Slogans Are Not Solutions

Yasir Qadhi


Channel: Yasir Qadhi

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The speaker discusses the difference between slogans and solutions, emphasizing the need for intelligent differentiation. They use the current slogan, Islam is the answer, but what does it mean? They stress the importance of respecting the Moabharoth, the first generation of Moabhar-thists, and the importance of learning the Quran. The speaker also mentions a recent incident where a young Moabhar-thist said that they were not judging anyone by the Quran.

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differentiate between slogans and solutions. All too often, we fall prey to beautiful slogans to emotional phrases. We start trumpeting the slogan as if it is a solution.

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Slow slogans help win elections, not solve problems. Slogans don't solve problems, slogans, appeal to your emotion. They sound good. And many times they're legitimate and true, but they are useless in providing actual solutions. So we need to be intelligent enough to differentiate between slogans and solutions. So for example, we have all heard many of these slogans, Islam as the answer. This is a slogan, Islam is the answer. But firstly, what's the question?

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And then secondly, okay, what do I do with that? Colors? Okay, it is I agree with you. It's a good slogan. But what do I do with that? How would it answer my problems? How do I battle Islamophobia? What I do with this, this counter terrorism bill that's coming up in a few weeks in your own parliament, okay, Islam is the answer. But what what is the answer? This is a slogan. It's not an actual solution. Another very good slogan. It's very good. I mean, of course, Islam is the answer. But what does that mean? Another very beautiful slogan. It's true. But it's a slogan, not a solution. We must return to the Quran and Sunnah. I agree, we must. But then what? Okay, I've

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agreed. Now, what do I do? You still haven't told me about the counterterrorism do? What do I do with that? You're not going to find a Quran or Hadith that is explicitly telling you about what to do, right? Or there are groups that say we must return to the example of the seller or the righteous predecessors. And again, it's a good slogan, it has an element of truth that we follow the sahaba. We respect the sahaba. We respect the students of the sahaba. But tell me, how did those early generations mobilize against the Islamophobic media? How did they challenge their politicians in Parliament when their parliament was going to pass anti terrorism legislation that would actually

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ban and criminalize religiosity? You're not going to find anything like that? Because it didn't happen to them. So when you tell me to go back to the past, okay, I agree, we should respect the path, but it doesn't give me what what does it give me a solution. This is a slogan. And you know, there's a beautiful incident, you know, the first group to have a slogan, it was a heretical group called the holodeck. You can look them up. I've given talks about them a fanatical group College, and they were in the time of added value, and they opposed it. And they had a beautiful slogan, what was their slogan? We want to judge by the Quran.

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This was their slogan. We want to judge by the Quran, how beautiful, who doesn't want to judge by the Quran, and they opposed Ali, because they said you're not judging by the Quran. So it is narrated in the books of 30 100 cotton and others, that Oliver the aloha to call them, their leaders, the ones that are willing to talk to him to his madness, his whatever room and he called for a copy of the Quran to be brought out. And in those days, the copies of the Quran were bigger than this podium, because there was no paper that would write on Campbell, and it was massive, you might have seen pictures. And those days the Quran was like three feet by five feet by by four feet

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high, massive books, right? Because imagine every paper is leather, imagine how thick you're gonna have it. And the copy of the Quran was something kept in the main masjid or something. The houses only had sutras. They didn't have the whole Quran until paper came. So he brought this massive copy of the Quran into the park into his, you know, the legislation room. And he said in front of these college, he said to the Quran judge between us of course nothing happened. He spoke again, oh, Quran judge, and nothing happened until one of the hardest said, Oh, I made on Oh, Ali. The Quran is not going to speak to you and tell you the judgment. So he said are the hola Juan, that's exactly the

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point. You're calling for the Quran to judge. What do you mean by the slogan? Do you expect the Quran to speak to you directly? What do you mean it's a slogan it's not a solution. And he showed them the difference between a good sounding slogan and between an actual solution. In the end of the day humans have to read the Quran and interpret it. The slogan sounds good return to the Quran and Sunnah. Okay, valid but then what? So we need to differentiate between a slogan and a solution. Unfortunately, a lot of times we get emotional and we use the slogan to trumpet any solution no slogans have their pace place and solutions have their place

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gone, me, Mr. Heaton doll Seanie. What does she mean Allah

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