Yasir Qadhi – Duas during distress and Reflections on the UNC shootings 2-13-15

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the history and meaning behind popular language phrases, such as "has" in Islam and "has to be." It also touches on the success of hipsters and the woman named Xena. The speakers stress the importance of affirming one's opinion on Allah's position and protecting the world, as well as the need for people to trust him and take care of their health and safety. The segment also touches on the importance of showing one's weaknesses and the need for people to act with their bodies to gain respect and love for their culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Nakamoto who want to stay Adel Horner still fiddle whenever they will law him and surely and fusina woman say RTR Marlena, Mejia de la HuFa la Melinda la wama you'll Dinho follow her.

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Watch her do Allah Allah illallah wa hola Sharika wash her to Anna Mohamed an avid humara sudo yeah you hola Xena I'm an otaku Allahu Akbar to call it a Walter moto Allah and to Muslim moon. Yeah Johanna SUTA Cora Docomo Lizzy holla Coco Minassian Wahida wahala come in Huzzah. Jaha Weber Semin Hammadi Jolin cathedral one is what taco hola hola de Tessa an owner b He will or ham in LA who can either you can rock Eva? Yeah, you hola Xena. armano taco la Hawa. Kulu colon studied, use La La La como yo ferula come through back home woman user Hola, Huaraz hula hoop Fosun Alima. A Marburg My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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The Draza are mentioned in the Quran upon the tongues of the prophets are the greatest of doulas. And in today's first half of our hotbar I will mention two drawers that I believe every single one of us should not just memorize but use frequently. All of us know these doors or chronic drawers on the tongues of the prophets of Allah. And so today we will not shallow to Allah remind ourselves of the meanings and the power of two phrases from the tongues of two prophets. The first of them is the dua of the Prophet Ibrahim and the second is the daughter of the Prophet Yunus. Allah human salah. And both of these doors were said at times of great difficulty at times of distress, when it

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appeared that there was no hope left. What do I did the Prophet say, when all hope of this world was cut off? We learned in the Quran and in the Sunnah, the two R's of these two prophets. As for the dua of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam. It is mentioned in the Quran upon the tongue of the Prophet Muhammad so seldom, but we know from the Hadith that the Prophet Ibrahim used it before our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Quran mentions that when the Sahaba were gathered by were surrounded by the Zab by the 10,000, strong around Medina, and they really could not fight 10,000 strong. What did they say? Allah says in the Quran, Allah, a Latina,

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Latina condyloma NASA in the NASA or the Jama Allah confection home for Azada home Imana. Well, all who has been husband, Allahu anamod, will kill the people, meaning the righteous people are those who, when mankind gathered to attack them, and mankind told them or other people told them, aren't you terrified? Aren't you scared? What was the phrase that came to the Prophet system and the Sahaba has spoon Allah who are near Amanda Joaquin, this was the DUA has been Allah who were near mill will kill. And even Abbas narrated that when the Prophet Ibrahim was about to be thrown into that fire. What fire is this? This is the fire of Nimrod. This is the fire that for three days and three

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nights, it was made hotter and hotter, the fire that they wanted to punish Ibrahim with when they accused him of destroying their idols. And instead of responding back, he mocked them and said no, no must be the other idols who killed the biggest one, they must have been jealous of him. So this young boy Ibrahim, probably 1415 years old, this young boy Ibrahim, Allah has set up and we learned from the traditions, he was the only Muslim on earth at the time. There was no other Muslim other than him at that time. And he believes in Allah and he rejects the idols. So when these evil people when these mighty kings surround him, and they tell him unless you apologize and come back to our

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way, we will kill you in this manner, and they torture him for three days. And then they make this fire. And before they throw him in, what does he say? Even Abbas said, when Abraham was about to be thrown into the fire, he said, has spoon Allah who are near Milwaukee. This is the Dr. Ibrahim and even Abbas said, and this was also the dua of the prophet Mohamed Salah Salem when he was surrounded by the ZURB when all of the armies had gathered, this was the DUA that came to the tongue of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what is this dua and what does it mean? Why is this dua so powerful? How

