wisdom and a plan. And we understand that we are mahalo, canola is harder. That's all that needs to be done. A lot is in charge and I am elizab and I turned to a lot to help me if we have this attitude, then all of this irritations nuisance, Allah will use it to forgive all of them sins, many sins that we have done way out for Kathy. Then the
surah concludes, which is also a theological point, verse 51, it is not possible for any human that a law should speak to him directly, not possible, no human Allah has spoken to directly except illa wion, except by why jabril comes in inspires or the ye can be via dream, or the ye can be through other means, but not seeing a lot. A woman wore a hijab in or from behind the veil. The Prophet system spoke to a lot from behind the veil. Moosa spoke to a lot from behind the veil, oh, your sealer or Sudan or another messenger will come and reveal to him whatever Allah azza wa jal wills, He is indeed IE he is indeed the all mighty and the all wise. And these are three types of main
inspiration that Allah subhana wa tada inspires directly into the servant. This is the prophets or that Allah subhana wa tada speaks from behind the curtain, or that illustrate how that ascends the angel, Djibouti of no human has ever seen a lot directly. That's not going to happen in this world. It is a blessing for the next world and that's why verse 52 concludes this. Surah what karateka This is how we have inspired you, by our command you did not know or messenger of a law, what the guitar was what the scripture was, you did not know what the book was, nor did you know what a man was. You didn't know the details of the Kitab with the man, you have a pseudo law
You're a good man living in Mecca for 40 years. You were upright and pious in your own way. But you did not know the Quran before we sent it down to you. You did not know the realities of a man and all of the pillars of Eman and all what does it mean to have all of this man until we made it a light while less as we called it a new we revealed to a light that we guide whomever we wish of our servants and indeed you are the one who guides to the straight path so the Prophet system is the one guiding us to the path and Allah guided him to that path. He is our leader in our journey to Allah subhana wa Tada. The next era as soon as of similar length around seven pages, 89 verses and Zoho
translates as golden decoration pieces and it is called this because of verse 35. As we will come to and the main theme of pseudo zakharov is to prove the Quranic message and to refute criticisms leveled against both the message and the messenger. And like all of the how imeem Sutras, the sutra begins by describing the Koran verse number three that we have revealed this inner Anza now Quran Arabic en la la Kotaku, we have revealed this Quran to you in Arabic so that you can understand it. And Ally's origin also mentions one of the main arguments that those who rejected a law use verse 29, verse 20, excuse me, that will call you lotia or Rama, Rama, Bettina whom the pagans say, If
Allah had willed, We would not be worshipping these gods. So the fact that we are worshipping these gods is an indication that Allah has wielded and if Allah has wielded, this means Allah is pleased with it, then Allah says, will neither home be human, and they have no knowledge of what they are saying, rather, they're merely spouting guesses. This is uneducated, rabble. This is just stuff that doesn't have academic merit. Now, this is a very deep theological verse as well. Why? Because one of the common tactics that is still used very common in our times, is the claim that just because something exists, this is a proof that Allah indeed is pleased with it, the existence of something
indicates, according to them, a laws approval of it. And this is the exact same argument that was used by the pagans when they worship the idols, and it is used today by many groups as well. It's not my fault. If I desire something, it's not my fault. If I am attracted to something, it's not my fault, if I have inclinations that are whatever they might be, God created me in this way, and therefore God must love me and therefore God approves of my desires and my lifestyle. And what does the Quran say, no one Allah home became Miriam, you have no knowledge about what you are talking about. Just because an urge exists doesn't mean the urge is loved by a lot, we have to differentiate
between a lust creation and a laws approval. Indeed, everything is created by Allah at some level true, but Allah azzawajal only loves certain things, and he has told us what he loves. So we, we are the creation of a lot and we have to channel our urges, we have to channel as much as we can our creation and what we have to be amongst the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is a very key verse that just because something exists, doesn't mean that Allah azzawajal loves it. We have to make ourselves into that category that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves also in sudo, Zoho is the famous verse, verse 13, and 14, the famous do art that we say when we start a journey, that Allah
