Yasir Qadhi – The Message of The Quran #1

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a series of lectures on the Quran, covering topics such as the Bible, Arabic she's recited, and the importance of reading the Quran for understanding the language. They stress the need for guidance and finding a path for one's life to achieve their goals. The importance of belief in the previous prophets and their revelations is also emphasized. The importance of privacy and privacy in driving human behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of learning from past lessons and proving the truth of Islam. The importance of writing a book on Islam is also emphasized, along with sharing it on social media.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Allah De Anza Abdullah Kitab Well, I'm Elijah Allah, who we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for every blessing he has given us, we praise him for having revealed the Koran to us. We thank him for having guided us to Islam, we worship Him, and we extol him because only He is worthy of unconditional praise. And we send Sadat and Salam upon our Prophet Mohammed Salah law while he was seldom The one whom Allah subhana wa tada chose to reveal his final book to and sent down the best of all angels, the angel Gabriel to reveal to him his chosen speech. And we thank Allah subhana wa tada for having gifted us with life and for

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having gifted us this month of Ramadan. And during this month to your brothers and sisters, as has been my habit for the last decade, I'm going to be starting a new series but this is a series that I am very hesitant even to begin but I pray this too hard on I put my trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. The goal of this project is very ambitious. It is to summarize the entire message of the Quran in 30 lessons. And before we begin, I really do need to very quickly give you a brief methodology about the remaining lectures obviously, this series is called the haoran. In 30 lessons, it is really meant as an overview, a bird's eye view, a summary, a condensed presentation of the message of the

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Quran, and it is not meant to take the place not just of the original nothing can take the place of the original, but even of any Tafseer or of any full translation. Rather, my goal in this series is that this lecture should serve as an introduction and as a motivation for you to then read the Quran. Firstly, in Arabic, the Jews that we're going to do their section that we're going to do, and then inshallah to either read the translation of at least one 30th of the Quran. So the goal of this introductory lecture is to entice you inshallah Tata to give you some background knowledge, so that inshallah you can then read the original Arabic and then read any translation in your language so

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that you have some ideas and some contextualization. And of course, since we are summarizing, of course, we're not going to go over verse by verse, we're not going to go over word by word. Rather, we're going to talk about motifs and themes. And perhaps one or two verses, I will contextualize or point out, or maybe correct, a common misunderstanding that might exist. And so do not make this invalid assumption that just because I skipped over some verses, somehow they are not as relevant as others, obviously, the entire Koran is equally important. And obviously, we need to read the Quran cover to cover. So this lecture is simply meant, especially for those who have never read the Koran,

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or perhaps they are out are not Muslim yet, and they're interested in the messages over all over the Koran, or perhaps our young men and women are teenagers, and those that they are wanting some background knowledge, this is really the purpose of the project that I am undertaking, as well, if anybody is accustomed to listening to my previous lectures, any lectures that I give, you are typically aware that it is my style in other lectures to be pretty exhaustive to mentioned various opinions, to go down different tangents in this series, I will try my best to really skim over and to really give only one opinion. And what that means is that sometimes I'm going to say something,

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and that's what happens at a beginning level. And it actually is only one opinion out of five, and I'm just gonna say it and move on. So, please do not assume that this is the the advanced to the exhaustive study that is for other lectures. And, of course, this is an ambitious project, I asked galarza gel for his help and his blessings. And I say even in Arabic, it has rarely been done, where the the the goal is to just summarize in just half our lectures, the entire message of the Quran. It's a project that has a lot of pros and a lot of cons. And this is a human attempt from me. So it is bound to have some errors some failings, it is bound to be subjected to some valid criticisms or

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alternative paradigms. And for that I asked a loss forgiveness first and foremost, and then the readers and the listeners indulgence. My goal really my goal is to introduce a summarized message of the Quran to an English speaking audience and especially to our young men and women who perhaps haven't read the entire Koran. Perhaps they won't be given that opportunity or they're not interested right now, through the series of lectures. My goal is to

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entice them. My goal is to make them feel enthused to go read the entire Koran cover to cover and ask Allah subhana wa tada for his blessings and guidance and ask for his forgiveness for any shortcomings and any mistakes. Now, one other point before we get to the recitation, this series is of course in 30 parts and the division of the Quran into 30 parts, these parts in Arabic are called Jews the pluralist agenda, and in the old or Hindi speaking world is called spata, or sappada, this division of the Quran into 30 parts, it is a very old division, it originated in Iraq in the second century of the hegira. In the time of the tablets have grown, it is not something that the Prophet

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system did, or the Sahaba did, it was done in early Islam to facilitate reading the Quran in a month. And so they would divide the Quran into roughly one 30th. And they call the two Jews so that every day you can read one, and so that in every month you will finish the Koran, and it's useful. However, these divisions are not divine in nature, they are done by committees or groups of people from the past, and it just kind of sort of stayed on. Therefore, in my 30 lectures that I'm going to be giving, while we will be going you know, bit by bit, we are not going to actually be doing specifically one juice, it'll be around a juice, sometimes a little bit more, sometimes a little bit