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SBA Allah when and Milwaukee the singular has buena is the plural we should all know has to be if we are alone and we said it has to be Allah one and Milwaukee and if we're saying it with a group or a gathering has buena rather than as Vito become husband Allah who won and Milwaukee and you may add if you want nierman Mola when Emma Nasim, but the minimum is has to be Allah who will Nirmal walk you? What does this mean? And why is this dua so powerful? And why was it so effective in the lives of these prophets? The phrase has to be Allah means Allah is sufficient for me. I don't need anybody else has to be Allah. I only need Allah. I don't need anyone else when near men were killed, and

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what a perfect way to kill here means not just protector, but someone who might delegate my affairs to someone who will take charge of what I need to be done has to be Allah. I only need Allah when near mother were killed. And what a beautiful protector and what kill he is. What is this dua mean why is it so powerful, when you say has to be Allah, you can only say has to be Allah, when you know who is Allah. And then you put your trust in Allah subhana wa Tada a heart that doesn't have Iman.

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A heart that is ignorant of Allah cannot say has to be Allah. When you say has to be Allah, you are affirming the power of Allah, the love of Allah, the fact that Allah knows who you are, what you're doing, how much you need him, when you say has to be Allah, you are saying, Oh Allah, I recognize that when you decide to do something, nobody can come between you and your will. There is no strength, there is no power other than you. When you say has to be Allah, you say I don't care who is against me, if Allah is on my side, that's all that I need. So has to be Allah is something that is coming from the heart, and it is affirming the power and the protection and the might of Allah

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subhanho wa taala. When you say has to be Allah, you automatically imply who needs anybody other than Allah, He who has Allah doesn't need anybody else. And he who has everything except for Allah has nothing. He who has Allah does not need anyone else. And he who has everything other than Allah, in reality, he has nothing. So when you say has to be Allah, you are affirming the perfection of Allah, the love of Allah, the Rama of Allah, the concern of Allah, you are saying that if Allah azza wa jal helps me then no one else can ever get in between him and his help. And when you say has to be Allah, you are also affirming your own Iman in Allah. Not only that Allah azza wa jal is perfect,

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but you recognize that imagine the heart of Ibrahim alayhis salam imagine, surrounded by a city, an army, the mightiest King alive is in front of him, threatening him torturing him. He's a 15 year old kid. There's that fire that's been put for three days and three nights, not a single human being in the world. His own Father is on the side of the prosecution. Just imagine not a single soul in the world to help him. Yet what does he know? Allah will protect me has to be Allah. Oh Allah, you are in charge of taking care of these mighty armies. Oh Allah I turn to you, you will deal with this fire you will take charge of this whole world that has gathered against me has to be Allah. I only

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need Allah I don't need anybody else. So what happens when Ibrahim is thrown into that fire? The fire itself becomes a garden for him. A garden a pleasant walk in the park, it becomes beautiful, fragrant green cool. This is what happens when you put your trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. When you say has to be Allah, you affirm the power of Allah and you affirm Oh Allah, I believe in your power. I believe in your mind. I believe that you are the one who is Rahman and Rahim and Semyon Alia and produce and Medic. Oh Allah, you are the real medic. So when you say has to be Allah, you can only say it when it's coming from the depths of your heart. When you understand who is Allah and you

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believe in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah tells us in the Quran, when they get to what can Allah He for who has to be who whoever truly trust in Allah, Allah will take care of him. Allah azza wa jal is enough for him. Allah says in the Quran, what are your tequila Hajjaj Allahu Maharaja where your Zukerman hate to lie to say whoever truly trust in Allah, Allah azza wa jal will make an escape route for him will make a passage of exit for him and Allah will provide for him in a manner that he did not expect. Allah will take care

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Have him in a manner that he did not expect. Meaning, if you truly put your trust in Allah, Allah azza wa jal will take care of your calamity will deal with your distress will take charge of defeating your enemies in ways you don't expect. And so Ibrahim alayhis salam, the Prophet Muhammad was the sahaba. This is the dua that we say when we are faced with major calamity, major stress when we have major. Here we have the enemies of Islam physically attacking, there is no protection other than Allah's protection. So Ibrahim alayhis salam, the Prophet Muhammad system has to be a loved one airmen will kill when their mother will kill means and what a beautiful what a perfect what a