says, when you ride on any animal, you're you should remember the blessings that Allah has given you. And you should say Subhana Allah de Sahara, Luna, hada, Hama, Kannada homoclinic, we're in Nairobi, na de mon kalibo, that Glory be to Allah who has placed these animals at our service. And we would never have been able to do this ourselves. And indeed, we will be going back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we say the same, whatever vehicle that we have, whether it is a car, whether it is anything, we thank Allah, for having given us the dominion, having given us that power to have these mechanisms or these animals, whatever it is, and we thank Allah for those blessings. Also,
just like the previous sudo, this sutra as well we are reminded that Allah is the one who is in charge of deciding who gets what, and he knows who to give to verse 32, that Allah says, a home yakushi Muna mattala big are they in charge of dividing Allah's mercy amongst mankind? Who put you in charge of deciding who should get how much nanoka some Vayner humare Shatta who will hire to dunya This is a very, very interesting verse from a sociological and an anthropological perspective. Allah is saying, We are the ones who have allocated their livelihoods and their careers. My issue is livelihood and career. We are
The ones who have allocated their militia how they're going to live, how they're going to earn in this lifetime, what a find out about the whole folk about the dollar chart and we have lifted some people above others in ranks. Why Leah Takeda hongbao done so Hurriya so that groups amongst them would have to take the services of other groups, while I hammer to a lot bigger, higher omim our own, but the rahima of your Lord is far better than anything of this world that they can amass. This verse is one of the most profound verses when it comes to different levels of society and different careers and different choices and how society functions together, we are being told in a beautiful
way that only a law can say is that each one of us first and foremost, Allah azza wa jal has allocated the risk and the wealth. And obviously, our career choices, as well as origin knows what we're going to do. And every single person amongst us, we have something we can give and something we need from others, we even the wealthiest person who might even be a multi billionaire, whatever, that person still needs to hire people and use their talents, that person needs to hire hundreds of people to do the services, those people that are hired, they need the wealth of the multi billionaire, both the worker and the multi billionaire, they need the farmer for the food that they
eat both all three, the farmer and all of them, they need the doctor, all of them need the servicemen for their cars, so on and so forth. So every single group of people, every single profession, it needs other professions as well. And that's what I was saying earlier about the home button. So here, each one of them will take others for employment. So ally saying I created it this way, this is diversity that you have, this is from the wisdom of Allah subhana wa Tada. And then Allah reminds us, indeed, some of you will have more than others what a fine about the Vulcan Delta jet, but all of this is irrelevant, because what bigger, higher remember, ah, my own this world
means nothing, it is the mercy of a law that is infinitely better than all that they can possibly have in this world. And therefore, whatever your socio economic rank might be in this world, it is irrelevant for the actual rank, because it doesn't matter where you are in this dunya of Allah azza wa jal, and how to get there has nothing to do with your bank account with what you have. In fact, to be brutally honest, the more you have the potential, the more difficult it is to earn genda because you have more distractions of this world. So Allah zildjian mentions this reality about this world. And then in the next verse, Allah mentions, and this is a bit of a deep verse here that you
need to read multiple times, that Allah mentions that if he wanted to, he would have given those who reject him, he would have given the kuffar palaces of silver roofs and dazzling staircases, and he would have decorated them with gold ornaments. But if he did that, then most of mankind would have chosen that path. And all of this is nothing but temporary pleasures of this world and the hereafter with your Lord is far better for those who are pious, this verse indicates that this world means nothing to Allah, if Allah had wanted to, he could have made every single one who rejected him, he could have given him all that he could have desired an entire palace made out of precious metals,
inside of which are going to be staircases made out of precious metals, inside of which their decorations and chandeliers will be made out of gold. Allah is saying, one, one interpretation is that Allah is saying this world means nothing. And if Allah had wanted to, he would have given the code file all of this. But then if he had done that, the people who are desiring a lot, they might have been tempted, they might have said, Hey, I want that too. And so Allah Zoysia, this thing, it's actually a mercy that I haven't done even this, even though he's saying, I don't care about this world. And I could have done all of this for them, it would not have affected me in the slightest.
