Abdul Nasir Jangda – Pursuit Of Knowledge 02

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning Arabic grammar and its impact on personal behavior is discussed, as it is eroded away and people need to be educated. The importance of preparing for a task and being present in a way makes one feel present. The importance of learning to pray and trusting in the process is emphasized, along with the need to invest time into one's life and find one's goals and objectives. Investing time into one's life is crucial to achieving success and learning to become a better person.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to lm Institute's podcast, visit us on the web at Palm institute.org and join us on [email protected] slash column Institute smilla William de la Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Well, and he was a marine

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Kumar coming to LA yoga.

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So hamdullah We started off previous session talking about the adaptive editing and the etiquettes of knowledge and seeking knowledge and for the student of knowledge. Today, I wanted to continue in shallow with that same thought with that same Sharla

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that same basic topic and shallow wanted to continue it on forward. We left off yesterday in the middle of some advice given by Alina Vitaly, but I think a lot more on who, who, of course, along with being one of the companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam was also one of the most knowledgeable of the companions of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is completely off topic, but there's actually a narration from the Sahaba to Kerala, the Allahu anhu Omar Abdullah Abdullah bin Omar plodding along with great Sahaba of that caliber, they actually say about the Allahu anhu, that if all the knowledge of the Sahaba all the knowledge that was present at the time of the Sahaba was

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divided into 10 parts, then nine parts of it belonged to a leader of the Allahu anhu. In one part, the rest of us all shared. And these were very amazing people. These are people like you, but not us. And I'm not saying this about Alito, to the local angle. So you really want somebody very remarkable, in fact, what you're doing right here,

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studying Arabic grammar and starting off with the very basic parts of Arabic grammar. Have you guys been told how natural how Arabic grammar was codified? Okay, even the codification of Arabic grammar, it began with audio only a lot more I knew I needed a lot more I knew I had hired a tutor by the name of sweat, who was a master of Arabic, he had hired him to teach proper Arabic like foot high and soften natto and Bulava and all of the intricacies of the language. He had hired this tutor, this master of language to teach his sons Hassan and Hussein about the love and humor to make sure that they really really had a firm grasp of proper Arabic, because the Islamic empire at that

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point in time was expanding rapidly. And with that came, all types of influences were now being we're now coming into play in terms of language and culture and accents and dialects. So the pristine nature of the language was being eroded away. So at that time, I learned a lot more I knew hired out of less word, and told him to start teaching Hassan Hussein or the Allahumma, when I leave with a loved one who saw his abilities and saw that this, this, this young teacher is very qualified and extremely capable, aliotti Allahu anhu, at that time told him, I would like for you to begin codifying Arabic grammar, we are entering into a time we are entering into an era of Islamic of the

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world overall, where Arabic Now needs to be preserved. Something that was not codified for centuries needs to be codified. Now, people will have to be taught this properly. And then he told them he said I want you to begin with this. I will tell you my to Alaska, nothing of salmon. Words, the word is distributed into three types, three categories. What are they everybody number one is small. Number two, fear alone. And number three, is moon warfare alone. We'll have fun. And he said, Go start from there. I'll get I'll get you started. You know, I've been teaching my daughter how to ride a bike these days. So you know, just kind of hold them and you let them go. And then they

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crash. But so.

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But so he got him started. He's telling me to allow for NASA to examine his moon warfare alone. We'll have one go. And then he said something remarkable. And this shows the respect that they had for him. They didn't consider even the most trivial This is not the last one.

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This is a man who was given so much knowledge directly from the profits of all our bodies. That his own contemporaries great men like even Norman nobis are saying he possessed nine tenths of the knowledge that was present in our era in our generation. But what does he say about simple thing like codifying Arabic grammar, he says if I did not have the responsibility of the philosopher, if I had not been given such a huge burden to carry, I would have committed my life to doing this. And so anyways, getting back to the point so I leave it alone. I want you to have some context about who we're talking about. This is not me giving you advice on the etiquettes of taking orders on the

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road. So what does he say? He says that there are six things that you need to have if you are to succeed in this journey of seeking knowledge. We started talking about them that got one apply yourself. need to be you need to be bright, you need to be sharp. You

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need to apply yourself. And part of being brighten sharpen, I kind of skimmed over some of these because we were kind of a little bit pressed for time. One thing I wanted to talk about is a big part of being bright and being sharp and being intellectually present and fully like, like what we like to say, in our common lingo, like being in the zone, like being part of being in the zone in class, is preparing for it accordingly.