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majestic Joaquin, what is a Joaquin? Joaquin is somebody in Arabic You call sometimes a lawyer is a Joaquin, right? Even in order to we call the Akela is a lawyer. Why? Because when you hire a Joaquin, when you have overkill, what do you do? You sit down and you let the kids do the business for you. You hire the best working, you hire the best lawyer. This is in our terms a lawyer. And if you really hire a good lawyer, you literally sit down and he'll do the job for you. He'll defend you. He'll make sure that the judge treats you in the manner you deserve. That's what the wikid we call but Allah azza wa jal isn't just a work he'll he is all working. And working means you trust

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Him for everything. You delegate everything to him that Allah will take care of this he is the URL working well near malware kill and what a beautiful what a majestic, what a powerful, what kill he is. Namah here is a praise of Allah and it's also an affirmation, Oh Allah, you are the best work you there is no work you like you. And so when you say has to be Allah who are near and Mother Joaquin, so Allah azza wa jal will become sufficient for you and Allah azza wa jal will do what needs to be done. This is what will kill you are basically saying, Oh Allah, I can't do it. I can't do it. Oh Allah, I need you has to be Allah who are near Milwaukee. I put you in charge of Allah and

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you are enough for the job. You are enough to take care of me because you are my Rob. You are the right man and the Rahim you are the medic. So Oh Allah, you are the one to deal with this affair. And this is exactly what happened in the lives of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and also in the life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We've all done this story in detail in our Sierra lessons when the battle of Zab took place, and 10,000 Strong was surrounding Medina and they were barely 1500 Sahaba there is no way they could physically fight against 10,000 10,000 armed men and they cut off the supplies for one month they cut off the supplies. How long can you last? The people

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were beginning to eat vegetables? The leaves of the of the trees, they had nothing to eat? They're starving. They haven't had a proper meal for weeks. How long can the siege last? What is going to happen? They cannot fight the Croatia outside with all of their allies. 10,000 strong they cut off all of the food supplies all of the caravans, how long can this go on? So they say has one hola one here in Milwaukee and what happens what happens? An army from the heavens comes and 10,000 Strong are rerouted fled helter skelter overnight, because Allah azza wa jal sent as he said, Would you do the lemtrada He sent an army you did not see it. The wind began to blow the thunderstorm or tornado

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in the middle of the desert and the sand was so severe and hard that they all had to flee. 10,000 strong Can you imagine an army of 10,000 was destroyed without one sword being unsheathed think about that. Without one store being unsheathed 10,000 Strong simply disappeared overnight. Why? Because has spoon Allah who are near and Milwaukee that is the power of when you trust Allah subhana wa Taala he'll take care of an entire army and you don't even have to unseal your sword. But as long as you show that to what cool as long as you recognize, Oh Allah, you will deal with it you will take care of it has to be Allahu wa near Milwaukee. And of course, I have to add here as well, that

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you only do this after you have done everything in your power. The Sahaba built the trench, the Sahaba armed themselves, the Sahaba were ready for battle if need be. They didn't just sit in their houses and say Allah will take care of you do everything you can physically and then you say the rest is up to you, oh Allah and really Oh Allah, I only need you has to be Allah who were near Milwaukee. And also we have a beautiful incident of Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu as well, in the story of the slander, the famous story of the slander that took place that when she heard that this lander was happening, what was the one word that comes to her mouth? The one phrase that comes to her mouth

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has to be a law who are near Milwaukee. Imagine I

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showed the young wife, the young she's a young lady at the time. She knows enough that the one phrase that comes to her mind, they have spoken about me in this manner. What was the one phrase that immediately came to her mind? Her Spiel law would never matter what Allah will take care of me. And what a beautiful protector he is, and what happened? What happened to protect SHA, Allah revealed over 20 verses of the Holy Quran that we recite to this day. And our Isha said, I never thought that I was that significant that Allah would reveal Quran about me. This is what I should have said, Who am I? She was thinking of course she is a matter of course she is worthy, but she is

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in her modesty and humility. You say who am I? That Allah will reveal Quran about me to be recited to the Day of Judgment. But this is what happens when you put your trust in Allah has to be Allah who are near meadow Joaquin, when it comes from your heart. When you assign Allah azza wa jal to take care of your deeds, then this is what is going to happen. Allah will even reveal Quran for you as he did for Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah Allah. So this is the first dua let us memorize it, let us use it. And the second dua, which is also used at times of distress, a times of difficulty, I wanted both these two hours to be because we go through all types of difficulties. Every one of us