This surah as well, by the way, it mentions some of the stories of Ibrahim and musella, Isa. And what's very important about this surah verse number 57 onwards, take a look at it. It is the most explicit reference in the entire court on to the second coming of Jesus Christ, we mainstream Muslims. This is something that is mentioned in many of our treatises and textbooks. And it is something that is explicitly affirmed in the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The Quran is indirect, it is not explicit, it is indirect. And this verse is explicitly indirect. Let me put it that way. Right. It's very clear, but at the same time, you have to read in in the context
and verse 57 onwards, allies origin is mentioning the story of ERISA. And whatever Isa is mentioned the kofod of the horse make fun of him say who is Risa our gods are better than Jesus Christ. And Allah says in her in their Abidjan, he said was a noble servant. We blessed him. We made him a role model for the children of Israel.
And then verse 61 what in the hula in it? And he, Jesus is a sign of the Day of Judgment. So have no doubt about it and follow me in that is the straightway How can Jesus be the sign of the Day of Judgment? Our scholars have interpreted that of course, what is meant here, the return of Jesus is the sign of the Day of Judgment. Allah is talking about Jesus. And then Allah says Jesus is going to be the sign of the Day of Judgment. So we also as Muslims believe that a 17 volume is going to come back and he will establish the shadow of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he will fight against that the judge and he will have many followers and he will be successful, and then he will
precede the actual blowing of the trumpet. Obviously, other things will happen as well. So this verse indicates the second coming of the sub Imodium and the surah concludes with terrifying descriptions of the Day of Judgment. Verse 67, and Illa Yama even battle the holy mountain I do 111 13 on the Day of Judgment, and Attila the best of friends. They will be the worst of enemies, except for the people of taqwa. Think about this verse. Your best friends, those whom you would give your life for those whom you help unhesitatingly on the Day of Judgment, if the both of you do not have a man and taqwa you haven't helped one other any man and taqwa you will be suing each other in
the court of a law, each one will come with grievances that Oh Allah, this person misled me, oh Lord, this person tempted me, all of this person led me astray, or what led this person told me to do this and this, and this person did this wrong and that wrong, everybody is going to be you know, the worst of enemies because they're going to try to save themselves by blaming other people, but one category will be safe and that is in level 13. The righteous the people of taqwa the people who truly have faith in a law, their friendship that was based from a law for a law upon the shadow of a law, their Islamic brotherhood, that will be a blessing for them on the Day of Judgment, and they're
not going to be enemies on the Day of Judgment. They will be friends in judgment, and they will be friends inshallah, to Allah in general, as well. So choose your friends that will accompany you all the way up there. And don't choose friends that will become your worst enemies because you were of no religious benefit. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a person follows the religion of his close friends. So see who your closest friends are. Now, again, we're talking about close friends, acquaintances and colleagues are different and you do not choose those. We're talking about those whom you choose to have a deep Association and friendship with choose people of piety so that
you can be with them in this world and in the next world. And the surah then concludes with terrifying descriptions of the day of judgment and also of jahannam and of course beautiful descriptions of gender. Verse 68. yeah everybody all my servants Lahore finale, c'mon Yama whether Antonia has no you have nothing to fear nor shall you worry. Well, the whole agenda to anthem was Why'd you come to our own end to Agenda you and your spouse's joyfully you will laugh why they handle so half and they will be served there's going to be servants in genda You don't have to pick up the glass the glass will be brought to you with trays of gold and cups of gold. Wolfie Hama
tiszta he had unfruitful water levels will argue and engender is that that whatever the souls desire, and whatever delights the eyes, will unto Fie her Holly Dune, and you shall be in there forever and ever and ever. And Allah says, What's ethical agenda to lead to this to Mojave Macintosh, maroon, and this is the agenda, you inherited it because of your actions, your actions caused you to earn this gender. So let every person see have they actually done something that will bring about that inheritance we want to inherit gender, so we better act in order to get that gender of course in this sutra as well, Allah subhana wa tada mentions one of the most terrifying aspects