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Preparing for it accordingly. So if I'm up till 2am, chatting on Facebook with a friend back home, because I miss him so much, right. And then I wake up in the morning in a rush, and I just kind of run out the door, I didn't properly prepare, I didn't, you know, eat a good healthy breakfast. I didn't do any of that just because I created a problem last night. And that problem is carrying on into the into the morning, and I show up for class and I'm out of it till like 10am like, you know, I was just out of it, man, you weren't just out of it, you know exactly where that's coming from, you know exactly where that's coming from. So when you are out of it, you need to go back and look

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at why am I so out of it. Now, if you truly are not feeling well, if you're sick, if you're ill, that's a different issue. But with young people, and with energetic people, and especially people who have freed up their time solely for this endeavor, for seeking knowledge, you need to be very disciplined about your schedule, and you need to be disciplined about your time. You know, most of you might know I teach a class on concentration focus within the salon, one of the key pieces of advice that I give about having human quality in the prayer is you have to make that in a very important part of your day.

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Because you were prepared for it as such. And then however you prepare for something to better you prepare for something, the more on top of your game you are when you actually engage in that activity, then, you know, if you go to play ball, if you go to work out and you stretched out from before you got you know you you got a you know you ate something healthy before he got some protein in your system, and you stretch out before and then you go, you're obviously going to do a lot better than you would have if you just kind of randomly started playing. So it's all a consequence of how you prepare for something. So the guy would be mentally present, intellectually apply

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yourself, and you will have to naturally prepare for it as such, you will have to save your best for here in the classroom. All right, the second thing we talked about was Hilson that I wanted, I wanted more than anything else,

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you have to want it more than anything else.

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You know and and just to get, you know, the the lengths that people would go to to seek knowledge. You know, there's a beautiful incident. We've all heard this before, but I was just reading over it and it just, it never stops. astounding you how much these people value their element, the approach that they took to her and

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even our bus, probably a lot more Angela. Again, we all know who he is. And we all have heard much about who he was.

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He says that after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam passed away, he left his world, and if not best with your loved one and I was very young at that time. He says whenever I would hear whenever I would hear that anybody had any knowledge anybody had heard any words directly from the Prophet of Allah sallallahu sallam, he says that I would go to that person's house myself to go and ask him about that. And then some of the students actually narrate what they would see. They will see even our boss or the loved 1am I going to somebody to learn something and his students say that

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he would go to those people for either What did or who not even walked over here hero Julissa, Alavi. And when he would get to that person's house, if you found that that person was taking a nap during the afternoon time, genda Bobby, he would literally sit down outside of the door on the ground, you just sit down? Just wait. And then it says one tomorrow Who is he?

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And then he would sit there and wait for that person until that person woke up for to refill Sahara beach, Rob.

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And then what would end up happening that entire time he would literally become completely covered in dust because this is the desert. It's like waiting outside somebody's house in Texas. Can you imagine what that would be like, at this time? By the time the person came out? You'd be sunbird you'd have like the most amazing 10 you've ever had. Right? And you'd be like sweaty and nasty and sticky and dirty. So he's in the desert so he literally would be covered in dust by the time that person would come out right into my office was a hobby you know, even not even our best. And then finally when that Sahabi would exit his home and save now by sitting there your Punahou yep Nami

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam old son of the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu momineen old cousin of the prophets.

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Meaning by saying they would they would immediately express their shame. They would immediately express the remorse and regret at the fact that you waited here for me. You are the cousin of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my job because why did you come here? Hello CELTA in a cheetah

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Why don't you just tell somebody to come and get me I would have come running to you if you needed something from me. He said, Nah. And I have to Antarctica. No, no, I am in a better position to come to you. For us, I look around in Hades. And then I can ask you about the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that said health as a desire that's that want.