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less. Sometimes I'll do the entire sutra if it's like a juice and a half I'll just summarize the entire sutra. The point is that we will be progressing through the Quran bit by bit, but not necessarily exactly at the marker of the Jews. Rather, I'm going to try my best to summarize as many suitors as I can, because the sutra or the chapter is what is divine, that is what a lot demarcated sort of Bukhara, so the other Emraan sort of the Nisa that is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as for these Jews markings, they're somewhat random. And you know, there's no problem with them. But the meanings are not marked by those 30th it's just a random point where one 30th of the Quran

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finishes. And one of the things I was very eager about in this series as well is that because the Quran is the Arabic eternal, uncreated divine speech of Allah subhana wa Tada, no translation will ever take the place of the Quran, and it is necessary that we get even just a glimpse of the beauty of the original, and therefore I'm going to try my best inshallah, then every single day, we're going to begin our series with at least around 10 minutes of recitation from our Adi Hafiz Sajad, our quality here in in Dallas, and it's only going to be a 10 minute selection and insha Allah, the the recitation in the surah. And the verse is going to be on your screen, I strongly encourage and

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recommend you to follow along that recitation, and then to listen to my summary. And then later on in these nights of Ramadan, when most of us are locked down. This is the lockdown or mobile and this is going to go down in history as the COVID-19 normal bond done along where we spent more time with our family and more time with the Koran. So the goal is after this lecture, that you then read the entire Jews at least, and then read a translation so that insha Allah throughout this whole month of Ramadan, you will not only read the Quran, you would have had your first maybe some of you your first understanding for the entire Jews that we're going to be doing a demo of. And with that, I'm

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going to ask God Hafiz Sajad to recite a selection and ask you to follow along Bismillah R Rahman Rahim.

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so this juice is of course the beginning of the Koran and we began with suta tel Fatiha the opening and what a beautiful surah It is Allah subhana wa tada describes, so to tell Fatiha as being the seven oft repeated versus a sub al muthoni and sapan although there is nothing in this entire world that is recited anywhere near the amount of times that sootel factor is recited no prayer, no literature, no piece of any statement of any man that is recited as much as this verse or these verses from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Every practicing Muslim recite Surah Al Fatiha around two dozen times a day there are a billion Muslims in the world multiply that by 365 days of the year multiply

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that for the last 14 centuries until the date of judgment, there is nothing in all of humanity's history that is recited or has been recited as much as salt and Fatiha. And that is why Allah calls it a sub Al muthoni, the seven oft repeated verses and soda tel Fatiha summarizes our entire purpose of life. We begin by praising Allah unconditional Alhamdulillah and He is the Lord the ultimate Lord of all of the creations and we are reminded

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did have his most essential characteristics, he is compassionate, He is merciful. We are reminded that there is an ultimate day of judgment that this life is not going to end with our death, but we are going to be resurrected and that Allah subhana wa tada will judge us when he resurrects us, and then we are told what is our purpose here? What are we supposed to do? He cannot do what he can sustain you alone, Oh Allah, are we going to worship and you alone are the one who's helped, we will seek there is no object in this entire creation that is worthy of our veneration, our worship, our servitude besides you, oh, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And no one is there that can help me that can

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guide me that whom I can ask besides you, and that is why we worship Him, and we seek His help alone. And what is the most important aspect of help that we want it then also rothen was the theme. We want to be rightly guided, we want the straight path. This world is full of paths, Allah tells us in the Koran don't follow the wrong paths. There's so many Miss directions. There's so many evil ways we don't want to go down there. What are those ways we want to go down the straight path, the path that will take us to the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada the path of the righteous the path of the prophets, the path of the martyrs, the paths of those who have chosen piety over impiety that

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have chosen to worship Allah over living a peaceful life. And Allah subhana wa tada reminds us by telling us how to ask him, we are given hope he has spoon fed us, this is what you asked me, because the one who will respond when he tells you how to ask, then your trust in Him. And your optimism for having your dry answer will be even higher. So we asked a lot to be guided to the straight path and then I'll sit off and was stuck beam which path is not so it also led in an untidy him it is the path of those whom Allah has blessed, whom Allah has favored, because we don't want the path of those who intentionally go astray those who know the truth and then decide to not take that path.

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Hence they are a cursed, hence Allah anger is on them. Nor do we want the path of those who might be sincere, but they're not doing the research. And then they're not reflecting enough. They're being a little bit naive. And they're just going because other people are going, they might deep down inside have an element of sincerity. But we are not cheap. We don't just go where the people go, we don't want to go where the people are leading us astray. And that is the path of ball lean, where even if the intentions might be good, but they haven't done the code enter the book they haven't contemplated, and hence they still go astray. And by saying, mean, the meaning of our mean is an

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affirmation of all that has preceded the meaning of amin is to say a lot all that I have heard, I want this a lot granted to me. And so this surah serves as an introduction to our relationship between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is Allah and what is our job and our goal in this life, and that is the worship of Allah and that is constantly wanting to better ourselves by finding the right path. Of course, sootel bacara which will now move on to sawtell Bukhara is of course, named after the famous story of Musa telling his people to sacrifice a cow. And by the way, the names of the suitors they are not necessarily divine, the names of the suitors we don't really have to read