of jahannam and that is that the people of jahannam are begging the angel of jahannam whose name is magic, verse 77, will call do your magical, whenever your magical and they call out the magic of the Alena roadbook. Have your Lord destroy us. We just want to end this thing. So they're making the that traumatic they're calling out to the angel who is the guardian of *, they're calling out to this angel and they're saying, Oh Malik, just ask Allah to finish all of us and Malik will say respond to them. You are staying here. This is going to be your forever abode. The Collegiate NACA will happy Well, I can axacon will help taker the horn. We came to you with truth, but most of you,
you hated the truth. And the surah ends with instructions on how to respond to those who mock Islam and those who
mock religiosity, verse 89, pardon them for flying home and say Salaam peace. And they shall eventually come to know pardon them and say peace and they will come to know it's not your job to pretend to be magic, it's not your job to pretend to be the job of a lot that leave it for the archaea. Your job is not the judgment, your job is to preach and treat them nicely leave all of this to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The next Surah Surah de Haan so that the de Haan is a relatively short surah only three pages, it's a 59 verses and the Han means a dusty cloud and it is called to Han because in this surah Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that one of the signs of the Day of Judgment,
Yom attack, December will be to haunt him will be in that on the day will come when the skies will be clouded with a massive cloud. And this is a one of the signs of Judgment Day, a great cloud of smoke will envelope the earth We ask Allah for his protection and safety. And the main theme of Sugata Doohan is to threaten those who reject the day of judgment and to try to make them repent before it is too late. And sort of the de Haan is one of the two suitors in the Quran that explicitly mentions laylatul, coddle. And of course, we are doing this series in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. These are the Knights of Labor to cuddle. And so make sure that you are doing extra
worship instead of the Doohan verse three in Anza. Now feel a little mobile rocketing that we have revealed it on a blessing night. First number four fee how you flew amarin Hakeem, on this night, every single wise command, it is decided and distinguished. So a lot of calls laylat will call them Laila mobile Raka. And what a beautiful description because what is Mubarak, what does better mean? Mubarak means that something small it is manifested in a much larger amount or something that is trivial becomes magnificent, a small quantity, it is as if it becomes a large quantity. And of course, the classic example, when our Prophet sallallahu I said, I made up one cup of milk, which we
typically feed one person, it fed over 100. And some reports over 1000 people they kept on drinking from that cup of milk, that is what you call Baraka, a small amount is much larger than it actually looks. And so Allah is calling the latest will cover a blessing night you do a bother for one night, and you get the reward for 1000 months, there is no night that is more blessed than the later to the other. So those of you that are watching in the month of Ramadan, make sure that you exert yourselves in these last nights and especially on the odd nights. By the way, some
folkloric interpretation say that this verse applies to the 15th. of Shabbat that is just simply false. There is no academic basis to this because Allah says, We have sent the Koran down on this night, and it is a blessing night. So this is later to not the 15th of Shabbat. In verse number nine, Allah describes those who are rejecting Islam as a that they are playing around humiliated me and a boon that they are playing around in their doubts that those who reject Islam, they have doubts, and they're playing around with that doubt. And this is again, the reality of those who reject a lot and religiosity. If you look at their arguments, they're simply in a echo chamber, each
one is saying the same thing to validate the other person the other person feels validated by the other one. And they keep on saying the exact same things literally as the Quran describes that they're playing around with their doubts like a ball pass between each other, and their doubts then validate their own understanding, and they are happy in this analyst of how to without a warns them multiple times in this surah of them. Of course, we mentioned verse number 10 photocopy omitted the Sarab 200 we just wait wait in your doubts until that comes the horn which is the end of times, verse 34, that in the holiday akun these people say there is nothing but our death and we're never
going to be resurrected, and they challenge bring our ancestors back if you are truthful. And of course there are many people who don't believe in life after that, to this day, large segments of mankind they simply say, let's just use the famous phrase YOLO you only live once No, you don't live once you live twice called Europe Bennett methanethiol what he didn't say this in the Quran, Oh Allah, you gave us life twice and death twice. You live twice, not once. This is our first life and we shall have another life after this. Verse number 14, in the Oman Firstly, Mikado Marine, the day of sorting out shall be their appointed timeframe. On that day, no friend will help any other friend
