Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan 2014 – Tafsir Surah Al-Fatiha – 13

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the three verses of Islam, including the Day of Judgment, Day of worship, and the Day of worship, emphasizing the importance of showing mercy and faith. They stress the need for multiple emotions and functions to achieve one's goals, including a culture of fear and compassion. The importance of multiple emotions and functions is emphasized, along with the potential negative consequences of actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad. And while he was so happy about so we had finished, we had began the discussion of madico Medina. So we have all praises due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Merciful and the one who shows mercy, and the Master of the Day of Judgment. Now, these are three verses and we said that sort of that factor has divided into half as our Prophet says that have said, these three verses, they give us three themes. These three verses, they give us three themes, and much commentary has been given about these themes. The first commentary that will derive from these three verses, we derive the

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three pillars of our religion tohei, the decider and our hero. I repeat from these three verses, we derive the primary pillars of our religion, tauheed rusada, and our hero, our religion, all divine religions, all Abrahamic religions, every religion Allah revealed, revolves around three pillars to hate. And then there's prophets rusada. And then there's the Day of Judgment. And these verses and hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem, Maliki or Medina give us these three meanings How? The first is obvious al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen we praise Allah Who is the Lord of the worlds and this is the hate. We talked about Allah being dropped. He is one drop this is to hate. The third

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verse medic er Medina affirms the Day of Judgment. It's pretty obvious there's the Day of Judgment. Where do we get recited From where do we get prophecy from? Our scholars say and of those people who said this is human generosity and others they say sudo et al Fatiha does not explicitly talk about prophets, but it is implied in every single verse and especially in Monterrey. So the concept of reseller is implied in our Amanda Rahim household, when Allah says He is merciful, and he is the one who demonstrates mercy and shows mercy, a merciful God would not leave his creation without guidance. A Rahman r Rahim would not leave the creation without demonstrating ultimate Rama. What is

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the ultimate Rama to take care of our physical needs? Or to take care of our spiritual needs? Obviously to take care of our spiritual needs, the ultimate Ratna, what is the purpose of life? Why are you here? If Allah azza wa jal is a Rahmani r Rahim. And he is, then he must demonstrate that by telling us why he has created us and therefore the concept of prophethood is incorporated it is implied and it is not a coincidence that when a law is a rough man, and when a law is a Rahim he shed he is a Sharia of Rama. His book is a book of Rama, a law called the Quran

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or Anima. What she found was, the Quran is our Atma, and most importantly for us for this lecture, who else is our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when Allah is our Rahman and Rahim, then he has sent around machalilla the mean, and that is our nibi, our Prophet sallallahu It was a nonprofit system said, and be your Rama. I am the prophet of Rama. So because the law is not Rahman and Rahim, he must send us and show us that Mercy by sending us a prophet of mercy. So from these three verses we we derive, to heat and reseller and our hero, what else do we derive? From these three verses? We also derive the three motivational factors of worshiping Allah, how is a love

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worship? Why is a low worship? What do we use to motivate ourselves to worship Allah, the three pillars of worshiping Allah? And I've said this many times before, our number one love, and number two hope and number three, fear, love, hope and fear. if somebody were to ask us, where How do you worship Allah? What do you get to motivate your worship of a lot? And by the way, we think this is obvious. This is not the case. Look around you at other religions. For some religions, the only characteristic they have of their God is an angry God, a vengeful God, a jealous God, a God that must be appeased or else he will kill and destroy you. And those religions they generally

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concentrate on rituals and law so much so that they forget about the spirit of the law. They forget about the the mercy, they forget about the drama. You have On the flip side, some religions they only talk about love, love, love, that God is love and there's nothing but love. But then this raises many problems. This is not the time to talk about them, but of the simplest problems, no society

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He can function only on love. No society can function only on mercy. And that is why the people who claim that their religion is religion alone, their societies are not emblematic of those messages. Their societies contradict that they can never incorporate a lifestyle of complete forgiveness. What does our city I say, we worship Allah based upon number one love. Yes, that is the primary emotion. Number two hope and that is a Rahmani Raheem. We hope for Allah's mercy. And number three, and that is a fear. We are scared of Allah's punishment. We are scared of the Day of Judgment. And in our city. We worship a lot based upon all three pillars. What is the primary pillar, the primary pillar