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So that's very, very important. And the in the midst of this discussion on his this desire, this one for knowledge, one thing I wanted to talk about, and I'm going to start to interject certain practicalities, yesterday was still kind of an overview, just get a feel for knowledge. But I'm going to talk about very practical on the ground type of things. When you free yourself up, for a full time study of full time study of the deen, you have to

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prioritize, you must prioritize, you have two. All right, many of you, many of you have probably been activists in the community in a number of different capacities. And that's something that makes you the ideal student that some that's something that makes you the type of student that we welcome here. And I look forward to teaching. But please also understand that right now, number one, at the list of at the top of the list of your activities, outside of a few basic things, which I will talk about later. But in terms of your religious activities, the top of the list is your a thought and what

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you are talking about today, you are a student of knowledge.

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And so there will be many opportunities for you to volunteer, many opportunities for you to engage in different programs. And let's do this program. And let's organize this activity and let's go out and do that type of a program. And we used to do this where I'm from, and we would do that where I'm from. Your number one responsibility, right now is to study. That's it. That's it. And I'll tell you the difference between the type of

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educators in the community today, teachers, Imams, shijo, whatever you want to call them. The type of teachers that you see in the community today, there are many people who studied deep, but there are some that you would go out of your way to study from.

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And there are some that, you know, you didn't necessarily seek out to learn from to study from, and the difference a lot of times between people who have studied and we have the utmost respect for everyone.

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But the level of benefit that they're able to provide later on to people is oftentimes the secret of that is found back when they were shooting themselves. They didn't just get their homework done. They didn't just finish class time. And that's it, they didn't just get the exact amount of work that was needed to just get by. They didn't do that.

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They were the people who went over, above beyond what was required.

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Because what was required of that what what they sought what the hairs, what they thought what they desired. What they wanted, was not the approval of their teacher

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was not to just pass the program was not to get a stamp on the portfolio. That's not what they were after. They were there to please Allah like I talked about. And they were there to really understand and learn their Deen properly.

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So they did whatever they needed to do. And they applied themselves beyond what was asked of them. And that's very, very important that you apply yourself similarly. So there'll be many different things that you can do. And now you probably thought I'll be out there setting I'll have a lot of time on my hands. This is what I'll get this done. This is what I'll get that done. This is what I'll get them and then

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No, not at all. You came here to accomplish something, to work on something to begin your journey. And you need to get off on the right foot. And so outside of this, and this sounds very sometimes contradictory coming from

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somebody who's active in the community themselves, a teacher themselves and the mom themself. But I'm going to go in and tell you

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that the Muslim community here has a lot of needs, just like everywhere else.

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And many people will look to you to try to even ask you to help them fulfill some of their needs in their community. We are at the service of the oma and I will be giving different advice to a part time student, somebody who takes a few classes a week, somebody who studies in the evenings, something like that, but a full time student who has made the type of sacrifices that you've made.

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Number one is your studies. Put nothing above nothing before your studies in terms of any type of religious activity.

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This is your dean. This is the other thing we sometimes consider studying to be something separate from the dean. Oh, but what am I gonna do my get my adjunct. What do you think happens over here? This is this is feasibility.

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This isn't the path of a law. This is every second that you spend learning studying, preparing this

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All recorded as I did for you.

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In fact, the scholars of the great scholars of our past would say that the Taliban in the time that he spends in studying that is more valuable than praying no often

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praying extra volunteering prayers. Sitting and learning is more virtuous than that there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu.

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There's that learning one is better than praying 100 ricotta knuffel prayer, the prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam I said that. So this is your primary activity and I need you to really understand that I really need you to wrap your head around that. This is the number one place where he should be applying yourself.

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Alright, so any type of activity that goes on outside of here, may Allah bless it, may Allah accept it, you came here to do something very specific.

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So understand that. That's number one.

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That's his that's that want that step desire. Number three,

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we talked about this yesterday is about to be patient.

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And part of that is to have trust,

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trust in the process, be patient, tie yourself down, and follow the advice that's given. Because it does lead somewhere.

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Number four was beloved and see things through that self explanatory Don't be a quitter.

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That's not an option.

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And a lot of times because of the culture that we live in, again, a very consumer type of culture. Or if I don't like that, that I'll just order that. Or if I don't like this, when I ordered it, I'll just return it. Or when you buy a cell phone that he can come in anytime within the next seven days, and just give it back and take another phone. Right? There's always an option.

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There's no other option here, you came here to learn and you will continue to learn. That's the only option. There's no opting out. All right, number five, was what is shadow study?

