Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan – The Time For Change

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of history and forgiveness in Islam is discussed, as it is the time to attain the goal of forgiveness and return to Islam. The upcoming months of TriNet and the opportunity to have a clean slate and a new life are highlighted. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, along with providing three opportunities for forgiveness for past sins. The speakers emphasize the need to show actual acceptance of sin and not resort to past culture. The importance of humility and acceptance of sin is also emphasized. The need for acceptance of sin among Muslims is emphasized, and the importance of resolving past sin and embracing one's past is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Luckily in either mettam and obasan who fell in love up bill I usually in China he alone Moodle kamisha had you to her due

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was oh no loss oh

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in Al Hamdulillah Nakamoto who want to start you know who wanna sell fiddle wanna ob la Himanshu Rory unforeseen woman sejati Adina mahila who Fela Medina woman golden Hoefler ha de la wash hadoo Allah Illa Illa Allah

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Allah wa shadow Anna Mohammed Abu humara sudo Yalla Dena Manu tapa la haka to party mutanda illa Anta Muslim on a mabank your brothers and sisters in Islam

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never is too late to change our lifestyles and return to Allah subhana wa Tada. The doors of repentance are always open until the Angel of Death comes. And this is of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah does not care about the past. He cares about the present. It doesn't matter what we've done in the past. It doesn't matter how many sins we come to, if we come to Allah subhana wa tada with a pure art you

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If we turn to Allah subhana wa tada with a sincere repentance in the law Hey young fuzu by jermy Allah forgives all sins. Dear Muslims, there is no better time to resolve to change than this time right now which is the month of Ramadan. In fact, it can be said that one of the goals of Ramadan, one of the primary goals of Ramadan is to incentivize us to change every single year. Allah subhana wa tada gives us opportunity after opportunity in this month, every single year he entices us every single year, he tells us and He calls us and he beckons us and he opens the doors of Jannah and he shuts the doors of janam and he chains up the shell thing Why? Why Why do we get this opportunity

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every single year because Allah subhana wa tada wants to make things easy for us and he wants to facilitate our return on to him and Ramadan. Ramadan is the ultimate or I should say one of the ultimate obviously one can say Hajj is the best experience to change your life around but Hajj not all of us are blessed to go and hedges once in a lifetime and Allah knows if we're ever going to go or not. As for Ramadan, one can say it is a mini experience of Hajj how so because what does have to do Hajj forgives all previous sins, what does it all dawn do Ramadan if it is done properly, also forgives all previous sins. Now what is the psychological impact what is the goal of saying your

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sins are forgiven? It is obvious dear Muslim, the goal is that you feel you have a new life. The goal is that the past is the past is gone. Now I have a new life I have been given a new opportunity that is the goal of both Hajj and of Ramadan and that is why the both of them are linked together with ultimate forgiveness. Nothing forgives our sins like Hajj and then after that the month of Ramadan nothing as a Muslim can forgive our sins as powerfully as going for Hajj. And then number two on the list is this month of Ramadan and that is why this month is the ideal time for us to return to Allah subhana wa Tada This is the month of opportunity. This is the month of forgiveness

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of Rama of Mo Farah. This is the month where Allah subhana wa tada frees people every single night. What does it mean? Allah frees people every single night. It means that there were people that were destined to go to jahannam there were people whose lifestyles were not worthy of genda and yet every single night as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah azza wa jal will let people lose from being decreed for jahannam which means they change their lifestyles, which means they're not worthy of Jenna, don't we want to be of those who are fried? Don't we want to be of that batch that we are going to Gen No. So the way to do that is to take advantage of this month. The way to do that

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is to resolve to have a new relationship with our Creator. This is the month dear Muslims that allows us to reconnect with Allah subhana wa tada daily we are fasting nightly. We are praying we are engrossed in the Quran. We see the beauty of this oma, this is the month that allows us to reconnect with the recitation of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We hear it's recitation, we ourselves recited and we understand how powerful this book is. We understand that this is the spiritual food of our soul. This is the thing that connects us with our Creator. The month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran. The month of Ramadan as well allows us to appreciate the infinite

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blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us we take so many things for granted and when we voluntarily stop eating and drinking, we appreciate the blessings that Allah subhana wa tada has given us so this is the month to appreciate the Nam the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the month dear Muslims, this is the month that proves to every single one of us that if we want to we can be better people if we want to. If we put in the effort if we put in the exertion than in shallow to either we can rise in our ranks. This is the month that Allah gifted us to show us that yes we can. Yes we can be better yes we can give up certain sins. Yes, we can pray better. Yes, we