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in symbolic imagery or metaphorical language. No, it's just a marker. Sometimes that marker was given by the prophet sallallahu wasallam and sometimes the companions just decided to name a surah so it's the names of the suitors are for convenience sake, simple as that. And of course, a little Baccarat is the longest surah of the Quran, and it contains the single most blessed verse of the Quran, and that is ayatul kursi Allahu La Ilaha Illa What have you per yom. It also has the verses that were given to our Prophet sallallahu it he was setting them when he went on the night journey, and Allah azza wa jal gifted him directly from under the treasures of his throne. He gifted him

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something unique, and that is the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah. The aminoacyl section at last two verses also sort of Al Baqarah has the last verse that was ever revealed in the entire report on the last verse that was ever revealed. And that is what topple Yeoman told Jonah Hill Allah, be conscious of the day you shall return to Allah. That was the prediction that Allah told to our Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that you will be returning back to your Lord. So tell Bukhara is, of course, the surah that was first revealed when the Prophet system migrated from Mecca to Medina. It is an early modality revelation and this is important because the styles of the Quran they vary

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from Mecca to Medina. The content of the Quran varies when it was coming down from Mecca to Medina, the style of the verses the languages, the even sometimes the metaphors that are employed. So it helps us in understanding the Quran to know where the Quran

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Or which portion portion of the Quran was revealed. We're also circle Baccarat has been praised very highly by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, does this mean that some sections of the Quran are more blessed than others? Yes, actually that is the cases some sections of the Quran are more blessed than than others. Even though the whole Koran as a whole is of course, infinitely more blessing than anything that any human can say. the Quran is the speech of Allah and therefore compared to us, the superiority of the speech of Allah over our speech is similar to the superiority of Allah over us. However, within the speech of Allah, certain sections are more powerful than

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others, certain suitors are more blessed than others, even though the whole Koran is powerful, and blessing. And so little Bukhara in particular, there are many blessings about this. Surah of them is the famous Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded us to recite to the Koran. And then he said, the Quran will come as an intercessor, for those who recited and then out of all of the Koran. He said, If Al Baqarah were earlier in Braun, recite Surah Al Baqarah. And so that Allah and Ron and then he called them as the haraway, in the two bright suitors, so he called Bukhara and Allah in bright lamps, illuminating lights, and he said, on the

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day of judgment, these two sewers in particular, they will come like two massive clouds, or to massive flocks of birds in ranks, pleading for the one who has recited these two suitors. So out of the whole Quran, He then said, recite Bukhara, and other Emraan and then he said, Ecole Baqarah recite Baccarat. So then he emphasized Baqarah over other Emraan and then he said bacara for in the hall Baraka taking it is going to be a blessing. teleco who Hazara leaving Baccarat is going to cause you a source of grief and regret and what is the third obatala and evil can never overcome or confront sort of Al Baqarah. So these beautiful phrases of our profits of the law while he was

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sending them holding on to Bukhara will bring Baraka Baraka means of us blessings are less favors, and he told us not reciting. baccara will give us hustler, and hustler means grief, we're going to be sad. So when we're sad reciting Bukhara will eliminate the grief because by not reciting buffalo will become sad. Therefore, when we are sad, if we recite bacara, we will become cheered up will become happy, and our prophets are sort of said evil can never conquer Surah Al Baqarah. So it will, of course, because it is so long and because it is it came down in the early Medina phase. Because of its length. There's hardly any topic that it does not discuss, you can really say Bukhara

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summarizes the entire Koran. And it begins by discussing the three main categories of mankind. All of mankind can be divided into three simple categories, those who believe those who choose not to believe, and these are the kafir, and then those who pretend to believe and these are the hypocrites, and this is the broad category of mankind, also certain dimensions, every single aspect of our creed what we believe every aspect of theology is mentioned in certain Bukhara in particular, so many verses about belief in Allah and the proofs of Allah's existence and the proof of Allah is ultimate dominion and control. Allah says with a Baccarat that Yeah, you won us or mankind, worship

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your Lord who created you and those before you who made this earth a vast land and who made the skies a towering adornment, so do not take partners alongside Allah worship Allah alone. Allah says in Surah Baqarah ye la comida Hoon Wahid you your Lord is one Lord your God is one God law either in law who there is no god other than him. He is the man that Rahim and then Allah says, Look around you in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the creation of the heavens and earth, in the alternation of the night and the day in the ships that sail in the oceans for the benefit of mankind in the rain and the water that Allah sends down from the skies, and it revives the earth after it

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had been dead. And it scatters all amongst all types of creatures in the changing of the winds and the seasons in the clouds that are moving around in the between the heavens and the earth. In all of these signs are miracles for people who reflect for people who understand Allah is saying, Do you need any evidence that there is a higher power? Look at this beautiful world around you? There's hardly any aspect of it, except that it is screaming the existence of Allah subhana wa Tada. The surah also tells us to believe in the angels and in particular, out of the whole Quran, it is this surah that mentions the two most