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life is nothing but difficulties and one tragedy after another. This is the reality of life. So the second two as well is a beautiful DUA and it is the dua of the Prophet Yunus. Allah has said and as we all know, as we all know, the Prophet Yunus, Allah has Salam, he left his city without getting permission from Allah to live. And this was a sin for the prophets. The prophets cannot leave the city until Allah tells them the Prophet Yunus gave up he said, My people are bad, they're not accepting call us let me just go. And it wasn't appropriate for the Prophet to do this. And so what happened as we know that he went onto the ship and the people of the ship, they said, somebody has

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bad luck here or somebody is bringing this punishment who must be they drew lots and it came to us, and there was a thunderstorm boy, it was the middle of the night. They said, You're the one causing this this this omen. And of course, we don't believe in omens, these were not Muslims that were doing this. Nonetheless, they said, You're the cause of this bad luck. We need to get rid of you. And so in the middle of a dark and stormy night in the middle of the ocean, when the thunder is going in, the rain is pouring complete darkness. They pick unis either his Saddam and they fling him over the ocean. Just think about that, if any of you have ever been in the middle of the seas, how

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terrifying it is, even on a beautiful day, if you fall into that ocean. Imagine in the middle of the night, when the waves are coming and the thunder and though and the rain and they throw him into the middle of that darkness and he plunges and plunges and punches and as you all know, then Allah azza wa jal causes official whale to swallow him and that's why the Quran calls him the unknown. The unknown, unknown in the Quran here means well, the one of the whale. So Yunus is called the companion of the whale, and the will take some deep, deep deep down the depths of the sea. Imagine brothers and sisters will lie. These are stories that we know happened since the Quran, we believe

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in them. Imagine being the Prophet Yunus. Imagine that claustrophobia, that stench, not able to breathe completely blind in the depths of the ocean. And Allah azza wa jal says, what did he do? He realized he made a mistake. He realized he made a mistake. So what Allah says when Phil Lumads he called out in the depths of the darkness Wallahi how much darkness was there? The darkness of the night, the darkness of the depths of the ocean, the darkness of the inner chambers of the whale, darkness over darkness over darkness, complete and pitch darkness. Can you imagine the terror the fear that any one of us might have had we would have died simply a heart attack would have died of

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fear. But Jonas, it has Salam, he realized I need Allah azza wa jal. And so what did he do? Why not follow Matt?

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EULA Subhanak in the consuming of bonamy. From the depths of the ocean, he calls out

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Subhanak O Allah, there is no buddy worthy of being praised worthy of being worshipped worthy of being glorified, other than you super Hannukah Exalted are you above anything? Meaning what? Some people who don't have strong faith, they blame Allah for their calamities and tragedies, they say this is because of Allah. This is because of God. Why is God punishing us? Why is God doing this to me? And this is a common phrase we hear, I'm a good person, why is God doing this to me? The holder opposite LaBella we do not speak like this. We do not accuse Allah of any injustice or evil. So sort of Hanukkah here means Exalted are you Oh Allah, you are only worthy

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Praise You are not worthy of any criticism Subhanak Exalted are you Subhanak amines we negate anything negative. That's a double negative we negate anything negative and Hamdulillah we praise for a positive Alhamdulillah is Allah's perfection Subhana Allah is the negation of Allah imperfection. Alhamdulillah is Allah's perfection, Allah is worthy of being praised because of his names and attributes because of who He is Subhan Allah, Allah azza wa jal is be we negate any negative so for example, when Allah says, Allah has not taken a son, super Hannah who he should be negated from having a son Subhanallah he's too exalted to have a son, too holy to have a son. Allah

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says they took false gods besides him super Hannah, who all Glory be to Him, He doesn't deserve false cause being ascribed to him. So Subhana Cahir implies Oh Allah, you are not worthy of any criticism you're only worthy of worship. In the consuming of volley mean, I was the one who made a mistake, I was the one who fell into a sin I was the one who transgressed in NewCon, to men of women. And therefore, dear brothers and sisters, when a person says this phrase, La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak in the consuming of volume, in which he affirms for himself that I have fallen short, it was my mistake and error. And if this is the Prophet, you know, saying he made a mistake, then where