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In the guidance, the direction of a teacher, very, very important. extremely important. And I talked to you a little bit about this yesterday, I gave you those examples where the prophets, a lot of them is learning to pray from Djibouti and Ali Salaam. A lot could have given him what he had last month, I could have put it directly into his heart. Exactly. How are we supposed to pray when he's supposed to pray? Well, I've been a lesson god dallisa to initiate that system, that learning and teaching system, we know that you just finished a month of Ramadan, you probably heard this hadith 10,000 times that every Ramadan, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Djibouti

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rallies. And what would they do?

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Yesterday was on in Quran, they would read the Quran to each other, they would recite it to each other the person who was reciting the Quran back to

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the teacher, student dynamic hadith of gibreel. I gave you that example yesterday. So it's very important, extremely important. It humbles you. Number one, it humbles you.

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Somebody who doesn't learn from someone else, somebody who doesn't teach, who has not been taught by someone else, there's nobody to put that person in check. There's nobody until that person, watch yourself.

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Nobody says that to that person, and they don't tolerate it from anyone.

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So it humbles the person, regardless of how knowledgeable you become, it keeps you humble. And another very important thing is, and this is something that is another very tragic separation that's occurred in our times, we set what today is a commodity, unfortunately, it is a commodity, it's like money in your pocket, or in it's like the value of your house, or in is like how many miles you have on your car. That's an it's a commodity, it's worth something. So we measure it, we compare it.

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And we put literally, we are putting almost like a price tag on their element, the sense of we treat it as a commodity.

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And what do I mean by that? The other intangibles, if you want to call them that, the clock, the character, the humility, the dignity, the nobility, that a believer is supposed to conduct themselves with and even beyond that a student of knowledge as opposed to conducting him or herself with, we consider that completely independent of their and like that has nothing to do with knowledge, rather talk about the knowledge.

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So if I told you, we're going to have sessions we're going to study in, and I went off talking about o'clock and good character for two hours, like, when does the knowledge begin? Because that has nothing to do with that.

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You know, part of the traditional system of learning was you would go to learn.

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And I personally experienced this and I can tell you about this from firsthand experience. I'll give you I'll tell you very openly, very candidly what was going through my head. So when we go to learn, all right, you have made a huge sacrifice. All right.

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Some people are here from California, some people are here from New York. That's the farthest place I can think of in the US from here. All right. So people are here from very, very far away, and I respect the sacrifice you've made. But

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when I was when I

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First of all, when I was about 10 years old, and then later on, I went back when I was 17 years old,

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went halfway across the world, from here to Pakistan. So I want you to understand what that involves. So being young being away from your home, being away from your family, and then very frankly, honestly, as a kid from the suburbs, all right, I was all of a sudden now in the middle of a third world country.

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I mean, it was insane. It was crazy. I thought I was going to die. All right. Now, I'm in that situation, what, but I know what I knew what I came for. And I was okay with the sacrifice I made because I thought there was something I wanted. And I knew I could get it there. That was in knowledge I wanted to study. So now what happens, I show up, ready to learn. I got like, bunch of notebooks stacked up, bunch of pencils sharpened, I'm ready to go drop there any money, I can take it, bring it.

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And it's like, okay, I supposed to sit there in class quietly, not being directly taught anything, watching the teacher teach somebody else. And then, you know, go with the teacher to go give a lecture over here, go with the teacher to go give the football over there. Follow the teacher to the to where he's going to sit down and answer some questions a footwear session to determine the style where they would answer footwear questions. So sit down there quietly on the side, running, go get some water, when the teacher needed some water, ask the next person to come on in, go and make copies of this for this person.

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And on top of that, go clean up the masjid, go sweep up the masjid, go pick up all the books, take these books from this classroom to that classroom. That was literally the first like three, four months of my time there.

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And it was extremely frustrating. I came here to learn. I until I was a sharp kid. So I was like, I'd be tearing this stuff up. Bring it on.

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And next thing you know, all I'm doing is running errands. That's all I'm doing. And I'm just sitting around watching all the action happen. It's like when do I get me for this, I was like this close to like re evaluating my my decision. reconsidering what I had gotten into.

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And I was at the point where I was literally begging, let me study Please let me study.

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And at that time, when that desire when that zeal for knowledge was at its peak, that's when you open the page, and it gave me one line. And he said go. And I was like no. And he said, Go, that's it.