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Powerful angels that Allah says is sort of Bukhara men can I do well, did you briella we will Mika, whoever is an enemy to Djibouti and Mikael has taken a lot as an enemy as well. And therefore Djibouti and Macau are mentioned explicitly by name in the surah. The surah, as well tells us to believe in the previous prophets and in their revelations. In fact, on the very first page of the surah, Allah tells us that the believers are those who believe in what has been revealed to you, and what has been revealed to those before you will let the animal public come. So we are told that we are not the first nation, our Prophet system is not the first prophet No, the one who created the

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first mankind also sent the first prophet before us. So a part of our theology is that our theology is not unique, it is not new, it goes back to the beginning of time, we are also told in the sutra, to believe in the prophets, so many prophets are mentioned. We're going to go over some of them in the next few minutes. And so we are told of the histories of previous nations as well, in the surah as well, we are told about the resurrection and the judgment and the links to the previous life that we had with our next life. Allah says in the Koran case, it's a kulula be lesser than Baccarat. How can you reject a law? How can you deny the existence of Allah subhanho wa Taala? How can you not

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worship God when you didn't exist, and He created you and he gave you life, then he is the one that will cause you to die, and then you shall return to Him. So all of the main points of our creed, our belief, are very clearly mentioned in this sutra, as well. So it says Bukhara is a unique surah as well, in that it tells us every single one of our rituals by name, it tells us the five pillars of Islam, it tells us of course, that the righteous are those who practice these pillars. In fact, that is the very first verse of sort of Bukhara that a cricketer without ever saying I'll let you know you know why they believe there has to be believed what you'll pay more in a salata kata, so that

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the people the righteous are those who they are following these rituals after their belief woman Moroccan commune feel alone, and they spend from the money that we have given unto them. So we are told of the rituals, the Salah, the these cow in this chapter as well come the famous verses of fasting, the famous verses we hear every single Ramadan where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you. This is the month of fasting it's mentioned as sort of Bukhara. The month of Ramadan is mentioned as soon as Al Baqarah. So tel Baqarah tells us that fasting is nothing new. Actually, every generation every nation, every prophet was given some type

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of fasting as well. his alma was also given the commandment to fast we are not the first to fast and then Allah tells us the purpose of the fast is a higher goal that we can be conscious of Allah the purpose of taqwa. So the fasting is mentioned here in SoCal baccara and Souter bacara as well. We have the command to perform the Hajj, Allah says in Surah Al Baqarah. Well, Tim will help Joel morata de la fulfill the commandment to do Hajj and fulfill the commandment to do omura for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. So all of these rituals are explicitly mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah. But rituals is not the only aspect of our faith. theology is not the only aspect of our faith in this

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surah as well. We learn about the prohibitions of alcohol, about the prohibitions of gambling. Allah says in the Quran, alcohol, there might be some benefits, there is some good I'm not denying it a less saying yes, there's some pleasure in it that it makes you feel good, yes. But then Allah says, but the evil of it, the filth of it is much more than the benefit that comes. Allah says in the Quran that gambling as well masive it's not it's a waste of our money and time shape on once to cause division between us. shavon wants to waste our money by gambling. So Allah prohibits for us alcohol and alcoholic drinks and all types of drugs. And Allah forbids us from gambling and other

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aspects as well. And this shows us that the Koran has to shape our morality as well. Those who believe in this book, it's not good enough to simply have abstract theology. I believe in God, rather the Quran is going to shape your personal morality as well, your ethics as well. It also tells us a little Bukhara that morality alone is not good enough. No, Islam is more than just theology and rituals and morality. The Quran is coming soon. Baqarah is coming with very specific personal laws. There are many verses and suta dakara about marriage about divorce about living our lives in accordance with very specific guidelines. In fact, in certain Bakara, we are even told

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about how we divorce if we have to

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To get a divorce even though it's not encouraged overall but if a divorce is going to take place so the doctor is telling us that be be gentle, be kind build mouth, do it in the best manner. So the Baccarat is telling us that even if a divorce must take place, then gift each other and especially the husband should give a gift to his wife, woman to give them a gift at the party. And sort of the banker is telling us that even after the divorce takes place, how long can the lady wait? Before she marries another person? These detail laws it's literally explicit for months and 10 days it comes as a number or batter shouldn't wash. It literally informs us therefore that one who believes in a law,

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there are laws that need to be followed. And these laws are for our own detriment and our own good as well. The laws don't just deal with our personal lives. Our marriage, our divorce, no suits, Bukhara also lays down the foundations for it for the concept of Islamic economics multiple versus sort of the bacara deal with Islamic financial concepts which are very different and unique to those found in other traditions and cultures. A lot encourages us to write down contracts. Allah encourages us to be specific in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal wants there to be witnesses that people know don't do things in secret, have the contract, let people know whenever you're going to agree