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can reconnect with the Quran. And the Lord of Ramadan is the Lord of chawan. Allah subhana wa tada is Allah He is the Lord of this month. He is the Lord of the next month if we can be good in this month. And yes, Allah facilitates the good of this month, but he's doing so to show us we can be good next month as well. This is the month that shows us that insha Allah who to Allah with the whole and the whole word of Allah, we can be better people if we choose to do so. And Allah is gifting us this month to show us we can do it for the rest of the month. This month. Dear Muslims this month. It shows us that

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We all have an opportunity to begin on a clean slate. And that is why in this month our Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam told us three opportunities to forgive all of our past sins, whoever fast he man and whitey serban. All of his previous sins will be forgiven. He man means he's fasting because he knows him as fast. He's fasting for the sake of Allah. He's not fasting for culture. He's not fasting for society. He's fasting because he knows it is obligatory. Yeah, this means he's expecting a lot to reward him. He wants something in return from Allah Subhana width as a sign of Eman. Allah I'm doing this for you. So whoever fasts with Eamonn and expecting Allah's rewards, all of his

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previous sins will be forgiven. Whoever prays every single night with Eman and expecting Allah's reward, all of his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever prays on Laila to each other with a man and expecting Allah's reward, all of his previous sins will be forgiven. We are given three opportunities in this month, and all of them are doable, all of them are within our grasp, and insha Allah Allah, every one of us in this audience is attempting to do that we are all fasting today, all of us should pray a little bit extra at night, if you can come to the taraweeh excellent, if not do something at home. But do it regularly do it every single night and put in the effort so that you

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have a second opportunity to have all of your sins forgiven. And then in the last 10 nights of this month, and especially in the odd nights, put in an extra effort that you didn't do in the first 20 show Allah azza wa jal that you appreciate the blessing of an ala to try your best to spend if not the whole night, if you can't do the whole night, at least half the night or 1/3 of the night into up into hedges. And if you do these three things in sha Allah to either you have Allah's guarantee in sha Allah that your sins are forgiven. So this is the month to begin with a clean slate. This is the month that we come back to Allah subhana wa tada and we're given a new life a new opportunity.

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Imagine dear Muslims, imagine if there was a criminal from one land and he managed to flee from that land, come to a new country and start in a clean slate, right? This is the reality we're all criminals. We're all wisdoms of ourselves. We're all sinners. Now this month of Ramadan, it is promising to cleanse our record we have no record after this month. So we start with a new slate and a clean piece of paper. And that means we start with a new commitment, a new life. This is the month dear Muslims the month of Ramadan, where we demonstrate that we have the willpower and we have the patience to prefer the worship of Allah over some of the sins that we do in sha Allah, every one of

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you in this audience in sha Allah, Allah, you are better this month than you were last month, you are giving up certain sins that we you are accustomed to. We are all doing extra. This is the month that Allah is demonstrating for us that we have that patience, and we have the suburb and we have the fortitude to put in that extra amount. And Subhanallah do Muslims, if we can control our appetites, if we can control eating and drinking, if we can control drinking water for 14 hours, and we're showing Allah we can do that. Surely we can control our minor sins. Surely we can control our backbiting. Surely we can control the gaze of our eyes, the sins of our hands, what is more

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necessary for us drinking water or the lusts of our body drinking water is more important. And yet we are showing Allah that we have the willpower to not even drink water. If you have that much amount of hamdulillah Thurman hamdulillah then Allah is showing you that if you can live without water for 14 hours and you feel good about it, how much you're going to feel good about giving up the sins giving up that which is not necessary for you. And most importantly, dear Muslims, perhaps the greatest prize of this month of Ramadan. Perhaps the greatest blessing of this month of Ramadan is that this month introduces us and re introduces us over and over again to the lead that will eat

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man, the sweetness of a man you know, a man has a sweetness A man has a lead as the Quran and the Sunnah say there is a sweetness to this faith. And unfortunately, unfortunately, we pollute that sweetness with the false sweetness of our sins. We think that sins give us pleasure, but the reality is that sins are like poisoned sweets. They taste good on the outside. As soon as we finish the sin, it becomes a poison and it rots our heart and it makes us feel guilty and it makes us distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala the real sweetness the permanent sweetness. The pure sweetness is the sweetness of Eamon and this month it reintroduces us to the sweetness of Eman Muslims Muslims will

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law he every one of us we know it feels good to be religious Wallah he we know this. I don't need to quote your Quran. I don't need to coach you. How do you know deep down inside that it feels good to connect with Allah subhana wa Tada. Nothing compares with that pleasure. Nothing gives you more satisfaction.

