Yasir Qadhi – Benefits from The Hadith “I Caution You Against Sitting in The Alleys…”

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history and benefits of the Hadith, a popular belief in Islam. It emphasizes the importance of individuals not sitting in alleyways and not harm others. The speakers also discuss the legal framework for profit systems and the need for a strong system to ensure safety. The speakers emphasize the importance of the "has been done" concept for society and the potential benefits of the "has been done" concept for society.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Ali he will be here woman while I'm about traditional quarter we're going to look at a very beautiful Hadith that is reported in Bukhari and Muslim and extract and derive some benefits from it. It is reported by Abu Saeed and hodari that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a year come while Judo suffered total caught, I warn you against sitting in the alleyways. Now back then they didn't have massive mansions. Most people's houses were one large outer room and one inner chamber that's about it. Even the house of the prophets ism was like this. They didn't have a living room. Where would they sit when they wanted to

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have friends and talk they would literally sit outside their house. We would call it a veranda but it wasn't a veranda. It was literally in the house in the streets. So our profit system set er comm will Judas afikpo robot, I warn you against sitting in the alleyways they said Yasuda Allah Medina majali Sina, female God cinnamon good, y'all rasulillah we have to have our gatherings, our modulus. What else are we going to meet? Yasuda law, we have to have our gatherings. So our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so if you insist fine verbatim if you're going to refuse my command, and you're going to insist that you're going to have these gatherings then for other

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takahiko give the right that is due to the alleyways. They said what is the rights due to the alleyways? So he said number one hog Bulbasaur lower your eyes. Number two careful other don't harm anybody going in the streets. Number three reduce Salam responding to the Salaam of the people. Number four, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil? Now this hadith we're going to use it as a case study actually, very briefly, I know time is always against us. We're going to use it a case study to examine how different disciplines of Islam can extract different types of benefit from the same Hadith. This Hadith can be the subject of an entire monograph and it has been the subject

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of many pamphlets and booklets. If you look at this Hadith, it's so beautiful. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is warning the Sahaba from sitting in the alleyways. Now, generally the Sahaba here and obey. But this was something that would affect their social life. When COVID happened a year and a half ago, how much resistance was there in the community, right? What do you mean, we're not going to go out? We're not going to sit, we're not going to go to the restaurant, how much resistance was there, right? To this day, there is resistance as you know, that people they need to live they need to meet. So they said yada sutala How can we function without our majelis now

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one of the most important points here that the Sahaba knew the compassion of the prophets of the love while he was setting them and they are not arguing but pushing back. They are pushing back at us with Allah. I mean, give us some concession give us some leeway. How can we live without our gatherings? They trusted that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with sympathize with their plights. This also demonstrates and this is a very also for theology point Listen to me carefully. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delegated by a law to propagate the Sharia. The shadier parts of it, Allah revealed directly to him. And parts of it, our prophets, Allah Sallam said, Now

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it doesn't matter to us, whether it's from Allah or from the Prophet system, because when he says it when I enter Canada, in what Allah wa who knew her now there's a technical point here, but what this means is that the Sahaba understood this and there are many examples, for example, in the conquest of Mecca, when the Prophet system forbade the plucking of plants in Makkah, his own uncle Abbas said, the Rasul Allah, allow us to pluck up

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one plant that we need for our daily life. He said, okay, is allowed. The fact that this happened instantaneously, our buses hang out also to allow us this, they understand that Allah azza wa jal has delegated this authority that our Prophet systems commandments they are it doesn't matter to us whether Allah azza wa jal revealed or not the fact that the profitsystem is saying it becomes Sharia for us and the Sahaba understood, so they're trying to negotiate Yasuda Allah allow us some leeway, and they also give that compassionate side now that compassionate side will

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was not a life or death. It's not we're gonna die if we don't have our gatherings. It's like how do you expect us to function without our gatherings and they understood and trusted the shafique and dorama of our processes and that people need social gatherings to live. So our Profit System gave them a concession, okay, if you must, if you're not going to listen to that, then give the total the roadway the alleyways. It's right now we understand that the profitsystem was forbidding sitting in the alleyway not because in and of itself, it is how long but because it can potentially lead to how long right this is called the Waseda. This is called the wave solder throw or we call it an ever the

