Yasir Qadhi – The Fiqh of Salah #15 – Salah Al-Taraweeh

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The history of the Hadith movement is discussed, including its success in praying and a series of events. The movement was not recognized by the public and did not have a record of its success. The speaker discusses the differences between people in different culture, including Hana Ali, Hema Malik, and the Raka, emphasizing the importance of praying for a certain time in order to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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the fourth category Oh, Sunnah prayers.

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Ma to Sunita who Gemma or to Wahoo or Salah to Anwar those Salawat that it is encouraged that it is encouraged to have a congregation a Jamar, okay?

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So these are Hadith it is in sorry these Salawat it is sunnah to come together and how salatu Jabbar

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number one a tarawih salata Tara we were here Asuna cotton bar Delicia if he Ramadan and tarawih is 20 raka art after Salah Trisha in the month of Ramadan and this is the well known Salah to Tara we're that the term tarawih does not occur in the Hadith by the way, the term Tarawera does not occur in the Hadith, rather it was a name given to it by the tabby rune by the tabby rune and it is called tarawih from resting because after every four recart Candle Euro were home they would rest okay. So it is called Tarawera from resting that after every four recart They would pause for a while and then they would rest and so it is called tarawih

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and this is from the tabular and it is not from the prophesised center so let it throw away but it is from the early early part of Islam. Now we're here Sharon rock Eitan Barden, Aisha if he Ramadan and salata, tarawih is 20 raka art after Isha in Ramadan. Now

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the 20 rakaats where does it come from? It comes from the actions of ricotta Radi Allahu Allah one that it is reported that now we all know in Ramadan, we go over this every single year that our Prophet system observed that are we two nights not even three, two nights, he observed taraweeh one night and the people pray behind him. The next day in Ramadan, the Masjid basically became full and they pray behind him. The third day the masjid was packed to capacity. But he didn't come out. And of course in their adult they didn't knock on his door or anything he is Rasulo assume you're not going to disturb him. So they waited, waited, waited until fidget and he came out and he said that I

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knew you're outside. It's not as if I was ignoring you. I knew you were outside. But I was worried that if I

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came and lead you, it might become fault or it might be assumed to be fault. Okay, and this was the last year of his life. And that's the only thing that we know that he allowed and encouraged the GEMA in Ramadan. Now we do not know how many records he prayed. It's not mentioned. But we go by the I also have an issue in Sahih Bukhari that the process of never prayed in Ramadan or out of Ramadan more than 11 rakaat okay. Now, the process and therefore did not establish it as a regular sunnah. So in the reign of Abu Bakr was to do nothing happened, he did not do anything, and the people prayed on their own, and the rest of the people would come to the masjid every single night. And

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small groups would begin to pray by themselves, or by even cab would lead one GEMA even this route will lead another chimera, and they're all praying small small groups in the masjid.

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And remarkable hotdog came one day and he saw all of these small groups in the masjid. And he said, We should gather all of these and make them one rather than each one having his own. And so he commanded that obey because obey was our processor and said he is a chroococcum He is the most knowledgeable of the Hara. He commanded obey. And in some versions even Masood, and the way you make Jama is that in some years it was obey. In some years, it has been Massoud Because Omer was Khalifa for 10 years, okay? So, he commanded obey to lead the solder and he commanded them to lead 20 Rocket 20 rocket and after every four they would take a break. And so later on it was called tarawih, the

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salah breaks. Now, from this, pretty much everybody said it should be 20 The Hanafis say 20, the humble is say 20 and the Shaffir is say 20 as well.

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The only madhhab that has a different number is the Maliki's and the Maliki, say

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The Maliki say 36 raka odd. But where are they? Are they any Maliki's any North Africans? Hmm? Anybody who's over here in the audience? They're still bringing

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I want to ask whether in North Africa they actually pray 3038 record or not 36 Because we know 30 To 30 Sorry, I said 38 Sorry, 3636 3636 Records.