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is that of love, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen we praise the Lord because he's worthy of being praised. Then what is the next pillar are Rahmani Raheem, we want Allah and then what is the third pillar madico Medina, we are scared of a lot of anger and punishment. And therefore these three verses also tell us these three emotions. And then the final thing as well from these three verses, when Allah praises himself at hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. He then mentioned our Rama and Rohini Malik your Medina, from these two we, the final two verses, we extract the twins have mercy and compassion on the one side and justice and retribution on the other. And Allah azza wa jal is a God

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of mercy. He is the God of Rama, but he is also a lord whose wrath we fear. And society needs both of these functions. And a God that is a just God must have both of these attributes, the attribute of mercy and the attribute of justice, you cannot have mercy without justice. You cannot have justice without mercy. And our Lord has perfected both of these attributes. Our Lord forgives our Lord overlooks, but our Lord as well takes retribution, our Lord as well exact vengeance for those who deserve it. And if you think about it, psychologically, and the gods that you believe that any religion believes in, that doesn't have these emotions, you will not be worshipping a lot properly.

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Imagine that your Lord was imagine you follow a religion where there is no concept of Allah xojo being merciful, there is no concept of a law being compassionate, then you will lead to a type of fanaticism. And we see this in those religions. Imagine a God where they only tell you God is love. There's no such thing as anger and punishment, well, then what is the motivation to be better? What is the motivation to abstain from sins? What is the motivation to not do unto others? If your God will not punish you? Why don't you do whatever you want then? So our religion says, No, your Lord is the Lord of mercy. And that is the number one rule. But don't forget, your Lord is also a Lord of

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retribution. And Allah says in the Quran, that your Lord is,

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is wants to set up your Lord is one who is that forgiveness, but also your Lord is one his eyes these don't don't come, he is also mighty, and he can exact retribution and vengeance. And our religion teaches us that one of the simplest beliefs and evidences for the Day of Judgment is injustice in this world, I repeat, one of the evidences that there is a day of judgment is that there's injustice in this world. This world is not a world of justice, as we speak, innocent civilians are being killed by a mighty and powerful government, as we speak, bombs are showering down on our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza. Where is justice? Where is it? Sometimes that the

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injustice seems to go on and on, and we do not see the volume and the tyrant come and take into account? How many are the volume some of them were taken into account in this world, but most of them, they live their pleasurable lives, they live their lives of deceit and they died relatively, you know, simple that they didn't die the depths of pain and misery, whereas justice so Allah says in the Quran, that did you think that we would let the volume in the philosophy go and and not have a heads up? Did you think that all of this volume, all of this evil will not be called into account and this is a logical evidence for the Day of Judgment Alize asking the rational people that there

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must be a day of reckoning, where I will take into account the in justices that were done, and I will punish those who deserve punishment, and these three verses and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen we praise the Lord for being a rub. These three verses tell us to hate the sad and accurate they tell us Our Lord is the Lord of mercy, but also a Lord of justice. They tell us that we worship Allah based upon love and hope and fear. All of this is coming just from these three verses and inshallah Tada. We will continue with the next verse. When we returned to our series The day after tomorrow and move on to Iraq and Abu we are going to stay with saramonic Mohammed Allahu barakato.

For some religions, the main characteristic they attribute to their god is an angry vengeful jealous god that must be appeased else his wrath will be upon you.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have certain religions that only focus on love mercy and claim that “God is love” and with such beliefs create great injustices to themselves and those around them having no fear of accountability.

Unlike other religions, in Islam, we worship Allah (suba¸hanahu wa ta’ala) based upon three motivational factors of Love, Hope; Fear.

In this special Ramadan series episode of the Tafsir of Surat al-Fatihah, Shaykh Dr Yasir Qadhi discusses the three motivational factors of worship; namely Love, Hope; Fear and the theological concepts of Monotheism, Messengers and the Day of Judgement.

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