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I tell people, whenever many of the classes I teach what I'll be teaching you here, what I'll be teaching in about three to four weeks later on the edumedia matava jumia. We will be taught that in six months,

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six months, and our schedule was a lot more hectic than your schedule, we would start before set out to the budget, we would have an hour long session before selected budget, then we would go for budget, then we would have breakfast and we'd come back around 7am. And then we'd study till 1pm. And then we'd have a break for lunch. And then we'd come back after lower from 230 to 5pm. And then we'd have an evening session from Russia. That was our daily schedule six days a week.

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And took us six months because literally we teachers to where it seems like though,

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that's the value of knowledge was understood how valuable decision was. And then the biggest lesson that we were learning that entire time that I failed to realize through almost halfway through my studies.

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So I wasn't as sharp as I thought I was it was a little dense. But I didn't realize the most valuable thing we were learning that entire time was the cat was the character was the flock was the conduct was to Amman, though the world, the taqwa the way he conducted himself, the way he spoke the way he walked away, he talked the way he interacted with his family, though, that's what we were really learning.

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That's what we're really learning the entire time. And that's one of the things I wanted to talk about here in terms of his shadow stuff. The guidance from the teacher is that and this is something that I told, I tell students, I've been telling students at the end of the course of their study,

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the students from last year's group, I told them at the very end, the students are put on intensive, I told them at the very end.

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But I realize I'm going to say this to you in the very beginning. And then I'm going to remind you about it all the way at the very end.

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All right, and it's your job to stay on top of this throughout the hallway. The purpose, the benefit, the end goal of seeking this knowledge

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put down to the most very basic level.

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Stated absolutely basically, the purpose the goal of seeking knowledge is to become a better person.

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In the pharma context, eemaan and ominous Alia

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to believe to become stronger in your connection with align your relationship with the law and to become a better human being. And solid solid means for your affairs to be in order to solve

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Lie is not righteousness, like piety, like prayers holla, because we're on No, no Salah is the antonym the opposite of facade, it means for someone to have all their affairs in order,

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your family life should have improved.

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The way you talk to your parents should have improved.

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The time that you spend with your kids should have improved, the way you deal with your neighbors should have improved. You know, our teachers used to tell us that even the way you drive should get better.

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Because one of my teachers ended up visiting me visiting here one time during the course of our studying grammar bond, we would be off and he ended up visiting. And of course, it's my teacher. So I was dragging him around and he was very disappointed. Cuz I was cutting people off and I was, you know, speeding through and turned yellow. It's actually read but not I got it, right. So speeding through and things like not driving very properly. I was young. So I wasn't driving very properly. Totally pull over. literally pull over. I was like, This isn't buck sign. I can't just pull over anywhere. So found a parking lot pulled into the parking lot like everything. Okay, can I get you

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some water? Can I get you something? And he's like, what's wrong with you? So what do you mean? He goes, I look at everybody, everybody drives so nicely and politely and properly and then you have you like an animal running around on the street? What's wrong with you? I was like, I don't understand what you're saying. Like that's how we drive these people are slow. us like no, number one, you're a believer, you're a Muslim.

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Even the way you drive is part of your power.

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Number two, you're a

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student of knowledge, you cut people off on the road, what's wrong with you?

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What's wrong with you? I was like Subhanallah never even thought of that. So imagine that is the end goal to become a better person.

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And I said this the the benefit the end goal of learning Arabic learning or ob learning something novel learning Bulava, learning tafsir, learning karate, or Hadith or fifth, it doesn't matter what you study, the end goal is to simply become a better person.

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If you find improvement within yourself, you were successful. Even though you're still having trouble doing it, Robert, some places but you became a better person, successful 100 either.

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But if you learned a lot, you could do a Robin, you're asleep.

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You're the best student in the class. But you didn't become a better person through it.

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Then I hate to say it, but you wasted your time. Very Honestly, I can't lie to you here.

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That's part of the purpose of intensive settings and full time learning is that now it's not just a feel good session, I'm not just here to give you a pat on the back for two days and send you on your way, hoping that you will find your way later on down the road. And now we're here to talk. You know, as good friend of mine says real talk, we're not going to beat around the bush anymore. Gonna Get to the point.