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Nothing makes you more content with life than having a relationship with Allah. And this month, it introduces and reintroduces this month, it teaches and re teachers we know it, but we need that reminder. We know it. But we need that constant reminder. And this month we feel a sense of peace, a sense of fulfillment, a sense of purpose, a sense of nobility, that no other deed no other pleasures, no other worldly happiness can ever give us. And be Vickery law. He taught my Indian guru, verily through the remembrance and worship of Allah, our hearts, find tranquility. And in this month, even though our bodies are tired, our throats are parched, we come to the end of the day and

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physically we feel a bit exhausted, and yet internally, the happiness that we feel, we've done something for the sake of Allah, I've done something and I feel proud for Allah's blessings, not proud of arrogance, but the pride of humility, the pride of submission, and hamdulillah thermal hamdulillah I've done something that I can look forward to meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala with we stand in Torah, we listen to the Quran being recited, we give our charity and Subhana Allah, the inner peace that we feel, the cult and the ultimate anon or the Sakina of the cult, it is something that no other pleasure can possibly give us of this world. And what is the purpose of this dear

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Muslims, to remind us that there is no glory gate greater than the glory of worshipping Allah, there is no is that is greater than there is of being a Muslim, there is no peace that is greater than the peace of submission to Allah, the pleasure of worship is the ultimate pleasure. Nothing will make us feel more noble and more fulfilled, and more spiritually happy than our connection with Allah. And this month, dear Muslim, it reminds us of that this month, it allows us to understand deep down inside, we know but we're weak, we need to get that dose once in a while. This is our eemaan vaccination this month, we need to be reminded, and in this month, we are indeed reminded, and

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that's why when the month finishes, we all feel a little bit of an emptiness. And that's true, we're gonna feel that but the goal dear Muslims this month was gifted to us by Allah, to reintroduce the sweetness of emotion so that when this month is over, we become addicted to the real sweetness of emotion and not the false sweetness of sins. And we become so powerfully motivated to get that sweetness that we change our lifestyles. We establish that connection with Allah subhana wa tada outside of this month, dear Muslims, hasn't the time come to change our lifestyles? Honestly, For how long will we delay will lie you For how long? Every remote bond comes and goes, how many people

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that were sitting here last year, especially this last year, and we have lost them? How many geneticists have we prayed in this Masjid in the last year? Every one amongst us has lost family and friends because of this COVID and because of natural in this last year, everyone amongst us. So for how long will we delay Until when will we keep on procrastinating? Adam Yeah, and he levena amanu and Tasha decorilla hasn't the time come Allah is asking in the Quran. Hasn't the time come for the people of Eman that their hearts softened towards the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala dear Muslims, this is the time of change not tomorrow, not next year, not even ever I go for Hajj when

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you go for Hajj inshallah you change even higher. But right now is the time for change. make a commitment to Allah I asked myself and ask all of you make a commitment to Allah subhana wa tada look at what is missing in your life, have the rituals and make a commitment yet Allah this month, I will insha Allah master this one ritual and I will never give it up even after the month. If you're not praying your five prayers Now is the time to make that commitment. Enough is enough excuses are gone. Now. If you're not praying your sooner your 12 sooner or your 10 sooner. This is the month to make that better. If you're not reading the Koran regularly, this is the month to make that better

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concentrate on that one ritual that is missing, master it in this month and then continue after the month as well concentrate on the one sin that makes you the most guilty what is that one sin that makes you the most guilty and gives you the greatest distance between you and Allah. This is the month you're not going to do that sin it's Ramadan. Now that you've conquered that sin in this month when this month finishes you will inshallah to Allah resolve in front of Allah you're going to try your best to abstain from that sin and then next Ramadan if Allah blesses us with another Ramadan because dear Muslims everyone amongst us one of these remote bonds will be the last statistically

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there are people sitting here right now that are not going to make it to the next level Melbourne This is the reality statistically speaking yet if Allah gives us another Ramadan, we're gonna do the same thing. add one more routine get rid of another sin so that every single rumble bond we raise the bar bit by bit by bit so that every year we come closer to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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That is the ultimate goal dear Muslims, but I'm Oban is meant to be a stepping stone a ladder to Jenna every single Ramadan we climb up a few steps and then more steps and then more steps so that insha Allah huzzah Allah, the best Ramadan of our lives shall be our last one and the best year we live our lives shall be our last year because as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Nirmal unmountable our team what really decides our fate is the end part of our life. Ramadan is gifted to us to raise the bar to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala so we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us of those who make every Ramadan better than the previous one and who will make the

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best Ramadan, the last Ramadan of their lives. May Allah azza wa jal bless me and you will burn through the Koran and moneymakers of those who is vs. They understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan. Ask Allah's forgiveness. He was will ask him for his love of food and the rock man

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hamdu lillahi wa Haydn I had a summit a lady named

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Mia coloca one

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dear Muslims, many of us have a misunderstanding that, you know, when I'm older, when I'm in the very end of my life, inshallah, then I will repent and I will live a better lifestyle. Of course, this is a tactic of shaitaan because none of us can guarantee that that is going to happen. We're praying janazah people of all age groups in the last few weeks you have been seeing what is going on, no one can predict. But more important than that even if one were to live 7080 years. That's not the right attitude because the one who lives a life of sin will die upon sin as well. That's not the right philosophy and Allah tells us in the Quran in october two I don't know he didn't the dino