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about a business about any type of thing about a loan, then look to who Allah is encouraging us write it down, don't just let it ambiguous. And if you're able to have witnesses, so that everybody knows, because we don't like ambiguity, we don't want problems to come deceitfulness. We don't want the opportunity for shaytaan to bring any type of acrimonious hatred between two people because of money. So the way one of the ways that we get out of this is that we're very clear in our business guidelines, what exactly is each partner going to do? How much profit is going to be given a loved one says to be very clear, and then intuitive, Bukhara? Allah subhanho wa Taala also lays down one

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of the biggest sins in our religion and the biggest cardinal sin when it comes to finances and that is interest. So little Bukhara says that Allah has forbidden interest and Allah has allowed buying and selling, Allah has allowed free market trading, generally speaking, and Allah has forbidden interest. And then Allah subhana wa tada says, Whoever legalizes interest, whoever thinks that interest is good, and he wants to take it, he might as well be declaring war against Allah azzawajal himself. From all of this, we learn that our faith, our religion, the religion of Islam, it's not just a private matter, that between me and Allah, I believe in a God and I believe it's not even a

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personal ethical that okay, in my own personal life, I'm not going to drink and I'm not going to do gambling. It's not even in my interactions with others on a small basis in my marriage and divorce and inheritance. No, it's much more than this. Islam aims for the betterment of human society, Islam, once cultures to flourish, Islam wants its people to live ethical lives and for the civilizations of its peoples to become strong. And that will only happen when they have an entire system of life, not just in their theology, not just in the rituals, in their ethics, in their norms, in their values, in their interactions with others in their marriage and divorce, in how they

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give their property away in their business transactions. And in their personal matters. This is what the entire religion of Islam is. So we are given the crystal clear picture that Islam is not just a personal faith, not at all, Islam is an entire way that is meant to empower us to improve our souls to bring about laws that will better society and to cause positive values to be prevalent while minimizing evil while covering up corruptive factors greed, gambling, drugs and vice. We don't want to promote that type of stuff. It's not healthy for mankind. So the Koran so little Baccarat is coming with this civilizational message that Islam is more than just an abstract series of beliefs.

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Also sudut Al Baqarah is one of the main sources that mentioned so many previous prophets and SubhanAllah. We can give many lectures just about this issue. Look, for example, at the story of Adam, which is the first story in the Quran. And of course, it's the most appropriate story to begin with. It is the story of our origin. Where do we come from? Where does this beautiful creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala originate from Allah subhanho wa Taala created us and Allah subhanho wa Taala created the original man and his spouse and from the two of them all of us came and in the original story, the Adamic story we learned so much of them is the divine gift the mystery of

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language of intellect, because

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When a lot teaches or them to speak, to teach someone, that person has to have intellect to learn. Also eloquent speech indicates that the one who is speaking is one of intelligence. And so by reminding us that Allah gifted man, the eye lemma holobiont Sutra, man tells us but also the background of why I love Adam markkula. A lot taught Adam the gift of human speech. Where does speech come from To this day, you know, linguists and psycho analysts, they are debating what is the origin of speech because it's very, very unique amongst all of the creation of of this world. We are the only species whose speech is eloquent we can talk about history and physics and metaphysics we

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can wonder and pontificate about the meaning of nature, we can pass down our traditions to future generations we can write that which no other species can do. So we are a unique species. Where did this come from? Allah says in the Quran, where Allah Allah Adam as markkula. So the Adamic story, it tells us the beauty of that gift of language and that gift of intelligence. Also, in the Adamic story, we learn that we are not the only creation, there is another creation as well. And that is the beliefs are that Shin Jin or the shale team, they are also here we are not the only creation and we learn here of the one of the main morals and lessons of that story of Adam alayhis salam is that

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yes, all of us are sinful. Adam was a sinner, it beliefs was a sinner, but the sooner that will eventually be coming back into the mercy of Allah, the sooner that will eventually regain the Rama of Allah is the sinner who acknowledges his sin. The sinner who says, I've been of alumna and fusina. Or Lord, I committed the sin, we are sinful and if you don't forgive me a lot, then nothing. There is no hope I will be destroyed the sinner who then becomes arrogant, and that is the sin of a police, the sinner who says it's not my fault about what stuck about he became arrogant, that sinner has no chance of repentance. The essence of our religion is humbling oneself in front of Allah.

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Allah doesn't care how sinful a person is. Our father Adam was in Jenna, our Father Adam saw every single miracle with his own eyes, he experienced what the rest of us dream about. And he saw it with his eyes. Still, he committed a sin in gender itself. He did something that Allah asked him not to do and Allah azza wa jal, yes, he was sent down to this earth, but a lot forgave him Fatah barley, Allah forgive him, if a lot can forgive our father. He's our father is our flesh and blood. We are his children. All of us are sinners like our father Adam, no sinner should ever feel that I am. It's hopeless. There's no point Allah will never forgive me. the sin of Adam, can you imagine a lot

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created Adam with his own hands, Allah read the root into Adam, Allah xojo gifted other his wife Hawa, Allah said you and your wife enter Jenna each wherever you want. And he lived in Jenna for aeons, and he owes more than we can ever imagine how long he was there, and he still slipped and that is no problem. If you repent to Allah because our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, all of the children of Adam make mistakes all of them like their father Adam, did we too will make mistakes. Let no one ever think that I am too sinful. No, we are the sons and daughters of the first man and the first woman who themselves were sinners and they repented and Allah subhana wa tada forgave them