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So you wasted your time. That's a cold, hard, honest truth. And so that's the clock, the hook that we learned from our learning, what is shadow style. And so part of learning you're in is learning from a teacher. And you learn from the character from the conduct, from everything from that teacher, not just what's in the book, but you learn everything from the teacher.

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The next thing

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is, in the final thing that we didn't talk about yesterday, the sixth thing is what to lose. And this is kind of interesting. And this will be a little interesting to talk to you guys about to lose money means a long duration of time.

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I live in a Vitaly rhodiola. And he was saying that somebody who really wants to achieve knowledge will have to invest a long period of time to lose a man in a long chunk of his life, a large chunk of his life, you'll have to invest.

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Now, you obviously understand that how many of you before you came here had studied grammar in any capacity, taken any type of a stab at grammar? Most of you. All right. You obviously realized one weekend, two weeks, three weeks, you know wasn't working for you anymore. According to what you wanted to achieve and accomplish. You knew you needed to invest more time. That's why you took out a year and you came here to invest a year of your life.

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Similarly, I also want you to understand,

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I really, really

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commend the sacrifice that you've made. And there are some moments you have made very huge sacrifices to be here. So I definitely commend the sacrifice you've made. But at the same time, you need to

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you need to understand you need to put it into context.

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what's meant by a large part of your life, a long time invested into studying

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that I'll use one of the best examples I can think of because we should shoot to be the best

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Abu hanifa Rahim Allah

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great scholar of our time of our history, amazing scholar, people benefit from his work and his contribution still today.

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Well honey for him a hula steadied for many, many teachers, but the primary of his teachers like his mentor was a great scholar by the name of Hammad. Alright, I mentioned that yesterday, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah studied with Hammad for about

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12 or 13 years

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12 or 13 years, and he was studying with a lot of people at that time. But when I meant that he studied with him, he literally lived with him. He followed him everywhere he went, he watched him, he observed him he learned everything from for not one year, not two years, not three years, not 10 years, 13 years.

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And then at the end of 13 years, Hammad finally tells him He goes, I got nothing more to offer to you. And nothing more I can teach you. I personally think you're a lot more qualified than I am at this point. You need to go.

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And Abu hanifa. Angola literally tells him at that time. He goes if you don't mind, would you be okay? With me staying longer if I wanted to? Is like I guess if you want to I can't stop you. So he's like, okay, I'll stick around. I'll stick it out. I'll be around you.

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And he stayed with her mother, her mother passed away seven years later

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20 years spent learning from one teacher.

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And at the end of studying from him for 20 years, I will have you federal Oh, by the way at this time was about 39, almost 40 years old. or not, excuse me is a little past 40 is 41 or 42 years old.

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We think of him about you, you just did the image mon Bihari Abu hanifa. When you think of disabled people automatically you think like, oh, when they were born, they were already reciting the Quran. Like, you know, they were in the hospital. So it's like somebody who's reading Quran with is the baby Oh my god, right? So it's like, that's what you expect. That's what you think, right? They were four years old giving photo like boom, son. So that's that's what you perceive. That's what we expect. But you don't think about the fact that Abu hanifa ramola did not log a single hour of teaching till he was 40 plus years old.

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He did not teach till he was 40. What did he do that whole time wasting his time sleeping? No, he was studying,

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studying, learning at that level. And his contributions reflect that donut.

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His students went on to become the shoe yoke of their time. When we say these illustrious names, like Mr. Mohammed, and Abu Yusuf and zophar, these were the students of abanico Abdullah bin Mubarak Rahim Allah great scholar, students of Abu hanifa.

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We just think about them.

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So today is a man investing in time. So by telling you this, I mean to, I want you to understand two things. Number one, I want you to value the time that you've put in here.

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And that you are going to be putting in here, because without investing this time, you can't really achieve anything at all, this much time is necessary. shavonne will creep in in a couple of months. Say, bro, sis man, stuff is like, slow paced, got to keep up with all the slow people in the room. And teacher likes to take his time. And then we got that one day a week where I don't know what they're talking about. And

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I could have, I could have basically done all this in about three months, they just drew this program out and dragged me out here for 10 months, not investing time is very important. You can't measure time like that. The time you invest, you learn so much from that, that you can't quantify. And that's why I said stop thinking of knowledge as a commodity, you can't measure it. In its true form, it cannot be measured.