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Yama, Yama, Luna su Abuja hola familia to buena min Karim. Allah will accept the repentance of anyone who does does a sin upon ignorance and then they repent immediately you have to warn them and carry they repent from that scene immediately for Allah tube Allahu Allah him Allah is going to accept the repentance and Allah is afford and Rahim while he set it over to and tober is not going to be given Lila Dena Yabba Luna se as they continue to live a lifestyle of evil had died the habra had a lot to order in need to go to the UN until finally when death comes they say oh, I'm committing Toba. Now. Allah forgive me now. This is a verse in Surah Nisa, it is as explicit as

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possible. Allah reminds us I shall accept the repentance of anyone who repents immediately, no matter what the sin was, dear Muslim, enough is enough. Whatever it was, it has happened in the past, Allah shall forgive you lived an evil lifestyle. You drank things you shouldn't have drunk, you're taking substances you're committing turd, certain fraud, whatever it is, repent to Allah. This is the month of repentance, and Allah forgives all sins, but don't be like the one Allah says that he continues to live a lifestyle of sin. And then finally, when he sees the angel of death, he says in the tool and Allah says no when they started to but to Allah does not accept the sin. Allah

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does not accept the Toba of the one when he sees the angel of death, dear Muslim, don't be like fit. I don't even fit out and repented when he saw the angel of death. What do you think you're not going to repent when you see the Angel of Death even fit out and repented when he saw the angel of death? And he said, I now testify to the God of Moosa and Allah says to him.

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Now, this is a rhetorical question now. Now you're going to accept and repent after all of this, no one shall not be accepted of you. And that's why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that tober of any Muslim shall be accepted until he is on his deathbed. Once you get to that stage, then then you are showing Allah subhana wa tada that you're playing games that doesn't work that way. And that is why do Muslims we need to repent when things are good for us when we are healthy when we're living our life. This is the time to repent. So we show Allah subhana wa Taala that we are sincere and dear Muslims, yes, it is difficult well lie it is difficult. But Allah subhana wa tada is not

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asking for perfection. We're going to slip we are going to slip after this month, you might make a resolve. I'm not going to do that sin again. And maybe in a month or two, you might slip into that sin. You know what, after you do that sin again, repent to Allah don't revert to that lifestyle. Allah is not asking for perfection. Allah is asking for an effort. Allah asked me for a commitment and this is the beauty of our religion. He didn't create us to be perfect. We are not angels, we will continually slip but as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhana wa tada will accept the Toba of the one who keeps on saying you're up and up to them and fiddly no matter

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how many times he commits the sin as long as the Toba is sincere

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Dear Muslim, this is the month of repentance. This is the month of molfetta This is the month of Ramadan. This is the month where Allah subhana wa Taala is reintroducing us to the sweetness of Iman. Let us taste that sweetness reveal in it for as long as the month last and then when the month finishes, let us not go back to the way we were in Shaban show one has to be better than shotgun. That's the goal of Ramadan, show one and the upcoming year, this upcoming year, it must be better than the previous year. Make this our intention and goal make that resolve right here right now today that this year in sha Allah to Allah, I will be a better Muslim than last year and then the

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next strumble bond even better than this one, and so on and so forth. Until we meet our Lord We ask Allah subhana wa tada for his afia and Mo Farah and we ask Allah for tofi Aloma in the dynafit Aminu along with that, and I'd be happy to meet them and illallah wa Hammond Illa for a while I then and in la vita Wada Maria on Elysia feta, what I see on inliers servitor Allah my friend Anna, well, if one in a Latina server Hoon, Ian Walter Jaffe, Luna Hila, Latina amanu robina in Nakuru for Rahim, Allah whom Islam I will muslimeen Allah whom is that Islam al muslimeen Allahumma is Al Islam al muslimeen Allahu Allah Jenna, our other is normal Muslim, so if he could have been upset was your

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altid Mira who fitted me Yo yo yo Aziz? Hey, by the law in the law to Allah America Bamiyan better bbfc within NaVi Malacca the Buddha said was the letter become a u haul Muna mingenew Jenny Hey, we're in for call azim and filed in Lima in de la homiletical do you saw Luna other nebby? Yeah, you are Latina? amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam with us NEMA a lot more solid a was telling him about an avocado silica Mohammed was early he was a big marine rebadow law in Allah to Allah yet mobile idli what exactly what is the quarterback when had a fracture? It will mean carry. Well, buddy, you're a document I like Metallica rune Oh, the Kuru la de Mayo korakuen. Wish Kuru Yes. What are the crew la

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heater? Welcome is

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He can remesh

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he can

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