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And, and they, in fact don't have any Hadith or any ASABE. It's simply that

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they feel they felt so the way that it went is that the Shafi school

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was predominantly in Makkah

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or the precursor to the Shafi school if you like Imam Shafi was living in Mecca for a while as well. But that's not at this time in my Malik was the second of the four Imams Imam, Abu Hanifa, and then Imam Malik, and then Imam Shafi, who's a student and then Imam Muhammad who's a student. So in my Muhammad study for me when we Shafia Imam Shafi study from Imam Malik, right, and these three are one strand, and the Hanafi are a separate strand. So and that's the halal, a bit advanced. But the point is that the Hanafi school is a different souls a different understanding of many factors. And the other three are a different understanding of how to derive fit. And that also explains why the

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Hanafi madhhab is so different in his field than the other three madhhab. But the point being

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in the time of human magic, there was a custom

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of the people of Makkah, where was Hema Malik,

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Medina, there was a custom of the people of Makkah, that after every four Roccat, they will perform tawaf.

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And then continue, can you imagine that now,

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look at how lazy we are guaranteed one one hour, 15 minutes back,

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is our guarantee at MIT or your money back.

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And in those days, the people of Makkah were performed an entire throw off after every four. So the people of Medina wanted to make up for that. And they had their way of calculating and they said, call us 36 ERCOT

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is how we will

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compensate for the fact we're not doing Tov, okay, and it just went into their mouth after this, it's not as if they have any thought nothing, they know that this is not sound. And that's why I don't think any of the modern molecules actually do this. Now as for the eight Raka, or the 11 rocket, this is the red hub of

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what is called the absolute Hadith, or the non Medabots, if you like. And they make a very big deal of this because of the hadith of Asha, that the process of never prayed more than 11. So they say eight and then three is 11. Okay, and they make a very big deal of this. But the fact of the matter is that this is a minority opinion, historically. And our Prophet SAW Salem, him doing something is not the same as his commanding it. It is true, he did something. And that is the ideal. But when he commanded what he did, tell the companion, pray 2222.

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Until when you think is Fajr, pray the waiter. He did not tell him pray two to two until you get to eight then stop.

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Rather, he said pray to two and that is why or whatever hottub had no problem increasing it to 20 because when you're praying in a large Jamar, you cannot lead every raka have an hour or 45 minutes like the process and we do you have to make it short so that people who need to leave or need to go to the bathroom needs to take care of their kids need to get to work the next day. This is from the flick of rumor mill Khattala the alarm that you cannot pray tahajud each record is going to be an hour longer or even half an hour long. You cannot do that. When you have 500 people in the masjid. You need to take into account that there are elderly there are weak, there are children, there are

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people who have their needs. So that time you break it into smaller chunks. So people come in come out come in come out. Whoever needs to leave leave. And this is from the fifth of November will hardtop and that's why the MME adopted it it makes sense that it is easier for the people to have smaller chunks of 10 minutes each rather than 15 minutes each. And this is the Sunnah from the time of material hubbub. And there's no problem at all. Now the only reason we do it here, eight is not because of the fact that I or anybody in our admin

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attrition thinks that aid is where the way it should be done. Rather we are have become so lazy. And so life is so difficult that even those 20 rakaat, we have to cut back to aid in the small bits that we do we do a page in America,

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which is what

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if we did 20 record has also a page protocol. Right? So we would spend double the amount of time if we did 20 record, that's the only reason why I'm printing personally from our Masjid standpoint, it's not because I think that we can only pray eight and then we're not quite the contrary. I am with the majority of scholars that 20 is better. Of course 20 is better because there's more such this there's more record, there's more Quran 20 would be better because the more says you have, the more time you get right. But because of time constraints, that's the only reason that we are praying even not even the 20 Forget the Aleph forget that we need to get out of here in an hour and 15

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minutes. Correct. So because of this, it's something that has I have adopted here in the masjid otherwise, there's no problem and 20 and it is in fact the majority position. So the first of the slot to Gemma is salata. tarawih

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me, Ms. Dahiya. Doll Seanie.

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Me want to fit

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feels cool. We took the

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