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in the story in the surah baqarah. We also have the story of Ibrahim as well, and the building of the caliber. And that shows us that not only the history of the Kaaba and of Mecca, where the the Prophet system was born and raised, but also that doing something magnificent or great means nothing if Allah does not accept it, Ibrahim built the most magnificent, the most blessed structure that humanity knows Abraham built the first house of worship, there was no church, there was no synagogue, there was no mosque on this earth. Until Abraham built that first structure. The first house that was meant for the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. And billions of people will come

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would come and do a walk and worship at that house, Ibrahim did it. And then what did he say? Was he arrogant and stretching and prideful and say, Look what I did, or did he say, I sort of Bukhara says, I've been to a couple min in the campus and God no matter what you do, you're Muslim. never feel a sense of arrogance and entitlement, no matter what you do, thank Allah and then ask Allah for acceptance and ask Allah for forgiveness. We can never ever allow the sin of the police to come into us. The tsilivi police was arrogance. We can never allow that and the story of yaku we learn as well that what should be bothering

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Switch should be on our minds. Yaqoob is on his deathbed, he barely has a few minutes left, and his children are all around him. A beautiful picture is painted that Yaqoob is on his deathbed and all of his children are around him. And you know, at this point in time, you know, all of this world and all that is just secondary to leaves. You want to leave your children with what is most important, you want to leave your children with the most the most important message possible. What was that message? A young Pope says to his children, what are you going to worship after me? What will your religion be? What will be your way of life be? That's what I'm concerned with my legacy in you, dear

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children, it is what your religion and way of life is going to be. I'm not worried about your money, your careers. I'm not worried about anything else. That's all going to come and go, we're all going to leave this world. What are you going to leave this world with Dear children, and the children said, we will worship your God and the God of your ancestors in what a human is how and and we will be upon the religion of Islam. And so your hope died happy man, because he imparted his faith to his children do your parents do your parents have what use is all your wealth and privilege if you're not going to leave the most important and the most precious thing to you, and that is your faith if

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you're not going to leave it with your children before you move on. So we learned this in the story of Yahoo. In the story of David Dawood and his fight with Goliath salute, we learned so much as well, we learned that no matter how small your numbers, no matter, you know how ill prepared you are in terms of you don't have the logistics or whatnot. If you truly, truly have your faith in Allah, and you do your best, we're not saying that you don't do your best, no doubt who did his best work with whatever he had, you know, Goliath, of course, had his armies. Goliath had his armor. And that wood Of course, he just had a slingshot. That's all he had. He didn't have a sword because he was

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just a little kid. He didn't have the army because his armies were different. What did he have a slingshot. And so what come in, in Hollywood theater, theater isn't a law, how many are the people that are under equipped underprepared, but they have Allah subhanho wa Taala. And because they have a law, they have victories. And this tell, and this shows us that no matter you know what our odds might be, if Allah chooses to help us, then doesn't matter who's on the other side, if a law is on our side, we will be victorious. And that is what we learned from the story of Deadwood. And Joe root, from the story of Solomon is what is mentioned in sort of Bukhara, and we learned here that

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his relationship, you know, with, with the blessings that Allah gave him and his relationship with the jinns, as well, we already mentioned that the Baccarat teaches us that there are other species as well. And a very interesting point here that we learned in the story of Sulaiman is that, you know, don't expect when you do something right, that everybody is going to praise, you know, so they mind being the prophet of God, he was slandered till his death and after his death, and false accusations were made against him, even after he died. People said bad things about him. But you see, so the man being that righteous servant of Allah, Allah defended, so the man in the Quran, if

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you have a law, Allah will defend you. And a lot of xojo defended the reputation of Solomon, when Sunni man could not speak any more. He's in the grave. Allah defended Solomon in the Koran, one marker for a Sulaiman. Well, I can the shell, Tina cafaro. So we learned here that those who are being harmed, those who are being slandered those who are being oppressed, you need a lot, all of us need a lot, but especially those because if a law is on your side that had handed in law, that is all that you need. And of course, one of the main constant themes of this surah is the constant repetition of the stories of Musa and the children of Israel. It is one of the main motifs of this

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surah and each one of these stories of Moses and the children of Israel, each one of these has so many lessons and wisdoms we learn from the successes of the past, we learn from the mistakes of the past, wise indeed, is the one who learns from the mistakes of others. A lot of these stories talk about the mistakes of the previous generations. Islam, when it when this sort of was revealed Islam was not yet a global civilization within 100 years of their relations with Al Baqarah. Islam is knocking on the doors of China and Islam is conquering. And those on the other side, Islam has become a global force that shall be reckoned with for the next 14 centuries. So Allah is telling