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technical term, blocking the path to evil. Now, this shows us a technical point, by the way, and again, this is all you know a bit of an advanced but you inshallah benefit from it also that fifth point, that which is forbidden, because it leads to how long does not have the same status of how long as that which is forbidden intrinsically, because it is how long so the roads to how long or how long, but the concession for those roads is not as high as the actual item itself. Let me give you a simple example, that Allah azzawajal has told us very clearly that we have to lower our gaze, we cannot look at the person of the opposite gender. Now, there is no hidey hole Quran that allows

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an exception, but our scholars have unanimously said that the doctor if there's no other doctor can look at the opposite gender, that the judge if you must examine the witness can make sure this is the right witness. It's a common sense thing, because there is a higher reason why we have to override this. So that which is forbidden, because it is a means to the how long to make it halaal is not requiring as high of a barrier. It's not life or death, you're not dying, and then you have to have it. So here we have this example that the Sahaba are saying we need for our socialization. So that's not life or death, and our Prophet system gave it to them. Okay, if you must, then make

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sure and this also shows us by the way that our Sharia has come with the perfection of society. These rulings are not about drinking alcohol. They're not about you know, the major it's about it's about etiquettes and interaction and our shadia is coming to perfect even such we would call it trivial things but they're shady as a holistic system. And it teaches us even these mundane matters. So then our profit systems and if you must, then these are four things so this hadith in Bukhari, and Muslim mentions four things, another tangent if you like, you can compile this hadith in all the books of Hadith because it's narrated in over 50 narrations and you can see what else is mentioned.

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In fact, this has been done by many researchers you find actually in some narrations 1415 things mentioned so you see which one of them you know applies and what not. So in this heavy for our mentioned, a hotdog buzzer, what is how long is you look at something with lust. So if you're sitting in the alleyway, lower your gaze Omenn, if you're sitting in the alleyway, a lady walks by don't look at her lower your gaze bustle here. Notice here by the way, our profit system is putting the onus here in this particular Hadeeth on the one sitting down in the man you will lower your gaze you don't have to look at other people that are passing by a hot dog bustle number two he said

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careful don't harm somebody don't say something that's going to hurt their feelings don't use your hand to trip somebody don't hurt anybody. It's the house number three he said or do salame notice he said reduce alarm not the giving but the return because the wajib not the watcher version I say the muster hub is that who gives Salaam the walker gives the Salaam to the one who's sitting down right so it is Why'd you have to return the Salaam? It's not why do you have to give it so if you're sitting on the road, the one who's walking by should be the one who gives Salaam to you. If he doesn't, you don't have to give up. But if he does give Salam then it is wajib to return the Salaam

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or do Salam you must return the Salaam? And then number four, he said, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil if you see somebody cheating some people on the street if you see somebody you know doing something they shouldn't do. It's the hack upon you that you make society better. As we said other narrations mentioned other things as well of them. For example, our profit systems that guide the one who is lost. If somebody asks for directions and you know directions, then it is a part of our job a part of our show. Do you help people find directions and this applies anywhere. If somebody comes next year, your car rolls the window and I say hey, well how do I get there? The

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Shetty says if you're able to you should give them the response to this. So this beautiful Heidi teaches us so many different aspects. And as I said, our scholars of the past have written entire treatises about this. And you can examine this hadith from multiple angles from the angle of its authenticity and the various narrations and what are different wordings from the angle of the film of the Hadith. Is it haram or is it Mr. harbor? Is it wajib and that's a whole different area from the angle of a solo film.

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Like what are the benefits you get from the back and forth and the saying of the profits a little I said them from the angle of the perfection of the job of the Sharia. It's a very beautiful window into the reality of our profit system and the interaction with the Sahaba I hope inshallah This was of some benefit and until next time is Aqua Lochhead. Santa Monica rahmatullah wa barakato. Yeah.

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