and they will find no help externally as well. So the surah challenges those who reject the day of judgment in a very, very specific manner. It takes them on and asks them very pointed questions, and explains to them that indeed there will be a date of judgment. We also have in this surah
The story of Musa and fear and again we have a different twist every time we have the same story. There's this different, you know subplot or theme that can be derived. And in this one one of the main themes is very clear, and that is all of the might of the pharaoh all of the power of the Pharaoh and his people, the great civilization, which to this day is considered to be one of the highest civilizations that mankind has ever known. The civilization that built the pyramids, the ancient Egyptians, this is to this day folkloric and alized origin mentions so what what happened to them? Where did they go in verse 25? onwards, very powerful as usual, hold on. Come takumin
Jonathan, what are you how many gardens and fountains did they leave behind? Was it orange and plantations were more common Kadeem and beautiful Spang magnificent buildings and palaces when they encounter free Africa heat and comforts and they used to enjoy all of these amenities, the entire civilization of Egypt, where is it? Now what has happened to it cathartic? So I would have no hope in a hurry, we caused another group to take all of that civilization. So Pamela, once again, the the simple attitude of the simple way that the harshness of only Allah can speak like this cathartic. So it was what happened to all of that. So it was and another civilization came and they took over the
same area and the same land. And then Allah says, from Becca tidy him was similar. Well, neither the heavens nor the earth, wept when they left, nor were they given any second chance upon a lot. When we leave. We want the creation of a lot to miss us. We want our loved ones we want even the the the angels on this earth, we want the, the the other entities on this earth, we want them to mourn for us as our Prophet sallallahu. I said, I'm said the one who is teaching people good. every entity in the creation asks Allah for forgiveness for this person, even the end. And even the fish they asked a lot to teach the one who is wild animal hair, teaching mankind good. May Allah make us amongst
them. So the creation of Allah sympathizes with the righteous of a lot and ask for fair our, Allah is saying, when he left, there was no one that cried over there, we're happy to see him go. So we do not want the creation of a lot to rejoice when we go. Rather, we want them to make praying for us. And we want to be happy in this world and in the next world. And the suitor concludes with some powerful imagery about both the punishments of jahannam and the blessings of gender. Verse 56, that Allah subhana wa tada says about the people of gender, they shall never taste death in gender, because they've already tasted it in this world. And we'll call him Isaiah him, and he will protect
the people of genda from the punishment of jahannam fraud lemma Robic it is a blessing from Allah. And that is indeed the supreme salvation for in Yes, sir. Nobody sonica la lomita the Quran for Taka in the home mortality boon. So we made the Quran easy for you so that they can understand and remember it. So you wait and let them wait as well, for the Day of Judgment. Notice the very similar motifs of all of these suitors that especially in the ending, the Muslims are being told, okay, look, they have done very evil, great evil and rejecting a lot. But in the end of the day, it's not your job to treat them in any manner of harshness, let them do what they're doing. And you wait, and
they too, will wait for the Day of Judgment. And this is a common theme, especially of these Mac consumers. And we will do we would do good to take the lesson from this and apply it in the realities that we live in. The Quranic language is very harsh towards those who reject a law. But a law does not tell us to be harsh towards those who reject Him. It's not our job, those who reject Him and let us be who we are. We're not talking to those who persecute. We're not talking about those who kill. We're talking about those who are arrogant and walk away. Allah says you also say sell them and let them do what they're doing. If they want to live their life in whatever fashion,
your job is to be a positive role model. Your job is to show mercy and compassion and you leave the rest to Allah subhana wa Tada. This is a very, very clear message from the Quran. Allah has every right to be harsh to those who reject Him. And the orans language is very clear, but that harshness should not translate on how me and you interact with those people, even as we debate even as we discuss, even as we explain to them why they're wrong in the end of the day, thought of one who was fired for the topic. That why did Lyneham so many versus you Let them wait, you turn away from them you forgive you do what you're doing and let them do what they're doing and a law will be the judge.