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this oma that is going to rule the world. Don't make the mistakes of those before you look at what mistakes they made. Look at their personal lives when they began questioning everything. What type of cow Why do we need to sacrifice a cow what is the low one by sacrificing cow and a lot of zoa just says there was benefit in you by doing this good came to you but you kept on questioning and questioning and arrogance as well. The sin of arrogance when Allah subhanho wa Taala said to them would hold it back

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About what quarter hit pattern, just say that we repent to Allah. And instead of that they mocked and they made fun of, and that is something that brought about their destruction. And so in every single in every single story about Moses and about the children of Israel, we learn personal lessons, we learn lessons for the building of Islamic civilization. Also, this entire surah one of the primary themes of the surah is to prove the truth of Islam. And to mention the relationship of Islam to other faith traditions. Islam is not coming in a vacuum, know that you have Judaism, you have Christianity, you have the sabians. You have the pagans, you have all of these other

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civilizations, each one is saying we are the correct one. So the doctor tells us, we'll call you kulu, who then own a sort of data do they said be a Christian or be a Jew only then you will be rightly guided and we are told in the Quran that no ballmill letter, Ibrahima hanifa. Names mean nothing, we are going to follow the characteristic we're going to follow the methodology of Ibrahim, the one who turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And by the way, one of the main benefits also sort of Bukhara interfaith dialogue, the techniques that Alo uses when dealing with other civilizations, how Allah subhana wa tada addresses them, look at so many different techniques. At times, Allah appeals

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to their rationality and wants them to think at times Allah reminds them of the past and their history, or children of Israel or children of Israel or children of Israel. Remember the favours bestowed upon you remember that I chose you remember when the mountain was above you remember when Moses did this and that So Allah is addressing them with their own history, telling them something that frankly, an Arabian Prophet, who might have been an imposter I'm saying would never have known only an Arabian Prophet, inspired by the Lord of the children of Israel would know these stories. These are insider narratives that an Arabian Prophet would never have been exposed to, because it is

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something that is only found in the Jewish sources, only the Jewish folks would know this. And the fact that the Quran is saying in such an explicit manner, and telling them of their own stories, it demonstrates this prophet is not a false prophet. This prophet is coming from the same source that your Prophet Moses came with this is insider information this soon as well. It critiques this notion of superiority, this notion of us being better than everybody else will follow linear the whole agenda element kind of who then owner Sora tilaka, Ramanujan, they said, Nobody can enter agenda nobody shall enter the kingdom of heaven unless he be following our faith tradition. And Allah says,

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this is your wishful thinking. This is your desires, no tilaka family your home and then Allah lays down the foundation of Islamic intellectual thought. This is boronic epistemology, hola to berghahn acumen quantum saw the pain, bring your evidences if you are telling the truth. We are not a religion that is based upon whims that is based upon superstitions that is based upon desires Not at all. We are a religion that is based upon proof from Allah subhanho wa Taala we'll have to go Hannah, come bring your evidence. How do you know who is going to enter heaven and *? How do you know who is going to be in the chosen kingdom will have to work on acumen quantum saw the thing that

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a man Eslava was your holy law he will Merson, whoever truly turns his face to Allah and he does good that is the one who shall enter the kingdom of Allah and names mean nothing. There has to be the ultimate devotion to Allah. A person can call himself Muslim, but not act upon Islam. What use is calling yourself Muslim. So Allah is saying, don't praise yourself, don't say you and only you will enter heaven. No. Did you take a covenant with a law? it's hotter in the lie, then did you take a sign treaty with the law that Allah subhanho wa Taala will then honor it Not at all, do not speak about Allah without knowledge in the surah as well. And this is really one of the main points of the

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surah we see that the religion of Islam as a whole is established with every single aspect of Islam being emphasized in the surah. It's theology that dates to the very beginnings of time, it's detailed knowledge of history that no one would have known except the one who knows all of history, its rituals, its laws, even its calendar is mentioned in the suta Bukhara we are told that that we look at the Hitler or the crescent for our moon, we are told that Ramadan is one of the months we have a different calendar, the relationship of Islam with all other civilizations and faith. And all of this demonstrates, as I said that this religion is not to pick and choose we don't just say all

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believe in God and ignore the rest no sooner. tillbaka is very explicit that all you who believe would hold office

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Tell me

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what to behold what the shape on Submit yourselves wholeheartedly to Islam 100% and do not pick and choose and do not follow the ways of shape on no suit as bacala tells us Islam is an entire holistic way of life. And in order to really be a Muslim, there must be an attempt. We're never going to be perfect. Adam story teaches us we're never going to be perfect, but our attitude, our paradigm, our frame of mind, I'm going to submit as much as I can wholeheartedly and if I make a mistake, I ask for forgiveness. And in all of this, we are proven over and over again, the sutra proves and explicitly mentions that this book this book, radical kita boo la Eva fi, it begins by stating this

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factual statement, radical Kitab Laurie, Buffy This is a book there is no doubt in it. This is a book that is telling you everything you need to know it is a guidance for all of mankind. It is a Book from Allah subhana wa Taala and insolate Al Baqarah we learn that this surah It is so confident that this book is from its Lord, it is so confident that you will have no doubt that this surah is divine and therefore the Quran is defined that there is a challenge in this surah and if this challenge were to have been said by a mortal by any creative being it would have been deemed as arrogance because the Quran says in quantum Fisher came in and then allowed Dena to be Sugata Mitra

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he if you're in any doubt, if you're unsure whether the Quran is from a lot or not, if you're unsure is sort of Bukhara is from Allah subhana wa Taala or not. And this is the final verse, by the way of a series of verses called the verses that are challenging people to produce something similar to our There are five such verses the last of them to be revealed isn't sort of Bakara. And it is the final and it is the seal of challenges. Why? Because within the challenge, there is a boast. And if this boost had occurred from a creative mortal, it would sound arrogant, but when this boost occurs from Allah Aziz al moutere Kabir, it is not arrogance, it is the ultimate truth. And what is that boast?