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And the second thing I want you to realize is and again, this is something I will tell you again at the end of your course of study. But I'm gonna tell you right here in the beginning, because I want you to be mindful of this the entire time. After you have invested 10 months a year into studying you're in at the end of all of it. You've accomplished a lot. And I'll tell you this right now, and I have no qualms about telling you this, when you walk into a room, you will know more than 90% of the people in that room.

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I'm guaranteeing that much to you.

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That's not so much of a

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that's not so much an accomplishment on your part as much as it is an indictment of where'd you go mistake. unfortunate.

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All right. Nevertheless, when you walk into a room, you will no more than 95% of people in the room.

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But at that time you need you will have to you must keep yourself humble.

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I haven't done anything. I'm a child. I'm a baby.

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That's that's has to be in your mind. I'm an infant and

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I'm just basically the guy still standing at the edge of the pool. Just kind of dipping my toe in the water. Just still checking for

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colder, Todd is a colder, it's hot,

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you have to realize that it's very, very important. So to lose money, investing time into your into your study.

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And I, I'll leave you with one final note, just a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, this goes back to the first first very first point that I talked to you about. And that was the intention. And I kind of completed that part of it today when I talked about well, the intention through studying needs to be not amassing knowledge, not information, not knowing more than somebody else, but it is to become a better person. And I'll leave you with this hadith And typically, it is part of the Sunnah and I it's my own personal preference to leave things on a higher note. But I'm going to go ahead and leave you with something heavy to chew on to think gone to sleep on tonight.

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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tells us in a hadith about the three people that will be brought before all of mankind all of humanity and will be judged before all of humanity in their presence, and the profit or loss of our bodies and tells us one of those individuals will be Roger alone, to eliminate Alma, while lemahieu. Walker

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will be a man who learned knowledge and he taught it to others. And he recited the Quran, he read the Quran. And remember, when the Prophet of Allah salatu salam says, you read the Koran reading the Quran had a different meaning 1400 years ago than it does today, today. I mean, I read the frog. That's not what it meant for you, to atone for unto them meant to read it, to understand it, to memorize it and to live it, practice it and preach it on to others. It was a full package deal.

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All right. So the Prophet of Allah loves him saying this person read the Koran, invested his life into the Quran.

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For fat for odb This person will be brought he'll be dragged forth for our refer who Laconia who thought of

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a last kind of a teller will remind him of all of his blessings. And that person will acknowledge all the blessings. But if I'm out I'm out of here.

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from Armenia, what did you do with all of these blessings?

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He will say at that time.

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I learned to walk around to fecal per se I learned all I learned knowledge and I taught it to others and I read the Koran only for you. I lived I tried to live the problem make my life revolve around the Quran for your sake of Allah. Allah Allahu Allahu

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will turn you lie.

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You lie. And then you allow will say what I can Nikita alimta, rather Why did you learn it? Do you call it man? So that it would be said?

00:37:50 --> 00:37:56

Super scholar, the man. He's awesome. He's amazing. Facebook status update.

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Hollywood. He's a big deal, bro. He's amazing. He's awesome.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:15

What karate karate for Anna you call wahoo Akari. And you recited the Quran. You read the Quran so that it can be saved that who knows for Umbro? The guy's amazing. He knows his stuff

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for caterpillar. So you got what you wanted, it was said

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through my MRP for sahibidir what he had that will they have enough.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala will command the angels come and get this guy for Sahiba Allah wa T, and then that person will be dragged on his face. So the imagery in Arabic is that he's being held by his leg and he's being dragged facedown on the ground. And he'll be dragged head that will be half an hour until he will be thrown into the fire or along was just from the Sahih Muslim. It's a really heavy Hadith. And like I told you, it's personally not my habit to leave things like fire and brimstone and scary stuff. But again, this is a different arena. This is a different opportunity. This is a different environment that we're in. We're here to get serious. And so I just want you to

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have that in front of you. What is your goal? What is your intention? What is your objective?

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So inshallah we've gone a little over time, we'll go ahead and stop here. We'll continue our sessions for the next few days. Wednesday, Thursday, inshallah. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to solely seek His pleasure through the pursuit in the teacher teaching of discipline.

The Pursuit of Knowledge Lecture Series: Part 2 By Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda

Nov 29, 2011

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