And this is the same message we get in the final sort of that we're going to do today and that is sudo Jah Thea and so the jothi as well as a relatively short surah only three and a half pages and it is 37 verses and this surah one of the main
themes is to establish the importance of the Koran. And to clarify different types of evidences against those who reject the or on the word jothi means kneeling down, because there is an explicit reference in this surah, about all of the nations and omas being kneeling in front of a law on the Day of Judgment. And so the word jothi is used, which means they're all going to be kneeling down. And so that's why the sutra is called jothi. As with all of the Hawaiian names, whereas without exception, so with a jatha begins by listing the blessings of a law and listing the mechanism of how Allah has dominion over the entire creation, before criticizing those who have rejected and those
who don't listen to the signs or see the signs. And then once again, Allah explicitly says, How to deal with those rejecters listen to this verse. Can you get more explicit than this? Verse number 14 of jatheon Hola, Latina Armando, yo feudo Linda rinella your June I am Allah that those who believe, tell them to forgive those who have no hope for the coming Kingdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah azza wa jal will fully recompense them for all that they have earned men Amina saw the NFL NFC woman as certify they have some might have become Georgia or whoever does a good deed. It is for himself. Whoever commits an evil it will be against him that all of you shall go back to Allah. read this
verse carefully. Verse number 14, tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not hope for Allah's Kingdom in the next life in this world. It's not our job to judge it's not our job to act like many gods giving them the punishment. No, that's up to Allah and he has every right he is the medical monk. He is the one who will be Maliki oma Dean. And this is the clear message that we learn from all of these how amin Sutras, and this is again yet another example. Then what follows is one of the most interesting verses that deals with the moral argument for believing in the Day of Judgment. It is not the only time that it exists in the Quran, this moral argument, but verse 21, of
jothi is perhaps one of the most explicit when it comes to proving that there shall be an afterlife based on the moral concept of justice, verse number 21, that Allah says that did those who he was say at who continue to perpetuate evil deeds? Did they think that we would make them collodion Armin warmness Ali had the same as those who are good and believed so Yahuwah back to home, regardless in life and in death, sir Am I come on how evil is their judgment? Hanukkah Allahu semi wa t will be happy. Allah created the heavens and earth with Huck and help here means there is truth there is ultimate truth. There is ultimate justice. There's ultimate wisdom. And so every soul, Allah says,
will be repaid for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. So verse 21, to rephrase this argument in Simple English, Allah is saying, Do you think it's fair, that Allah azza wa jal would allow the criminal to get away with his criminal lifestyle, and the believer who struggled and was pious and maintained his good manners and never did anything wrong? And then they both live and die, and the criminal loves that good life outwardly, the criminal seems to be having pleasure in this world and doing whatever whereas the righteous is struggling and getting by Allah says, Do you think that those two are the same? their life and their death are equally the same? Know what a foolish
presumption to make a law created this world with ultimate truth and justice? So the fact that there is no justice in this world that is ultimate is an automatic indication that there shall be a day of justice, a day of judgment, because Allah azza wa jal will not allow injustice to go unpunished. nor will he allow piety to go unrewarded, how many are the evil tyrants that have lived and continue to live? And they seem to get by even though internally they might be struggling and whatnot, but externally, they have might, and power and wealth, and how many are the poor, innocent souls that have been tortured to death killed, thrown into jails, how many whose rights have been trampled, and
they don't get justice in this world? Not just tyrants, every one of us we've had people in our lives that do wrong unto us, we cannot get our rights back from them. So Allah saying, Do you think that's fair? No, this world has was created with truth, and there shall be a day that every person shall be repaid for what it has been done, what it has done and no wrong will be shown to it. And in this surah as well. We are especially told to be careful of one of the worst of all evils, verse number 23. Have you not seen the one who has taken his own desires as his
object of worship and Allah has knowingly led him astray put a seal on his hearing and his heart put a veil over his vision, who will guide this person after Allah will do not reflect anyone who follows whatever he desires. It is as if he has worshipped himself instead of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Anyone who opens unchecked every lust, every passion, every Caprice, every whim, this person has worshipped himself and his desires and Allah says, Have you not seen this man who has taken his own desires and lusts as his ultimate God, the hallowed is what he desires to hold on is what he doesn't want that person Allah says, I have led him astray upon knowledge knowingly, this person
doesn't deserve to be guided. And the sutra concludes by mentioning the Day of Judgment. Verse 27. To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth, and the day that the judgment takes place. On that day the falsifies will lose and you will see every community on its knees, every community will be called to its book today, you will be repaid for all that used to do this book of ours. The book here is the School of deeds, this book of ours will speak about you in truth. Verily, we would write down all that you used to do. And the surah concludes with a powerful Praise to Allah subhana wa Tada. And there is no conclusion for our episode better than these two verses that we're going to
conclude with and that is a large Xhosa saying verse number 36, that praise belongs to Allah for the LA Hill hamdu Arabi semi Watashi wa built out of the rubble al Ameen to Allah belongs to praise the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of all of humanity. What a whole cadre of SMRT will work well as this will Hakeem, To Him belongs all supremacy in the heavens and earth, and he is indeed the majestic and the all wise in shallow data will continue tomorrow with our next section. Until then said I'm wondering what happened to La Habra castle