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do we stand in front of Allah subhanho wa taala. If a prophet of Allah is saying, I made a mistake, it was my mistake. What is the mistake here, of course, all of us make mistakes, we fall into sins, we fall into things that are haram. We don't do the Waje but we don't thank Allah as much as we should thank him. All of this is a type of boon. And so he affirmed Allah's perfection. He sought Allah's forgiveness, and he acknowledged his own mistakes. So he combined between Tauheed La ilaha illallah and negating anything negative Subhanak and then affirming or describing imperfection to himself, and this is the perfection of repentance, you say Allah you are perfect, I am imperfect,

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you are holy, I am sinful. You are the ILA and the God and I am the the murderer boop and the Abbot, I am the one who is under your control. So when you affirm Allah's perfection, and your own imperfection, you are being humble, and humility is the essence of worship. Humility is the essence of worship, like we bow our heads down in such the way we take our most noble organ, our most respected part of the body, and that is the head and we lower it into the dirt of Allah, you are worthy of this humility, you are worthy of this subservience you are worthy of this Ibadah and that will raise our ranks in this world and the next so when we say La ilaha illa, Anta Subhanak, in the

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consuming of volume in, we are affirming Allah is perfect, and we are acknowledging, I am imperfect. And when we do this, Allah shows his perfection to us. The opposite of this is a bliss. The opposite of this is a bliss, who is too arrogant to recognize and he says, I am better. I am the one who deserves this. This is bliss. When Adam was he was told to prostrate to Adam, what did he say? I am the one. So the opposite of this is arrogance. And when you're arrogant, you will not get anything. When you're humble in front of Allah. This is when Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will bless you, and therefore what happened with Yunus Alayhis Salam, from the depths of the darkness, the whale comes

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all the way to the top at the crack of dawn at the break of dawn, the sun is shining now and the whale goes all the way to the shore and spits him out onto the onto the shore. And so Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran Fana J now hoomin l hum. We were the ones who saved him from his distress, and then listen to this phrase and memorize his brothers and sisters. It is one of the most optimistic phrases in the Quran. What can Lika noon Gil meaning and in this manner, when the movement says La Ilaha illa Allah subhana Kinnikuman of Ottoman in this manner, we shall save all of those who are in distress.

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All of those who believe all of those who turned to me, we will save all of them. So this dua is said whenever you are distressed, Yunus was distressed because of the problems of the whale the problems of the we are distressed because of other problems, much less trivial than yours, but nonetheless, they are big for us. Family problems, financial problems, our boss is giving us an attitude. We're worried about our job, our family issues, these are our Lumads these are our darknesses so when

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We are surrounded by these darkness is what do we say?

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In Subhanak, in the consuming of volume in, this should be our dua all the time. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in a hadith and Musa Dima Muhammad, that the dua of the known meaning the dua of the one of the whale that he cried out with when he was in the stomach of the whale was the ilaha illa Anta Subhanak in the consuming of volume in and then our Prophet system said, No Muslim ever says this dua, except that ALLAH will answer him. No Muslim ever says this dua except that ALLAH will answer him so these are the to do as brothers and sisters memorize them, make them a daily part of your rituals has to be Allah one airman will kill and La ilaha illa. Anta

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Subhana Allah in the Quran to me no volume in BarakAllahu were looking for Quran or they want to find your way out. They may see him and it was declared Hakeem automatise maroon was tough for Allahu Allah Emily welcome Willie Sutton was Teamliquid admin for self widow in the Hall of a photo Rahim.

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Anwar hadn't had a summit that lady Lemuria welcome EULA, welcome your caller who phoned ahead what I do.

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But the Brothers and Sisters in Islam, we are all painfully aware of the tragedy that took place two days ago. And it is difficult to talk about this tragedy. Without emotions rising. We are all painfully aware of the murder of three of our young, innocent men and women. And so much can be said. But Wallahi I just want to mention a few simple points that we can all benefit from. First and foremost tragedies and harms and problems are indeed a part of this life. And Allah tests us with various trials and tribulations and

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the parents of

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the parents of those young men and women have been tested in a manner that we can only begin to imagine. And we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to make the affairs easy for them. But as we look at this tragedy, there is no doubt that we see as well the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa taala. As we look at this tragedy,

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it is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala chose these people to be role models even in their death. It is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala