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Bring one chapter similar to Sugata, Baqarah, or even a smaller, sort of bring one chapter similar to this with its eloquence, with its beauty with all of these facets, bring one chapter and call whoever you want to get whatever help you want. Bring all of your teams and all of your linguists and all of your scientists, whoever you want, come and produce one chapter, other and don't get the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah says for elim to follow, and if you cannot do it, and then the seal that seals this challenge will then to follow, and you shall never be able to do it. Can you imagine if any human says writes a book or build something that says no one will ever do

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something better than this? All of us would say, even if the project was good, we would say it's an arrogant person. But you see the Koran says it and it gets away with it. Why? Because it is not the speech of a human it is not the speech of a bishop, it is a speech of Allah subhana wa tada it is the speech of Al Aziz al Muhtar Kent, and a lot of xojo is not a loss boast is not to boast that is arrogant for us. It is a boast of truth and Allah is saying, how can you doubt that this book is from other than Allah? subhanho wa Taala? How can you doubt it is from other than Allah? How can you have these things? It is clearly from Allah that equal kuttabul, Lowery, Buffy and this book, it is

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so evident from Allah that I'm even opening this challenge, and I'm predicting and I'm sealing the faith that you shall never ever be able to bring something similar to the Quran and that is why so little Baccarat is really the response to pseudo tel Fatiha when we say in a set author, Muslim Guide us to the straight path that is why the entire Quran then begins with bacara because Bukhara summarizes for us the straight path of Islam, and that is why our Prophet sallallahu Sallam in what he did, he says everything it has a crown, it has a pinnacle, everything. It has the creme de la creme, it has that that that essence or that crown and the crown of the Koran or the pinnacle of the

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Koran. It is Surah Al Baqarah May Allah subhana wa tada make us of those who recite the surah who memorize the surah who act upon the surah. And one final point, dear viewers is that inshallah throughout these 30 days shala will be doing it at the same timeframe. And I asked that if you can write down any points that you benefit or anything that you can put them on social media so that we can inshallah benefit each other and you can put the hashtag hashtag y que gems YQG m s

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If you can put that so that inshallah that our retreat or some of my people or my social media that will retreat as well so that we can inshallah make other people as well benefit if there's anything that you like to just write it down and then help other people as our profits the lies that have said the one who benefits other people will get the reward of the benefits that they have done without diminishing their own personal rewards. So let's benefit others. Let's get the reward of this month of Ramadan and please please please remind myself in all of you don't just restrict yourself to this lecture. No, nothing substitutes the original read the Arabic and then try to read

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some translation so that inshallah by by the time this month is over, we have read the Quran at least once if not more than we have read at least one or two translations of it. Chuck moolah here, I'll see you tomorrow night inshallah tada was set on Malik Muhammad sallahu wa barakato.

Every year for the last ten years, I’ve had a dedicated series that I’ve done during the month of Ramaḍān (previous years have included Tafsir Surah al-Kahf; the Names of Allah; Analysis of Surah al-Fātiḥa; Quranic Du’as, and others).

This year I’ve decided to do something I’ve never done before – it’s a very ambitious project and I ask for Allah’s help.

I plan to summarize the entire message of the Quran, in 30 lessons.

As those of you who listen to my lectures are aware, my style is typically to go into quite a lot of detail. Most of my lectures would be classified as intermediate or advanced. However, this series will be very different.

I want to present the message of the Quran to those who have never really read the Quran before. The goal would be that after listening to this 45-minute lecture, they should then read the entire juz (para) themselves.

I want people to follow along with me, day by day, and recite that juz, and then read a translation of it, so that we complete the whole Quran this month. The goal of my lecture is to help them appreciate and contextualize what they are going to read. This is NOT a detailed, word by word, verse by verse, tafsÄ«r. I’ve done that for quite a few Surahs, and if we ever did that for the entire Quran it would be over a thousand lectures at least!

Rather, this is an analytical summary – it is ‘basic’ in that I’m not going to go into academic details, but to prepare this ‘basic’ summary will require quite a lot of work (as those who know, know!).

I have also asked Hafiz Sajjād to join me, to recite a section of that juz (around ten minutes) so that we do get a taste of the beauty of the original as well.

I hope that this series will be of benefit, and that it will increase our love for this Divine Book! I ask Allah to bless me with sincerity and to guide me to what is best!

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