Yasir Qadhi – Tafseer of Surah An-Naba

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The use of the Koran in Islam is a fundamental pillar of Islam, as it affirms the Day of Judgment and affirms the Day of Work. The title references the book of David and the book of David, as well as the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book of David and the book
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He also heavy woman while hammerberg Sheldon today's short Katara we haven't done tafsir for a while we used to do TFC remember pre COVID and today recited surah number or I met us alone. Obviously we don't have time to do a detailed of pseudo the entire surah but I think that it is important that all of us should know the general meaning of the surah as we recite in the Salah, and this is going to increase our who sure and allow us to appreciate the Quran as we recite it. Surah number is actually one of the most amazing and powerful sutras and it is an early makansutra and like all early MK considers it has

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what we'll call an English fiery eloquence the eloquence is a very unique type. If you know the Madani eloquence is different than the the eloquence is longer versus the the Maquis Allah consider short verses that are generally speaking, more rhythmic. And we find this in Surah number. And the theme of surah number is actually the main themes of all of the MKI Sutras, and therefore one of the main themes of the Koran, and that is to prove the birth or the resurrection. This is the main theme of surah to never from beginning to end, it is all about proving and affirming this fundamental fact of our religion, and the Orosz the mccanns. Arabia overall, did not believe in a hereafter they do

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not believe in a piano in heaven and *, they did not believe in a resurrection of the soul. We'll call in here Illa hyah tuna dunya in the mood to wanna hear one man I remember my routine. They said we have one life to live, we will live we're going to die We shall not to be resurrected again. So one of the main goals of the entire Koran was to prove the reality of a hereafter. And this is a belief that separates the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam from all other faith traditions, it is a fundamental pillar of our religion, and suta, Tama Amethyst alone. It illustrates the many techniques that Allah uses in the Quran. Surah number summarizes all of the

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techniques of proving the accuracy. And again, we don't have time to go over detail, but very briefly, what are they asking about? I'm not this afternoon. This is a rhetorical question to intrigue the listener. This is a rhetorical device. What type of question is this? What question are you asking? People are now paying attention? What is Allah asking that they are asking? I'm Mater's alone, that Allah says I didn't never allow him. They're asking about the most magnificent news, the biggest news, nothing more significant than the day of judgment will happen. to us. The most significant event of the entire creation is the day of judgment. I didn't never allow them the

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biggest news and the biggest, important event of our entire existence. The most decisive day is going to be omocha Yama, and he never allowed him a lady home fee him or telephone. They are deferring about it. Meaning Allah is not different about it. The prophets have not different about it. You guys might be confused, but Allah is very clear the Quran is clear and in Tibet

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kalasa Ala Moana through McCullough sailormoon. This is one of the techniques of the Koran, the certainty with which Allah subhana wa tada describes the day of judgment and affirms the Day of Judgment, in contrast to the uncertainty because in the end of the day, just like agnostics, just like those who reject God, they're like, maybe there's a God maybe there isn't. Maybe there's a hereafter there isn't. This is an uncertainty. In contrast to this, the Quran always affirms with unambiguous equivalence, it's very firm. He wore a bee in the hula Hawk a by Allah it is true, right? So Allah azza wa jal affirms that the Yama with a certainty we can call it a confidence that

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should shake those people who are agnostics who are atheist, because they don't speak from certainty. How can a person negate there's going to be a clear hammer you cannot negate it. It is your oven it is your presumption. So the Quran comes with the level of confidence now a Buffy that only Allah azza wa jal can have or else how can we bring that so Allah azza wa jal says that colors are the moon so McCullough Sailor Moon, this is one technique of the Quran. Another technique to prove the Day of Judgment is to discuss the miracle of creation.

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The miracle of life two separate things, the miracle of overall the harmony of the world of the reality of existence and also the miracle of life itself. This is a common theme throughout the Quran that Allah subhanho wa Taala is challenging the intellect of those who deny the AMA, On what basis Don't you see the miracle around you of life? Why would you think that the one who created life the way that it is, cannot recreate it in another way in the next life? And so the next series of verses 10 verses or so talks about the miracle of life, and the many examples many examples of the reality of existence kalasa Alamosa McCullough San Juan, alumna Alan Alda me harder Haven't we

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made this earth a vast place right and we created you in pairs. Allah is not to pair you are in pairs. Well, hello kanakam as Roger Roger Anna Noma come Sugata and we gave you a sleep that is going to be a rest for you while you're under lay lady boss, I was out on my Asha. We made the night and the day the night is a time of rest the day when you're earning your risk sustenance in the day we feel in the night we feel sleepy we find rest in the day we have the energy to go and get our risk. So the one who created the heavens and earth the night and the day can he not recreate can he not bring it again? Well, john no no moko subrata, john Delaney, bossa nova Masha wobba Naina fo

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hokum seberang Shiva, we made in front and ahead of you and on top of you so many layers of heavens were Jana Siraj Anwar hajah This is the sun we made the sun a blazing light. So this power of the sun that gives you light and energy it brings about photosynthesis, the power of the one who placed the sun there surely that one can read bring life again. We're Jana Sahaja, wore hijab what Anza nominal more I said ottima and said Georgia de la caja. We have been one about whether or not in alfalfa, all of this is about the rain coming down, and the crops growing and the dense forests. So Allah is talking about the miracle of the crops and the animals and our engagement with the creation