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carved out a life for them. That is a life that we can only be jealous of, even though they are half or 1/3 of our age, that the good that they have done, and the prayer and the baraka that has come from their lives, and the love that the community had for them while they were still alive much less when they are dead. It speaks volumes about their class and their taqwa and their Eman, nasty warm cathodic when I was a cattle I had, it speaks volumes of their real sincerity. The fact of the matter, my dear brothers and sisters, is that Allah chose them because they were so righteous insha Allah and Allah bless their families, because Allah wanted to raise their ranks in this world and in

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the next, because our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allahu Taala either have bakoma limitada home, that when Allah loves a person, he tests them. So this family has been tested, both of the families have been tested, the communities have been tested. And all of us were simply witnessing we are not being tested the way they have been tested. We're simply looking on and spectators to what is going on. But Subhanallah, the galvanization of the American Muslim community. This could have been any one of us, this could have been any one of our children. We all are worried about the future of our community in this land. We're worried about the rhetoric that people are

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saying, Yes, we do not know exactly what happened in this particular case. But still, it seems to be what it seems to be very clear to us. And regardless of the specifics, for sure. The rhetoric that is we're hearing from many segments of this society are very dangerous. And perhaps incidents like these, perhaps Allah azza wa jal is using them to really be martyrs Shaheed so that the people realize that we cannot continue with this rhetoric and the spiteful speech and some adalah My dear brothers and sisters, one of the things that really amazed me was that every now I have I don't know the family personally, but many of my friends are personal family friends of this couple. We also

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had some of our members here in Memphis go to attend the janazah as well, and we have seen their interviews online

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It is amazing the amount of Sauber and the amount of patience that is demonstrated from this family. And I wonder when I look at this, where did that total be awarded that that training come from? That a young lady, a young man, the brothers and sisters, they have so much fortitude, so much courage. So much Eman that the brother says on the TV interview that don't think that we are sad he is speaking to MSNBC non Muslim interview says don't think we are sad. We are happy. We are rejoicing that Our Lord has chosen my family to become martyrs. What type of Eman is this? Where a young man this Eman is coming out from him and one wonders Subhanallah he is born and raised in this land.

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What has happened in his life that his Eman is so strong? And if this is his case, how about the boy and the girl that and the sister? How about the three of them Subhanallah brothers and sisters, these three let their tragedy not be in vain? Let us do a number of things. First and foremost most importantly right now make dua for them and for their fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers May Allah azza wa jal grant them the peace and the Sakina May Allah azza wa jal accept their shahada May Allah azza wa jal give Sobor and Tofik and Eman to the family members of those that are left behind. This is the first thing we need to do make dua for them. Secondly,

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we need to support their legacies. And there's many fundraisings going on and this is not the time to get into that but their families, this young man bleah he was training as you know, to become a dentist and he was going to go to Syria and the refugee camps. He had gone last year with his fiancee, he had gone last year, they had to help the refugees and orphans with his wife. Now they're going to go again. And then we're going to get 10 doctors, they're going to sponsor 10 doctors to go I mean Wallah, you think about this a 21 year old man, 21 years old, most of us have not gone and volunteered in a refugee camp. Most of us have not spent anything of this nature. And here is a man

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he's about to get married, and he wants to save up to get married and he says spends that money to go help refugees. Well, like where do these people like this come from? Well, like this person says, if Allah azza wa jal made his life to become a role model for us, and then took it so that he is a leader, even in death as he was a leader in life. Few people can claim this few people can claim to become leaders even in death. And it is quite clear that this was one of those people that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada chose. So the second thing we can do is to support their legacy. And the third thing is to ask ourselves, Why did Allah choose them? And how did they get to this respect and legacy, the

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outpouring of love and emotion. This was perhaps the largest janazah, or one of the largest Genesis that America has seen 7000 People overnight come from around the country are coming in becomes a mainstream news media event, CNN and Ms. Ms. NBC are reporting the janazah just because of the numbers 7000 people. Why, why? This is what happens when you dedicate your life to Allah, we see the results in this world before the next. This is the love ritual for this world. What do you think that the next will be waiting for them? If this much respect in this world, and they're barely a fraction of my age and your age, think then what about in the next life? So we need to follow that

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legacy and understand the best way to gain Allah azza wa jal blessing is to be on his path, to be as loving as caring, as sincere, as merciful, as dedicated to these positive causes. This is what we need to do. And there is no doubt as I said, that it is because of that insha Allah to Allah that so much love the fact that the murder anybody this could have happened to anybody, it could have happened to people unknown, never seen in the masjid. And the reaction would not have been except a fraction of what it is that Allah chose specific people. And Allah azza wa jal wanted to demonstrate to us, and to the rest of the people. This is the reality. So we need to learn from that. And we

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need to also start our own legacies, will I and you get even a fraction of that legacy that they already have for their lives? Will we be able to leave behind the same amount of love the same amount of respect and honor the same amount of Allah's blessings in the next life? This is something we all need to think about. And then lastly, my dear brothers and sisters, indeed, we don't know exactly why this tragedy took place yet we're still finding out nonetheless, we all need to be extra vigilant, vigilant and monitor our situation. There has been a number of incidents going on. A girl was followed to her car in one city and threatened by a gun and there is a fire in one mosque. We

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don't know exactly the details yet. So I don't want to mention anything but it might have been an arson somewhere else in this country.

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Things are changing. And there's only one way really, that we're going to have the narrative back to the way it was. And that is, if each and every one of us stands up against prejudice and lives the lives of the Prophet Muhammad Hassan sunnah, following his sunnah, when the people know who we are, and respect us, we don't have the luxury of shoving our heads in the sand anymore. We don't have the luxury of changing our names and pretending we're not Muslim. Each and every one of us these people were killed in their houses, the man entered the door and shot them executions out in the head in their houses. We don't have the luxury of running away. We need to stand up and understand. We need

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to earn respect, earn the love of the people around us. There are campaigns to vilify us to smear us, we need to do the opposite. We cannot fight fire with fire over here. We have to demonstrate the Rama, the mercy of Islam, the love the compassion of Islam, we need to do like those three, that even mainstream news media are talking about how good they were, how righteous they were. People that typically smear Islam when it came to these three, even they could not spit on them. What does that demonstrate? You want to win over the love and the respect you need to live the life of the prophet Muhammad Salah Salem, be kind and merciful, go and help the orphans help the Syrian refugees

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do something in your locality so that the people understand this is who we are. And slowly but surely, when we start changing this message when the rhetoric cannot face our actions, actions speak louder than words. Then insha Allah hooter, Allah, this will abate and die down I am optimistic, insha Allah, but we don't want these debts to be in vain. And let us all learn a lesson. That death is around the corner. These three the band got married six weeks ago, brothers and sisters six weeks ago. Can you imagine? There's still memorabilia of the weddings in their houses, all of the stuff and they're still there. Can you imagine? The sister said we just celebrated their wedding and now

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we're doing their and their funeral. This is the reality of life. Can anybody here guarantee when they will die? How long they will live? These three mashallah tough article, are they prepared? They didn't think they're going to come this end this soon, but they prepared and Allah bless them. So let each and every one of us also prepare for that day. It will come to us inevitably, let us prepare for that day. And let us ask ourselves, what is the legacy that I have left behind? And what is the legacy you have left behind before the Angel of Death comes Allahumma inni Dynafit Emanuel? Allah mulata Rafi has no museum in la oferta wala Hammond Illa for Raja wala Jain and in LA Kadota.

00:37:50 --> 00:38:32

What am I read on inertia feta, whether I see it on Illa yourself Allahumma fildena What is one in a linear sama Hoon Eben Eman wala treasure of your Karuna. Hilda Linda Dena Amanu Robina in Nicaragua Rahim. Allah Houma is an Islamic Muslim in Allahumma is islam al Muslimeen Allahu Allah Azza Islam I will Muslim in Allahumma and Aradhana our other Islamic Muslim ADA be sue in federal hoomin FC where jetted mera home fita the bat Jaco we are as he is everybody Allah in Allah to add America embedded BBFC within the USA with a lesser become a UL moment when I'm in Germany he went into football as part of the nine EMA in the law home and equatorial Soluna at the Nebby yeah you have Latina M and

00:38:32 --> 00:38:55

also Lu Allah He was selling him with a steamer Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala up the Quran Surah Mohammed and why the Adi he was a big marine everybody Allah and Allah to Allah Yeah, Motorola they will extend it with the CORBA one hand fascia it will Moon carry well basically you're able to either come to the Quran, the Quran, Allah has come which guru he has come what are the Kula he Tada Akbar wealthy masala

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