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around us. So Allah azza wa jal brings all of these points to tell us about the creation. And then Allah xojo brings another argument, and that will call an English the moral argument. What is the moral argument, the moral argument of the Day of Judgment? Is that okay, there's an argument of the creation, there's an argument of life itself, then there's an argument of common sense and morality in dealing with tokina Mufasa. Those that are righteous, they deserve a reward. Right. Paulina, for those that are unrighteous, right, those that are evil, they should go to jahannam. This is called the moral argument. What is the moral argument? The moral argument is that look around you life is

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not fair. We all know this, right? Life is not fair. We feel it sometimes that why is it that that evil person gets away with his crime? Why is it that sometimes the worst criminals, they live the best lives and the most pious and righteous, they're not living good lives, so we feel something and this feeling in and of itself, if we don't believe in an era, it cannot be explained, but once to believe in a hereafter and you realize that this life is a test, and you realize the righteous will be rewarded, and the wicked and the evil shall be punished? This is the moral argument for the Hereafter, and Allah uses it in this surah and in many other suitors in the Quran that Allah says in

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the Quran fnh Sakina.

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topical Mooji remain Muslim.

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Muslim minakami Jimmy mitoku gay for dokumen Are we going to make the righteous like the criminal? What is the matter with you? How are you thinking? Malcolm caverta? Come on. This is a very powerful verse that are we going to make the righteous and the criminals the same? Right? I'm not sure I don't know Dina Armand. Why middle solea hottie Carl move sedena. Phil, all right. I'm not sure I'm Tina, California. Do you think Allah is asking, we are going to make those who do good, and those who live righteous lives the same as those who are causing evil in the earth? Or do you think that the mud tucked in and the foot jar should be the same? This is a powerful question explained to me,

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oh, mankind explained to me where is justice if it's not going to be in the hereafter. So this is then mentioned in Surah number as well, that allows origin mentions that those that are righteous are going to be rewarded Mufasa they shall be the ones that are rewarded, and those that are unrighteous, the 13 those that are evil, they're going to go to jahannam and then obviously the descriptions of Heaven and * is another reality that underscores belief in karma and then Allah subhana wa tada concludes this surah with

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a threat or a warning, that if you're not going to listen to this, then there's only one option. And that is you shall regret on the Day of Judgment, you shall regret that you didn't think about these things. So Allah is warning the Porsche and through the kurush, all of us, because these verses, even though they primarily apply to those who reject gamma, at some level, they will also apply to those who don't prepare for kayama. And that category, we seek Allah's refuge we can we can be in that category we don't want to be but we can be in that category. inshallah we all believe in karma. And that's great Alhamdulillah but many amongst us haven't prepared for it. So by warning, the

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kurush Allah is indirectly warning us as well. And Yomi apama Roma to soften Allah describes on the Day of Judgment gibreel and the angels all of them will be standing in ranks and rows and on that day, they themselves will not speak on less Allah allows them to speak meaning Oh kurush do you think you will be able to argue with Allah on the Day of Judgment Do you think you because we find this arrogance even to this day or with Avila you find it in agnostics and atheists and whatnot? If there is a God, I will ask him on the Day of Judgment. Why did he do this? I would have been you think you will have the gall the audacity on that day God is going to be silent on that day the

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entire melodica will be terrified, seldom Allahumma seldom and now this fool comes along and he thinks if there is a God, I'm gonna challenge him. This is just arrogance and the Quran negates this arrogance on that date all of the creation for that test smell ill Hamza, you're going to hear nothing except small whisperings amongst the people. Everybody's going to be terrified sell them along with sell them. The only one who will speak in lemon and aloha Ryman, Allah has allowed him permission The profitsystem will speak others will speak Allah will allow them permission and when they speak they will speak the truth will call the Sahaba radical yo Mohawk This is one of the ways

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of proving judgment date. Allah's confidence if you like the Korans conference, I should say the explicit narration that equal yo ml How can you deny it is the Hulk So now Allah gives the choice femen Sha, da de la Hema. Now whoever wants to, if you want to accept this, you will find safety and security with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right, and whoever doesn't and whoever rejects it, then on that day, you have no one to blame but yourself. And when you see all that is happening, where your code will care for, so it'll be much, much better every person will see what they have prepared. And the one who believes in Allah will find my Abba, which is security, the one who rejected a lot and

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did not prepare. What are they going to save? Yeah, late any control to robber How I wish I had never been created or recreated How I wish I had never been here and never had to face the Day of Judgment. So surah Nava in a nutshell, it is a reminder about the reality of Yama and the fact that we should prepare for it and the one who prepares shall get gain Allah's protection and Jenna and the one who rejects or does not prepare will have nothing but regret We ask Allah subhana wa tada to makers of the Xen of those who went on the day of judgment and to protect us from those who don't prepare for that day and are going to feel regret which is Akuma love affair with Santa Monica

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Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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He can remesh

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he can

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